In addition to writing, I am also a Realtor and my one closing for December is still not scheduled. But we finally have things settled down on both sides after several contentious days. So there is hope this will go to settlement this month.
For some crazy reason, I volunteered to host my writing chapter’s Christmas party after a family emergency made it impossible for the other host. Needless to say, this led to a major house cleaning and shopping I hadn’t planned on. Thankfully, that was held on last Saturday .
My proofs for One Night Scandal are due on 12/21. I did get them finished yesterday and out the door so that’s one less thing to stress about.
Now, the Christmas stuff. I’m still not done shopping. I have nothing wrappe

My one outlet for the stress has been my Jazzercise class that

So how does everyone handle the craziness of the holidays? Exercise? To do lists? Drinking? (it’s crossed my mind). Tell me your secret for keeping your sanity during these stressful times.
It's FINALLY here! The Romance Bandits 12 Days of Christmas Booty. Every day between now and Christmas, one lucky commenter per day will win a daily prize and on some days, additional goodies from that day's blogging Bandita or guest. On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, we'll give away more booty including autographed books, GR mugs and much more! Come join us! Tell your friends! Let's make the Season BRIGHT!
I hope he's mine.
Many lists and sticky notes. I've actually been done with my shopping for quite a while but I don't have anything wrapped and I've forgot where I hid one of the presents. Hopefully I'll find it before the big day.
Hooray, Linda! Have fun with the GR! Make him useful today ;)
Christie, I use lists, too, and my main thing is keeping my expectations manageable--keeping things lower key and simpler helps keep everything else in line. And keeping our eyes on what and why we're celebrating :)
That, some chocolate and a good book help with the relaxing aspect ;)
I not finished my shopping either, we've pushed back the cookie baking until next week, The four generations (Mom, me, my daughter and granddaughter) are going away this weekend to Holiday on the Potomac to celebrate all of our birthdays, and I haven't wrapped a single gift. My secret to relieve the stress? Zumba DVD's! I bought them to lose weight but they really do relieve stress and I love to dance to the Latin rhythms! The problem with classes is that they are hard to get to this time of year. With Zumba I just need to turn on the TV anytime I can spare a few minutes.
Of course, reading is good too! :)
Well done Linda he had a relaxing day with me yesterday eating Tim Tams and watching the cricket on TV while we jumped up every so often to check the water levels in the pot with the Christmas pudding boiling away.
I run by the seat of my pants at this time of the year LOL I have done the shopping although I have
1 more present to get none of it is wrapped as yet although the cards that I post are done I still have a few more to write out that I hand deliver and to top things of this year I had hubby in hospital for a big operation he is home and doing well but slowly so I am doing everything he can't do anything at the moment. I have been off work so that helps but I really have to go back next Tuesday for 3 days then I should have another 5 days of and then I will really relax.
What I do to de stess is as Fedora says a good book and some Tim Tams and either coffee or pepsi max because I do need to relax LOL
I hope you find some time to de stess Christie
Have Fun
honestly for me i get angry and yell then lock my self away with agood book and a hot tea
Hey, Linda, he is indeed yours!
Christie, I hear you. I think because I've been away, this year everything seems to be just concertina-ed (sp?). I had proofs too and I'm trying to get some pages under my belt to show my agent and then there's all the Christmas stuff as well. Feel I want 36 hours in a day and a second me with the energy to take advantage of those extra hours!
Drinking....definitely drinking!!!!!!!
Been though a few bottles of the sparkly stuff so far this season:)
OOhh, and LOTS of Galaxy chocolate!!!!
Taking a little time off from shopping for the perfect gifts usually goes a long way. I do think drinking might help a little. Yoga is also a good way to relieve stress.
In my family we have very simple way to reduce stress: we just don't do as much stuff as we did some years back.
(Christmas Has Been Cancelled) Joulu Peruutettu – Mamba
“It’s no wonder I don’t believe in Santa, every Christmas Eve some fat dork plugs up the chimney. And elves, I saw one yesterday, he looked at me from the mirror, his face upside down…”
I..I get lost in chocolate and loose all control. It's a choc haze
Get GR to search for the lost present Linda LOL
I thought once I retired I would have more time.... but it hasn't worked out like that. I have done my cards as have to post most overseas... I think I have all the presents now and we go to my DD for Christmas so I don't have to worry much about shopping LOL
Well Christie, I haven't wrapped a darn present yet, or baked a single cookie or mailed let alone wrote out a single card. How do I deal ? After years of stressing over time lines I now refuse to let myself get upset for more then 5 minutes. I sit back have a nice drink of something and say what the heck is the worse thing that will happen ? Everyone gets mad and stops talking to me and leave me alone :) lol lol, no seriously you can't think of it to the point of stressing. Just get through today and the rest take care of themselves. Truly. Happy Holidays.
Carol L
I have learned to not expect things to be perfect and not to worry if I don't do everything I want to. The only person that sees anything lacking is me so I just decorate and bake as I can. It helps that I no longer have little children.
Christie, I'm trying not to let the stress get to me but it's not easy. I do try to exercise each day and I delegate tasks which helps a lot.
We're a bit behind but I figure I can finish my shopping today or tomorrow (depending on when I want to leave my nice warm house *g*), do cards and baking this weekend and then I'll have the kids help with wrapping.
This morning I'm taking a bit of time to get caught up on a few things.Hopefully checking those items off my To Do List will help ease the stress :-)
This week was crazy. Everybody was away at suppertime on Monday, so I picked up a pizza on my way to badminton (1/2 hr away) and promptly ate the whole thing while reading a book in my car before playing. Tuesday night was my usual badminton locally and then I baked two batches of brownies and iced them before heading to bed (for a lunchtime potluck Christmas party the next day). Wednesday night was another club's get-together before badminton, only this time inside a restaurant (rather than our usual potluck). I ate a small salad and played right afterward. Thursday I had the day off and cleaned the house, as we had company come for supper and then attend a potluck at the local badminton club (with more brownies and tarts made). Today I'm off in the afternoon, so my DH and I are hoping to get our passport photos so we can get our passports early early tomorrow morning (2 hrs away and only open in the morning, so I'm doubtful). Presents are bought (except for my MIL) and half are wrapped. So, I'm still exercising (but fade quickly) ... and I've written so many lists I feel like I should have a list of lists.... How else did I handle stress? Well, one night I ate a whole bag of chips while watching my shows (I TOLD my DH NOT to buy me chips, but he insisted so I just had to eat them). Shhhh! I disposed of the evidence.
Oh, yeah, gotta have a "to do" list or I'd forget everything.
Last year my hubby and I splurged and bought an infrared sauna which we put in our basement. Thirty minutes of alone time in the sauna is sure to relax me. Of course, a glass of wine with dinner isn't too bad either. LOL
Congrats, Linda!
Christie, I read to relax and decompress. That works for me. My husband, on the other hand, is a runner and says that running helps him to relieve a lot of stress. Ans I'm so grateful it does. LOL
I do most of my shopping online. That helps avoid the stress of crowds and traffic.
Also, I am a strong advocate for the gift card. Everybody is happy with that!
Linda, congrats on grabbing the GR this morning. I have a few lists but their not helping yet.
I completely forgot a present one year. I found it about a month after Christmas and then saved it for the boy's birthday.
Flchen1, I think I'm missing the chocolate aspect. Hmm, I have some hidden away maybe I'll dig it out.
Laurie, what's Holiday on the Potomac? I'd love to know since it can't be that far from me.
I looked into the Zumba classes before going back to Jazzercise. The Zumba classes were all over the place and only one class fit into my schedule. Of course, because of the two hour delay with school this morning, I'll miss my class today. Darn snow!!
Helen, you have your hands full with your husband home from surgery. I did pass by the Tim Tams at the store the other day. Maybe I should pick some up. Of course, that defeats the exercise aspect of de-stressing.
Sinn, I try not to get angry since it won't solve the problem. But I do like the idea of tea and a good book.
Pace yourself, don't think you can do it all in one day and just a little me time everyday. I don't care if it is just 20 minutes locked in the bathroom give yourself time.
Anna, more hours in a day might help. I did take the morning to sleep in when I got the phone call at 5:45 that school was on a two hour delay. It felt great sleeping until 8am!
I'm also trying to get some work done on my proposal. But with everything else going on, it's been slow on the writing front.
Cath's Chatter, I did have some wine with dinner last night. And a little reading after dinner. That felt nice.
Jane, I usually buy the majority of gifts online. But now I'm down to the wire so I have to go to the mall (which I hate).
I've tried Yoga a few times and it just doesn't make me feel as good as a hard aerobic exercise.
Minna, I don't do as much as when the kids were younger but they still expect gifts under the tree on Christmas morning.
Kirsten, I'm a car singer :)
I'll be heading out after I get the boy off to school so I'll give it shot.
Blodeuedd said...
I..I get lost in chocolate and loose all control. It's a choc haze
That's just too funny. A chocolate haze is what I need.
Barb, my mother was the same way after she retired.
Thanks for the advice, Carol. It's mostly my work that's stressing me out. I know I can buckle down and finish the shopping today.
Hi Maureen, I never expect perfection. Just thinking about it makes me laugh. I just want to be done with these things on my to do list so I can sit back and enjoy the holidays.
Beth, I'm doing the same thing today. Unfortunately, the two hour delay is slowing me down!
Laney, we won't tell anyone about the chips. But if it helps with the stress, go for it (just not every day)
Gannon, we have a sauna too. Maybe I'll sit in there tonight after all the shopping is done!
Andrea, I will admit I get more stress relief out of exercise than reading. But the reading is nice too.
Runner, I love online shopping. I did have more to get this year that I needed to get locally. When the kids were younger, I bought almost everything online. And I love gift cards!! Best thing ever!
I make lists. I try to walk everyday.
I do one Christmas related task a day. I wrap presents as I buy them.
Christie! I'm an exercise=sanity girl, too! You'd think I'd get through the holidays extremely fit, wouldn't you? But no, it just keeps my Christmas cookie habit from wreaking more damage to my figure than it already does. :-)
I'm totally with you on holiday stress, though. My in-laws arrive this afternoon & will stay right up until we leave for the other side of the family's Christmas, which involves a 12 hour road trip and nearly a week away.
I made a whole bunch of caramel corn & chocolate pretzels last night to brace myself. :-)
Good luck getting through! I'll be waiting on the other side with a BIG glass of wine.
Shall I fix drinks for anybody else? Taking orders....
Dianna, I think I'd rather do 20 minutes in the sauna than the bathroom :)
Laurie G, if I wrapped the presents as I got them I'd forget what I'd bought :)
Susan, when I get home from shopping today, I'll take a big margarita!
Good luck with all the family stress. We're not having anyone here for Christmas. We are going to my sister-in-law's the day after for two days.
Making lists, shopping early, baking early and exercise helps.
Cocoa, herbal teas and a good book is my remedy.
Hi Petite,
I'm too late for early shopping but I do have my lists.
Hi Traveler,
When I get back from shopping I'll try some tea!
Sorry about the stress, Christie. Odd that what's supposed to be the happiest time of the year is also often the most stressful. All I can offer is take one step at a time and try not to focus on all the other stuff. And if you can get the exercise in, it really is awesome at stress reduction.
He's yours for the day, Linda. Congrats! Maybe he can help you de-stress LOL.
After all the years of Christmas stress, I've decided it isn't worth getting all frazzled. Whatever doesn't get done, doesn't get done. My cards usually go out for New Years (one year it was Valentine's Day!).
So far, the holiday stress hasn't been too bad this year. I think it will get worse next week, though. I keep my sanity with lots of lists and a weekly planner. I have to do this to keep myself organized and on schedule. I even make lists for other people in my family, whether they want them or not! They have been known to GROAN when I hand them a list! :-)
I make lists and post things on my calendar to keep up with everything. I also have learned that it is ok to not accept every invitation.
Yep, he's all yours, Linda! Maybe he can help you wrap some gifts?
Christie, does chasing the cat through the house in an effort to lock her in the bedroom so she won't kamakazi the Christmas tree count as jazzercise? She is wise to me now and does everything she can to keep from being locked into the bedroom where she has access to the double bed all to herself, her own food dish, water dish and litter box AND the radio set on NPR while I'm at work. Sheesh! Maybe I should send HER to work and I'll stay home locked in the bedroom!
Working where I do Christmas is especially stressful. (We whipped out 1200 cupcakes yesterday in the space of a few hours because every parent in the county waited until yesterday morning to get treats for their child's school parties.
So, to relieve stress I watch Christmas movies when I get home. I even have a DVD of the Simpsons Christmas episodes. I watch the movies back to back and I also read Regency-set Christmas anthologies.
Like Kirsten I have a small family and a small group of friends so I don't have to do a lot. And Christmas dinner is always at my Mom's and I have two SIL's who love to cook. I just show up and eat!
How funny! I blogged on just this topic yesterday. My solution is hibernation, be at one hour or one blissful afternoon. A nap and fudge take top priority. :)
Stress....Who's got STRESS....LOL
I actually mailed one Christmas card out of 70 yesterday, figured the rest will be early for next year. I Had 3 Holiday parties, and one birthday party. Lucky for me shopping is done, though nothing is wrapped (gift bags here I come). I do look forward to night time when the house is asleep. With my two kids, the hubby and my mother living all here...I find the night is my haven, I think I am a Vampire at times....LOL
Just sitting there with Hot chocolate watching my French vanilla marshmallows float away...such a stress reliever :0)
Atlast the New Year will be here though and with it...who knows....maybe something fun:0)
I haven't started stressing out too much yet. Of course (oh, crap) there is only a week left so that will prob be changing soon ;/ While the standard eating, drinking, and screaming crazily can all help, at least temporarily, my fave stress fighting technique is puppy kisses and cuddles. Luckily for me the puppy girl is often willing to tolerate the regular demands for such :)
Christie, you say "drinking" like it's a bad thing! And yet, a glass of wine really does help me relax.
Of course, I suppose some would consider it problematic if I needed to start relaxing around 10:00 a.m. Hehehe!
My biggest stress every year is trying to get everything bought and wrapped and shipped off to family on the east coast. I never get it done early enough. I feel like I'm singlehandedly keeping Fedex in business. *sigh*
I'm glad you made your deadline, Christie! I'm sure that's a major load off your mind. My deadline's January 10. That's like, three weeks away. With holidays and travel in between. So what am I doing here?????
I'm going, I'm going! :-)
Congrats, Linda! Maybe the GR can help with the wrapping!
Trish, the stress is getting better. Went out this morning and bought a bunch of stuff.
Jo, I haven't done cards in three years so I thought I'd get some done this year. I do need to send some to my family since we won't be going up to NY this year.
Cheryl, I'd groan if someone gave me another list right now too!
Crystal, I agree about not accepting every invitation. I blew off one party tomorrow because I knew I'd need the time.
Louisa, I'm not sure chasing the cat away from the tree counts. I did that twice last night and my dh did too. She doesn't bother it during the day. Only at night when I want to sit down and relax.
Oh, Christie. I think these holidays may be the craziest I've had in many a year.
Mainly because my kitchen sink is in the middle of the kitchen floor and I have no kitchen plumbing.
That's right. It's Christmas and I have no sink. So no candy or cookies made thus far.
I have bought nary a present, must go this afternoon, buy ALL OF THEM if possible, and then wrap tonight and ship tomorrow.
So much for "mail early for Christmas" SNORK.
YOU, however, were so nice to have your chapter's Christmas party, and in your lovely, newly-renovated home! I love to entertain but haven't done so in years because of the crazy, ongoing house situation.
I keep thinking...Okay, NEXT Christmas....
Wooot! LINDA! You got the rooster! You go girl!
Gillian, a nap sounds heavenly right now. I just got back from the mall and then Walmart. I'm tired!
Oh, secret to relieve stress?
I don't have one!
Maybe I need to get one, pronto.
In past years it was getting the house cleaned up and baking pumpkin rolls and goodies for the neighbors' gift boxes. The smell of good foods coming from my kitchen is a wonderful relaxer for me, even if it's me doing the cooking. Because it's something I don't HAVE to do. It's something I love to do and want to do.
This year....not yet.
BJ, staying up would be nice but I'm not a night person.
Kate, good luck with your deadline. At first I was frustrated with the idea of getting the proofs done by the 21st but now that their out the door, it's one less thing to think about.
Cassondra, the year we were remodeling, I called my mom in tears asking her to let us come up for Christmas. She of course was happy to have us. But it's so hard to think about the holidays with all that going on in your house. Good luck with the renovations!
Aloha! Oh, yes I am stressed! I had to make an emergency trip to Florida to assist my parents - not sure if we actually accomplished anything.
In my absences, husband juggled work, kids, and his volunteer activities (chorus shows at nursing homes).
I'm now writing to you from the new USO lounge in the Vegas airport, waiting for my connection back to Hawaii. Then we have to hurry up with hoilday cards, Christmas tree, and house cleaning as my inlaws arrive next week.
At the end of the day, our family will be together in warm weather!
Reading always works for me! I just go off to my room with a book and I'm fine.
Kim, that's stressful! I hope your parents are doing okay. Have a nice warm Christmas (it's freezing in MD, want to come back yet?)
Margay, I end up thinking about all the things I should be doing instead of concentrating on the book.
So nice to know I'm not the only stressed person on the planet. I am so not ready for Christmas. Although, I am decorating the tree today with the grandson, all the shopping and wrapping is done, and cookie baking is tomorrow. OTOH, I have an R & R I would like to send back right after the new year, so there is writing this holiday season.
Brisk walks help although I've been kind of too busy to take them on a regular basis.
Drinking helps, too, although my beverage of choice has caffeine instead of alcohol.
Now, if I can only find some of the presents I've bought earlier in the year to send out...
Chocolate works well to relieve stress. It works really well if fed to oneself by a Cabana boy. (Deb, crooking her finger at Sven who has a bag of Lindt chocolates.)
Seriously, chocolate works well for me. Listening to Christmas music with the tree lights on helps to calm me down a bit. But, I am like Helen; I just do what I can when I can and do it by the seat of my pants.
Jill, just having gotten most of my shopping done today and really made me feel better. I'm wrapping things now and maybe I'll even get some cards finished tonight.
Good luck getting everything done!
Sheree, I love to walk but it's gotten really cold here lately. Very unusual to be this cold in December so the walks haven't been happening.
Good luck finding those early presents. I put some in my desk.
Deb, please send Sven over here when you're done with him. I could use some chocolate and maybe a little massage!
LOL on not getting your cards out, Christie. I love hearing from people, so I keep sending them out!
I love how everyone makes lists. I love lists and they really help me stay on task.
I learned a trick from my son (who's returned home to live with us for a while LOL). He writes the important things on his dresser mirror using a dry erase pen. How cool is that! I started doing that too in my bathroom. That way I see the things I have to do every day and simply wipe them off with a tissue when I'm done.
Jo, that's a fantastic idea. I may have to try that one!
Normally this time of the year I am running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. I am usually the one who is buying presents the day before Christmas Eve or on actual Christmas Eve. I vowed to not be that person this year. I got all of my presents in the first week of December and I love that I'm done. I hate feeling over extended and rushed. Usually when I do feel stressed I try to lay down and read or play some games on the computer. I find this helps my stress tons. Happy Holidays everyone.
Hi Christie -
Hope your stressful holidays abate soon. As for me, I rely on an accurate calendar that has all the deadlines and stuff written down. For us, this has been a stressful month as well - mainly due a bunch of medical procedures. Most are catching us by surprise and placing us in waiting rooms filled with people trying to squeeze in the procedure before the end of the year. Hopefully, everything will turn out well.
Lists work well for holiday shopping. We hosted Thanksgiving and rushed like crazy to get the place cleaned for that. Just found out that we're hosting the family Christmas as well. Fortunately, things are still in order from Thanksgiving so that's a blessing.
Cookies?...I'm seriously thinking of ordering them from a bakery for the first time in my life. Hey, whatever it takes to maintain sanity.
Danielle, I hate feeling over-extended too. I told myself that I would get everything done the first week of December and then my day job got nuts.
Next year for sure!
Donna, if order cookies from a bakery makes your life easier...go for it!!
Hi Christie! I am totally stressed this year too. I had to make 20 homemade ornaments for my kids teachers and I got them done with just enought time to deliver them before school got out today. As for Christmas cards, I don't even think Im gonna bother this year. We have barely started shopping, so thats a big stress. ANd to top it off we have family coming to town, we just dont know what day yet. So thats more huge stress. As for dealing with it all, I make lists and remember to take time outs to read and maybe sneak a chocolate or two. Aside from that I have no clue, lol!
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
Christie Kelley said...
Dianna, I think I'd rather do 20 minutes in the sauna than the bathroom :)
LOL, well I would too but I don't have a sauna and have often locked myself in the bathroom.
Alina, take a deep breath and exhale :)
Good luck with all that you have to do!
Dianna, I used to do that too. Especially when the kids were younger.
Linda, congrats on the bird!
Christie, I handle the stress mainly by obsessing. Thinking about it sort of creates the illusion of actually doing something about it. Our tree is still not up, and today is the first day I've done any serious shopping.
The dh prints Christmas cards. He has gotten as far as buying the paper. He has a work commitment that will consume most of tomorrow and social commitments for Sunday (while I serve as the boy's chauffeur).
So we're just going to go with the flow.
Good luck with your closing, and congrats on getting the book out!
What is this "sanity" you speak of?? LOL
Lists, excercise and (too many) Christmas goodies. I try not to leave too much to be done at the last minute.
Nancy, I'm at the going with the flow stage now too.
Pissenlit said...
What is this "sanity" you speak of?? LOL
I have no idea!!
Chey, I hear you with the lists. Speaking of which, my list says write cards out...so I'm off.
I make lists and cross off as I complete each task then make more lists.
For some reason this hasn't been a good year for me as far as getting things done. I just finished my Christmas cards (had to get stamps) and half my shopping isn't done. I have a tree trimming party on sunday so still have to get a tree lol. I did shop for food but of course I have to start getting it ready. I have my lists but manage to still forget something. And of course there's the cleaning (sigh). The only time I feel relaxed is when I get to bed and read - the best destresser I can think of!
There just isn't any craziness here... maybe it's because we've been a small family for a number of years now (the grandparents, aunts/uncles were already older when I was born, so after a while, they disappear), and Christmas is simply when we have small things or like this year no things under the tree, because we get plenty of things during the year. I'm already using my telescope that was for my birthday (also next week too), so, in the end, nice and easy Christmas. But definitely am looking forward to that turkey! And my ice cream cake! :)
Craziness here! All my kids and grandchildren are sick and I'm also trying to plan a trip out of state. This will be the first Christmas for me not to have either one of my parents here (my Mom passed 3 years ago and my Dad passed in October). Not to mention my Granny passed in September. How do I handle it? I remember the good times, pray for the memories to not fade, and look forward to making new memories. I try not to focus on the ongoing list of tasks to accomplish and then I dive into revisions of my WIP and lose myself.
Congrats Linda on the rooster! Stess of the holidays for me is i seem to eat more. Have to make lots of list and the I still don't get everything on the list or forget and leave the list at home, I am really good for this. So I guess you can say I don't handle the stress to well.
I have lists of things to do for the holiday season. And stick to it.I am not done my shopping but I'm not stressed about that..There are less shoppers in the malls during the week days so I'll go Monday and finish up.
Baking I always leave until the 23 or 24th.So I'm on schedule.
I rely on lists, and more lists. I also realize that things are rarely perfect, so I don't worry about it. I do what I can and hope it is enough. I just try to make sure the important things get done first and hope the rest falls into place. I figure enjoying things is more important than unrealistic perfection.
librarypat AT comcast DOT net
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