Thursday, December 23, 2010

By KJ Howe

Christmas Eve. A special time of year for many people across the globe--a day full of holiday traditions. Yet, everyone has a different idea of what is magical and meaningful, and this is what puts a personal stamp on your holiday. The Bandits would love to hear about what you have planned for today.

Will you be:
  • decorating the tree?
  • singing carols?
  • visiting church?
  • playing in the snow?
  • opening presents?
  • drinking eggnog?
  • visiting family?
Please share your Christmas Eve traditions with us...and we'll surprise the person with the most interesting/fun traditions with a special gift!

I'd also like to take this time to thank you all for the wonderful warmth and kindness shown in the lair. It's amazing to have a special place to share our common love of writing and reading! Happy Holidays to All!

It's FINALLY here! The Romance Bandits 12 Days of Christmas Booty. Every day between now and Christmas, one lucky commenter per day will win a daily prize and on some days, additional goodies from that day's blogging Bandita or guest. On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, we'll give away more booty including autographed books, GR mugs and much more! Come join us! Tell your friends! Let's make the Season BRIGHT!


LilMissMolly said...

We will decorate our tree (12 Days of Christmas starts now in our house and ends on Jan. 6th). We'll go to church and come back eat yummy snack foods and then unwrap presents!

Fedora said...

Hooray, LilMissMolly! You'll have the GR for company today! ;) We don't have any Christmas Eve traditions set in stone, but this year, we'll be celebrating with my side of the family--a big meal of some kind is traditional (this year, it's Chinese) and we may let the kids open some gifts :)

Hope everyone's staying warm and jolly!

Gillian Layne said...

Congratulations on the rooster, Miss Molly!

We'll be very low-key--Christmas Eve is a time for relaxing after a very busy week. A movie and an early bedtime.

Book Chatter Cath said...

Christmas eve entails cooking, baking, cooking, baking, cooking, bottle of wine, chocolate, cooking, more wine, last minute presents to wrap
Christmas day entails opening presents, cooking, eating, WINE, obligatory family argument (we are at the in-laws this year with EVERYONE) MORE WINE, more eating, COMA :)

Helen said...

Well done LilMissMolly have fun with him


As I type this it is 4-20pm Christmas Eve here in Australia and I have had a busy day getting the last of the food shopping done I have cooked the pork and the turkey is ready to go into the oven (I always cook the meat on Christmas Eve and do the vegies and gravy on Christmas Day). We always have our best friends Barbara and Doug come to our place in the evening and we have a few drinks and some nibblies while watching the big Carols By Candelight telecast on the TV from Melbourne and we chat and sing along. The tree is decorated and the presents are wrapped ready to be put under the tree later tonight. When all the family is here in the morning we will open our presents.That is our traditions on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas everyone have a wonderful time filled with lots of love and fun. And thank you all for an awesome year.

Have Fun

Pat Cochran said...

Congratulations, Miss Molly, on
catching that rooster fellow! Be
sure to keep an eye on your
Christmas stockings, especially
if they contain chocolate! The
Golden One loves him some choco-
late goodies!

For some 25+ years, we have taken
part in the parish caroling ses-
sion and Midnight Mass on Christ-
mas Eve. This year, Honey will be
in the congregation and I will
continue the family tradition.
I love participating in this
ministry. but the voice is going
"wobbly" so it may be my last
Midnight Mass! Merry Christmas!

Pat Cochran

Anonymous said...

Enjoy GR LilMissMolly .... he will enjoy the yummy snack foods and unwrapping the presents.

As Helen said DH and I go to there to watch the Carols by Candlelight on TV. It started when Helen's children were little and some of the presents needed putting together. DH would help Helen's DH put them together. It has become a tradition now even though there are no more presents to fix. We have been doing it for almost 30 years.

Minna said...

The tree was decorated yesterday and I'll listen the carols they sing in the radio. I won't be visiting church. It's a bit too far if you don't have a car.
Playing in the snow? When there's -30 Celcius outside? Are you kidding? And I'll be opening some presents and watch the declaration of Christmas peace:
The Declaration of Christmas Peace

"Tomorrow, God willing, is the most gracious feast of the birth of our Lord and Saviour, and therefore a general Christmas peace is hereby declared, and all persons are directed to observe this holiday with due reverence and otherwise quietly and peacefully to conduct themselves, for whosoever breaks this peace and disturbs the Christmas holiday by any unlawful or improper conduct shall be liable, under aggravating circumstances, to whatever penalty is prescribed by law and decree for each particular offence or misdemeanour. Finally, all citizens are wished a joyous Christmas holiday."

PinkPeony said...

Hi KJ...

We're having the entire family over, three full tables. My brohter in law is dressing up as Santa for the little ones and I bought a little Flipcam to record it. Lots of food and I'm making tiramisu right now for dessert. We always have a lively gift exchange. Not doing anything on Christmas which is a good thing because I'll be exhausted and washing loads of stemware.
Fedora...are you having sticky
Congrats on the GR, Molly! Happy Holidays!

Donna MacMeans said...

Good Golly Miss Molly - Looks like you'll have company for your Christmas Eve.

I'll be cleaning today - getting the house ready for company tomorrow (nothing like waiting for the last minute!). My daughter and I will be cooking up a storm, trying to get everything done before Saturday so we can kick back and enjoy the day and company.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas and a blessed holiday!

RFTC Blog said...

Happy Holidays everyone. I hope everyone has a great day.

Well my plans for today include shopping, cooking, and spending time with my family. My family always has a big buffet dinner where we all bring our own dishes to share with everyone and then we open presents. It is such a great time because everyone is getting along together and noone is fighting. Afterwards, when I get home I turn the television on to watch A Christmas Story and it stays on that until the marathon is over.

Minna said...

Usually we take candles to the graves, but since no who has a car is spending Christmas here, we have to skip that. And before opening the presents and eating the Christmas meal we of course go to sauna. But I could live without this Christmas tradition: power cuts, caused by falling trees and heavy snow or storms that make those trees fall.

Hassisen Kone – On jouluyö, nyt laulaa saa (It’s Christmas Night, Now You Can Sing)

Pave Maijanen:Kuokkavieras (Gate crasher)

(Christmas Has Been Cancelled) Joulu Peruutettu – Mamba

Thank God It's Christmas

Put a Little Love in Your Heart

Blodeuedd said...

I made an entire post today on my blog :)
Today is xmas for us, we celebrate it on Christmas Eve so tonight I am getting some pressies

Sheree said...

I'm doing a bit of work and then the last bit of shopping. After that, chocolate and the hot tub!

Jane said...

I never seen carolers. Guess it's harder for them to knock on all the apartments in a building. I am excited that we'll be opening presents at midnight. I used to leave cookies out for Santa, but I haven't done that in years. We wanted to over St. Patrick's Cathedral one year, but I think it's pretty hard to get a seat for Midnight Mass.

pjpuppymom said...

Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas! Be safe and enjoy the holiday!

Beth Andrews said...

Every Christmas Eve we go to my mother's for pizza and help her set up the tables, chairs and place settings for Christmas Brunch *g*

This year we'll come home after and just relax - the kids are allowed to open one present on Christmas Eve and I plan on opening a bottle of wine ;-) It's been a long week!

Merry Christmas!!

Kirsten said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laney4 said...

Traditionally on Xmas Eve? Working today. Church tonight. Check out city Christmas lights on way back. Stop at neighbour's place for annual party. Home before 9:30.

This year I still have wrapping to do somewhere in there. As a friend emailed me recently, "I can sleep when I'm dead" and another friend emailed me, "sleeping is overrated." Do you see a recurring theme here?

Maureen said...

Our Christmas Eve is a pretty simple one. We will have a nice dinner, go to church and then exchange presents. I hope everyone's Christmas Eve is a special one.

Gannon Carr said...

Merry Christmas to all of you! May you have a holiday filled with love, laughter, and many blessings.

Christie Kelley said...

For the past 10 years we have gone to a neighbor's home for a party. This year, he's working (a pilot) so they had the party last night. I really struggled with what we would do on Christmas Eve. So, after a late afternoon church service, we'll come home and have a nice dinner. After that we'll probably watch The Christmas Story.

Now, during the day, I'll be cooking and baking.

Have a Merry Christmas, everyone!!

Janga said...

Tomorrow is our big family gathering, so I'll be cooking today. Lots of traditions are involved in the cooking though. I'll use my mother's and my grandmothers' recipes as I bake pecan pies, lemon cake, and banana pudding. I made a huge tub of chicken salad yesterday, and I'll put a pot of vegetable soup on to simmer later today. My mother started that tradition after we were all grown. Family would arrive from noon to midnight, and it was impossible to plan dinner. So she made chicken salad for sandwiches to go with homemade soup, and people ate when they chose.

We won't have a house full of overnight guests as my parents did, but family members who live in town will be dropping by before and after church services to eat and to remember Christmases past.

Janga said...

I hope everyone who celebrates has a happy, meaningful holiday shared with those you love. Merry Christmas!

KJ Howe said...

Congrats, LilMissMolly on securing the GR!!! Have fun with him...maybe he can help decorate the tree???

KJ Howe said...

Flchen1, I love non-traditional meals during the holidays! I'm doing a seafood extravaganza today. Enjoy your Chinese meal!

KJ Howe said...

Gillian, your movie night sounds heavenly to this exhausted girl! Don't forget the popcorn! :)

KJ Howe said...

Cath's Chatter, I'm getting the feeling that you might like wine...hmm, red or white???

KJ Howe said...

Helen, I love the idea of enjoying time with close friends. A very special shout out to all our Aussie friends!!!! I love your country and all the warm-hearted people there.

KJ Howe said...

Pat, may you sing strong today! We'll be sending you positive thoughts!

KJ Howe said...

Barb, 30 years makes a tradition! Have a great time together!

KJ Howe said...

Minna, oooh, that's frosty. I'd recommend staying inside! You need to visit Australia where it is probably 30 + degrees. Stay warm!

KJ Howe said...

Pink Peony, I love that Santa is making time to visit the kids! :) That will make a memorable video. Enjoy every moment!

KJ Howe said...

Donna, may the cleaning elves stop by your house and help you! Have a wonderful Christmas!!!

KJ Howe said...

Danielle, here's to no fighting or drama. Love that everyone gets along on Christmas. Have fun at that sumptuous buffet.

KJ Howe said...

Minna, sauna sounds good in those temps. Enjoy.

KJ Howe said...

Blodeuedd, I hope Santa brings you everything you wished for!

KJ Howe said...

Sheree, that hot tub idea works for me. There seems to be a theme here--seeking warmth!

KJ Howe said...

Jane, I love St. Patricks! I hope you get to go one day. That would be memorable. Happy Holidays!

KJ Howe said...

PJ, enjoy every moment and thanks for the warm wishes!!!

KJ Howe said...

Beth, I used to get to open one gift on Christmas Eve. Question for you pick the gift or do the kids??? Enjoy your well-earned wine!

KJ Howe said...

Kirsten, your evening sounds lovely. It's those intimate moments that are unforgettable. Spending time with loved ones is the best. l I'm going to snowshoe with my husband, so I can burn off a few calories before a decadent meal. :)

KJ Howe said...

Laney4, wishing you a huge, fabulous sleep when your tasks are done! Hope your workday goes well.

KJ Howe said...

Maureen, simple is fabulous. Soak up every special moment.

KJ Howe said...

Gannon, thanks for your kind thoughts. I hope Santa is very good to you!!!

KJ Howe said...

Christie, it's amazing how many people have to work over the about a toast to everyone who sacrifices family time to help others? I hope your pilot friend has safe travels.

KJ Howe said...

Janga, I love the cooking part of the holidays. And the baking. I have this love affair with shortbread!!! I try to give him up, but I can't. :) Enjoy!

Barbara Vey said...

A very Merry Christmas to everyone here at Romance Bandits!!

Minna said...

Ilkka Alanko and Irina:

alinaduffer said...

Hi KJ! Today I will be baking up a storm and I still have to run out and find a few things for my hubby. I know I am so far behind, but all three of my kids and I all got sick in the last two weeks so things have been crazy! Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Eve!!!

jo robertson said...

I love hearing the various Christmas Eve traditions. While I was growing up, my family always opened one gift on Christmas Eve (a family gift since Santa hadn't arrived yet, of course).

In years past I always had my Christmas dinner on the 24th to accommodate the other side of the family. Now we have a Robertson Family Bowling event where we give out prizes for the winning and losing family teams. The grandkids love it. If everyone is able to make it we have 27 people so we use lots of lanes!

jo robertson said...

Fedora, I like the idea of having a different cultural meal apart from the traditional turkey and fixings.

Cath, I'm ROTFLOL at your comment. Bring on the wine!!

Dina said...

will be doing Christmas today, as grandkids will be with my daughter tonight and their dad tomorrow, so off to start cooking early dinner.

Merry Christmas eve all. :)

jo robertson said...

Hmmmm, Helen, good friends, good food and family -- that's what makes the holiday special!

Pat, I LOVE Christmas caroling! We used to go as a family as our children all have good strong singing voices. And we'd take a loaf of my special pumpkin bread recipe to leave with special families.

jo robertson said...

Wow, 30 years?? That's a long standing tradition for Barb and Helen.

May you have many, many more years as friends enjoying one another's companionship on such a lovely holiday.

jo robertson said...

A very merry Christmas to all our friends in the Lair. You make our Bandita hangout a very special place!

Silvia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gamistress66 said...

no xmas eve traditions in my family. think when young my parents just wanted us to get to bed so santa could visit and get some sleep too :) when we got older, mom would make us help santa put out presents (but not our own) & send us off to bed so she could get some sleep :)

Happy holidays all.

Nancy said...

LilMissMolly, congrats on the rooster!

KJ, we have decorated the tree and wrapped most of our packages--except the ones I'm about to dash out to procure. I will also (I hope) be getting a photo digitized for Sunday's blog.

We have our big meal on Christmas Eve, usually, but we may defer it until tomorrow.

Must go before things close--back in a bit!

Pissenlit said...

I wouldn't call it tradition but today, I'm making a bookstore run with perhaps, a sidetrip to acquire US11 knitting needles and I also have to hit up a take-out place to pick up two dishes for The Big Family Potluck this evening, all the while, madly crocheting some cat toys...not necessarily in that order. And then there's The Big Family Potluck dinner where, rumour has it, my Great Aunt Betty is going narrate a slideshow of her recent trip to China...oh and if it's like most other previous Christmas Eve Big Family Potlucks, there potentially will be stocking stuffers from Santa *coughGreatAuntMarycough*

Cybercliper said...

I finished the baking in the wee hours of the night so today is the day we usually sit around and just enjoy.

My best guy and I will sit around listening to carols, enjoy a few drinks, and reminisce about Christmas' past and our plans for the future. We usually start our goal list for the upcoming year as well.

runner10 said...

Cooking and dinner with the family.
Hope you have a Merry Christmas!

Anna Sugden said...

We've just returned from a birthday lunch with my fab nephew and the rest of my sister's family and settling down to a glass of wine, some Christmas music and enjoying our Christmas lights before tomorrow's big lunch. The presents are all under the tree, the candles are lit and the baking is all done.

Wishing everyone the merriest of Christmases!

Beth Andrews said...

Question for you pick the gift or do the kids???

They pick *g* But the presents from Santa aren't under there yet so their choices are limited :-)

Elaine G said...

Our Christmas eve tradition is all the kids get to open a present. Obviously its not one of Santa's gifts because he hasn't arrived yet :) Its usually a present from a relative.But we make sure its a toy.Then for the rest of the evening they are occupied :)

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, it's Christmas in Australia. Happy Christmas, everyone!

KJ Howe said...

Barbara Vey, so great to see you here today. I sure hope you're planning on coming back to ThrillerFest this year!

Helen said...

Santa has been it is 6-00am Christmas morning here in Oz

Merry Christmas everyone have a great day

Have Fun

KJ Howe said...

Alina, may your little ones feel better soon. Take good care of yourself as well. Wishing you all a magical holiday.

KJ Howe said...

Jo, wishing you the best year yet in 2011! Have a great time with your family today.

KJ Howe said...

Silvia, you had me LOL. I'm sure your voice is lovely. Also, interesting point about Daddy sitting in a chair eating cookies while you toil. Women do seem to bear the brunt of all the preparations. Be sure to book a spa day for yourself soon, so someone can pamper you!

KJ Howe said...

gamistress66, maybe you can start a few new fun traditions? I love creating things that I can keep up over the years. Have fun no matter what you do.

KJ Howe said...

Nancy, you brave, brave girl, going out to the stores today. I hope it isn't too busy for you. Wishing you all the best for the holidays!

KJ Howe said...

Nancy, you brave, brave girl, going out to the stores today. I hope it isn't too busy for you. Wishing you all the best for the holidays!

KJ Howe said...

Nancy, you brave, brave girl, going out to the stores today. I hope it isn't too busy for you. Wishing you all the best for the holidays!

KJ Howe said...

Nancy, you brave, brave girl, going out to the stores today. I hope it isn't too busy for you. Wishing you all the best for the holidays!

KJ Howe said...

Nancy, you brave, brave girl, going out to the stores today. I hope it isn't too busy for you. Wishing you all the best for the holidays!

KJ Howe said...

Nancy, you brave, brave girl, going out to the stores today. I hope it isn't too busy for you. Wishing you all the best for the holidays!

Book Chatter Cath said...

KJ Howe said...
Cath's Chatter, I'm getting the feeling that you might like wine...hmm, red or white???

LOL...I actually DON'T drink very often but when I do its the bubbly stuff!!!
Didn't have wine in the end, I opted for Irish coffee's mhmmm
Going to the family Christmas lunch in a few hours with approx 50 others, therefore a small amount of alcohol is a necessity!!!

Suzanne Ferrell said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS, KJ, Banditas and Bandit Buddies!!

We Celebrate on the actual day around here. IF I have Christmas Eve off, we try to have a quiet dinner at home, listen to carols on the radio, (we have a lovely CD full of carols sung by my daughter that she and my hubby recorded over a few years) and drink some wine.

But, alas, the life of a nurse requires I take my turn on the holidays, so tonight my hubby will be home with my son while I toddle off to work. I'll take my homemade cheeseball and fresh cranberry/pecan/chickensalad for the girls to munch on and we'll pray we have no business tonight!

Unknown said...

Well since most of the family lives on the east coast we will be Skype'ing them later on this eveing.
My Mom (who lives with me),and I just got back from braving the crazy shoppers...OMG!!!! And the only reason we went out was because one store left Ink tags on two of the shirts we bought for my son..Crazy!
Tonight we will have French toast and hopeful NOT watch It's a wonderful life for the 10th night in a roll...(my mom is in love with that movie)...Oh and I'll be making fudge so that will be nice and YUMMY..then when the kids are all asleep I'll put the presents under the tree and hang the stockings with care knowing the fat lady has been there...LOL
*★MERRY*•˚° ★。 ° ˛˚˛★* •。* •。
° 。* ˚*•★*CHRISTMAS★ 。*˚° 。 °
° 。.°˛˚* _Π_____*。*˚° 。 ° ˚*˚° • 。 ° ˛˚*˚° • 。 ° ˛˚
˚ ˛˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ° 。• ° ˛˚˚° 。 ° ˛˚˛˚˚° 。 ° ˛˚˛
˚ ˛˛ ˚ *|田田|門| ˚˚˚° 。 ° ˛˚˛˚*And Happy New Year*

donnas said...

Ours arent really that intestesting but we do have fun. The family gets together for a day of good food, gifts and games.

KJ Howe said...

Pissinlit, a bookstore run sounds heavenly!! Enjoy your read.

KJ Howe said...

Anna S, your day sounds very relaxing. My relatives are five minutes away, so I'm about to host! Loads of fun.

KJ Howe said...

Anna C, Merry Christmas. Start the party for us!!!

KJ Howe said...

I'll be back later...I hear knocking on the door and I need to answer. Thanks to everyone who stopped by to make our Christmas Eve special!

Here's to bubbly drinks. :)

SiNn said...

today we ar e making pies and spending time with one another special visist from family house to another and we just mayhave a christmas baby in the mix my sisters 6th and final child could make an apperiance tonight if not tonight then on the 3rd shes so excited like the rest of us are for her arriaval christmas for us we are all about family not so mcuh gifts tho we may let the lil one sopen apresent later on this evening never know whats in store christmas time is full of miracles

Deb said...

Our son John is home (a Marine in CA) for Christmas. Our other son is also here and we have a Christmas Eve supper of sandwiches, chips and dip, cheese and crackers with strawberry pop. (That's a tradition of my husband's family along with eating by candlelight.)

It is snowing here quite heavily; we've had 7 inches in the last 20 hours and it's showing no signs of letting up. I love snow, but just hope we can travel an hour north to my sister's tomorrow. I made cheesy potatoes and shortbread, but have no meat if we end up getting stuck at home!

Merry Christmas to all!

Deb said...

P.S. Church services are at 10 tonight and it is always so beautiful singing Christmas hymns by the light of the church's Christmas tree lights. We hold lit candles and stand in a circle around the sanctuary to sing "Silent Night" before the end of the service.

Nancy said...

KJ, things worked out pretty well. I take the first space I see and walk if I need to, which keeps my stress down. In only one place did I have trouble finding any space at all.

One of our favorite shops is in walking distance of the house, which is nice, but I was glad to finish around 2:00 and come home to stay.

It's very quiet in our neighborhood right now, which is nice.

We're having dinner tonight, and probably egg nog and homemade fruitcake (NOT the doorstop variety), and the boy will open a gift.

Nancy said...

I'd like to wish all of you who celebrate Christmas a merry one and those of you who don't a peaceful evening.

Nancy said...

Deb, I'm sure the snow is gorgeous, but I hope it won't spoil your plans.

The church I grew up in had a candlelight service on Christmas Eve, and it was one of my favorite parts of the year.

Nancy said...

PinkPeony, we used to have big gatherings like that. My grandfather lived with us, so all my cousins came to our house. We regularly had 17 for Christmas dinner, and I loved it.

My mother's cousin had grown up in my grandparents' family, so she and her husband came every Christmas Eve for a couple of days. I remember sitting on my parent's couch, watching out the window for the car, and fidgeting.

I enjoy our quiet holidays, but part of me misses those times.

Nancy said...

Helen, I forget it's Christmas (and any other holiday) for you before it is for us. I hope you and hubby and your family have a wonderful time.

Nancy said...

Pat, I haven't been caroling since high school, but it was a lot of fun. I hope you enjoy the mass.

Nancy said...

Danielle, the dh is looking forward to that marathon of A Christmas Story. We've discovered that one of our favorite Asian places will be serving tomorrow, and we're thinking of having dinner there since our turkey meal will be tonight.

Nancy said...

Pissenlit, I made a bookstore run, too, but I took one look at the checkout line and restricted myself to the music section, which was what I'd come for anyway.

Nancy said...

Janga, I envy you those family recipes. My aunt made ambrosia for the big gatherings, and I've never been able to re-create it.

Nancy said...

SiNn, I hope everything goes well for your sister. What a Christmas gift!

Nancy said...

Gillian, right about now, low key sounds perfect!

Nancy said...

BJ, what a gorgeous graphic you made!

chey said...

Going to town for last minute stuff, making Christmas eve dinner, and a walk

traveler said...

We will be enjoying a wonderful feast with our entire family and then celebrating with presents and more treats.

petite said...

This evening we cook, bake, recount wonderful stories, eat, drink and then more goodies and pressies for all.

catslady said...

My children our grown so it's a quiet time for us. We like to watch National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. When the children were younger they got to open up two presents - one was pajamas and the other would be something small like crayons or a book - something to keep them busy. I always save the day/night before Christmas wrapping presents and listening to Christmas carols too!.

Anonymous said...

The only traditions we have is we go to my sister's house for dinner and opening gifts. It is usually a late night but we did it early this year because of the bad weather coming our way. We just got home a little while ago.