Friday, January 23, 2009

by Donna MacMeans


And that means it's movie night!

I love going to the movies - sitting in the dark with my husband - munching on popcorn - sipping on a diet coke. It's the best. I've even been known to be influenced by the big screen in devising possible plots. I imagine we'll be choosing a movie to see tonight, but I'm not sure which one.

Of course, our dear friends in Hollywood have given us some guidance by announcing the nominees for the Best Picture of 2008. I always try to see the nominees so I can root for our favorites for the academy awards.

The nominees for Best Motion Picture of the Year are:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire
Have you seen any of these? I've seen Benjamin Button - and it was good. I've seen the stage production of Frost/Nixon but not the movie. And that's it. I believe Slumdog Millionaire is basically a love story with a lot of chase scenes and action. I haven't seen it listed at the major theaters here, but now that's it's nominated, perhaps that will change.

The nominees for Performance by an actor in a leading role (can we just call them heroes?) are:

Nope, not this guy (sniff). Australia was nominated for costume design and that was it. (Of course, if the award has anything to do with the frame upon which the costume hangs....)
The real nominees are: Richard Jenkins in The Visitor
Frank Langella in Frost/Nixon
Sean Penn in Milk
Brad Pitt in ...Benjamin Button
Mickey Rourke in The Wrestler

Not the most flattering picture of Brad Pitt that I've seen.

As for the nominees for best performance in a leading role we have :

Anne Hathaway in Rachel Getting Married
Angeline Jolie in Changeling
Melissa Leo in Frozen River
Meryl Streep in Doubt
Kate Winslet in The Reader

I'm afraid I haven't seen any of those movies, either. Not a one is a comedy, which is my favorite. So tell me - Do you have any recommendations for a movie tonight? Have you seen any of these - what did you think? Do you have a particular genre preference when it comes to movies (or are you in it for the popcorn)? Who do you think will take home the oscar at the Academy awards?

I'll pick one of the comments to receive a feather boa so they can watch the awards in style. Also I'll include a copy of THE TROUBLE WITH MOONLIGHT because the blue cover goes really well with the feather boa. Besides, you never know...perhaps one day it'll be picked up for a movie. Are you listening...


jo robertson said...

Hmmm, seems to me that Hollywood's been thin on top movies this year. I'm probably one of the few who did NOT like Benjamin Button. I guess I prefer my Brad Pitt hunky and adorable.

Did I win the rooster? Emma's staying over night tomorrow and she'd enjoy watching his golden feathers even if she's only six weeks old!

jo robertson said...

Maybe I'll take the chook to see a movie, Donna. I love Friday night at the movies too! I haven't seen the new James Bond film and I do adore Daniel Craig. And his film about the Resistance during WWII has gotten a lot of buzz.

Minna said...

It's always nice to know what I'll eventually get to see on DVD or TV.

Helen said...

Congrats Jo enjoy your day with him

Donna sorry I can't help you at all I haven't seen any of the movies or even been to the movies for a long time I just never seem to find the time although when we were still dating we went just about every Friday and Saturday night either to the theatre or a drive-in.

As for choosing winners I know Heath Ledger is up for best supporting actor and I hear that his performance was awesome so I do hope he wins that and if Hugh Jackman had been nominated I would be cheering him on.

I hope you get to see a great movie and let us know about it.

Have Fun

Helen said...

The GR loves the babies I am sure he wanted to visit with Emma son't they grow quickly

Have Fun

hrdwrkdmom aka Dianna said...

Congrats on the GR Jo.

I can't really help with the movie selection either, I haven't seen anything out there yet that grabs me, I have not heard good things about Benjamin Button at all. So Jo, you are not alone.

I prefer older movies, what could be termed as "classics", and comedies, I do love comedies, when I need intertainment I don't want to be scared silly or cry my eyes out.

Anna Sugden said...

Yay Jo - hope your little angel enjoys the chook!

Great post, Donna. I love the movies but never get a chance to go these days. I still haven't seen The Batman movie, Indy or Quantum of Solace. I saw Mama Mia, as we all know, on DVD. Ditto Sex and the City.

None of the film nominees appeals to me at the moment. I want light and entertaining - car chases and shoot em ups are fine if they are entertaining.

I hear Australia is good and so is the Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. I've also heard good things about the Resistance movie. I've heard to steer clear of The Bride Wars - not as good as it should be.

On the other hand, I look forward to the new Harry Potter film this summer. Always good entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Congrats jo and grabbing the golden one! I would be know help with the movies because I haven't been to the movies in years. We usually wait until they are out at the video store. Most of the movies that are out are just not that good anymore.

Going to the movies use to be a fairly cheap thing to do for intertainment but not anymore. We are like everyone else we have to watch out pennies, so if there is anything we want to watch we just wait and rent the movie. We make out own popcorn and watch the movie at home.

Terry Odell said...

We do movie night at home. Only go out once or twice a year--there just hasn't been anything out that both hubby and I want to see that seems worth the price. Tonight is our movie night: we'll be watching Tokyo Joe.

I have heard good things about Benjamin Button, though. Might fork over some bucks and see that one day.

Gillian Layne said...

I love movies!

You don't want to see those sad-sack nominee choices. Nosiree, go see INKHEART. Brendan Fraser-awesome special effects-adventure! Fun! And don't forget the yummy ten dollar popcorn. Offset the popcorn by smuggling in dollar boxes of candy from Wal-Mart.

Um, you might bypass Hotel for Dogs. While Pedigree is giving money to animal shelters/foundations for each person that buys a ticket, which is wonderful--my nine year old sobbed through most of it. She didn't want to leave, but it was too hard for her to imagine the dogs in a shelter. Not the best movie time.

I know tons of folks are excited about the Rise of the Lycans movie. I'm not familiar with this, so maybe some here could fill me in? Sounds like I need to understand the backstory before I go.

Minna said...

I can't recommend any new movies -I usually watch movies when they come on TV or DVD because
a) no movie theaters near by
b) going to the movies costs a small fortune these days.
So, I can only recommend movies that have been on TV or movies which are available on DVD.

Doing It All For My Baby - Huey Lewis & The News

Power Of Love - Huey Lewis (Back to The Future)

Back In Time - Huey Lewis & The News

pjpuppymom said...

Sorry, Donna. I can't be of much help either. I haven't seen any of these movies and I'm not particularly interested in seeing them. I prefer to be entertained and leave the theater happy. Last movie I saw at the theater was Mamma Mia. Loved it!

Donna MacMeans said...

Yay Jo - Yes, the rooster is headed for sunshine and warm temps. The GR loves popcorn, as well. He has that tossing the kernal in the air and catching it trick down pat..

I thought the idea of Benjamin Button was fun, and he was hunky for part of the movie, but you're right. They did seem to show more of him in his mental adolescence and advanced physical form.

Haven't seen Defiance yet, but the new James Bond. I can't recall any scenes in it, though, like the one from the first movie of Daniel Craig walking out of the surf. That one took my breath away.

Donna MacMeans said...

Hi Minna - Do the movies hit the theaters over there on a delayed basis, or do you just prefer watching on the TV? We did that for years when the kids were little, but I have to admit a preference for the large theater. Anymore, though, they frontend the movie with so many commercials - it's almost like watching at home (grin). I do like watching the trailers and clips of coming attractions (but darn it, can't think of a one at the moment).

Donna MacMeans said...

Hi Helen! Yes, I was amazed that Hugh didn't get a nod. As I mentioned Australia is only up for costume design, but I'm thinking "The Duchess" may have that one sewn up. It's such a tragedy about Heath Ledger. He's nominated for supporting actor, but has tough competition. That will be an interesting category.

Donna MacMeans said...

Hi Dianna! I'm with you on comedies. I'm not at all into blood and guts or even angsty drama. Hmmm...maybe we should start a grass roots movement - more romantic comedies!

danie88 said...

Is it bad that I haven't seen any of those movies that you listed in the post? :S

Sadly, I haven't even been to the movie theater since June :S... and I'm a BIG movie buff... so I'm having withdrawals... but I just haven't had time or the money to go. I'm hoping to go see a movie or 2 next week with my grandma... I think we might go see a comedy for sure *crosses fingers* I'm hoping it's "Mall Cop" and maybe a cute movie like "Hotel For Dogs" but we'll see...

As far as genre preference goes like I said I'm a big movie buff so I tend to like to see all types of movies... though my favorite is cartoon/animation... I know I'm wierd but I'm a kid at heart and I just can't help but be drawn to those types of movies.

Donna MacMeans said...

Hi Anna - My daughter went to see Bride Wars. She said the beginning was good and the ending cute but the middle (and most of the movie) sagged and became painful to watch. I'm looking forward to the new Renee Zellwenger movie "New in Town". It's a fish-out-of-water theme, "big city girl moves to the country" romantic comedy. Should be fun.

Carol said...

Donna and everyone...
Slumdogs is not about chase scenes,it's Brilliant! it has a love story. And it is just a most wonderful film..I saw it a month ago and I still think about it! The issues in it! the way it portrays the life of people growing up in India Bombay/Mumbai!
I hope it win the AA...Its a better movie than Ben Button!Which I really liked as well.
Sorry Donna could not let your discription of it go through to the keeper..Go and see it It's a 5/5
Congrats Jo on nabbing the Bird!
Cheers Carol

Donna MacMeans said...

Virginia - Anymore the concessions cost as much as the movie ticket, but I have to have my popcorn. I need a good way to smuggle it in. Do you think the ushers would be suspicious if I smelled like eau de kettle corn?

There's a cinema near here in an expensive mall. We don't go to movies there anymore because there are so many less expensive venues. But my daughter was there doing the last cold snap and she said the place was crammed packed. Huge lines of people waiting to get tickets. I don't think they were all there for "Marley & Me" (grin), not sure what brought the crowds in - unless it was the pervasive scent of popcorn!

pjpuppymom said...

We go to the local theater here in town where popcorn is MORE expensive than our admission ticket. Crazy!

pjpuppymom said...

Donna, the trailers for "New in Town" look really cute. That's one I'd like to see.

Donna MacMeans said...

Terry - Is that the old Humphrey Bogart film? He's not hard to watch.

You won't have to wait long to see the DVD of Benjamin Button, though. Hollywood turns the movies around into DVDs pretty darn fast these days. I remember when you had to wait a year. Something like waiting for a hard cover to come out in paper. Enjoy the movie, Terry!

Donna MacMeans said...

Gillian - Yes - I definitely want to see Inkheart. The commercials look great. Have you seen it already? I imagine we'll be seeing The Rise of the Lycans which is the prequel to the Underworld movies. My husband is a huge fan.

Did you see Marley & Me? I'm a little hesitant to go as my dog is sixteen years old. I know we'll be facing the tough decision soon as to when to let her go, but it'll be a difficult one for me. Not sure I can watch the same decision enacted on the big screen right now.

I need a movie with a yummy hero - even if he can transform into a werewolf (grin). I think Rise of the Lycans it will be.

Louisa Cornell said...

Yes, the GR's new lure is babies. He LOVES 'em! Have a good time with him and Miss Emma, JoMama!

I love the movies, but I don't get the chance to go much anymore. The nearest theatre is 20 miles away AND it is just so expensive. I think the last thing I saw in the theatre was Becoming Jane.

I really hope Heath Ledger wins for best supporting actor and I hope Mickey Rourke wins for best actor.

I think Kate Winslett should win for best actress and one of the ladies in Doubt for best supporting actress.

Best picture will probably be Slumdog Millionaire.

Best director I think should go to Ron Howard. Frost / Nixon looks really good.

I would love to see the nominated films, but I will probably have to wait for the DVDs.

And I think Hugh Jackman should be nominated EVERY year!! Yum!

Donna MacMeans said...

Minna - I sense a theme here (grin). I just saw Huey Lewis made with Gwynth Paltrow - "Cruisin'" ? It's the one where they sing a duet in a karaoke competition? It was on TV recently.

Donna MacMeans said...

PJ - Loved Momma Mia! Both the stage play and the movie - even with Pierce Brosnan who added an unintended comedic element. Momma Mia, though, didn't get nominated for anything, not even cinematography - which was beautiful. I wonder why that was? I mean - Frost/Nixon started out on the stage.

Minna said...

I suppose the movies hit the theaters about the same time here as everywhere else. But, as I live in the middle of nowhere and I don't have car, it's tv and dvd for me instead of theaters.

Minna said...

I got Mamma Mia DVD at Christmas.

Donna MacMeans said...

Danie88 - I do love Kevin James. Ever since he did Fletch (is that the name?) with Will Smith I've been a fan. And I'd love to try out a Segway, though I'd probably run head first into something like Kevin James does in the movie advertisement.

Just for you, here are the nominees for best animated feature - "Bolt" (animated 3D dog movie), "Kung Fu Panda", and "WALL - E" (just saw this one on DVD - love the creator's imaginative view of the future of mankind)

Donna MacMeans said...

Carol - Thanks for the review. I knew "Slumdog Millionaire" had a love story in it, but all the advertisements emphasize the chase scenes - is that to draw men in, I wonder? Sounds like a must-see. Thanks Carol!

Donna MacMeans said...

Louisa - My daughter and I dashed out to see "Becoming Jane" when it first opened and still enjoy the reruns. I should go out and get the DVD. I love the dance scenes.

"Doubt" sure did rack up the acting nominations: Philip Seymour Hoffman for best actor, Meryl Streep for best actress, Amy Adams and Viola Davis for best supporting actress. The movie appeared a bit too angsty and glum to appeal to me, but it sure did appeal to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

Beth Andrews said...

I haven't been to the movies since this past summer but we do try and catch as many films as we can on DVD. I love all genres except for horror but my absolute favorite is a great romantic comedy :-)

Last week my youngest and I finally watched Iron Man which we both loved. Yes, we're really behind on our movie watching *g*

Donna MacMeans said...

PJ - You and I should have a date night to see "New in Town", but I'm afraid the cost of gas to get your way would be more than the popcorn and ticket combined (grin). It opens January 30th. Whoever sees it first must report back - agreed?

Donna MacMeans said...

Minna - I got the Momma Mia DVD for Christmas as well. The songs are so addictive, as are the resulting smiles.

Donna MacMeans said...

Beth - "Iron Man" is up for some awards...let's see...Sound editing and visual effects. I do like watching Robert Downey Jr. He's up for supporting actor in "Tropic Thunder" but I don't think he has much of a chance this year. The competition is tough.

Gillian Layne said...

We avoided Marley and Me on the advice of a friend who went. More darling doggie sadness. Did anyone else see it?

Gillian Layne said...

Hey, thanks for the heads up on Underworld! So I can just go rent the older ones (yes?) and then I'll be up to speed on the release. :)

Trish Milburn said...

Funny that you blog about movies today. In a bit, I'm headed out to use my movie theater gift card to see Underworld: Rise of the Lycans.

I've not seen any of the nominated movies, and honestly that's not that unusual for me. I usually see nominated films after they come out on DVD, and so many Oscar-bait films are released late in the year and thus aren't on DVD yet. I do want to see Benjamin Button and Frost/Nixon, in particular.

If we go on Golden Globes hype, it would be Mickey Rourke and Slumdog Millionaire, but sometimes the Oscars surprise. (I'm still miffed that Brokeback Mountain lost to Crash, even though I thought Crash was a good film.)

I was happy to see Heath Ledger get a posthumous nomination.

Donna, I really like Wall-E. Hubby really likes it too, so I got the DVD for him for his birthday.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had any hope of seeing these movies on the big screen. My movie nights usually consist of something like "Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses" (which wasn't so bad, really) or 101 Dalmations -- both recent picks in our house.

My hubby watches tons of movies on Netflix -- he does the on-demand thing where you select and watch instantly. He watches on his laptop with his earphones in, and I sit next to him and type away at my WIP.

Ah, married life...

Kate Carlisle said...

Hey Donna, I haven't gone to the movies in years -- I work and live in the film capital of the US! I used to see everything, but now...not so much. That's just sad, isn't it? I'll see some of them on pay per view eventually.

The last movie I saw was Iron Man on pay per view. And I'm an avid romantic comedy collector, the cheesier the better, so New In Town looks like fun!

And Inkheart sounds like a blast. Hello, Brendan Fraser!

I do miss the popcorn, though. :-)

Jo, you rock the GR!! He's clearly making the rounds, assuring himself that all the babies are healthy and happy. He's such a hero!

Donna MacMeans said...

Gillian -

My daughter has tried a few times to see Marley and Me, but each time the movie was sold out. I heard it was a tear jerker at the end. Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston looked like they'd make a good on screen couple, though.

The Rise of the Lycans is the prequel to the Underworld movies, so you probably could see it before the others (says she who hasn't seen it yet). But the other two are on DVD so it'll be cheaper to go rent those first. Depends on how much you're addicted to theater popcorn (grin) - My home popped stuff never seems to quite match up.

Donna MacMeans said...

Trish - Yeah - that would be me floating around on one of those lounge chairs, drink in hand. I could deal with that future (grin). Loved the little friendly cockroach. I can see the screenwriter giggling around that - if that's any semblance of life on the abandoned planet earth - it would be a cockroach.

jo robertson said...

LOL, Minna. Doesn't it seem lately like most of the movies are the kind you'd rather wait and watch on DVD?

Thanks, Helen, the rooster and I slept in this morning (I made him take the couch) because we stayed up late watching some silly movie on the Hallmark Channel. I find the GR does so like TV, lazy bird!

jo robertson said...

Donna, I wanted to mention that I hope MILK wins best picture, just because Harvey Milk was such a courageous person I think. Even though I haven't seen the movie, Sean Penn has become one of my favorite film stars; he's so versatile and has a panache he didn't have in his younger days.

I remember well the murder of Milk and the whole Twinkie defense. One of the blots on California jurisprudence, sadly enough.

Donna MacMeans said...

Kirstin - Which is what I should be doing...typing away on the WIP, but I'm a sucker for the lure of theatre popcorn, and sitting in the dark with the dh. Granted - we just sit and sometimes hold hands.

If my husband was watching a movie in bed, he'd be out like a light and snoring so loud, I'd never hear the audio. Guess that's why I like going to the cinema - we need to be in an upright position (grin).

jo robertson said...

Dianna, I didn't want to put Benjamin Burton down because while I could tell the acting was note worthy and the story highly unusual and moving in some ways, it just kept boring me. I nodded off several times. Yikes, maybe I'm just old!

jo robertson said...

Anna, I find that movie going -- previously one of my FAVORITE past times -- has gone by the wayside with my increased dedication to writing. It's hard to justify taking 3 hours for a movie when you could be spending that time writing. And not have to get dressed, to boot!

jo robertson said...

Gillian, you're a girl after my own heart. I have what I call my "movie purse," in which I sneak my goodies, sometimes ever popcorn (Dr. Big makes the BEST popcorn ever!). I feel a little guilty, but those refreshment prices are just plain crazy!

Donna MacMeans said...

Kate - I think that must be surreal living in the movie capital of the world and all the aspiring starlets and actors. I'm afraid I'd get a complex.

Iron Man seems to have made the rounds - I think I heard there was an Iron Man II in the works. I was looking forward to watching it on the plane coming back from San Francisco last year - but alas, was not to be...the movie gizmo was broken. Thus I was forced to work on my WIP (I think my editor might have had something to do with that. I swear she has superhuman powers!)

jo robertson said...

Ah, Donna, sadly we've had a spate of rainy days so the rooster's not enjoying any sunshine today.

Dr. Big is hanging around the house complaining because he can't get out on the links. He's driving me a little nuts, quite frankly LOL. We had an inch and a half in our town yesterday and we built a fire to take the chill off the family room.

jo robertson said...

I can't quite figure why Daniel Craig is "breath taking away" worthy, Donna LOL. He's not all that good looking. Maybe the accent? Of course, the hunky body helps too!

You know one of my favorite hunks is -- dang, what's his name? -- Lucius Vorenus from ROME? He's the new doctor on Grey's Anatomy and in this last episode he breaks down and cries in the shower with all his clothes on. Did anyone see that one? That was sooooo good!

Karen H said...

Well, let's see...from Netflix, I have Max Payne and The Tudors, Season 2, discs 1 & 2. And I just received my very own set of Moonlight. So, the question is: do I want to drool and sigh over Alex O'Loughlin and his protrayal of sexy vampire PI Mick St. John, or the handsome hunk Henry VIII, or tough guy Mark Wahlberg? Sounds more like a weekend at the movies to me.

I haven't seen any of the Oscar nominated films since I don't really go to the theaters and I don't have movies on-demand but I do have them in my queue at Netflix.

jo robertson said...

Carol, thanks for giving us the 411 on Slumdogs. I'd been thinking about seeing that one, but wasn't sure. Now I have it on good authority that it's a 5-star movie!

Fedora said...

Hi, Donna,
Like Helen, I haven't seen any of these movies and having been to the movies in quite a while ;p I only watch the Oscars if I happen upon them at the right time; otherwise they're barely a blip on my radar... :)

Congrats on the GR, Jo! Are you two heading to the movies?

Donna MacMeans said...

Jo - So that explains you being up in time to nab the GR! We've wanted to see "Milk" but it's only been playing at the smaller "artsy" type theaters here. Maybe now that it has a score of Oscar nominations (including best actor and best supporting actor (Josh Brolin)) it'll show in the larger "closer to home" theaters.

I agree about Sean Penn. He attacks some unusual roles with poise and confidence - I like that. He takes chances and thus can't be pigeonholed into a set character.

jo robertson said...

Karen, wasn't that just a CRIME that they cancelled Moonlight? With the success of HBO's Sookie Stackhouse series, I'll bet they're really sorry!

Oh, Donna, I wanted to say that I think this is the first time in the history of the Academy that a husband-wife team has been nominated for best actor and best actress.

Donna MacMeans said...

Jo - Have to admit that I'm not seeing as many movies now as I used to due to the demand of writing. Of course, I often prefer my little Victorian world full of innocence and seduction to the gritty world on the big screen. Everynow and then, though, you need that break.

I suppose it's appropos that I'm giving away a copy of The Trouble with Moonlight as that book was inspired by -- a movie. "My Super Ex-Girlfriend Superhero" wasn't the greatest of flicks - but it will always hold a special place in my heart.

Christie Kelley said...

I hate it when blogger decideds not to post my comment.

Donna, I'm a dud. I'm really not a go to the movies person. I much prefer renting a dvd or getting a movie "on demand" through my cable company. I always have problems with the sound being either too loud or not adjusted right so the voices are too low.

Have fun tonight!

Donna MacMeans said...

Jo - It was the hunky abs, girl. Didn't you see him emerge from the surf in Casino Royale? He has a Steve McQueen appeal. But I know what you mean about Lucius aks Kevin McKidd. I thought he was intriguing. I liked the actor playing Titus as well - something of a loveable gentle giant warrior. I hadn't made the connection to Grey's Anatomy, but now that you mention it...the show will take on new interest.

Donna MacMeans said...

Oh Karen H - I'll bring popcorn! I haven't seen the Tudors series, though I keep hearing about it. Max Payne - as much as I like Mark Wahlberg - that one sounded a bit too violent for me, but Moonlight I love. Did they cancel that series? Don't know why - I think it had a big fan base.

Donna MacMeans said...

Jo - I hadn't thought of that! Yes, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

Kate Carlisle said...

Ooh, had to add that even though I haven't been a timely viewer of the best movies, I always watch the Oscars! I love all the red carpet intrigue, love the dresses, love the post-oscar dishing, love all the stuff that really has nothing to do with the movies themselves. :-)

And I did NOT hear anyone dissing my darling hot hunk, Daniel Craig, did I? LOL

Donna MacMeans said...

Christie - Lately for me the problem has been someone a few rows in front hasn't turned off their earphone piece - you know the ones that blink an amazingly irrating color of flashing neon blue? They need to adjust that courtesy message at the beginning of the film.

I've never had a problem with the sound being too low - but it takes some adjustment sometimes when the sound is too loud. I have more problems with low sound on DVDs - but that's because I can never find the right remote control (grin).

Donna MacMeans said...

Kate - I usually listen to the Academy awards as well. Listen, because I'm generally doing tax returns at the same time (sigh). I like hearing the acceptance speeches - especially the surprise ones & the humorous ones. Which is why everyone must have a feather boa! Appropriate attire is a must!

Hellie Sinclair said...

I believe I'll be going to see The Reader, because I'll watch just about anything with Kate Winslet in it. (I'd prefer to see Revolutionary Road--depressing, I hear, but good, but that's not available yet for me to see here.)

My other choice is Slumdog Millionaire, which I've heard great things about...and probably ends more happily than The Reader. (Hey, I think it has a dance number at the end, what's not to like?)

So if you don't mind being depressed and The Reader or Revolutionary Road is in your neck of the woods, I recommend those.

If you need a smile: I say Slumdog.

Jane said...

Congrats on the GR, Jo.

I haven't seen any of the nominated movies, though I was very disappointed that "The Dark Knight" didn't nominated for Best Picture. I'm a big Kate Winslet fan, so I hope she finally wins. I thought it was weird that she didn't get nominated for "Revolutionary Road." I think "Slumdog Millionaire" will win for Best Picture. Everyone always loves it when a small movie bets out a big budget film. I also hope Heath Ledger wins. He was amazing as the Joker.

Keira Soleore said...

I really, really want to see SLUMBDOG MILLIONAIRE, because I'm curious. It came out of nowhere and bagged the top four Golden Globes. And I'll see anything with Brangelina.

Jo-Mama, seems like you have a feathered visitor chez vous today.

Minna said...

LOL, Minna. Doesn't it seem lately like most of the movies are the kind you'd rather wait and watch on DVD?

Yeah, that way I get to see many of them for free, as I can get DVDs from the local library!

Gotta love those Disney animations, but one animation I'm looking forward to seeing Niko and the Way to the Stars animation. When it's available in the library, of course.

Ray Parker Jr - Ghostbusters

Love Song For A Vampire

Robbie Williams - Millinneum

cheryl c said...

As usual, I haven't seen any of the nominated movies. The Academy and I don't seem to like the same movies!

Now my husband and sons have seen Benjamin Button, and they really liked it. They said Brad Pitt did an awesome job.

I only hope that Slumdog Millionaire doesn't win most of the awards like it did at the Golden Globes. I like to see the recognition and awards spread around.

Pat Cochran said...

Hi, Donna,

It's date night for us, too, and a
very special anniversary! Fifty
years ago, Ken and I met at a mutual friend's graduation party on this date! Though we danced the night away at that gathering, we've decided that we older folks needed something calmer. We've decided on dinner and a movie. Your blog will help us decide on
the movie we will see, Thanks!!

Pat Cochran

Minna said...

But next I'll be watching National Treasure, as soon as it arrives to the library from another library. And I might see if they have Leningrad Cowboys Go America. Or even the Japanese film, Ai Rabu Yu. Although it's unlikely they have that one.

jo robertson said...

Oh, Donna, I didn't know Josh Brolin was in MILK! I adore him. He was in a short-lived TV series about a senator who was uber honest. What a unique idea!

No, Fedora, we're staying in today because it's drizzly outside and Emma's coming to play with the rooster. Poor Emily! Poor rooster!

Donna MacMeans said...

Ms. Hellion - Sadly, no pirate films in this year's mix (sigh). I'm tempted to see "The Reader" because...the title! But I'm really not thrilled about watching a depressing film in the winter. I can handle it if I come out of the dark into sunshine and warmth - but to pay to be depressed and then emerge in cold & dark & slushy snow - nope not for me.

Slumdog is looking good, though I think the dh will be pushing for Lycans.

jo robertson said...

Yes! Kevin McKidd. I don't think I'd like him all that much for looks except that I adored him in ROME!

MsHellion, I definitely want to see THE READER. I read the book and want to see how it translates to film. And yes, Kate Winslet is amazing!

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Jo, it's a while since he's visited you! Congratulations!

Donna, great post. I used to be a really avid movie goer. Part of it was living in big cities (when I went to Sydney, I went really bananas because the arthouse scene is so big down there - I remember with fondness sitting through retrospectives for people like Hitchcock and Warner Brothers, fantastic!). These days, my life has changed so much, I tend to catch all my movies via DVD and well after release. So sadly, I have no comments to make on any of the films because I haven't seen them!

Love the idea for the prize! Good luck, non-Banditas (whaaaaah!).

Donna MacMeans said...

Jane - Must admit I tend to root for the underdog as well. It's so inspirational to see a small indy make good. Gives me hope.

Neither Kate nor Leonardo DiCaprio got a nod for Revolutionary Road. Did you see it? Did I hear that Kate Winslet has been nominated for oscars something like five times but has never won? Could be wrong on that - but it was something similar.

Anna Campbell said...

Jo, I find Daniel Craig has a really interesting face. I'm not so much into the really pretty boys.

Donna MacMeans said...

Kiera - Now I would have thought of all people that you would have already seen "Slumdog Millionaire" (smile). I haven't seen it yet - but I think one reason it's receiving so much notice is that it's fresh and different.'s at a local theater, maybe it'll be the one!

Anna Campbell said...

I just checked Lucius Vorenus - he's gone to Gray's Anatomy, has he? That's Kevin McKidd. I think he's an amazing actor and really compelling. He was Vronsky in a version of Anna Karenina that the BBC did and he was the Earl of Bothwell in a fairly tacky bio pic of Mary Queen of Scots. He was far and away the best thing in it. Wonderful for a romance author to watch. He focused on her from the first moment he met her and that focus never shifted. Amazing crackling sexual tension!

Donna MacMeans said...

Minna - Just noticed that my last post to you said something like - Minna Mamma Mia. Try saying that three times fast!

I thought the little bit of animation I saw on "Oktapodi" looked great. It's up for best animated short. Hopefully, the little blurbs that they do on oscar night will show a bit more - but the creatures looked fun.

Donna MacMeans said...

Cheri2628 - You're so diplomatic - spreading the love around - were you the middle child? (smile)

Although Slumdog has ten nominations, five of them are for music & sound. There's no acting nominations for slumdog so I'm sure the net will be cast wide for a variety of winners of the major oscars. Must admit I like the sound of five music/sound related nominations - sounds uplifting.

Donna MacMeans said...

Pat - Congratulations! You'll have to come back and tell us what you opted to see.

It's not an academy nominated film, but has anyone seen Last Chance Harvey? There's something appealing about the previews - but I haven't heard anything about it.

Donna MacMeans said...

Minna - National Treasure is fun, but I wasn't crazy about Nicholas Cage in it. He's done better. However the whole buried treasure with clues hidden in history is a neat theme. I have a book that tells of the Masonic symbolism of various buildings in Washington DC that I'm hoping to work into a book. Hmmm...maybe I sure watch National Treasure again.

Cassondra said...

Sheesh, y'all are rockin the blog today! I haven't read through all the comments yet, but I haven't seen any of those films.

I'm hopelessly soft-hearted and cry over the least little thing, so I won't go to the theatre unless it's a sure-fire happy-dancing kind of film. If I'm going to drop fifty bucks on a night's entertainment (and yeah, it costs about that here by the time you get tix and popcorn, even if you sneak in the sodas)it HAS to end happy.

I haven't been to the big screen for a long time. Normally we go to the local drive-in (a novelty for me because I'd never been to one until the local one got restored and opened here a few years back)once or twice per season--SO much cheaper than the regular cinema and you can take your own food. But we didn't get to go at all last year.

My husband is a true movie buff. He likes the weird cult films. But last night he brought home (borrowed from a friend) Repo Man. Even HE hated it! That's how bad it was.

Run. Run away. Run very fast from Repo Man. On the other hand, if you like vampire flicks, he recently drove all the way to Nashville to watch Let the Right One In at a little art theatre they have down there, and he LOVED IT! He hasn't stopped talking about it.

I never watch the awards shows, but I'm glad Heath got a nomination. I liked his work a lot. And the trailers I've seen of his last film....looks like he did a great job.

Donna MacMeans said...

Jo - LOL on the uber honest senator. Josh must have a flair for politicans as he did a great job on that spoof on Bush - can't remember the name. But yup - he's up for best supporting actor for Milk.

Donna MacMeans said...

LOL Anna - I love the "amazing crackling sexual tension" sounds like he could star in one of your books!

I like pretty boys, along with more craggier mature faces. I like men who know how to use their eyes for maxium emotional response. As long as he has expressive eyes, I have an amazing tolerance for the rest.

Donna MacMeans said...

Cassondra - I wonder if your dh would like the Underworld series. It's vampires versus werewolves with amazing special effects.

You have a drive-in theater your way? I love drive-ins and spent many an hour in them in my youth (mysterious smile). Sadly, they've all closed around here. The real estate was just too valuable. Hey - maybe with the slump in the housing market, they'll come back!

Christine Wells said...

Hi Donna, I love many kinds of movies but probably my favourites are classics with Audrey Hepburn in them. These days, I enjoy light romantic comedies (so few and far between) like How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days esp. if they're a battle of the sexes type deal and I like psychological thrillers and mystery, too.

Have NO idea about the Oscars but I'd like to see Kate Winslet win.

Congrats on the bird, Jo!

cheryl c said...

"You're so diplomatic - spreading the love around - were you the middle child? (smile)"

No, Donna, I was not a middle child, but I was a kindergarten/first grade teacher for 30 years. I HAD to be diplomatic and teach everyone to be nice, share, and get along with each other. Do you think all those "movie people" can do that? LOL ;-)

Trish Milburn said...

Okay, I'm back from Rise of the Lycans. Fun to see Lucian's origin story. Plus, I like Michael Sheen. It would have been nicer if the idiot guys behind me hadn't talked and laughed all through the movie. Grrrrr. I just wanted to turn around and say, "Shut the &^%^$ up!" But there were three of them and one of me.

Terri Osburn said...

I'm late today so I'll never catch up with these comments. LOL! I love awards season. I haven't seen most of these movies either but I'm going to see Doubt tomorrow. Everyone else is going to see Paul Blart, but I'd rather spend my $10 on something I actually want to see. Meryl Streep? I'm in. And since I'll be watching alone, I won't have anyone whispering in my ear or stealing my candy. :)

Donna MacMeans said...

Christine - I love Audrey Hepburn movies - in fact - she's the one I had in mind as the heroine in The Seduction of a Duke. I told the editor that - I'm not sure the image was captured on the cover, but then I figure all eyes will go to the gorgeous corset, anyway *g*.

I like the light Romantic comedies - like Music & Lyrics, 27 Dresses, etc. - as well and hope we see more of them. Good ones.

Donna MacMeans said...

Cheri2628 - Well then THAT explains it! *g* I think first grade/kindergarten teachers are the happiest people on earth. They exude sunshine, optimism, and, yes, diplomacy. Glad to have you with us, BB.

Donna MacMeans said...

Uh-oh, Don't mess with the Trish! I shall have to teach you the trick of ripping a phone book in half - that would stun them into silence (of course, that would mean you'd have to carry a phone book with you wherever you went -- cancel that.)

So what did you think of the movie? Worth paying a Friday night ticket for? Better to wait for the DVD? Spill, Bandita.

Donna MacMeans said...

Terrio - The cast of DOUBT has four acting nominations - if nothing else, you'll be seeing some talented actors. Meryl Streep is so versatile. She's another, like Sean Penn, that will never be type-cast as she takes on so many varied roles and handles them masterfully. Eat some popcorn for me and have a great time at the movies.

Trish Milburn said...

I'll admit that I liked the original two Underworld movies better, but I enjoyed this one. I liked that Michael Sheen/Lucian got more screen time. I'll buy the DVD when it comes out to complete my Underworld collection. And for fans of the series, there are a couple of fun shout-outs to the other movies and you'll see some familiar faces besides Lucian's and Viktor's.

Donna MacMeans said...

Off to see Underworld (I knew that's the one he'd want to see.) I'll be back and let you know what it's like.

Genella deGrey said...

Chiming in late with a movie recommendation:

Seven Pounds.

Not a movie I would see normally.
Bring lots of tissue.

And yeah, D. Craig can't fill 007's shoes enough for me.


Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...

Chiming in late today, but THANX for updating us on the Oscar nominees Donna.

I haven't seen ANY in the best picture category but I did watch The Visitor on DVD and Richard Jenkins gives a WONDERFUL and understated performance. And because nobody has heard of him or the movie and he is understated he probably won't win. :-(

I do HIGHLY recommend everyone RENT THIS MOVIE! But beware, it does NOT have an HEA. This is the kind of film that will haunt you because it is the story of good and innocent people who become entangled in an awful situation from which there is no HEA. Richard Jenkins plays a nice man (a college professor who is basically sleepwalking through life) who tries his best to help.

Okay, nuff said. If you don't want a downer then rent Wall-E. It is THE MOST ADORABLE FILM ever and actually has some important messages about humanity and love and taking responsibility for our actions or lack thereof.


Suzanne Ferrell said...

Mornin', everyone. (Okay, it's MY morning.) Love the topic of movie night, Donna!

My wish to see list:
James Bond
Bride Wars (which a friend said was a great mother/daughter/friend movie)
New In Town
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
Gran Torino
Bedtime Stories

hrdwrkdmom aka Dianna said...

No, no Jo, we never say we are old, we say we are mature, robust women.

I did hear that the aging thing was definitely amazing, hard to believe it was Brad Pitt. You ared not alone however in your reaction. Hmmm, come to think of it I heard that from yet another mature robust woman. LOL

hrdwrkdmom aka Dianna said...

Oh yeah Donna, I am with you all the way, romantic comedies is the way to go.

Michele L. said...

Oh gosh I haven't been to the movies in a while. The last movie I saw was WALL-E with my friend. It was so cute!

I haven't seen any of the movies that were the nominees. I do want to see most of them though. I will probably wind up renting them and watching them at home.

I totally agree how expensive it is anymore to go to the movies. Hey, I do have this $5.00 buck card that is good at Kerasote theaters. Visit to sign up for your very own card. They mail it out to you. My husband and I each have our own card. They send out weekly e-mail notices about your nearest Kerasote theaters which movies are playing that week that are the $5.00 movies. Hey, every little bit helps!

Asylumgirl said...

I've read The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and loved it. It was laught out loud funny. I haven't seen the movie, but have heard that it's really good. The Changeling with Angelina Jolie also looks like a good one.


Nancy said...

Jo, you got the rooster! I hope Emma has kept him busy.

Donna, we're woefully, pathetically behind on movies. I haven't seen any of these. I tend to go for action/adventure or the occasional romantic comedy or romantic adventure. Occasionally, I like movies where a lot of stuff blows up but the people aren't crude and there is no gore (or not much). Like Serenity.

We wanted to see (but missed) Quantum of Solace and Australia. We're hoping to get to Defiance (history, adventure, and stuff blowing up *g*) before it goes away, too.

I think The Trouble With Moonlight would make a fantastic movie!

Nancy said...

Helen, I think many of us would be cheering for Hugh, had he been nominated.

Nancy said...

Anna, yay! Someone else who'a not current in watching movies. I heard that Bride Wars movie wasn't very good--sort of one very long, overdone joke, but that may be just one person's opinion. Others may have liked it.

Nancy said...

Pat Cochran, congratulations on 50 years together! That's wonderful!

Nancy said...

A movie the dh and I rented and liked a lot, but which didn't get a lot of buzz was Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day with Frances McDormand, Amy Adams, and Ciaran Hinds. It's set in pre-WWII London. Miss Pettigrew is London's worst governess. As the movie opens, she's fired, sent packing without her last wages, loses her suitcase, and ends up in a soup kitchen. She talks herself into a new job with a rising young star. The movie is about honesty and moral courage and love. It has a lot of heart.

But nothing blowing up except the occasional temper. :-)

limecello said...

Congrats on the GR, Jo! Heh - I'm late to the party, but it doesn't matter anyway. The last movie I saw in theaters was Wall-E - and the week before that, The Dark Knight. Seems like I watch a lot of movies - but the one before that was... um... The Simpsons Movie? O_o
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed movie night, Donna!

Louisa Cornell said...

Ooh Nancy, I am so glad you saw Mrs. Pettigrew. I saw the previews and it looked good so I will definitely get it now. Gotta love Ciaran Hinds and I always enjoy Francis McDormand.

My niece and nephews love to go to the movies with me because I bring the "magic movie purse." It can carry ice cold frozen drinks, Wal-Mart movie candy, and popcorn. Hey, it costs enough for me to get myself and three teenagers in the theatre. I can't afford snacks! I CAN afford to pack the magic purse!

Donna MacMeans said...

Hey - I'm back - Here to report that the cinema was doing an incredible business - that's good news. Anything doing a good business these days is good news.

Rise of the lycans is a dark, dark movie - I'm talking colors here. Lots of dark gloomy interiors (what do you expect? They're vampires!), lots of neck slashing, blood spurting. Michael Sheen had some good shots. I'm not sure I would have liked this movie if it was the first I'd seen in the series, but having seen the other two, this one explained a few things. Now I'll have to rewatch the other two to pull it all together.

Donna MacMeans said...

Genella - That's the one with Will Smith as an IRS agent, right? Nice to see those guys portrayed as human (hehehe), though the best IRS agent movie is (IMO) Stranger than Fiction. I haven't seen Seven Pounds - have to check it out.

Joan said...

Wow, ya'll have been par-taying!

I have seen "Valkyrie" (Pretty harsh movie but surpringly well acted....for 3/4 of the movie I actually BELIEVED they'd kill Hitler!)

I saw Doubt. Amazing performance by Meryl Streep

As to all the others? Nah...I'm done with gloomy toned features that match the winter weather and the country's depressed mood.

I am looking forward to Paul Blart...Mall Cop"???? I think it's called with Kevin James :-)

And though it is outrageously priced there is no better popcorn than what you get at the theatre!

Donna MacMeans said...

AC - Thanks for the input on The Visitor. I hadn't heard anything about that movie but the premise sounded depressing - in fact most of the nominated movies (except Slumdog) aren't exactly feel good movies. Maybe with all the acclaim for Slumdog, that will change. Hope so.

Donna MacMeans said...

Suz - My daughter says caution on Bride Wars. I want to see New In Town. I like that Harry Connick, Jr. is the romantic interest. Good to see a new hero in town.

Donna MacMeans said...

LOL on the mature robust women, Dianna. Sorry - I'm old. My bust lost its ro. But that's alright. Old has some perks - like senior tickets at the movies!

Donna MacMeans said...

Michele L - I bet Wall-E will get some love at the Academy awards. It was so darn cute. I look at my vacuum cleaner in a whole different light.

We signed up for the moviewatchers card. Every time we watch a movie at the Loews theater, we get a coupon for a big discount on milk duds or some other candy that I don't eat. (I'm a devotee of my popcorn). Lately, we've been going to a different movie theater. I believe they have a frequent watcher type card as well. hmmm...have to check that out.

Donna MacMeans said...

Deidre - Isn't Benjamin Button based on a short story? Was it Thurber? (It sounds like a Thurber story). Amazing that they can take a short story and turn it into a full fledged movie. Of course, they did that with Brokeback Mountain, I believe.

It is an interesting premise - starting out old and growing younger every day. I wonder if that were the norm if stores would sell wrinkle cream that gives you wrinkles so you'd look younger? That would be a hoot.

Donna MacMeans said...

Nancy - I think you'd like Inkheart. It just sounds like it would appeal to the adventurer, blow things up, but keep the eye on the literary you. Haven't seen it yet, but the previews look interesting.

I think The Trouble with Moonlight would make a great film. Thank you. They'd need to tone down the sex, but the premise would work well in almost any setting. I'll let you know if Hollywood comes knocking *g*

Donna MacMeans said...

Noooooo, Limecello, don't mention the Simpson's movie. You'll get Joannie started on that Pig song again! (grin)

Donna MacMeans said...

Louisa - I just discovered I have Miss Pettigrew! It's a "pre-viewed" DVD that I purchased when buying some Christmas gifts. I'd forgotten I had it. Now I'll have to check it out. Thanks!

By the way, I love the idea of the Magic Movie Purse. Hey - you gotta do what you gotta do.

Donna MacMeans said...

Joanie - I'm with you on the movie popcorn AND for the ban on depressing films in the winter. We want comedies! We want HEAs! We want hunky men! (Did I miss anything?)

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad Heath Ledger is up for Best Supporting actor award.

Joan said...

They'd need to tone down the sex,

Um, I don't see why. I'd LOVE to see the paintbrush scene recreated by Hugh and, an actress

Joan said...

Pig? Pig? Did somebody say....Pig?


Nah, I'm too pooped even for that...

Donna MacMeans said...

Amy S - I think I read that the Oscar has never been presented posthumously. We'll have to see if this year is an exception - but there's a lot of good acting performances to choose from. Guess we'll see.

Donna MacMeans said...

LOL Joan - right thought - wrong book *g*. The paint brush scene was in THE EDUCATION OF MRS. BRIMLEY. I love the characters in that book and am so happy that they're coming back in THE SEDUCTION OF A DUKE. But I think THE TROUBLE WITH MOONLIGHT would make the better movie. It's the paranormal element of invisibility and the suspense that I think would appeal to Hollywood.

Joan said...

My God I am tired!!!!

But I'd still argue for Mrs. Brimley...

It was good! I beat ME at the GH :-)

Carol said...

Nancy...I adored Miss Pettigrew, a great movie! Loved the witty line, walked out with such a smile on the my face!
Just a rider to Slumdog Millionare, Never again will I be an impatient person on the telephone reporting a phone fault or wrong account someone in the third world!
"walk a mile in my shoes"
Cheers Carol

Carol said...

Nancy...I adored Miss Pettigrew, a great movie! Loved the witty line, walked out with such a smile on the my face!
Just a rider to Slumdog Millionare, Never again will I be an impatient person on the telephone reporting a phone fault or wrong account someone in the third world!
"walk a mile in my shoes"
Cheers Carol

Donna MacMeans said...

Carol - I must see this movie!

My problem isn't that I'm impatient with the person in the third world country, I'm just frustrated because I can't understand what they're asking me. I'm sure they are frustrated as well - surely there must be an easier way to communicate (i.e. email) these problems.

Donna MacMeans said...

Well all - It's after midnight here and I'm beat. Thanks for visiting and helping out with the movie selection. I'm definitely going to see Slumdog Millionaire before the oscars and New in Town when it comes out.

As for the winner of the blue feather boa and co-ordinating copy of THE TROUBLE WITH MOONLIGHT, my random selector picked...

Genella deGray

So Genella, if you go to and send me your contact information, I'll get that right out to you.

To everyone else - May your popcorn be fresh and your movies satisfying. Good Night!

Becke Davis said...

Iron Man was the best new movie I saw this year. Just rented Charlie Wilson's War and I liked that a lot more than expected.