For as long as she can remember, Janice Lynn has dreamed of writing romance novels for Harlequin. Unfortunately, she didn't start pursuing that dream until 2002 when she penned her first novel since high school. A 2003 Golden Heart finalist, Janice's work has won numerous contests including the very first American Title, run by Romantic Times. JANE MILLIONAIRE was published by Dorchester in 2005. In 2006, Janice achieved her dream when she sold her first medical romance to Harlequin.
A nurse practitioner, Janice lives in Tennesse with her husband, their four children, their Jack Russell - appropriately named Trouble - and a lot of unnamed dust bunnies that have moved in since she started her writing career. She keeps her muse happy with lots of Matthew McConnaughey photos.
For more information, check out Janice's website and blog:
Welcome, Janice.
What an awesome intro! Thanks, Anna. Very glad to be here.

Do you have all day? No? Okay, I’ll be brief. The American Title contest was an amazing journey to publication that was filled with a lot of ups and downs. From the moment I found out Jane had been chosen as one of the ten finalists, my life got sucked into a big whirlwind that was filled with a lot of fingernail biting, developing ulcers, and pulling out my hair.
Fortunately, meeting the other finalists, getting to know the fabulous folks from Romantic Times magazine, learning how wonderful and loving my friends really are (they actually still talked to me after the contest and months of begging them to vote, along with all their family and friends, of course. ;) ), doing multiple media stints, and seeing the pride and excitement in my children’s eyes when they’d heard I’d advanced another round, made it all worthwhile. That, and the publishing contract that came along with the win.
The one thing I’d say the contest taught me most though is to push myself one step further than I thought I could go. I stuck with it, gave it my best, got a LOT of help from friends, and in the end all the hard work paid off.

I submitted a Modern Extra to the London office. The editor didn’t purchase the book, but said she really liked my voice, and oh by the way had I ever considered writing medicals? I hadn’t for the simple reason I was afraid it would be too much like my real life and I wouldn’t enjoy it. I work as a nurse practitioner and use writing as my stress relief. I had visions of my stress reliever becoming part of my stress. But I decided to give it a try, wrote a proposal, sent it to her, she asked for a full, then revisions, and unbelievably bought that book and my next one in a two book deal.
Although I love the fun, quirky books like Jane Millionaire I have enjoyed writing Medicals as well. It’s kind of nice to have the power to actually make patients get well and to give happily-ever-afters.
Can you tell us a bit about THE DOCTOR'S PREGNANCY BOMBSHELL?
Without really meaning to, I poured a lot of my heart--a lot of me--into the first book. Nothing literally, but I have a lot of me buried in the layers. Early on in my career, I really struggled with knowing that it’s okay to have a life of my own and at times felt guilty for being happy when so many around me were sick, miserable, or dying. Medicine/caring for people can be very soul-consuming.
THE DOCTOR'S PREGNANCY BOMBSHELL is about a doctor who struggles to find balance in her life. She’s torn between the patients who need her and the man who loves her. My hero feels neglected because of the heroine’s commitment to her career. He plans to jar her into realizing how she always puts him last in her life. Only his plan backfires when she tells him she’s pregnant. He’s a tortured soul who feels responsible for the death of an infant and after which decided he never wanted kids. Together they learn the true meaning of love and the sacrifices/compromises that go along with the emotion.
I actually cry every time I read this book. Bawled like Joan Wilder while writing one particular scene. It’s an emotional read—at least, I think so. There is a bit of humor laced in, but overall, TDPB is a very different kind of book from Jane Millionaire. Much more intense, deeper characters, more serious conflicts/settings.
I know a number of our visitors will be keen to get their hands on a copy of THE DOCTOR’S PREGNANCY BOMBSHELL, but it isn’t available at Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble. (though you can get copies from Amazon.co.uk) If they don’t manage to snag one of your prizes, how can they purchase it?
eHarlequin.com is the easiest place to purchase a copy in the US. It’s actually on sale right now. Yea!!! Janice's book on eharlequin.com
Your first Medical Romance sold out in the UK - Congratulations!!! Can you tell us about your next books and when they will be available?

The heroine is loosely named after a dear friend. She has a thing for “Dr. Travis” from ABC’s The Bachelor from a couple of years ago. Did I mention that Daniel’s last name is…drum roll please…Travis, making him “Dr. Travis”. That’s a secret first revealed here, btw.
You mention that you used Daniel Craig as a model for Daniel Travis. Is that how you come up with your characters - by basing them on a star?
Normally a character comes to mind in my head and I see him clearly without using photos or the such of stars. In Jane Millionaire, I used Benjamin Bratt as a loose basis for Rob. In others, I've used Goran V and Jude Law. Considering I’ve written 20 books, that works out to about a quarter of them being connected to a star in some way.
For those who don’t know you, tell us about your Matthew obsession!

I fell for Matthew in A TIME TO KILL, the John Grisham thriller. He gave a powerful performance in that movie and I was hooked. By the time he did HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN 10 DAYS, I was a total goner. That is my all time favourite movie. He and Kate Hudson rocked. I hope their new movie captures that same great chemistry.
My husband is very tolerant of my Matthew obsession. For some reason, he isn’t too worried about Matthew actually showing up on our doorstep to whisk me away. Pity.
And, yes, I am very aware of the fact there is no hero based on my darling Matthew. Honestly, I’ve not come up with a story big enough. When I do, there will most definitely be a Matthew book. I’ve been teased that when I write that one it’ll be my all time best seller.
So, Janice - if Matthew showed up on your doorstep, what would you say to him?
I'd just ask him to play doctor with me!
Over to the rest of you, if the hunk/hotty of your dreams (no husbands/wives allowed) appeared on your doorstep, what would you say to him/her?
Three lucky visitors can win prizes!! Janice is giving away a copy of JANE MILLIONAIRE, THE DOCTOR'S PREGNANCY BOMBSHELL and THE HEART SURGEON'S SECRET SON.
Aha! He stays downunder!!! He loves the surf and the sun!! Helen, clearly you treated him right!
Janice, that will probably make no sense to you at all. But the first poster of the day gets this groovy visitor called the Golden Rooster. Can't even remember who started this silliness. But the bird is currently more combat colour than golden and he has black-painted toenails thanks to bandita Cassondra. And every time he comes back from Tawny's place, he is definitely in Post Traumatic Stress!
Janice, welcome to the lair. I really enjoyed meeting you last year in Dallas. Congratulations on all your success. It is so well deserved. Hats off to you for winning an AT. I look at that contest and just break out in hives at the idea of what you girls have to put into it. Bravo!
And congratulations on the medicals. I love medicals. As you know, a lot of Australian authors write for that line, including our own Amy Andrews who posts here all the time. I'm interviewing Amy pm 1st February, if you're passing by the way. The books sound great. I always cry in my books too! Joan Wilder and I are sisters under the skin, although I'm positive I wouldn't stand up to the adventure the way she does.
Hmm, what would I say to my current heart throb if he turned up on the door? If it was Richard Armitage who is my current squeeze, I think I'd say, "Hey, Richard, want to check out my north and south?"
Hmmm, Fess up Foanna! Did you cheat and post VA's blog for her?!?! (Aunty snaps her crop suspiciously.)
Janice, you might have to share Matthew with my sister. She is equally ga-ga over him. And I will admit he was AWESOME in "A Time To Kill!" Me, I prefer the tall, lean Aussies or Brits, like Eric Bana, Hugh Jackman, and Paul Bettany.
So, if Eric should happen to show up on my doorstep, I'd ask if he would like to go to a sprint car race. I happen to know Eric is a bit mad for auto racing. I also know that my fave sprint racing is on a dirt track, actually MUD, and gets quite messy if you sit too close. This would necessitate an extensive bubble bath AFTER the race. MUAHAHA!
You KNEW there was a method to Aunty's "madness" didn't you?
Hey, Janice!! Waving at you from down the road. :) And I hear you on the madness of the AT (says she who is experiencing that whirlwind).
Hmm, if Orlando Bloom or David Boreanaz showed up on my doorstep, I think I'd just faint.
Congrats, Anna! The GR stays warm :)
What a great interview, Janice! Congrats on your successes! How very exciting! And your books sound terrific--I'll have to go look for them now :)
As for the hotties on the doorstep, I'm with Trish--if I managed not to faint dead away, I can't imagine that I'd be capable of piecing together and actually voicing a coherent thought... And blithering and blathering's just not sexy. :(
Trish, you're no fun! Faint??!! Come on, girlfriend!
AC, no I didn't post Anna's blog. I turned it on to do that and someone had beaten me to it. So what was a gal to do but steal that pesky GR? Bwahahahahahaha!
If Elle showed up on my doorstep, the first words out of my mouth would be "I HAVE PERMISSION!" How's that for a suave and sexy greeting?
The wife and I have granted each other one star that if the opportunity arose, we could ... well .... yeah.
Mine's Elle Macpherson. Oddly enough, she chose Sean Connery. I find that perplexing. But hey, a deal's a deal! And if Connery ever shows up here, he's fair game for the wife!
Okay, so I'm glad Anna explained the GR...how...interesting. ;)
Thanks, Anna. It was lovely to meet you too. That's one of the greatest things about conferences--meeting new people.
And AC, sigh, Eric Bana is...okay, so if I said he was hunky, I'd start to seem fickle and I really am a Matthew gal...only I have ADHD and get distracted easily by lickable men. I wonder if they make a medicine for that? Maybe I could have one of my heroines invent one...uhm, plotting here.
Trish, you are so NOT allowed to faint if a hunk shows up at your door! Oh wait! Now I get it! You're thinking said hunk will drop to his knees and give you mouth to mouth...uhm, maybe you and Flchen1 have the right idea. I'm going to rethink this fainting bit. ;)
LOL P266 on the deal. My hubby and I have joked about that 'deal'. Mine is and has always been Matthew. We won't discuss his because I wouldn't want her to somehow get wind and possibly show on my doorstep... ;)
ANNA...you rat! It's not even midnight in Texas! GRRR...I never get the GR. (sticking out lower lip in a pout here!) Guess I'll go watch Matt Damon in the Bourne Ultimatum after I read the blog. (Hmmm wonder if the guys found my secret stash of chocolate?)
I haven't had the pleasure of reading any of Jancie's books. They sound great!
Janice, welcome to the zany place we affectionately call the Lair!
As a L&D nurse I can understand your worry over writing medical romances feeling like your work. I tend to put nurses and doctors in the book, or have someone bleeding or injured, but haven't gotten to the point where they take place in hospitals. Maybe it's because I spend too much time there? Was it hard at first?
I loved Jane Millionaire. I thought it was a great idea for a book, what with all the "reality" shows going on.
And as for Matthew? The man should be outlawed for EVER wearing a shirt! oh Baby!!
What would I do if Clive Owen showed up on my doorstep? Oh wait, that is what would I say? Care to join me for some chocolate...I believe it's stored in the bedroom.
Oh, Janice--thanks for working that scenario out for me! Now when Hugh Jackman shows up, I can go ahead and faint as expected, and then wait for him to swoop me into his arms and... *cue to cut away* ;)
Well imagine my surprise when I click on my Bandita's link to see one of my fellow med authors in da lair!!!! Sqweeeeeeee. Hot damn, that's exciting.
Fab debut novel Janice and hello - what about that guy on your second book. What a honey!!! I managed to keep a blonde haired hero on one of my covers too. And it also had a puppy! But those man-only covers are somnething else, aren't they? There's just something about a man in scrubs.
Hey 226 - you're gonna have to share Elle with my husband. And BTW I totally get the Sean Connery thing. She obviously had good taste.
As for me, hmmm. Hard choice. George Clooney, Robbie Williams, Hugh Laurie, Mark Harmon, Hugh Jackman to name a few. If they showed up on my doorstep? Let's just say there wouldn't be any time wasted on dialogue!!!
JANICE!!!!! Hey babe ;-)
I want you all to know that Janice, in addition to being an amazing writer, is one very wicked girl and one of my very favorite ladies. My husband's too *ahem* since the two of them share a history of buttons.
Janice, I LOVE your writing and am super excited that we can get the books from eHarlequin! I can't wait to see how you bring those sassy heroienes ala Jane Millionaire to the Medicals.
Hhmmmmm... hottie hunk on my doorstep. What to do, what to do? Him, of course, right after I said Hellooooooo Mr. Depp.
Loved the post Janice and Anna love hearing about new books.
Yes Anna the GR and I had a wonderful day yesterday he must really be loving the warm weather.
What would I say if Hugh Jackman showed up on my doorstep welcome to my boudoir what is your wish LOL
Have Fun
If Christian Bale or Eric Bana showed up on my doorstep, there will be no talking involved, we would move straight on to the action.
Goodness, the lair is full of hot mammas tonight! Janice, what have you started??!!!
Janice, WTG on your debut and I am in love with your cover! It took me SIX Medical books before I got a MAN :-) SO go you!!
Fiona Lowe
LOL, well they say actions speak louder than words. Y'all are going to prove that with the hunks on your doorsteps, eh? ;)
Tawny, just because your husband likes MY buttons doesn't mean I'm wicked...well, maybe... ;)
Hi Amy & Fiona! It's great to see fellow Medical authors here! I was pleased on the blonde hero...although this one is a tad young for my reknowned heart surgeon...
Suzanne, isn't Sandy fabulous? I adore her and her books. Thanks for your kind words about Jane Millionaire. I had so much fun with that book.
Congrats Foanna on nabbing the rooster - is the combat paint fading yet?
I'm with you on AT - I couldn't handle the pressure!
LOL on getting Richard to check out your north and south!
AC - actually, it was me that posted - I wasn't sure anyone was around, so I popped the post up a little early so no-one would miss out. Thanks to you and Foanna though.
Love your thinking about Eric.
If one of my hockey hunks turned up on the doorstep, I'd offer to warm him up ... or cool him down ;)
Now Trish, as Janice said, you can't just faint ... wasted opportunity!
Flchen1, I love the way you talked about blithering and blathering - that would be me in reality.
Perhaps Trish and Flchen1 should practice a graceful faint. The one time I fainted, I wasn't graceful at all!
P226 - I love it - that's the best line yet! Uggh on Sean Connery - I'm afraid after hearing he hits his wife, I've gone right off him!
I think my hubby would go for Marisa Tomei - he loved her in My Cousin Vinny.
Brandy V - welcome - and definitely check out Janice's books - they're awesome!!
Sorry Suz - I'll give you warning next time. So your secret stash of choclate is in the bedroom ... nice thinking.
I see Janice is bringing out the bad girl/boy in you all. *sigh* She's such a bad influence for one who looks so sweet and innocent.
Hey Amy - we like to make sure we provide you all with the best there is in guests *grin* - really looking forward to your visit too! BTW, I was telling Janice, I'm sure I saw your book for sale in our local Barnes & Noble. Are the MedRoms sneaking in at last?
Folks if you see Harlequin MedRoms in your local bookstore - buy them!! In the meantime ... head to eharlequin - the link's on the blog.
See - Tawny is under Janice's bad influence *snork*.
Helen - love the poise and authority ... bet Hugh would too.
Jane - good to see another woman who gets straight to the ... umm ... point.
Hey Fiona - great to see another MedRom favourite here.
Okay, okay, no fainting. Although, Keira Knightley does swoon a couple of times in the Pirates films and there was some excellent kissing between her and Orli. :)
LOL, Foanna on the north and south comment. Snicker.
Anna S., I just saw Marisa Tomei in Wild Hogs this weekend. I hadn't seen her in anything in a long time.
Congrats on the GR my Cadbury providing friend! He obviously LOVES the land downunder! Actually if I remember correctly, the GR was my idea after several days in a row of someone celebrating the fact that they were the first to post each morning. Someone wanted to know if there was a prize and I suggested a Golden Rooster! The rest is nail polish, bubble bath, camouflage history! Welcome to the Lair, Janice! Your books sound fabulous! Gotta check them out. Hmmm, a hunk showing up at my door? Well lets just say it involves Gerard Butler, the word MINE! and 300 ways to make use of that gorgeous body!
Hey, Janice! So glad to see you here *g* I'm going to hop on over to eharlequin and grab a copy of The Doctor's Pregnancy Bombshell!
Honestly, I'm not sure who I'd pick to show up at my doorstep. I'll have to do some thinking - although now that Suz mentioned Matt Damon, I'm leaning towards him *g* I developed a major crush on him after seeing The Bourne Identity :-)
If Josh Halloway showed up at my door, I'd ask him to get Lost with me!
Hi Janice. Good to see you here. Your books sound great. I always enjoy reading medical romance.
Yay Janice! It's great to see you here and read about your first two medicals. I was also very happy to meet you in Dallas. I've already ordered your book, so no need to through my name into the hopper.
I've carried a torch for Daniel Day-Lewis since The Last of the Mochicans. If he showed up on my door, I'd glance first at myself, then at him and say: "Where has the time gone?" LOL.
I guess that's the beauty of daydreams. They don't age!
Can't wait to read your first book and have a good old-fashioned crying session!
Lynne Marshall
Entertaining interview, Anna and Janice! I can tell by your banter that you two have a lot of fun.
Okay, we've got to conspire to bring the rooster back to CA!
Janice, your books sound like very enjoyable reads. I'm curious about how you manage to balance a demanding career with a family of four children. You are my new hero!
If my hottie -- George Clooney -- turned up on my doorstep, I'd have a heart attack because I perform my writing in total slovenliness!
Beth- Matt Damion is such a good actor in that movie. You truely believe he's a trained assassain with a conscience and jumbled consciousness! I've seen clips of him off stage filming and he seems like a very likeable person in real life. And of course very cute in the Ocean's movies. Too bad he'd be robbing the cradle for me.
I'll stick to Clive. He might be younger, but I have a feeling we'd at least know the same music!
Doglady - you'd have to grab Gerry Butler quick to prevent all the hordes of fans rushing in after him!
Matt Damon is a sweetie, Beth. Not what I'd imagined after reading The Bourne Identity, but cute all the same.
Tetewa - thanks for sharing your vices ;) Lost and Josh!
Crystalgb - I can see you have a bunch of MedRoms to be looking for, with Janice, Amy, Lynne and Fiona!
Lynne - welcome - great to see you. I think I'd be asking DDL what he used on his hair to make it so shiny in that film!
Jo - you and me both. Luckily the UPS guy is used to me in my slobs -not sure my hockey hunk would be impressed though!
Hi Janice,
Your books sound unique and enticing. Would enjoy reading these delightful novels. Congratulations and best on the new release and medicals are always fascinating.
Welcome Janice!!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Medical Romance line...but I am a bit upset that it isn't available in stores in the US. I have missed some great books because of this. I can't make as many online orders as I'd like from eHarlequin.
As for the question if the hunk/hotty of my dreams appeared on my doorstep, what would I say to him? Probably nothing...I'd probably pass out from shock...or stammer a bit and shut the door...I am a bit shy...LOL.
Oh, forgot to say that I look forward to trying Janice's Medical Romances...I didn't know she wrote for them now.
Congratulations on the new book. It sounds like a good story. I don't know what I'd do, probably introduce him to my daughter.
Your novels are so great! Love to read them Congatulations on your success.
Oh all your books sound good! I would probably get tongue-tied and not be able to say a thing lol.
Lynne, I loved Daniel Day-Lewis in Last of the Mohicans, one of my all-time favorite movies. I'm hearing a lot of good buzz about his new movie, There Will Be Blood.
I don't really know who I would want to show up on my doorstep, Colin Firth maybe? It doesn't really matter, I would panic no matter who it was....
I can see that there is more book buying in my near future, I don't even fight against it anymore, I just happily slide right into bankruptcy.
That's interesting Anna about seeing my book in the local B&N. I think they're slowly sneaking on to the shelves which we're all very excited about.
Hi to Lynne and Fiona. Great to see some medrom fans here. Its part of our plan to TOTW (take over the world) bwah ha ha ha.
I found Jane Millionaire and after reading the back I had to buy it. It's sitting in on my tbr and will be read soon.
Great choice of muses too!
Sorry Amy, didn't you get the memo?
It's the BANDITAS who are going to TOTW (Take Over The World)! Of course as one of our Bandita Buddies, you are invited along for the ride. :-)
Janice, thanx again for hanging out with us in the Lair today, and being a bad influence... though I noticed you had no problem with most of us falling right into the baaad.
Suz, I agree Matt seems like just a nice guy and just the right age for me *g* And I love the Bourne movies though I haven't seen the third one yet. Maybe I'll rent it this weekend :-)
I love medicals... thanks for writing them!
great post... thanks!
What would I say...
Probably something dumb like...."uh...you want coffee? I've got a fresh pot....It's Sumatra....."
That's me. Smooth.
Hi Janice!!!!! Waving from Kentucky. Welcome to the lair.
Phew. I was off living my medical persona and got caught at work much longer than intended, then swung by a funeral, and rushed home to catch up here. Phew. Was someone asking how I manage it all??? Well, I gave up sleep a few years ago and have found that to be most helpful. :) What you don't believe me? Well, I do sleep on occassion but not as much as I should, much to my husband chagrin. Not that I really think he wants me to come to bed to sleep. Oops. There I went with being a bad influence again. ;)
LOL, on having to fight for Gerard. I know some women who would battle to the death for that man.
Anne - glad to see another medicals fan!
Jennifer - shy? You? Not what the GR told us ;)
BTW - keep an eye out at B&N and online - the MedRoms are sneaking in.
Maureen - what a good mum you are.
Trish - anything to kiss Orlando Bloom, huh?!
Ruth - aren't they fab?! (I'm not biased - honest!)
Catslady ... so who would make you tongue-tied? (Or as Janice would say - who would tie up your tongue?!)
Trish - I've heard great things about DDL's latest too. Not as good as a naked Viggo, but still good.
Hrdwrkmom - glad we're enabling ... umm ...enticing ... okay we're a totally bad influence *grin*.
Yay Laura J on finding Jane Millionaire - it's such a fun book, you'll love it.
LOL - AC - you beat me to it ... the Banditas will TOTW!
Beth - I'm sure our Beth and Suz will share Matt with you if you ask nicely *grin*.
Nancy and Lily - you're both very welcome!
Cassondra - you're gorgeous and you carry a gun - smooth doesn't matter ;)
As someone who is used to getting emails at sparrow's chirp am from Janice - I can concur that she doesn't sleep much!
Wait, I didn't really answer Jo's question about how I manage to work full time, have four active kids, and write. Honestly, I have to give a lot of credit to my husband. He's a wonderful father. Our schedules mesh well together and I'm with the kids until I drop them off at school. He's with them in the afternoons after they get out of school. As I work later, he tends to do the running to piano lessons, karate, various sporting events, boy scouts, etc. Our kids are our first priority and we try to stay involved on various levels in all that they do (for example my husband has been Scout Master for over 10 years and I).
So to sum it up, I blame how busy I am on my husband because if he wasn't so wonderful I would NEVER be able to try to do so much.
Maureen, I Laughed out loud at your comment about introducing your doorstep hunk to your daughter. I haven't quite reached that point, but I'm starting to notice that some of these new hunks look way to much like the age of my son's friends and I can't get past the EWWWW factor to find them hot.
Hi, Janice! Welcome to the lair!
Sorry I'm so late. Just came in from my own 12 hours in the medical world and unlike yours....there is NO romance there (sigh)
I write historicals so there isn't too much danger of me mixing up my everyday stress and my writing. Though in my early version of THE PATRICIAN'S DESIRE I had the heroine treating the hero's wounds (he'd been scourged)....with what ended up sounding like a Wet to Dry dressing LOL. My CP at the time said "Here come's Joanie, the little nurse" :-)
As to who would I want to come to my door? Hugh, Eric, Gerard, Goran.
Hi Cassondra! Great to see you! I keep telling Anna that all real Southern gals carry guns but she doesn't believe me. I literally asked my husband to buy me a new handgun (Baretta 380) I'd picked out as my Christmas gift...which he did get me.
Hi Ruth! Thanks for the kudos for my books. Is this the Ruth that I'm going to someday write a "Other Woman" book with? ;)
Hi Crstal!!! How are you doing?? Glad to see you here.
Hi Laura J! thanks for checking out Jane Millionaire. I really hope you like it. I had soooo much fun writing that book and afterwards with promotion stuff. I actually met "Dr Travis" (Travis Stork from ABC's The Bachelor) when we both volunteered at a charity event. I got an autographed photo for my friend I wrote The Heart Surgeon's Secret Son. Of course, I had my photo made with him and it sits on my desk along with photos with a few other 'stars' I've met along the way.
Okay, ladies we really have to stop talking about fighting over my dear Gerard or p226 will start promoting a Banditas Gladiator type smackdown and show the whole thing on pay per view!
Brandi V ~ thanks for stopping by and if you like emotional reads, you'll love Medicals. If you like fun, upbeat, light romances with sassy heroines, Jane Millionaire's for you.
Beth, Matt Damon is getting a lot more press time these days, isn't he? I'm betting there will start being shirtless photos any day...well, that's what happened with Matthew after the Sexiest man thing. Actually, I loved my Matthew better when he was just my Matthew instead of all that sexiest man stuff. Did People really have to advertise his wares like that?????? ;)
Hi Nathalie. In the book I just turned in my heroine is named Natalie. I'm really hoping they let me keep it, because it just fit. My hero and heroines names in the first book were changed because mine were too old fashioned. Go figure. ;)
Hi Lily! My darling new puppy is named Lily. She's a fiesty Jack Russell who was the runt of the litter and, thus, has serious issues with having to prove herself to the world. Thus she changes dogs who could use her for a toothpick. And they act scared. I'm waiting for one of them to stop and go HEY! WHY AM I RUNNING? I just keep going off on tangents, don't I? Sorry. Anyway, I am very glad to meet you here, Lily. :) Thanks for stopping by.
Tetewa...Josh Halloway...don't suppose you'd be having him stop for directions in hopes y'all would stay LOST forever, eh? :)
Hrdwrkdmom ~ I love your name! Very creative-something I always admire. Generally speaking I don't advise someone to willing slip into bankruptcy, but in this case...what? I pushed you? Nah, that was more of a...love pat. Yeah, that's it. ;) Hope you enjoy any of my books you do run across.
Catslady, ignore Anna. I would never comment about a hunk tying up your tongue...or any other body part. Shame on her. You can tell who is really the bad girl. ((I'm smiling innocently here...can you tell? ;))
Lynne, I think Trish Milburn might already be getting mouth to mouth from Daniel Day Lewis. But that's just a hunch. ((I'm still convinced she only passed out to be revived by said hunk!))
Joan, glad you're here. And isn't Goran lovely. I saw him in an ad he did for Sparticus and thought Hot Diggity Dog! He was perfect for the book I was working on at the time.
Hmmm, I'm betting there are some ladies here who would volunteer to be in the ring with Gerard for a smackdown. The Piledriver. The Big Nasty. The Show Stopper. The...Anna, you're being a BAD influence again!!!
Janice, I'm so sorry I missed you! It's the accursed DDJ getting in the way. So glad to see the update and to know you are writing medicals. I had no idea! I will be looking for them. Love your hunky doctors!
If my dream man (Kurt Russell, say, or Oded Fehr or even Brendan Fraser) showed up on the step, I would invite him in, hope he was struck blind so as not to see the state of the house (or my thighs) and seduce him with coffee and home cooking. Hey, use what you have, right?
Hi Janice, Hi Anna, I'm coming a bit late after all these comments. Janice I can't wait to read your first medical romance and the second and the third. I so enjoyed Jane Millionnaire. Love your voice. Boy, do I understand your excitment about seeing your book out. I'm counting the days for my first one, 10 days exactly.
Joanie - I've had a soft spot for Goran since Practical Magic and the early ER (never get to watch these days ... in fact I think the last episode I saw was just after Anthony Edwards left the series!)
Caren - curse that day job!!! I'm sure Kurt wouldn't notice the house or your thighs. And you wouldn't care after he gave you that look he gave Josie in Tombstone!
Mona - great to see you!! Looking forward to your book coming out too. So proud of you.
Thanks so much to Janice for dropping by and having naughty fun with us. *grin* Don't forget to check back - I'll be posting the winners of Janice's prizes soon.
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