Hi Kim, and welcome to the lair!
First, let me give a big hullo to all the Banditas! Its so wonderful to be here. The Lair is so lush and beautiful. I didn't know you kept Tim Tams back here! *squeals with delight and sneaks a few*
Haha, you have taken the Tim Tam truth syrum. You are in my power... We Aussies are taking over the world, one Tim Tam at a time bwahaha!
OK, down to business. Kim, can you explain for the uninitiated what Romance Novel TV is and how it all started?
Romance Novel TV is the brainchild of Maria and Marisa, twin sisters who love romance novels and wanted to bring them to the world in a new and innovative way. They both have a background in TV production so on-camera interviews were a natural choice for them. Their theory is not everything is revealed on the page and that's so true. There are so many great stories behind authors and the books they create. Its Maria and Marisa's vision to bring that to romance readers everywhere. I was lucky enough to be introduced to The M's through Eloisa James and was brought on board for the launch. Its such fun to work with this team. We have a great time together.
The Romance Novel TV site is quite extensive and ever changing. We have a thriving message board where we play Mystery Author, Banditas Donna and Christine being our most recent tricksters! We also host a Guest Author each week and since I love to give away books, there's always a contest or two going on. We've recently added a Review page where you'll find opinions on upcoming romances and old favorites. Bandita Anna C is going to be our resident reviewer and share her thoughts each month!
What is your role at RNTV? You seem to put in a LOT of hours moderating the boards along with all the other things you do. How do you stay fresh and on top of things?
Well, my title is production manager *g*. I do put in a lot of time and effort into the message board (thank you for noticing!) I do most of the author scheduling and contest fullfillment along with various other things. My role is ever changing and evolving. One fun and exciting thing I got to do was interview Kim Harrison on-camera at last year's RWA. I can't tell you what a thrill it was for me. For one day I got to be Katie Couric.
Keeping fresh? A constant supply of peanut M&M's and great romance novels, of course! Truly, what keeps me fresh is that I love what I do. After years and years of being miserable in my job now that I found something I'm good at everyday is like a blessing and that makes it easy. Also, I work with some of the best people in the world. The M's, the members of our community and all the great authors make my days fly by in a flurry of eutopia. Finding this happiness is something that I give thanks for everyday.
What do you hope readers find when they come to RNTV?
Entertainment and a place where they can come everyday to talk about romance. We strive to make each day something special on our site. I hope they find new authors and expand their reading choices. Most of all, I hope they find a place in our community.
What plans do you have for the future on the site?
Valentines Day will be our first anniversary! Our plans for our second year are so exciting. We plan on bringing new and innovative programming and exploring new ways to bring romance novels to readers. The three of us feel that the sky's the limit and we're ever changing and always open to new ideas. There is always a new author and a new story to talk about, we don't see that ever slowing down. Romance Novel TV changes and grows to bring this to our viewers in an entertaining and fun way. As long as there are authors writing romance novels RNTV will be there to cover it.
And finally, tell us 5 quirky things about you, that perhaps your readers don’t know about.
Only 5? LOL
1. I have very strict rules about The Care and Handling of Books. You must never ever write in a book, turn down the page or break the spine. Those are just the most urgent ones. I have about 378 rules.
Haha, you have taken the Tim Tam truth syrum. You are in my power... We Aussies are taking over the world, one Tim Tam at a time bwahaha!
OK, down to business. Kim, can you explain for the uninitiated what Romance Novel TV is and how it all started?
Romance Novel TV is the brainchild of Maria and Marisa, twin sisters who love romance novels and wanted to bring them to the world in a new and innovative way. They both have a background in TV production so on-camera interviews were a natural choice for them. Their theory is not everything is revealed on the page and that's so true. There are so many great stories behind authors and the books they create. Its Maria and Marisa's vision to bring that to romance readers everywhere. I was lucky enough to be introduced to The M's through Eloisa James and was brought on board for the launch. Its such fun to work with this team. We have a great time together.
The Romance Novel TV site is quite extensive and ever changing. We have a thriving message board where we play Mystery Author, Banditas Donna and Christine being our most recent tricksters! We also host a Guest Author each week and since I love to give away books, there's always a contest or two going on. We've recently added a Review page where you'll find opinions on upcoming romances and old favorites. Bandita Anna C is going to be our resident reviewer and share her thoughts each month!
What is your role at RNTV? You seem to put in a LOT of hours moderating the boards along with all the other things you do. How do you stay fresh and on top of things?
Well, my title is production manager *g*. I do put in a lot of time and effort into the message board (thank you for noticing!) I do most of the author scheduling and contest fullfillment along with various other things. My role is ever changing and evolving. One fun and exciting thing I got to do was interview Kim Harrison on-camera at last year's RWA. I can't tell you what a thrill it was for me. For one day I got to be Katie Couric.
Keeping fresh? A constant supply of peanut M&M's and great romance novels, of course! Truly, what keeps me fresh is that I love what I do. After years and years of being miserable in my job now that I found something I'm good at everyday is like a blessing and that makes it easy. Also, I work with some of the best people in the world. The M's, the members of our community and all the great authors make my days fly by in a flurry of eutopia. Finding this happiness is something that I give thanks for everyday.
What do you hope readers find when they come to RNTV?
Entertainment and a place where they can come everyday to talk about romance. We strive to make each day something special on our site. I hope they find new authors and expand their reading choices. Most of all, I hope they find a place in our community.
What plans do you have for the future on the site?
Valentines Day will be our first anniversary! Our plans for our second year are so exciting. We plan on bringing new and innovative programming and exploring new ways to bring romance novels to readers. The three of us feel that the sky's the limit and we're ever changing and always open to new ideas. There is always a new author and a new story to talk about, we don't see that ever slowing down. Romance Novel TV changes and grows to bring this to our viewers in an entertaining and fun way. As long as there are authors writing romance novels RNTV will be there to cover it.
And finally, tell us 5 quirky things about you, that perhaps your readers don’t know about.
Only 5? LOL
1. I have very strict rules about The Care and Handling of Books. You must never ever write in a book, turn down the page or break the spine. Those are just the most urgent ones. I have about 378 rules.
2. Literally everyday I can eat sweet and sour chicken from Memories of China. I never get sick of it, sadly, my poor husband does.
3. My sense of humor is that of a teen-age boy. I love gutter humor. Adam Sandler, Kevin Smith and Dane Cook are my idols!
4. I'm a self-taught cook. Up until about 10 years ago I couldn't even boil water. Now there's nothing I can't make including New York Cheesecake, pies and all sorts of goodies.
5. To Dance With Kings by Rosalind Laker kicked off a lifelong obsession with Marie Antoinette and a burning desire to see Versailles. NO, she did not say it (Let them eat cake) and YES, one day I will dance with my very own love in the Hall of Mirrors to candlelight *G*
Wow, remind me never to borrow a book from you, my dear! Eek, you'd have me hung drawn and quartered!
Thank you for joining us in the lair, Kim. And now, have another Tim Tam, I have a few more interesting questions for you in private... *g*
Thanks so much to the Banditas for having me! I can't wait till they take over the RNTV blog next week. Its going to be an invasion to rival the Beatles.
Thanks so much to the Banditas for having me! I can't wait till they take over the RNTV blog next week. Its going to be an invasion to rival the Beatles.
And now I'd like to ask your readers a question--I found my dream job at RNTV. What job would you love to have? Addendum--Christine forgot to add that Kim has very generously offered to give one lucky commenter a box of chocolates from her favourite chocolatier, The Nut Shoppe! Thanks so much, Kim!
Hi Kim! Welcome, once again, to the bandit lair. It's great to have you with us.
OK, everyone, Kim's still BUI (Blogging under the influence of Tim Tams) so she has to answer your questions truthfully. Go to it, guys!
And sorry if I've unfairly scooped the GR. I'll hand him back, honest! Just thought I'd welcome Kim before I went to bed. 'Night all!
Hey Christine! How about "good morning?" :)
I'm just out the door for Saturday morning doughnuts in 5 degree weather (brrrrr!) but wanted to say Kim, Romance Novel TV rocks! I love watching those videos.
Did anyone warn you guys about the rooster that will be wandering your halls in search of chocolate, and perhaps a bottle of vino?
All's fair in love, war and GR acquisition! HE wanted to stay in Oz again anyway!
Hello, Kim! You definitely have a dream job!!Love Romance Novel TV. Definitely a cut above and so innovative!
The Kim Harrison interview was a real coup! I love her books.
My dream job? Romance novel author, of course! I am working toward it every day. And I am under no illusions. It is not a bonbon, fuzzy slipper, lay around writing all day job. I don't care. Deadlines, bad reviews, late nights, endless revisions and snippy editors, crying agents? BRING IT ON! I can handle anything. I work at !@#@%%^ Wal-Mart!
Welcome to the lair!
I think RNTV is absolutely fantastic and I've been a regular visitor since discovering it last year. I love the videos.
Who are some of your favorite authors?
Looking forward to our invasion next week!
Oh, forgot to answer the question (It's 5 degrees here in Kentucky too...brain freeze)
My dream job? To be multi-pubbed in romance fiction :-) (You saw that one coming, didn't you?)
All rightee! Back with the doughuts, heads up, everyone, I'm throwing them your way! Now for that question--
I'm a speech pathologist in the day job, so if we're "dream" jobbing, I'd say. . . I'd love to hold private voice therapy sessions with Alan Rickman. Late at night, so as not to disrupt his work schedule. With a couple of glasses of Maker's Mark, in case he gets thirsty...:)
Actually, he really does have a slight speech impediment. A tight lower jaw. I read it on a bio of his.
I KNEW he needed me.
Mornin' everyone! I gotta say, you Banditas sure know how to treat a guest. Yummy Tim Tams AND donuts. I'm sure Gillian put a litte more truth serum in my chocolate covered but that's okay.
As long as The Golden One doesn't peck me I'm happy to share chocolate and vino*g*
Doglady--keep plugging away at your keyboard, keep those stories flowing and someday you will have that dream job.
Trust me if you can survive Wal-mart you can survive anything.
One more quirky fact about Kim; I used to work as a retail merchandiser. In Wal-mart. Doing video games and magazines. There is not enough hard liquior (or money) in the world to make me do that again.
So glad you enjoy RNTV. That's what we love to hear. We're already planning some pretty exciting stuff for this year's RT and RWA conferences. 2008 is going to be a very exciting year.
Some of my favorite authors:
Eloisa James, Julia Quinn, Anna Campbell, Karen Hawkins (her release on the 22nd is amazing) Kim Harrison, Vicki Pettersson, Karen Rose, Jeaniene Frost, Bandita Anna (her heroes are SO hawt!). And sooooo many others.
One author for all of you to watch if you enjoy light paranormals is Dakota Cassidy. Her first print book, The Accidental Werewolf, comes out Feb. 5 and lemme tell ya, its hilarious.
Since I'm still BUI (Christine just keeps handing me Tim Tams!) if anyone would like to talk about self-promotion/marketing its one of my favorite topics and I love to give my 2 cents on it. Feel free to ask questions!
I think The Golden One had a little too much vino. He just made a colorful mess in the corner. *g* Gotta clean it up but I'll be back soon!
Hi, Kim! I'm totally new to RNTV--it sounds wonderful! I'm looking forward to getting to know it better, and thanks for taking the time to let us get to know you better :)
Hmm... I'm not sure what my dream day job would be. I'm fortunate enough right now to be spending most of my time taking care of my kids, and a little of it on a custom photo cards business on the side. I used to work as an editor for an educational software company and do really love reading and editing, and wonder if I'd be able to do that someday with books...
Morning Everyone! Hi Kim!
I'm a regular at RNTV and it rocks. Kim, Marisa and Maria are always coming up with new and exciting ways for us to discover, meet and learn more about fantastic romance authors. We're a friendly bunch on the message board and always happy to welcome new members to the site so c'mon over.
My dream job, Kim? I love to travel and, as you know, my camera never leaves my side so I'd have to say my dream job would be photojournalist. I can't think of any job that would be more perfectly suited to me.
Christine, thanks again for a terrific week of Mystery Author. You were so good at leading us all on a merry chase and funny. This woman is so funny!
Looking forward to welcoming the Banditas to RNTV next week!
~PJ/Patty (for Christie)
Kim! Hello, my dear! I have to agree with everyone and say that I love RNTV. Maria, Marisa and you make it a place that I truly love and enjoy visiting daily. :) So, those who haven't joined the message board or just lurk, come on out of hiding! We don't bite...well, at least not very hard. *g*
My dream job would be to be Kim Castillo when I grow up! LOL Who could ask for a better job?!?!
Thanks for being such fabulous Mystery Authors, Christine and Donna! I had a blast! Looking forward to the Bandita Invasion...
My dream job would be reading manuscripts. I don't think I would be a good editor though because I like words too much and would never be able to cut any out...LOL
Kim, Karen Hawkins release is To Catch a Highlander right? She is among my favorite authors, since coming to the lair though I have so many favorite authors I am thinking of remodeling my house to accomodate the bookshelves.
Hi Kim!
Another Aussie here, but I'm up late, writing a newsletter. RNTV is a brilliant concept, love hearing the voices and watching the faces. Fascinating!
My dream job was to get paid for writing hot fantasy stories and I'm delighted to say I'm pretty well there and absolutely thrilled. *bwg* Also very tired...
What I would adore is to be an opera singer, a mezzo maybe. Those people have an awesome range of skills - the voice for a start, then the musicianship, the languages, the acting ability, not to mention the discipline.
Oh my goodness, to sing Tosca, or Butterfly, or Carmen, or Violetta... Makes me breathless just thinking of it. Which is why as a singer, I make a great writer. *g* Pity you can't do auditions in the shower...
PS Careful with those Tim Tams. They're addictive. Don't let Christine's sweet innocent face fool you... She's a wicked woman, that one. heh heh
Welcome Kim! One of these days Christine and Anna are going to send some of those Tim Tams to Maryland. I've never had one!
RNTV is a great site. I'm really looking forward to the Bandit invasion over there.
Thankfully after 17 years of working with computers, I found my dream job. There is nothing better than writing!
Hello, Kim! As you know, I love RNTV and you are one of the bestest people I've been lucky enough to get to know in this virtual world in which I now pretty much live. LOL! What you haven't mentioned in here is that you are the moderator for TWO other boards as well as this one. Seriously, I don't know how you do it!
My dream job - other than getting published - would be either running my own company or taking over hosting duties of The Tonight Show. I would LOVE that!
Exciting interview, Christine and Kim. Welcome to the Lair!
Okay, I'll bite. What are Tim Tams? Obviously, I need to get a handle on the alcoholic drinks!
We're so excited about storming RNTV next week. It's almost like the Normandy Invasion, but we promise to keep it bloodless, maybe not so clean, but no casualties!
Hmm, ideal job -- I've been lucky to have two so far, so for my third one -- YES!!! a published romance writer.
Hey, Kim!
Kim adopted me over at RNTV and made me feel so welcome that I had to make her on of my BFF's :)
Great interview--I enjoyed reading it!
And my dream job is being John Cusack's anything he wants me to be :)
Jo, I was just like you. I googled Tim Tams.
I found so much info, I think they might deserve their own post by our Aussie Banditas.
They were NOT what I was thinking :)
My dream job actually would be in the romance area...I would love to be an assistant, publicist or do promotions for romance authors. I am sure there is a title for that. I kind of do it now for free on my blog, but would love to be able to figure out how to turn it into a career.
If not that, my dream job would be getting paid to read...LOL.
Hi Kim and everybody else!
I stopped by because Kim is one of my Number One favorite people! She runs my BB with Julia Quinn and generally keeps me sane. Helllllo!
Eloisa James
Welcome, Kim! Great to have you here. I'm looking forward to our Bandita invasion. You, Maria, Marisa and the whole RNTV gang do a fabulous job.
Gillian, LOL on the private lessons with Alan Rickman. :)
I've finally achieved my dream job -- writing novels full-time. My hope is that my career builds so that I can make at least as much as I was when I left my magazine journalist job.
Yay! Some of my bestest buds have dropped by the Lair. *waves wildly to Andrea, Dakota, PJ, Eloisa and Terri!* smooches!
Dianna--Yes, Karen H's new book is To Catch a Highlander and will be on shelves Tuesday. I can't rave enough about this book. Its really great. And if he play over at the Goddesses check out the contest on the Forum, we've got something special next week.
TimTams--I've never had any but my understanding is they are an awesome chocolate covered cookie. I think we all need to make our Aussie girls promise to smuggle tons to San Fran this year *g* Anna and Christine--*hint, hint*
Terri--you should totally host the Tonight Show! I can't believe that Conan O'Brien is going to take it over. UGH.
AND as Christine announced on the blog, I'm giving away a box of my favorite chocolates to one lucky poster! I'll even let you pick what kinds you'd like. Caramels, fruit cremes, milk or dark. The sky's the limit :D
Welcome to our new visitors!
Since I'm still BUI (Christine just keeps handing me Tim Tams!) if anyone would like to talk about self-promotion/marketing its one of my favorite topics and I love to give my 2 cents on it. Feel free to ask questions!
I love free money :-)
Kim, what would you say are the most important components of an author's website?
Joan--absolutely its regular updates. Even if its something small, you need to keep your site fresh. If a fan goes to your site for several months and there is nothing new they are going to stop going. Also, easy navigation. While its fun to have hidden little gems for your fans to find, the important stuff; bio, excerpts, coming soon. Those need to be easy and obvious to find. Front and center. And IMO, as soon as you are given the go ahead by your publisher to release an upcoming title and cover, do so. Especially if you are on a one-book-a-year-schedule. Your fans should be getting your information from you first, not Amazon. If possible.
Its also good to have some fun and interactive things for your fans. Show them a little about you. This is a very personable industry, you have to make the personal connection. Tell fun facts about yourself, how you got into writing, etc.
The two biggest though are easy navigation and keeping it fresh and updated.
Told ya, I love talking about this stuff ;)
Welcome to the Lair, Kim. Watch out for Banditas sweinging from the rafters and Joanie's Roman hunks serving as cabanna boys!
I discovered Romance Novel TV somewhere around April last year. I couldn't watch the interviews on my computer, (dang Linux/Firefox), but I sneak onto dh's computer once a week and catch up. The boards and blogs...those I can get on either one!
It's a great place to do some self promotion for writers. I got Sandy Blair to get on and talk about her books, and then y'all had her as a secret author and a guest author, so it was fun to watch. And I love that I can have the Bandit blog as my signature tag everytime I post.
Dream job? Hmmm...working in L&D only 4 hours two nights a week would be great...and get paid full time wages, hehehe.
But my ultimate? Same as Joan's, full-time multi published romance author!
Hi Kim,
It's great that you've found you're dream job. I want to a wrecker, as in recovering salvage. It would be amazing to discover a wrecked vessel from long ago and maybe buried treasure. I think all the "Pirates" movies have me wondering how many ships have sank with precious cargo.
Hi, Kim! -waving madly!
I know from firsthand experience how wonderful a visit to RNTV is. Can't wait to drop in again soon.
I have my dream job - writing love stories all day, every day. What could be better than making people happy for a living?!
Tracy G.
Can I take a moment for a very elegant squeeee! Eloisa James was in the lair!!!
Hi PJ/aka Patty! I'm missed your post earlier.
I'm so glad you found us! And fyi...the book is in mail.
Hi Gillian! Now this is a tricky one about the Golden Rooster because we're still blogging here every day while we're at RNTV and the poor rooster can only make it across the world once a day. I think maybe we might have to think of another cyber mascot for our RNTV stint. Any ideas?
Doglady said: My dream job? Romance novel author, of course! I am working toward it every day.
Fantastic, Doglady. I hear you're a fab writer, too. You will get there, never fear. And all the work is worth it.
Joanie T, I have absolutely no doubt you'll achieve your dream with your gorgeous Romans!
Welcome Kim I have joined up over at RNTV and have posted a few things and you Guys are great I am under the name tootsie over there I have spent a few hours reading a lot of the posts there and it is so much fun. I am really looking forward to the next couple of weeks it is sure to be fun with RNTV ladies and the Bandits together big party.
At least the GR didn't have far to travel this time Christine have fun with him.
My dream job would be to have my own bookstore dedicated to romance novels where I would be able to read to my hearts content and let all of my customers know how wonderful the books and authors are where I could have access to the internet all day instead of just before and after work and on my days off.
I have "meet" so many authors thru the blogs I go to and they always are so good with information on their books I always feel privaledged and it is people like you Kim that make all this happen for us readers thanks.
Have Fun
Snork to the Alan Rickman assignment, Gillian! You made me choke on my donut.
I think a theme is emerging here--interesting that you'd like to work on the editing side and not writing. I hope you achieve your dream some day.
Hi PJ!!! Great to see you here. A photojournalist, eh? Sounds fantastic. I can think of a great job for you...detective. You tracked me down in no time flat. And I thought I was being so tricky. :)
Hey, Kim, wonderful to see you here!!! You clearly fit right in with the Bandits, especially now you've had your Tim Tam truth serum. I suspect if we took over the world one Tim Tam at a time, the world actually wouldn't mind too much ;-)
Hey, by the way, this isn't Anna Campbell Bandita. This is another Anna Campbell who would be ELIGIBLE FOR THE CHOCOLATES!!!! Bwahahahaha! I'm tall and dark and mysterious and I look like Sophia Loren in Houseboat. Hey, where's Cary when I want him?
Um, if I was the Bandita AC, though, I'd say how much I'm looking forward to my book review stint at RNTV. I'm kicking off next week with a classic of the genre, some would say THE classic of the genre, LORD OF SCOUNDRELS by Loretta Chase.
Oh, Gillian, can I be your locum when you get the Alan Rickman gig? I'm not being greedy and wanting all of him, but just one teeny weeny leetle session...
Hey, Kim, if I were the REAL Anna Campbell who isn't eligible for the chocs (but in fact, I am eligible, because I'm not her, no sirree), I'd say thank you for including me on that stellar list of faves!
Hey, Dakota, congratulations on the new release! Sounds great! And we both know Kim is a woman of infallible taste ;-) Welcome to the lair!
Hey, Kim, how's that for a compliment? Andrea wants to BE you! I agree, RNTV has such a fun, friendly atmosphere. I'll certainly be back often.
Wow, Eloisa! Goddess in the lair, everyone! Welcome, welcome! Isn't Kim just the bestest?
Um, Kim, this is the OTHER AC here and I like nuts and caramels. I'm just sayin'...
Dianna wrote:
I don't think I would be a good editor though because I like words too much and would never be able to cut any out...LOL
Hey, you'd be REALLY popular with your authors. *g* Thanks for dropping in, Dianna.
Christine, I heard that squeeeee! Sure didn't sound too elegant to me!
Kim, have you got any hints on what promotional items work the best? As an author on a limited budget, it's so overwhelming to see what's out there. And basically, we want a bang for our limited buck. What's the most innovative promotional item you've ever seen?
Ummm, so glad I stopped by again to see how ya'll are doing. The Nut Shoppe, yummmy!
Now, Gillian, that is NO help at all. Okay off to google Tim Tams.
OH. MY. GOSH. That's even better than liquor. Our Aussie friends HAVE to bring us some of those. That's sounds like my favorite kind of dessert, one I'd kill for.
P226, where are you hiding today?
My dream job would be to be a bookstore owner. To be surrounded by books every day and to talk to customers about books would be great.
Hi, Eloise, waving to you from my corner of the Bandita Lair in Sacramento! You spoke at our chapter's Readers' Luncheon last fall and you were GREAT!!! So clever, so witty, so much fun.
Now, now, Ms Denise, you behave or I'll send Sven over to punish you! For anyone who hasn't met him, Sven is the Swedish masseur Kim generously 'lent' me at RNTV. He seems to be staying around:)
Denise, you have a lovely singing voice so I'm not surprised at your aspirations. But hey, you're living the dream with the writing right now. And you can be an opera singer through your characters, which is almost as good!
Christie, you must try Tim Tams. Foanna and I will no doubt bring a mozza of them to National. I might even bring all the new varieties--cappucino, caramel, pink--although there's nothing like the original, IMO. Definitely the subject of a blog post for the future, I think!
Uh, and if I weren't old and a bad typist, I'd actually spell your name correctly, Eloisa! And actually, NONE of us is very elegant LOL. We have too much fun for that!
Denise wrote:
Don't let Christine's sweet innocent face fool you... She's a wicked woman, that one. heh heh
Who, me?? I can't imagine what you mean! Driven as the pure...I mean pure as the driven, that's me.
The real A.C wrote:
Kim, have you got any hints on what promotional items work the best? As an author on a limited budget, it's so overwhelming to see what's out there. And basically, we want a bang for our limited buck. What's the most innovative promotional item you've ever seen?
hmm, we I think you definitely have to go with your website first. Your reach is endless.
Budget-wise. Blogging! Such as the Romance Bandits. Be a presence on the web. Join other online communities, such as RNTV, and be a presence there as much as your schedule will allow. For instance, look at Victoria Dahl. Her debut novel, To Tempt a Scotsman, came out last year. Everyone knew her, everyone knew her book was coming out because she visits online communities fairly regularly. The same holds true for Dakota Cassidy. She's a member of a lot of online communities and is known. Now, I'm not saying go to every community in romantica-land and be a promo 'ho, cause that's not cool. Does that make sense?
Back to where I started this epic novel, *g* start a blog with other writer friends. Blogging is free other than your time. You can really develop a great community and a good following with just that. Look at the Banditas, I believe when you started none of you had a book on the shelf, correct? The Romance Vagabonds are another good example. They're all soon-to-be-published and they get a fair amount of traffic.
Terrio said:
What you haven't mentioned in here is that you are the moderator for TWO other boards as well as this one. Seriously, I don't know how you do it!
Yes, Terrio, I think Kim is amazing. And her enthusiasm and interest in everyone just never seems to flag. That's why we wanted to interview her here today. All of the banditas who have dealt with Kim have found her accommodating, helpful and incredibly organized. A pleasure to work with!
Jo, you'll be happy to know that Tim Tams contain no alcohol whatsoever. They're these fantastic Oz chocolate biscuits. They have two choc biscuit layers with chocolate cream in the middle and then covered in chocolate. Divine! But never fear, after National, you will be a Tim Tam virgin no longer. The lair will be stocked!
Hello Tracy G.!! Waving from the slightly warmer Texas climes...how are things on the Lake of the Ozarkes this fine day?
Christine, great interview!
Gillian, congrats on the Golden Rooster! I'm sure he's tired of the cold weather, though. *g*
Kim, WELCOME to the Lair! We are thrilled to have you here and also to be invading your blog come Monday!
Okay, I'm a major geek, but if I had to pick a dream job other than writing (which I fully plan to do full-time as soon as possible), it would be to be a librarian. I would have such fun, surrounded by books and ringing up late charges! *g* I have a bit of a sadistic streak and would enjoy the quaking when the Chronically Tardy try to check out books. Muahahahaha!
*ahem* Sorry, got carried away. Really, I find library science fascinating. Libraries are so organized! I live with a bunch of packrats, so I dream of tidy, organized spaces. *sigh*
Promo talk cont...
If you want to go for something solid. Bookmarks are fairly cheap to print up. Personally, I'm a big bookmark user (see rule #1 of my book rules). Anything that has your name and book cover on it. People are visual. They may not remember your name but they'll remember your cover. And as long as that remembrance gets them to pick up your book and buy it, well that's all that counts. Right?
I'm also a big pen user. Okay, I'm a pen freak. I have zillions, literally. At the RWA goodie room I picked up one of each and I use them all the time. And yup, I do pay attention to whose name is one it. This week's is Hannah Howell.
Hi Dakota, did you see the recent Stephen King movie with John Cusack? Harrowing stuff!
*blush* aww, thank you Christine. That's so sweet of you!
hm, I think we need to plan a big ole Bandita party in Anna C's RWA room. I'll bring chocolates from The Nut Shoppe (Anna, my favs are caramel and nuts too. Their turtles are to.die.for.) Our OZ girls can bring Tim Tams and Vegemite. We'll make a liquior run and party till we...
Jennifer Y, I'm sure you'd be very successful at publicity and promotion. That sounds like an achievable dream to me. Thanks for commenting! I'm delighted to see so many people dream about working with books and authors. And Alan Rickman and John Cusack. They are laudable ambitions, also, of course!:)
Christine, I didn't care for that Stephen King movie. I was really disappointed in it. John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson, how can you go wrong?!?!?
Trish, I so hope you can quit the day job! Your schedule is so tight, I'm not surprised you dream of devoting more time to writing.
Yes, there will be Tim Tams in the lair at National, Kim, so be sure and stop by:)
Thanks for your insights on websites, Kim. That's such great advice.
What do you think about changing the look of a website? Is that good to do or should you keep the basic look of it the same so it's something familiar to your readers?
What? There's chocolate over at RNTV? I need to visit more often...like every hour or so...
Welcome Kim! *waving madly* It's great to have you here today! I'm looking forward to the forthcoming Bandita invasion at RNTV next week. :> It has been so cool to RNTV blossom and see all the wonderful footage from National after we got home. It was totally cool! Ya'll did a wonderful job covering it.
Oh, man, Gillian, I wish I could say I had some sort of skill Alan Rickman needed, like speech therapy...but he'll just have to love me as I am. Snork!
Caren, as the holder of a library degree, I'd say it isn't as fun as you'd think to have all that organization (other people's system, BTW, and illogical) It IS fun to ring up the late charges, tho.' Grins.
Dream job...other than writing? Grins. If I weren't writing, or if there were an addendum job to writing, I think I'd like to be a TV producer. Ohhh, the powere...snicker.
*Waving madly at Eloisa too!* I had the privledge of meeting you at Washington Romance Writers Retreat several years ago. Talk about a great day job AND a writing career! :> Thanks for dropping in!
Kim, there were moments in that Stephen King movie where the terror didn't seem real. It was on the corny side, really. As you say, with that cast, how could it have gone wrong? Very difficult to sustain a movie like that with just one man in a room, I think. Still, I was interested to see it because King talks about writing that short story in his book On Writing.
Jane, with that as a dream job, you'd fit right into the lair. You'd have to share the booty, though!
Hi TraceyG, thanks for stopping in!
Helen, isn't RNTV fantastic? The boards are fun and I love watching all the author interviews. Did you see Anna Campbell's segments? She came over extremely well, I thought.
I'll look forward to your RNTV review, Anna. LOS is one of my favourite books of all time so I'll be interested to see what you have to say.
And yes, if I didn't know you so well, I'd totally mistake you for Sophia Loren on Houseboat.
Kim, Tim Tams yes, but trust me. You really don't want Vegemite. I think Australians are the only ones in the world who like it.
Yes Christine I did see Anna I think she came across really good a true Sophia Loren.
As for Lord Of Scoundrels I got that book this week so I will be reading it very soon. I just want to finish the new releases that I got the week before.
Oh Christie I checked out Rendezvous Feb catologue and your book is there I will be putting my order in for those releases in the next few days I can't wait to read your book. I need a new bookshelf I am fast running out of room.
BTW Christine and Anna I would very much like to send some Tim Tams to you both to take over to the conference when you go as my contribution for everyone.
Have Fun
Aargh Blogger ate my post (at least I think it did - hope it doesn't post twice!)
Fab interview, Christine! Nice use of the TimTam Truth Serum.
Hi Kim *waving* great to see you here.
I had such fun meeting the two M's at the NJ Conference. They live very close to me.
Hi Eloisa *waving* - can you tell we're really looking forward to your visit to the Lair in May?!
Gillian - can I sit in on your sessions with Alan Rickman? *sigh*
Dream job? Published author (please!!!). I also would love to be a film director.
Christine, I'm not so great with generating the ideas (so the writing is way too scary and intimidating sounding--definitely not one of those people with a yearning to write!), but I'm just enough of a pain to want to tweak other people's thoughts--don't I sound awful?
Jeanne, you'd love being my librarian then--I'm terrible about remembering to renew/return books on time :( I try to tell myself all those fees are like donating to support the library ;)
JenniferY, you're doing an awesome job of it as a hobby! I'm hoping you'll find some ways to "go pro"!
And Kim, your job sounds really cool!!
Suzanne Welsh said...
...how are things on the Lake of the Ozarks this fine day?
Colder than a well-diggers a... uh, cold. Beautiful, sunny and really cold. :D
Tracy G.
Helen and Christine, my poor shortsighted friends, you are SOOO kind! Sophia was gorgeous, wasn't she? Helen, what a lovely offer of the Tim Tams. Sort of like you'll be with us in spirit!
Christine, I was utterly stoked when Marisa and Maria offered to interview me - and then they were really kind and cut out all the bits where I sounded like a loon (quite an editing job, believe me!).
Vegemite? Bleuch! I'd rather be tortured by some of JT's gladiators. Hmm, perhaps that didn't come out as quite as menacing as it was meant to be.
Kim, a sensible question - I loved Squawk Radio and it became really huge really quickly. What do you think was the secret of Squawk? I mean, I know they were all bestselling authors but there seemed to be an extra level of magic there that went beyond that.
My dream job would be reading books and writing reviews - what better way than being paid to do something I love AND tell my opinion, right? :)
Hi Kim!
I had the pleasure of being a guest author on your blog last year, talking about my new firefighter series coming in August! RNTV, what a wonderful place to be! (And a woman after my own heart--I love Adam Sandler, too!)
I've already got my dream job--writing full time. I still have to pinch myself. It was either write, or become an archaeologist and unearth a lost civilization, and well...I figured it was too late for that dream!
So glad you're here!
Since we seem to be putting in orders, I LOVE milk chocolate and pnut butter. PB Meltaways with really smooth PB is the perfect food IMO.
And I've never had a Tim Tam either. But I'll be in San Fran so I hope someone will save one for me! LOL!
And as a reader/fan I have to agree with Kim about getting out there on blogs and boards. I can't believe how many new authors I have found this way. And I've picked up books that I'm not sure when I'll ever get to but I liked the author and I want to support her.
Christine asked:
What do you think about changing the look of a website? Is that good to do or should you keep the basic look of it the same so it's something familiar to your readers?
This is sort of tricky, Christine. I think you need to keep the basic look the same for a while. Because as an author you are a brand and you do need to have an image that is associated with you BUT you do need to keep up with the times. You don't want your site to start looking outdated. I think every few years its a good idea to update the overall look. Great question!
Anna Campbell asked:
Kim, a sensible question - I loved Squawk Radio and it became really huge really quickly. What do you think was the secret of Squawk? I mean, I know they were all bestselling authors but there seemed to be an extra level of magic there that went beyond that.
Definitely SR was magical. Honestly, I think it was the true friendship that all 6 of them have. They truly are great friends. I think their comraderie really showed through everyday and everyone who read the blog felt as if they were a part of that. Having had the privlege and honor to work and meet all of the (other than Connie B. Haven't meet her yet.) they are very exceptional and do anything to make you feel like you're special. Anna--you saw this with Lisa Kleypas at your interview in Dallas. She handed over her powder to you without a thought. That's just the sort of women they are. I think that just really showed through the blog. *sniff, sniff* I sure do miss them blogging together!
I was introduced to Tim Tams accidently in Atlanta.
I was attending the get together for the online chapter RWA Online and sat at a table with a well known Kensington Editor who saw two packages in the middle of the table and opened one up. Every one started eating them when an Aussie member came up looking for her Tim Tams.
By then it was too late...and I didn't regret one of the half dozen I scarffed down :-)
Bring. Lots.
Speaking of a web presence, blogs etc. What makes a good blog? Are group ones better than individual? Differences? Pros? Cons?
HI Tracy and Jo!! Its so great to see you:D
Jo--I'm still anxiously awaiting Trail by Fire. I haven't forgotten about it in the least!
Great interview, Christine!
Welcome to the lair, Kim!! RNTV is awesome - more so now that I have faster internet and can actually watch the videos *g* But I love the forums and the blogs and the mystery author :-)
My dream job is to be a published author (so glad it finally came true *g*) but after that I'd love to have my own catering business
Hi, Kim! *waving madly*
I just got home from my day of volunteering--dog adoptions for pound puppies! We placed them all today, in spite of the icky weather, so it was a good day!
RNTV is one of my favorite hangouts! Kim and the M's, and all the other fabu people make it one of my favorite cyber hangouts!
If I can't have Kim's job--lucky girl!--I'd love to be able to read romance manuscripts. Or maybe be Gerard Butler's or Hugh Jackman's personal assistant! *sigh* A girl can dream, right?
Joan asked:
Speaking of a web presence, blogs etc. What makes a good blog? Are group ones better than individual? Differences? Pros? Cons?
IMO, definitely group blogs. For one, it makes it much more manageable for you. It doesn't become so overwhelming. For your readers/fans, it gives them a little diversity and keeps things fresh.
Hi Gannon!! Ohhh, kudos for you. You know that's a cause near and dear to me. YAY!
Kim, I was blown away by Lisa's generosity when I met her. She's a friend of the fabulous Kathryn Smith who writes vampire historicals for Avon (great books). I was talking to Kate when Lisa came up. I was all ready to slink away because honestly, she's such a HUGE star and she must get sick of people wanting a piece of her. But she was so lovely and genuinely interested in me and my writing which I thought was amazing. Then she met me when I went up for my film interview. Squawk had just done a taped session and they were coming out of the room as I was going in. Anyway, she left all the major stars of Squawk to tell me that I looked great but I had a shiny nose (a bit like Rudolph!). She whipped out her powder compact and fixed it all up there and then. Honestly, it was such a sweet thing to do!
Thanks, Kim! I sure appreciate that. :) Trial by Fire got moved up two months from October to August, and I'm beyond excited! Seems very real now that I'm finally in the same year as the release date...
Kim -
Just wanted to pop in and wave hi. I've been away at a family emergency all day and so late to the party.
I've had a lot of jobs in my past - everything from telephone solicitor to CPA, but I love being a romance writer -- so I'm living the dream.
Yay, Kim! Great blog. You're always one of the cool kids. :)
Donna--I hope everything is all right. *hugs*
Lindsey--HI Sweetie!!
Thanks so much to all the Banditas for having me! Its been such fun. We're going to have such a blast the next two weeks as they invade RNTV!
I'll check back tomorrow for any last minute questions and make sure you check back to see who wins that yummy box of chocolate;)
It's been such a pleasure having you in the lair, Kim! Thanks for sharing your insights on promotion with us. Can't wait to see who wins those chocs!
See you next week!
Hi Kim!
I'm late to the party too, (rotten day job) but welcome to the lair! I can't believe you were able to squeeze this interview into your schedule. You're an amazing person to carry the load you manage, and still be cheery and so encouraging!
I loved the interview, and I especially love the thoughts in the comments about promotion and such. I mean, there's the first hurdle--selling the manuscript-- and then PLOP, right there in the writer's lap is the need to promote the book. I'm certain there will be moments of "I just wanted to WRITE!" At least I know there will for me. (grin)
Thanks for sharing your experience and expertise. I'm taking notes
Can't wait for the invasion to begin.
Christine, thanks so much for bringing Kim to meet us in the lair!
I hate being at work all day! I miss so much! You ladies had a real party today! Kim, you have my hearty congratulations on having escaped Wal-Mart Hell duty. I intend to break free as soon as possible, one keystroke at a time!
Gillian is going to need a stadium for her sessions with the lovely Mr. R!! I cannot promise not to simper and sigh so there you have it - fair warning!!
Denise, I love that you want to be an opera singer! I WAS one until just recently. Not a mezzo, however, I am a coloratura. It pleases me no end that you realize there is more to it than a good voice. By the way, ladies, I have some very "inspirational" oversized postcards of Denise's HAWT covers framed in my writing studio. :)
Christine, how sweet of you to say. Praise from you is high praise indeed. I fully intend to keep plugging until I get where I want to be - on bookstore shelves everywhere!
Hey there, doglady!
I only realized after I'd posted that many of my heroes are musical and the next one (just about to start on him, rolling up metaphorical sleeves) is a professional singer. He has a baritone so beautiful that it's magic - literally! Add in blond and beautiful and built like a Viking raider and what's not to love? *sigh*
And major fangirl squeeee on the opera singing. I am so in awe. A coloratura huh? I'll remember you when I have research to do. *rubs hands together*
Glad that you like the postcards. The cover fairy has touched me with her wand, no question. Talk about lucky!
On the writing - they say the only difference between a published writer and an unpublished one is persistence. Ask anyone who's published. Hang in there!
Ooooh, Denise! You said mine and Anna Campbell's favorite word - BARITONE!!! The tenors are usually the heroes, but the baritones are always HOT!!! And any questions about singing and the voice that I can answer for you (or any of the Bandita gang)don't hesitate to ask! I have to agree that you definitely were touched by the cover fairy. There is not a woman who walks into my writing studio who does not spot your cover postcards and run to get a closer look!
Hey, Kim, tis I, the OTHER Anna Campbell. Weren't those chocolates coming to ME????!!!
Kim, you've been a fantastic guest! Bravo, my friend! Can't wait till we invade RNTV. Think it's going to be a huge hoot. And thanks so much for the promo tips!
I concur, my baritone loving friend! Kim, those are some great promo tips and I especially liked the info about websites as I am getting ready to bite the bullet and put one up myself. This was a great interview and I look forward to a long run for RNTV and you! What are some of the best features you have seen on an author's website. The unique sort of twists that made you sit up and take notice?
I can't believe I missed my dear friend Kim during her appearance here at the lair. I could just kick myself -- or rather the dh and the kids from keeping me away from the computer :)
Anyhoo . . . Kim is such a lovely person -- all sweet and kind and funny and, heck, just the kind of girlfriend you want to go on vacation with. She does a fabulous job on RNTV, and also at the other sites she does Eloisa James & Julia Quinn board and the Goddess Blog board. How the girl has time, I do not know. But she is definitely a keeper!!
Smooches Kim!
Hi Kim. What a wonderful blog.
Your job is certainly great and gratifying. I would love to have the job of a travel writer and have the wonderful opportunity of travelling throughout the world and experience these farflung places.
To the Other Anna Campbell--hmm, I dunno know dear. Christine is going to announce the winner today. Have you been nice to the random numberator?
Buffy--awww! You're THE sweetie.
Doglady--Special features! I love special features to play with.
Christina Dodd has games you can play.
Eloisa has readers pages where she puts up extra chapters to her books, pictures with fans, articles on writing.
JQ-has a playlist for each one of her books. Very cool
Candice Hern has all kinds of period stuff. Costumes and great regency research stuff.
A huge thank you to the Banditas! I had a wonderful day being treated like a diva. Can't wait to sneak back into the lair in San Fran. I only hope my hostessing skills are 1/2 as good as yours the next two weeks!
Kim, KIM, O Kim!! (Running to attempt to catch her leaving the lair.) I can't believe Kim was here and I wasn't. Ugh! Kim's absolutely the most fabulous person I know. She also has four more hours tucked into her day. Beats me how she got 28 when most of us are stuck with 24.
Hey Keira! LOL. Well that extra 4 hour trick is top secret. Sorry!
Ohh, is that the last TimTam? Anyone mind if I snitch it? *grabs and runs*
Intriguing and fascinating interview. Loved hearing about your background and job. If I could the job would be a personal trainer. To be able to confront people and exercise together and give them motivation is intense and fulfilling.
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