Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My Reckless Cover!

by Anna Campbell


I have a cover for my June 2010 release, MY RECKLESS SURRENDER!

Isn't it sexy? And that yellow just pops! This is going to look fabulous on the shelves of a bookstore!

I love the tagline too -

Seduction is a most dangerous game...

Yet her heart begs her to be reckless!

She has rather a come-hither look in her eyes, hasn't she? Something completely appropriate for the character. My heroine gets to be quite a naughty girl in this story - as you can probably tell from that steamy stepback with all the bare flesh. And he's pretty tsssss hot too, isn't he? Clearly, being reckless has its rewards.

Here's the blurb:

Headlong into sin...

A well-practiced rake, weary of easy conquests and empty pleasures, Tarquin Vale, Earl of Ashcroft, knows women—and his every instinct warns him to beware of this one. Diana Carrick’s brazen overtures have thrown the haunted, sinfully handsome lord completely off his guard. Why, the exquisite temptress stated outright that she wishes to be his lover! But it is neither Diana’s boldness nor her beauty that intrigues him so—it is the innocence he senses behind her worldly mask.

Intent upon the seduction that will finally free her, Diana has set her sights on the notorious Ashcroft—never dreaming that there is much more to the enigmatic rogue than sin and deviltry. His kiss is bewitching, his caress intoxicating—and even the dangerous secret Diana must protect cannot shield her from Ashcroft’s dark allure.

Unwittingly yet most willingly, they are playing with fire. Now the fuse has been lit and there is no escape…except surrender.

You can read an excerpt on my website. Check it out!

And while you're there, why not enter this month's contest which gives you a chance to win a signed trade paperback Aussie edition of one of my books? The question's really easy. Believe me, if you've seen this blog, you'll KNOW the answer, snork!

As has often been pointed out, the Banditas have been REALLY lucky with the cover gods. I think this is another one to add to the roll! You'll notice this is my first cover to feature a girl on her own. In fact, this cover to me is reminiscent of Christine and Donna's more recent releases. Definitely the glint in the heroine's eyes is something all of them have in common!

So what do you like to see on a cover? A clinch? An object of relevance to the story? A girl on her own? A guy on his own? An animal (I love Kate's cats!)? Does the cover ever convince you to buy the book?

And hey, don't you think
MY RECKLESS SURRENDER's cover is indeed magnificent? LOL!


mariska said...

me ?

Anonymous said...

Great cover Anna, I love it. Its very eye catching! I always say I don't buy a book for its cover but I do. The cover is what draws my eye to the book to start out with. I have had covers with scenes catch my eye along with just the lady and sometime just a man. I even like covers with animals on them so can't say there is one thing that draws me to the cover.

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Mariska, a chook for you!

Virginia, I find a really pretty cover intriguing too. If the blurb doesn't appeal to me, I still won't buy the book but the cover definitely draws me across the store to check out the book. And that's a huge part of the battle! I really like the trend towards animals on covers - I kinda wish they'd put Wolfram on the Untouched cover!

Tawny said...

Ooooooh yeah, baby! That is one FABULOUS cover. YAY, Foanna, on another rocking visual representation of the amazing talent packed between that cover!!!

I loove a good cover. But, I'll admit, I rarely have had a cover influence my purchasing or reading choices. A bright color, a fun graphic or a gorgeous hunk are all good to grab my attention, though!!!

Anna Campbell said...

Tawny, these days because of the Internet, I usually know a lot more about the books I'm going to buy. But back in the old days, when I used to haunt the bookshops, covers had enormous influence on what I bought.

Hey, cool you love the cover! It's pretty darn sexy, isn't it? I have to laugh, though - what's Gideon doing clutching that blonde? He should be home with Charis! Yeah, it's the same cover model. A guy named Paul Marron.

Tawny said...

Really? That's the same guy (off to look closer). Hey, maybe you can have a theme and he can star in all your books. Then, he can show up at signings and pose along side your books :-)

Bronwyn said...

Hi Anna =)

I LOVE it! I have to say she looks really, really sexy in a come hither type of way. Wish I could pull that off...

Anyway, I love covers because I'm soooo lazy. If I can see what's in the book from the cover, I'm more than half sold. A pirate ship on the front with a half naked man hanging from the rigging, I don't care who wrote it or what it's about, it goes in the basket! Okay, it's not really laziness, more visual stimulation :P

Good luck with the release, Anna!


Alaine said...

WOW you are right that cover is smokin hot! Can't wait to read it Anna!

Jane said...

Hi Anna,
Congrats on another lovely cover. I've mentioned a few times that I love stepbacks. I don't have preference for men or women only covers. I even like the ones that feature only the torso with no head.

Anna Campbell said...

Tawny, I like your thinking! Especially if I get to help him brush up on his public relationships techniques! Snork!

Anna Campbell said...

Bronwyn, we're all Pavlov's dogs with this stuff, aren't we? Woof woof! I don't think it's laziness at all. I think it's the way we're wired. I love my girl's come-hither look. Believe me, there's plenty of come hithering to be done in this story! And the clothes falling off thing is pretty close to the mark too!

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks so much, Alaine! I've been dying to go public on this cover - I think it's gorgeous!

Pat Cochran said...

Good Glory, Anna, that is some
spectacular cover! First off, I
need to locate my sunglasses as
my eyes are feeling that burst
of color! Now, let me enjoy just
looking at these oh so beautiful
people! I hope I'll be able to
get to sleep now. I was headed for
bed when I decided to peek at the
site before closing out for the
night! See you a bit later!

Pat Cochran

PinkPeony said...

Boy, I'm losing it. I thought Wolfram was from CTC!
Gorgeous cover! She's beautiful and with the dazzling yellow, it's like a delicious a cup of R-rated sunshine! Was My Reckless Surrender the working title too?

I've been suckered too many times by a book's cover. If the hero looks too young for the heroine, I won't buy it. :o) Can't wait to read it!

Congrats, Mariska!

Anna Campbell said...

Jane, I tend to find I like most covers too and then I see a lot that are alike and I get a bit tired of them. I must say there were a few of those stray body part ones that were a big creepy. You know, like someone had chopped her in half with an ax and all we had left was one leg or something! I like a man in a loose white shirt. The Spanish cover of Untouched had one of those and it's still one of my faves. And the Japanese cover of Claiming the Courtesan was gorgeous too. A girl, who looked quite Japanese actually, with her bare back to the viewer and a lovely Scottish castle in the background. All in a beautiful misty purple.

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Pat, sounds like you'll be dreaming of sunbursts all night! That yellow is even prettier in real life (I've seen coverflats). It's a really deep gold - gorgeous. So glad you love it! Sleep tight and we'll see you tomorrow!

Bronwyn said...

Nudity? No one told me there would be sex and skin in it!! He, he, he. I can't wait!

I'm off to cook a birthday dinner for my mum so have fun Ladies! And nice to 'see' you Tawny!

Bronwyn said...

Nudity? No one told me there would be sex and skin in it!! He, he, he. I can't wait!

I'm off to cook a birthday dinner for my mum so have fun Ladies! And nice to 'see' you Tawny!

Anna Campbell said...

Jen, have to laugh at the young hero thing! Funny what turns us off, isn't it? I can't say that's something I particularly notice. Wolfram was in Untouched. There was a horse called Ghost in Gaelic in CTC but it didn't have nearly the big part Wolfram had in the other book. Love your description of the cover - so glad you love it!

The working title was RECKLESS GAMES. Which I liked too although I think MY RECKLESS SURRENDER is sexier. What I love is that they incorporated that idea into the tag line.

Anna Campbell said...

Bronwyn, you're far too young to read this book. Snort!

PinkPeony said...

Okay, time for a re-read. I remember the horse from CTC. The boy-hero on the cover...well, if he doesn't look old enough to shave it doesn't work for me. Can't wait to see the foreign covers on this book!

Anna Campbell said...

Jen, I've got all my foreign covers up in my Facebook photo albums. They make some interesting viewing! I've got a new Russian one to go up there soon too.

peggy said...

Hi Anna,very sexy cover.The yellow draws the eye.I like to see covers that have the historical look to them.And you hit the nail on the head with this one.I have bought books because the cover.

Anna Campbell said...

Hi Peggy! I really think covers are so powerful to get someone to pick up the book - I know a beautiful cover has definitely convinced me to buy a book! So glad you love my cover - I'm stoked, as you can imagine!

mariska said...

What i like to see ? of course the object must relevance with the story. i don't mind if it's A girl or A guy or Cats :) As long as the the cover is relevance with the inside book.

I admit that I used to skip the romance section before i met you Anna ! Yeap, You Anna Campbell :) coz, i dont know, the cover is not so that good with the original book when it's translated to my language. so i just skipped.

Then nowadays, I visit this section for several times,just to check whether we have MY romance Author friends in our local bookstore. They do have, but the 'old' one.

Cover Sometimes do convince me to buy a book, but it only sometimes. coz i always depend on the blurb on the back cover, some praises that the book has on the front/back cover.

Your latest cover , MY RECKLESS SURRENDER's cover is Gorgeous. I've never seen any Yellow cover before ! *Can i have a signed copy of this book ? ^_^*

WTG Anna, I'm sure i'm gonna fall in love again with your book!

Helen said...

Congrats Mariska


I soo love this cover and the colour is beautiful this would grab me in a book store (I can't wait to see the Australian cover).
I don't buy books for their covers but they do make me pick them up especially if there is a good looking Guy on them or the colour gets me or the pose or the dress LOL.

I like all different covers I like animals Guys Ladies different pictures.

Have Fun

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous cover !! I love the yellow. Sherry Thomas also have a book coming up with a yellow cover and it is stunning as well. Why didn't we see yellow covers before I wonder... they're truly GORGEOUS !
Love the blurbs too... can't wait !

hrdwrkdmom aka Dianna said...

That cover is beautiful and I like the step backs. I can't say that a cover has ever been the reason I bought a book but they do catch my eye and cause me to look further. Can't wait for this one. Anna Campbell is an auto buy for me :-)

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Mariska, cool that I've enticed you into the best section of the bookshop! ;-) Actually all the first three books are going into Indonesian which I think is really cool. No dates yet but I'll put the covers up when I get them. Thanks for saying such nice things!

Anna Campbell said...

Helen, so glad you love the cover. Thank you! I can't wait to see the final version of the Aussie cover. It looks like it's going to be really gothic and spectacular like the Captive of Sin cover.

Anna Campbell said...

Emmanuelle, how interesting about Sherry having a yellow cover too. Must be something in the air! Thanks for saying you love it - I think it's really spectacular.

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, thanks, Dianna! That's lovely. So glad you like the cover too. Actually the thing that consistently sells me on a book is the author's name - if it's someone whose work I've read before and enjoyed, I'll buy it even if it's in a brown paper bag!

Tiffany Clare said...

I LOVE your cover! I saw it on the weekend and had a moment of MY GOD, can it be any more beautiful! It's very eye-catching, drop dead gorgeous.

I love all kinds of covers. I like them to be pretty and hot. And I love LOVE clinches. The step-back is totally hot!

I'm really excited for this book! :)

Anna Sugden said...

Gorgeous cover, Anna - love that yellow! Love that hunk!

I'm not swayed into buying a book by a cover - in fact, my regular buys, I don't pay attention to the cover beyond the name *g*. Unless it really sucks - then, I might have a moment of sorrow for the poor author.

That said, I have picked up new authors or works by authors I wouldn't have read because of the cover. I'm not fussed about clinches - I do like hunks (as long as they don't look too young) especially hockey hunks *g*, like animals (especially cats or penguins), like some of the cartoon covers which are fun.

I picked up Mary Janice Davidson's Royal Family series (which is hilarious), though I wouldn't read her other stuff, because of the penguin on the cover *g*. I got into Stephanie Bond's Body Movers series because of her fun covers - and especially her fab cover quotes (like from her mum, her hairdresser etc!).

There is nothing worse than a cover that doesn't deliver in the writing, though! If it's fun on the cover, it should be fun between the covers.

Deb Marlowe said...

Congrats, Anna--it is indeed magnificent!
Definitely an eye-catcher--and what more could you want in a cover?

gigi said...

Fantastic cover Anna, but then I have loved all your covers.
i bet this book will jump off the shelves because the color is so vibrant and the model looks like she is fixing to have a grand ole' time.
I hate to admit it but I sometimes buy a book just because of its cover. I also love those inner pictures. I don't think the publishers use them as much as they used to in years past but sometimes seeing handsome guys in a different position beneath the top cover most of the time screams read me, buy me.

Barbara Monajem said...

Bright colors and not too much naked male torso. (Now, maybe if male torsos came in brilliant colors, I'd feel differently... I dunno. Nudity is just so... unsubtle.) Clinch - sometimes, depending on whether the participants look like they really mean it. A cover may get me to pick up a book, but won't get me to buy it. The back cover blurb and the first page or two do that.

I love your cover, Anna. Every time I see this cover, I shiver.

Marnee Bailey said...

This cover is gorgeous, Anna! I can't wait to pick it up. The color is really eye-catching.

I also love the blurbs.

Yay! Just beautiful!

Susan Sey said...

Hey, Anna, I absolutely LOVE the color. It's so warm & eye-catching, & yeah, the twinkle in her eye is naughty. Which I love. It's so engaging--makes you wonder, which makes you pick up the book, which allows you to see the step back and...SOLD!

I can't wait to get my paws on this one.

Christie Kelley said...

Another beautiful cover, Anna! Congratulations on that!

Covers didn't become important to me until I started writing. Before that, I preferred the cover with an object on it instead of a clinch. But I keep hearing how clinches sell books so bring them on!

Hellie Sinclair said...

Your cover is INDEED magnificent. And I think yellow is the new red in 2010...and you're setting the trend. :)

And I really like the wicked glint in her eyes. *LOL* (And wow, she's like really naked in the inside shot, isn't she?)

But I imagine they had to work hard to come up with a cover that was as awesome as the title. Definitely thank the cover gods!

KT Grant said...

Another wonderful cover Anna. Can't wait to read this one.

Donna MacMeans said...

I LOVE this cover, Anna - and the "unwittingly yet most willing" line on the blurb as well.

I'm not sure a cover alone will sell a book, but I believe a bad cover will cause a reader to pass over the book and not pick it up to read the blurb. This is definitely a good cover!

I've been thinking about covers lately as well as I'm in the throes of reading for the RITA contest. Some of the books I'd never take from the shelf because of the covers - yet I'm loving the stories inside.
I prefer something sexy on the cover - could be a woman or a man but they have to be intriguing in an alluring fashion. I like animals on the cover - but I prefer they be with people for a romance. Kate's mysteries are a little different, and her cat is like a stand alone beacon - like a brand. Love her cat in the library-type settings


Suzanna said...

The cover gods have, indeed, been very good to you! I'm trying to imagine that moment, just before the reveal. All the emotions, fear, hope that every published author must feel. And then to finally *see* it. What an exciting moment. I'm sure it never gets old.

Deb said...

The cover is magnificent, indeed! I love how the heroine is looking over her shoulder. The yellow is very pretty and grabs your attention. The tagline is perfect!

I like to see both the heroine and the hero on a front cover, for the most part. But, this one is great!

p226 said...

What do I like to see on a cover? Well, cut that dude out of that second image up there, particularly his left arm, and we're pretty darn close!

Becke Davis said...

Wowohwowohwow! I've been so busy lately, I haven't been visiting my favorite blogs as often as I like. Am I ever glad I stopped by today!

Anna, that cover is stunning! And another gorgeous hero, too. Normally, I like those headless heroes so I can keep the face in my imagination, but after reading the excerpt I'm quite happy to keep these cover images in my head.

June is better than October or December, but it's still MONTHS away. I have no patience! I hope you'll be posting more excerpts to ease the agony of waiting.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I agree you've got a similar vibe with Christine's Wicked Little Game cover - and I love covers where the heroine portrays some bold interest, shall we say...?

I tend to love covers like the one for Jack Absolute, where it seems like we're in the midst of action, and where we can't quite see all of the character. For me, it creates an automatic tension towards burning to find out what's going on.

Gillian Layne said...

I LOVE that yellow!!!!

I am fond of covers that look like old paintings. But really, it's the story inside that counts! Just as long as I don't have to cringe when the books are seen by my daughters, I'm good. :)

Jessica C. said...

Love the cover! I like just a Woman on the cover sometimes, the inlay is a nice bonus! This is because I can read it around my husband and not be disrespectful by having a man's naked torso or risque action going on.... He laughs because I use a makeshift book cover around him.

I like Julie Smith's example a couple posts earlier!

Suzanne Ferrell said...

Yes, Anna, I do believe that cover says "come hither" both to the hero and readers! LOVE IT!!

But what do I like to see on a cover? Strong. Sexy. Powerful.


Keira Soleore said...

Mariska, congrats on the GR.

Fo, as you know, I waxed poetic on your cover. In fact, in my Friday blog I make a case for yellow being the hawt new 2010 cover color.

Your blurb...see, I love it, and I hate it! How many more minutes is it before I can read the ENTIRE book? See how much angst and despair you've generated?

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Tiff, so glad you love the cover! Thank you. Actually I think because I started reading romance in the 70s when clinches were everywhere, they still scream romance to me so I love them too.

Anna Campbell said...

Anna, I've been caught a couple of times in the great cover, shame about the filling dilemma. Sigh. But I guess it's buyer beware.

Anna Campbell said...

Oh, and mean to say, Anna, I'm delighted you love the new cover!

Anna Campbell said...

Deb, you want something that's going to draw people in and I think this one works at that level. Thank you! Actually speaking both as a writer and a reader, I really like it when the people look at least a little bit like the characters in the book. You know, if the heroine's a brunette, she's a brunette on the cover.

Anna Campbell said...

Gigi, I love stepbacks too - love the one here and suspect it's a little bit hot to go on the front ;-) Might frighten the old ladies (although most of the old ladies I know LOVE the hot stuff, LOL!). Thanks for checking out the cover. I'm so glad you like it.

Anna Campbell said...

Barbara, I hope that's a good shiver, LOL! Actually I really like the shirt falling off him - so glad you agree with me! Thanks for saying how much you love the new cover! Hard to believe it's only a little over three months until the book is out!

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, thanks, Marnee! So glad you love it and thanks for checking out the blurb and the excerpt!

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, thanks, Susan. Clearly the come hither look works on the hero. Did you see the stepback? LOL! So glad you like it!

Anna Campbell said...

Christie, I agree that the covers with the objects are really classy (well, most of them!). I remember some really pretty ones with houses or lockets or coaches on them. But I think the theory is that if you're in Walmart with a screaming toddler and you want a romance, you tug off the shelf a book that is obviously A ROMANCE! And a clinch screams romance. Thanks for saying you like the new cover.

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, thanks, Helly! I've got to say I love this title. I really liked Reckless Games, the working title, but I think this is so much sexier. So glad you love the cover! And yeah, she's not wearing much in that stepback!

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks, Kate! Glad you like it.

Pat Cochran said...

Hi, Anna,

I'm back and, thank goodness, the
sunbursts from the cover didn't
keep me awake after all!

Hello to everyone, I'm going to
go back now and enjoy those two
on the gorgeous stepback!

Anna, the cover gods and goddesses
have blessed you again!

Pat Cochran

Anna Campbell said...

Donna, I think the Bandits have been really lucky with our covers. As I said, this new one makes me think of covers you and Christine have had - that sexy girl almost winking at the reader. Really like that! I love some of the new Avon covers - they're really lush and sensual. Thanks so much for saying you love the new cover! I think you'll be seeing a lot of it ;-)

Anna Campbell said...

Suzanna, it does never get old. And the moment you hold that book in your hand when it's a book and not a jumble of pages, that never gets old. And the moment when you see your book on a shelf for the first time too - that's pretty special. Lots of great stuff! Thanks for checking out the cover. I'm so glad you like it!

catslady said...

Gorgeous cover - I love the yellow. A cover isn't the main reason I buy a book but it does draw me to it and then if I like the blurb I will buy it. I like most covers and only get annoyed when they aren't a true betrayal - like short hair when it should be long or a totally wrong color.

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, thanks, Deb. A fan of the clinch, I see! I had clinches for my first two covers and clinches in the stepbacks after that. They still like the clinches in Australia which I'm pleased to see. So glad you agree with my about how spectacular the new cover is! LOL!

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Drew, so glad you love the cover. As you say, it's kind of the best of both worlds. I must say I think Paul M is VERY handsome! And I agree with you, I want something on the cover that relates to the story. I love it when it's an event in the story that has been illustrated. For example, in Untouched, when he's clutching Grace SOOOO protectively (Yes, your fave Nathan!), that's so appropriate for the story. And I love the body language in Claiming the Courtesan - where they both look like they're not going to surrender to the other one.

Anna Campbell said...

P226, are you saying you want to see an 'armless 'ero? I thought you'd much prefer them dark and dangerous! Snort!

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Becke, you're running about a million blogs, no wonder you're finding spare time is a problem! Hope the writing is going well! So glad you love the new cover. Laughed at teasing you with excerpts. Did you see there's an excerpt up for MY RECKLESS SURRENDER on my website?

Anna Campbell said...

Julia, I agree with you about this cover being like Christine's WLG cover, which is great as I loved the heroine's naughty, over the shoulder look in that. Hey, I hadn't seen the Jack Absolute cover before - that's gorgeous. It actually slightly reminds me of my Spanish Untouched one. Have you seen that? The hero's sitting down but he looks like he's thinking and I love the loose white shirt and the elegant nonchalance of his pose.!/photo.php?pid=30271807&id=1574454103

Anna Campbell said...

Gillian, I love the ones with old paintings too. Gorgeous. Harlequin historicals here come out with old master covers and they're gorgeous. Especially in the trade paperback size that they tend to be. I love the richness in the painting covers. Hey, great that you love the cover! Thank you!

Anna Campbell said...

Jessica, wasn't that soldier in action cover spectacular? That would actually make me buy the book! So glad you love the cover - and your husband is safe ;-)

Anna Campbell said...

Suz, when they told me they were going for just a woman on the front, I wasn't sure. I've always had a guy either in a clinch or on his own. But I think they really did a lovely job of this and I love the look in her eyes.

Anna Campbell said...

Keira, I love it when my writing generates an emotional response in the reader. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So glad you love this. It's interesting how covers tend to go in waves, isn't it? I'll have to check out the blog. Got a bit behind with keeping up with things - Becke and I seem to be in the same boat. Actually I hardly ever read excerpts because I get exactly that same reaction you do!

Anna Campbell said...

Pat, so glad you're well rested! I've got a coverflat pinned to my noticeboard and I've been drooling too! Snork!

Anna Campbell said...

Catslady, it's funny how we all want the cover to belong to THAT book, isn't it? I recently re-read an old (early 90s)Laura Kinsale and the cover had the hero and heroine cavorting in a waterfall in their undies. The book, THE PRINCE OF MIDNIGHT, was very dark and intense and no waterfalls were within coo-ee. Not to mention the heroine was blonde in the picture and she was a brunette. That stuff always niggles. So glad you love the new cover - by the way, my heroine is definitely blonde and my hero is definitely dark and there's lots of hot stuff so I'd say it's pretty appropriate for the story! LOL!

jo robertson said...

Ah, Anna, this is truly the most beautiful cover. Who'd have thought yellow could look so goldenly glorious. I love the paradoxical look on the heroine's face. A combination of innocence and sultriness. Perfect.

I used not to like clinch covers, but I'm liking them more and more. Maybe they're more subtle than they used to be.

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Jo, so glad you love the cover. And what a perfect description. Diana's trying pretty hard to be a seductress but she's not completely comfortable in the role and I think the artist captured that perfectly. Interesting about the clinches - I must say I've NEVER been a fan of the girl on her knees looking up worshipfully at the man. Thank goodness there aren't so many of those anymore.

Becke Davis said...

Hi Anna- yes, I should have clarified. I popped over to read the excerpt on your website before I posted that comment. Loved it!

Beth said...

It's gorgeous Anna, I love the yellow. If the guy is in a kilt on the cover I will definitely take a second look.

Beth Andrews said...

Anna, I am in love with your cover! That yellow is so gorgeous and eye-catching *g*

I love all different types of covers but they don't influence my decision on whether or not to buy a book :-)

Anna Campbell said...

Ha ha, Becke, that wasn't a nag. I just wondered if all that bare flesh and yellow had distracted you ;-) Thanks for saying you liked it!

limecello said...

Lovely cover, Anna - I've seen a few ones that authors have posted early, and it seems pale yellow is big this spring for books. (Heh - book cover fashion. Whodathunk, right?)

As for what I like on covers... actually, I'm not a fan of the half naked people or clinch covers. I mush prefer the artistic covers. (I just don't like the former because they seem to perpetuate stereotypes about romance, which... is not cool.) It's always nice too, when some object that is featured in the book, minor, yet important, is on the cover. A journal, a rose, something.

Anna Campbell said...

Beth, so glad you like the new cover. Thank you! I had to laugh at the kilt comment. The German edition of Captive of Sin features a guy in a kilt for clearly that reason - although poor Gideon never goes near Scotland and he sure isn't Scots!

Anna Campbell said...

Beth, interesting that a cover doesn't influence you. As I said, my buying patterns have changed since I spend so much time talking to romance writers and readers on the net. I probably go more on word of mouth these days. But in the old days, I didn't know anyone else who read romance so I had to rely on covers and blurbs. Never the first page - for some reason I don't read that although I probably should. Thanks for saying you like the cover.

Gillian Layne said...

"- I must say I've NEVER been a fan of the girl on her knees looking up worshipfully at the man. Thank goodness there aren't so many of those anymore."

Now that just made me laugh out loud. I can just picture one of your heroines kneeling in humble compliance---right before she yanks the rug right out from under him. ;)

Anna Campbell said...

Ah, Gillian, you've clearly read TOO many Anna Campbell books. What am I saying? You clearly need to read LOTs more Anna Campbell books! Actually not really into submissive women, as you've noticed.

There was a whole run of Harlequin Desire covers where the girl was looking worshipfully up at the dynamic Armani-suited hero. She was always much shorter and wispily thin and clinging weakly to his arm as if she couldn't stand on her own two feet. Give me a break! Of course these aren't a reflection of the story inside but they really got my goat.

Gannon Carr said...

Your cover is GORGEOUS, Anna!! I don't usually buy a book because of the cover, but if the cover colorful or has a particularly yummy man, I'll pick it up. *g*

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Gannon, fabbo you love the cover. Thanks so much for letting me know.

Anonymous said...

I'm not reading all 92 comments, but wow, Anna! So completely gorgeous. I love that yellow---makes me feel sunny just looking at it. Can't wait to buy it and read it!

Kate Carlisle said...

It's Gorrrrrrrgeous!! Your heroine is so beautiful and I love that look she's giving us. And och, the stepback is verra sexy!! And by stepback, I mean that HAWT guy!!

Call me crazy, but I love a clinch cover! I used to hide the covers when I would read at my office, but after a while I realized what I was doing and stopped. Hey, I'm proud to read romance and I don't care who knows it! :-)

Um, I also love cats on covers. ;-)

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Maggie, I'm really stoked at the reaction to my new cover! I'm feeling rather reckless, in fact. Thanks so much for swinging by - so glad you love the cover too!

Anna Campbell said...

Kate, I think your covers are gorgeous. I love the way they got the look right at the start and have stuck to it. Can't wait to see the next one - yeah, I love the cat too. Hey, how cool that you're a goner for a clinch too. I think they're really romantic (women on their knees aside!). Thanks for saying you like my cover - had to laugh at the Scottish thing. You've been doing too much blogging about Scottish murders, m'dear!

Fedora said...

Wow, Anna!!! Just wanted to say how gorgeous it is!! As for covers, no strong preferences, but I WILL buy it if I like the author's name on the cover :D Yep, that means you and all you Banditas! That TBR's still heading for the skies, (no) thanks to all of you! ;)

Congrats on the GR, mariska!

pjpuppymom said...

Gorgeous cover, Anna! That would certainly capture my attention at the bookstore.

I've never bought a book based solely on the cover but an eye-catching cover will cause me to take a closer look at a book that I may have otherwise ignored. That's how I discovered Robyn Carr and Kristan Higgins.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Ooo...swoon...your Spanish cover for Untouched. My absolute favorite type of cover. Holy mackerel - I so adore it!

Louisa Cornell said...

Sigh, Mariska, You've got it bad for the Boid!

You know how much I LOVE this cover, La Campbell. The color is so vibrant and the girl looks like dangerous heartbreak on the half-shell. Mothers lock up your sons! Then the clinch on the stepback is just plain HAWT !!! Smoking HAWT !!

But the best part is that with another fabulous Anna Campbell cover another wondrous Anna Campbell is on the way. Not nearly fast enough, but you can't have everything. Although the girl on that cover looks like she could probably GET everything if she wanted it!

Covers do catch my eye. They at least make me want to read the back and see if it is something I will like. The blurb will get me to buy it, but the cover will often get me to pick it up.

An animal will get me to pick up almost any book, for a romance novel give me a hot guy with as little clothing on as possible. Hey, I never claimed to be anything but shallow and sexist when it comes to men. So shoot me.

Anna Campbell said...

Fedora, I 100% agree with you that the secret's in someone writing a good book and then me wanting to write everything else they write, doesn't matter about the cover. But a cover can persuade me to try someone new. Yeah, the Bandits and guests have been a killer for my TBR pile too ;-) Thanks for saying you love the cover!

Anna Campbell said...

PJ, both Robyn and Kristan have lovely covers, haven't they? I discovered Kristan because she was such a great guest here - she was funny and clever and really responsive to everyone who commented and I thought she was great. Robyn I discovered because her Virgin River book was on so many best of lists for that year. So glad you love my latest cover!

Anna Campbell said...

Julia, how cool! I just adore it. I think it's so subtle but incredibly powerful and sexy for all that. I thought when you showed that beautiful cover this morning that this one would appeal to you. Similar feel, for all that one guy is in action and the other guy is leaning back in his chair contemplating action.

Anna Campbell said...

Louisa, dangerous heartbreak on the half shell! Have you been hacking into my computer? That's the best description for Diana I can think of! You're so brilliant! I keep saying my guy isn't tortured - but of course, that's only until Diana comes in to create havoc in his life!

Hey, I'm shallow too. Handsome men work for me. In fact, I think they work for most women, that's why they're on romance covers! And I think we all like an animal (no, not the handsome man again - I mean a REAL animal!) too. I always smile at animal covers.

Unknown said...

WooHOOO Anna!

That cover is just rockin.

I LOVE the yellow and I don't think I've seen anything quite like it on the shelves. It's going to pop out at readers like crazy!

I'm actually really liking the trend of NOT putting the clinch on the cover. My favorite covers of yours have been TTD and this one, BTW. I just can't get over that yellow.

I love the look in the hero's eyes in TTD, and this don't get any more come-hither than that.

Christine's Wicked Little Game was like that too.

I know cover trends come and go, but I honestly prefer to have a bit of mystery surrounding what I'm reading. When there's a clinch on a Single Title, everybody knows what you've got in your hand. I find it makes winning new readers to romance easier when it's not a clinch. I know it's wrong, but I've found it to be true, and if the end game is winning new readers then to me that's what matters and I'll take it any way I can get it.

The thing with the stepbacks is that you get the best of both worlds. And your stepbacks are getting hotter with each book it seems to me.

Man, the cover faeries are smiling on the lair of late.

Christine Wells said...

Beautiful cover, Foanna!! I love the yellow and the models are gorgeous and the stepback so sexy...what's not to love about this cover?

Once you're an author you look at covers differently. I'd have to say a tasteful clinch is my preferred option these days, either in a stepback or on the front. Liz Carlyle has had some pretty awesome covers, too. I like your early ones--they were so moody and perfect blend of romance and dark roiling passion!

Looking forward to having MRS in my hot little hands!

Nancy said...

It is, indeed, magnificent, Anna! The cover gods have smiled on you again. Can't wait to see how you've tortured this pair! *g*

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Cassondra, so glad you love this cover. That stepback is the hottest one I've ever had! Interesting about the new reader comment. I think you're right - new readers are a bit scared away by the clinch covers. Hmm, kinda d*mned if you do and d*mned if you don't, really, aren't you?

Anna Campbell said...

Christine, I think Liz Carlyle has had some GORGEOUS covers. Especially some of her earlier ones, which interestingly were just girls on their own. They really worked the color angle on her covers and I think it was so effective. Really saturated blues and reds, for example. So glad you like the cover - thank you!

Anna Campbell said...

Nancy, who? Me? Torture a pair? NEVAH!!! Oh, OK, I'm not convinced either! Glad you think the cover's magnificent!

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks so much, everyone, for giving my lovely yellow cover a great welcome to the world! And it's been so interesting talking cover preferences.

Mitzi H. said...

ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!!! I love the cover and boy-oh-boy it is an eye catcher!!! I can't imaging anyone walking past it without looking twice or maybe three times....and of course adding it to their shopping basket!!!

Congrats and I can't wait to read it!!!

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks, Mitzi! Hope your prediction comes true! So glad you love the cover - I think it's really lovely so the author is definitely a happy little bunny!

Laurie G said...

Your cover is absolutely gorgeous. Love the model, the inside cover couple... WOW Hot! Hot! HOT!! The yellow color is so striking!!

I don't like the covers were the title overpowers it. I prefer pictures of people vs inanimate objects or pets.

I like the embracing couples or a impish or seductive look on the model's face or a seductive pose male of female. Eye candy yes!

Dianna Love said...

Anna - What a beautiful cover!!! As for taste in covers, it depends on what the book is about, even in romance. I love your cover, but I also like the non-clinch covers as well. :)

Anna Campbell said...

Laurie, lovely to see you! Thanks for saying you love the cover. Actually I think most people agree with you - I know the publishers changed from the books with objects on the front because they just didn't sell as well. As I say, I'm old-fashioned, I love a big passionate clinch as long as it's not silly (you know, they're on a rock by the sea and a wave's about to sweep them off to South America!).

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks for swinging by, Dianna. Always lovely to see you! Thanks for saying you love the cover!