Welcome back, Laura Anne! For those new to the series, can you give us some background on Bonnie and PUPI (short for Private Unaffiliated Paranormal Investigations)? What inspired you to create PUPI? Was it an "aha! I can do this" moment, or was it something that came to you gradually?
Bonnie was introduced during the Retrievers series, when Wren (my main character) needed a professional investigator-type to check something out for her. The idea of someone who was the opposite of Wren (a criminal vs a law-minded sort) both using magic to opposite ends, seemed logical to me – if there is a thief, there should also be a thief-taker, yes?
But then I started to think about what that would mean, in the culture of the Cosa Nostradamus, and how Talent would react to being monitored/investigated in that way…. And the idea of PUPI came out of those thinks – about the need for an investigative branch that did not owe its loyalties to the Council, but wasn’t quite so ‘anything goes’ as the lonejack community.
So the idea was in my head, taking form – and when I came to the end of Wren and Sergei’s arc, in BLOOD FROM STONE, it seemed natural to me to explore PUPI, and Bonnie’s involvement with it. And the natural place to start was at the beginning, with the founding of the group in HARD MAGIC.

After HARD MAGIC, they’ve established themselves, slightly – gotten a chance to prove themselves to the rest of the Cosa. But that just means larger challenges and, as will become the norm, dealing with the situations nobody else wants to touch. In this case, a respected and ancient breed, a ki-rin, is accused of justifiable homicide in defense of its companion, a young woman. But there’s more to the story, of course - on both sides.
Complicating matters, Bonnie is discovering that the attraction she has to her boss, Benjamin Venec, may have its roots in a less physical, more magical cause. This…annoys them both. Career-minded workaholics have very little tolerance for the meddling Finger of Fate. I am having a lot of fun playing with this theme – the trope of “fated True Love” and the genetic and personal implications of such a thing, as seen through the POV of two people who have no interest in long-term settling down… (or being told what to do).
For a peek inside the book, click here.

The Vineart War is a classic trilogy – act one, act two, and act three. In act one, we were introduced to the world of the Vinearts, where wine-makers are the keepers of magic, while land-lords rule the people, and the Washers keep the balance between the points of power – and something, or someone – is trying to shift that balance. We are introduced to Master Vineart Malech, and the slave-turned-student Jerzy (pronounced yehr-zee), who first recognize that something Bad is happening, under the seemingly calm surface of their society.
WEIGHT OF STONE is act two, where our hero, Jerzy and his companions are on the track of who that someone might be – but get caught up in the turmoil of the world around them, and are accused of being the troublemakers themselves.
Act three, THE SHATTERED VINE, brings all the players into direct conflict, reveals secrets, and forces Jerzy to make a final decision that could change his entire world… that manuscript has been handed into my editor, and will be published in October 2011.
I was incredibly honored that the first book, FLESH AND FIRE, was nominated for a Nebula Award for Nest Novel, in 2010.
You also have some short stories on the market, don't you? Can you tell us a bit about that?
I started out writing short fiction, and it’s still important to me – it allows me to work with themes and stories that might not carry the length of a book, but are interesting and important all the same. I can’t imagine not writing short fiction, even though it’s taken a back seat to the novels in the past few years.
Up next, I have two stories that will be out in February or March, both in anthologies -
First, courtesy of THOSE WHO FIGHT MONSTERS, you get "Dusted" - a short story featuring former cop/current PI Danny Hendrickson, who also happens to be half-fatae. Danny is on the hunt for a missing girl – but he discovers, instead, something about himself. This is the 'kickoff" story for the Sylvan Investigations books coming in 2013. Danny also get a lot of play in the 4th PSI novel, SIGHT UNSEEN.
And then there's AFTER HOURS: Tales from the Ur-Bar, which has my story "Paris 21." Here, the dream of glory, circa Paris 1921, meets an ancient demi-god who likes to meddle.... A study on what we wish for, versus what we dream of.
And then in May there’s a project that I’m incredibly excited about – a small press collection of DRAGON VIRUS, which is a series of interconnected stories charting the way humanity –and human society - changes under the influence of a mutation, over an extended period of time. It’s SFnal horror, in some ways, but also, I think, quite hopeful in its own way. If you’ll forgive me the plug, you will be able to pre-order it soon directly from the publisher – Fairwood Press (http://www.fairwoodpress.com/index.html)
Plus, of course, there’s BookView CafĂ©, which houses some of my short fiction – some of it for free!
What's next for you?
In my immediate future? Revisions on some pending books, and then finishing up SIGHT UNSEEN, (PSI#4) before my editor comes beating me over the head because it’s late. A few short stories that are in the works,, a novella idea that needs finishing. After that (end of 2011/early 2012), I have Danny’s books (Sylvan Investigations) to write, and a few new projects that are simmering…. Always busy. I wouldn’t want it any other way.
For more about Laura Anne and her work, visit her website.
To get the conversation going, tell us, what's your favorite detective story? If you like wine, what's your favorite kind? What was the last short fiction you read?
Laura Anne is giving away a book to one commenter today--winner's choice of any one of her published novels (Vineart Wars, Retrievers, or PSI). We also have an AHA Go Red pin for one commenter today.
The comment link is below the healthy heart tip for today and the AHA BetterU information.

The healthy heart tip for February 4 is: Cooking at home is an excellent way to control what you eat. Make a date to a local cooking class to practice your skills or learn a new technique.
Go Red for Women on February 4
Romance Writers of America and the American Heart Association have partnered to raise awareness of heart disease in women and encourage you to join us in wearing red on February 4, National Wear Red Day®. Visit http://www.goredforwomen.org/ to learn how to fight heart disease.
And just in case you missed it....
Sign Up for the Go Red BetterU Program and Receive Two Free Romance Novel E-Books
From Feb. 1 through May 31, 2011, receive one free romance novel e-book when you sign up for the American Heart Association's BetterU Program and one after you complete week six of the program. And look for the Eat Smart for Your Heart limited-edition magazine (that features this offer) on newsstands and in a grocery store near you.
To sign up for the BetterU program, visit http://www.goredforwomen.org/betteru/index.aspx.
(Go Red For Women is trademarked by the American Heart Association, Inc. Romance novel downloads provided by Belle Books.)
Hello Laura, thank you for visiting. I'm intrigued by both your series as I've recently started reading a lot more paranormal themed books.
I love the idea of Vineart Wars 'cos both my husband and I are wine buffs though I have to say the boy is much more of a wine buff (okay, snob) than I am. I'm going to get that series and also get the boy to read it. He enjoys anything wine themed.
First- Daz... you scheming. I was determined to get the rooster, but you beat me! *feeling a little vanquished.
Laura, welcome back to the lair! I wasn't here last time but I am now. I have to admit I am fascinated by the number of projects you have going, and interested in wrapping my grubby hands around Pack of Lies.
Favorite detective series: My interest revolves around the character Jesse Stone. I love how he talks, and the way his mind works.
Favorite Wine: A wonderful semi-sweet white or if the mood is right a blueberry merlot.
Last short fiction I read: My own, right before I sent it in to a short story contest... Sunday night in fact! :)
Thanks again for visiting!
Well Deanna he is certainly going to be hot maybe some wine will help have fun with him
I loved Hard Magic and am looking forward to reading more about Bonnie and the Team and her boss.
You are one very busy Lady so you get time to sleep LOL. All of these series sound really good I will be looking out for them.
As a young girl I loved all the Agatha Christie books and read them all and even though I wouldn't class Harry Potter as a detective he does a bit of detective work and I loved that series.
I do enjoy a glass of wine here and there but prefer white wine
Nancy thanks for inviting Laura back today.
Have Fun
Aloha! Oh, my favorite detective series is Sherlock Holmes (the books) and Jeremy Brett (in the Granada miniseries).
My favorite wine is Pinot Grigio. I was spoiled during my NATO assignment to have an Italian boss. Once I tried Italian wine (and his gourmet food), I never looked back.
The last short fiction I read was a compilation by Hawaiian authors. I bought it at Queen Emma's Summer House. Some of the stories have angst against Haoles - an eye opener to understand the underlying culture clash here in the islands.
I love para EVERYTHING so I'll make sure to check out your books:)
Thanks for the great blog post.
Slush, I just got super lucky with the post today. :-)
Helen, what do you think a very chilled sparkling Moscato? I know just the one too. It's delish.
Oh and Laura, my favorite wine though I don't drink it very often 'cos it's so darned expensive is the Chateau D'Yquem. The older vintages are superb though the younger ones have freshness to them too.
A sparkling Moscato would be just the thing right now it is still so hot out here and I am just about to sit and read and that would go down well.
Have Fun
I could never develop a taste for wine, my BF has decided I am hopeless. Loved Agatha Christie when I was younger.
Welcome back, Laura - great to have you back in the Lair.
Wow! What a fascinating array of projects you have going on. How on earth do you manage it?! Is is hard to keep the various stories straight when you're working on multiple projects?
Let's see - favourite wines:
Red - Nine Popes from Charles Melton
White - St Clair sauvignon blanc
Rose - Reach (a NZ blend)
Favourite detective series? I love Tess Gerritsen's Rizzoli and Isles series. I also love any one of the Karen Rose detectives, Lisa Gardner's DD Warren and of course, Eve Dallas *g*.
Oh, and Midnight Louie from Carole Nelson Douglas' series *g* - now there's a black cat with attitude, and a knack for solving crimes!
Good morning, everyone! I am coming to you via my netbook, hence the Livejournal login.
Wow, you guys are up and at'em even earlier than I am. That's ...scary. :-)
I'll be popping back and forth to answer questions, but if I miss something, just poke me, okay?
Daz -- ooooo, Chateau D'Yquem! I was actually just given a bottle of dessert wine that I was told was made from the same grapes, but crafted by another winemaker/under a different House name. I'm very interested in seeing the difference (I mean, other than being 1/3 the price!)
Anna -- There have been times, I will admit, when I start to write a scene and then think "no, wait, wrong magic system! Wrong series!" But mostly I keep it all straight the same way we did when we were in college, taking different courses each semester. Different notebooks for each project, different habits for each series, etc.
-- Laura Anne
LAG, I'm not a wine drinker, but the concept of the Vinearts Wars fascinates me!
As for the last short story I read, that's got to be Terry Odell's "Other Side of the Story," in which Terry interviews her characters.
Daz, congrats on the bird! When Laura Anne was here before, she told us the Vineart Wars was inspired by her love of wine.
The PSI series has great character interplay and unusual use of magic.
If you like paranormal romance with adventure, you might also check out the prior series, The Retrievers (first book, Staying Dead).
Laura Anne did a masterful job of keeping conflict in the romantic relationship right up to the final book. I finished the last book, then read then last third again, and then read it yet again, it was so wrenching.
Laura Anne--my comment to Daz reminded me of this. I don't know whether I told you I taught Staying Dead last semester. It was a big hit with the students.
Slush, better luck next time on the rooster! I think you will enjoy Pack of Lies. The first book, Hard Magic, is also out. I love the way it looks at team-building.
I have to confess that I haven't read the Jesse Stone books, but I think Tom Selleck was great in the TV movies.
PS to Slush--good luck in the contest!
Helen, good point about Harry Potter. He and his pals do engage in a lot of detective work.
I also prefer white wine, but Cassondra recommended finding a "light" pinot noir at Thanksgiving. We ended up with Mark West pinot noir (it's a California wine; not sure if they have it in Australia), and I liked it a lot.
Kim, I also love Sherlock Holmes. I wish we'd thought to read them to the boy when he was young enough to be read to. Now he's so busy with school, he probably won't touch them for years.
A friend of mine lived in Hawaii, working as a waitress, during the filming of the original Hawaii Five-0. She said the ethnicity of the governor and the head of Five-0 had been changed for the series. This was apparently not a popular move with native Hawaiians.
I can't say I blame them.
Hi, Cath--Thanks for stopping by today!
Helen and Daz, is moscato a dessert wine? If it is, I think I've had it and liked it.
Nancy -- you mentioned that were going to use it, but not how it turned out. Glad to hear the response was positive!
And pinot noir is a god red for people who stick to whites, as it's not an in-your-face wine like Australian Shiraz, Cabernet, or Zinfandel, for'ex. In fact, it's considered a very "sexy" wine, because it totally seduces the mouth -- supple and smooth like silk, with just enough fruit and body to tempt you into all sorts of delicious thoughts.... ;-)
Dianna, not everybody loves everything. I like wine, but I like what I like, as the saying goes. I'm not very adventurous.
I also enjoyed Dame Agatha when I was younger.
er, a good wine. Not a god wine. Not to the best of my knowledge, anyway....
-- Laura Anne
Anna, wow! You know enough about wine to have a favorite in each category. I'm impressed.
I love Eve Dallas, too, of course. (Treachery in Death coming 2/22, yay!) I've been enjoying Rizzoli and Isles on TV.
Hi, Eilis--thanks for stopping by!
Laura Anne, pinot is a sexy wine? Hmm. It's definitely smooth. *g*
I agree it's not in your face. Some reds seem to have a dusty feel when I drink them--the tannins, maybe? Or they seem a little bitter. There's a merlot we like, too. But we're not very adventurous, as I said. If someone gives us a wine or recommends one, we'll gladly try it. We just don't have much initiative in that area.
Laura Ann - I know wine has power. That's why I have to watch my consumption at dinner parties (grin). So I can see a society where the wine makers have power. Very cool.
Congratulations on the Nebula award. We create in such an isolated environment, it's good to have the validation that what we create is darn good!
Daz, Congrats on the rooster!
Newflash--there's an author prize up for grabs. I took the blog down for a few seconds to add it on.
Laura Anne is giving one commenter today the choice of any one of her published novels (Vineart Wars, Retrievers, or PSI).
I didn't follow up with her about this, so I'm late posting it. Apologies!
Donna, good point about the power of wine. I find that the power of champagne, in particular, can be sneaky. *g*
Laura I am so impressed with both of your series.
Of course, I got interested in the wine-centric series last time you were in the lair because I'm an unashamed wine enthusiast.
I'd love to set some books on the West Coast in wine country, but I've never spent any time there so I'm afraid to try it.
I love the way you're developing these series, and more and more I'm interested in longer series which involve communities of people, and where all of the important relationships don't necessarily resolve in each book. It used to be that those were unsatisfying for me. But something has changed. I don't know if it's me who has changed, or if authors are becoming more skilled at keeping that tension going across books. Maybe it's because more romance authors are getting into that market?
Anyway, didn't mean to go off on a tangent.
I haven't read any short fiction in a long time. Heck, I haven't read anything I want to read just for pleasure in a long time. Must remedy that immediately.
Nancy, thanks so much for bringing Laura back to us and letting us in on what she's been doing!
Cassondra -- Actually, I think it's because more sf/f authors are getting into romance, that the relationships are maintained! There's more allowance in that genre for extending and developing a relationship slowly, over multiple books in a series. In romance, we're trained to close each book with a definite resolution to the romantic tension.
Hi, Laura! Your series sound really good--I love connected stories (of any length!) so I'll be looking into yours. I don't drink much wine though--some friends and I went up to the Napa area last year and visited Sterling Vineyards, which was fun :) We were able to taste several wines, and even liked a couple!
Cassondra, sure hope you'll have a chance to come out here and visit--you'll enjoy yourself for sure!
Favorite detective story? My kids are just getting started with that genre, so they're into Encyclopedia Brown--I'd forgotten how much fun reading a few of those can be :)
And latest short story reading? Out of the Light, Into the Shadows, the anthology by Lori/LL Foster and Erin McCarthy--those were fun; Erin's stories connected to her Vegas Vampires series, which I haven't read, but now might want to... I find that happens a lot--I'll read an author in an anthology and want to read more by her...
Cassondra, you know I love continuing relationships. I think Laura Anne is right, that romance still isn't overly hospitable to those. I wish it were. Paranormal romance does seem to be the most open to it, maybe because of crossover readers as well as crossover writers.
I'd particularly like to see that change in romantic suspense, as I'm sure you're aware.
Fedora, I LOVED Encyclopedia Brown. Alas, but the boy did not get into those. I'm glad your kids are.
I'm not much of a wine drinker or beer for that matter. For some weird reason, two glasses of wine OR two beers will have me dancing on the table tops doing crazy stuff.
I could chug a fifth of the hard stuff and never bat an eye - I figure this is where my hillbilly genes come into play. As kids we grow up being dosed with all kinds of home remedies staring whiskey.
Not much for detective stories as of late I've become one of those rabid romance fans. I used to be a big fan of Ellery Queen (I know I'm dating myself) and my forbidden pleasure was Ian Flemings Bond series.
Cybercliper - oh, aren't the James Bond books great? Much darker and snarkier (within their time period constraints) than the movies, at least until recently (mmm,hang on, I'm having a Daniel Craig moment....)
I tend to look back and see the oddest bits of influence in my works, and spotting the Bondian touches in one project made me stop and laugh like a loon.
Hey Laura Anne! So glad to have you with us again. I, like Nancy, am a big fan. :>
Hey Daz, congrats on catching the chookie. :>
Cybercliper, I've never had your tolerance for the hard stuff, but I used to be able to hold a fair amount of beer. That tolerance, alas, has diminished over time.
I mostly read romance, too. I make occasional forays into science fiction and fantasy, and occasionally into thrillers or mysteries.
I like a romantic element in my reading, even if it isn't the dominant storyline.
Laura Anne, Daniel Craig is very popular here in the Lair. :-)
I hear there's a new Bond film slated, just waiting for an opening in his schedule.
What an amazingly prolific guest, Nancy! Thanks for bring Laura to us today.
Welcome, Laura! I'm very curious about how you keep up with what must be a very hectic schedule.
I love the classic detectives -- Sherlock Holmes and the like -- but I also enjoy contemporary detective, especially those with some kind of paranormal powers.
Favorite detective is Sherlock Holmes. (Robert Downey Jr playing him in the movie didnt hurt either). Wine I dont really drink but if Im going to I like Pinot Grigio or even Reisling. Last short fiction is what I am currently reading which is Deaths Excellent Vacation anthology.
Good on you, Daz! It was too cold here in the States for him!
Welcome Laura!
Goodness you are one busy writer! Do you work on one book at the time or do you have several going at once? Your series sound intriguing and each sounds very different. Amazing.
I'm in the I love anything paranormal camp. I write Regency historicals and read quite a bit in that genre, but I read other genres as well and paranormal is probably my next favorite.
I'm a big fan of Sherlock Holmes - the original detective! The Hound of the Baskervilles is probably my favorite.
Anything by Karen Rose is fantastic and guaranteed to get your heart racing.
I read Andrew Grant's Even when it first came out and loved it. Can't wait to read his next one.
I am thoroughly enjoying Mel Starr's medieval detective series - the Hugh de Singleton Chronicles beginning with The Unquiet Bones. Great series, wonderful and all too human protagonist and his writing sucks you into the medieval world completely.
And my favorite wine? I am a tea-totaller so my favorite wine is Milo's iced tea! The house wine of the South!
Jo, Laura Anne's output is pretty amazing, isn't it? You know I love Holmes, too. As for paranormal detectives, I think they're beginnign to appear on mystery shelves.
Donnas, I thought Robert Downey, Jr., was superb as Holmes. I wasn't sure about making the characters younger, but I think it worked out well.
Louisa, I love the idea of iced tea as the wine of the South. Is Milo's a brand? A restaurant?
I love the Basil Rathbone Holmes films and enjoyed both Jeremy Brett and Robert Downey, Jr. I haven't seen the new version--Sherlock, I think?
Hey, Deanna, one chook for you!
Welcome back, Laura Anne. Nancy, fabulous interview as ever.
Laura Anne, huge congratulations on all your success and those fabulous reviews. You must have been happy dancing when you saw those!
Actually I'm currently on a bit of a detective story glom. Madly catching up on all the Daisy Dalrymple stories by Carola Dunn which are just so darn charming!
Favorite detective stories are the Peter Wimsey series by Dorothy L. Sayers. They're from the golden age of British crime, the 20s and 30s, and they're utterly amazing. And he's the most wonderful romantic hero when he falls in love with Harriet Vane. Wow, I swoon when I read about their courtship. Go, Peter! Probably my favorite was Gaudy Night (which is more about Harriet than Peter) and Nine Tailors (in which Harriet doesn't appear but it's a marvellous story). But they're all fantastic!
Can I go w-a-a-y back and say that my fave detectives are Trixie Belden, Nancy Drew, and Judy Bolton? Childhood faves of mine and I still have the books. I always liked to think, too, that there were romances developing for the future between Trixie and Jim and Honey and Brian. Poor Mart; he didn't seem to have any girl interested in him. My fave of Trixie Belden's was/is THE GATEHOUSE MYSTERY.
I'm not much of a wine drinker. The Amana Colonies winery makes plum wine and it's pretty good. I've never had the courage to try their dandelion wine, but hear it's good.
Short story...other than children's stories...can't think of any right now.
My first mystery favorites were Trixie Beldon and Nancy Drew lol. As to wine - I love cabernet savignon - a nice, red, dry wine. What a great premise of paranormal and detectives.
oh wow, a lot to catch up on here. That'll teach me to take lunch! ;-)
For the folk who've commented on my output -- yeah, I didn't quite realize how flat-out I was going until the end of last year ('10) when I paused and it all fell on me like a pile of bricks. I didn't mind the workload (too busy is far better than not busy enough) but a week somewhere where all I do is sip pina coladas and relax would be oh so nice.....
I try to split my days up into two or three work "sessions" - several hours between 7am and noon, then a break, then again in the afternoon, and then do something else for an hour or two in the evening (usually freelance copywriting or editing). That way by brain doesn't get worn down on any one project.
Dorothy L Sayers is one of my favorite mystery writers, too - she really broken open the character-driven muystery, vs the plot-driven one.
And speaking of Sherlock Holmes - has anyone seen the new, updated version of Sherlock? Brilliant, and they finally give Watson his due as a capable, intelligent adult w/o reducing Sherlock's brilliance any. Well played.
Nancy -- so I shouldn't mention that I saw Craig and Jackman live on Broadway in A Steady Rain? Hommmina. Also, the play was brilliant.
-- Laura Anne
Anna, thanks. You know I love Lord Peter. I was so disappointed when I discovered them, blitzed through them, and then learned that Sayers was dead. My favorite is Gaudy Night, though I have a weakness for Murder Must Advertise, too.
Deb, I still have my Nancy Drew books, too, although the boy showed not the slightest interest. If he doesn't someday produce a daughter, I don't know what I'll do with those books.
Catslady, I also loved Nancy Drew.
Laura Anne, we always like having Jackman and/or Craig mentioned around here. I saw reviews of that play in the Times, but living so far outside NYC makes it hard to get to things that have short runs.
By Sherlock, do you mean the new TV version? I haven't seen it yet.
PS to Laura Anne--I heard Jackman and Craig raised boatloads of money for charity by auctioning off their shirts or some such.
Nancy - they did, but not when I saw it (I saw it in previews). Friends who saw it a night they stripped down said it was the most frenzied bidding of straight women and gay men they'd ever seen. :-)
I'd seen Jackman on stage before, in Boy from Oz (where he was wonderful in a very different way) but Craig just knocked it out of the ballpark. Utterly amazing performances in a very complicated, subtle play.
-- Laura Anne
Laura Anne, it's nice to know those guys were good in the show.
As for the auction . . . oh, to be wealthy! *g*
Oh, and just by the way--Congrats to our own Suzanne Ferrell, whose debut novel, The Surrender of Lacey Morgan, is up on the EC website TODAY!
Milo's is both a restaurant and an iced tea brand. Milo's started out as a little hamburger stand - the kind that you find in the parking lot of a store like K-Mart. The burgers are great, but their iced tea is sublime. They are now a franchise and you can buy the tea in gallon containers in many grocery stores and Walmarts. I go through GALLONS of it, especially in the summer.
I've seen the new Sherlock Holmes film and I really enjoyed it! I loved Jude Law's Dr. Watson!
oh, and since I just handed the book in, a reminder that in PSI #3 (TRICKS OF THE TRADE) there will be a more-than-passing mention of one Christine Wells, who won the RB contest last year....
I'm afraid I did something terrible to poor Christine... (not gory, but terrible...)
-- Laura Anne
Laura Anne, love the new Sherlock. It's funny - the lead guy is rather odd looking but somehow really sexy! Mind you, brains always work for me ;-) And I agree with you about the Watson character being really well done. Can't wait for the next instalment. And I love the sly humor of it all too - especially the nods to the Conan Doyle stories. Glad you're a Sayers fan!
Nancy, Moscato is not so much a dessert wine as it is a sweeter alternative to a sparkling rose or bubbly. There are some who make them into a dessert wine but even then they are not a particularly heavy sweet wine. Moscato tend to be lighter and only slightly sweet.
Louisa, Milo's sounds like a cool place!
Laura Anne, I'd forgotten about Christine being in the book. When can we expect to learn her fate?
She's in the deadline cave today, I think.
Anna wrote: Mind you, brains always work for me.
Me, too. Definitely.
Daz, thanks for the wine info. :-)
Nancy - TRICKS OF THE TRADE will be out in late November/early December 2011.
Laura Anne, yay on Tricks of the Trade--that's THIS calendar year! *g*
I watch a lot of detective shows on television, but don't read nearly as much of that genre. I always did love Agatha Christy, but can't think of a particular story. I'd choose Castle as my favorite detective story.
I don't care for wine or really, most alcohol, so my favorite kind is red wine mixed with 7-Up, that I can enjoy.
The last short fiction I read was an anthology - The Heart of Christmas.
Barbara, we enjoy Castle, too. I've never thought of mixing wine and 7-Up. I guess it's kind of a wine spritzer?
Welcome back, Laura Anne! Bonnie and Benjamin's relationship sounds deliciously complicated!
My favourite detective stories are Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes series and Rex Stout's Nero Wolfe series. At the moment, I'm reading my way through Maureen Jennings' Murdoch Mysteries and I'm really liking the character of Detective William Murdoch.
I tend to prefer red wines over white providing they're dry but I do have a favourite white wine, Pelee Island Winery's Gewurztraminer.
I just started the anthology, Dark and Stormy Knights edited by P.N. Elrod.
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