Sunday, December 13, 2009

On The First Day of Christmas the Bandits Gave to Me....Joanie T's Annual Christmas Trivia!!

Today is the first day of The Banditas Twelve Days of Christmas!

We've been very busy here in The Lair getting ready for the holidays. Demetrius cut down the Christmas tree with his gladius and Lucien has been stringing popcorn which has taken longer than we anticipated as he eats two bowls of the stuff for every one that makes it on the string! The GR was in charge of ornaments, flapping up to the boughs to place each ornament just so....which also took extra long as he kept getting distracted by all the shiny balls. The hockey hunks solved that by replacing broken ones with pucks!

Marcus keeps shaking the packages while Sven insists that today is NOT the first day of Bandit Christmas but Lucia day....a tradition from his home country where it is believed man and beast require extra nourishment........Stop! Boys! Stay away from the cookies!!!


Yes, we are steeped in tradition, steeped in good will, steeped in eggnogg.....Oh, wait! That's just Anna C. and AC and (squints at shoes sticking out from beneath the table) maybe....Suz???

Tawny, Jo stop standing under the mistletoe winking at the ack! Jeanne! Stop shaking the packages! No, there is not C4 in the green! Really! Don't. Shake. It.

Oh, wonderful. Anna S. just breezed in from England with a huge bowl of we NEED more alcohol...and now she's taking down the mistletoe and chasing the hockey guys around!

What? Yes, yes Donna that corset is very pretty in green and red. Oh, lights up...and in the most interesting places. Look, Susan and Kate have just arrived from the cave.....nice Elf hats girls. Do ya'll hear that? What is that carol Nancy, Caren and Christie are singing? "Deck the Halls with SuperHero Figures", I think the words are...

Stop! Stop! Kirsten, honey really I don't think doughnuts will hold up as a wreath..the glaze don't you know. Ah, Christine...just in time....I need help with....what have you got on your head? A candle wreath? You say you're name is Lucia??? Sven! Sven...come back here and finish the wreath! Beth, Trish....step away from the long, weapon like package KJ just put under the, don't put it close to that green package!

This party is getting out of control and we haven't even served the,, cake.

(Collapses against reindeer) Never mind. Let's get on with the Christmas trivia. During the day, I will post batches of Christmas trivia questions. The first person to answer each correctly will get a point. The person at the end of the day with the most points (9 pm EST in my world) will win the first Bandit Christmas prize. Good luck!


1. What do the carolers in the song "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" insist they be given?

2. Who wins the decorating contest in "A Charlie Brown Christmas?"

3. Where did the Grinch steal Christmas?

4. When a Ukrainian finds a spider web in their Christmas tree, what does it signify?

5. Who was the first ghost to appear to Ebenezzer Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol?"

6. What Christmas song was introduced in the movie "Holiday Inn"?

7. What non-traditonal Christmas movie sports the character Oogie Boogie?

8. What actor won an Academy award playing Santa Clause?

9. What branch of the American military is associated with Toys for Tots?

10. What did Carol Brady lose that jeopardized the Brady's Christmas celebration?

Bonus FIVE points will be added at the end of the day to the BB who describes the most unique ornament for any of the Banditas.

Now, excuse me....Cassondra is putting TRUCK NUTS in the stockings!!!!


limecello said...

? [oops]

limecello said...
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limecello said...
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limecello said...
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limecello said...

kay so I'm a liar lie-ey, face, but I really... don't mean to get the GR anymore. I was just up - traumatized from watching March of the Penguins :X

1. Figgy Pudding
2. Snoopy
3. In Whoville. (is that what you mean?)
4. good luck? ... or that you're getting silver? :P
5. Ghost of Christmas Past
6. White Christmas.
7. Nightmare Before Christmas (although I've never seen this film!)
8. Edmund Gwenn for Miracle on 34th Street (1947).
9. The Marines! (Also Navy won the Army-Navy game today :D)
10 - er, no idea... total guess... is it her voice?


limecello said...

lol is it too much of a cop out to have one ornament for *all* the banditas? Obviously an image of the GR would have to be there... and considering how he is, he'd be front and center. Wreathed... by the Bandita's faces! Nice head shots you all have on the sidebar :D Or you know, your favorite book cover if you prefer that.
And of course, we can't forget the boys. This ornament is getting pretty big - but we can't leave out Sven or Demetrius [love a guy that can handle his gladius ;)] - so they're flanking the whole thing, holding it up a la Vanna White. After all, be honest now - they're *really* here to be eye candy, no? ;)

... Yeah. Obviously I spend most my time in elementary schools. Going for craft-ish memories, rather than you know, classy or something you'd see getting a decorating award :P

Anonymous said...

You just stop right there ladies I want under the mistletoe with the Cabana boys. I want them all under there with me. I don't want to share them! I am greedy today! Limecello has already answered the questions. As far as ornaments go I think an ornament of each or the Cabana boys should go on your Christmas tree.

Linda Henderson said...

Well, the answers are already there, but here they are.
1. figgie pudding
2. snoopy
3. Whoville
4. good luck
5. Christmas past
6. White Christmas
7. Nightmare Before Christmas
8. Edmund Gwenn
9. Marines
10. Her voice

I think a unique ornament would be a Highlander in a kilt to hang on the tree.

Fedora said...

LOL, Limecello! Well, you've cleverly answered all the trivia for the rest of us--was the GR any help at all? :)

I can't believe Cassondra would do such a thing--truck nuts?? Truly appalling! ;p

Congrats on the GR, Lime! Looking forward to more trivia, Joan! Because we've got to have something to do in between reading all these fabulous Bandita books!

Maybe you just need a wreath made of Bandita books to grace the Lair!

Helen said...

Congrats limcello he has been missing you

Joanie what a fun blog I am still laughing just what I needed when i got home from work.

Great questions and I am hopeless at trivia but let me think and I will be back

Have Fun

Jane said...

Darn, guess I'm too late for this of questions. I want to help Lucien stringing popcorn. My idea for the ornament would be an edible chocolate representation of Richard Armitage. After we take down the tree we can eat it.

Minna said...

1. figgie pudding
2. snoopy
3. Whoville
4. good luck
5. Christmas past
6. White Christmas
7. Nightmare Before Christmas
8. Edmund Gwenn
9. Marines
10. Her voice

Minna said...

It's Lucia's Day today:

Deb said...

Fun post, Joan! I knew all the answers except #7 and I was a little uncertain on #8.
Unique ornament? Linda's idea is great!
I favor Sven just a little, so it would have to be something with him and his Scandi cousins. Hmmm, I'll think on it and get back to you.

Gillian Layne said...

Lime, if you are awake at 1 am and know the answers, then good for you! I'd need another two cups of tea or coffee to get half of them. :)

Fun party, ladies!

Ornaments...ok, for the lovers of all things Victorian, I'm sending you one of these:

It's over-the-top and utterly gorgeous.

I can't wait for the next eleven days of Christmas!

pjpuppymom said...

Merry First Day of Bandita Christmas!

Congrats on grabbing the GR, Lime. You might want to inventory any alcohol you have on hand. I hear he's a partying mood these days. ;-)

Great blog, Joanie! You've kicked off my day with plenty of giggles and smiles. Now I'm off to the kitchen to create some magic. :)

I'm all over that highlander ornament, Linda but why stop at one? I have visions of an entire tree covered with highlander ornaments: strapping young men with kilts fluttering in the breeze. Sigh.....

Joan said...

Merry First Day everyone!

Well, Lime...I was hoping for more time to get my breakfast before sending the new batch out.

YOu got 9 out of 10 correct. Number 5 is still up for grabs.

Deb said...

I'll just share one of my ornaments from my Christmas tree. I'm Danish (Swedish, too) and it's traditional to string garlands of little Danish flags on the tree.
I could have Sven help me next year even if he is Swedish. Huh?! Note to Deb: sounds like a plan.

Joan said...

Lime, your ornament sounds...massive. About as large as the one Demetrius tried to put on. It was his shield and he just kept getting frustrated when it made the tree bend over!

Lucien helped him by challenging him to a match in the Lair arena. Hear that clanging? That's not Christmas bells!

I was thinking more on the lines of ornament descriptions of particular Banditas. Our BB's know us put on your Elf thinking caps!

Joan said...

Well, well, well Virginia...there is not only a Santa Claus but a Cabana boy too..

I'm afraid you'll have to rotate out on the cabana boys. Despite Tawny's insistence that we get the Costco size sprig of mistletoe....the rafters of the Lair couldn't hold one big enough for them to ALL join you.

Pace yourself....

Joan said...

Linda, you too were correct for 9 out of 10 but.....5 still eludes.

Highlanders in kilts. Hmmm...that might be interesting. Would they light up? Where, oh, where would we put the light bulb???


Joan said...

Now flchen1, Don't be too astonished.....

Have you checked YOUR stocking yet?

A wreath of Bandita books...that sounds great!

Joan said...

Helen, I thought some people might need some tutoring for some of the questions so Sven is conducting review class...over there...right behind the inflatable....

Snow men people!!!

Be a good student!

Joan said...


Isn't it amazing what can be made out of chocolate? PJ..get on that will you?

Watch for more questions during the day.....

Joan said...


Again, 9 for 10 with 5 athe outlier....

Happy St. Lucia day!

Joan said... now we'll have a Richard Armitage chocolate sculputure and maybe a Sven one too??

What would he be made out of? Hmmmm...meringe?

Joan said...

Gillian, good morning! Hope you've had your morning caffeine cause Batch #2 is on its way!

Joan said...

Morning, PJ!!!

Another vote for Highlander ornaments!

Hmmm...did you know my sources say that Christmas is a more somber affair in Scotland? Maybe we need to take them some eggnog...get those braw lads more jolly....

Joan said...

Little flags, Deb. That's very interesting. Is there any type of rivalry between Danes and Swedes? I mean would Sven try to conquer your tree?

Joan said...


1. When was Christmas first celebrated on Dec. 25th?

2. What is the real title for the song "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire"

3. Who sang the original version of number 2?

4. What actor was the voice for the Grinch?

5. Which American state was the first to officially recognize Christmas as a holiday?

6. What did Harry Potter get for his first Christmas at Hogwarts?

7. What movie introduced the song "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas"

8. Where did the Salvation Army Kettle collections start?

9. Who sang the original version of "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus?"

10. Which Peanuts character quotes the Bible when discussing the true meaning of Christmas.

Go to it people...I've got eggs to scramble...

Gillian Layne said...

Western Christians first celebrated Christmas on December 25 in 336, after Emperor Constantine had declared Christianity the empire's favored religion.

The Christmas song

The Nat King Cole trio

Boris Karloff


Invisibility cloak

Meet Me in St. Louis

San Francisco

Jimmy Boyd


(Fingers crossed....)

KDSGS said...

1. 336
2. The Christmas Song
3. Nat King Cole
4. Boris Karloff
5. Alabama
6. Invisible cloak
7. Meet me in St. Louis
8. San Francisco
9. Jimmy Boyd 1952
10. Linus

Whew! Hey, I knew a lot of the answers!
my unique ornament? Clive Owen in full King Arther gear...on a horse.

Joan said...


You little Christmas Elf you....congratulations! You got ALL ten correct!

You're one up on Lime....and the sleigh races have begun.

Joan said...

Bah, Drew!!! You missed it by THREE minutes!!!!

Clive on a horse....great idea!

KDSGS said...

I know...DANG! *Shakes fist at Gillan* LOL!!!

And I meant King ARTHUR, not Arther, not awake yet...going to get some tea, hot.

KDSGS said...

Oh, and just curious, in the first round of questions, is the answer to number 5' Jacob Marley' I get half a point? a Quarter of a point?

jo robertson said...

Hilarious, Joanie. What a wonderful way to start the annual Bandita Christmas Countdown!

Oh my, hard questions, Joanie. I only know a few.

1. figgy pudding
2. Lucy?
3. Whoville
4. ??
5. Christmas Past
6. White Christmas
7. ??
8. the actor from Miracle on 34th Street?
9. ??
10. ??

Good thing I'm not eligible. I suck at this!

Louisa Cornell said...

Couldn't resist, could you Lime??

1. Figgy Pudding
2. Snoopy
3. Whoville
4. The Legend of the Christmas Spider (The creation of tinsel.) The Christ Child touched webs left by spiders admiring the tree and the webs turned to tinsel.

5. Jacob Marley
6. White Christmas
7. The Nightmare Before Christmas
8. Edmund Gwenn
9. The Marine Corps
10. Her voice. She was supposed to sing at the Christmas pageant.

Ornaments for the Banditas? Aren't they shiny and sparkly enough on their own? :)

How about a tiny sequined corset for Donna?

Three pretty French hens perched in the tree for the GR?

For Anna Campbell, how about Richard Armitage dressed in nothing but tinsel?

For Tawny little sticks of dynamite with tinsel fuses.

Small decorated Bandit masks for each of the Banditas with feathers and tiny copies of their book covers dangling from them.

And for each and every Bandita A tiny Rita statue topped with a red ribbon just to tide you over until you get the real thing!

Joan said...

You are correct, Drew. The answer to 5 in Batch #1 is Jacob Marley. He was the first ghost to come to Scrooge. So you get one whole point.

LOL, Louisa....those are some great suggestions for Bandita ornaments....definately in the running for the extra pointage.

Tawny and fuses???? Because of Blaze??? Hmmmm....

Fuses!!!! Stay away from the green package!

Joan said...

Batch #3

So you elves think you're smarter than a 5th grader, do you?

(Rubs hands together) We'll see.

1. What are the names of Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye characters in "White Christmas"

2. What does Ralphie really, really, really want in "A Christmas Story"...the full name if you please.

3. In the song "Winter Wonderland" how will you frolic and play?

4. What was the name of the US ambassador to Mexico who brought back one of Christmas' most popular plant decorations HINT: Usually red but can be white and even purple!

5. Which composer's music is used in The Nutcracker ballet?

6. You might have seen Mommy kissing Santa Claus...but what ELSE did she do?

7. What city in Turkey was St. Nicholas bishop of?

8. The Preacher's Wife is a great remake of a classic holiday movie. What was the orignal movie called?

9. In the original movie, who starred as Dudley the angel?

10. Which poet wrote "Twas the Night Before Christmas?

Go to it elves!!!!

limecello said...
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limecello said...
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limecello said...
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limecello said...
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limecello said...

1. Bob Wallace & Phil Davis
2. an official Red Ryder carbine-action 200-shot range model air rifle with a compass in the stock, and this thing which tells time."
3. The eskimo way! :D
4. Joel Roberts Poinsett
5. Tchaikovsky - my favorite composer, to my shame :X
6. Mommy also... tickled Santa? O_o ??
7. Myra (Demre, in Lycia, part of modern-day Turkey) ?
8. The Bishop's Wife
9. ooo Cary Grant - love him!
10. Clement Clarke Moore :)

Minna said...
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Minna said...

1. What are the names of Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye characters in "White Christmas" former Broadway entertainer, Bob Wallace (Crosby), and a would-be entertainer, Phil Davis (Kaye).

2. What does Ralphie really, really, really want in "A Christmas Story"...the full name if you please. "an official Red Ryder carbine-action 200-shot range model air rifle with a compass in the stock, and this thing which tells time."

3. In the song "Winter Wonderland" how will you frolic and play? We'll frolic and play, the Eskimo way

4. What was the name of the US ambassador to Mexico who brought back one of Christmas' most popular plant decorations HINT: Usually red but can be white and even purple! Poinsettias. In Finland it's called "Christmas star".

5. Which composer's music is used in The Nutcracker ballet? Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky

6. You might have seen Mommy kissing Santa Claus...but what ELSE did she do? She tickle tickle,tickle Santa Claus Underneath his beard

7. What city in Turkey was St. Nicholas bishop of? Bishop of Myra (Demre, in Lycia, part of modern-day Turkey

8. The Preacher's Wife is a great remake of a classic holiday movie. What was the orignal movie called?
The Bishop's Wife

9. In the original movie, who starred as Dudley the angel? Cary Grant

10. Which poet wrote "Twas the Night Before Christmas?
Clemens Moore

Joan said...

Here's a shiny, SPARKLY ornament...isn't it pretty?

You're good...sorry Minna she is quick on the mark...

Batch #4

1. The Homecoming-A Christmas Story was written by which creator of The Waltons?

2. Which popular Christmas carol is considered a lullabye?

3. What two names does George Bailey's town go by in It's a Wonderful Life?

4. What creature does Sparky find in his Christmas tree in Christmas Vacation?

5. Where did the author of the song "Jingle Bells" live?

Sorry, this is a short batch. Time is running out and I have to meet two little girls for a movie. A guest elf will be posting additional questions in my abscense and remember...Santa and Joanie T are watching!

limecello said...
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limecello said...
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limecello said...

Oof these are hard.

1. Earl Hamner?
2. Silent Night
3. Bedford Falls & Pottersville?
4. the cat? O_o [dead?]
5. uh... everywhere? Boston, MA; NH, A ship named the Shark; Troy, NY; San Francisco, CA; Savannah, Georgia; Valdosta, Georgia; Quitman, Georgia; and finally Winter Haven, Florida?


limecello said...

Er - and for #5, Medford, MA as well? [unclear as to whether he was born there, or in Boston] --James Pierpont, yes?

Minna said...

1. The Homecoming-A Christmas Story was written by which creator of The Waltons? Dylan Self

2. Which popular Christmas carol is considered a lullabye? O Little Town of Bethlehem

3. What two names does George Bailey's town go by in It's a Wonderful Life? Bedford Falls and Pottersville

4. What creature does Sparky find in his Christmas tree in Christmas Vacation? manic squirrel

5. Where did the author of the song "Jingle Bells" live?

Minna said...

5. Where did the author of the song "Jingle Bells" live?
Boston, Massachusetts, MA, NH, A ship named the Shark; Troy, NY, San Francisco, CA; Savannah, Georgia; Valdosta, Georgia; Quitman, Georgia, Winter Haven, Florida, New Hampshire

Minna said...

Medford, Massachusetts

Anna Campbell said...

JT, what a great party to launch our fabulous Bandita 12 Days of Christmas celebrations! And don't forget, everyone, that at this party, YOU GUYS get the presents! And the final hamper is absolutely amazing. A whole year worth of presents!

Love the trivia! Good luck, everyone! And don't listen to the Rooster when he tells you he's cribbed the answers. You know he never tells the truth - unless he's saying, "I never tell the truth!"

Helen said...

I am off to lessons with Sven behind the inflatable snowmen??

I haven't checked all the answers and posts but I will say question
5 is Christmas present.

As for the new lot
I know Harry got an invisibility cloak and a jumper made by Ron's Mum
Of to do some more thinking before I go to work

Have Fun

Tawny said...

Ooooooh, this is fun. I'm loving all the answers and the ideas for ornaments have me itching to start crafting. What a great way to kick off the 12 days, JoanieT.

I'm off to my baby's (ha) piano recital, then I'll jump back in to make sure the mistletoe is hung just right. I'll check and make sure other things are hung well, too. Just, you know, in the name of quality control.

btw, Louisa:
For Tawny little sticks of dynamite with tinsel fuses.

ROFLMAO love it!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you guys know all this... I'm officialy a *%+^&# !!! Congrats to you Smart People anyway ! ;-)

Anna Sugden said...

Joanie's glamorous assistant elf here with yet another batch of questions to strain your brains!

1..What was the name of the New York editor who wrote the famous letter back to Virginia?

2. Name ALL three Wise kings

3. What was always broken at George Bailey’s house?

4. Who first recorded “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”

5. How much did Lucy charge for psychiatric advice in “A Charlie Brown Christmas?”

6. Alvin the Chipmunk only wanted what for Christmas ?

7. What does legend say the animals can do at midnight on Christmas?

8. Who made the song “Santa Baby” popular?

9. How many swans go a-swimming?

10. A New York ad man wrote the lyrics to Rudolph for what major retailer?

And while your brains are befuddled by those toughies - have a think about the Bandita Christmas ornament ... you never know ... there may be an extra little Christmas surprise in store for the best one! {personally I'm all for the wreath decorated in hockey hunks ... but I'm willing to be persuaded otherwise}

Anonymous said...

You ladies are just to quick for me! Then again I am spending a lot of time under the mistletoe! Sven is with me right now and yes he is good!

limecello said...

1. Francis P. Church
2. Gaspar, Balthasar, and Melchior
3. Knob on the staircase

Anonymous said...

I still thing an ornament of each of the Cabana boys would look mighty fine on the Banditas tree! You know maybe dress in only a Santa Hat, maybe some thongs or something like that. Hmmmmm! Sounds good to me! I think my mind is in the gutter today!

limecello said...

4. Johnny Marks decided to adapt May's story into a song, which through the years has been recorded by many artists. It was first sung commercially by crooner Harry Brannon on New York City radio in the latter part of 1948 before Gene Autry recorded it formally in 1949, and has since filtered into the popular consciousness.
5. 5 cents (bargain!) :P
6. His two front teeth? (But I thought that was Theodore... must look into this)

KDSGS said...

1. Francis Pharcellus Church
2. Gaspar, Melchior and Balthasar
3. knob on staircase
4. Gene Autry
5. 5 cents
6. A hula hoop!!
7. they can talk?
8. Eartha Kitt
9. seven
10. Montgomery Ward

I would love an ornament of romance cover model Nathan camp in full santa gear, but bare chested, of course.

not sure about number 7!

limecello said...

7. Er, that animals can talk?
8. Eartha Kitt? er.. the sequel - Madonna? (confused)
9. seven
10. Montgomery Ward!

limecello said...

Er... I think the newest #6 is actually a harmonica? (I don't know! >.< I'm too young for this :X)

Kate Carlisle said...

Wow, great questions, Joanie! Fantastic way to kick off the 12Days of Bandita Christmas!

And y'all are way too smart! I'm still stuck on Figgy Pudding...

Congrats on snagging the GR, Lime!

KDSGS said...

Yeesh I spelled Nathan's name wrong *forgive me darling!*

Nathan Kamp, the hunk on Anna C's "Tempt the Devil" book.
Oh yes, I want him....on my tree.

limecello said...

Hi Kate! Thanks :D A friend and I were squee-ing about you on twitter. I convinced her to read Homicide in Hardcover, and now she's hooked on cozy mysteries - and we can't wait for "If Books Could Kill" to come out! :D

lol- and Joan; I didn't say everything on the ornament had to be life sized! :P I spend most my days with 4th and 5th graders :P Can't help it.

Also... ooo yes... O_O I like shiny things...

Hellie Sinclair said...

1. Figgy pudding. And they won’t leave until they get some.
2. Snoopy
3. Whoville
4. Good luck
5. Marley, his dead as a doornail business partner, shows up first.
6. White Christmas, sung of course, by Bing Crosby
7. The Nightmare Before Christmas
8. Edmund Gwenn for Miracle on 34th Street (which is really awesome)
9. Marines
10. Her voice

The ornament: a mini-version of the RITA, which incidentally would fit any of the clever authors on this blog!

Hellie Sinclair said...

1. When was Christmas first celebrated on Dec. 25th? 336 A.D.

2. What is the real title for the song "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire" The Christmas Song

3. Who sang the original version of number 2? Nat King Cole

4. What actor was the voice for the Grinch? Boris Karloff

5. Which American state was the first to officially recognize Christmas as a holiday? Alabama

6. What did Harry Potter get for his first Christmas at Hogwarts? His invisibility cloak; a green sweater and a large box of fudge from Mrs. Weasley; a wooden flute from Hagrid; a fifty-cent piece from the Dursleys; large box of chocolate frogs (Hermione); and from the exploding crackers at the Christmas feast, he got non-exploding balloons, grow your own warts kit, and a wizard’s chest set of his own.

7. What movie introduced the song "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas"? Meet Me in St. Louis

8. Where did the Salvation Army Kettle collections start? London’s East End, 1865

9. Who sang the original version of "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus?" Jimmy Boyd

10. Which Peanuts character quotes the Bible when discussing the true meaning of Christmas? Linus

Christine Wells said...

Hi Joanie!! What a great post. I'm snorking into my morning coffee, here, especially over the weapon-shaped gifts under the tree.

I don't know about this candle wreath thing. The hot wax keeps dripping on my head:)

Good luck to everyone in the contest!

Hellie Sinclair said...

1. What are the names of Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye characters in "White Christmas" Bob Wallace and Phil Davis

2. What does Ralphie really, really, really want in "A Christmas Story"...the full name if you please. Red Ryder BB Gun

3. In the song "Winter Wonderland" how will you frolic and play? The Eskimo Way…

4. What was the name of the US ambassador to Mexico who brought back one of Christmas' most popular plant decorations HINT: Usually red but can be white and even purple! Roberts Poinsett

5. Which composer's music is used in The Nutcracker ballet? Peter I Tchaikovsky

6. You might have seen Mommy kissing Santa Claus...but what ELSE did she do? Tickled Santa Claus—underneath his beard so snowy white

7. What city in Turkey was St. Nicholas bishop of? Myra

8. The Preacher's Wife is a great remake of a classic holiday movie. What was the orignal movie called? The Bishop’s Wife (weird Cary Grant wasn’t the hero in this one…*LOL*)

9. In the original movie, who starred as Dudley the angel? Cary Grant

10. Which poet wrote "Twas the Night Before Christmas? Clement Clarke Moore (though there is some argument about a Henry Livingston too)

gigi said...

Y'all really have been busy with all the decorating.

I didn't know where to send the answer so I guess it is here on the blog.
1. Figgy Pudding
2. Snoopy
3. Whoville
4. good luck
5. Ghosts of Christmas Past
6. White Christmas
7.Nightmare Before Christmas
8.Edmund Gwenn
9. The Marines
10.Carol lost her voice.

The oddest ornament I have is a rather large (plastic)Irish sweater with a Shamrock and a walking cane on it.
My mom gave it to me one year. I don't know what caused her pick it out for me.

The Scarf Princess said...

For Batch #1 my answers are (thank goodness for google):

1. figgie pudding
2. snoopy
3. Whoville
4. good luck
5. Jacob Marley
6. White Christmas
7. Nightmare Before Christmas
8. Edmund Gwenn
9. Marines
10. Her voice

Batch #2 answers:
1. 336
2. The Christmas Song
3. Nat King Cole
4. Boris Karloff
5. Alabama
6. Invisibility cloak
7. Meet Me In St. Louis
8. San Francisco
9. Jimmy Boyd in 1952
10. Linus

Batch #3 answers:
1. Bob Wallace & Phil Davis
2. An official Red Ryder carbine-action 200-shot range model air rifle with a compass in the stock, and this thing which tells time.
3. The eskimo way!
4. Joel Roberts Poinsett
5. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
6. Mommy also tickled, tickled, tickled Santa Claus underneath his beard.
7. Myra
8. The Bishop's Wife
9. Cary Grant
10. Clement Clarke Moore

Batch #4 answers:
1. Earl Hamner Jr
2. Away in a Manger
3. Bedford Falls & Pottersville?
4. manic squirrel
5. Lots of places....Boston, MA; boarding school in NH, A ship named the Shark; Troy, NY; San Francisco, CA; Savannah, Georgia; Valdosta, Georgia; Quitman, Georgia; and finally died in Winter Haven, Florida

Batch #5 answers:
1. Francis P. Church
2. Gaspar, Balthasar, and Melchior
3. Knob on the staircase
4. Gene Autry in 1949
5. 5 cents
6. A hula hoop
7. they can talk
8. Eartha Kitt
9. seven
10. Montgomery Ward

That took me eyes are now crossed. Anyhoo, for an ornament we just need a mold of Ryan Reynolds' abs. Ofcourse they're so impressive that the tree just might fall over under all the weight.

Kate Carlisle said...

Anna, you make a lovely assistant elf! I love those sparkly high heels with the curly toes. You always have the best shoes. ;-)

Hey Lime, thanks so much for the squee!! How cool! I wish I spent more time on Twitter so I could've seen your messages. I'm just getting into Facebook and most of my down time (haha!) is spent there. :-)

Donna MacMeans said...

OMG - it's that close to Christmas all ready!!! That's what I get for taking off for Vegas for a week. However, I took a class while there that really works that red & green flashing corset (oh-la-la!)

What a fun post, Joannie. You should know how to make readers work for the prize!!

Joan said...

Great balls of fudge, ya'll have been busy. BTW, I HIGHLY recommend Disney's new movie "The Princess and the Frog"

The tally remains in Lime's favor with 27 correct answers posted first, followed by Gillian with 10 and Drew snuck in there while Lime was ooing over the shiny object to score 5 more correct.

MsHellion I'm giving you a point for knowing ALL of Harry's Christmas presents!!

Joder and gigi and Minna...great effort but lime's using elf dust or something and getting in there quick.

And thanks to my Glamourous Assistant Elf Anna....

Now...only two more batches to go.


1. Who plays the role of innkeeper during the Nativity play in "A Charlie Brown Christmas"

2. Who plays the innkeepers wife and what is special about her in the same show?

3. Where is Christmas Island located?

4. What unique item formed the first Salvation Army collection kettle?

5. Where do the stars go by in the song "Oh Little Town of Bethelem?

6. Who was the first British monarch to broadcast a Christmas message to his people?

7. What is a Boche de Noel?

8. Who plays Natalie Woods mother in "Miracle on 34th Street"?

9. What country is responsible for the abbrev. Xmas?

10 The states songs of Maryland and Michigan use the tune from what popular Christmas song?

Joan said...

Yes, Virginia there really ARE cabana boy ornaments....on sale in the Lair gift shop :-)

I'll check and make sure other things are hung well, too. Just, you know, in the name of quality control.

ROFL...OMG, Tawny....

Fedora said...


1. Who plays the role of innkeeper during the Nativity play in "A Charlie Brown Christmas"


2. Who plays the innkeepers wife and what is special about her in the same show?

3. Where is Christmas Island located?

It's a territory of Australia in the Indian Ocean.

4. What unique item formed the first Salvation Army collection kettle?

A black iron pot

5. Where do the stars go by in the song "Oh Little Town of Bethelem?

Above Bethlehem's deep and dreamless sleep

6. Who was the first British monarch to broadcast a Christmas message to his people?

George V

7. What is a Boche de Noel?

A Yule Log; a traditional rolled sponge cake dessert

8. Who plays Natalie Woods mother in "Miracle on 34th Street"?
Maureen O' Hara

9. What country is responsible for the abbrev. Xmas?

10 The states songs of Maryland and Michigan use the tune from what popular Christmas song?

O, Tannenbaum

Fedora said...

Oh, and Frieda is the innkeeper's wife, with her naturally curly hair :)

Fedora said...

Some note that the X is from the Greek, but the usage started in England

hrdwrkdmom aka Dianna said...

Hey Banditas and BB's I am not a good trivia person. Too many missing brain cells.....LOL

I did make a Holiday page for you all though. Enjoy

limecello said...

1. Pig Pen
2. The Little Red Haired Girl?
3. :P a territory of Australia in the Indian Ocean. It is located 2,600 kilometres (1,600 mi) northwest of the Western Australian city of Perth, 500 km (310 mi) south of the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, and 975 km (606 mi) ENE of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.
9. Greece? England? not sure how far back you're going

:P and Fedora answered the rest :D

limecello said...

oops - guess I was entirely too slow this time! Heh - but the little red haired girl is who Charlie Brown likes. Awweee. :D

Joan said...

Flchen WAS a bit ahead of the game this time and yes, Greece is what I was looking for for number 9.

The only one not answered correctly was number 4.

Dianna!!!!! What a COOL link!!! Thank you!!!!

Fedora said...

A brass urn?

Lanae T. said...

#4 It was a pot similar to a "Simpson's Pot" that he saw during his sailor days.

This is way to fun! Too bad I'm so slow!

Lanae T. said...

Fichen, the brass urn was there too, but it was in addition to the pot. Nice job!

Maureen said...

#1 answers:
1. figgy pudding
2. Snoopy
3. Whoville
4. good luck
5. Marley
6. White Christmas
7. The Nightmare Before Christmas
8. Edmund Gwenn
9. The Marines
10. her voice

My husband has a fish ornament that's green with sparkles.

limecello said...

oh- for #4- a crab pot, yes? based on the Simpson's pot?

Anonymous said...

Hey Joanie! I am so way too late to play trivia with you, but I loved your post! You did a fabulous time with the blog and the trivia. Bravo! :-)

Joan said...

Crab pot is correct.

LAST Batch

1. Who is the voice of Olive, the Other Reindeer?

2. Name the girl who helps Frosty out.

3. Which cartoon characters go looking for "the meanie of Hanukka"

4. Who sang the song "You're a Mean One Mr. Grinch" in the TV special?

5. This 1988 TV Christmas special is the most watched one...really!

6. Who sits "next to me" in the song Jingle Bells?

7. Who is Rudolph's father?

8. How did Tim Allen inherit the role of Santa Claus?

9. What color were the dresses the Haynes sisters wear during their act in White Christmas?

10. Has Tawny been Naughty or Nice this year :-)

limecello said...

1. Drew Barrymore
2. Karen
3. Rugrats!!!

limecello said...

4. Thurl Ravenscroft - although Boris Karloff is often mistakenly credited (how sad!)
5. ... A Very Brady Christmas? Wallace and Gromit? (will look into this)
6. Miss Fanny Bright (I never knew O_o)

limecello said...

7. Er, the only one I could find was Donner?
8. he puts on the previous Santa's suit
9. blue
10. I'd say she's been naughty *and* nice! :D

limecello said...

Er, or is #5 Pee-wee's Playhouse Christmas Special?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Though I had to leave the party after the stocking stuffing and am just now gettng back--very late-- I had to stop in and say hi because this was such a fabulous, funny blog for the first Day of our annual 12 Days of Christmas!

and I had to stop back by most of all because Louisa said:

And for each and every Bandita A tiny Rita statue topped with a red ribbon just to tide you over until you get the real thing!

And that is just about the sweetest thing. Louisa, thank you! And thank you everyone for spending this wonderful year with us in the lair. *sniff* I'm tearing up. *sniff* damn. *sniff* this is bad. I am not pretty when I cry. *sniff*

Joan said...

Congratulations, Lime. You are the winner of the Annual Christmas Trivia!

Send your mailing info to and Santa will get your prize to you!

BTW, the lone unanswered question was Which Christmas carol is considered a lullabye....Away in a Manger :-)

Nancy said...

Joan, what a cute post! I needed a chuckle, as making up a final with NO essay questions takes a dadgum looong time. Ugh.

I think I saw actual truck nuts on a pickup as I drove to Raleigh yesterday. They were gray and other adjectives that won't give anyone a happy image. Let's just say they needed replacing.

I love the trivia. Wish I had time to play today.

Limecello, congrats on the rooster.

Nancy said...

Linda Henderson, I love the Highlander ornament idea. I know several people who would welcome that as a gift.

Nancy said...

Drew, Clive as Arthur would also be a very popular ornament!

Nancy said...

Louisa wrote: And for each and every Bandita A tiny Rita statue topped with a red ribbon just to tide you over until you get the real thing!

How sweet, Louisa! Thank you--and back atcha. It's only a matter of time. :-)

Fedora said...

Limecello, congrats on the trivia win *and* the GR! Thanks so much for the fun, Joanie!

Louisa Cornell said...

Congrats, Lime, you clever girl! I haven't been able to participate all day because I have to sneak out of the revision cave to do so!

It has been another wonderful year here in the Banditas' Lair!

And I meant what I said about the Rita ornaments! One of these days there will be a photo hanging in the Lair of ALL of the Banditas together with a Rita in each and every Bandita hand. It will hang right next to the group photo of the cabana boys that Tawny took that New Year's Eve when .... well, you know which one I'm talking about! Who knew Wal-Mart would actually print something like that!