Nibbling on the Southwestern spring rolls, yet another lunch staple, I fix Jo with a twinkle in my eyes.
Suz: So tell me again how you came up with the idea for this series of sexy firefighters?

Jo [taking a sip of her margarita]: The idea was born from two factors, the first being simple necessity. I needed a big, hero-driven series concept nobody else was writing about. Cops, FBI agents, and Navy SEALS? Forget it. Done, done, and done. The second factor was that the series must be exciting for me to write. One day in the spring of 2006, I was sitting in my office, frustrated, mulling over these two factors. I looked around at the scores of romance novels sitting on my shelves and forced myself to categorize the romantic suspense books objectively. What was I seeing? Um, cops, FBI, and Navy SEALS. More importantly, what was I NOT seeing? The answer smacked me in the head like a baseball bat—FIREFIGHTERS! Hot damn!! My God, they are the poster boys for the American Hero! Who doesn’t love a man who’ll rush into a burning building or pry apart the twisted metal of a mangled car to rescue you and me?
Suz [smiling and nodding in agreement]: Very true! So, did the series sell right away?
Jo: No, nothing happens fast in the publishing industry. First, I had to research firefighters. I had to make contacts, learn about their jobs, the equipment, the dangers. I did months of study before I could even write the series proposal. When I finally sent the proposal to my agent, I told her, “This is the one!” The series sold to NAL nine months later.
The waiter returns and takes our orders for salads, (I did say we were going to conference next week, didn’t I?) As the waiter leaves, a commotion starts near the restaurant’s entrance. A group of firefighters, complete with jump pants and boots approaches.

Suz [drooling]: Oh, my! Who is that?!
Jo [waving a spring roll at the hunk]: That, dear friend, is Lieutenant Howard “Six-Pack” Paxton, the hero of TRIAL BY FIRE. Scrumptious, isn’t he?
Suz: And, look! He brought all of his friends!
Following Six-Pack is a beautiful black woman who’s whipcord lean and looks like she can handle her own in a fire or against any one of these guys. She’s laughing with the sexiest dark haired geek I think I’ve ever seen. Behind those glasses lurks the heart and soul of a lover, I’m just sure of it.
Jo: That’s Eve Marshall and Zack Knight, her best friend on A-shift. Zack is the FAO—the fire apparatus operator or engine driver—and he’s the hero of UNDER FIRE, which releases in May 2009. Behind them are Tommy Skyler, the youngest guy on A-shift, and Julian Salvatore, the team’s horn dog and all-around pain in the butt.
Staring at Tommy, my jaw is hanging open. With blond hair and pale blue eyes, he has to be the most unnaturally beautiful young man I’ve ever seen. Like Brad Pitt ten years ago, only way better! And bringing up the rear is the epitome of a sexy Latino lover and he knows it. Julian catches my eye with a smile and a wink. Yep, there goes the last of my margarita!
Jo [frowning]: There’s one missing—
Suz: They’re coming straight over here! Did you invite them?
Jo stops searching for the missing team member and grins at me. Why, that stinker set me up!
Jo: Surprise!
Quickly, I brush at stray crumbs of spring roll and give the guys and Eve a welcoming smile. They invade our table like a category five hurricane, laughing and poking each other, pulling over extra chairs, and generally causing a ruckus as other diners stare at the spectacle.

Julian [to Zack, wedging a chair between Suz and Jo]: Move over, geek. I’ve got ladies to satisfy.
Zack [rolling his eyes]: Actually, what you’ve got requires a good therapist.
Tommy [snatching the last spring roll]: Oh, dude, I love these things! Can we order more?
Eve [slapping the munchie out his hand]: Those aren’t yours.
Tommy: Ow! Hey, it was just sitting there…
Eve and Tommy start arguing loudly over the food while Julian starts whispering sweet Spanish nothings in my ear, making me giggle. He’s certainly earned his reputation, for heaven’s sake! Six-Pack pops Julian on the back of the head, then slaps a hand on the table to get everyone’s attention. Just as I thought, this big man is clearly the leader of the group.
Six-Pack [setting his hand-held radio unit on the table]: Knock it off! Jo invited us to meet Suz and you nimrods are gonna get us kicked out. Sorry, ladies. Suz, it’s nice to meet you.
Suz [blushing]: Well, it’s great to meet you all! Are you on break?
Zack: In between calls. We just worked a messy traffic accident, but the victims are okay. Before that, we had an accident in the home and a man who forgot to take his insulin. Busy day.
Suz: What about fires? Don’t you get a lot of calls to those?
Eve [glancing at Six-Pack in concern]: No. Well, not normally. Thanks to fire prevention awareness programs, only about 3% of our calls relate to fires. The rest consist mostly of home and traffic accidents, and an odd assortment of emergencies.
Suz: What do you mean, not normally?
Six-Pack [looking away, mouth tight]: We’re having a problem with an arsonist/murderer torching victims in our sector. It’s getting personal.
Tommy: But the cops are gonna catch this sicko, dude. Not to worry.
Eve [making an obvious attempt to divert the topic]: Stop saying dude or I’ll smack you again, kid.
Tommy [arching a blond brow]: Baby, I’ve got your kid right he—
Jo: Watch it, Skyler. This is a family audience. [Tommy looks contrite] Six-Pack, where’s Sean Tanner?
Everyone looks to Six-Pack. He’s their rock, and the respect this team has for him is plain. The lieutenant chooses his words very carefully.
Six-Pack [brown eyes sad]: The captain called in sick today. Twenty-four hour bug or something.
Jo and I exchange knowing looks while everyone else squirms uncomfortably. We all know Six-Pack’s best friend doesn’t have an illness you can treat with medicine, and that it’s going to take a lot more than one shift off to heal Sean’s grief from his tragic loss. True to form, the oh-so-scrumptious Julian provides a distraction, putting each of his arms around me and Jo and grinning like the rogue he is.
Julian: So, queridas, I’m off tomorrow night. What do you say, want burn up the town with me?
Suz [laughing]: Hate to break it to you, but we’re taken. Sorry!
Julian [pouting]: I’m wounded. Alas, I may never recover from the rejection.
Jo [dryly]: Oh, I’m sure you’ll find solace somewhere.
Eve: Where doesn’t he find solace? Ah, the teaming masses of femininity—
Six-Pack’s radio squawks an interruption—a call to assist a child who’s head is stuck through a…toilet seat? A couple of the guys snicker and Six-Pack shakes his head with a killer half-smile as they all push out of their chairs.
Six-Pack: Another day in the jungle. Sorry, ladies, we’ve gotta run but we’ll see you around, huh?
Jo [winking]: Not if I see you first.
Suz: This was such a cool surprise! Thanks for stopping by, and take care.
Jo and I watch them leave with a sigh of appreciation. There’s nothing finer than seeing a firefighter in action, rushing to the rescue!

Suz: I can see why you love those guys so much! They’re adorable.
Jo [finishing her margarita]: Aren’t they? And I get to spend every single day with them.
Suz: Oh, hush! So, tell me what’s next? Do you have any other books coming out besides the firefighter series?
Jo: Yes, I do. I have two erotic suspense/thrillers coming from NAL HEAT. The first one is titled WHEN ALEX WAS BAD and will be released in August 2009. It’s about a wife who grants her lonely husband seven occasions of sinful pleasure with any lover he chooses, provided he confesses to each liaison in detail and agrees to accept whatever punishment she doles out. Too bad the bargain comes with a deadly price…
Suz: Ooh, that sounds fantastic! Now that you mention the story, I’ve heard a whisper through the grapevine of something exciting on the horizon involving ALEX. Do tell!
Jo [blinking innocently]: Why, I can’t imagine what you mean. How about another margarita?
Suz: Uh-huh. Nice diversion.
Jo: I’m so glad we did this today! I had fun.
Suz [signaling the waiter for another margarita]: Me, too! And thanks for bringing the whole gang by today. When I read their story in TRIAL BY FIRE, it felt as if they were the coolest group of close-knit firefighter-heroes I'd want to spend more time with. By the way...uhm...tell your readers what kind of heroine Six-pack falls for? Perhaps a cute brunette OB nurse? [hint, hint]
Jo: Patience, dear. You already know you’ll have to wait for Zack’s story, UNDER FIRE, for your nurse heroine! Kat McKenna is a spunky, curvaceous first grade teacher who literally falls into Six-Packs arms at the scene of a fire.
Suz: Ooh, I can’t wait for TRIAL BY FIRE hit the shelves—only two more weeks!
Jo: It’s been a long time coming, girlfriend. I’ll drink to that!
Suz: So dear reader we have a question for you. Have you ever been up close and personal with a firefighter, as in had one come to your rescue? Tell us all about it and Jo will have an autographed copy of TRIAL BY FIRE for one poster. Trust me when I tell you this is one HOT read!! You can watch the trailer at Jo's website @ www.jodavis.net. And if you wish to order a copy from Amazon, just click on the book in this blog.
1 – 200 of 206 Newer› Newest»Fire Fighters!! Fire Fighters!!!! oooooh Fire Fighters....
Oh hey do I get the rooster as well? Now you know how to get my attention by showing fire fighters don't you???? Dear oh dear now I'll just have to have another looksy, just for research sake, maybe one day I'll have to write a novel about fire fighters.... hey I can rationalize anything in the name of a good perv....
Welcome Jo,
I can't wait to meet Six-Pack. I saw on your site that there will be at least three books in the series. Is the series going to end at three books or will there be more? I haven't yet had the pleasure of meeting any firefighters up close and personal, but I do get to pass by many of the FDNY station houses. I try not to stare at them, but I usually do. Did you get to visit with firefighters for research? If so, did you get to meet any female firefighters?
Congrats on the GR, Natalie.
Congrats Natalie on the GR!
OOOOH...I am getting a bit excited. I sooooo can't wait for this book!! I have been looking forward to it for a while now and I am so excited that it is almost release time. I lubs books with firefighters...its one of my fave occupations for heroes (or even heroines).
I learned about the book by clicking on the picture in Jo's comment one day here on the Banditas' blog and finding her site. I have eagerly been awaiting its release since.
I am thrilled to see you here, Jo...and...um...maybe if y'all aren't too busy and I run into Suzanne, she can introduce us in San Francisco. *looks around* She's good at that type of thing (as I learned in Atlanta a couple of years ago).
By the way, fabulous interview and it only made me want to read the book more...sexy firefighters definitely get my attention.
I haven't had a firefighter come to my rescue, but my aunt's ex-husband is a firefighter...I grew up around him, but it is really hard for me to judge his sexiness...*shudders* He was my uncle. LOL
Hilarious!! That was so much fun. Jo, welcome to the Lair! Oh, my. I think Suz must have thought she was dreaming, meeting all those gorgeous firefighting gentlemen! Exciting about your new release, Jo--right after the conference, too. It's going to be a big month for you! Hope to see you at the Penguin party in San Fran!
Congrats on the GR, Natalie! I hope you'll teach that bird a thing or two. Or maybe he can babysit while you're out?
Can you imagine leaving the GR with my kids? They'd have given him a haircut within two minutes, then they'd be throwing him at the other chickens we have laughing. I think the twins would be willing to be nice for a little while but Mister3 has decided he's not afraid of the chickens anymore so he's excited we've got a boy chicken for the day.....
Oh, yes. There was a fire -or more like a lot of smoke- in the building where many of us students lived because of some idiot who had decided to smoke in bed. The staircase was like a chimney. The firefighters put down the fire, the smoker was taken to the hospital and the rest of us living in that part of the house were led outside through the smoke by the firefighters.
Fortunately the fire station was practically next door.
Minna, you lived next door to a fire station? Were you ever tempted to start a fire just to get them to come over to play? Come on, you can tell us...
Congrats Natalie have fun with him
Great interview Ladies this book sounds really hot and good
I haven't been rescued by any firefighters but the fire alarms have gone of at work a few times over the years and I love it when it happens these guys are just so good to look at as they do a walk thru the place only about 2 months ago I walked out of my office straight into the middle of 6 fireman who were there checking something that had happened I spent well over half an hour just trying to find something to do outside my office so as I could watch them.
Rendezvous has your book in the latest catologue Jo and I plan to order it when I put my order in.
Have Fun
I have, but not in a romantic way (darn it). When my younger daughter was not yet two (night before her second birthday, in fact), I found her in her crib in kind of a wide-eyed stupor. She had thrown up from one end to the other and I went to take her out to change her and her head just lolled back in such a way that I freaked out - I thought she was dead. Thank God I lived with my mother at the time because she was the voice of reason that night. She called 9-1-1 and they came right out - and of course it was the firemen who got there first. They even beat the police there! Anyway, they immediately took the situation in hand and got the necessary personnel on the job - and helped calm down a freaked-out mother, too. As it turns out, my daughter was suffering from a seizure disorder (though we didn't discover that until about a million tests later in the hospital), which she has since outgrown. I have always had incredible admiration and respect for firefighters, but that experience just quadrupled it for me. They are truly the best people.
Congrats on the GR, Natalie!
Jo, your firefighters sound absolutely HOT!!! I will definitely by reading your series. Yummmm.
I have never had a close encounter with a firefighter. I guess that's a good thing, since it means I've never had a real emergency. But if I needed a firefighter, I'd want him to look like one of your crew. Shhh....don't tell my husband I said that. ;)
Now, I did have a rather cute (and nicely built) paramedic encounter a few months ago...... and yes, my husband was there. :D
Hi Natalie! So glad you stopped by today. Yes, researching firefigthers is a tough job, but someone has to do it. he he
Hey, let me thank the Romance Bandits for having me here today! I always love visiting the Bandit's lair. :)
Hey, Jane! Welcome!
I have at least 2 more books planned in the Firefighters series. The last one will be Captain Sean Tanner's story for a really explosive finish!
Yes, I had to do a lot of research on firefighters, what their day is like, the equipment, etc, before I could even write a series proposal. It was frustrating to wait months researching when I knew I had something "big" on my hands, but I had no choice! I still keep a great contact on hand, a Captain who answers questions for me, helps me make sure I've gotten fire/rescue scenes correct, etc. Good question on the female firefighter--I've visited fire departments in 3 cities so far and have yet to meet a female. The guys tell me it's very tough for a woman to pass the physical part of the test. Some cry "unfair!" over this, but let me ask you-- if your child is screaming to get out of a burning house, which firefighter do you want going in after him--do you want to be assured that all of them are equally capable of getting him out, or are you satisfied with the one who didn't have to physically measure up?
As for meeting Six-Pack...
Hello, Jane.
Is this up close and personal enough for you? Stare all you want, we don't mind--especially Julian. God knows his head isn't inflated enough.
Come on down to Sugarland, Jane. It's not that far from NY, right? Am I doing this right? Google hates me.
Hi Jennifer! So glad you're here!
I so appreciate your enthusiasm. I can't wait for them to hit the shelves, either. Seems like it took forever, them boom--it's here! Definitely let's hook up in SF! Suz can introduce us. :)
LOL on assessing your uncle's hot-ness!
Hi Kate! Glad you liked the interview. Those guys are fun, aren't they? :) I'll definitely see you at the Penguin party! I tend to feel a little lost at parties, so be sure to grab me and say hello. I'd love to see a friendly face!
Hi Minna and welcome! Thanks for coming by, and great story. :)
Hi, Helen!
Thank you for visiting, and for the great story. I, too, find myself rubbernecking whenever our local firefighters are working an accident or shopping at the grocery store on the corner! Sigh. :)
And thank you for letting me know the Rendevous catalogue is out--the manager contacted me about that, and I was so thrilled and flattered to be included. Happy reading!
What a wonderful story and best of all, with a happy ending. That's what makes them true heroes. And yet, they're very bashful when you try to thank them! At least that's true of the ones around here.
Hey Jo!!! I am so glad that you are here today. I remember you talking about this series a few months ago. I can't believe it is time for the first book to be release. I will definitely be at the bookstore to get me a copy! Do you still have frequent conversations with the group of firefighters for research? I seem to remember you talking about that and even posting a picture of the group.
Yes, I have had an upclose and personal relationship with a firefighter. No, ladies it is not at all what you are thinking! My dad is a former firefighter.
It's true here, too. they have a very "just doing my job, ma'am" kind of attitude about it. So I always try to show my love by helping to fill the boot every year for the Jerry lewis Telethon.
Hello Gannon, and thank you very much! Do tell about your paramedic. :)
Okay all, I'll fess up to my own encounter. In May 2007, I totalled my Expedition and the firefighters had to get me out on a backboard and yes, physically lift me with nothing but pure muscle. I was mortified and fascinated by turns. The youngest one was cute as a button and couldn't have been old enough to drink. The oldest was in his fifties and as in great of shape as the young one.
And yes, I'll admit I spent the ambulance ride making mental note of where the medical items were located, for storyline purposes. While in pain. That's a writer for ya!
Never (thank goodness) had to deal up close and personal with a fire-fighter on the job. I think they're amazingly brave. Burning myself while cooking (an annual Thanksgiving ritual cause by being to lazy to pull out the rack to baste the turkey) is as much as I can deal with. The thought of voluntarily going into a burning building impresses me no end. The thought of being in a burn unit scares me to death.
Yummmm, firefighters. Jo, your books sound fantastic. I'll have to add it to my TBR pile, which is getting too large from all the great interviews lately.
I never had a firefighter rescue me, but my sister was married to one for over 10 years.
Have fun at conference this year!
Hey Jo, I forgot to say that I'm looking forward to your guest blogging over at RNTV on August 7. Can't wait!!! Especially if you bring the guys with you *wink wink*
Also, the website looks fantabulous! Love all the pictures.
Hi Buffie!! (waving madly)
Can you believe it's finally here?? Yeah! I do have a fire Captain who answers questions for me and has enacted scenes with me and his team at the station to be sure I get the details right. Very cool! Suz got to go with me once this spring and did a Bandit's blog about it w/photos. Too fun!
Welcome Jo,
My only closeness to fire fighters was when I was younger and my friends and I would hang out at the local fire house and we became friends with them.
Hey, Buffie--
You don't have to wait until August 7, sweetheart. Wink, wink right back atcha!
Cool about your dad. How long was he a firefighter? I'm in for life, I suppose. Gotta take my dad's place as Fire Chief someday, right?
Congrats on the GR Natalie, I'm sure your littlies will keep him under control today!!
Ummm, the only encounter I've had with fireman was when I reported the warehouse down the road from our house had smoke pouring from under the roof!!!
Oops! It turned out pest controllers were fumigating it for vermin and the smoke was actually white fumicide!!! (red faced...)
The book sounds fantastic...omgosh the TBR stack is getting so high it threatens to topple over onto me!! I'll have to call the firebrigade to remove it! Does Six-pack make housecalls to Aus!
Cheers Carol
Hi Terry and Christie! Thanks for coming by! Christie, I hear you on the insane TBR pile. There are SO many great books to read--my favorite thing to do in the world besides write--and so little time! But I get my reading in because I don't watch TV. Something has to give. :)
Oh. My. Gosh. I first heard about this series months ago and the wait is killing me. I'm going to need one of those margaritas after reading that. *sigh*
No close encounters of any kind with firefighters. Which in some ways is good, others a bit depressing. But it looks like I can get up close and personal with a bunch of them in two weeks. Can't wait!
OMG, be still my beating heart, it's Howard "Six Pack" Paxton. Honey I'm on call any time you need a soft place to land!!!
Years ago, my dad was a volunteer firefighter in a small Ohio town that couldn't afford to pay firefighters. I believe he did that for about 4 or 5 years. He said he really enjoyed it and still has vivid memories of his training and going through the smoke house. A few years ago, he gave me his badge to hand down to my boys. He said he wanted them to see is every single day as a reminder that we are to help our fellow man in any way we can. And to this day, a week doesn't go by that my boys don't pepper Grandpa with questions about those days.
Wow!! You guys got a head start on me today...but then I was busy playing OB-ICU nurse last night...(my mind is full of BPs and medications!!)
Congrats Natalie on the GR! and I have to agree with the OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh firefighters!!
You know, about once or twice a month we'll get a patient brought in in labor by the firefighter/paramedics...and you should see the nurses perk up and get all interested in them while they're there!! hehehe
Hello, Dina! Great to have you here!
Hey Jo!! Waving madly....and hey to Six-pack for popping in...
So Six-pack...what did you think of Kat McKenna (the heroine in your book) the first time you met her? Oh and I have another question...exactly how is it working with Jo Davis? Any quirks she has that I don't already know?
Hi Carol and welcome! LOL on your "encounter"! And you'll have to ask Six-Pack about house calls...
Hey Suz! (waving madly again) You awake still? Thanks for having me and the guys here today. This is fun! :)
Hey Jane, Jo and I had a great time doing research for these books. We spent a Sunday afternoon with a group of firefighters. Jo got to put on the equipment and play with the hoses. I was the official photographer. And we peeked into their squad room while they were out on a call, then they answered tons and tons of questions for us. These guys loved to talk about their work and different cases they'd been involved with. And they really had some funny stories!
Buffie, darlin', you can land on me anytime. (grinning) What's a good firefighter for?
Jennifer, not to worry, I'll be sure to introduce you to Jo at the conference. She'll be with me at some point of other!! hehehe
Oh, Jo, maybe we can check out firefighters in San Fran, too!?!?
Carol, sugar, I'm all about house calls.
Hey, this blogging thing is ok.
Hi, Jo!--waving--
Great interview, although I wish I could have joined you for the margarita.
Hey Six-Pack? Have you ever gotten Jo to try on all the gear you guys wear? Can she even stand up in it? tee-hee
Can't wait for Trial by Fire, Jo. Congratulations!
Oh my gosh Lady Kate, aka Christine Wells! Almost didn't recognize you behind that character. :)
One of the advantages to being Jo's CP is I feel like these guys are my buds! Zack's story is the second book, UNDER FIRE and he's so yummy in it I just want to gobble him up!
And Julian? fanning myself here. Jo's still working on it, but HIDDEN FIRE will probably be so hot it will melt our panties off...(as a friend, Franny K says!)
Hey Suz! Where are the spring rolls and margaritas?
Now, you know I can't print what I thought about my sweet Kat when I first saw her. In a really good way, I mean. She's the whole package--smart, funny, and stacked. Sorry, but I AM a guy. LOL. Seriously, she snatched my heart and never gave it back.
What can I say about Jo? She's sort of a cross between a creative mad scientist and a psychotic. Isn't it the quiet ones you have to watch out for? Yeah, and I mean that in the nicest way. Really. She never gives us a break, but that's ok. She's pretty cool.
Ya know Six-pack, I've always wondered about that psychotic part of Jo...then there's the whole Jon Bon Jovi craze of hers...what's up with that?
And you tell Kat I said hey. That girl's one of the coolest heroines I've ever gotten to know. The fact that's she's got curves and some meat on her makes me love her even more!
Hey Minna! I had something sort of like that happen when I was in Nursing School. We had a crazed ex-employee call in bomb threats to the hospital where my dorm was attached. We kept getting evacuated in our pajamas. And as I recall the firefighters got friendlier as the night went on!! :)
Hey Howard, I'm so glad to hear that you found your perfect match. Even if that means I can land on you any time soon :( But every hard workin' man needs a great woman to come home to.
Hey Helen, nice to know the firefighters in Australia are just as hard working and good looking as they are in here in the States!
I hate to be the kinda gal who jumps from one man to another, but Suz's comment about Julian and the melting of the panties sure has me interested, very interested indeed!
I knew there was a reason I liked Jo off the bat. Not only because we share a name (yes, my middle name is Jo). Not only because we both love hot sexy firefighters. But because we both have the Jon Bon Jovi craze!!!! There's not much I can say here about that man except, YUMMO!!!
Oh Margay, how frightening for you. Thank goodness your mother and the medics knew what to do. And very glad to hear your daughter has outgrown the seizures.
Nice to hear someone else say they're sick of reading about cops, cops, and more cops!
Very nice cover BTW.
Thanks, Suz. At least SOMEBODY loves me.
Six-Pack, you're hogging the ladies, my friend. Be a good buddy and share.
I never had a fire fighter help me because of a fire. When I was little my sister and I were at a pool with a bunch of friends. We were all seeing who could hold there breath the longest and at the same time there was a chlorine burst. When we all came up we breathed in the chlorine and then really couldn't breath at all. I remember the fire fighters were the first to get there and help those of us who couldn't breath. I was to young to notice if any were cute and I was having such a bad time breathing that I don't think I would have noticed anyway.
I love fire fighter stories though. I just love men who have a more dangerous job.
Sounds like a great book, thanks for the great post.
Wow! It's hot here in KY and NOT because of the humidity!
And a nurse heroine???? You're gonna have a NURSE heroine????
As any nurse will tell ya, fire drills at the hospital are only fun when you see those sexy firefighters stalking down the hallway with their, er equipment.
As to encounters. Years ago I lived in an apartment complex. I was baking a cake and the electric element in my over made a pffftzing noise, a spark and poof! There were flames in my oven. (Which I discovered when I opened the door)
I unplugged the stove and remembering that it was electrical threw flour on it...not baking soda...flour (Raise your hand if you knew flour could be combustible)
Anyway, called 911.
The firefighters arrived and by that time, just keeping the door closed had put out the fire. What was funny was before checking the oven, this one really cute guy very carefully removed my half baked cake pans out of the oven, LOL.
I told him "Hey, just toss it in the sink, won't be anymore baking today!"
Another time I was at a convention in Baltimore. 2 am the fire alarm in the hotel goes off. We're on the 18th floor. All of us tumble out of bed, in our PJ's and troop VERY groggily down the stairwell.
Get out to the street, gasping for air right into the MIDST of a battalion of firefighters...in our ratty PJ's.
False alarm.
Seems a nurse came in a bit...TIPSY...and fell against the fire alarm.
Can't wait to read the series, Jo!
Congrats on the GR, Natalie! A haircut has possibilities for that rakish feather duster!
Hello, Jo and hey "Six Pack" is in the house. SWOON!! There is just something about a handsome fireman!! This series sounds SMOKIN' and I really love the atmosphere of comraderie you have already evoked in your crew before I even read about them.
Firefighters LOVE my Mom because she bakes cookies, divinity and fudge for them every year at Christmas. IF she ever had a fire and her address came over the walkies every fireman in town would be at her house in a flash! So would the police for that matter.
I live in the middle of nowhere so we depend on our volunteer fire department. I HAVE had a close encounter with them as a portion of my five acres caught fire about a year ago. It was a Sunday afternoon and I had laid down for a nap. I smelled smoke and looked outside and the grove next to my dog yard was on fire. I tried to take care of it with the hose for a few minutes and then called the fire department. They got here in just minutes and did a great job. I was afraid the fire was going to spread to my neighbors' pasture and they had young calves at the time.
Most of the guys were older good ole boys, but four of them were young 20 and 30 somethings and man were they built!! I should have faked passing out to get a little CPR!
The were just so sweet and so solicitous and they were nice to my dogs which is a guaranteed way to my heart. You just can't beat a 20 something firefighter with a hot body and a killer smile asking "Are you okay, ma'am?"
OMG Gannon, wait til you read this book! I kid you not, you'll be needing something to put out the heat! :) Let's just say that Six-pack fulfilled a few of my fantasies in it!
Thanks, Suzanne. Yeah, it was pretty frightening, especially since I hadn't been a mother that long (her older sister was only four then) and I'd never had anything like this happen to my kids before. To this day, I still get a little nervous when I hear sirens because it reminds me of that day and I always say a little prayer for the person/people in need of help.
Hey Zack!!! Somebody does love you, and she is right here. Come on over darlin' and we can get the party going :)
Hey! I don't think it's fair Buffie gets all the hotties. I'm sorry to have to tell you nice men, but she's TAKEN! Now me on the other hand, I'm totallly available. Just sayin'...
Hey Buffie!! Glad to hear Jo and her crew are coming to RNTV...I love those blogs! And you're a JBJ fan, too? Jo and a friend of ours, Julie Benson, are great fans of his! I do have to admit the man is easy on the eyes!
Hey, Tracy!
Everbody, this is one of my critque partners, Tracy Garrett--author of Touch of Texas! LOVE those cowboys and she has a new release coming in November, Touched by Love! Can't wait!
So glad you're here, girlfriend!
Hey Terrio! Don't be messin' with my mojo!!!! I think these guys are hot enough and have enough staminia for all of us! I'll gladly share, after I'm done *wink wink*
Hey Terry! I have to agree, I'd much prefer going OUT the burning building than going in. Did y'all see Backdraft? That was such a cool firefighter movie, as was Ladder 49!
Suz and Jo, great interview. I'm stll fanning myself, and the think the AC needs to be set lower.
Congratulations on what I know will be a fantastic series, Jo! See you both in SF!!
La Vida Vampire
Honey, I'll always LOVE you....but as I recall, you're gonna have a wingding of a good time in your book, UNDER FIRE!
But if you ever need some extra nursing and TLC, you just call me up sweetie!
Hey Tracy G!! Glad to see you here visiting the lair, Jo and the boys! [conspiratorial wink} We know how good these books and the guys are, don't we?!?
Hi Cheryl!
Thanks for coming by! Let me say how much I LOVED your book SLAVE!!! I can't wait for the next one!! October, right?? It can't get here fast enough!
Hey Tracy! *waving* I totally loved Touch of Texas. Great, great book! It is wonderful to see you here. So, since you are Jo's CP, you got any good dirt on the guys for us?
Okay, I'm off to bed. They actually expect me to work again tonight...geesh
Oh and Joanie...2 more shifts!
Jo, I am so excited for your books to come out! And I love the description of Zack. I'm not sure I can wait until May for him!! Nothing gets me like a sexy, smart, geek.
Here's my firefighter/paramedics story:
When my son was 8 months old he had RSV (he was born premature, so he was always sick with something) and he had trouble breathing. After a nap, he looked blue and I couldn't hear any breaths, so I panicked and called 911. They had me give him his inhaler, and sent over the paramedics and the boys in the fire engine.
By the time they arrived, he was breathing, and I was much more lucid. The funny thing was, we had just listed our house for sale and replaced the rug in the front room, and my first thought, as these six gorgeous men in huge boots tramped into my house was -- WIPE YOUR FEET!!
Then I allowed myself to appreciate that they were, in fact, just as beautiful as the stereotype had predicted. All between the ages of 25-30, all hot, all sweet and polite, and they all called me ma'am. And I liked it.
Thanks for stopping back by the Lair! We love having you visit and can't wait to see your books on the shelves!
Hello, Rebekah! Thanks for coming by! Wow, that's a scary story. Chemical accidents are not uncommon, and a frightening call according to my guys.
Hi Nancy!! (waving madly to you at the beach!) Thanks for coming by! I'll see you in SF!
Is Eve in the house or is it just the guys stopping by? I'd love to know how Eve handles being around all the guys all the time. Does she ever feel like the don't see the softer side of her? Do they all treat her like the little sister?
Hi Joan! Those are great stories! Reminds me of National in Dallas last year when someone set off the fire alarm at the Hyatt--after bedtime! yep, we trooped down 15 flights of stairs in our PJ's. Firefighters everwhere, but no fire!
Thanks for stopping by!
Hey Jo and Suz
I loved the interview. It was great to meet these guys up close and personal...well....sortof! (still fanning myself here)
Can't wait to read Howard's story and Trial By Fire.
Jo, thanks for the intro. I love my cowboys, but your Station 5 guys are, um, inspiring. ;-)
Suz, we certainly do know how wonderful Trial by Fire is.
And Buffie, mind if I join the party with Zack? I LOVE a smart man in glasses!
Guess what toys my youngest boy pulled out of the toy box to play with today -- yep, firetrucks! The sirens are going, the lights are flashing, but there's no hotties here!!! LOL
Hi Louisa,
Ooh, you are SO right! There's just something about them, all cute and concerned... :)
Tracy, I'm all about sharing! And yes, hunks with glasses just *do* something for me. Good thing the hubby wears glasses LOL!
Hello, Kirsten! Thanks for the kind words. I can't wait for Zack to get his turn, either! Yeah, I love those sweet guys calling me "ma'am". Sigh. Makes my libido do back flips every time. :)
Hi Buffie!!! Good to see you! And thanks for the compliment - I'm glad you enjoyed Touch of Texas.
Let's see, dish on the guys... I'm not a "spoiler"--you'll have to read the books--but, each one of the boys has an unexpected tender side that will just melt your heart. Eve, too. And they're such great friends, you never want the books to end.
Hi, Kay! Ya'll, my good friend Kay debuts in January with her exciting Harlequin Intrigue release! Do check out her website for more details!
Thanks for dropping in, girlfriend!
Yeah, we had her try on the gear. Let me tell you, if you had to rely on Jo to rescue you...well, you're toast. Sorry, Jo.
Tracy, thanks for the little tidbit. And for no spoilers! I can't stand spoilers. I want to relish in the book myself without any hints to what may happen.
Tracy, thanks for the little tidbit. And for no spoilers! I can't stand spoilers. I want to relish in the book myself without any hints to what may happen.
Oops, I saw Howard was here again and double posted!!!
I know about Jo's whole Jon Bon Jovi fetish and I'll tell you, the little runt doesn't do a thing for me. Buffie, you, too? I'm wounded. What's that guy got that I don't have? Well, ok, besides a Pepsodent smile and about 100 million bucks. Sheesh.
Six-pack - I may be a Bon Bon but it has nothing to do with Bon Jovi. I grew out of him years ago. I'd take a six-pack over that little wine cooler anyday. ;)
Hi, Jo, welcome to the Lair! Great interview, Suz, so clever.
Jo, your firefighters series sounds delightful and funny, and the fellows sound scrumptious! Everybody loves a firefighter!
Can you tell us more about Eve, your female firefighter. What kind of story will she have?
Woohoo! Suz and Kirsten have good taste, Six-Pack. Ladies DO make passes at guys who wear glasses! Ah, sweet hope...
Terrio, thanks darlin'. I've got your six-pack any time you need it. Who needs a skinny little rock star, anyhow?
Knight, I'm glad somebody made a pass at you, 'cause it sure ain't gonna be me.
Whoops, Six-Pack, I left out Buffie. Guess I won't get contacts anytime soon, then. :)
Zack, I forgive your forgetfulness as long as you plant a sweet kiss here . . . and here . . . and here . . . and here.
Hi, Jo! So glad you're here! I think I've had a couple of questions about Eve-- she's not joining us today, but wishes she could. She loves the guys like brothers...all except one, whose heart is broken. There's a man she's secretly loved for years and would do anything to make hers--if he wasn't drowning in grief and even knew she was alive as a woman, not a teammate.
Very tragic. I guess we'll have to wait until the last book in the series to find out if she and Captain Sean Tanner will ever find their way to each other...
Hey Howard, I don't know how to explain the Jon Bon Jovi thing. Maybe he brings back memories and feelings of a 16 year old girl who gets butterflies in her tummy when she see that rock star in skin tight pants and that long hair. There's something about that bad boy image that gets a girl going.
But hey, a good guy can get the engines roaring too!!! Especially when he knows how to handle the heat and all the equipment *wink*
Jo -- there is absolutely no way I am going to get any of my work done today!!!!!!
Ooh, wow! What a terrific interview, Jo (and Suz) and gang! I'm definitely looking forward to reading this!
No up-close-and-personal rescues from firefighters, but we've been on tours of the local fire stations (it seems to be de riguer for preschool/kindergarten classes) so we've met a few of the firefighters--they're all extremely nice!
Congrats on the GR, Natalie!
Ooh, Buffie, sweetie, now you've got me blushing!
And Six-Pack, you've gotta admit JBJ has the whole cool-ness thing going on. Come on, if you were a girl, what guy would you go for? I'm thinking Daniel Craig for me, Orlando Bloom for you.
Zack, dude, you can't ask that question. LOL! You'll lose your man card!
And as hard as JBJ tried, he was never really a bad boy. But I'll admit he's held up well.
Jo - that tidbit about Eve and Sean has me wanting that book right now. I love angst more than anything and that has heartbrake written all over it! When does that one come out again?
My friend, you need a woman. Fast. That's not a what-if game I'm touching with a ten-foot pole.
Ladies, he needs TLC. Quick.
Zack? Daniel Craig? I've got a friend you have to meet...
Hey, just kidding! Trying to nettle Howie a bit, but as you all can see, he's pretty unflappable. Takes a lot to bug him, but Jules usually manages to pull something that sets off the big guy. (evil grin here)
Hey Jo and Suz,
And just why wasn't I invited to this "lunch", huh? You've got all the hunkie single guys coming, and you can't invite your SINGLE girlfriend? I'd sure know how to keep Julian occupied for a while (Wink Wink).
Seriously, Jo, hugh congratulations on your firefighter series. I can't wait to read all about them.
I won't be going to National's this time, so raise a glass for me while you're there, and keep on of those big, handsome ol' hunks aside for me.
Again, congrats.
Terrio, Eve and Sean's story is on the horizon somewhere, but isn't contracted as of yet. I have high hopes, though, so we'll see. :) That story is going to be explosive in every sense of the word...
These books sound divine!!
I will definitely be at the store on release day!
Hi, Kathy! We'll have to save you a seat next to one of those hunky guys next time! What were we thinking? :)
We'll miss you in SF! Thanks for coming by.
Hello, Di! That's so sweet, thank you. :) Do you have a firefighter story?
Hello, Flchen1! thanks so much for stopping by!
Wow Suz - The temps here are headed to the 90s even before I read your post! Nice.
Yes, I've been very up close & personal with the firefighters as I attended a civilian training series of classes at the fire station. As a result I've driven a fire truck, an ambulance, wore the gear, crawled through a smoky room searching for a target dummy.
Now I've done the same sort of classes with the police dept. but I have a soft spot for the firemen. They do the job because they sincerely care about helping people. Love them.
Unfortunately, I did need their services due to a medical emergency. It was a different crew than the ones I had worked with. Good Lord, they were hot and young -- and I was this old lady who fainted from a blood loss.
Picture me in the ambulance trying to interview the guys hovering over me. *g*
Hi Jo! Thank you so much for the great interview and for bringing your firefighters with you *g*
I've been waiting for Trial By Fire FOREVER! I already have it preordered from Amazon :-)
I've never had any close encounters with firefighters but my nephew really did get his head stuck in a toilet seat *g* For some reason he thought it would be a good idea to put his potty training seat (yuck, right?) on his head. Well, then he pulled and before my mom (who was babysitting him) could stop him, he yanked it down over his head.
It was stuck tight ;-)
Hi Donna! So glad you're here. And goodness, I'm glad you're okay! Yes, there's something about gazing up at a team of handsome hunks, all concerned about little 'ole you... :)
Hi Beth, and thanks so much. Believe me, I'm SO glad your wait is nearly over! I can't wait to go stand in Barnes and Noble like a dork and have darling hubby take a picture of me with my books! :)
OMG, I'm laughing out loud about your nephew! Kids get into the darndest situations...
Oh Zack, I just love a guy who blushes, especially when he is wearing his glasses :)
Jo, I sure hope Eve and Sean's story gets contracted and soon. You sure can't leave your league of fans hanging in the end!!!! I so agree with TerriO, I love angst too!!!
Buffie, I'll sure do my best to deliver! Sean's story is one I'm absolutely dying to write, but I know the wait will be worth it... until then, there's plenty of heartbreak in his story arc throughout the series... :)
Fire fighters! I love stories about them/with them... but I've never really interacted with one. [Don't know if that's good or bad - depends on the context, I suppose.] In elementary school there were the fire safety days... and once in college my apartment complex caught on fire ... and before that while in the dorms there were some fires - but I never personally interacted with one. And - in that way, that's a good thing.
Wow - these books sound HOT! I love firefighters - those abs! - but my only personal experience with them is when they had to come and rescue our cat out of a tree. Seriously.
And congrats from one Signet Eclipse author to another on your debut! My turn won't come until 2010, but they're letting me into the party in SF anyway ;) Hope to see you there!
Oh, I love firefighters, so much so that they're in my first book. :)
Jo, these books sound fantastic! And Suz, a very fun interview.
I've not had any personal experience with a firefighter coming to my rescue, but the husband of one of long-time friends is a firefighter. And she just happens to be a nurse. :)
Hi, Limecello! It's good you've never needed one to come to the rescue. The best thing is when I see them in the grocery store shopping for their weekly goodies. Yum! Thanks for stopping by. :)
Hi Sara! Major congrats on your Signet debut! What is the book/genre? Woohoo! Be sure to say hello at the Penguin party! :)
Hello, Trish! It's good to talk to you again and "see" a friendly face! I'm having such fun here today. :) Will you be in SF? Hope to see you there!
Suz you scamp, Aunty was awakened to the sound of blenders and sirens. So pass me a margarita and one hot fireman to decorate each arm. ;-)
My next door neighbor happens to be a firefighter and YES he IS a hunky 20 something. He also has 2 female roommates... Aunty doesn't ask nor does she tell. Luckily the only "encounter" I've had with him is on the way to the mailboxes or the garbage dumpster, and he always calls me Ma'am. AHEM! I think I must remind him of his mother. :-(
Jo, I can't WAIT for your books to hit the shelves!
Congrats on the GR, Natalie. Here's hoping he can out-run your kidlets today. I'd hate to have him missing tail feathers in SF.
Jo, welcome to the lair, and congratulations on a fabulous career launch! Your firefighters sound wonderful.
Natalie, congrats on the rooster. I get the feeling he doesn't like sexy heroes, so he may be a bit cranky while that's on the blog.
I haven't been rescued by a firefighter, but, like Helen, I worked in an office that had a couple of false alarms, and we happened to evacuate to the side of the building where the truck pulled in. What gorgeous guys! The guys at our local firestation were wonderful to our son when he was little and are known for welcoming the neighborhood kids in to look at the truck.
Hello Aunty Cindy! How's it going? Congrats on your Sourcebooks release--yummy cover, too!
Your hunky firefighter neighbor and 2 female roommates?! Why, that sly, naughty boy. :) I love when they say "ma'am"...must be a southern thing!
Thanks, Nancy! Great to see you here. Now, Suz has told me about the rooster but I've forgotten what that's about...someone remind me? :)
Terrio. Buffie. Am I gonna have to seperate you two? Ok, then I'll just have to take your toy away from you.....
C'mere Zack, I feel a swoon coming on.
I am totally in agreement that there is nothing much sexier than a good lookin' fella wearing a sleek pair of glasses though it is usually best to take them off when you're ready to, you know....
Whipping off my glasses ,slinking toward Zack in my new conferance heels....{thunk}
Who put that wall there?
While it's common knowledge our Lair is fire proof(and escape proof...ask the cabana boys)it wouldn't hurt to have an...inspection. Yeah! That's what we'll call it.
C'mere Six Pack....
Jo - the first commenter of the day takes possession of the famous...err..infamous Golden Rooster for the day. He's a wiley one. Gets into trouble. Does a little spying on the side. And has the cutest French accent. I know, it's all quite odd. But he's still one of the most coveted prizes in the blogosphere!
Joanie - Buffie and I have settled that she gets Zack and I get Six-Pack. You'll just have to take Julian. *w*
It's tough, but I know you can handle it. LOL!
Jo, welcome back! And thanks for bringing your picturesque friends! Congratulations on the release of Trial by Fire! Pardon the pun, but I think you're onto something hot! Suz, great interview.
Nat, congrats on the chook!
Thanx Jo! Yes, I LURVE my cover... (Aunty pauses to wipe up drool)
Can't wait to see you in SF!
Joanie, GREAT IDEA about the inspection! Line up now boys-- What? The firefighters are supposed to inspect the Lair? Not be inspected by the Lair occupants? Oh, Aunty thinks NOT! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
Ah, now I remember what your rooster friend is about! Thanks, Terrio. :)
Hi Anna, it's great to be back! Thanks for the kudos--these guys are fun. I'm so grateful they found me. :)
Wow, Six-Pack, they're fighting over us! Ladies, ladies, there's plenty to go around! (as my glasses fog over) Hey, wait 'til we tell Jules he took third place. Serves him right for not showing up, huh?
Sure does! To inspect or be inspected...hmm, I'd say it's a win-win situation all around.
No, I haven't but I sure like to read (see) them :) Fantastic cover.
TerriO said "Joanie - Buffie and I have settled that she gets Zack and I get Six-Pack. You'll just have to take Julian. *w* "
Here's my suggestion . . . how about we have a designated amount of time and then switch with the bell rings? Then we can enjoy the fruits of all the gusy! I sure don't want to miss out on anything *VBG*
And yes, I'll admit I spent the ambulance ride making mental note of where the medical items were located, for storyline purposes. While in pain. That's a writer for ya!
That's dedication!
Hmm...your firefighters wouldn't happen to want a shy, short brunette heroine with green eyes and glasses would they? ROFL...it was a worth a shot.
Oh, Jo, maybe we can check out firefighters in San Fran, too!?!?
It's funny you say that, Suzy, some of my online friends who I am staying with in SF know about my slight fascination (*cough*obsession*cough*) with firefighter romances and joked that we'd scope out the firestation while we in SF. I actually live down the street from a firestation, but have never been in it.
I do remember one incident though when I was on vacation in Florida...our hotel had a small fire and the fire department came. Once we realized there wasn't a major problem, I had my nephew with me so we walked to the firetruck and they let him sit in the seat. They were so nice.
And you tell Kat I said hey. That girl's one of the coolest heroines I've ever gotten to know. The fact that's she's got curves and some meat on her makes me love her even more!
You are making me even more impatient for this book!
I'm getting so excited over the guys that I spelled guys as gusy in my last post!!!
Zack, you got my contacts steaming up!
One of the advantages to being Jo's CP is I feel like these guys are my buds! Zack's story is the second book, UNDER FIRE and he's so yummy in it I just want to gobble him up!
And Julian? fanning myself here. Jo's still working on it, but HIDDEN FIRE will probably be so hot it will melt our panties off...(as a friend, Franny K says!)
Suz, you are such a tease ;o)
In SF, I'm hanging with whatever group is scoping the fire stations. LOL!
I don't know, Buffie, I'm not one to share. However, it they're willing to offer a buffet, who are we not to take them up on it? LOL!
Tracy Garrett--author of Touch of Texas
I LOVED Touch of Texas!
I have a thing for cowboys, too... ;o)
...okay, I kind of have a thing for all heroes...but I will say that I only own cowboy and firefighter calendars. LOL
Let's see, dish on the guys... I'm not a "spoiler"--you'll have to read the books--but, each one of the boys has an unexpected tender side that will just melt your heart. Eve, too. And they're such great friends, you never want the books to end.
Seems that Tracy is just as good at being a tease as Suz ;o) LOL
So, I have a question for the firefighters ;o), what's the strangest call you've ever been on and does Jo write about it?
Buffie said: Here's my suggestion . . . how about we have a designated amount of time and then switch with the bell rings? sure don't want to miss out on anything *VBG*
Well that MIGHT work...but I'll need PLENTY of time with each one. Nothing too quick *VBEG*
Sure would hate to be in the middle of inspection and then the alarm goes off!
Here's my suggestion . . . how about we have a designated amount of time and then switch with the bell rings?
*stomps foot* But I don't wanna share!!!!
Okay...a girl goes to bed, alone....Looking at Zach and Six-pack (exactly how did THAT happen, guys?) and when I wake up y'all are having firefighter inspections!?!
Hiya, Catslady, nice to meetcha.
I am NOT even going to comment on Jennifer saying I'm a tease..nope, not. going. to. do. that!
Actually, just let me tell you that Howard is one sexy, sexy alpha male! And Zack....well let's just say, when his woman claims him...(hint)...we see a whole new side to him. And Julian>.......ladies the man will break your hearts! Then Tommy well, isn't a young Brad Pitt everyone's fantasty...especially the things you'd REALLY like to do to him?
Gets serious for a moment...but you want to talk heartbreak...sighs softly...I haven't read any of it yet, but Sean...(sigh)
... when I wake up y'all are having firefighter inspections!?!
Do you blame us? *looks innocent*
TerriO -- Buffet!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I think we can let JenniferY in on the fun too, don't ya think?!
Joan, I'm think a day or two with each guy would be a great way to start. I sure want to be thorough during inspections!!
Hmm, our strangest call...that would be the old man who thought he was hearing voices in his house and called the fire deptarment. Turns out he WAS hearing voices, but I'm not gonna spoil the ending! I think you have to read Zack's story to find out.
I can't wait, Six-pack!
Joanie has a good point. Pre-alarmination is no fun. What?
Suz - did you say you woke up between two firefighters? LOL! And stop teasing! You're going to send poor Jennifer over the edge.
Buffie - a virtual smorgasbord. (and yes, I had to look that up..lol)
Joanie has a good point. Pre-alarmination is no fun. What?
Terrio, I can't WAIT to meet you SF!
Same goes for me, Joanie. Us single gals have to stick together.
When daughter #2 was pregnant with child #2, with a tropical storm
coming and the winds building up, a wonderful crew of fire personnel got her safely to a hospital. At one point, we had a fire engine
and two ambulances out in front of the house. Engine arrived first because the ambulance from our station was on a call, the next
station over sent their ambulance,
then our ambulance arrived! They were all so concerned because her problem was pregnancy-related and
she was days from her due date.
These lovely people, all eight of
them, cared for her as if she was
their daughter or sister. BTW,
she delivered a healthy boy a
week later!
Pat Cochran
What a great party and the Guys have arrived as well YAY I am well rested after a good nights sleep as it is Tuesday morning here in Australia I am sure the firefighters are still full of energy !!
Tracey G I too loved Touch Of Texas great book.
Have Fun
Hello, Pat! Great to see you here. Is this a heck of a party or what?
Sounds like SF is going to be a blast! I can't wait!
Suz - did you say you woke up between two firefighters? LOL! And stop teasing! You're going to send poor Jennifer over the edge.
Was my excitement that obvious? *blushes* LOL
I have a personal theory about firefighters and why they are so hot. I believe it is a clause in their contracts way at the bottom in teeny tiny print that states that yes they must be in shape, be able to handle heavy equiptment and know how to approach fires, etc. but (and this is the tiny print) they must be drop dead gorgeous!
I know this to be true because I used to work in NYC across the street from a firehouse and a stroll by it in the afternoon made any bad situation ten times better!
Now I'll go back and read the 166 comments!
Wow, what great guys your firefighters are Jo and so accomodating! They sound absolutely delicious!
Can't wait for these books to hit the shelves!
Santa, I used to live just down the road from the Darlinghurst Fire Station (not called DARLING hurst for nothing!). And I second the inspirational quality of the afternoon walks! Hubba hubba!
ROTFLMAO, TerriO, I almost said that too, and I would have had to look it up also!!
I am so jealous of all of you going to San Fran. Be sure to get into some trouble for me!!!
Hi there, Santa! Would you like a nice, hot firefighter to sit on your lap and tell you what a bad--er--good boy he's been?? :-D
Sorry, I now way on earth could I resist that one!!
So glad you dropped by the party!
TerriO -- aren't you going to the M&M Conference in October? I seem to remember you saying before you were planning on it. Can't wait to meet you!!
You too JenniferY!
Anybody else planning on attending?
I heart Six-Pack. Maybe he can come to NY.
Jo and Suzanne,
I'm sure the research you did for this series was educational and then some. Next time I want to see pictures of this "research."
Note to all Ladies attending the upcoming conference...
all wear gorgeous, sexy pj's there may be a fire alarm!
Cheers Carol
WOW! This is a serious party! Hope I'm not too late! Jo and Suz, you really know how to have lunch, don't you!
I love firefighters and can't wait to read Trial by Fire, Jo. Will it be out in time to sign in San Francisco? Hope so. But just in case, I'm gonna go pre-order it!
I'm so thirsty. Did somebody mention a Six-Pack? :-)
Your firefighters sound wonderful. We had a fire in our dryer many years ago and many firefighters came to our house. Luckily it nothing burned besides the dryer. The firefighters were all great, one of them even finding our cat who was in deep hiding when we tried to find her before we had to leave the house to be safe.
Hey Jane, if you go back in the Bandit Lair's archives to either September or October of last year, you can see our pics from the day of research with the firefighters!
Buffie - YES! I'll be in Atlanta this fall. I'm so looking forward to it. And I'm sure we can find you some trouble in SF with no problem at all. LOL!
Jennifer - it wasn't obvious at all. We just share the same plight. :) Can't wait to meet you in SF!
Jo - since Santa is a friend of mine (and that's her real name) it took me a minute to get the sit on your lap joke. LOL! I'm afraid I no longer think of the big jolly guy when I hear that name.
Hey Kate! Yep, seems the party is still going strong. Unfortunately I have to head to the hospital for the night.
Jo, Six-pack and Zack........Mwahhh...big hugs and kisses for joining us here at the lair!
Hi Kate! Thanks so much for stopping by and the kind words. I won't be signing Wed. night, but I will be signing TRIAL at NAL's publisher signing on Saturday! Woohoo! Hope to see you there. :)
Hi Maureen and thanks so much!
Suz and Banditas,
Thanks so much for having me today! I've had a blast, and I know Six-Pack and Zack did, too! You all are the greatest and I hope I get to come back soon. :D
TerriO -- aren't you going to the M&M Conference in October? I seem to remember you saying before you were planning on it. Can't wait to meet you!!
You too JenniferY!
I am hoping to get to the signing at least.
Jo! Don't go! The night is early!
But if you HAVE to.....
Leave the guys. We'll return them undamanged....promise :-)
Thanks for being with us!
Joan, it's been fun! The guys will be keeping an eye on the posts for a bit longer tonight... :)
The Banditas are great ladies and
gentlemen(didn't forget you, p226)
except( maybe) for that rascally
rooster! And do they ever know how to throw a party! Someone needs to tell you about the month of June!
I would, except I'm not sure how much
of the month I remember! LOLOL!
Pat Cochran
The Banditas are great ladies and
gentlemen(didn't forget you, p226)
except( maybe) for that rascally
rooster! And do they ever know how to throw a party! Someone needs to tell you about the month of June!
I would, except I'm not sure how much
of the month I remember! LOLOL!
Pat Cochran
Pat Cochran
Jo, it was so great having you here today! I can't wait to read the books. And I'm looking forward to see you (and all the guys) over at RNTV in a couple weeks.
Howard and Zack -- thanks for stopping by and giving us gals a thrill!
Six-Pack and Zack were in the lair and I miss it. Stupid work gets in the way of all the fun!
Can't wait for the books fellas!
Hi, Jo!
I've actually never been up close and personal with a firefighter.. in any sense ;)
OMG I'm already in lust with those hotties! Talk about some awesome characters!!! Jo, thanks for visiting the Lair and bringing such delish eye candy with you :-) I can't wait to read these books.
as for the question - nope. No up close and personal firefighter experiences - unless you count the time they put out our burning house. But I didn't get close, I was busy freaking out LOL
Hey, Buffie, I'm looking forward to RNTV on August 7! Everyone come on over that day and join us for some more fun. :) See you then!
Hi Wendy! Well, we'll just have to change that, won't we?! I have a team of them headed your way... :)
Hello, Tawny! Thanks very much, I had a great time!
Hey, Gannon missed jawing with us? Well, that just stinks! But we'll be around, not to worry.
And just remember ladies--firemen have longer hoses! Get it? Ha!
You are SUCH a dork, my friend. (God, now Kat has ME saying the word "dork"!) Please do us all a favor and refrain from trying to be cool.
Excuse him, Banditas and accept our gratitude for letting us hang out with you today.
Good night and we'll see you around. For darned sure.
Excuse him, Banditas and accept our gratitude for letting us hang out with you today.
Aww...he's not that bad and he's kind of cute...and you are welcome to hang out with me any time.
Dang, I missed the firefighters! But it was for a good cause - really!
I was working on tomorrow's blog post, which is a chat with Regency author and NY Times bestseller Liz Carlyle. Liz doesn't get out in cyberspace much, so make sure you come by and give her your opinion on...er...maybe you'd just better read the post for yourself in a few hours. Oh, my!
Had to do it. Had to post the 200th post!
Woohoo, Jo! You've entered the 200 Club!
And drat, I have to work tomorrow Caren so I'll miss most of Liz's day...
*%^%%& Big Brother
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