Any day now Jon Adamson will pack his bags and hit the road. After all, his intention was never to hang around Melbourne once he'd settled his late father's affairs. Yet he hasn't moved on. And it might have something to do with Gabby Wade. The not-so-big office manager with the really big attitude is making Jon's days…interesting…engaging…fun. It's impossible for him to resist her.
But he knows himself—long-term commitments and cozy family dinners aren't his style. If that's what the future holds, why is he still here? And why is he spending all his days—and nights—with Gabby? Because maybe she's the one reason strong enough to make him stay.
First off, a big thanks to the lovely Romance Bandits for inviting me to play with them - it's lovely to be here. And now, onto the important topic of men who work with their hands for a living...
Years ago, when I still worked in-house on a soap opera, we used to joke about putting all the good looking men on the show in a pair of jeans and a tool-belt. Don’t know what it was, but a man with a tool-belt seemed to be universally accepted shorthand for phwoooar (as we say down here in Australia!).
As a writer, I have a fondness for heroes who work with their hands. If that means they have to wear a tool-belt on a regular basis, then so be it - I am prepared to make that sacrifice on behalf of my readers. When I filled out the art briefing sheet for my current release, One Good Reason, I couldn’t resist briefing a scene where my hero was wearing my favorite piece of male apparel. And guess what? I got that scene as my cover.
The hero of One Good Reason, Jon Adamson, is a builder by trade, but he’s working in his younger brother Tyler’s fine furniture business during the period covered by the book. He makes dining tables and desks and sideboards and works on new prototypes based on his brother’s designs - and he’s very good at all of the above. He’s also the strong, silent type who is battling some very private demons, and he clashes repeatedly with my heroine, Gabby, who is a small woman with a very large attitude. Once they work out that all their animosity is actually suppressed attraction, the battleground shifts - but I don’t want to give away too much.
I had a lot of fun writing their story, possibly because they were two characters who I felt I knew really well before I’d even started writing. Both Gabby and Jon appear in The Last Goodbye. When I started writing that book, I didn’t have any plans at all to write a sequel. By the time I’d finished, however, I liked Gabby so much and felt so badly for Jon that I knew I had to write these two their own happy ever after.
So, how about you - do you have a weakness for a man who is clever with his hands? Or do you prefer a sharp mouth and mind in an even sharper business suit? Or are you an equal opportunity admirer of heroes from all walks of life? I’d love to give away 2 sets of The Last Goodbye and One Good Reason to posters today, so post away!
Is he coming to my place
Have Fun
YAY!! Sarah's here :-) Welcome and a big hello!!!
I love men with clever hands. Talented hands. Hands that know how to make things happen. Oh yeah, baby.
Wait, what was the question again?
Oh yeah, men. Love em. I'm a fan of all kinds of men, but do have a special soft spot for men who work with their hands. They are usually creative and see things just a little differently- usually in terms of how to fix or build or make something, that I think always adds something special. And a guy with good hands? Oh, yeah, every heroine deserves one :-)
Sarah, a big hug and congrats on your latest release :-)
Congrats on the GR, Helen.
Hello Sarah,
Congrats on the new release. I would like to think I'm an equal opportunity admirer of heroes, but I do prefer a man with a sharp mind and mouth. It's a bonus if he looks hot in a suit.
You know what they say about actions speaking louder than words ... well, I love men who actually do something, not just talk. It's got to be a man with clever hands for me :-) !
I am sure the GR is going to enjoy being at my place today it is really cold and raining and the Tim Tams were on special at Woolies today so the cupboard is well stocked LOL.
Hi Sarah
I so love your stories I am catching up on them and I have loved everyone of them that I have read so far.
For me I am an equal opportunity person I read accross a lot of the romance genres so lots of different heroes for me but a hero who knows how to use his hands and wears a tool belt yep love them I do have a thing for Scott Campbell (who is a carpenter that does a lot of renovation work here on Australian TV) love him when he has the tool belt on and Rosie the dog following LOL.
Congrats on the new release Sarah can't wait to read this one must keep my eye open when I am at the shops tomorrow.
Thanks Beth for inviting Sarah a long today.
Have Fun
Helen, please share the Tim Tams. GR doesn't deserve all of them. ;)
I am one lucky lady...My DH is both clever with his hands and his mind. He looks sharp in a suit, too, but very seldom wears one. He comes up with ideas that work. For example, he ran a small PVC pipe from the window a/c out to my side flower bed and the excess water keeps my flowers refreshed.
Sarah, OGR sounds good. Thanks for the excerpt!
Helen, have fun with the bird!
Sarah, welcome to the Lair! I'll go for any hero who's really good at what he does. To me, the tool belt is a badge of competence.
Except when Cliff Huxtable wore one on The Cosby Show. Poor guy was hopeless at DIY home repair. :-)
Hi, Sarah! Welcome to the Lair---such a fun place, always!
A man who's good with his hands, who really knows how to use them, lets his fingers do the walking...mmmm. Yes, please. *g*
I'm an equal opportunity lover of all sorts of heroes, actually. Variety is the spice of life. Right?!
Talented hands? yes Talented mouth? yes
I vote for both!
Luckily my husband is
blessed with both.
I'd love to read your stories. Talented heroes... sounds perfect!
Can’t a lady have it all? The clincher for me is wit…a funny clever man will never be a bore.
All kinds are equally entertaining ,but I do agree with Tawny the ones that work with their hands are the ones that see things differently to me that is a definite attention grabber and the memory of the man(character) stays with me for much longer.
The book sounds fabulous and ooh a poster very cool ! Thanks for the chance to win.
Sharp minds are great but I like a a guy that is good with his hands a whole lot more. Before you get ideas, let me say that if you work with your hands you put a lot of your heart and soul in it. Or so I feel. I do a lot of crafty things and like to think I put a piece of myself in each item.
Being smart with words is great but can at times also conceal what you are thinking or feeling. (Is my experience...)
I can't speak for all business men of course, but I prefer the work of a good man to speak for itself. So books with heroes that are really handy are stories that I enjoy a lot.
Of course he does need to talk at some point as I am unable to read everything between the lines when a kitchen table is described in the book... But still hands all the way.
Welcome to the lair, Sarah! We're thrilled to have you with us today *g*
I'm equal opportunity when it comes to heroes but I do have a soft spot for men who work with their hands. Maybe because my own father and brothers are carpenters and my husband builds furniture (he's making me a Captain's desk now *g*)
I can't wait to read ONE GOOD REASON!
Congrats on nabbing the rooster, Helen! I'm sure he'll have a great day - although if I were you, I'd put a lock on that cupboard holding the Tim Tams :-)
Hmm...I wonder how the GR would look in a tool belt?
I'm a fan of all kinds of men, but do have a special soft spot for men who work with their hands.
LOL! I somehow guessed you were a fan of men ;-)
And I know your wonderful husband is very talented when it comes to building things such as your fabulous raised garden *g*
Hi, Jane! Sharp mind, sharp mouth, looks hot in a suit...what's not to love, right? :-)
Oh the talented hands always a wanted item for me! Yessireeebob!
well, I love men who actually do something, not just talk.
Good point, Birgit! Nothing worse than a man who is all talk, no action ;-)
Deb, sounds like you are very lucky, indeed *g* I bet having a man as clever as your husband around sure makes life easier :-)
I'll go for any hero who's really good at what he does.
Great point, Nancy! Love a hero who is confident and capable at what he does *g*
I like variety in my heroes too. I agree that there's something appealing about a goodlooking guy with a toolbelt, and Jon--and Tyler--both definitely qualify as hot heroes. I think professors, CEOs, and architects can also be sexy heroes. And on one level, artists, musicians, writers, and scientists also work with their hands, just as builders, firefighters, cops,and SEALs also use their heads. I like the total package. :)
I'm an equal opportunity lover of all sorts of heroes, actually. Variety is the spice of life. Right?!
LOL! So true, Gannon!
Luckily my husband is blessed with both
Another lucky lady *g* Thanks for stopping by, Laurie!
a funny clever man will never be a bore.
Very true, Kat! Whether or not a hero works with his hands, I want them to have a sense of humor and a quick mind *g*
I like a man with able hands and an able mind. On the pages of my favorite books and the pages of my life.
BTW, where can I find one of those?
Hi, Sarah!!! I kind of love them both--I think that competence and skill whether it's mental or physical is very attractive, and also gives the person a level of confidence that also is very appealing. And knowing one's limits is also the mark of a good hero--although you do want a man who's willing to give a project his all, you also want one who's smart enough to call in experts should say heavy weaponry or hacking a security code or stopping the leak in the bathroom fall too far out of his realm...
Can't wait for The Last Goodbye and One Good Reason, Sarah! Woohoo!
And have fun with the GR, Helen! Hope he's being a helpful bird today ;)
Welcome to the Lair, Sarah!
BIG THANX to Beth for inviting you here. And LOL Beth on that image of the GR in a tool belt! :-)
Helen, good thing the TimTams were on sale. Knowing the chook, he will wipe out your entire supply.
I'm definitely an equal opportunity kind of woman when it comes to men. Lucky for me that my DH (being an artist) has very talented hands, but a quick wit to go with them. No tool belt, however... Maybe I'll ask Santa to bring him one!
Oh, I'm an equal opportunity admirer of heroes from all walks of life, although right now I'm not a big fan of men in sharp business suits.
Aloha! I am an equal opportunity admirer of heroes and Tim Tams!
Congrats to Sarah on her new book!
I'm an equal opportunity lover....or I would be if I wasn't married (grin). I find a man sharply turned out in a good fitting suit very sexy - makes me drool at accounting seminars. But - my husband is all thumbs when it comes to fixing and repairing. I would love to have a man in my life who could build me some fine looking bookcases, fix the occasional plumbing mishap, wire in some needed lighting - and if he's got a wide set of shoulders that angle down to a small waist - and I get to see it? Whoa mama!
How come the repair guys that I hire to fix the things my husband can't never look like that? Hmmmm...
Thanks for the lovely post! I love men who work with their hands! My dad and brother are both electricians and my dad also likes to do wooden sculptures with a chain saw. So, when I grew up we never had to call a craftsman when something was broken. My dad used to repair that all himself and is still doing so. I have to admit that I couldn't imagine my man having no such skills and luckily I've got myself an engineer with two very apt hands. :)
Sarah, Sarah, Sarah,
It's great to see you here!
I DO enjoy a man who is good with his hands - oh! - I mean good with tools - oh! - I mean ... well you know what I mean, LOL!
I also enjoy quick-witted conversations (preferably with "the less clothes the better" rather than in that suit you mentioned, LOL).
Oh my. I can't remember what I was going to say now.
How about I stop right here and go "talk with" my husband. Yeah. That works for me....
Welcome, Sarah. Sounds like a great book. And there is definitely something very sexy about a man who works with his hands -- and who looks good in a tool belt and jeans. I prefer that type of hero to the business suits, though there are definitely books with wonderful heroes of all types.
Helen, a chook for you!
Wow, Sarah's in da house! I love's Sarah's writing. And she's pretty cool in persona too.
Sarah I loved THE LAST GOODBYE and I'm saving ONE GOOD REASON for when my writing is driving me crazy and only a great book will rescue my sanity. By the way, I agree with you about a man with a tool...belt.
Sorry, had to be said! x
I enjoy heroes from all walks of life. It changes with every book I read so I'll probably never be able to make up my mind:)
Hands down THE sexiest thing about a man is how capable he is with those big ol hands. I think its why I love a good cowboy romance!
Great book Sarah but then I think you know I'm your number 1 fan!
Hi Sarah, Congrats on your new release!!
I'm an equal opportunity admirer of heroes, as long as the heroes are mouthwatering and yummy. If all that yummy-ness comes in suit, its even better ;-)
Oh yes, a tradie in a tool belt is a thing of great beauty and one who can turn wood on a lathe? Something very sexy about work roughened hands smoothing finely polished timber -or something similar :)
But I"m also a sucker for a man in uniform... sigh... makes going to work interesting!
Love the premise of your story, Sarah. Sounds like you had fun writing it :)
Hey, Desere! I agree, those men definitely stick in my memory longer *g*
if you work with your hands you put a lot of your heart and soul in it.
I totally agree with this, Jo's Daughter! Great point *g*
Oh the talented hands always a wanted item for me! Yessireeebob!
LOL, girlygirl! I think that's high on all of our 'want' lists ;-)
I like the total package. :)
Yes, Janga. Exactly! Some of my favorite heroes have sharp minds, wear a suit AND are good with their hands :-)
I like a man with able hands and an able mind. On the pages of my favorite books and the pages of my life. BTW, where can I find one of those?
Hey, Cindy! Well, I found my husband in a bar *g* But that was twenty years ago, not sure what the bar scene is like nowadays ;-)
although you do want a man who's willing to give a project his all, you also want one who's smart enough to call in experts should say heavy weaponry or hacking a security code or stopping the leak in the bathroom fall too far out of his realm...
LOL, Fedora! Well said. This is why my husband gladly sends our vehicles to the shop when they need fixing *g*
And LOL Beth on that image of the GR in a tool belt! :-)
*g* I think he'd look quite dashing, AC!
Hey, Minna! Thanks for stopping by! So far it seems most of us are equal opportunity when it comes to heroes *g*
Aloha! I am an equal opportunity admirer of heroes and Tim Tams
LOL, Kim! How about a hero with a sharp mind, in a sharp suit, who was good with his hands and came bearing Tim Tams? Sounds like a dream date to me :-)
How come the repair guys that I hire to fix the things my husband can't never look like that?
LOL! Real life sometimes just doesn't live up to the fantasy, does it, Donna?
Okay, I am awake and up and at 'em. Sorry I couldn't chat with you all last night - looks like you were having a party without me! A really cool party where you talked about lots of hot guys - some in sexy suits and others in not much at all. I am officially jealous.
Seriously, though, I think I agree with all of you that both types of men have their own appeal - although when I think of the strong, silent, capable, protective type, for some reason I always think of a carpenter or builder or electrician... You know, a man with clever hands!
And a big thanks to Beth for responding to everyone and for inviting me here today. Donna MacMeans mentioned broad shoulders angling down to narrow hips - in the privacy of my own mind (and with some of my girlfriends) I calls this "triangle man". I love me some good triangle man action!
Jo's Daughter, your comment that men who work with their hands tend to be more creative is an interesting one. I've never really thought about this. They are definitely practical problem solvers. I like a man who's calm in a crisis, who keeps his head while all others are losing theirs. However, if he happens to lose his shirt at the same time, I am FINE with that...
A big shout out to Fedora, Tawny, my peeps Amy Andrews and Anna Campbell, Laney 4, Janga... I love that the romance community is populated with so many people who crossover to other blogs etc. It's like going to a party and knowing a bunch of people before you walk in the door - a guarantee of a good time!
Hey, Claudia! Sounds like you've been lucky enough to have quite a few 'handy' men in your life *g*
... well you know what I mean, LOL!
LOL, Laney! I think we do know what you mean ;-)
there are definitely books with wonderful heroes of all types.
Trish, I think one of the best things about romance books is that there's something for everyone *g*
I'm saving ONE GOOD REASON for when my writing is driving me crazy and only a great book will rescue my sanity.
I'm there now, Anna *g* Maybe it's a good time for me to dive into ONE GOOD REASON!
Leni, I can't make up my mind about anything *g* Drives my husband nuts but I've learned to just go with it!
Hey, Amy! So good to see you! I love cowboy romances! Wish I could write one *g*
I'm an equal opportunity admirer of heroes, as long as the heroes are mouthwatering and yummy.
LOL, Sonali! Those seem like great standards to me ;-)
Hi, Helene! My husband doesn't have a lathe but he looks mighty cute when he's using his table saw :-)
Thanks again to Sarah for being with us today and to you all for joining in such a fun conversation :-)
It's true about the tool belt! What's up with that? LOL
Can I vote for the clever man with clever hands and a sharp mouth and mind who looks sharp in a business suit but who also owns a tool-belt and jeans? Or is that cheating? :D
Yes,Pissenlit, you can! When it comes to fantasy men, I am a firm believer in having your cake and eating it too - then having a second helping later on because it tasted so good without having to go to the gym as recompense afterwards.
I love a man who is clever with his hands, no reason why he can't have intelligence & a sharp wit at the same time.
I am an equal opportunity admirer. My BF has good hands, wears a tool belt and has a very sharp mind.
Very clever idea with the air conditioner Deb, I have often wondered why that water couldn't be recycled someway!
Sarah, I'm a fan and so glad you came to the Lair yesterday now.
I am also an equal opportunity lover of men with tool belts, sharp minds, clever wits, good with their hands, and look good in or out of clothes. Think that pretty well covers it. Luckily for me, my husband fits all the above. Lol!
Hi Marybelle, no reason why he can't have everything we want him to have! Thanks for chatting.
aka Dianna, sounds as though you have yourself a keeper there. After all this discussion, it has just occurred to me that we don't actually own a toolbelt. I will be rectifying that oversight the next time I am at the hardware store, let me assure you.
hi Cathy P, glad you're enjoying my books. Your hubby sounds like he's a keeper, too. Hope you're having a lovely weekend together.
Smart mouth, sharp mind & looks hot in a suit!
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