Ok, so you HAD to know that I would blog about this topic. No? Really? I find it hard to believe. Every one of the Banditas and a majority of the BB's know my feelings on this topic:

One year ago I was a month away from my trip to the Emerald Isle. Those memories are enough to spark the longing to return again but then a friend has asked me to help her and her fiance plan their two week honeymoon there. Their honeymoon! In Ireland! Without me!!!

1. When did the Republic of Ireland gain its independence?
I mean I debated and I thought and I considered what I would blog about today and there was no fighting it. In 4 days the celebration most iconic to my heritage, St. Patrick's Day begins and I gotta start now.

One year ago I was a month away from my trip to the Emerald Isle. Those memories are enough to spark the longing to return again but then a friend has asked me to help her and her fiance plan their two week honeymoon there. Their honeymoon! In Ireland! Without me!!!

All right, I'll admit that would be a bit much to ask (they even turned down my offer to chaueffer) but coupled with a recent travelouge on PBS I'm burning up with Ireland fever. It is a physical ache deep in my chest. Ireland is calling to me. What? You don't hear the faint beat of the bodhran? The whisper of the lush green hills, the rolling rivers? The whoosh of a Guiness being pulled?
In an effort to stave off my impulse to call in sick for a month and hop the nearest Aer Lingus flight I'm re-creating my Christmas quiz extravaganza with one of me own. How much do you know about the Emerald Isle? Take the quiz and find out.
1. When did the Republic of Ireland gain its independence?
2. What was the first written language of Ireland called?
3. What do the colors in the Irish flag represent?
4. What was the name of the hill upon which sat the Irish high king?
5. What year did the Romans invade Ireland? What did they call Ireland?
6. How many times has Joanie T visited? :-)
7. Have you ever seen a leprechaun?
7. Have you ever seen a leprechaun?
Ha, Fedora! You JUST beat me!!! Congratulations! I suspect the rooster will be sporting some green feathers today!
Boy, Joan, I've always loved Ireland and all things Irish--maybe in part because of those years in Catholic school with classmates who did Irish dancing and everything! I even chose names for my children that had Irish roots :D
On the other hand, I don't think I know very much about the Emerald Isle... I'd have to Google to find out some of those answers, and I'm assuming that'd be cheating! ;) Can't wait to see what other Bandita buddies know!
JT, I feel your pain every time you talk about Ireland and you're not actually there! It's sad when our spiritual homes are so far away, isn't it? I feel like that about the west coast of Scotland. Sigh. I wonder if it's a Celtic thing! Lovely post! Laughed at you trying to muscle your way in on the friends' honeymoon. Have you no shame, Colleen?
Hey, Anna! I did see a streak of green as he flashed by. Probably hiding out in the guest room for the time being... (lots of books, not much room for kids ;))
Okay, I admit it. I haven't a clue about any of Joanie's questions - but I do know about green beer. Hey - we all have our priorities!
What a fun post, Joan! My ancestry is Irish-English, but I didn't know the answers to ANY of those questions. Waaaahhhhh, must go study all things Irish!
I've never been to Ireland, but it's certainly on my list of things to do before I kick the bucket. Wait, I have been, but it hardly counts -- a layover in Shannon Airport -- that's the closest I've been.
Heck, I didn't even know about the green beer, Donna!
Yay, Flchen1, you broke the uncanny spell Limecello was casting on the rooster LOL.
That's Ireland Forever (loosely translated) for all you non-Celts here in the Lair.
But seriously now, who ISN'T a wee bit Irish this close to St. Paddy's Day?!?! (A holiday that was actually capitalized on in the USA first, not Ireland)
As for your longing, Joanie T, I've the same ache in me soul! And of course, I know ALL the answers to your questions Darlin' girl, but 'twould hardly be sportin for yer olde Aunty to answer them, doncha know?
Except I WILL answer #7, OF COURSE I've seen a leprechaun! He is my DH's Cousin Denny, but I know the truth! That dear wee lil man is a leprechaun sure as Guinness is dark brown and me blood flows bright green on St. Paddy's Day!
taking her fake Irish accent back to the writing cave
What a fun, heart-touching post, Joanie. Its so easy to see your love for Ireland in your words.
Now, my gramma was an O'Brian and I have not clue one to your answers *g* But I will be wearing green next week, I will be eating soda bread and potatoes all weekend (what can I say, I'm vegetarian -the corned beef and cabbage doesn't quite do it for me) and I'll wish with all my heart you get to go back to Ireland soon!!
Fedora, way to nab that rooster. Wear green... even though its not St. Patty's day yet, he still might pinch.
1. When did the Republic of Ireland gain its independence?
Independence from the United Kingdom
- Declared 24 April 1916
- Ratified 21 January 1919
- Recognised 6 December 1922
2. What was the first written language of Ireland called? Ogham
3. What do the colors in the Irish flag represent?
The green represents a Gaelic tradition while the orange represents the supporters of William of Orange. The white in the centre signifies a lasting truce between the 'Green' and the 'Orange'.
4. What was the name of the hill upon which sat the Irish high king?
The Hill of Tara (Irish Teamhair na RĂ, "Hill of the Kings").
5. What year did the Romans invade Ireland? What did they call Ireland? Ireland was never formally a part of the Roman Empire. The Romans referred to Ireland as Hibernia and/or Scotia.
7. Have you ever seen a leprechaun?
No. We have our own set of supernatural beings.
Riverdance song duet
Ooooh oooh! Without some googling, I can take a stab at these ones...
2. Ogham...or at least that was the name of the alphabet? I'm not sure if I spelt it correctly...
4. Tara
5. I can never remember dates but I think they called it Hibernia?
7. Does the fella on the cereal box count? :D
6. How many times has Joanie T visited? :-) 3
The Dubliners-Whiskey in the Jar
Alas, and I'm without an answer to any of the wee one's questions, don't ya know?
But I'll be sure and tell my best Irish joke and talk in full brogue four days hence, Joanie...me wee little lass!
Remind me to tell you that story and the joke when you get to Dallas in April!
And I'll take a guess at #6...which is twice.
Oh, and while my children celebrate their Irish heritage, I have no Irish blood in me.... Got a clue as to how that happened?
Fedora well done what is limcello going to do today without him.
Joanie great post sorry I don't know any of the answers either but I do now that I would love to visit Ireland I work with an Irish lady Mary and she would know all the answers but I have just got home from work and Mary is just starting. Mary is so much fun and is going into the city on Tuesday for St Pats day and does every year and does she have a blast one of these St Pats days I am going to go with her.
I have visited Ireland in a few books I have read (The Wild Sight being a great one) and the descriptions really make me want to visit maybe one day.
Have Fun
I can't answer the questions either, not without googling anyway. My son's father's family has roots in Ireland, I have a wee bit of the green as well. It is one of the places I have always dreamed of visiting.
Congrats on the GR flchen1 it is about time someone wrestled him away from limecello. I thought they were picking out china patterns.
1. When did the Republic of Ireland gain its independence?
... After a wait they considered far too long.
2. What was the first written language of Ireland called?
...Gaelic 2.0
3. What do the colors in the Irish flag represent?
...noble Irishy virtures
4. What was the name of the hill upon which sat the Irish high king?
...Mt. I-can-see-my-house-from-here
5. What year did the Romans invade Ireland? ...1960. They were never as popular as The Beatles, though.
What did they call Ireland?
...Damn cold
6. How many times has Joanie T visited? :-)
...Not enough
7. Have you ever seen a leprechaun?
...Does my nephew post-Space Mountain count?
I know it's hard to believe, but I didn't Google a single answer!
Joan, visiting Ireland is at the top of my to-do list! I have Irish roots, too--with a name like Gannon, can you doubt it?
Don't know all of the answers, but here are a few:
2. Ogham
4. Tara
5. Hibernia
7. No, but I'm ready anytime. :)
Congrats, Fedora on capturing the GR.
Heheeeeheeee! Great post Joanie T! I love it! Congrats on the bird, Fedora. Limecello, what ARE you going to do without him today? (Seriously, you'd better check for listening devices and hidden weapons caches. Seriously.)
JT, I'm by the way of knowing several of the answers to your questions, don't ya' know, lass. However, I'll give up me spot in the lime (harhar) light to others.
Allie, takes the cake - or is that the soda bread? - for sheer, gut level creativity and accuracy of answers. (I've heard it actually IS damn cold in Eire)
Anna, you and I must have been sisters in a former life. Scotland the brave is what calls to my soul. :>
And Suz, my DH has the majority of the blood of the old sod in our family as well. :> His Mum was a Dowling and only a couple generations off the boat.
My Irish Grandma used to see 'the wee folk' all the time (more so as she grew older). They hid car keys, switched ingredients in baking, mismatched socks. Pesky devils!
I've never been though. Ireland is on my list of places to see.
Ok, I can't answer any of these questions except number 7.
I have indeed seen a leprechaun. I worked construction with him in the 90s. However, if you followed the rainbow to him you didn't find a pot of gold. Only a pickup truck full of sea bass. That leprechaun would fish the Chesapeake Bay every single morning from 4AM to 6AM and bring a cooler full of bass to the construction site.
I never quite understood why he was so far from Ireland. I even asked. He threw a pry-bar at me when I did. I guess his travels were top secret leprechaun stuff or something.
Oh, and as to the wee folk, leprechauns included, you betcha I've seen 'em. :> Had a beer with a couple of them not too long ago - and I don't even like beer...
Top 'O the morning to you all. So sorry. I NEVER sleep until 10 am. Must have been cast in a spell.
Congrats on the bird flchen! Be sure he practices his step dance. He only has a few days to get ready for the Riverdance try outs.
You hit it square on the head, Anna. Ireland is my spiritual home.
I really don't understand why my friends won't let me come! I promised to stay at a different B&B!
I have warned them that the pull may be too great and they'd best check their luggage.
Green beer is alas, not an authentic rooted in Irish tradition thing Donna. More like somebody at Budweiser had a "aha" moment.
I have heard the dye the River Liffey in Dublin. Again, highly suspicious of a tourist gimmick.
And I'll go ahead and confess here...I don't drink beer! Ack! I know. I had a wee bit of an embarassing moment in a Dublin pub when I watched my friend who'd gone to the bar to order drinks tell the barkeep to add one Diet Coke. He must have asked "ya gotta be kidding" and the look on his face was priceless....until she pointed her finger at me!
Hey! Irish Diet Coke is legit
Ah, Aunty. Sure and I am glad to see ye in the lair today.
Aunty did a magnificent job of capturing the flavor and feeling of the Emerald Isle both present day and past in The Wild Sight!
Yes, everyone is a bit Irish on himself's day. When you travel there a lot of the locals expect you to have that mindset. Until they start talking to you and discover the genetic pull and wonder that is settle within.
Waving at you O'Tawny!
We are cousins then for I also had an ancestor who was an O'Brien. Waaaaaay back she was from Co. Cork.
Soda bread is actually great with a bit of IRISH butter. NOTHING like Irish butter. And the potatoes?
On my last trip, I was served potatoes not only at every meal, but prepared several different ways at the SAME meal!!! When I declined I was offered parsnips and/or turnips...which look very potato like mashed potatoes, LOL.
Actually, the cuisine in Ireland is fabulous all around.
Hey, Minna,
You were pretty spot on. My sources said that the actual achievement of independence was 1921 though to be sure, the Irish were fighting and longing for it for centuries.
Related to that, what significant event took place in 1916?
Ogham is correct and they have many examples of the writing scattered on stones across the country.
The colors for the flag? Green is the actual Republic of Ireland and yes, the white symbolizes hope for a whole nation.
Hibernia was the Latin name for Eire. I believe Scotia was the one for Scotland. The Romans NEVER invaded the "Dark Isle". At the time of the Romans, the coast of Ireland appeared impenetratible due to the dense forests hence...the black appearance. They decided it wasn't worth their effort though Roman coins and artifacts have been found. This is attributed to trade with the Roman Britain.
Good morning to you, Suz!
I'd expect that your dear bairns receive their Irish genes from their Da.
And nope. I have been to Ireland FIVE times! Not nearly enough, that is true. 3 of those times I drove and that really is THE way to experience all its glory.
Plus you can pick up some dark hair, blue eyed lads if you take the notion :-)
Hi Helen,
The Wild Sight WAS fantastic, wasn't it? I'm hoping Cindy needs to do more research and needs a driver :-)
One of the fact sheets I looked at told me that 30% of Australians boast heavy Irish heritage and that New Zealand is very reminiscent of Ireland with its greenery.
Hey Dianna,
Doesn't if feel good to be green?
Not the Kermit way, the Irish way!
I think flchen will have her hands full today. If the GR goes into leprechaun mode she won't be able to think over the din.
What am I talking about? What is the traditional trade of a leprechaun?
And no...it does not involve cereal, LOL
Good job Gannon on the answers.
So you haven't see one of the wee folk, huh? Don't despair. I have a story in my head that involves one sexy, sexy leprechaun. Nothing WEE about him VBG
Hey, Joanie, great post -- and I'm liking the creative answers!! :-) Especially Mt. I Can See My House From Here! Snort!
I don't know much about Ireland other than never knowing how to pronounce the names. I fear books with Irish characters for precisely that reason. There's all sorts of letters that aren't pronounced, and other imaginary letters that you can't see but should know to pronounce. (sigh). It's quite confusing.
But it looks beautiful. I hope to get there someday!
Oh, and the leprechaun -- I haven't seen one, but my daughter and I look for faeries every time we're in the woods, and I'm certain one day we'll find one!
ROTFLMAO allie!!
Those answers were magnificent! Irishy virtues, LOL. I can see my house from here LOL
Now, the Irish would NOT consider it too cold. They would call their weather "brisk" though let me tell you, that briskness can settle all the way to your bones!
On my second to last trip over in June, Ireland was experiencing a heat wave. Yup...it got to 70 degrees F.
They were melting!
Our last night was spent at Dromoland Castle and keeping in the spirit of the place, all the staff wore wool suits.
We felt so bad ordering room service and forcing that poor lad to traipse to our room. ;-)
Anna, you and I must have been sisters in a former life. Scotland the brave is what calls to my soul. :>
Jeanne, I'm suspecting all the Banditas were sisters in a former life.
I actually, have some recent information that my surname is strongly Scots/Irish as in the Celts who migrated from Scotland over to the Northern counties.
Ahem, this source claims that our family motto is related to the practice of raiding that went on between clans of snatching first cattle then wives. The main focus of recovery was also in that order: cattle then wives :-0
The practice was called "hot trottin" which evolved into today's expression "Hot to Trot"
I suspect the poor wee folk have often been blamed for things. I mean, most of them can't even reach the pedals of a car...so what good keys?
And the socks are just so they can mislead you and keep you from finding their pot of gold...especially in these economic times..
Pot of gold. Um, excuse me. I'm going leprechaun hunting
I guess his travels were top secret leprechaun stuff or something
Uh,oh. You're on to them. {shakes head}. It's a good thing you know evasive procedures, P226. Though be warned....not sure any of them will protect you from the LSF...leprechaun Special Forces.
They have shoes and they are NOT afraid to use them! {duck}
Cead mile failte to you Kristan!
Yes, the Gaelic language is a challenging one. I tried to teach it to myself several years ago with this computer program.
I equated it at times to the same type of sound as a cat coughing up a hair ball :-)
I'm still yearning to learn it though. I want the Rosetta Stone program but that'll have to wait until I find that pot of gold.
{whoosh} Come here you little rascal....
Great post, Joan! I still haven't made it to Ireland but I'm hoping in a year or two we'll get there.
I've actually never had green beer. However, my neighborhood St. Paddy's day rivalry starts this weekend I'm sure green beer will be involved.
JT said: I equated it at times to the same type of sound as a cat coughing up a hair ball :-)
ROFLMAO!! So true. I've tried several times to learn it. I think ROsetta Stone may be the wayt to go, but...quite the dear price on that package. YOu'd NEED a pot-o-gold.
Somehow I knew this was a Joanie blog by sentence three. LOL! I've never been and so long to go. Actually, I long to get over there to just about anywhere at this point. London, Edinburgh, Dublin, or anything in the UK. I do hope you get to go back soon, JT.
I haven't any answers, I'm afraid. And there's no Irish blood in me veins that I know of. Though I'm a mutt so I never really know for sure. I will wear green next week as I'm not fond of being pinched.
JT, you'll be happy to know we'll be celebrating the the Saint's day in a much bigger way than usual this year. The newest member of our household - Diver the Dog - is by way of breeding being a son of the old sod. :>
He's an Irish Water Spaniel. Grins.
Fedora, congratulations! Anna C., you've been right on the cusp of success several times this week, haven't you?
Joanie, I flunk the quiz, even the Roman part, unless the hill is Tara and/or the Romans called it Hibernia. I know zippo about the rest, and those are only guesses. And even if they're right, that's an "F" percentage.
Have never had green beer. We were in NYC over St. Patrick's day once, and it was amazing. So many bars were decked out in green!
Ireland does have a wonderful mystique, doesn't it?
Ah, Christie, you may not have made it to the Isle yet but with a name like Kelley you're bound to hear it calling.
{whoosh! whoosh!} Ok, who left the door to the lair unguarded?
{Riverdance music blares from the surround sound}
Oh. My.
Be right back.
Terrio, you know me well.
Being a writer, I'd say you have a bit of the Irish in your veins. The Irish are famed for their writers. They even have a writers museum in Dublin!
{manical giggling with a lilt in the background}
Why are the cabana boys wearing green sashes? Demetrius? Is that a wreath of shamrocks on your head?
This is not looking good. I think the LSP has breached the Lair. Green alert Banditas and BB's!! Green alert! Hide the Jameson's!!!!
Nancy, you were right about Hibernia and the Tara was the high seat of Irish royalty.
Now excuse me, I have to go convince Sven that he is NOT Michael Flatley!
*sigh* Waving the flag of St George in defiance! (even if I do have an Irish BIL and have kissed the Blarney Stone).
Funny - those comments about being away from your spiritual home resonate for me. Although I'm English through and through, I do have an extremely strong attachment to North America (I include Canada in that, as I always feel at home there).
Uh oh on the LSF invasion - Hockey Hunks prepare to defend the Pair ... sticks on stun, pucks at the ready, skates sharpened.
Uh-oh. I think the LSP has substituted Jameson's for Anna's afternoon tea. She just invited the hockey hunks to defend the Pair.
Pair 'o WHAT, exactly, Anna? SNORK!
Actually, green kevlar is quite attractive molded to the chest of an LSP stud.
You know how I feel about chests, now, after yesterday's blog.
"C'mere, Leprechaun!" I wanna see what's under the kevlar...
Joan said...
What am I talking about? What is the traditional trade of a leprechaun?
Mischief to the best of my knowledge. Onery little devils that guard their gold with a vengeance and watch what you ask for if and when you catch one, you just might get it.
Congrat Fedora on nabbing that rooster! Have fun with him today! Since its Fri. the 13th he will be bad you can bet on that!
Ireland, I want to go so bad. This is one of my dreams in life to visit Ireland. My girlfriend has been because that is where her mother is from. She went to visit her grandfather years ago.
Most of the questions have been answered, but I will answer one of them. Have I every seen a leprechaun. No I have never seen a leprechaun but I do so believe in them. Maybe I will see one on March 17 you never know!
Leprechaun Special Forces? Really? Oh, geez! We never anticipated an invasion of the Lair by forces with arcane powers. Especially those who are, er, short in stature.
There used to be an NBA player (point guard) named Muggsy Bogues, who was just an average-sized guy, which meant he was tiny by NBA standards. He could run rings around some of the bigger guys. The ball was too far down for them to get at it easily. Which is relevant only because I fear the gladiators and cabana boys will have a similiar tactical disadvantage, not to mention the magic issue.
Joanie, I think you'd better put Sven and Demetrius on it. If they can find the Crystal Cave and unlock Merlin, that'll help them compensate. What's that net gladiators use? Retiarius? Does one of the gladiators have one? Might be useful, especially if he has spares.
We never anticipated an invasion of the Lair by forces with arcane powers. Especially those who are, er, short in stature.
Fear not. Some of us practice dealing with targets that are far smaller than leprechauns.
Allie said: What did they call Ireland?
...Damn cold
That would be Bloody cold and Bleedin WET!
We Irish are a profane lot...
TINKERING with the LSF (or is that Cobbling, JT?)
I love Ireland and everything about it. I've never been, but it is the one place in the world I want to go. I have Irish in me and I used to think it odd the way the land pulls at me, but now, not so much. It's part of me roots.
1. Sort of 1922, as part became free, but probably more like 1949
2. Ogham
3. Green – those of Irish descent, White – hope for peace, Orange – Protestant Tradition
4. Hill of Tara (Cathair Crofinn
5. 375 BC the Romans invaded the British Isle, not actually Ireland, The called Ireland Isca
6. Not sure, so I’m going to say she hasn’t been here enough
7. Nah, I’ve not been seeing a wee one, but if I did, I’d keep me eyes on him and ask for the silver coin to set him free, not the gold one.
LOL Oops that's what I get for typing too fast and posting without checking!
I would say they were protecting my pair, but then I think they'd be more suitable for leprachauns - if you know what I mean!
Nancy - fear not, aside from having P226 and our 'trained by P226' GR, the hockey players are good down low and up high (Spewing Diet Coke yet, Duchesse?!)
AC - there's a reason Ireland's so green ... and it ain't the leprachauns! LOL
Top o'the afternoon to ya, Joanie, me lass!
Okay, that's an awful Irish accent. My grandparents are spinning in their graves. They didn't bring my mom to the states from Dublin til she was ten, so I ought to know better.
Then again accents are fun, even when they're more lucky charms than luck of the irish. :-)
I just had a bunch of moms over today to recreate my Grandma Crookes' Irish stew in honor of St. Patrick's day. It's bubbling away in the crock pot as we speak. Just needs a few days in the freezer to really get the flavors melded. And there's a good chance I'll round out the meal with some good old fashioned irish soda bread. Mmmmm. And beer. On a Tuesday. I love being Irish. :-)
Anna said: the hockey players are good down low and up high (Spewing Diet Coke yet, Duchesse?!)
HaHA! I was prepared. With all this talk of the wee folk, I knew better than to be drinkin' when readin' posts. FOr once.
Susan, I'm coming to YOUR house for St. Pats. Stew? Bread? Beer? Oh, yeah. (No beer for me, unless it's in the stew though...)Grins.
p226 wrote: Fear not. Some of us practice dealing with targets that are far smaller than leprechauns.
That's very reassuring. So we can assume you're keeping a weather eye out? :-)
Anna wrote: the hockey players are good down low and up high
Ah, yes, those sticks!
Now, if they could just do revisions . . .
I don't put much faith in the GR's attention span, despite the various skills he has picked up in training, but with the gladiators, cabana boys, hockey players and p226 on alert, we may be okay.
Hiding the Lucky Charms cereal, just in case.
Who bought that for the Lair, anyway?
Hi Joan,
I only know some of the answers.
No. 3 The green represents those of Irish descent and the Catholic majority. The orange represents the Protestant minority and the white stripe in the middle represents the peace between the two groups. As for No. 7, I've never seen a leprechaun except in those Leprechaun horror movies. I think Jennifer Aniston was in the first one. I'm so jealous that you've been to Ireland five times. I hope to see it for myself soon.
Congrats on the GR, Fedora.
sticks on stun, pucks at the ready, skates sharpened.
Uh, oh.....the LSF better watch out! The Hockey Hunks are a force to be reckoned with!
Oops, there went the St. George flag....up in magical flames. NOW the LSF is really mad!
"C'mere, Leprechaun!" I wanna see what's under the kevlar...
Careful, Jeanne. Leprechauns are notroiously ticklish!!!! All manner of magic may erupt...er, you know what I mean ;-)
dianna, the traditional occupation of the wee ones is a shoemaker/cobbler.
I read in one reference that if a whirlwind goes by you, it is most likely a leprachaun and if you throw your shoe at it and hit him he HAS to grant you a wish.
But I'm afraid that if Anna S. or Tawny did that, they'd take the poor boy's eye out with those heels
Well, Nancy, the glads went to the net closet and found....a pile of empty Guiness glasses. Not a net in sight.
{swish} Look out Demetrius!
Uh, sorry. Gotta go untangle them.
Hi Vicki,
You're right. I haven't been enough!
I'd never heard Ireland refered to as Isca before. I'll need to look that up.
Why a silver coin instead of gold? Is that another variation on the folklore.
Ow....stop lobbing scones, guys!
Susan! How cool that your own grandmother was born and raised. My Irish ancestors all came over in the late 1700's early 1800's
Do you use lamb or beef in your stew?
{Tankards of ale being beat on the table} Lamb! Lamb! Lamb!
Ok, so now we know a weakness of the LSP!
Who bought that for the Lair, anyway?
The same one who bought the Irish Spring soap!
The surest way to tick off a leprechaun is to use him for commercial purposes.
{Glares out at the chaotic scene in the lair and mutters mutinously} It IS magically delicious!
JT said: Careful, Jeanne. Leprechauns are notroiously ticklish!!!! All manner of magic may erupt...er, you know what I mean ;-)
*Wicked Grins* Eruptions are good. As long as they're performed in a timely fashion...
Hey! I like to EAT scones, not be a target for them!
Joan wrote: the glads went to the net closet and found....a pile of empty Guiness glasses. Not a net in sight.
Uh-oh. This is bad. Very bad.
And now you tell me we have Irish Spring in the bathroom?
You know, if we can catch one, he'll have to give us a pot of gold. We could redecorate the Lair.
Worth thinking on .
You know, if we can catch one, he'll have to give us a pot of gold.
Fortunately, I've captured the leader...the tall, black haired blue eyed leader (the short thing? It's all part of the SF ruse)
I've begun my interrogation...
I think I need to catch me a leprechaun and find out if he really has a pot of gold so as I can get to visit Ireland.
I would be glad to help out with driving Aunty Cindy around Ireland (for purely research reasons of course) as well seeing as how we drive on the same side of the road and you could do the navigating Joanie.
Have Fun
Congrats on the GR, Fedora!
:P As all the questions have been answered, I'll only go with #7. I wish - I could really use a pot of gold or a wish! :P I've been having a bad day/week/year. >.< Fitting it's the 13th, yeah?
I'm honing in on the information from the leader. He's a tough nut to tickle....er....
you know what I mean ;-)
Sorry about your bad day/week/month limecello...I can REALLY commiserate. Hang in there.
Oh, Joanie, I know what you mean about a "spiritual home."
When I rode the train across the border into Scotland I felt this peace settle over my soul. Actually I didn't even know where we were, but I felt something happen inside me, and I looked out the window, then at my graduate advisor and said, "Where are we?" And he said, "We just crossed into Scotland."
I've never been the same since being there. And I've never seen eyes like my father's anywhere in the States except for his brothers--they had his eyes. But in Edinburgh, everywhere I looked, there were those unusual blue eyes. But then, in Scotland, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a Murray.
Pipes--even in the distance--make me cry. I didn't get to go to Ireland when I was there in school, but I hope to go one day. I have a hunch I'll have a similar reaction, since the Scots and the Irish are so closely related and I believe my family went from Scotland to Ireland before immigrating to the States.
I knew the answer about the language because I have some jewelry using it, and on the scabbard of my sword, my name is written in Ogham. :0)
Okay, I need to find some pipe and drum music now.
Hey, I'm all for a Research Road Trip with Joanie and Helen!
Good idea to let Helen drive since she won't be drifting into the wrong lane or turning on the wiper blades instead of the turn signal as the DH does when he gets tired. The wiper blades was always a signal to FIND A B&B, he'd had it for the day. LOL!
And yes, VA, England also did not come by all that lovely green without lots more rain than we Californians are used to! When we told our Irish relations it doesn't rain here from May until October, they asked if we lived in the desert! We told them about a little something called irrigation...
And I'd always heard that leprechauns were cobblers, though some say "tinkers" which is actually an insult in Ireland.
I'm sorry to say, I just spied a GINORMOUS amount of green crepe paper hanging from all the chandeliers in the main hall of the Lair. 'Twill take til Tuesday to clean this mess up!
I guess they figured crepe-papering the chandeliers was analagous to TP-ing the trees....oh, drat, we'd better check the trees on the back side of the hill, where Demetrius likes to go shield-sledding...
Ohhhhhh, boy. The Cabana boys are gonna be ticked. There's more crepe-paper out there! Yikes!
Fun post, Joan, but I'm afraid I don't know any of the answers :-(
And, as I'm not Irish, not even a wee littlel bit *g*, I probably won't be wearing green on St. Patrick's Day. But I do love those Shamrock shakes at McDonalds!
Erin go bragh! And our Golden Green Feathered Guy is back with his first love!
Answers to the questions :
1. When did the Republic of Ireland gain its independence?
Declaration of Independence 1919
Irish Free State 1922
New Constitution naming Ireland as a sovereign, independent, democratic state 1937
2. What was the first written language of Ireland called?
Old Irish was Ogham found on memorials engraved in stones circa 5 or 6 AD
3. What do the colors in the Irish flag represent?
The National Flag is green, white and orange. The green represents the older Gaelic and Anglo-Norman element in the population, the orange the Protestant supporters of William of Orange, while the white represents peace between the two.
4. What was the name of the hill upon which sat the Irish high king?
Tara or Teamhair na Ri
5. What year did the Romans invade Ireland? What did they call Ireland?
They never really invaded Ireland. Those Celts were too tough!
6. How many times has Joanie T visited?
I would imagine about a 100 fewer times than she wishes!
7. Have you ever seen a leprechaun?
Of course ! There are two living in my front garden. SHHHH! Don’t tell anyone!
Top o' the morning to ye, there, Joanie! I'm ashamed to say I know very few of those answers, but I'm willing to learn over a pint or two.
I had a fantastic time on a road trip in Ireland with my dh, my best friend and her hubby pre kiddies. What a blast! We still have a great time remembering all the funny things we did. Would love to go back and relive the old times.
Fedora! Congrats!
Louisa, you are correct in all your answers (including the number of times I SHOULD have been) and Christine, what fun for an Irish road trip!
I convinced the LSF leader to contain his men (and to drink sangria...but that's another story giggle)so The Lair is now secure.
Thanks to all for sharing my love of the Emerald Isle!
Years ago, I took my then 13 year old daughter to Ireland. There is quite a bit of Irish blood in our family (Scottish too). We rented a car (a tiny manual), and I drove while she navigated. We spent 10 days, driving where we wanted, and staying in B&B's. My favorite area was western Ireland, loved Doolin, but my dd fell in love with Dublin. We walked the streets and the majority of people seemed under 25. A teen's paradise!
It was an incredible experience, castles everywhere (like Walmarts are here), sheep blocking the too narrow roads, signs in English/Gaelic on the western side, the wonderful music, and the people! I loved every moment of it and didn't want to come home.
I'm with you, I'd love to hop aboard Aer Lingus and make my way back! Great post, Joan! Happy Saint Patrick's day in advance!
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