Monday, September 20, 2010

Four Little Words

by Beth

It's Monday and my brain is fried! See, last night I finished my 6th story for Superromance (Yay!!) Meaning I've spent the past few weeks with my nose to the grindstone - or in this case, my fingers to the keyboard *g* But the story is done, the h/h have achieved their hard-won happily-ever-after, and all that's left to do is one more final polish and then I can send this baby in :-)

So today, in order to give my tired brain a break, I thought we'd play a game. A friend posted this after seeing it on Facebook and the responses were very funny. Here we go:

You and I go out one night and wake up the next morning in jail. What is the first thing you say to me in FOUR words?

I can't wait to read what everyone comes up with!


pjpuppymom said...


Anonymous said...

congrats PJ

well done Beth... you now deserve a rest.....

I would say "what the hell....."

pjpuppymom said...

Congrats on finishing, Beth! I can't wait to read it!

My four words? "Wow! What a dream!"

Barbara Vey said...

"Am I being punked?"

Caren Crane said...

PJ! The GR may never want to leave your house again. I'm not sure if you will welcome that!

My first four words on waking up in jail with you:

"We need an alibi."

Because I'm sure if we couldn't talk our way out of being arrested, we deserve to be there!

This is an awesome game, by the way. I can't wait to read what everyone else posts!

Caren Crane said...

PJ, I love your certainty that you would never actually be in a position to be arrested. Clean living!

Caren Crane said...

Barbara, it would never cross my mind that I was being punked, but I'm glad you would be clear-eyed about it. I'm pretty sure I would be convinced I had done something unfortunate and, perhaps, in poor taste. *g*

Deanna said...

Tomorrow will be Tuesday. :-)

Gannon Carr said...

Yay, PJ! You got the GR on your birthday.

Congrats on finishing the book, Beth!

I would probably say:

"What the hell happened?" or "Woohoo! What a ride!" *vbg*

Christie Kelley said...

I would say...

Awesome time last night.

Laurie G said...

What will mom say?

Laney4 said...

This has happened AGAIN?

gamistress66 said...

your fault or my?

Happy Monday -- if there is such a thing ;)

gamistress66 said...

that should be "mine" not "my" -- it is Monday morning afterall ;)

Suzanne Ferrell said...

Hey Beth!
**first let me apologize...I accidentally posted Addison Fox's interview earlier today and it was meant for Tuesday! sorry**

So we wake up in jail...

"Did we have fun?"

Anna Sugden said...

YAY on finishing another fab Beth Andrews book! Can't wait!

LOL on the game ... I'd say either

Wow! That was fun!

or (to borrow a line from a beloved friend) ...

Same time, next week!

Anna Sugden said...

Congrats PJ - happy birthday, sweetie!

hrdwrkdmom aka Dianna said...

That was such fun!

Anna Sugden said...

How about ...

Whose knickers/panties are those?

hrdwrkdmom aka Dianna said...

oops, someone already said that..

Okay, let's try this.

"We did what, when?

pjpuppymom said...

Congrats PJ - happy birthday, sweetie!

Thanks, V-Anna! :)

Daryl Wood Gerber a.k.a. Avery Aames said...

My four words: "Not again. Not again."

Fun question!


Hellie Sinclair said...


"Damn, that was fun!"


"This is your fault."

Hellie Sinclair said...

Whose knickers/panties are those?

Or: "Where are my knickers?"

Janga said...

Congratulations on finishing another book, Beth! And Happy Birthday, dear PJ!

My four words: We need a lawyer.

Beth Andrews said...

Hey, PJ! What a nice birthday gift, a day with the GR! Happy Birthday :-)

Beth Andrews said...

Thanks, Barb! LOL! I'm sure I'd say the same thing *g*

Beth Andrews said...

Thanks, PJ. Only two more chapters to go over then I can send the book in *g*

Love your four words!!

Beth Andrews said...

Am I being punked?

LOL, Barbara! I'd wonder the same thing. Of course, I may not mind being punked if Ashton Kutcher was in jail with me *g*

Beth Andrews said...

Because I'm sure if we couldn't talk our way out of being arrested, we deserve to be there!

Good point, Caren! LOL! Hmm...maybe we should all keep an attorney on speed dial, just in case ;-)

Beth Andrews said...

Tomorrow will be Tuesday

Daz, that is perfect - especially for today! I'm anxiously awaiting for Tuesday to arrive :-)

Beth Andrews said...

Thanks, Gannon!

Woohoo! What a ride

LOL! We can only hope the night was worth the jail time, right? *vbg*

Beth Andrews said...

Awesome time last night.

Yes, Christie! I'm sure anything we did to end up in jail meant we had a really good time *g* Though I'm not sure it'd be one we'd want to repeat ;-)

Beth Andrews said...

What will mom say?

Great one, Laurie! And four little words I can only hope my own kids would say first if it ever happened to them *g* Because, believe me, I'd have A LOT to say!

Beth Andrews said...

This has happened AGAIN?

ROFL, Laney! Too perfect!!

catslady said...

"Oh, no we didn't!

Louisa Cornell said...

Happy Birthday, PJ !! The Golden One HAD to be there to help you celebrate. If he is in charge of the celebration I hope you have bail money tucked back!

My four words ?

"Damn that Richard Armitage!"

Jane said...

Congrats on finishing the book, Beth. I would say "Didn't I warn you."

Congrats on the GR, PJ.

Karyn Good said...

"Got a tic tac?"

Laurie Logan said...

"Gotta live a little!"

Congratulations, Beth, on finishing the book!

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, PJ, the rooster obviously wants some birthday cake!

Hey, guys, did you know it's PJ's birthday? She's got a really cute post full of old photos over at the Romance Dish.

Anna Campbell said...

Beth, congrats on getting that baby in! Now for the next one, bwahahahahaha! Actually I'm really happy - means I've got another Beth Andrews to look forward to reading!

Four words, huh? Man, no more margaritas!

Pat Cochran said...

Haven't read the other responses, but this is what I would say:


Pat Cochran

Nancy said...

PJ, congrats on the rooster!

Beth, yay on finishing the ms! Way to go! I can't wait to read it.

As for what I'd say, probably something along the lines of "[censored], this is bad." *g*

Mark Chesnutt had a great song out the year the boy was born, "It Must be Monday," I think, was the title, and it was about a guy who'd had a blowout weekend and was trying to drag himself up to face the week.

Helen said...

Well done PJ have fun with him


Whoo Hoo on finishing that book it must be a great feeling and I love the sound of that because it means there is another Beth book fo rme to read soon I do love your stories.

This is going to be a fun game
I would probably say

"What have we done?"

Have Fun

Fedora said...

LOL, Beth!! Hmm... besides, "Must be a Monday," how about, "Who do we call?"

Pat Cochran said...

My second four words:


Pat Cochran

Beth Andrews said...

LOL, Gamemistress! Love it! And I'm sure it wouldn't be your fault. We could always blame Monday Morning ;-)

Beth Andrews said...

No problem, Suz. I can't wait for Addison to be in the lair tomorrow!

Great four words *g* And I really hope that whatever landed me in jail was a whole lot of fun!

Beth Andrews said...

Thanks, Anna!

Same time, next week!

LOL! That was one of my faves, too :-)

Beth Andrews said...

Whose knickers/panties are those?

ROFL! Now that sounds like an interesting night was had by all *g*

Beth Andrews said...

We did what, when?

Very good questions, Dianna *g* You all are so good at this! I'm still trying to come up with something half as good :-)

Beth Andrews said...

Not again. Not again.

LOL, Avery! That's a GREAT one!!

Beth Andrews said...

Hellion, all three of yours are good! Love the last one the best though ;-)

Beth Andrews said...

Thanks, Janga! I'm thrilled to be done. And in a few days, I get to start a new book. Yay!

We need a lawyer.

*g* Between the lawyer and Caren's alibi, we should be out in no time ;-)

Kim in Baltimore said...

From a true life experience 20 years ago, "Where's the US embassy?

Trish Milburn said...

No more table dancing. :)

Beth Andrews said...

Oh, no we didn't!

Great one, Catslady!

Beth Andrews said...

Damn that Richard Armitage!

LOL, Louisa! Richard Armitage could get me into trouble any time :-)

Beth Andrews said...

Thanks, Jane. I'm glad to be done - but I'm already anxious for revisions *g*

Didn't I warn you.

Ah, the voice of reason *g*

Beth Andrews said...

Got a tic tac?

LOL, Karyn! Love it! So perfect :-)

Beth Andrews said...

Gotta live a little

So true, Laurie! Another great one *g*

Thanks for the congrats!

Beth Andrews said...

Man, no more margaritas!

LOL, Fo! For some reason this made me think of that country song, Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off :-)

Beth Andrews said...


Hey, Pat! That would be my first question, too :-)

Beth Andrews said...

[censored], this is bad

*g* Nancy, I think waking up in jail definitely calls for a few censored words ;-)

Beth Andrews said...

Thanks, Helen!

What have we done?

That seems to be the question, doesn't it? I just hope it was something fun :-)

Loucinda McGary aka Aunty Cindy said...

ROFL over some of these!

Great idea for a post on a Monday, Beth!

Ever the practical one, Aunty would probably say, "Who's got bail money?"



Caren Crane said...

AC, I would follow up my "We need an alibi" with "Who should we call?" Because you have friends, and then you have friends you call to bail you out of jail. Two very different categories.

For instance, I know Jeanne or my friend Suse or my sister Susie would be in the car before the phone line went dead. With some other friends (or sisters) of mine, I would have to answer a bunch of questions and then hear about what a pain in the arsenic I was before they would pick up the car keys. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Mmm, I think I'll go with: "See you here tomorrow?"

Beth Andrews said...

Must be a Monday

Oh, Fedora, isn't that the truth? Darn Mondays *g*

Beth Andrews said...

Where's the US embassy?

Kim! Eek! Wow, I can't even imagine being in that situation.

Beth Andrews said...

No more table dancing.

ROFL, Trish! But it sounds like so much fun and really, what's a night in jail compared to dancing on tables? *g*

Beth Andrews said...

Who's got bail money

Yes! We would definitely need that, AC *g*

Beth Andrews said...

Oh, Caren, that is so true! I'd say I would call Tawny but she'd probably be right there by my side *g*

Beth Andrews said...

See you here tomorrow

ROFL, allaboutthewriting! That's how you know you've had fun: You want to do it again ;-)

Anonymous said...

Considering how coherent I am in the morning:

Where... how... who... what?!

Roxann said...

Congrats on typing THE END.
My four words: "What was in that?!"