Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dad's Day In The Lair

by Beth

It's Father's Day here in the U.S. and in honor of such a special holiday, I thought I'd combine two of my favorite subjects:

Sexy guys and T.V.!

Here are some of my current favorite TV Dads:

Kyle Chandler as Coach Eric Taylor on Friday Night Lights. As I've probably mentioned here before, I love me some Coach Taylor! He's sexy and charming and he adores his wife and daughters and really wants the best for the boys he coaches.

Peter Krause as Adam Braverman on Parenthood. I've only caught about half of the episodes of this show but the character of Adam always shines as he deals with his own two kids, his parents' marital problems and his siblings' issues.

Scott Bakula as Chuck's father Steve on Chuck. Things didn't end well for Chuck's dad but I've loved Scott Bakula since his Quantum Leap days so I had to include him here *g*

Thomas Gibson as Aaron Hotchner on Criminal Minds. The character of Hotch is fascinating. He deals with evil every day and yet still does his best to be a good father to his young son.

Timothy Hutton as Nathan Ford on Leverage. Nathan's only son died but there isn't an episode where you don't witness his grief over losing his beloved child.

Who are some of your favorite TV Dads, either current or from the past? And since it's always a fun topic here in the lair, who are some of your favorite Star dads? I know we'll have a few votes for Johnny Depp as well as Hugh Jackman :-)


Helen said...

Is he coming to my place

Have Fun

Helen said...

Well the GR and I are going to have a quiet day reading and eating Tim Tams YAY

Here in Oz we celebrate Fathers Day in September so happy Fathers Day to all of the Dads in The States.

I haven't watched any of those TV shows Beth but I did always love Quantam Leap.
Some of my favourite TV Dads are Howard Cunningham Happy Days and I love Tim the toolman from Home Improvemts that always makes me laugh and Alan Harper from Three and a Half Men.
As for star Dads yes Hugh Jackman has to be there LOL and Johnny Depp and Keith Urban seems really good with Sunday Rose.

Have Fun

Jane said...

Congrats on the GR, Helen.

Hi Beth,
Happy Father's Day. I've always thought Billy Cosby's Cliff Huxtable was a pretty cool dad. I also like Veronica Mars dad and Jake's dad on "Two and a Half Men" played by Jon Cryer is kind of clueless, but quite lovable. I, too, think Hugh Jackman is a favorite. Also on my list are Matt Damon and Brad Pitt.

Donna MacMeans said...

Hey Beth!

Helen - I didn't know that Father's Day fell in Sept. for you guys - this blog is always so educational (grin).
Love all the dads you mentioned - isn't it interesting that the Hollywood dads we love the most are funny but sincere. I this vein I also add Steve Martin (Father of the Bride) I'm a Quantum Leap fan, as well.

Anyone casting a vote for the sexy dad who plays on Hung? He loves his TV kids, even though they're sort of mistfits.

Deb Marlowe said...




Yeah, I've got a new thing for Nathan Fillion. :-)

hrdwrkdmom aka Dianna said...

Deb, I see that Tawny has maybe brought you over to the Castle side, or maybe you got there by yourself...LOL

I always liked Howard Cunningham, he was a great dad on tv. I am not a tv watcher now but way back when Howard was my fav.

Beth Andrews said...

Hey, Helen! Congrats on nabbing the Golden One *g* Wish I was there reading and eating Tim Tams with you ;-)

I had no idea your Father's Day was celebrated in Sept! You really do learn something new every day *g*

Wasn't Howard the best on Happy Days? And my youngest would agree with you on Tim from Home Improvement. She cracks up at that show *g*

Good choice with Keith Urban!

Beth Andrews said...

Good morning, Jane! I was such a huge Cosby Show fan back in the day. I so loved Bill Cosby - and his colorful sweaters *g* But mostly, I loved that his character wasn't inept or perfect just...normal (except for the goofy faces *g*)

And I loved Veronica Mars, especially the relationship she had with her dad. Great choices!

Beth Andrews said...

isn't it interesting that the Hollywood dads we love the most are funny but sincere.

Good point, Donna. I do think one of the most attractive qualities a man can have is a good sense of humor and the ability to laugh at himself *g*

I don't have HBO and haven't seen Hung but I do like Thomas Jane, the actor who plays the lead role. I'll have to check the show out

jo robertson said...

Happy Dad's Day to everyone who remembers her/his dad and celebrates! Great post, Beth.

I'm curious about what others do to celebrate Fathers Day, which often pales in comparison to Mothers Day. Anyone wanna share?

Beth Andrews said...

LOL, Deb! I purposely didn't mention Richard Castle because a.) I haven't actually watched the show (I know, I know, I should be sent to the lair's dungeon in punishment *g*) and b.) I KNEW people would vote for him :-)

His character seems interesting in how he deals with his daughter. What makes him such a good dad?

jo robertson said...

As to favorite Dads, I'm with you beth on Peter Krause. I've adored him since I first saw him on SPORTS NIGHT, a short-lived but brilliant sitcom written by the fabulous Aaron Sorkin. This would be a great Fathers Day gift, BTW, being out in a DVD set. It stars a very young Krause and Felicity Huffman.

Beth Andrews said...

Hi, Dianna! I'm sure Tawny is cursing me out for admitting I don't watch Castle. Of course, she can't believe I haven't read all the Harry Potter books yet, either *g*

Another vote for Mr. C! You know, I can watch reruns of Happy Days and still find that show just as sweet and funny as I did when I was younger. Guess that's what made it so great :-)

jo robertson said...

Oh yes on Castle, Deb. I love how his daughter mainly parents HIM!

Beth Andrews said...

I'm curious about what others do to celebrate Fathers Day, which often pales in comparison to Mothers Day. Anyone wanna share?

Great question, Jo!

We're actually taking our son up to the airport and then my daughters and I are taking my husband out to lunch at one of the diners showcased on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives *g* Our son will take his dad fishing sometime next week.

What's everyone else have planned?

Beth Andrews said...

Jo, I'd heard that Sports Night was fabulous but never watched it. Will have to get those DVDs *g*

I really enjoy Peter Krause on Parenthood. I don't always agree with his choices but he truly wants what's best for his family and always DOES his best - which is all any of us can do :-)

Deb said...

All good choices here for t.v. dads! Since Disney Channel is on almost constantly at our house, I don't know if Phineas and Ferb's dad or the Wizards' dad are really what you're looking for, huh? :)

We usually go fishing on Father's Day. It something my husband likes to do and it's a "free" day (no license needed) here in Iowa. My folks have other plans today, but otherwise, we would probably have popped out there to see my dad.

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Hey Helen! You nabbed him once again! Grins. Ooh, a quiet day! That'll be good. I think he may have a hangover. He went to a wine-tasting-book-signing with AC yesterday...probably got into trouble. Grins.

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Helen, you're right, Keith Urban does seem to be an involved dad. :>

I loved a very old show that I used to watch in reruns, called My Three Sons. Fred MacMurray was the Dad and I just loved him. Loved Andy Taylor, Opie's Dad, AKA the actor Andy Griffiths.

I'm also with you, Jane in that Cliff Huxtable has got to be one of the "top-of-the-list" TV dads.

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Donna, Steve Martin plays a great Dad in Parenthood. He also does a great job in the Cheaper by the Dozen. Grins. The bury-the-frog scene...priceless.

A I'm huge Scott Bakula fan too - he's delish to look at - and he was a fav of mine in Quantum Leap. I also loved him as Capt. Jonathan Archer in Star Trek: Enterprise.

Anonymous said...

Happy Fathers to all father's out there in cyber world! Congrats Helen on the rooster today, have fun with him.

My favorite TV day would have to be Rick Castle, love this man, I have watched some of the shows you mentioned!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Deb, I'm with you on Castle (as I'm sure Tawny D will be too!) I think he and the kid have a great relationship.

Dianna, Tawny's brought a LOT of us over to the Castle-dark-side. Grins.

Another guy who becomes a great a great Dad even though he starts out as a complete schmuck is Mel Gibson in What Women Want.

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Jo, as to celebrations, we're grilling with all the DH's favorites: steak, potatoes, corn, tomato salad, etc. :> Cards and a balloon from the boys. Card and shirt from me...pretty low key, but the DH doesn't like a lot of hooopla.

He likes cards though. :>

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Deb said: I don't know if Phineas and Ferb's dad or the Wizards' dad are really what you're looking for, huh? :)

Hahah! Deb, I thought about this too. Phineas and Ferb's dad is one of my Fav's! So English. I love that he had to have Love Handle get them to kiss, and that he forgot the anniversary and the kids got the band back together. That's still one of my fav episodes. Hahah! I also love the one with their Granddad and the Flying Fishmonger. Heeheehee...

Wizards, not so much. But I love that the Dad on that show is Dom Delouise's son.

Pissenlit said...

Oh, gotta love Castle! And then there's also Booth(David Boreanaz) from Bones!

Janga said...

I'll add Patrick Dempsey and Will Smith to the list of celebrity dads who seem to be doing a great job.

Bill Cosby and Andy Griffith certainly rank with the best TV dads. How about Michael Landon as Charles Ingalls in Little House on the Prairie? I may be the only one old enough to remember Dick Van Patten as Tom Brady on Eight Is Enough. I loved him. And John Goodman as Dan Connor on Roseanne deserves a mention as a rare TV blue collar dad; he loved his kids and did his best for them.

jo robertson said...

Yummy, Jeanne, can I visit your house? We're grilling steak for Dr. Big too, but yours sounds better LOL.

Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...

Great piccies... er um POST, Beth!

I remember watching Quantum Leap with my mom and we BOTH drooled over Scott B. ;-)

Congrats on the chook, Helen and he is ready for a quiet day. Jeanne is correct, he ran amok at the winery yesterday. I actually caught him in the barrel room... INSIDE a barrel. They were having barrel tasting yesterday, but I don't think that particular one was empty when the GR crawled into it... just sayin'...


Deb Marlowe said...

Hi Beth!

I think Jo nailed it regarding Castle. He's just such an open Dad. He feels all the worry/concern any man would about his teenage daughter, but he's always willing to learn something from her!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

AC said: INSIDE a barrel. They were having barrel tasting yesterday, but I don't think that particular one was empty when the GR crawled into it... just sayin'...

Oh, dear! Good thing he's off to Helen's for a quiet day then!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Jo, you and Dr. Big are welcome here anytime, for steak, fish, tea, company or a good time. Hahahah!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Janga, I agree, I think Will Smith, and Patrick Dempsey are doing great as Dads, if the tabloids are any indication.

You picked another couple of winers with Charles Ingalls (Michael Landon) and Dan Conner (John Goodman) from TV.

A recent one that I heard was good, but didn't watch was John Ritter in "8 Simple Rules for Dating my Daughter"

Suzanne Ferrell said...

Hey Beth! Lovely post and those are all great dads!

One of my favorites is Nathan Fillian as Rick Castle. He had such a weird upbringing and recognizes how crazy it was that he's become this fun, sensitive dad to his only daughter, but one who sincerely wants to be the best father to her he can. He's always there for her...which impresses Beckett!

Suzanne Ferrell said...

Jeanne:Jo, as to celebrations, we're grilling with all the DH's favorites: steak, potatoes, corn, tomato salad, etc. :> Cards and a balloon from the boys. Card and shirt from me...pretty low key, but the DH doesn't like a lot of hooopla...

Jeanne, I'm taking the I-worked-all-weekend-and-am-tired-route and taking the DH to Genghis Grill for dinner with our son tonight. Both the girls already made their father's day tributes, so he'll be good with that!

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Helen, looks like he's back for the Tim Tams!

Snort about all the Castle votes!

Janga, I agree - Will Smith seems to be such a loving, supportive father to his children.

Hey, how can you guys forget the grooviest dad of the early 70s? MIKE BRADY!!!!!!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Anna said: Hey, how can you guys forget the grooviest dad of the early 70s? MIKE BRADY!!!!!!

OMGosh, can't believe we forgot MIKE! Heehee. What a show that was - goofy, werid, and SO 70's!

Did anyone see the movie that was kind of a take off on this with Dennis Quaid and Renee Russo?

Suzanne Ferrell said...

JeanneDid anyone see the movie that was kind of a take off on this with Dennis Quaid and Renee Russo?

Yours, Mind and Ours?

Sweetie, that was a remake of an old movie starring Henry Fonda and Lucille Ball. If you've never seen that one, you should! It's a classic!!

Nancy said...

Helen, have fun with the bird! Keeping him quiet sounds like a great plan, but watch out so he doesn't steal more Tim Tams than you authorize him to have!

Nancy said...

Beth, one of my favorite TV dads was Jack O'Neill on Stargate SG-1. His son, who shot himself accidentally with Jack's sidearm, slipped into episodes here and there--a picture in Jack's house or in his locker. Very cool.

I also like Richard Castle, of course.

No fictional dad, I think, will ever be better than Jonathan Kent, brought beautifully to life by John Schneider on Smallville.

Darth Vader, otoh, gives a whole new dimension to the term "absentee father." Clearly the Force was with Luke when Obi-Wan hid him. Sorry, son, can't have a catch--gotta to blow up a planet or three. Blech.

Nancy said...

Ack! That's "gotta GO blow up a planet." I can't see straight today.

Nancy said...

Suz and Jeanne, I've seen both version of Yours, Mine, and Ours. AND I read the book! Bwahahaha!

Both were fun movies. So was The Parent Trap, another Dennis Quaid vehicle, though I hope we're more enlightened these days about the downsides of keeping siblings away from each other.

Nancy said...

AC wrote: I actually caught him in the barrel room... INSIDE a barrel. They were having barrel tasting yesterday, but I don't think that particular one was empty when the GR crawled into it... just sayin'...

Oh, dear. I do hope you had fun otherwise.

Nancy said...

This is our first Fathers Day without the boy, whom we left at the airport at 4:30 this morning so he could take a group trip to Japan. He's hugely into anime and manga, as are many of the other kids on the trip, and he's so excited about this.

But it's strange not having him here. The dog seems a little forlorn, but that might be just us projecting. At least he and his dad had the wee hours of the holiday together, and I did think ahead, thanks to Cassondra reminding me, and get a card for him to sign.

We missed my dad's last Father's Day. We were away, but I've always been glad I put a card in the mail to him before we left. You just never know which time will be the last. Hugs to everyone whose father isn't around today but left them with memories they cherish.

Nancy said...

Come to think of it, Commander Adama on BSG was a pretty cool dad.

So was one of the first fictional dads I remember, attorney Carson Drew, who not only let his daughter and her "chums" run around solving mysteries but bought her a "roadster" in which to do it.

Girl Sleuth: Nancy Drew and the Women Who Created Her, by Melanie Rehak, is a fabulous look at the creation of this American icon. Harriet Stratemeyer Adams, who ran the Stratemeyer Syndicate, Nancy's publishers, inherited the company from HER father--but had to get her husband's permission to go to work and run it, back in the day. It's a fabulous book!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Suz said: Sweetie, that was a remake of an old movie starring Henry Fonda and Lucille Ball. If you've never seen that one, you should! It's a classic!!

Oh, that's RIGHT!!! Wow! I'd forgotten that. I should rent that one b/c I've never seen it - the old one - mostly because I'm not a big Lucille Ball fan. *ducks flying fruit*

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Nancy said: Hugs to everyone whose father isn't around today but left them with memories they cherish.

I'll take that hug. :>

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Cool story about the publishing heiress, Nancy. *makes note* I'd like to read that one.

Helen said...

There are some great Dads mentioned loved the original Yours Mine and Ours with Henry Fonda and Lucille Ball and then of course Mike from The Brady Bunch.

We usually have a BBQ or a dinner or sometimes we go on a picnic for both Mothers Day and Fathers Day here at my place not always on the Sunday because I only have 1 Sunday a month of work and it depends when it falls as to whether I am at work of not so we often do a dinner at home on the Saturday night

The GR has been very quiet he isn't even having too many Tim Tams he is obviously still suffering from being in that barrell yesterday LOL

Have Fun

Caren Crane said...

Helen, congrats on the Father's Day GR nab! The GR claims he isn't a father, but there are a few chicks running around who disagree with him there. 'Nuff said!

I love TV dads! I was always a bit confused as a kid because my parents were NOTHING like TV parents. They were both charming, attractive and larger-than-life (like TV parents) but that's where the similarity ended. My father was kind of a workaholic and, while he could be the world's most entertaining at bedtime/storytime/family time, was rather inaccessible the rest of the time.

TV dads don't get away with that crap very often, so yay for TV dads! One of my favorite father/son conflicts was on Star Trek the Next Generation between Worf and his son Alexander. Worf always tried to turn his back on his human-like tendencies, nurtured because he was raised with human adoptive parents. His son was also raised by Worf's adoptive parents and didn't try so hard to be a Klingon as Worf did.

There were great dynamics in that relationship, much more than in most standard TV father/son pairings. Although I have to say I adored the dysfunctional relationship between George and Frank Costanza on Seinfeld. *g*

Caren Crane said...

Oh, and I loved the movie Parenthood and thought Steve Martin was brilliant as the father in that one. Trying to make everyone happy and making himself crazy doing it. Plus he loses it a few times with his wife, which is a nice breath of real life in any movie.

They make most families way too "normal" on TV. I like the quirky families!

Caren Crane said...

Okay, you guys have convinced me I need to give Castle a watch. Nathan Fillion is never a hardship in anything and I keep hearing great things about this show! If Deb Marlowe loves it, it must be fabulous!

Caren Crane said...

We celebrated Father's Day yesterday, a day early, because my husband left at 4:30 am today to go on a weeklong mission trip with our church. Our two daughters are with him, so I have the house to myself. Which is weird and a bit disconcerting...

We had a pool party early in the day for a small group our girls are in at church and the DH got to grill for them. Last night, our son and his girlfriend came over and we had grilled salmon (which *I* grilled), lemon couscous, fresh fruit and a lovely multigrain boule.

Then we ruined all that by having his favorite, banana pudding, for dessert. Cooking pudding when it's 95 degrees outside is a labor of love, let me tell you!

The girls and I got him a really nice camping cot, since he camps often and was going to borrow one for the trip this week. Our son got him a nice LED maglight flashlight. He was thrilled with both!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Caren said: I like the quirky families!

Hahah! Me too. Of course, I'm thinking that most peole don't consider Gomez Addams perfect parent material. Grins.

I'm thinking that for his kids, he was, and that's what counts, right?

Or Hermann Munster..."Uh, Lily. Lily? Do YOU think the children should play hopscotch over the fire?"

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Caren said: Then we ruined all that by having his favorite, banana pudding, for dessert. Cooking pudding when it's 95 degrees outside is a labor of love, let me tell you!

Gosh, Caren, we can't let you be lonely...with all that pudding. I'll be right down...

Beth Andrews said...

I don't know if Phineas and Ferb's dad or the Wizards' dad are really what you're looking for, huh?

LOL, Deb! I actually suggested those two to my daughter when she was helping me come up with fave dads for the blog but she nixed them *g* I happen to love Phineas and Ferb's easy-going dad :-)

I'm sure my husband would've loved to have gone fishing but he got stuck driving to the airport then hitting the mall with our two daughters *g*

Beth Andrews said...

Jeanne, I loved My Three Sons! I'm humming the theme song right now *g*

And Cheaper By The Dozen is such a cute movie. I love both Steve Martin in that as well as Bonnie Hunt. It's really a sweet and funny movie :-)

Beth Andrews said...

Hey, Virginia *g* Another Castle fan! I'm going to have to catch up on all the episodes this summer!

Beth Andrews said...

Jeanne, sounds like a fab father's day! The girls and I took my husband out for lunch at one of the diners that has been on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. It was good but nothing Wow!! (if you know what I mean *g*)I'll have to do a something special dinner later this week for him *g*

Unknown said...

Mine is lame.

It's Andy Griffith. The episode where Opie accidentally kills a mother bird with his slingshot, and thus leaves a nest full of babies without a mom.

Andy makes Opie take responsibility for that which he has caused, but helps him to do so--to meet that responsibility--probably a little pie-in-the-sky as I know full well that it's nigh on impossible to raise baby birds to adulthood. You can't get them to eat unless you have a special gift for it.

Winkin, Blinkin and Nod DID live--and grew up to fly away and be free (also not realistic from the modern, what we think of as "enlightened" perspective of someone who "knows" about nature) and all ended Happily Ever AFter as always in Mayberry.

But I just liked the way Andy handled that. He didn't rationalize it away, didn't remove the consequences because Opie "didn't meant to do it," and didn't treat Opie badly. He helped his son to learn a life lesson. That's hard for parents to do.

I also loved the guys in Three Men and a Baby, but of course they weren't her real Dad. Still, they filled the role and that's what counts, right?

Unknown said...

WOOOOOOT Helen! Hmmmm. The Tim Tams are already eaten and gone I'd guess, right?

Beth Andrews said...

I love that he had to have Love Handle get them to kiss, and that he forgot the anniversary and the kids got the band back together.

LOL, Jeanne! That's one of my favorite episodes, too! Although I think Izzy's Got the Frizzies is replacing Ain't Got Rhythm ;-)

Beth Andrews said...

Pissenlit, Booth on Bones is a great one! And I'm starting to feel as if Castle may just be the current favorite TV dad in the lair ;-)

Beth Andrews said...

Janga, those are all great picks! I so loved Eight Is Enough. What a wonderful show *g*

You're right about Dan Conner and I'd almost forgotten about Pa Ingalls! He was a tough but fair father :-)

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Cassondra said: I also loved the guys in Three Men and a Baby, but of course they weren't her real Dad. Still, they filled the role and that's what counts, right?

Well, one of them was, wasn't he? The Ted Dansen character as I recall. I loved those movies. ;>

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Bethj said: Although I think Izzy's Got the Frizzies is replacing Ain't Got Rhythm ;-)

Izzy IS funny! I also like "One Good Scare Ought to Do Ya" and Squirrels in Her Pants.

Beth Andrews said...

AC, I still remember certain episodes of Quantum Leap and watching the show when I was away at school *g* It was like having a bit of home away from home!

Beth Andrews said...

He's just such an open Dad. He feels all the worry/concern any man would about his teenage daughter, but he's always willing to learn something from her!

Sounds like a great dad, Deb! I have to admit, I love watching my husband interact with our daughters (both teens). They really do have a lot of fun together and yes, sometimes we even learn something from the kids (but don't tell them I said so *g*)

Beth Andrews said...

A recent one that I heard was good, but didn't watch was John Ritter in "8 Simple Rules for Dating my Daughter"

Jeanne, I didn't watch that show either but I'd also heard it was very good.

What about John Winchester in Supernatural? I wouldn't say he was a great dad but he did his best. Besides, I just love Jeffery Dean Morgan ;-)

Beth Andrews said...

Hey, Suz! Yet another vote for Castle *g* Tawny must be doing cartwheels :-)

Sounds like a fun day with your son and husband! My daughters just put on a concert for their dad so he's ended his day on a high note *g*

Beth Andrews said...

Sweetie, that was a remake of an old movie starring Henry Fonda and Lucille Ball. If you've never seen that one, you should! It's a classic!!

Oh, I LOVE Yours, Mine and Ours! The original that is. The remake was cute but not quite the same *g*

And who could forget Mike Brady. He really was a groovy dad :-)

Beth Andrews said...

Nancy, I did watch Smallville back when John Schneider was on and you're right, he was great!

LOL on Darth Vadar. I'm in Toy Story move since we caught the 3rd movie over the weekend and I'm picturing the scene where Zurg tells Buzz (NOT the original) he's his father. Too funny!

Hey, I also read the book Yours, Mine and Ours! I wonder if I still have it? Will have to search *g*

Beth Andrews said...

Hugs, Nancy, on not having the boy there to celebrate Father's Day. We left our son at the airport today, too - although thanks to me running late, I was very worried he'd miss his plane *g* Hope your son has a fabulous time in Japan! What a wonderful opportunity!

Beth Andrews said...

Helen, sounds as if the GR is recovering nicely from his day with AC *g* But I feel sorry for the person who gets him tomorrow when he's back in tip top shape :-)

Beth Andrews said...

Okay, you guys have convinced me I need to give Castle a watch. Nathan Fillion is never a hardship in anything and I keep hearing great things about this show! If Deb Marlowe loves it, it must be fabulous!

LOL, Caren! They're luring us over to the Castle side in droves *g*

And I agree with you about TV families being way too normal. My own family is beyond quirky so I'm always thrilled to see a bit of quirk in TV families :-)

Beth Andrews said...

The girls and I got him a really nice camping cot, since he camps often and was going to borrow one for the trip this week. Our son got him a nice LED maglight flashlight. He was thrilled with both!

Sounds like a lovely day, Caren! And I think that cooking pudding any day is a labor of love (but it's soooo good!!)

Beth Andrews said...

Oh, Cassondra, I remember that episode! What a tearjerker. But Opie learned such a great lesson from it.

And I don't think there's anything lame about Andy Griffith! If my husband is flipping through channels and The Andy Griffith Show is on, you can bet he'll stop and watch at least a few minutes of it :-)

Beth Andrews said...

Izzy IS funny! I also like "One Good Scare Ought to Do Ya" and Squirrels in Her Pants.

ROFL! Yes!! My older daughter sings Squirrels in Her Pants AND does the dance *g* Oh, and Evil Boys! Cracks me up!!

We love us some Phineas and Ferb. Actually, I've been known to watch it even when there are no kids around ;-)

Cassondra said...

Beth said:

And I don't think there's anything lame about Andy Griffith!

Oh, YAY, somebody esle who likes Any Griffith!

Well...yaknow...Dads on tv now aren't treated with the same sense of respect (picturing Homer Simpson, the guy from King of the Hill, the guy from Married With Children..

That view of "Dad" seems to be the trend now...or maybe NOT, cuz I don't really see tv at all now, but for a while there, any family show kind of portrayed Dad as a doofus, completely opposite of Andy Griffith, who was portrayed as human, but not with his normal human flaws stuck way out front. He was more of a popular, respected, almost revered figure in that town, being the sheriff and a great dad, wife died...all that....

Anyway, I don't think Andy Griffith is lame, but I figure in view of the norms of the present day, most people probably do. :0/

It's nice that you don't!