Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It’s all about the Money, Honey!

by Susan Sey

Big news today, darlings: Money, Honey—the book of my heart that I almost didn’t submit anywhere because it was so tragically flawed, the book I’ve been waiting to see in print for nearly two full years—that book? It hits the shelves today. Let the chandelier swinging/shield sliding/rooster grabbing commence!

I personally plan to sit around all day with a stupid grin on my face, nursing a ridiculously strong drink, and making suggestive remarks to the gladiators. I may talk the Golden Rooster into a tango later. He’s divine on his sharp little feet, & I feel like dancing.

But first, walk with me. Come on. This way, while we can still walk a straight line. Demetrius? Grab that torch, will you, darling? Sven? Be a dear & bring along that pitcher of margaritas. Watch your step, now, everybody. The stairs are a bit sketchy, the door jamb’s a bit low…but okay. Here we are, safe and sound.

Welcome to the Cover Art Hall of Fame! Why are we here, you ask? Why are we in a long, stone hall deep in the Lair, lined with giant, gorgeously framed prints of romance novel covers?

It’s the Fabio jokes. They’re killing me.

Okay, let’s back up. I’ll explain.

As you all know, a book release isn’t a book release anymore without the accompanying blog tour. And mine kicks off here, today, as you can see. But a handful of other blogs have graciously consented to host my shameless promo-hoing as well. And I’ll tell you the truth—as much as I cherish my Call Story, I didn’t feel up to telling it ten to twelve times over a two week period. If you’re interested in a fabulous retelling of it, however, RT has been kind enough to offer me their Debut Author Spotlight this week. I go into my Journey to Publication there. You can check it out by clicking here.

For those of you interested in traveling a little further afield, however, welcome to Susan’s Blog Tour in which I will, at each whistle stop, heroically address the Top Ten Responses Commonly Heard when an Ill-Groomed Stay-at-Home Mom Announces her Secret Career as a Romance Novelist. (For the details of where I’ll be next & what I’ll be discussing, see my website.)

And I’m kicking things off here with my beloved Romance Bandits. So let’s get started, shall we? We’ll begin, a la David Letterman, with Response #10: A smirky “Hey,will you get Fabio for your cover?”

Yeah, the dreaded Fabio question. This descends with depressing predictability into “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter” jokes and a retelling of the time Fabio got nailed in the face with a pigeon while riding a roller coaster. (Okay, I’ll admit, that one’s still funny.)

Now I have nothing against Fabio. In my mind, he ranks right up there with William Shatner in terms of people who’ve parlayed a somewhat limited & outlandish skill set into a career of remarkable longevity. So it’s not Fabio himself. It’s the way his name has become shorthand for the entire romance genre. It’s the way people seem to think that Fabio—and his enthusiastic embrace of the overblown & ridiculous—IS romance. And THAT offends me. It’s about as accurate as saying all young actresses are Lindsay Lohan. “Got a role in a movie, young lady? Well,then, here’s your ankle monitor, a ziplock of prescription pills & a gallon of Red Bull & vodka. Go get ‘em, princess.”

This is not to say romance novel covers—or what’s between them—are free of ridiculousness. (Christina Dodd’s famous Heroine with Three Arms comes to mind.) But the vast majority of romance novels have perfectly lovely content—and Fabio-free covers. Just here in the Lair, we have some gorgeous—and recent—examples from nearly every subgenre. Walk with me, darlings. Let’s have a look.

In the historical category, we have Christine Wells’ Sweetest Little Sin. Sheer sexiness, literally & figuratively, & not a mullet in sight. Fabio weeps.

In the Category category, we have Kate Carlisle’s July release, The Millionaire Meets his Match. Now this is a Desire, so pretty sexy, right? So where’s all the skin? Underneath that well-fitted tux, I’m guessing. Nice.

In the Romantic Suspense category, we have Jeanne Adams’s Deadly Little Secrets, coming later this year. Dark, dangerous & sexy, the contemporary version of a clinch cover. I get a really noir, old Hollywood vibe here, don't you? I’d be proud to read it on the bus.

And (you knew it was coming, didn’t you?) here in the plain old contemporary category, we have my beloved Money, Honey. Again with the sexy clinch cover but the playful version this time. We have flirt, we have sexual tension, we have a handful of cash for heaven’s sake. What we do not have is cheese. Fabio only wishes he were my Patrick. (I’m biased, I’ll admit it, but my Patrick wears a custom-tailored tux like most guys wear t-shirts. It’s like his native habitat, which makes my heroine a little crazy. In the very best of ways, though. I’d encourage you to pick up a copy if you’re curious about why.)

I recognize, however, that not everybody is as lucky as we here in the Lair. Bad Covers do happen to Good Authors. Unless you’re Nora Roberts, chances are nobody’s asking your opinion when it comes to cover art.

So in the spirit of Laughing So We Don’t Cry, here’s some classic Fabio action for you. Pour yourself a margarita, put on your Snarking Cap and come up with a caption that suits the action. The top three captions (as judged by me in all my subjective glory) get a free copy of Money, Honey! Thanks for playing, darlings!


limecello said...

Oh. My.

limecello said...

Congratulations and happy release day, Susan!

I'm... going to need some time to come up with something suitable for a caption :X

limecello said...

Ok I only have horrible things running through my head. Like he's about to eat her - and I mean in the cannibalistic sense, not the sexy sense. Or, he's trying to stare down her... corset? "Oh yes, a little to the le- *there*" >.<
Or even aside from the couple "Purple prose lives here. We've color coded it for you."
Or for the heroine, "What do you mean? Of course I always sit like this. And dress like this."
It's a bit small, but I think the heroine might also be freaking out that this mutant/disproportionate dude is grabbing her. The left side of his chest is as large as his chest and arm combined. And then his arm/bicep is about the size of his head...
Wow. Apparently it's full snark ahead for me :X

BUT! Yay party, and strong drinks! ;) I can always get behind that.

Donna MacMeans said...

Hey- am I the first? Woohoo!

(And Fabio says - Feel the power of my rising golden rooster!)

Okay - so I'm not good with snark, but I tried. Susan - I'm so excited that Money, Honey has hit the shelves. I plan to be at Barnes & Noble tomorrow for my copy - I'll take a picture of the book on the shelves.

Anonymous said...

Is he coming my way today!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new release and bring on the margaritta's. If you keep drinking like this you want be able to tango with the golden rooster!

Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...

Hello GR! May I have this dance?

Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...

OOO! You're right, Smoov! He's very light on those pointy little claws! (Aunty clutches a rose in her teeth and tangos down the hall with the GR.)

WOO! HOO!!!! What a Day! Money Honey and The Wild Irish Sea are out TODAY!!! It is truly a day for dancing, shouting, and merry-making!

CABANA BOYS?!?! Start the blenders!


Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...

As for the picture... Are you sure that's Fabio? I think that's one of our Bandita Buddies saying, "Oh YES! Sven, YES! Right there between the shoulder blades!"

Jane said...

Happy Release Day, Susan. Can't wait to meet Liz and Patrick. Every time I see Fabio, I think of his bloody face after he was hit by a goose while on a roller coaster. My caption is "Yes, right there. Keep scratching that spot with your back."

Helen said...

Is he coming to my place

Have Fun

Helen said...

So are we having a problem with blogger today LOL I have left a post already and it got eaten up

Have Fun

Helen said...


I am soo looking forward to reading Money Honey and this post is so good I still have a lot of books on my keeper shelf that have Fabio on them they were so popular back in the 80's.

A caption I am going to have to think on this one I will have a drink or two and maybe my brain will start working after a hard day at work

Have Fun

Helen said...

OK I have thought of one and not very good but the drinks are helping

"Baby this Indian has got you"

I am not very imaginative LOL

Have Fun

Christine Wells said...


Christine Wells said...

Susan, dearest Smoovest of the Smoov, I am SO delighted this day has finally come!! Can't wait until my copy of MONEY, HONEY arrives!

Oh dear about the cheesey cover. Who was landed with that? I am tempted to say something about a bad smell but then again, I'm known for my elegance and refinement, so I'll leave that to others more qualified in vulgarity!

Good luck on your blog tour!

Btw, thank you on behalf of my fabu cover artist for the SLS cover plug. It is a great cover, isn't it?

Oh, and here's the Golden Rooster. He said something about a line dance? The only one of those I know is the conga, but I'm game:)

hrdwrkdmom aka Dianna said...

Oh my, I have to make a stop at the book store on my way home today!

Cannot wait to read this one.

Hmmmm looks like I got the GR as well, it is my lucky day. He can help me add up all those numbers from last month!

hrdwrkdmom aka Dianna said...

The caption?
"Just sit there okay? I lost my loin cloth and my hair isn't long enough to cover me."

Jane said...

Crap, I think my post disappeared. Let me try again.

Hi Susan,
Happy Release Day. Every time I think of Fabio, I picture him with his face all bloody after being hit by a goose while riding a roller coaster. My caption is "Yes, right there. Keep scratching that spot with your back."

Anonymous said...

looks like I might be first

Deb Marlowe said...

OMG--the rooster's coming home with me! It's been so long, I don't know what to do with him!

Oh, never mind--we'll just go to the bookstore to pick up Money, Honey! Hooray!

As for the caption, I'm sorry, but I'm starting off the day with a dirty one:

"Okay, Darling, flex those shoulder blades just a little further. Oh, yeah. Now hold it right there for just a minute."

LOL! Sorry, but he totally looks like he's almost there!

Gillian Layne said...

Rockin' Happy Launch Day!

Off to celebrate middle daughter's 15th birthday. I'm hoping while they're shopping I can hit the bookstore. Have a drink for me! :)

Suzanne Ferrell said...

Wow, Susan, I'm so glad this book is hitting the shelves!!! I think a trip to the bookstore today is in order!!

As for my caption for the cover....

Hero: "Thank you m'dear for covering the family jewelsin the upcoming hailstorm!"

Suzanne Ferrell said...

And I do believe that means I get the GR for the day...wonder how he feels about cleaning the hubby's office?

Christie Kelley said...

Wow, I got the GR again! Twice within a month!

pjpuppymom said...


Christie Kelley said...

Congratulations, Susan!!! I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to read Money Honey. Unfortunately, it's far too early for me to be snarky when I haven't even had my coffee yet. So when I get back from my aerobics class and have some coffee, I'll be back.

But please have Sven ready with a massage. I haven't been to aerobics in over a week. I may be sore later!

pjpuppymom said...

Wow! Where is everybody? And on party day, no less!

Susan, ginormous congratulations on the release of Money, Honey...which I enjoyed most thoroughly! Can't wait to welcome you to The Romance Dish tomorrow!

It's kind of difficult for me to get snarky over a Fabio cover since those covers are attached to some of my favorite historicals, mostly books by Johanna Lindsey. Let me grab some coffee, take the dogs walking and I'll give it some thought.

Party on!

runner10 said...

Oops!! I feel out of my chair laughing so hard.
How about Surrender to the Beast.

Laurie G said...

Mutiny on the Bounty...
mesmerized by the treasure displayed he forgot to dress!

Anna Sugden said...

WOOOHOOOO!! Can't wait to get my copy of Money, Honey!! So excited!

Oh dear - I'm not very good at captions - but as it's you, I'll throw my crummy efforts into the mix ...

"I wonder what brand of conditioner she uses - her hair is much softer and shinier than mine."

"Darn, I hate it when I get my hair caught in a man's zipper!"

"Never date a man whose boobs are bigger then your own!"

"When I asked you to help me fasten my dress, I meant for you to use your hands"

"Don't worry, Fabio, even if I turn sideways, your throbbing sceptre of love will still be hidden."

Anna Sugden said...

LOL I see I get a rooster for my trouble. Gee, thanks.

Oh Zach - how are you at rooster wrangling?

Sorry for all the hassles being able to post on Susan's blog - if you've been trying - please try again!

Susan Sey said...

Ooooh. Rooster for me?

Susan Sey said...

Whoops. Didn't mean to snag the rooster. Blogger wasn't playing nice. I didn't think it would post me, but it looks like it has so....comments are open! Who wants the GR?

Susan Sey said...

OOoooh, runner10! You get the GR! Surrender to THAT beast! :)

But seriously...Surrender to the Beast? I love it!

Beth Andrews said...

Whoo Hoo!! There's nothing better than a launch party in the lair! Super congrats on your first release, Susan! I'm so excited for you and I can't wait to read Money, Honey :-)

I'm LOL over your post. Yes, I have been asked if Fabio was going to be on my book covers and I'm dying over that bottom cover because I'm pretty sure I read that book! It wouldn't happen to be from a Johanna Lindsey novel, would it? Fabio graced quite a few of her covers if I recall correctly *g*

Mary Curry said...

First of all, CONGRATS, Susan on release day. Reading your blog makes me so excited for you.

As for the caption - looking at it the first thing I thought of was an itchy back so pardon any double entendres:

Scratch my itch - just a little higher and to the left, darling.

Anna Sugden said...

The original of this one disappeared - let's see if it will post again.

WOOOHOOOO!! Can't wait to get my copy of Money, Honey!! So excited!

Oh dear - I'm not very good at captions - but as it's you, I'll throw my crummy efforts into the mix ...

"I wonder what brand of conditioner she uses - her hair is much softer and shinier than mine."

"Darn, I hate it when I get my hair caught in a man's zipper!"

"Never date a man whose boobs are bigger then your own!"

"When I asked you to help me fasten my dress, I meant for you to use your hands"

"Don't worry, Fabio, even if I turn sideways, your throbbing sceptre of love will still be hidden."

Janga said...

Happy Release Day, Susan! Enjoy every minute of it.

Caption: Stop breathing so hard! The heaving bosoms in this book are supposed to be mine.

pjpuppymom said...

Are we fixed? I've posted four comments this morning and they've all gone "Poof!"

Suzanne Ferrell said...

Well, Bandit buddies, we've had some techinical difficulties this morning with our friends over at blogger. If you've left Susan a comment, I'm afraid it's been eaten. By whom, I'm not sure, probably poor starving Ermangarde the Dragon up in the Lair's parapet!

Please try again and help our Bandita Susan celebrate her release of Money,Honey

Donna MacMeans said...

Love Surrender to the Beast!

I left a comment last night, but as Blogger is acting up - I'll repost. Mine was

"Feel the power of the Rising Golden Rooster!" (of course at the time, I thought my comment was first).

So glad to see Money Honey hit the shelves. I'm heading out for my copy.

Anna Sugden said...

It looke like we are having a Blogger problem and it's across all their blogs. Sorry! Keep trying, everyone!

In the meantime, as my post has disappeared again ... here it is for the third time LOL

WOOOHOOOO!! Can't wait to get my copy of Money, Honey!! So excited!

Oh dear - I'm not very good at captions - but as it's you, I'll throw my crummy efforts into the mix ...

"I wonder what brand of conditioner she uses - her hair is much softer and shinier than mine."

"Darn, I hate it when I get my hair caught in a man's zipper!"

"Never date a man whose boobs are bigger then your own!"

"When I asked you to help me fasten my dress, I meant for you to use your hands"

"Don't worry, Fabio, even if I turn sideways, your throbbing sceptre of love will still be hidden."

pjpuppymom said...

Okaaay...so apparently Blogger is not quite up to speed yet. My 5th comment of the morning just disappeared. You suppose they're all being hidden behind her back? Has to be something good back there! *g*

Minna said...

Congrats on your new release!

Mary Curry said...

For some reason my comment didn't post, so I'm trying again. It seems less original now (after Jane's) but no one else had posted yet when I tried the first time - honest!

First of all - CONGRATS on RELEASE DAY, Susan. Your excitement is contagious so I'm really happy for you.

Re the caption - my first thought was that she had an itchy back so it was:

A little higher and to the left, please darling.

jo robertson said...

Hi, Susan, fabulous (no pun intended) post! I've just popped out of the writing cave for a second cuz I HAD to say WHHHHHHHEEEEEEEE on the release of Money, Honey. This is THE awaited event of the year in the cave, having your baby finally hit the streets.

We're so proud of you.

Susan Sey said...

Virginia wrote: Congrats on your new release and bring on the margaritta's. If you keep drinking like this you want be able to tango with the golden rooster!

Oh, I'll pace myself, Virginia. I plan to go ALLLLLL day. :-)

Thanks for the congrats! Blogger's been eating comments today so I don't know who actually snaffled the Golden Rooster. Maybe he's going to flirt with everybody today. ;)

Susan Sey said...

AC wrote: Are you sure that's Fabio? I think that's one of our Bandita Buddies saying, "Oh YES! Sven, YES! Right there between the shoulder blades!"

LOLOLOL! Oh, AC, that's beautiful! I can just imagine it--"No, THERE. HARDER!"


Susan Sey said...

Jane wrote: My caption is "Yes, right there. Keep scratching that spot with your back."

LOL, Jane! And the look on her face is priceless: "Okay, now WHAT exactly are you scratching my back with?"

Susan Sey said...

Helen wrote: So are we having a problem with blogger today LOL I have left a post already and it got eaten up

I know! What a bummer--blogger's eaten several of my comments today & a few of last night's too. Grrrrrr....

Hopefully we're back together now & can all play for a while.

Janga said...

Blogger ate my post too. Trying again . . .

Happy Debut Day, Susan! I hope you enjoy every minute of it.

Caption: Stop breathing so hard. The heaving bosoms in this book are supposed to be mine.

Susan Sey said...

Suz wrote: Hero: "Thank you m'dear for covering the family jewelsin the upcoming hailstorm!"

LOL! And she's all, "No worries, sweet pea. Just...can you get that spot riiiiiight between my shoulder blades?"

Anna Sugden said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nancy said...

Susan, congratulations! Doing the happy dance with a high five and SQUEE for you!

What a fun post. You do have a great cover, and the sample you chose really is so very . . . eighties.

Caption: When she offered to do the laundry, I thought she meant right away.

Terri Osburn said...

I think I might own that book! I'm going to have to hunt the shelves tonight to make sure.

Huge congrats on finally seeing your baby in the stores! I'm so excited to read this one, and as luck would have it, I'm mere pages away from finishing my current book-of-the-moment. Perfect timing!

Her: I'd ask if that's a pistol in your pocket but I think we both know the answer that one.
Him: Don't be a shrew, I'm the one back here with straw up my a$$.

Anna Sugden said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gamistress66 said...

WOW -- bandita release parties have become so infamous that even Blogger & the internet freak out and go in disarray when party time comes to the liar ;) Congrats on the new release. Pass the frozen cocktails (it's to be over 100 degrees today here) so I can cool off and maybe I'll be able to get my mind to work -- forget the brain working, just past the drinks and cabana boys :)

I do need to know one thing before I go (even more) nuts -- what book is the Fabio cover from??? It looks sooo familiar but I can't place it. Thinking an old Johanna Lindsey book.

Susanna Fraser said...

My caption: "If I close my eyes, I can pretend he's the real Lakota warrior I've always dreamed of instead of a white guy who used a whole can of spray-on tan."

(When my 1/8 Cherokee husband and his family, including my two blue-eyed blond BILs, look more Native American than a cover model...I cannot help but snark.)

pjpuppymom said...

Laughing at the cover you chose, Susan! That's from Johanna Lindsey's Savage Thunder from the 1980's. My copy (yes, I do have a copy) falls open to a certain horse-riding scene that, let's just say, has been read "often and well." lol!

They re-issued the book a few years ago with a cover that looks like it's from Little House on the Prairie. I have to wonder what readers who buy books based on the cover think when they get to the horse-riding scene. ;-)

Anna Sugden said...

Looks like we're back working again! LOL - that rooster has been nabbed by so many people today his feathers will be smarting!

Glad to see the party hasn't been a wash-out! But, i think we all need some yummy drinks ... delivered by some yummy hunks!

Tawny said...

Whoooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooo Susan!!!

I'm so so so excited for you!!!

Tawny said...

Deb Marlowe said: "Okay, Darling, flex those shoulder blades just a little further. Oh, yeah. Now hold it right there for just a minute."

LOL! Sorry, but he totally looks like he's almost there!

OMG ROFLMAO - thats exactly what I was thinking!!!

Gannon Carr said...

Yay, Susan! Congrats on the big release day! Bring on the margaritas!!

I have that Johanna Lindsey cover lurking somewhere on my shelves. Fabio was the go to guy in those days.

Naughty caption coming up:

"When I said "on your knees" dahling, I meant for you to be facing me!

Beth Andrews said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kristan said...

"Hold still, my love. There's a bee on you. Allow to club it with my manhood."


"Darling mine, I seem to have forgotten pants today. Please shield me with your alabaster breasts till I can hit the Laudromat."

Fedora said...

LOL, everyone! Susan, hip, hip, hooray!!! Yay, you! Can't wait to grab my copy of Money, Honey!!

As for that fabulous Fabio cover, hmm...

"I can't believe she's flashing her bosom and legs to try to distract me from that copy of Money, Honey! she's hidden under her ridiculous gown! She knows that I called dibs on it BEFORE release day!"

gamistress66 said...

PJ -- Thanks! so that's which book it was from :) I thought it looked like a Lindsy western :) and to think I had just reread my copy of that book last month or so ago. No wonder it struck me as familiar :)

Christie Kelley said...

Woohoo again! I just came back from Borders and guess I book I have to take with me on the cruise! They had 6 copies of Money Honey (now 5). I can't wait to read it, sitting in my lounge chair as the boys swim.

Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...


Hiding a copy of Money Honey in her corset, who'd a thunk it?!?! I wonder if the Cabana Boys are still hiding their copy down in their dorm?

Hoping that blogger is finally settled down for today

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

WOOOOT!!! MONEY HONEY is HERE!!! Waaaahhoooooooooo! Grins. I have been waiting for-ev-ah for this book. And Dahhhhling, your cover is deee-vihhhhn! Grins.

(BTW, I tried to comment earlier but blogger ATE it! Yikes! Worse than Ermingarde on a cranky day)

Anyway, picture me blushing *BLUSH!* that you would read Deadly Little Secrets on the bus. Love that. Grins. Of course, I love the cover too, so...pardon me while I grin really big and preeen. Snork.

Now, as to that drink...*snags champagne* I like it. And I see the tuxedo theme has hit some of the cabana boys....niiiiice.

As to the Snark Hat, my caption would be, "You're better than that fig leaf, any day!"


Pat Cochran said...

My suggestions:
1. Put that skirt down! I'm the
star of this cover!!

2. I'm shocked! Where are your

3. Not on your life, buddy! Just
get that thought out of your head!

Congratulations, Susan! Enjoy
this big day!

Kim in Baltimore said...

Oh, this is fun! I met Fabio at the SOS Military Mixer during the RT Booklovers' Convention in Pittsburg/2007. Kathryn Falk asked him to meet the military families - he was taller, sweeter, and sexier than I expected! While we have fun at his expense, I suspect he doesn't mind!


"If you have the money, honey, I have the mind for business and the body for sin"

(borrowing from Melanie Griffith in Working Girl)

Becke Davis said...

Caption: "Next time put on your own damn sunscreen. The SPF50 is going to keep my palms from tanning, and I hate that spray-on crap."

Becke Davis said...

Susan, congratulations on what I'm sure will be the first of many release days for you!

Susan Sey said...

Limecello wrote: Oh. My.

I *know*, right? :-)

Susan Sey said...

Limecello wrote: Congratulations and happy release day, Susan!

Thanks! I'm squeeing with wild abandon today. I'll look forward to whatever you come up with, caption wise. :-)

Susan Sey said...

Lime wrote: The left side of his chest is as large as his chest and arm combined. And then his arm/bicep is about the size of his head...

You know...[squinting]....I think you're right. This guy is not built correctly. Maybe he's related to Christina Dodd's three armed heroine?

Pat Cochran said...

My 1989 edition of Savage Thunder
has the h/h dressed, although the
male is still displaying a goodly
amount of his chest! Instead of
the female's bosom escaping from
her dress, we get to see her back
hanging out.

One more caption for today's
cover: Let's finish this cover shot
as soon as possible, I'm getting
sunburn in places where the sun
doesn't usually shine!!

Susan Sey said...

Donna wrote: (And Fabio says - Feel the power of my rising golden rooster!)

Heh. I think you're plenty good at snark, Donna. :-) That went quite well.

Susan Sey said...

AC wrote: OOO! You're right, Smoov! He's very light on those pointy little claws! (Aunty clutches a rose in her teeth and tangos down the hall with the GR.)

AC, you're not bad on your feet yourself. I love the rose-between-the-teeth thing. It suits you, you Wild Irish Rose, you. Congrats on your release, too.

(And I mean BOOK release, not implying anything untoward about your time with the GR.) :-)

Susan Sey said...

Mariska wrote: :)

I *know*, right? I love that picture. I nearly died when I found it. He's all, "Never mind my complete & inexplicable nudity on this windswept prairie, or the fact that your immense head of hair is all that preserves my modesty. Concentrate instead on the fabulousness of my abs. Thaaaat's right. Now, pay no attention to whatever it is I'm doing between your shoulder blades....."

Becke Davis said...

Caption #2:

"So, this is L'Oreal Creme Red Penny? You don't think it's a little brassy? I went with Feria Black Leather #20. Suits me - n'est pas?"

Susan Sey said...

Helen wrote: OK I have thought of one and not very good but the drinks are helping

"Baby this Indian has got you"

LOL! Helen, that's great! Because, boy, does he have her. :-)

Becke Davis said...

"Don't worry, Fabio, even if I turn sideways, your throbbing sceptre of love will still be hidden."

Anna - this one KILLS me!

Becke Davis said...


"Who is this Kimosabe of which you speak?"

Susan Sey said...

Christine said: I am tempted to say something about a bad smell but then again, I'm known for my elegance and refinement, so I'll leave that to others more qualified in vulgarity!

LOLOL! Oh, Mme, please do go there. We went to see Toy Story 3 the other day & there's the great scene where Buzz Lightyear wakes up in a dumpster (long story there) &, after a concerned moment, says (regarding the smell), "That wasn't me, was it?"

I snorted I laughed so hard.

Susan Sey said...

Christine wrote: Btw, thank you on behalf of my fabu cover artist for the SLS cover plug. It is a great cover, isn't it?

The cover gods smile upon you, as always. Because that cover is so beautiful. I've always loved it.

Susan Sey said...

Christine also wrote: Oh, and here's the Golden Rooster. He said something about a line dance? The only one of those I know is the conga, but I'm game:)

Just watch yourself. He'll conga you right into a dark corner & before you know it, he's copping a feel. You know how that guy is. All hands. Er, wings? You know what I mean. Careful. He's a heartbreaker.

Susan Sey said...

hrdwrkdmom aka dianna wrote: "Just sit there okay? I lost my loin cloth and my hair isn't long enough to cover me."

Okay, this made me laugh out loud. He's like, "Yes, my hair is my crowning mullet of glory, but even this mane of fabulousness is insufficient to mask the grandeur of my manhood. Do be still." :-)

Susan Sey said...

Deb Marlowe wrote: "Okay, Darling, flex those shoulder blades just a little further. Oh, yeah. Now hold it right there for just a minute."

LOL! Sorry, but he totally looks like he's almost there!

Oh, he totally does! That's great. "HOney, for the sweet love of teepees in the sunset, sit STILL and I can get this done."


Susan Sey said...

Gillian Layne wrote:Rockin' Happy Launch Day!

Off to celebrate middle daughter's 15th birthday. I'm hoping while they're shopping I can hit the bookstore. Have a drink for me! :)

Happy birthday to your daughter! Oh, fifteen. What an age--here's hoping she's better adjusted than I was. :-)

As for drinks, we'll order one up & have it waiting whenever you return. Can I summon a cabana boy for you? No, no. I'd be happy to. Seriously. It would be my pleasure. (heh.)

Oh, Sven? (Might as well get a massage while I'm at it.) Do be a darling & see what Gillian's drinking. And warm up some oil while you're at it, will you?

Susan Sey said...

Christie wrote: But please have Sven ready with a massage. I haven't been to aerobics in over a week. I may be sore later!

Oh, Christie, what a coincidence! As it happens, I just got Sven all warmed up! He'll be with you in a moment. Right now he's working my shoulder blades like Fabio...

Um, not EXACTLY like Fabio, though it feels maybe that good. Which is more a testament to his skill than Fabio's skills...

Okay, I'm stopping there. Can somebody fetch me a drink before I dig this hole any deeper?

Susan Sey said...

PJ wrote: It's kind of difficult for me to get snarky over a Fabio cover since those covers are attached to some of my favorite historicals, mostly books by Johanna Lindsey. Let me grab some coffee, take the dogs walking and I'll give it some thought.

Oh, I know. I cut my teeth on the historicals of the 80s. Fabio-o-plenty. Now that I consider this, I have to wonder if my mother ever checked out the stepbacks on my favorite novels. Because, dang, there was a LOT of Fabio going on in there, & not just in terms of frequency. :-)

And thanks, PJ, for the kind words about Money, Honey. I'm totally looking forward to my day on the Dish tomorrow!

Susan Sey said...

Laurie wrote: Mutiny on the Bounty...
mesmerized by the treasure displayed he forgot to dress!

Oh, Laurie, this is great. Bounty on the Prairie. Hey, where's my loincloth? :-)

Susan Sey said...

Anna wrote: "Darn, I hate it when I get my hair caught in a man's zipper!"

"Never date a man whose boobs are bigger then your own!"

These two are my favorites. Especially #1, because the follow up is Fabio going, "What zipper?"


Susan Sey said...

Anna wrote: Sorry for all the hassles being able to post on Susan's blog - if you've been trying - please try again!

Let me second that. Thanks, everybody, for hanging in there today! I so appreciate your working so hard to join the party!

Susan Sey said...

Janga wrote: Caption: Stop breathing so hard! The heaving bosoms in this book are supposed to be mine.

Ha! And he'll shake back his hair & go, "And I suppose next you'll tell me you're the only one with golden flowing locks? Read 'em & weep, sister. Plus, your bodice may be precarious, but who's pants-free? Yeah, that's right. Fabio is."

Becke Davis said...

Caption #4:

"Me Tarzan. You Jane. So, Janey, what say we blow this pop stand and and catch Arnold night at the drive-in? I loves me some Terminator!"

Susan Sey said...

Beth wrote: I'm LOL over your post. Yes, I have been asked if Fabio was going to be on my book covers and I'm dying over that bottom cover because I'm pretty sure I read that book! It wouldn't happen to be from a Johanna Lindsey novel, would it? Fabio graced quite a few of her covers if I recall correctly *g*

Ha! Yeah, I have a feeling a bunch of us have entertained the Fabio Question with varying degrees of good humor. :-)

And yes, this is a Johanna Lindsey cover, though I'm not sure which one. Anybody know the answer to that? I'll look it up....

Susan Sey said...

Mary C wrote: Scratch my itch - just a little higher and to the left, darling.

Ha! And Fabio's all, "Higher? Okay, I'll try but I'm only a man, sweetest."

Suzanne Ferrell said...

Anna S: "When I asked you to help me fasten my dress, I meant for you to use your hands"

Hehehe...now that's a great caption!

Susan Sey said...

Suz wrote: If you've left Susan a comment, I'm afraid it's been eaten. By whom, I'm not sure, probably poor starving Ermangarde the Dragon up in the Lair's parapet!

It appears Ermangarde horked them all back up again (that dragon & her digestive issues!)

So I'm wading through & quite enjoying everybody's creativity! Keep 'em coming if you've got 'em. And thanks again, everybody for going to such heroic measures to play today!

Susan Sey said...

Donna wrote: "Feel the power of the Rising Golden Rooster!" (of course at the time, I thought my comment was first).

YOu know what I think? I think the GR has been behind this whole thing. BEcause he's such a player & on a day like today, one woman just isn't enough. He wants to party with the whole crew.

So, ladies, what are we going to do about this? Are we going to just pass him around or teach him a lesson?

I vote we dress him up like Fabio & use him as a photo op. Everybody who wants to squeeze into that there corset & have their picture taken with the GR, line up!

Good lord, how do all these strings & stuff work? Will one of the historical writers please help me out here? I'm at sea. Donna? Christie? Christine? Help? I've stuffed the GR into a loincloth but my corset...

Plus this wig! Sheesh. How do people manage this much HAIR?

Susan Sey said...

Minna wrote: Congrats on your new release!

Thanks, Minna! Pull up a cabana boy & have a dance! I mean a drink. I mean a chair? Oh heck. I might've had one too many of these....what are these again, Sven?

YOu know what? Never mind, darling. Just oil up those magic hands & tackle this knot in my shoulder, will you?

Thanks, dearest.

Minna, have a drink. Join us. I might be a trifle ahead so maybe you should order two. :-)

Susan Sey said...

Jo wrote: I've just popped out of the writing cave for a second cuz I HAD to say WHHHHHHHEEEEEEEE on the release of Money, Honey. This is THE awaited event of the year in the cave, having your baby finally hit the streets.

We're so proud of you.

Awwww, Jo. Thanks. [sniffle] I'm a little soggy & there you went tipping me over the edge. I'm about to drop into full fledged sentiment here so forgive me but....

I love you guys. This has been such a hard trip from writing that first book to here, & I've cherished each & every one of you. You all truly are my port in the storm & this milestone means so much more to me because I can share it with you.

So thanks, y'all. You're the best.

Now somebody bring me another drink & that darn GR. I need to dance before I cry again. I don't care if he *is* still wearing leather pants. Chafing be damned! I need a TANGO!

Susan Sey said...

Nancy wrote: Caption: When she offered to do the laundry, I thought she meant right away.

OMG, Nancy, I snorted I laughed so hard at this. Maybe it's just because laundry is my achilles heel but I thought this was hilarious.

Becke Davis said...

"Caption: When she offered to do the laundry, I thought she meant right away."

Nancy - you crack me up!

Hellie Sinclair said...

I keep thinking his clothes blew off in a tornado or something, and he's using her as a prop--you know how you'd use a pillow to cover parts when you're taken by surprise.

Susan Sey said...

Terri Osburne wrote: Her: I'd ask if that's a pistol in your pocket but I think we both know the answer that one.
Him: Don't be a shrew, I'm the one back here with straw up my a$$.

LOL! Fabio's all, "That's no pistol, that's a shotgun and both barrels are all for you." Her: [with an expansive eyeroll] "Uh huh. Heard that before, Mr. Two Minutes & Snoring into the Sunset."

Susan Sey said...

And hey, Terri, if you do have that cover, which book is it on? I don't have the wherewithal to google it again.

Hellie Sinclair said...

Incidentally, she's posed in the same hunched shoulder position the X-ray techs asked me to pose when they x-rayed my lungs today. Coincidence?

Susan Sey said...

gamistress66 wrote: I do need to know one thing before I go (even more) nuts -- what book is the Fabio cover from??? It looks sooo familiar but I can't place it. Thinking an old Johanna Lindsey book.

I know it's a Johanna Lindsey step-back but for the life of me I can't remember which one. The cabana boys have been so very good about keeping my glass refilled & I've shoved the GR into some period costuming, so I've been too distracted to google it.

I'm hoping somebody has the initiative left to take care of it. It'll make me nuts.

As for drinks, may I recommend the mojitos? They're particularly good, and it's in the 90s here today, too. They go down nice & smooth, just like Sven the Masseur's hands...

Susan Sey said...

Susanna Fraser wrote: My caption: "If I close my eyes, I can pretend he's the real Lakota warrior I've always dreamed of instead of a white guy who used a whole can of spray-on tan."

LOL, Susanna! You're right! He looks like Lindsey Lohan or something. That's why she's turning away from him. She can't bear to look directly at the fake tan.

Susan Sey said...

PJ wrote: Laughing at the cover you chose, Susan! That's from Johanna Lindsey's Savage Thunder from the 1980's. My copy (yes, I do have a copy) falls open to a certain horse-riding scene that, let's just say, has been read "often and well." lol!

PJ! I knew we could count on you! Savage Thunder? Really? Okay, you know that's going to lend itself to a whole bunch of flatulence related quotes.

Though it does explain what happened to the loin cloth.


Susan Sey said...

Tawny wrote: Whoooooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooo Susan!!!

I'm so so so excited for you!!!

Thanks, Tawny! Hey, we're celebrating! Have a drink & a cabana boy! Have a drink ON a cabana boy! Why? Because it's a PARTY! Woot!

Susan Sey said...

Gannon Carr wrote: "When I said "on your knees" dahling, I meant for you to be facing me!

OMG, this is GREAT! "Um, sweetheart? You're doing it wrong."


Susan Sey said...

Kristan wrote: "Hold still, my love. There's a bee on you. Allow to club it with my manhood."


"Darling mine, I seem to have forgotten pants today. Please shield me with your alabaster breasts till I can hit the Laudromat."

OMG, Kristan, I nearly died over the "club it with my manhood" line. Though "shield me with your alabaster breasts" comes in a close second.

Good times. :-)

Suzanne Ferrell said...

PJ: That's from Johanna Lindsey's Savage Thunder from the 1980's. My copy (yes, I do have a copy) falls open to a certain horse-riding scene that, let's just say, has been read "often and well."

Ah, yes! I recall that scene well!! Some writing just sticks around and inspires long after the book has disappeared!

Susan Sey said...

flchen1 wrote: "I can't believe she's flashing her bosom and legs to try to distract me from that copy of Money, Honey! she's hidden under her ridiculous gown! She knows that I called dibs on it BEFORE release day!"

Ooooh, flchen1, you get bonus points for working in Fabio's adoration of Money, Honey! Nice!

Susan Sey said...

Christie wrote: Woohoo again! I just came back from Borders and guess I book I have to take with me on the cruise! They had 6 copies of Money Honey (now 5). I can't wait to read it, sitting in my lounge chair as the boys swim.

Oh, thanks, Christie! I so hope you enjoy it. And your cruise! Have fun!

Susan Sey said...

AC wrote: I wonder if the Cabana Boys are still hiding their copy down in their dorm?

Wait, they're hiding it in their dorm? Then what was that in his pants?

Helen said...

I am so glad blogger is working now what a start to a party with everyone thinking they had the GR but lime won out good stuff lime. Maybe the GR had something to do with it so as he could visit as many places in one day as he could or maybe he was trying to push Fabio out of the way so he could have the heroine for himself.


Again Whoo Hoo I am so happy for you must be awesome seeing your book on the book shelves can't wait to read it. I am loving everyones captions LOL
Maybe because it is early in the morning here in Oz I think a mimosa would be nice before I have to go to work.

Have Fun

Susan Sey said...

Jeanne wrote: Anyway, picture me blushing *BLUSH!* that you would read Deadly Little Secrets on the bus. Love that. Grins. Of course, I love the cover too, so...pardon me while I grin really big and preeen. Snork.

As well you should because it's gorgeous. And I would totally read it on the bus. In fact, I plan to.

Jeanne also wrote: As to the Snark Hat, my caption would be, "You're better than that fig leaf, any day!"

And less itchy, too. What do you use to condition, anyway? It's fabulous!

Susan Sey said...

Pat Cochran wrote: 2. I'm shocked! Where are your

Shocked! You're *naked*, darling. Whatever happened to your loincloth? (insert your own Savage Thunder flatulence joke here.)

That's right. I'm going there. Totally juvenile humor. Blame the champagne....

Terri Osburn said...

I googled to solve the mystery and it's actually a book called MAN OF MY DREAMS. And everyone was right, of course, it was Johanna Lindsey. The Savage Thunder cover is very similar though. Man, according to google images, Ms. Lindsey had a lot of naked men on those covers and stepbacks. LOL!

So much for thinking we were so much more risque these days!

Susan Sey said...

Kim in Hawaii wrote: Kathryn Falk asked him to meet the military families - he was taller, sweeter, and sexier than I expected! While we have fun at his expense, I suspect he doesn't mind!

I always suspected this was probably true. I was serious when I said he was like William Shatner, in having parleyed his basic over-the-topness into a career. That takes a lot of brains & savvy. I bet he's pretty interesting to talk to. And since he gets a lot of mileage/publicity out of people making fun of his image, I'll bet he doesn't mind too terribly much, either. :-)

Kim in Hawaii also wrote:
"If you have the money, honey, I have the mind for business and the body for sin"

And you know I'm telling the truth because look--no clothes!

But bonus points for working in my title! That was some good work! You get a drink. Oh cabana boy!

Susan Sey said...

Becke Davis wrote: Caption: "Next time put on your own damn sunscreen. The SPF50 is going to keep my palms from tanning, and I hate that spray-on crap."

LOL! BEcause an even tan is EVERYTHING when you're the lord & master of this here prairie!

And thanks for the congrats. I'm pretty excited. You may have noticed? :-)

Susan Sey said...

Pat Cochran wrote: One more caption for today's
cover: Let's finish this cover shot
as soon as possible, I'm getting
sunburn in places where the sun
doesn't usually shine!!

Heh. Real men don't use sunscreen. They shield their nether regions with nubile young women.

Susan Sey said...

Becke wrote: "So, this is L'Oreal Creme Red Penny? You don't think it's a little brassy? I went with Feria Black Leather #20. Suits me - n'est pas?"

Because of course Fabio uses L'Oreal. He's worth it. :-)

Susan Sey said...

BEcke wrote: "Who is this Kimosabe of which you speak?"

"Oh, nobody, darling. Just a Facebook friend. Wherever did you hear that name, anyway?"

Becke Davis said...

"Real men don't use sunscreen. They shield their nether regions with nubile young women."


Susan Sey said...

Becke wrote: "Me Tarzan. You Jane. So, Janey, what say we blow this pop stand and and catch Arnold night at the drive-in? I loves me some Terminator!"

You know Fabio's still gnashing his teeth over missing out on that part. :-) YOu can almost see him muttering, "I'll be back" between his teeth...

Becke Davis said...

Gannon Carr wrote: "When I said "on your knees" dahling, I meant for you to be facing me!


Susan Sey said...

Mshellion wrote: I keep thinking his clothes blew off in a tornado or something, and he's using her as a prop--you know how you'd use a pillow to cover parts when you're taken by surprise.

Unfortunately, $1 taco Tuesdays resulted in some Savage Thunder in his loincloth. The girl was handy, so....

Susan Sey said...

Mshellion wrote: Incidentally, she's posed in the same hunched shoulder position the X-ray techs asked me to pose when they x-rayed my lungs today. Coincidence?

Yeah, but did Fabio xray you with his Magic Wand of Love?

Susan Sey said...

Helen wrote: Maybe the GR had something to do with it so as he could visit as many places in one day as he could or maybe he was trying to push Fabio out of the way so he could have the heroine for himself.

This is my theory as well, Helen. Sneaky rooster. If he weren't such a divine dancer....

Helen also wrote: Maybe because it is early in the morning here in Oz I think a mimosa would be nice before I have to go to work.

A mimosa! That's orange juice. And sometimes a strawberry! It's not just breakfast, it's practically a healthy breakfast! Good for you!

Susan Sey said...

Terri Osburn wrote: I googled to solve the mystery and it's actually a book called MAN OF MY DREAMS.

Awww, not Savage Thunder? Well, there go all my awesome fart jokes.

Kate Carlisle said...

Hey! What's going on in here? I was reading quietly in the cave and heard all this squawking and shrieking and blogsnarfing and chafing going on--

Oh hey, it's a party. Fabio, is that you? Dude, where's your pants? Wait a minute. Is it Tuesday?

Well, dang, this isn't just a party. This is a PAR-TAY!! Holy guacamole, it's Money, Honey Day in the Lair!!! Wheeeeeeee hoooo!!

Congratulations, Smoov honey!!! We've all been waiting impatiently for this day for soooo long! Yippeee! Conga! Yeah! Money Honey!!

Oh hey, speaking of ... can you see what I've got in my hot little hands? That's right, Banditas, I've already got my very own copy of Money, Honey and I'm reading it right now!! I'm only on page 17 but I'm already in love with darling Patrick. Yum!

So y'all carry on with the party, I'm gonna go read some more! Ooh, give me one of those pina coladas, Sven, sweetie. Better make it two. And I'll take that little pupu platter, too. I'm going back to the reading cave with my Money, Honey! Woo hoo!!!!

pjpuppymom said...

Terri Osburn wrote: I googled to solve the mystery and it's actually a book called MAN OF MY DREAMS.

Thanks, Terri! I knew it wasn't the cover of Savage Thunder (though that one has the same "native" Fabio with flowing black hair) but I thought for sure it was the stepback I had seen in an early copy. Good to have the mystery solved!

Gannon Carr said...

"I can't believe it's not a b___j__!"

Can't believe I just wrote that! *snort*

Kate Carlisle said...

Oh, hey, forgot to say, thanks for showing off my pretty Millionaire cover, Susan. :-)

Louisa Cornell said...

You people are rude, crude and socially unacceptable! And I LOVE IT !! Some GREAT captions here!

CONRATS SMOOV !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO excited that Money, Honey is FINALLY where it belongs - on bookstore bookshelves everywhere! I have pimped it out to ALL of my friends, my Mom's friends and anyone else who would listen! I still remember the night you won your GH !!

Captions for that cover? Now that is a TOUGH ONE. I actually have two Avon hardbacks of Laura Kinsale novels with Fabio on the cover which I fully intend to have her sign. They are SO deliciously cheesy!

Let me see :

"Miss Campbell, are you SURE this is going to get me on the cover of the next Susan Sey NYT Bestseller? Shouldn't I be giving HER a massage?"

"I know I'm a virgin, but are you SURE this is the way they do it in the Old West?"

Louisa Cornell said...

"This wasn't exactly the thigh master I had in mind!"

Cassondra said...

WELL! FINALLY I can get on the blog!

Thank goodness! I was not about to go without telling Susan WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! at the top of my lungs because of her new release.

And you're right Susan. We take a lot of grief because of what's past. What other genre takes grief for its past silliness?

And Oh, my. Yes, that Fabio cover is really, REALLY bad. Thank goodness the cover fairies continue to smile on us here in the lair, and your cover is no exception. Flirty and fun and tension? Oh, yes. Okay. I got a little too warm in the sun earlier, working out in the yard, and I think I may have to drive into town and get me some o' that book this evening! I can't think of a better way to spend a tired evening than with this book to read, can you?

As to the cheesy caption? I dunno. My mind went some really bad places with that rather distorted, naked guy rubbing up against that girl's back and neck. In the interest of PG13, I'm thinkin I better just drive into town now.....

Unknown said...

It's so funny...EVERYONE thought they got the rooster!

and on the front of the blog it says only 37 comments, but the comments show 148!

Hmmmm. *raises eyebrow* I hope everyone who tries to post can got onto the blog. Obviously Blogger is having issues.....

Gannon Carr said...

You people are rude, crude and socially unacceptable! And I LOVE IT!

That's why we all get along, Louisa!

Louisa Cornell said...

Ain't it the truth, Gannon! Ain't it the truth! The Lair is THE place to let our hair down and be as rowdy as we want to be! (At least until someone lets the dragon loose, or breaks the chandelier or scares the cabana boys!)

Susan Sey said...

Kate Carlisle wrote: Oh hey, it's a party. Fabio, is that you? Dude, where's your pants?

Ha! Just what we've all been asking him! Wait, are you implying he's pants-free in honor of my debut? Wow. How...flattering? I think I'm flattered. :-)

So glad you're enjoying MH. I still sort of have a crush on Patrick myself. Enjoy your pupu platter & your cabana boy!

Susan Sey said...

PJ said: Thanks, Terri! I knew it wasn't the cover of Savage Thunder (though that one has the same "native" Fabio with flowing black hair) but I thought for sure it was the stepback I had seen in an early copy. Good to have the mystery solved!

I'm still sad about the loss of opportunity for juvenile humor Savage Thunder provided. Ah, well. Better to have the mystery solved properly, I suppose. I'll have another opportunity to indulge my sophomoric humor. They do come along...

Susan Sey said...

Gannon Carr wrote: "I can't believe it's not a b___j__!"


I'm so glad you wrote that! Ha! And I can't believe I didn't think of it first!

Susan Sey said...

Kate Carlisle wrote: Oh, hey, forgot to say, thanks for showing off my pretty Millionaire cover, Susan. :-)

My pleasure. I do love a guy in a tux. As you might have noticed. :-)

Susan Sey said...

Louisa Cornell wrote: CONRATS SMOOV !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO excited that Money, Honey is FINALLY where it belongs - on bookstore bookshelves everywhere! I have pimped it out to ALL of my friends, my Mom's friends and anyone else who would listen! I still remember the night you won your GH !!

Awww, thanks, Louisa! That's so kind! I hope they all enjoy it!

Susan Sey said...

Louisa also wrote: "This wasn't exactly the thigh master I had in mind!"

This is totally my favorite one. Like she's some kind of dominatrix, specializing in tree-trunk sized thighs. It amuses me to think of her dominating his legs for some reason. Heh.

Susan Sey said...

Cassondra wrote: Thank goodness! I was not about to go without telling Susan WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! at the top of my lungs because of her new release.

Thanks, Cassondra! I'm have the time of my life here celebrating with you all dirty-minded, Fabio-loving ladies! I'm cracking up so hard I scared my sister's cat & nearly woke the baby. And when I tried to explain that loinclothes were involved & sunscreen & nubile young Thigh Masters...

Well, there wasn't much understanding around here. That's why I love the Lair. :-)

Susan Sey said...

Cassondra also wrote: I got a little too warm in the sun earlier, working out in the yard, and I think I may have to drive into town and get me some o' that book this evening! I can't think of a better way to spend a tired evening than with this book to read, can you?

OOoooh, grab a drink before you go, sweetie. Sven's whipped up some lovely mojitos & pina coladas, along with the usual flutes of champagne. You deserve a little pampering to go with your Money, Honey. :-)

Susan Sey said...

Gannon wrote: That's why we all get along, Louisa!

to which Louisa replied: Ain't it the truth, Gannon! Ain't it the truth! The Lair is THE place to let our hair down and be as rowdy as we want to be! (At least until someone lets the dragon loose, or breaks the chandelier or scares the cabana boys!)

And I can't think of anyplace I'd rather celebrate. Thanks, ladies. This has been such a great day.

Now somebody hand over the Golden Rooster. I want one last dance with that serial flirt. Maestro! A tango, por favor!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Susan said: And less itchy, too. What do you use to condition, anyway? It's fabulous!

Grins. It's that luscious Scottish coconut my darling...heehee

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Susan said: As well you should because it's gorgeous. And I would totally read it on the bus. In fact, I plan to.

Yipppeeeee! :>

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Susan said: Unfortunately, $1 taco Tuesdays resulted in some Savage Thunder in his loincloth. The girl was handy, so....

Hahahah! OMGosh, I'm never going to go to Taco Bell w/o thinkjing about Savage Thunder...snicker!!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Louisa said: You people are rude, crude and socially unacceptable! And I LOVE IT !! Some GREAT captions here!

*drawing self up to formidable height*

We are NOT! We're crude, RUDE, and socially unacceptable. Seriously, darling Duchess, the order and syntax are SO important!


Joan said...

Good Lord! I think we've set a new record for the number of people who got the GR!!

Susan! I am SO excited and so sorry I'm late to the celebration. Did my Roman boys give you their present? They worked, and worked and worked at including...all three of them ;-)

My caption would be "Wet Willie!"

Can't wait to read Money Honey

Susan Sey said...

Jeanne wrote: Grins. It's that luscious Scottish coconut my darling...heehee

Oh, Jeanne, you're bad. :-)

Susan Sey said...

Jeanne wrote: Hahahah! OMGosh, I'm never going to go to Taco Bell w/o thinkjing about Savage Thunder...snicker!!

You live in a boy house, Jeanne. I'll bet it's Savage Thunder 24/7. :-)

Susan Sey said...

Joanie wrote: Did my Roman boys give you their present? They worked, and worked and worked at including...all three of them ;-)

Oh, I got it, all right. I may not recover for a few days but I got it. :-)

kmt1976 said...

Shades of 007!

Scorpio M. said...

I remember that Fabio step-back picture! LOL. It was and still is pretty 'out there.'

My caption:
"Oooh, that's definitely NOT a gun in your pocket."