Walks over to the sexy masseuse.
“What is it Sven?”
He bends down and whispers in my ear.
“J.D. Tyler looks familiar to you?”
He nods and points to the pictures of previous Lair guests. Then whispers in my ear.
“She looks like that author that wrote about firefighters and pinched your backside last time she was here?”
Laughing, I pat him on his backside then walk back to our guest.
Jo, you’ve been outted! For those of you who don’t know, J.D. Tyler is also the author, Jo Davis, my good friend and CP Partner. Welcome to the Lair once again, JD. For this occasion I’ve asked for Top Shelf Margaritas, (pointing to the pitcher Paolo just placed on the bar), so help yourself .
JD: Thanks, I believe I will! (Takes a sip) Ohh, these are great! Thanks so much for having me here today. I always love visiting with the Banditas!
Suz: So J.D. Why the name change?
J.D.: The decision to use a different pen name was easy for a couple of reasons—reader recognition and name association. Jo Davis writes hot contemporary suspense and erotica, and that’s what readers expect from her. J.D. writes dark, sexy paranormal romance, and the worlds she creates are grittier. More dangerous. J.D. can, and does, take more chances to give her readers a thrilling ride.
Suz: Did you want to write paranormal romance?
J.D.: Actually, I started out my career writing paranormal erotica for Ellora’s Cave and had planned to stay with paranormal for some time. But then my agent and I sold the firefighter series to NAL, and paranormal went on the back burner. When the firefighter series ended, I’d planned to propose a police series called Sugarland Blue, to spin off of the firefighters. (Which I still would like to do.)
My publisher, however, asked me to write paranormal. I have to say, the request was a dream come true! I’m an avid reader of dark, sexy paranormal romance, and to be handed the opportunity to write in a genre I love was one I was not about to walk away from! I proposed the ALPHA PACK series, it sold, and J.D. Tyler was born.
Suz: So what’s the concept for the ALPHA PACK series?
The ALPHA PACK was founded by a group of former Navy SEALs after they were attacked by rogue wolf shifters in Afghanistan and turned. Now they use their shifting and Psy abilities, battling to protect the innocent from the world’s most dangerous human and supernatural predators.

Here’s the blurb:
After a massacre decimates half his team and leaves him crippled, Jaxon Law must relearn how to fight—and must defeat the anger and guilt threatening to overwhelm him. But when he rescues a beautiful woman who reawakens his primal instincts, Jax is unprepared for the dangers that lie ahead.
On the run from her employer, brilliant lab assistant Kira Locke escapes with disturbing evidence that leads the Alpha Pack team on a hunt for someone targeting human civilians with Psy abilities. And as Jax and Kira circle both the killer and each other, Jax will have to decide if the deep connection he feels with Kira is worth breaking the ultimate shifter rule—because bonding with Kira means putting his abilities at risk, and they might be the only tool he has to keep his mate alive…
Suz: How do Jaxon and Kira meet?
J.D.: Kira has stolen some lab samples and is on the run from her boss’s men, who mean to kill her. Jax hears her scream and rushes to the rescue, shifting in front of her to dispatch the thugs. Only now, because of what she saw and the threat to her life that’s still out there, he can’t let her go. Little does he know he’ll never let her go, under any circumstances…
Suz: There are some interesting characters in PRIMAL LAW. Want to give a taste of what the readers will find inside?
J.D. :The ALPHA PACK compound is very unique in that the team doesn’t just destroy rogue paranormals—they also rescue frightened beings who don’t belong in the human world and are having trouble adjusting. They don’t have much time to deal with these beings, however, so Kira steps up and suggests they make rehabbing paranormals an actual program. Readers will see this program develop and take on life in each successive book, and new types of shifters and other beings will be introduced.
First off in PRIMAL LAW, readers meet Sariel, a beautiful Fae prince who was cast from the Seelie court and is having terrible trouble coping with the human world. He’s a great secondary character who will become extremely important in the series. We also meet Belial, a misunderstood basilisk shifter, and then the most tragic figure of all in the program—Raven, a former Navy SEAL who was turned into a wolf shifter along with the others, but never returned to human form. He’s been feral for over five years, and no one has any clue how to help him.
The series is rich with characters, and they all have a purpose. The story possibilities are delicious and endless! For a list of the main ALPHA PACK team members and their descriptions (and keep checking, as this list will grow), plus excerpts and other news, visit my website at www.JDTyler.com.
Suz: So what’s next in the ALPHA PACK series?
J.D.: Next up is a novella tentatively titled BLACK MAGIC (the title might change), and it will be a stand-alone story involving Kalen Black, the team’s newest member who’s a Sorcerer/panther shifter/Necromancer! Other Alpha Pack team members call him a cross between a rock star and a gunslinger. You’ll find out why in PRIMAL LAW. His novella will be released from Penguin eSpecials in March 2012, and will lead into SAVAGE AWAKENING (book 2), and Kalen’s own story, which will be book 3 of the series. And I’ll tell you right now, Kalen’s full novel, book 3, is going to be truly epic.
After Kalen’s novella is SAVAGE AWAKENING, which is Aric Savage’s story and will be released on April 3, 2012! Aric has been the most fun hero I’ve ever written because he’s such a snarky bastard. Of course, the prickly outside hides a heart as big as a continent. It will take a really special woman to make this sexy redhead accept his self-worth and be the hero everyone knows he is.
Suz: JD will give away a signed copy of PRIMAL LAW to one lucky commenter!
J.D.: If you could be any type of supernatural hero, what would you be and why? (vampire, shifter, Fae, demon, etc.)
is he coming just in time for bed LOL
Loved your firefighter series and this series looks like it will be good too..... think I would like to be a shifter then I could have the best of both world
Don't worry about a drink as it is bedtime downunder ... will have to join in for our breakfast LOl have a good time
Good on you, Barb! Hope he didn't keep you up all night. He's a night owl...er Night Chicken!
Hey JD !!
How cool that they asked you to write a paranormal series. These guys sound HOT !!
I think if I were going to be a paranormal I'd want to be a witch. That way I would be able to do all sorts of things rather than just shifting. A powerful witch an alter herself OR others. Cool!
Barb, congrats on the bird!
J.D./Jo, welcome back and congrats on your new series. It sounds great!
If I were going to be a shifter, I'd like to be a variety people didn't hunt, and that would limit my choices. So I guess I'd be Fae. The wardrobe ought to be cool, too.
Good luck with the new series!
Good Morning, Everyone! Louisa is up bright and early! But Barb is going to bed Down Under--we'll catch you on the flip side! Barb, I'm glad you enjoyed the firefighters! Hope you love Alpha Pack too. :)
I'm still foggy, so I'm going to sip my coffee and wake up while we chat. :)
This series sounds amazing--a little like an X-Men/Dark-Hunters like series. Wicked!
Love the premise; and I'm loving the titles (and how their titles tie to their names.) And I can't wait for the snarky bastard--I have a fondness for redheads and snark.
If I could be something paranormal...well, I wouldn't be a vampire (I like eating too much to be restricted to blood, though I could totally do that not going out in the sun thing); and I'm not a fan of the Fae (too much lore and "history" that I just don't care about--they remind me of snotty 90210 people who just look beautiful and live forever, and rather untouched by love--not enough passion).
I think if I was one of the modern paranormal characters I'd be an angel or demon, or more appropriately one of the Fallen. I can see rebelling against God and perfection, from the boredom of it, from the lack of free will--but then also regretting being separate from God after. That's a character I could understand.
If the angel/demon character is not available, I'd probably go for shapeshifter. Perhaps a wolf...or a deadly badger. :)
I am so excited about your new world of the Alpha Pack..and if I were gonna be a paranormal character I would want to be a fying something..LOL I love the birds but even a wolf would be cool... I am stoked about this new world/series.. yeah!
Good morning, I just bought this book yesterday, and I WILL be starting it soon. I can't wait to read it. It sounds like an awesome series!! I have read soo many wonderful stories about supernatural, I could not decide on which one I would like to be.
Hi Nancy,
Thank so much! Yes, being Fae would be cool. I'd want to have a set of pretty wings like Sariel in PRIMAL LAW. :)
Great interview, Jo!
I can never get enough paranormal romance and have been looking forward to this series in particular.
Wishing you the best of luck with it, and keep these books coming.
Ms Hellion,
Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy my redhead, Aric, and his snark. :) I'm finishing his book now...
I'm with you on being a vampire. I don't think that existence would be for me. I wouldn't want to have to drink blood and live forever.
I would love to be a shifter who can turn into anything!
Mrs World Wide Web,
Thanks so much! I'm stoked too! Readers have said such nice things who've read it so far, which is great because it's so hard to please paranormal fans! I'm thrilled at the response and I hope you love the Pack! ;)
Black Water Mama,
YAY!! I'm so glad you decided to give it a try! I hope you love Jax's story as much as I loved writing it! The Pack is so fun for me, and I hope to continue this series for a long time. :)
Thanks so much!! I can't get enough of paranormal either. Does The King's Mistress have any of your touches of paranormal you sometimes write into your historicals? I can't wait to read it when I get Aric's story turned in!!
Thanks for stopping by!
I'm losing sleep over the yummy Jaxon Law....you had me up WAY past my bedtime last night ooogling..um, I mean reading....all about him :-)
Loving the start of this series and can't wait for more!!!
Thanks so much, Addison!! I happy you're enjoying Jax's story! If I had to stay up late, what better way than curled up with a yummy wolf shifter? :)
Happy reading!
Welcome JD!!!
Man, oh man...this series sounds AWESOME!! Really different!
As to what type of supernatural I would be it would be between a Sprite cause they don't have to go to Weight Watchers and a Fae with wings and fairy dust...that I would use for good...I promise!
Good morning, JD/Jo! Welcome back to the Lair! This new series sounds like such a treat! I love the premise of Navy SEALS/shifters! The cover is gorgeous, too. I'll be strolling over to Amazon to order it in just a few seconds and can't wait to read it.
Hmm ... I wouldn't want to be a vampire or a demon. Or a zombie. Ugh. Really, who would want to be a zombie? No offense to the zombie lovers out there (whoever you are). :-)
I think I'd like to be a shapeshifter, although Nancy has a point about being hunted. Still, I like the idea of turning into a sleek panther and running like the wind to escape danger. Yeah, that's me. Running like the wind. Snork!
Congrats on snagging the bird, Barb!
Okay, off to buy the book! Yum!!
Hi Joan! How are you?!
Thanks so much, I'm so excited about this series!
A sprite would be cool! I'd love to have little wings. Hell, I'd love to be little, period. LoL
Have a great day!
I would love to be able to be a shifter. I think it would be awesome to fly.
Danielle @Ramblings From This Chick
Aww Kate......I'm sure you'd make a great panther but..I see you as a snugglie bunny... :D
Wha--? Bunnie????????? Come on, I'm fierce!! Grrrumble...
Hey JD
I am so a paranormal junkie, cannot get enough. That you're writing a paranormal series about hot, sexy shifters--so right up my alley!
If I could be a shifter I'd want one of two; either be a jaguar shifter or to be able to shift to invisibility. Just thinking of the trouble I could get into. . .
Can't wait to read these books.
This series sounds awesome. They all sound like hot, sexy heroes. I can't wait to read it.
I would want to be a shifter..to be able to shift and run in the wild,just to get away from everything.I think that would be cool.
I would like to be a shifter.
Thanks so much! I'm excited about the series and I love my cover too! You all should see the cover I got this week for SAVAGE AWAKENING--OMG!! Can't wait to share it.
I'm with you on the Zombie thing--UGH what's the popularity there? I'll admit I can't understand it. My mind automatically goes to the old cult flick, DAWN OF THE DEAD. Um, nothing sexy there, folks! <:/-
Thanks for stopping by!
Hey, JD/Jo. I love the premise of this series. I'm a big fan of dark paranormal romance, and I think mixing it with the popularity of Navy SEALS is genius! Good luck with the new series.
Hey Jo...J.D. - Welcome back to the lair!
The new series sounds great and the cover - yum!
Funny - I asked my dh Monday night what sort of creature would he shape shift to if he were a shifter. This was after a discussion about True Blood. I remember my answer would be that I'd shift to a bird - a predator bird, though, as I wouldn't want to be worried about getting attacked. Flying would be cool.
Hey JD! Sorry to be late today. (Dang flu!) But knew the Banditas and our buddies would take good care of you.
Hey Barb! Congrats on getting the GR. Hope your house can survive him being there while you sleep. You know what mischief he can get into.
Hey Louisa!
A shape shfiting witch huh? Hmmm, that reminds me of a scene from Hocus Pocus. Didn't the meanest witch change herself into a mouse and the cat ate her?
Grinning at JD.
You know, there are a few things I wouldn't want to shape shift into. Uhm...they're not terribly sexy...
prarie dogs, Yettis, badgers,
Hey Nancy!
If I were going to be a shifter, I'd like to be a variety people didn't hunt
Now that's smart thinking!
Oh, I just know I'm going to enjoy you as J.D.!! And what a gorgeous cover!!!
Hey Ms. Hellion!
This series sounds amazing--a little like an X-Men/Dark-Hunters like series. Wicked
Girl, it is soooooooooo sexy and such a page-turner, classic Jo Davis story telling. You're gonna gobble it up and beg for more!
Wow, this sounds amazing, JD! Congrats on this coming release! As for what paranormal I would want to be? Maybe a witch? That way I could enjoy many different powers, including shapeshifting :)
Hey MsWorldWideWebb!
and if I were gonna be a paranormal character I would want to be a flying something..LOL I love the birds
Ooooooooooooo cool idea. Think of all the costs you'd save on travel?!
Hey, BlackwaterMama!
I just bought this book yesterday, and I WILL be starting it soon. I can't wait to read it.
Schedule the afternoon or evening off when you start Primal Law. You're not gonna want to stop until The End!
Hey Sandy!!
Always good to see you popping into the Lair! You're gonna love her new series, Primal Law and all the hunky shapeshifters she's got in the group. I'm still having trouble deciding which one I think is the sexiest!
Hey Addison!
you had me up WAY past my bedtime last night ooogling..um, I mean reading
LOL...I was drooling when I read it, I swear I was!
Hey Joan!
As to what type of supernatural I would be it would be between a Sprite cause they don't have to go to Weight Watchers and a Fae with wings and fairy dust.
Why does this not surprise me?
I guess I should tell you what I WOULD want to shapeshift into, huh?
Okay, not just because JD wrote such a sexy group of them, but I've always thought shapeshifting into a wolf would be cool. The whole protective pack and mating for life aspect of wolves really appeals to me! (Then there's the whole hanging out with JD's Alpha Pack thing, too!)
Hey Kate!
Still, I like the idea of turning into a sleek panther and running like the wind to escape danger. Yeah, that's me. Running like the wind.
Can I just point out that when we shift back to human form we'd be naked, so being a sleek anything has to be a bonus!
Hey Danielle!
I would love to be able to be a shifter. I think it would be awesome to fly.
Another travel saving shape shifter!!
Kate: Wha--? Bunnie????????? Come on, I'm fierce!! Grrrumble...
Really?!?!?! Hehehehehe!!!
Yep, Snuggle Bunnie
Hey Kathy!
Always a pleasure to see you pop into the Lair!
If I could be a shifter I'd want one of two; either be a jaguar shifter or to be able to shift to invisibility.
Think of all the trouble you could get into with invisibility.
A jaquar would be cool, too, but I'm allergic to cats.
OMG!! Wouldn't that be a hoot, someone who shifts into something they're allergic to?
Congrats on the new series! I really enjoyed the interview--well done, well done--and PRIMAL LAW sounds like a great story.
I look foward to reading it!
Hi Kathy,
thanks so much!! I love those shifters, and I think it would be great to be one. :)
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi elaing8,
Thanks so much! Should you give the series a try, I hope you enjoy the Pack!! Happy reading!
Hi Trish,
How have you been?! Thanks so much, I'm thrilled that the series seems to be getting off to a great start! I love shifters and Navy SEALs, so I thought both together would be one sexy package. Yum! :)
Happy reading and writing!
Hi Donna!
Hope all is well with you! Thanks, the cover gods have been good to me! The next one tops this one if you can believe it, so stay tuned!
I think being an eagle shifter would be cool! :)
Hey catslady!
Thanks so much! Like I've said to a couple of others, wait until you see the cover for SAVAGE AWAKENING!! Oooh, it's gorgeous! Hope I can share soon. :)
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Fedora!
Thanks, I'm so excited! That's the first person I've seen say a witch, and I think that would be great! Or a sorcerer... I'd have a lot of wicked fun with that kind of power!
Happy reading!
Hi Ash-Krafton,
Thanks, the interview was fun! I always enjoy visiting the Banditas!
I hope you love Jax and the Alpha Pack! Happy Reading!
Oh my, I want to meet these alphas! No matter if they are human or otherworldly, I can never get sick of them. If I could be any type of superhero I would want to be half-human, half-vampire. I want the best of both worlds and it'll give me an advatange.
Alpha's.....that word is always followed by drool in my lil world, lol. I think I'm going with Fae or shapeshifter. Both have great powers but not in all cases is living for eternity included. I don't want to be alive forever, I just want to have that great love story for awhile and then move on to whatever comes next in the afterlife. :)
Well done Barbara have fun with him
I so loved the Firefighter series as well and this series sounds awesome. I love shapeshifters stories and I look forward to this series.
As for what I would like to be maybe a shifter being able to run free when I wanted to and live the life of a human as well and probably some large cat maybe a panther.
Congrats on the release JD and thanks Suz for inviting JD along today
Have Fun
Whoa! Nobody said nothin' about being naked! Wow. Hmm. Scary.
Oh wait, this is all fantasy, right? Okay, yeah! I'm sticking with my sleek, smooth panther fantasy. And NOT that snuggly bunny fantasy some of you are pushing!! Harrumph!
SEAL + Shifter = Winner!
I'll be looking for your books (under both your names).
I'd choose to be a shifter.
I can't wait to sink my teeth into this series!
It is going to be at the top of my to-read list.
Hi Na,
If you try the Pack, I hope you love Jax and the boys! Happy reading!
I'd be a cross between the Shadow and Superman.I would be able to fly, have a lot of strength, and be invisible. That would freak people out :)
This new series sounds fantastic and I'm looking forward to reading Primal Law.
I'd choose to be a vampire because I'm a night owl and I'd love to sleep all day, be super strong and live for centuries.
Barbed1951 at aol dot com
Hey elaing8
I think you'll love Primal Law and all the Alpha Pack members. There are some highly unique characters floating around in JD's mind!
Hey Trish!
I have to agree, matching shapeshifter with uber sexy SEALS is pure genius!
Hey Donna!
I asked my dh Monday night what sort of creature would he shape shift to if he were a shifter. Okay, you want to be a bird-shifter and save airfare, too, (big surprise there!), but what did hubby want to be?
Hey Catslady,
Oh, I just know I'm going to enjoy you as J.D.!! And what a gorgeous cover!!! If you loved her firefighters, you'll love her as JD Tyler, too!
Hey Ash!
I really enjoyed the interview--well done, well done It's always fun to interview a good friend who writes such great stories!
Hey Na!
Glad to see you pop into the Lair today!
Hey Fedora!
That makes two witches today!
Hey Lolarific!
Alpha's.....that word is always followed by drool in my lil world, lol.
Mine too!
Hey Helen!!
Sorry I didn't have the blog up early this morning for you Aussies! (Am fighting a stomach flu this week.) But I just KNOW YOU will love PRIMAL LAW!!
Hi Di!
SEAL + Shifter = Winner!
I LOVE how you do math!
Hi Patti!
I can't wait to sink my teeth into this series!
Hehehe...be careful, this series might sink its teeth into YOU!
Hey Leni!
Shadow and Superman, huh? Great combo
Hey JD, if I can be a combo of superheroes, I want to be Storm and wonderwoman!
Hey Barbara!
I'd choose to be a vampire because I'm a night owl and I'd love to sleep all day,
OH NO! I must be a vampire, because I do that already! Geesh, here I had superpowers and didn't know it!
Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the firefighters and I hope you love the Alpha Pack!
Happy reading!
Thank you Di and Patti!
I hope you enjoy the series! Thanks for stopping by!
Barbara E,
Thank you, I hope you love Jax and the boys of Alpha Pack!
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi JD,
This looks like a great series! Looking forward to reading it!
Hi Karilyn!
Thanks so much! I hope you love Jax and the Pack!
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi! I'm late to the party but appreciate the yummy Paul Marron cover greatly!
I'd like to be a demon or some other type without a whole lot of weaknesses. I can't be saving someone and then, oops, there's iron or holy water or something.
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