And yes, I AM shouting. Grins. I'm going to apologize right up front for shouting and happy dancing, and being just a liiiittttle bit immodest.
This would be the reason: Deadly Little Lies was the book that almost wasn't. It was written during one of the darker periods in my life as my father's health was failing, and I had a difficult time getting it completed.
(BTW, Thank you again, to all the Banditas and BB's who helped me through all that. Ya'll quite simply rock!)
Of course, once I got it done, I had to edit all the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth out of it before I turned it in. There was a LOT of that. I mean, a LOT.
And, ya'know, heroes in modern stories just shouldn't gnash their teeth. Really. Bad for their teeth, right? Grins. And my hero, Davros, called Dav, my dashing Greek shipping magnate, has beautiful teeth. I couldn't endanger those pearly whites!

I actually had to make a map of the tunnels so that I was sure I had done it right. Good thing I like to draw because MAN was that complicated! Yikes!
For those of you who write, I know you feel my pain, right? Right? Please say you do, and if you don't lie, and make me feel better, okay?
For those readers who aren't also writers, this is how it goes sometimes. You feel like you're pulling the book out of your imagination a struggling word at a time. Ex-haust-ing.
Then you turn it in. And you wait. And you get nervous. And you decide it's the absolute worst book you ever wrote and you're going to die of mortification when it comes out and bombs and....and...and....
My only comfort was the memory of hearing La Nora (Roberts) say that sometimes, in the middle of the book, she'll call a friend and complain that she's never written such terrible schlock in her life, and it's the worst pile of (expletive deleted) she's ever seen.

Nervous Wreck.
I considered taking up serious drinking as a contact sport.
Grins. But I really like to drink to CELEBRATE, so.....
Much to my (immense) delight, and relief, DEADLY LITTLE LIES received a TOP PICK from Romantic Times Magazine. The reviewer wrote:
"Non -stop action and heart-stopping danger make this book unputdownable!"
Now, I don't know about you, but unputdownable sounds pretty darn good. I don't know if it's a real word, but I don't care. Now you can understand my relief. Other reviewers have said they stayed up late to finish it in one gulp.
WHEW!!! Thank heavens.
But my insomnia had actually started early on, in the production stage, after the "get the timeline straight" call from my editor. Did you know that authors do cover quotes? I'm sure you read those. At least all of us newer authors HOPE you read them. If you don't read them, please don't tell me.
If you do....what do you think of them? Do you ever take a look at a book based on the cover quote?
Oh, and to give you further insight into my insecurity, you realize that those much-more-famous-than-me authors actually have to read the book, ahead of time, and quote on it?
As I approached that stage, I was all but ready to throw in the writing towel. I was sure my colleagues would laugh...or worse, pity my poor efforts. I was a flat, wrung out mess.

One of my all-time favorite NYTimes Bestselling authors, Dianna Love, is going to here in the Lair in a week or so. She's written innumerable fabulous books, both on her own and with Sherrilyn Kenyon. One of my all-time favorites of hers is Blood Trinity, the first in the Belador Series.
So you can imagine that I nearly keeled over and died when she gave me a quote for the cover of Deadly Little Lies, calling it: "...an edge of your seat read."
(That's Dianna in one of her fabulous Blood Trinity t-shirts, with a fan)
Oh, lawdy, where's my celebratory cocktail? Really, really, relieved. Grateful, and relieved. You see, I had the worst time re-reading this book for edits. Terrible. Usually I sail through all of that. Not. This. Time. So I had to send this book to my colleagues before I gave it a last edit.

SO, now, more than with any other book, I'm in the mood to really celebrate a LAUNCH DAY!!!
Sven! Bring the special Hurricane Earthquake Punch!!! (Hey, we have to also celebrate the fact that the power stayed on in the Lair, in the Writing Caves, and at my house because several of us have Sept. 1 deadlines! And no earthquake damage!)
Paolo!! Bring the hors d'oeuvres! We need sustenance for our Launch Partying.
Demetrius!! Bring the torches! Someone needs to light up these caves....which leads me to giving you a little excerpt. Grins. Dav, the hero, is claustrophobic. His enemy had locked him, and his lady-love in an underground cell. They have to figure a way out....they find a door and...
Dav took a deep breath and started into the tunnel. The light wobbled, then steadied and he could feel the warmth of Carrie's presence at his back. Two steps in, she wrapped her fingers in the loop of his belt. Somehow,

Much later, they're both despairing....
"I want to keep going, she insisted. What if there's a way out, just beyond this?" She stopped suddenly and he heard her draw in a shaky breath. "Oh, my God, Dav, what if it's a dead end?"
"Carrie," he kept his voice firm in the face of her rising panic. "I will not allow you to die. I have told you this, yes?" We will find a way out. Now, come and sit down, rest. You can tell me your secrets and I will tell you mine."
In spite of his own fears, Dav makes sure Carrie feels safe. He's really a wonderful hero, without being "too perfect to live" like some heroes are. He gets hurt, bruised, banged up, has a panic attack about being underground (his father used to lock him up as punishment - something to panic about!), and yet, he keeps himself level for her sake. He's kind of like a 21st Century, Greek Indiana Jones in a way.

Carrie on the other hand, is more like McGyver. She's the one with the pocket knife that has 27 tools. She's the one who figures out an alternative exit.
She's more like Annie Walker on Covert Affairs, without being a spy. Or maybe a bit more like the Julia Roberts character, Maggie Carpenter, in Runaway Bride, she is capable, competent, and mechanically inclined, but she's got some scars that keep her wary.
If you read DEADLY LITTLE SECRETS last year, you'll have already met both Davros "Dav"

In my regular form and fashion, things blow up. There's a fairly high body count. Grins. Oh, and did I mention a LOT of twists and turns?
This would be why you need the torches. Ha!
So, grab a flashlight, pen light, mag light or torch, get a Bloody Mary, or a Margarita, or a glass of milk and some of Sven's famous chocolate chip cookies (He stole the recipe from Joanie T - YUM!!!!), and grab a chair and start reading.
Then....riddle me this, spelunkers....
Are you more like Bond or McGyver? Annie Walker (Covert Affairs) or Maggie Carpenter (Runaway Bride)?
What about your Significant Other? Or if you don't have one at the moment, which type do you prefer? The polished, lethal weapon-type like Bond, or the rougher-hewn, all-purpose, get-you-out-of-any-jam like McGyver?
Or in more recent vernacular, are you more like Michael Weston (plan it, execute it) from Burn Notice, or Hank (use what's at hand, make it work) from Royal Pains? And which do you prefer?
Don't even get me started on Neil, the guy from White Collar.....whew!!!
Let's get this party STARRRRRRRTED!!!! Music! Lights!!! Cookies!!! Drinks!!!
WHOOO HOOOO FOR DEADLY LITTLE LIES!!! Jeanne, I think the cover just SCREAMS deadly little lies!
Whoa, did I get the rooster?? Yay! Emma's coming early today and I could use him to entertain her.
Whoohoo! Jo grabbed the bird for the day! Love it!
Don't let him read The Watcher, Jo. He'll shake all his feathers off.
And if your new Avenger's anything like the Watcher, keep that away from him too...
Jeanne, I ADORE the sound of this book. Dav and Carrie certainly deserve their own story. And, hey, all those fabulous writers can't be wrong!
I think there's a point in every book where every writer says, "What the hell am I doing?" or "How the heck am I going to get them out of this one?"
I love all those twisties, so I can't wait to read your book. In fact, I'm gonna download it onto my Kindle now. It IS out, right?
I can't believe this is the book that almost wasn't. Super kudoes to you, my friend.
Oh, and you asked if readers notice those author quotes. I don't know about others, but I do. And I'm especially grateful for your great quote for my debut book!
Oh, yeah, Jeanne, gotta keep the rooster away from any R-rated stuff. Makes him, uh, wily, you know?
WOOO HOOOO!!! Launch Party in the Lair!
Pass around some of that Hurricane Earthquake Punch!
Jeanne, I've been waiting not-so-patiently for this book. HURRAY! It's finally here!
Jo, congrats on the GR, but I thought you wanted a dog?!?!
Jo said: I think there's a point in every book where every writer says, "What the hell am I doing?" or "How the heck am I going to get them out of this one?"
Although I do get the "what the heck.." with most books, this was the first where I just couldn't edit.
And my usual "When in doubt blow something up" wasn't working very well either. Cave ins would have resulted. SNORK!
Oh, and technically the book will be out Sept. 6, but I think it will be available for download tomorrow, Sept. 1
Jo said: Oh, yeah, Jeanne, gotta keep the rooster away from any R-rated stuff. Makes him, uh, wily, you know?
Heehee. Yep.
And you're most welcome on the quote, Jo, because it was SUCH a great read! Page-turning and smart and sexy and fabulous. :>
*passes AC a mug of punch* Watch out, it packs a whallop. It's the tag ends of all the bottles of booze in the Lair kitchen plus a whoooole lot of fruit juice.
And AC said: Jeanne, I've been waiting not-so-patiently for this book. HURRAY! It's finally here!
*Blush* Thanks, AC!!
So Jo and AC, are you more like McGyver or Bond? Or someone else althogether?
Okay, ya'll, have some punch and some food. I'll be back in a few hours...
At first, I was afraid the photo of a cave was the state of gnashed teeth...
Yay, Jo! Congratulations on grabbing
the Rooster today! Hope Emma gives him
a run for his money!
Just thought I'd stop by for a minute
before I head for my bed, I'll be back
after a while! Please save me some of
the Earthcane or is it Hurriquake
Punch! Oops, sounds as if I have had
one sip too many!
Pat Cochran
I just want to say that I would be very happy to have a MacGyver is my back pocket. Not that hard to look at & extremely handy.
YAY, Jeanne! Happy release!! Yippee, hooray!
And keep that bird in line, Jo! ;) Don't let him steal your books!
well done JO ...don't work GR too much unless you have tim tams for him LOL
Congrats Jeanne on the new book and looking forward to it's release. Bring on the cabana boys..think DH was more like McGyver in his younger days (meaning DH) LOL
Congrats on your new book!
I certainly wouldn't mind to have a McGyver around.
Congrats on the GR, Jo.
Hi Jeanne,
Thanks for the invite to your launch party. Congrats on the upcoming release. I would like Annie Walker or maybe even Sydney from Alias. I want someone like Bond who know how to handle danger, but so does the guy on Man vs. Wild. Bear Grylls would be the man I want to be stranded on an island with. He knows how to keep us alive and he's hot, too.
Hey, Jo, a chook for you. Huzzah! Tell Emma not to let him get away with too much.
Jeanne, SOOOO excited about the release of DEADLY LITTLE LIES. I've been waiting impatiently for Dav's story since I read and loved DEADLY LITTLE SECRETS. Whoooo-eee, that book is one wild ride and this one sounds like another wild ride. And I love my wild rides (yeah, we'll stop there - what happens in the lair STAYS in the lair!).
Pop the champagne. Kick up our heels. Show our Regency garters! The Boom girls are doing a floor show for us tonight too. Wahoooo!
Congratulations, Jeanne!!!!
Oh, and wanted to say sadly I'm the tourist who asks the way in the second scene and then is shot by the bad guys in the third scene. Sigh. I'm nowhere near competent enough to be even Bond's scullery maid!
I blame MacGyver for my majoring in engineering in college. It's all his fault! *hic*
Which cabana boy has another hurricane for me?
WOOOHOOO!! So glad this book is finally out!!
I'm LOL about you having to draw the tunnels - I have to do that with floor plans for the houses in my books, or town maps for fictional towns, so my characters move about in a sensible and logical way!
Uggh on going underground - I couldn't do that! Then again I'm a wuss about heights too - you wouldn't get me climbing Sydney's Harbour Bridge!
I'd love to think I'm calm in a crisis and can often find a way out of things, while wearing cool shoes LOL. And, I am if it's other people's crisis *g*. Thankfully I have a lovely hubby who's kind of mix between McGyver and Bond and some awesome buddies, who can get me out of any crisis (and understand about the cool shoes!)
ROFL Anna - that reminds me of a long ago drinking game, where you were shown clips from classic war movies and had to guess who the gun fodder was. Yes, it was always that fresh-faced young lad who only had to go through this last mission to get home to his pregnant wife/childhood sweetheart who'd just agreed to marry him.
I've been waiting so long for this book!! WOOHOO, Jeanne, congratulations on your release!
I'm so sorry I can't stay for the party. I have to get back to the grindstone but I wanted to say YAY and wish you all the best with DEADLY LITTLE LIES.
Well done Jo I am sure you and Emma will keep him busy
Whoo Hoo Jeanne I am soo looking forward to this one I loved Dav and Carrie from the last book YAY.
LOL with the questions I am not sure who I am like I used to love ice skating and walking but these days I don't do much other than work play with the grandkids and read as for hubby he has always liked the hands on style ask questions later LOL
Congrats on the release I will have some milk and coolies I think this evening just what I need after a hard day at work
Have Fun
Woot! Congrats Jeanne, I am so excited about Deadly Little Lies.
You all know me as Hrdwrkdmom, my other screen name is MizMacgyver. I guess that kind of says it all. A woman I have worked with for 20 years named me that about 19 years ago. She had taken me out for my birthday and when we came out of the restaurant her car was dead. This was before cell phones so we had no way of getting her husband for help. Opened the hood and used my shoe to smack the carbeurator a good one and dislodge the float. Couldn't do it now of course because cars don't have those anymore! Anyway I have been MizMacgyver ever since.
I would say my guy is more the Macgyver type with shades of Bond on occasion.
Of course right now I would also need Sherlock Homes to solve the mystery of vanishing books and Harry Dresden to put some nice little spell on who ever made those books vanish. And this year was going so well: not a one single book vanished in the mail on the way here until now.
Party! Party! Party! Huge Congrats on your new release, Jeanne. My kind of action adventure! I so feel for you. Before I started writing I think I had this impression that most readers have of a writer who sits in a room typing away, trying to keep up with how fast the story is coming to them (yeah, cue up wild laughter at this point...).
It's a sign of how much we love what we do that stories are created around family crisis and weather disasters. Love your new book and am Snoopy Dancin' for ya in Georgia. :)
As for fictional heroes - those oh-too-serious action guys with big hearts. As for real ones - I love mine.
Hey Sheree! Heehee. Well, that cave picture LOOKS kinda like a giant's gnashed teeth, doesn't it? Couldn't find any caverns that weren't colorfully lit, so I used that.
Caves and tunnels in THIS book are creeeeeepy, not colorful. :>
Hey Pat! It's both. We dumped liquor in like rain and swirled it around like Hurricane, then shook it up a little bit to mix in the fruit juice.
Voila! Hurricane Earthquake Punch.
Marybelle, I SO agree on the "not hard to look at and handy to have around" bit.
Richard Dean Anderson. Uh-huh.
McGyver. Stargate. Yep, he's yummy.
Hey Fedora! Thanks! Pull up a comfy chair, have some punch...or is it too early in the a.m.? Really, you don't want to drink that stuff and drive to work. No work would get done, and you might spill the punch. Grins.
Hey Barb!
You said: think DH was more like McGyver in his younger days (meaning DH) LOL
Younger-smonger. I'm sure he's still quite handy. Grins. Now how come that sounds naughty? Sigh.
I started to write something else along those lines but it sounded naughty too. *eye roll* It's going to be one of THOSE days...
Hey Minna!
So far, McGyver's winnin over Bond! Wow...not what I would have suspected!
Hey Jane!
Sydney from Alias! Man, she's awesome, isn't she? Love it when she kicks serious butt. :>
You said: Bear Grylls would be the man I want to be stranded on an island with. He knows how to keep us alive and he's hot, too.
Yep, now THERE's a man who'd know how to keep you fed if you got stranded, and whom you wouldn't get tired of looking at. Verrrrrra nice. Grins.
Hey! Anna Campbell's in the Laaaair!! Grins.
You said: Whoooo-eee, that book is one wild ride and this one sounds like another wild ride. And I love my wild rides (yeah, we'll stop there - what happens in the lair STAYS in the lair!).
See? See? It's not just me. It IS going to be that kind of day.
Wild rides. Heehee. Snork.
Heehee. Anna said: I'm nowhere near competent enough to be even Bond's scullery maid!
Awww, c'mon. You're no "red shirt" (A reference to the security team guys in red shirts that always beam down with Capt. Kirk in Star Trek, and are subsequently killed.)
All's perfect in the Lair, so who would you pick?
It's McGyver's fault you're an engineer, Sheree? Or is it the Punch? Snork.
What kind of engineering did you major in? Electrical, Structural, Aerospace?
I love engineers. Their minds work in strange and mysterious ways....
Hey Anna! I'm so glad someone else has to draw maps and towns sometimes. I have to have that visual aide to know if I'm turning left or right - or the character is...
You also said: Thankfully I have a lovely hubby who's kind of mix between McGyver and Bond and some awesome buddies, who can get me out of any crisis (and understand about the cool shoes!)
Grins. LOVE the cool shoes. Everyone, Anna has these totally awesome polka-dot shoes. I covet them. But her feet are a much daintier size than mine. *pout*
You're like Miss Covert Affairs. She frequently has killer shoes. :>
Christina Brooke said: I'm so sorry I can't stay for the party. I have to get back to the grindstone but I wanted to say YAY and wish you all the best with DEADLY LITTLE LIES.
I'd pout, but I know you have a deadline. Grins. Intractable things, those deadlines. Have one myself, but I'm not panicking. No. Not me. Uh-uh. (EEEK!!!)
Helen said:
Whoo Hoo Jeanne I am soo looking forward to this one. I loved Dav and Carrie from the last book. YAY.
Ohhh, thanks Helen! That means a lot, coming from you! :>
Had to LOL about your hubby being the hands-on, ask questions later type. Good for him! Heehee.
Anna said: ROFL Anna - that reminds me of a long ago drinking game, where you were shown clips from classic war movies and had to guess who the gun fodder was. Yes, it was always that fresh-faced young lad who only had to go through this last mission to get home to his pregnant wife/childhood sweetheart who'd just agreed to marry him.
OMGosh! That's an hysterical drinking game! I love it. How does it work? Do you take a drink when he sticks his spoon in the wall, or if you guess wrong, or every time they miss him? Grins. Tell all....We have Hurricane Earthquake Punch, after all. And a big screen with Netflix. We could watch an old movie or two. And drink. :>
Dianna! You have an Alias!
You said: You all know me as Hrdwrkdmom, my other screen name is MizMacgyver. I guess that kind of says it all.
LOVE IT! Had to LOL about smacking the carb with your shoe. Snork! Go you.
And having a hubby who can do "shades of Bond on occasion" is QUITE nice. Grins.
Minna, sorry 'bout the vanishing books. You'd finally gotten rid of that pesky theif, I thought.
And oooh, on Harry Dresden...
Hey Dianna! *Waving madly* Hope Georgia's cooling down for you.
You said: Before I started writing I think I had this impression that most readers have of a writer who sits in a room typing away, trying to keep up with how fast the story is coming to them (yeah, cue up wild laughter at this point...).
Snork. Yeah. And at points it really IS like that, but when even when you're in that wonderful, once in a lifetime "trying to keep up with it," the story doesn't come out neatly written, or grammatically correct. It just speeds out will-you-nill-you. So the placid image of "just writing" is so wrong, isn't it? Hahaha!
Oh, and as to hubbys, you've got a good one. :>
Jeanne, McGyver would more handy around the house than Bond. What can Bond do? Shoot and blow things up, whereas McGyver could build you a toaster from scratch.
Minna said: Jeanne, McGyver would more handy around the house than Bond. What can Bond do? Shoot and blow things up, whereas McGyver could build you a toaster from scratch.
Heehee. True. But Bond could win you millions at the casino and buy you four dozen toasters, have them gift-wrapped and delivered with bread, butter, chocolate and champagne.
Either way, you win, however. Grins.
Jo, congrats on the bird!
Jeanne, I have to pick a type? Can't I have one of each?*g*
Congratulations on this latest release and on your Top Pick! Davros was a great supporting character, and he'll be a terrific hero. Can't wait to read the book!
I think everybody who writes reaches the "this is awful" stage at some point. That's why it pays to have writer friends who'll tell you honestly whether or not it's time to worry.
And really, I think you can trust Dianna Love and Sharon Sala.
My favorite go-to people include David
Boreanaz; Tim DeKay (Peter), Willie
Garson (Mozzie), Matt Bomer (Neil)-
all of White Collar; Piper Perabo
(Annie) & Christopher Gorham (Augie}
of Covert Affairs, although if both
arrive together-I don't know! Did
anyone else note a spark between
them towards the end of the season?
I would also add in my older favorite
Nancy, of COURSE you can have one of each! Grins.
And you said: And really, I think you can trust Dianna Love and Sharon Sala.
Wow, good point....thanks!
Pat what a lovely list! And like you, I thought there was a spark between Augie and Annie. And man-o-man did I love the episode with Augie where he went for revenge. Shirt off...ohhhhh yeah!!!
LOL, Cindy, the dog would surely eat the rooster, now wouldn't he? Better hold off on that.
LOL, Pat! I'll have to monitor the situations lest Emma wring the poor chook's neck. She's a two year old. Need I say more?
I had to pre-order it for my Kindle, Jeanne. Amazon says September 6! Yay!
Oh, I'm Bond all the way. Uh, or maybe a Bond girl. Or maybe I'm just fantasizing!
Jo said: I had to pre-order it for my Kindle, Jeanne. Amazon says September 6! Yay!
Oooh, thanks, Jo! Interesting... they're finally sticking to a release date...hmmmm.
For those of you who don't know about release dates and all that, a firm release date is the only way to hit a book list. They have to "acurately" assess how many books are sold in the first week for you to make the NY Times or the USA lists. If the release date isn't firm, then you can't know for sure how many were sold. :>
Wow...I'd love to make a list...
A girl can dream can't she? Heehee
Jo's a Bond Girl! WOOT!!! :> Cubby Broccoli (the longtime Bond producer) would SO approve. What would be your Bond Girl Name?
Congrats on your new release!!!!! Sounds like a fabulous read. I think I am more a MacGyver person myself or like Hank makes something work. Neal is to die for, so hot!!!
MU hubby is a MacGiver for sure, never thought anyone could do so many things with wire hangers and tape duct... I'm more of the Runaway Bride.
Hey Virginia! Pull up a chair and have some Punch.
You said: I think I am more a MacGyver person myself or like Hank makes something work. Neal is to die for, so hot!!!
Ohhh, yeah. Neil. Yuuuummmmy. I really like McGyver and Hank, makin' it work. Love that. :> It's actually really creative, don't you think?
Hey Diane!
You said: My hubby is a MacGiver for sure, never thought anyone could do so many things with wire hangers and tape duct... I'm more of the Runaway Bride
Heehee. I have this vision of a sculpture of duct tape and wire hangers....Grins.
What makes you a Runaway Bride? Are you handy and creative like she was?
Congratulations on the new book, Jeanne. I'll keep my fingers crossed for DLL to make the lists.
I always read cover quotes and have been known to buy a book based on one. I dream about a Bond hero (especially if he looks like Pierce Brosnan), but I think a McGyver hero would make a better companion on a day-to-day basis.
Hey, Jeanne! Congrats on the upcoming release! That's amazing! And I'm totally with you on drawing out things I've imagined so I keep things straight. Can't wait to pick this one up!
Janga said: Congratulations on the new book, Jeanne. I'll keep my fingers crossed for DLL to make the lists.
Thanks Janga! Me too...one of those writerly "goals".
And you also'
Cripes! How did I manage to send that before I was done? Urg.
Anyway, I loved your comment about liking the fantasy of a Bond guy and having McGyver for everyday. He would be SO handy to have around, wouldn't he?
Susan said: And I'm totally with you on drawing out things I've imagined so I keep things straight. Can't wait to pick this one up!
Oh, goodie! Another one who needs to draw it to be sure. So glad I'm not alone in this. I felt kinda dumb...I mean, I created the cave system, surely I should be able to remember....no, not so much. Ha!
And thank you...
WHOOHOOOO!!!! Love a launch party in the Lair!! I don't get over here often enough these days but I'm sure glad I popped in today.
I'm feeling your pain, lady. But am not the least bit surprised you pulled it off with style. You are LaDuchesse after all. :)
I'm single and have no idea how to answer any of the questions. LOL! I'd have to lean toward a Neil for the kind of guy I'd like. (It's a crying shame that actor plays for the other team. *sigh*)
Smart, suave, charming. Hint of the bad boy with that smile and sexy glint in his eyes. Oh yeah, I'm toast.
Hey Terri! Thanks for stopping in, we miss seeing you "around" - grins.
You said: I'm feeling your pain, lady. But am not the least bit surprised you pulled it off with style. You are LaDuchesse after all. :)
Awww, thank you. :>
Oh, and had to LOL about the "playing for the other team" comment. It is a shame, isn't it? Wowweeezoweee he's good looking.
Of course, Thomas Crown is that kind of guy too, and Pierce plays for "our" side. Grins.
This is probably showing my age, but Pierce will always be Remington Steele to me. ;) He was the stuff of my girlish dreams. Made me want to become a PI and drive one of those little white convertable cars.
Hi Karyn! Here, have a mug of Hurricane Earthquake Punch. Sven just made a new batch. Watch out though, it's strong! :>
You said: Oh Bond all the way. That cool exterior, the non-nonsense aura. But passionate, down deep!
Mmmmm, yeah. Grins. Yummy.
Heehee, Terri, i loved hm as Steele.
You said: This is probably showing my age, but Pierce will always be Remington Steele to me. ;)
Oh, yeah.
My last Dalmatian was named Centurion and Snow Hill's R. Steele, called Remy. This was for Remington Steele. The whole litter was named for Spies - Mata Hari, R. Steele, Bond, and so on. :>
Oh, darn. I came to the Lair to spend some time in quiet contemplation, read some inspirational Haiku and meditate in silence for a while ...
But nooooo!! It's a party!! What was I thinking?????
But wait, it's not *just* a party! It's Jeanne's LAUNCH PARTY for Deadly Little Lies!! Woo hoooooo!!! Jeanne!!
Congratulations on your launch and congrats on the TOP PICK, you wild woman, you!
Now where's my book? I ordered it awhile ago and it should be here?? What? I have to wait??? Grrrr!!!
Okay, fine, I'll wait. As long as I can be Annie Walker and have Daniel Craig and Michael Weston entertain me with their dancing skills. :-)
And pass me somma that punch, will ya? Oh ... Paolo ... that's yummy. And the drink is tasty, too. Heh heh heh ;-)
Jeanne, congrats again. I'm so proud of you for accomplishing so much through all the hard times. Heck, I'm sending you a bunch of big fat kisses right now! *SMACK!!* Can't wait to read DDL!
Whoa, hey, congrats on snagging that Deadly Little Rooster, Jo!!
Oh, come on, you know what a sucker I am for a British accent and that cool rake-like personality! Bond, of course!
And thank you for your discretion regarding my saddle adventures. ;-)
Uhh ... that should be DLL, not DDL. I must've been wearing that missing "L" on my forehead when I typed that!!
Hey there Katey-Kate! Woot! Love that you stopped by, you wild woman you!
You said: Okay, fine, I'll wait. As long as I can be Annie Walker and have Daniel Craig and Michael Weston entertain me with their dancing skills. :-)
Oh, my. Dancing, is it? Is THAT what they call it these days....*ba dum!*
speaking of which wouldn't that be a fab Dancing With the Stars match up? Craig, Weston and Walker? Grins. Serious competition, and perhaps some C4 to speed the judges along....
Anna said: And thank you for your discretion regarding my saddle adventures. ;-)
Sadlery is an underratted art....
Kate said: Uhh ... that should be DLL, not DDL. I must've been wearing that missing "L" on my forehead when I typed that!!
Hahahahaha! Love it!
While in theory I'd be the one to plan things out, I'm more of a in-the- moment sort of girl. Maybe that means acting-without thinking (like posting this after three "Green Magic" drinks. Not sure what's in them but they're green)
Congrats on the launch of this Jeanne. You deserve those fabulous quotes and review. When it comes to Romantic Suspense, you roc the genre.
Donna, coming to you from hot, hot Los Cabos
Uhhhh-oh! Donna's in Los Cabos! Partying hearty!!
Donna said: Maybe that means acting-without thinking (like posting this after three "Green Magic" drinks. Not sure what's in them but they're green)
Hahahah! Well, green is good, right? Grins. Everybody's going green. Snork!!!
Thanks for your kind words. I like rockin' the genre - of course I like it when things blow up too, so....
Congratulations. I love the title too. As to men, instead of James Bond I'd rather have Castle :)
Thanks, Catslady! And ohhhh, Castle is a GOOOD choice.
Sorry I've missed most of the party. Was away from the computer today and now I'm heading to bed 'cause I have to be up at 4am tomorrow! Yikes!
Jeanne, hearty congrats on the upcoming release of DEADLY LITTLE LIES! You already know how much I love this story. It's so good! Really, really good! :)
Okay, folks. Party on! My pillow awaits. ;-)
Congratulations! It sounds like a great story! I would be more like McGyver since I am always trying to make my old appliances work.
Hey PJ!
You said: Was away from the computer today and now I'm heading to bed 'cause I have to be up at 4am tomorrow! Yikes!
Hope you took a mug of Hurricane Earthquake punch with you - that'll make you sleep like the proverbial dead. Grins.
And thank you so much for your kind words. I'm SO glad you liked this book...Grins.
Thanks for poppin in, Maureen! Had to LOL about the appliances. I'm always fixing something too - usually faucets, for some reason...
I'm so late, as usual. *hangs head* But I could not miss this launch party! This is like bringing a baby home after it's been in critical care and you've been so worried! And finally you get to hold it and it's all pink and healthy and beautiful, with perfect little fingernails and toes and......whew.
I'm thrilled to see this launch, can ya tell? I have no idea how you did it, Jeanne, but I'm proud of you and whatever juice you used to get it done, I want some of that to rub off on me. Stand a little closer, will ya? Maybe it'll transfer by osmosis. Or somethin.
Sheer determination. That's what I call it. And you've got it girl. In spades.
Congratulations on this release! I can't wait to read it.
Hey Girl! So glad you made it! You need a mug of Hurricane Earthquake punch. Goes down smoooooth and kicks like a South Carolina mule. Grins.
You said: I'm thrilled to see this launch, can ya tell? I have no idea how you did it, Jeanne, but I'm proud of you and whatever juice you used to get it done, I want some of that to rub off on me. Stand a little closer, will ya? Maybe it'll transfer by osmosis. Or somethin.
Thanks, girlfriend. You, Nancy and the rest of the Banditas got me through it. Otherwise? nada. :>
Oh, lessee...the question.
Bond. Bond guy.
Seriously, was there any doubt?
Although I like a guy who can pull a solution out of thin air, I never was much on McGuyver--see...don't even know if I spelled it right. The guy could face down a pack of shotguns with a Swiss Army Knife. Every time I saw that I went....yeah, right. I just couldn't go there. That is not to take away from his hawtness though. He was a cutie.
But I'm definitely a Bond type. When in doubt, show up armed to the teeth.
Oh, Lord.
Not the Hurricane Punch. I drove to Atlanta today. I'm here with Dianna Love. We went to dinner. I'm on a quest to get to know Bourbon. I like Woodford Reserve, but yaknow, they think a lot of those bottles, and not many bars have that on the shelf. So Maker's was as close as they could get.
Blech. Blech blech blech.
That is all. So I switched to a nice Cabernet.
So anyhow....all that to say....I've had PLENTY. *grin* And Paulo is on duty, right? And he's scared of me, so I won't have a cabana boy to carry me to my writing cave if I can't get there on my own.
Just sayin.
Cassondra said: But I'm definitely a Bond type. When in doubt, show up armed to the teeth.
Grins. Precisely.
Is that a laser in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
Uh-oh. Bourbon.
You said: So anyhow....all that to say....I've had PLENTY. *grin* And Paulo is on duty, right? And he's scared of me, so I won't have a cabana boy to carry me to my writing cave if I can't get there on my own.
Just sayin.
I think he's afraid of you because you are un-afraid of Ermingarde. Grins. He equates that with major danger and you're not afraid of it...ergo...
So, how was the cabernet?
The Cabernet was brilliant actually.
A Cabernet does not normally go with ribs in my view. But this one did. Yummmm. Slurp.....
It was the Copolla. Coppola. Coppolla.
Dang it. It was a reserve and it was good.
Oh, and Ermingarde...
She's not that bad really. I think of her like a big horse. You know..you're not afraid of them, but you don't turn your back on them very often.
Well...I guess I think of her as a big horse who can fly and breathe fire.
And I know she has a weakness for certain treats. *grin* And no, I'm not telling Paulo what they are.
I am in such an ornery mood.
Maybe it's the Bourbon.
Cassondra said: It was the Copolla. Coppola. Coppolla.
Dang it. It was a reserve and it was good.
Coppola usually is. Esp. the reserve. And anything goes with ribs. Milk. Beer. Bourbon. Coke. Cabernet.
Ribs rock.
And I'm thinkin' I know what some of those treats are....
*raising my voice since Paolo's straining to hear us* ...And NO, I'm not telling either.
Okey-doeky, Ladies and Gents, Bond, McGyver and Castle lovers!
I'm going to pour a last mug of Punch and call it a night. :>
Cheers to Aus; Talkeetna, AK; Maine, Finland and New Z. And all the readers in between.
Bottoms up!!!
And enjoy Deadly Little Lies when you get it!!
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