Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Maureen Child is ... BEDEVILED!!

By Kate

With over 100 books and counting, Maureen Child is as prolific as she is versatile and talented, and she’s got SIX prestigious RITA nominations to prove it. She’s back in the Lair today to talk about her newest book, BEDEVILED, the first in her Queen of the Otherworld series. Booklist gave it a *starred review* and said “Clap if you believe in Faeries, and even if you don’t you can applaud Child’s heartwarming, hilarious adventure, a ticket to the fantastic Otherworld and back.”

And I’ll just add that BEDEVILED has the world’s hottest cover! Please join me in welcoming back the completely fabulous Maureen Child!!!

Maureen: Wow. I love being completely fabulous! Thanks for the welcome Kate, and hey, Banditas! Nice to be back!!

Kate: I can’t believe I’m finally getting my hands on this incredible book! Can you give us a hint about the story?

Maureen: Hmm. Hint. Okay, Maggie Donovan is your everyday, ordinary woman who paints windows for a living (That’s ordinary. I used to do that!). And everything in her life is pretty great until she goes to return her ex boyfriend’s ABBA cds and finds him being eaten and not in a sexual way. When it looks like Maggie’s about to be dessert, she fights back and ends up killing the creature, but sucking in a lot of what looks like gold dust. Turns out, it’s Faerie dust and its already changing Maggie. Oh, and then she meets Culhane and—

Kate: Okay hold it right there! We’ll get back to Maureen in just a moment but first I’d like you all to feast your eyes on Culhane, the fierce warrior hero of BEDEVILED...

His long, black hair fell to his shoulders and he swung it back and out of his way as he moved silently through the house, cataloging every room in his mind. He was tall, even for a Fenian, standing almost six feet five inches. His legs were long, his arms muscular and the harsh planes of his face rarely twisted into a smile. He’d lived too long, fought too hard to find much worth smiling about.

Maureen: Wow, he does sound yummy, doesn’t he? And hello? Did somebody mention that sigh worthy cover?? And Maggie Donovan thinks he’s pretty yummy, too—of course she can’t let HIM know that. Culhane’s already way too sure of himself.

Kate: Oh, yummy indeed!! I do love a world-weary alpha warrior – and I’m not the only one, right Banditas? So, Maureen, a few years ago you insisted that you didn’t really like alpha heroes. But uh, now you’re like the freaking queen of the alpha hero! What changed for you? And what’s your secret for making your hot alpha heroes so likable and—dare I say it?—funny?

Maureen: Poor Kate! You had to listen to me whine about writing Alpha heroes!! I never did like a pushy, arrogant guy. They just irritated me beyond measure and while reading a book with that type of guy in it, I was continually yelling at the heroine, “Are you NUTS?? Why do you love this jerk??”

Then ... I finally discovered the secret to Alpha guys. At least for me. My heroes aren’t pushy, they’re bossy. They’re not arrogant, they just know they’re right. (Okay, fine, not a great distinction, but it works for me!) And my Alphas always have a sense of humor. My Alpha hero does what he thinks is best for the heroine and when the heroine shoots him down, he’s completely perplexed. Why can’t she see that he’s right? It’s for her own good! Also, my Alphas always get a heroine who won’t let them get away with much—all the women I know are strong enough to stand up to an Alpha! And there’s always a few laughs along the way, mostly because I just can’t help myself.

Kate: Just bossy, huh? I like it! And by the way, don’t miss Maureen’s AN OFFICER AND A MILLIONAIRE , out this month from Silhouette Desire. If anyone picked up any Harlequin/Silhouette book in December, you no doubt read the fabulous excerpt for this book–which was featured at the end of every single Harlequin/Silhouette book published in December! It’s that good! Do not miss it!

Maureen: Thanks for the plug, Kate! (Oh, and please don’t hold that cover against me!!)

Kate: Hey, come on, that guy is cute! Oh, and next month, another of Maureen’s awesome alpha heroes will show up in her latest Silhouette Nocturne, VANISHED. This one features her sexy Immortal Guardians and got a Top Pick from Romantic Times magazine!

Maureen: Oooh. Rogan Butler’s story. VANISHED is set in Ireland in the village of Tourmakeady, where my dh and I stayed the last time we were there. I LOVE Ireland, have I mentioned that before??

Kate: Uh, once or twice, yeah. And wow, another HOT cover! So what’s coming up next for you?

Maureen: Right now, I’m working on more of my King books for Silhouette Desire. And I just finished the sequel to BEDEVILED, it’s called BEGUILED and it’s due out next November and … hopefully there are dozens more books lined up right behind them! Nothing I like better than LOTS of deadlines!

Thanks for having me back at the Banditas Lair! Always a good time. And in 2009, I wish you all good health, great joy and fabulous books!

Okay, let’s talk alpha heroes. Yay or nay? Everyone knows what Kate thinks (yum!), but what do you love most about the alpha guy? Or do you prefer the boy next door? Hmm, Kate likes him, too!

And of course, two lucky commenters will win a signed copy of Maureen’s


Anonymous said...

Is he coming to my house again!

Anonymous said...

Hi Maureen, welcome to the lair! I would like to say congrat on your new releases.

Your alpha guys sounds very intriguing. I like both types or reads. I like the boy next door and the alpha, depending on the what I am in the mood to read.

I will have to say I am not much on the alpha guys that have that no it all attitude. There is something about a no it all that is a total turn off to me.

Thanks for coming to the lair and sharing your books with us!

Helen said...

Well done Virginia I did let him have all of the Tim Tams so there are none left at home so off he goes LOL

Great interview Mareen and Kate and this book (as well as the others) sounds fantastic.

As for Alpha heros I love them I love the way they sweep the heroine off her feet and are always there to protect and boy when they fall in love WOW they know how to make a girl feel loved and wanted but I love the journey to the HEA with the alpha male it can be lots of fun with a fair bit of angst thrown in.

Congrats of the releases Maureen they have been added to my must get list.

Have Fun

Keira Soleore said...


Keira Soleore said...

Darn it. I didn't refresh the screen soon enough.

LJ White said...

Boys next door are nice, but I'll take an alpha male anytime (or anywhere).

Keira Soleore said...

Maureen, welcome to The Lair. An even century. WOW!! Them's a tall pile o' books, not to mention six RITA noms. You're amazing. How many books do you write in a year? And how many sub-genres do you write in?

Alphas always get a yea, especially if they look like Mr. Yummy on the cover, though I wouldn't sneeze at a beta. It's with the gammas that I need convincing.

Was Cuchulainn or another warrior of the Irish sagas an inspiration for Culhane?

Donna MacMeans said...

Hey I like Alphas and Betas (and gammas, omegas and even zetas) as long as they look totally yummy and are helplessly in love with the heroine *g*.

Welcome Maureen - so let me get this straight...absorbing all this faerie dust is a BAD thing? Like it'll turn you into a nasty creature that eats people? And here I thought it would give you wings. Bummer. But I'm sure it's all explained in Bedeviled. Just have to get the book!

Anna Campbell said...

Virgina, congratulations! I think you've got him onside at the moment because of those cookies!

Keira, I think it's so cute the way you miss by THAT much so often ;-)

Maureen, I want to say I really enjoyed hanging around with you at Nationals! You're a hoot and that, Kate, she just encourages you, the wicked girl! The new books sound absolutely fantastic. I love the Officer and Millionaire title! And your hero sounds absolutely delicious, but not in a devoured ex-boyfriend kind of way.

Hey, would it surprise anyone if I said I was a firm fan of the alpha? I'm not going to be naughty and say a fan of the firm alpha!!!

Tawny said...

Maureen, welcome to the Lair. Your books sound fabulous - I'm excited to check out Culhane's story! Yummmmmy.

I'm all for both alpha and boys next door. I love your definition of alpha, since thats the kind I enjoy reading best. I just wish I could write them that well *g*

Virginia, congrats on nabbing the wiley bird.

Leslie said...

Hello Maureen,

There's nothing wrong with a man in uniform and this one has flowers. lol

The BEDEVILED cover is gorgeous! Congrats on the new release.

Minna said...

Like Donna, I like all kinds of heroes.

Young Einstein

hrdwrkdmom aka Dianna said...

Okay ladies, do Helen and Virginia have a schedule worked out for the GR that we don't know about??

Maureen, your books sounds great, looks like a trip to the bookstore for me.

I like alphas myself, I just love it when the heroine "brings them to heel" in a very loving way of course! I also like Betas, I just may as well confess it out loud and say I like all the heroes, like Donna, as long as they are yummy and love our heroine to distraction, they are my kind of guy.

Sue A. said...

It's super to have you here Maureen! When it comes to books I like men to be Alphas, but I prefer the boy next door in real life. I haven't met too many Alphas in real life, only the kind that think arrogantly that they're Alphas. I'll change my mind if I ever meet an Alpha that can compete with those I fall for in books.

pjpuppymom said...

Hi Maureen! Welcome to the lair and congrats on the release of BEDEVILED!

It's alpha heroes all the way for me. I love their confidence, even their arrogance, but I especially love the way they fall head-over-heels, down-for-the-count in love with their heroines. No halfway measures for these guys!

I *loved* BEDEVILED! (Stop by RNTV tomorrow to check out my review.) Culhane is yummylicious and Maggie is a hoot. She had me laughing out loud and cheering "You go girl!" through the whole book. I can't wait to read BEGUILED and see what your fertile imagination has churned up next, Maureen.

Anna Sugden said...

Yay!!! Maureen is in the Lair!! *waving madly* One of my favourite authors and favourite people (OK fan girl moment over LOL)

Welcome back, Maureen - it's great to have you here. And I love the sound of Bedeviled. I'll have to nip across to Amazon UK and put in an order (then wait impatiently as the pigeon flies it over via Algeria!)

I must admit, I'm more of a gamma hero fan - but I am drawn to your description of an alpha hero. Yes - he appeals to me (and not just because of the drool-worthy cover!). And I love funny, bewildered, sexy heroes.

I know you're a seat of the pants writer, Maureen. How do you keep on track with all your deadlines?

Beth Andrews said...

Welcome back to the lair, Maureen! All of your new releases look fabulous! I can't wait to read them *g*

I love your description of Alphas being bossy - especially since I'm currently writing a bossy Alpha hero :-)

Do you have any tips for keeping track of series? How on earth do you manage to keep all of your information straight?

Terry Odell said...

I don't pigeonhole characters, especially when I'm writing them. A 100% alpha probably wouldn't last in a relationship. I like mine tempered with bits of the rest of the alphabet. I recall one well-known author saying her editor told her to make sure her hero didn't smile ... ???? Hello? I'd never go for anyone without a darn good sense of humor. I love well-layered characters. Peel them all away and get to the gooey center.

Joan said...

Welcome back, Maureen!

I love alpha heroes but ONLY if they have an equally challenging heroine who has what it takes to crack the hard outer shell to find the man beneath his bravado.

I LOVE Ireland, have I mentioned that before??

What???? What???? Someone else who LOVES Ireland????

Me too!!!!!!

My brother got me a collage picture frame for Christmas and the center picture (the only non family/friend one) is a view of the lakes of Killarney from Ross Castle. Sigh.

Dina said...

I like the boy next door more, it give me some hope, lol. ;)

Buy it is hard to turn away an aplha boy.

Kate Carlisle said...

Good morning everyone!!

Virginia, you nabbed him, congratulations! And just in the nick of time, it seems, hee hee hee!

I agree with you -- a guy with a know-it-all attitude without ever showing a sense of humor can get annoying. That's when I shout at the heroine to RUN AWAY!!!

Kate Carlisle said...

Ah Helen, the tim tams are gone. That's so sad. :-) No wonder our boy flew the coop!

Oh, don't you just love that precise moment in the book when you see that big strong alpha man fall? And not to be trite, but really, the bigger they are, the harder they fall, right? :-)

I think *that moment* in the book is why I love to read romance.

And with Maureen, there's so much warmth and humor thrown in that I'm usually crying and laughing and sighing all at the same time.

Susan Sey said...

Hi, Maureen! Welcome to the Lair!

I didn't think I was such a big fan of alpha heroes. Then I realized I was, I just like the sneaky ones. The ones who act like they're all civilized & stuff, then when the pressure's on surprise you with all this hot decisive protectiveness. Yum.

I'll have to check out that Faerie book. It sounds delicious, & not just because ex-boyfriends (who presumable deserve such treatment) get eaten. :-)

Kate Carlisle said...

Keira, you were robbed!! LOL. Next time for sure!

Good question about Culhane. I know Maureen reads a lot of Irish legends for her books. She should be here in a little while to answer. :-)

And yeah, her writing schedule is phenomenal. She's totally my idol!

Kate Carlisle said...

Hi LJ -- I agree, give me one of those alphas any day of the week! Don't tell the DH, of course. We're talking fiction right? :-)

Gannon Carr said...

Hi, Maureen! BEDEVILED sounds like my kind of book!

Bring on the alpha heroes! I love 'em tough and strong, and then I adore watching them brought to their knees by the woman they love. *sigh*

PJ, I can't wait to read the review!

Virginia, I think the GR likes your house as much as Helen's. ;)

Kate Carlisle said...

Hi Donna! You've got it right, they're all fabulous as long as they're focusing all that love on the heroine! :-)

Hmm, faerie dust. It's a strange and tricky thing. Does one grow wings? I'm not sure I'd want the actual wings to sprout but I would definitely want to be able to fly. I think this calls for an expert opinion. LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi Maureen! Always great to "see" you! Your books are just fabulous, and I do forgive you that HQ cover because the Bedeviled cover is so hawt! *VBG*

I love to read a well-crafted alpha who is exactly as you say -- confident and perhaps a bit bossy, but never mean or rude to the point that you wonder what the heroine sees in him. I like me a James Bond sort of alpha. The dashing, debonaire alpha who always commands respect and gets attention, simply because he's so damn smart, powerful, and hot. Not because he's a jerk.

I like Harlequin Presents sort of alphas, too, I must admit. The CEO millionaire alpha who I'd like to believe has smarts as well as looks.

Kate Carlisle said...

Ooooh Anna, a firm fan of the firm alpha??? You're incorrigible!!

But no, we're not surprised to learn where your loyalties lie. :-)

Kate Carlisle said...

Tawny, I don't whether to call your heroes alpha or boy next door, I just know I love them! Whatever you're doing, don't change!

CrystalGB said...

Hi Maureen. Good to see you here. I love your books. I am a fan of an alpha hero.

limecello said...

Congrats on the GR, Virginia!

Hi Maureen - thanks for visiting with us today! :)

As for alpha heroes... personally I feel - who *doesn't* love an alpha hero? They're so capable - take charge, confident - the list goes on. I'll even allow some attitude - as long as it doesn't extend to the heroine. I like him showing his softer side ;)

Eva S said...

I'm all for the alpha heroes,too! No boy next door, I have so many of them around me all the time in real life!

Congrats on the release!

Kate Carlisle said...

Hi Leslie! Maureen should be here soon but I agree, I love that cover with the cute guy in uniform! And flowers never hurt, right? :-)

Kate Carlisle said...

Great video, Minna!!!

And as you and Donna and others have said, I like all types of heroes, too. What's not to like, right? :-)

Kate Carlisle said...

LOL Dianna! The Feathered One definitely leads a charmed life!

We know Helen's got the beast hooked on tim tams, plus those grandbabies keep him hopping. Now we've got to learn Virginia's secret! Plus, I think p226 has whole other secret agenda for the bird that we can't know about. :-)

Kate Carlisle said...

Hi Sue! Hey, if you ever meet that real-life alpha guy who's as wonderful as our fictional heroes, I want to meet him, too!

Kate Carlisle said...

Hi PJ!! I can't wait to read your review of BEDEVILED. I'll be sure to stop by RNTV tomorrow to see what you wrote!

Actually, I can't wait to read the book myself. I usually get to read Maureen's books while she's writing them (lucky me!) but I was on a deadline and didn't get to read BEDEVILED. I've been suffering for months, waiting for it to come out. I'm finally picking it up at the bookstore today. Yay!

Michele L. said...

Hi Maureen,

Welcome to the Lair! Ooo...Alpha's or Beta's? I have to pick Alpha's! Yeah! Love being ravished by them!

BEDEVILED is my kind of a book! Can't wait to read it! I usually pass my books on to my best friend but I don't know about this one. Yours is definitely a keeper!

Michele L.

Kate Carlisle said...

Hi Anna! I'm a fan girl myself so please go right ahead and squeee!

Ooh, good question about keeping track of deadlines. I'd like to know that myself. Er, not that I'm having any problems with that. Hey, I'm a highly organized individual. *snort!*

pjpuppymom said...

Maureen, you're such a prolific writer. How long does it take you to write a book? Do you work on multiple books at the same time or devote all your attention to one at a time? However you do it I'm just thankful, as a reader, that you make it all work and I hope you continue to do so for many years to come!

Kate Carlisle said...

Oh Beth, another good question. I have no idea how Maureen keeps everything straight so I'll be paying close attention to this answer, too. Seriously, she must have a giant wall-sized excel spreadsheet, right? And binders filled with info to refer back to every time she starts a new book? I wonder if they're color-coordinated. Hmmm...

Kate Carlisle said...

Hi Terry, I'm so with you on the sense of humor requirement! And that gooey center underneath all the layers -- that's the key, right? :-)

Kate Carlisle said...

Joanie, Maureen is a total Ireland fanatic! I'd better get you two together at conference so you can trade stories.

And what a sweet present for your brother to get you!

Kate Carlisle said...

Dina, hi! I enjoyed your blog at RWTTD last week. It was great to get to "know" you. :-)

And you're like me. Love the boy next door but ... those alpha boys are tempting, aren't they? LOL

jo robertson said...

Whoo hoo, Maureen, welcome back to the Lair. It's always great having you visit us. Bedeviled sounds be-licious! Tell us more about Maggie and Culhane. Seems like a little faerie interrupted the story. I'm just sayin'.

Way to go, Virginia.

What I most love about an alpha hero is that they're generally always right!

Louisa Cornell said...

First of all, can I just say that is one HAWT cover!! Love it!

Virginia, you and Helen have definitely seduced the GR. How's that for a book title - Seducing the Golden Rooster - now why does that sound obscene?

Maureen, I LOVE your books. So sexy, fun and hot!

I am definitely a fan of the alpha male and La Campbell I WILL be naughty and say I am a firm fan of a firm alpha male! :)

However, I think there are subtle shades of difference in alpha male heroes. There are overtly alpha males - the big take charge, snatch you up and sweep you away alphas and then there are the strong, silent wrap you up in quiet power alpha types. I'll take one of each please!

Fedora said...

Hi, Maureen! I love how alpha heroes don't sit around but just do what needs to be done. Sometimes they can be a bit overwhelming but that can be part of their appeal, too. The boy next door has his own attractions though--I love reading about him, too!

Congrats on the GR, Virginia!

Maureen Child said...

Wow, so many people stopping in to say howdy!! I sooooo appreciate it!

And thanks in advance to all of you who are going out to buy BEDEVILED and AN OFFICER AND A MILLIONAIRE!

danie88 said...

Hi Maureen!

I have both your books "Bedeviled" and "Vanished" on my wishlist! I LOVE the cover of "Bedeviled" though! It's definately a "sigh worthy cover" as you put it. :) Looking forward to reading them!

Is it fair that I like both the boy next door and the alpha male equally? I guess I'm with the majority :D I like a guy who is bossy with a kick ass attitude yet I also prefer the down to earth sweet and sensitive guy.

Maureen Child said...

There's so many questions!! How nice of you guys!!

Okay, a few answers.... in no particular order! LOL.......

Culhane is sort of a blend of lots of different Irish legends with a bit of Fae thrown in just for fun.

And inhaling Faery dust turns you into a Faery...(Not one of the ex-boyfriend eating ugly ass things) =) This all sounds very confusing and yet, in the book it made perfect sense. Hmmmm.........

On schedules, I write six or seven books a year.. I'm usually a pretty fast writer, though the holidays and the Cold That Ate California have pretty much sidelined me and for the first time in like EVER, I'm late on a deadline!! Yee Gods.....

Anna C....had soo much fun with you at Nationals and hoping you're going to DC

Anna S, my love!! Thank you for giving the pigeons something to carry across Algeria!!

PJ, thank you in advance for a great review!!!

Beth... On series, it gets WAY complicated, so I've actually got a folder with names and hair and eye color and babies names and how they're all related, and I keep going back to check!!

Joan, we need to dish on Ireland. Sigh......

Maureen Child said...

Cyrstal GB thanks for that! I too love a guy who knows what he wants and isn't afraid to go after it. Hey, I started out writing western historicals. Love me a cowboy.

Michele L.....aww, that's so nice!! I love being a keeper!!

PJ, Usually, I shoot for a chapter a day when I'm working, so that means that I can write a book fairly quickly. Then I have a week or so to read it over make sure it all hangs together--(Or, if I'm really lucky, Kate's been reading it and I already know it hangs together).and then I'm on to the next one. As crazed as I am, there's no way I could do more than one book at a time! LOL... although, the idea is intriguing...

flchen1, I love the guy next door. A Beta guy always appealed to me because they're generally easy to get along with, though they've got their sticking points. And it takes a lot to make 'em mad, but step back once they're there...

Oh heck, I just love writing heroes!

Becke Davis said...

Oh, I do love the sound of that hero! I wish they would have shown his long black hair on the cover!

I'm going to go order this book right now -- yum!

Asylumgirl said...

Yay...as long as they're not too bossy or overbearing.


Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Woohoo Virginia. You're gonna need to build him his own spot there at your house. Guess the hubby didn't mind him taking you dancing on New Years...either that or neither of you TOLD hubby...Grins.

HI Maureen! Welcome to the Lair! Man-oh-man those covers are hawt!! SLURP. :>

I like your definition of alpha. As you say, a fine distinction, but a good one.

I like most alphas being written today, since I think they follow your distinction rather than just being irritating and annoying for no reason. Snork. However, I've read a few that I just had to set down and move on from because I couldn't stand the "no reason, I'm just arrogant" hero. Ha!

How do you manage single title, plus writing for TWO Harlequin lines? BTW, go YOU on that coup!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate Carlisle said...

Sorry to delete the post but blogger had me logged on as some alien being!

Hi Susan! Yes, you've got to check out this faerie book. These Fenian warriors are awesome! And so funny when it comes to human women! They actually think they're in charge! LOL. I hope there are lots more books in the series because all of these amazing warriors need to meet their match!

Kate Carlisle said...

Gannon, I love seeing an alpha hero brought to his knees by the woman he loves!

Oh, I'd better watch out that Ms. Campbell doesn't give a naughty twist to that phrase!

Maureen Child said...

Treethyme...I'm with you. That long, black hair should have been on the cover, but I'm willing to let it go because he's just sooooo gorgeous!! And you should see the BEGUILED cover....OMG!!!

Kate, you sweetie!! You are an alien! =)

Deidre--I agree. The Alpha can't be too much or I just end up throwing the book across the room! LOL....

Jeanne--true, most Alphas today are okay. There's only one in a hundred that are so overbearing I can't stand 'em!

As for writing mainstream, Desires and Nocturnes, I actually like being able to write lots of different things! Keeps things interesting, you know?

Kate Carlisle said...

Ooh Kirsten, I've got to agree about James Bond as a perfect example of the alpha guy. I love him in all his incarnations! Well, some more than others. :-)

Keira Soleore said...

Maureen, huge kudos to you for pulling off writing for three lines. Along with writing one book at that pace, you must also have copyedits and proofs coming in. So in essence it's like three books at once times six a year. Yikes!!

Fo wrote, "Keira, I think it's so cute the way you miss by THAT much so often"

GRUMBLE! I'll have you know that laughing at someone else's misfortunate is so rude. SNIFF!

Kate said, "Keira, you were robbed!!"

YES! This is the proper sentiment to express and in just that tone. Thank you, Kate.

Maureen Child said...

Keira, thanks.. You're right, too. with copyedits, galleys and all the extra goodies that have to get done, you can stay pretty damn busy!! LOL...

And, I've heard the GR isn't all that hospitable as a houseguest. Are you sure you really want him??

Kate, with you on James Bond. Sigh.
Sean Connery, Daniel Craig... oh yeah

Suzanne Ferrell said...

Hey Maureen, glad to see you back in the Lair today!

Will be picking up Bedeviled on my next trek to the book store. I love a good alpha male...one with a heart of gold or a big sense of honor or an overprotective side he rarely shows the world. And of course he needs an equally strong woman to bring out the best qualities in him.

Suzanne Ferrell said...

Speaking of alpha males, I watched The Last of The Mohicans the other night.

Here's my question.....is there a chance of overdosing on Hawkeye in that movie? and how about Uncas?

Maureen Child said...

Suzanne, thanks! And I hope you really love BEDEVILED!

OMG....Hawkeye..."I will come for you".......whoa.

pjpuppymom said...

Maureen, I want you to be writing this series long enough for Eileen to grow up and have a Fenian warrior of her own. I loved her character. Reminded me a lot of a certain 13-year old I know. :)

pjpuppymom said...

Here's my question.....is there a chance of overdosing on Hawkeye in that movie? and how about Uncas?

In a word? NO!

Maureen Child said...

Thank you, PJ! I loved Eileen, too! She is so much fun to write and you're going to LOVE what happens to her in BEGUILED...

Kate can testify!

pjpuppymom said...

I loved Eileen, too! She is so much fun to write and you're going to LOVE what happens to her in BEGUILED...

I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Hello Maureen, wtg on this release. First of all I think I could curl up with the cover on this book and stay warm. It is amazing. Second I am for the Alpha Male. I want strenghth, posession, ruthlessness, and SEXY.

Minna said...

That was the geeky hero. Here's one alpha hero:
Disney - Tarzan and Jane (Strangers Like Me)

Terri Osburn said...

I'm afraid I'm a Beta girl. Though I don't turn down an Alpha (most of the time) in my fiction. An Alpha with a sense of humor sounds like perfection.

That's one amazing career. And something tells me you have YEARS to go. LOL! Kudos to you!!!

EllenToo said...

Maureen - I have loved all of your books that I have read and I just finished "An Officer and a Millionaire". I like alpha heroes as well as beta heroes if they are well written. Congratulations on your writing career and I hope you have lots more books in you.

Anna Campbell said...

Maureen, most definitely going to be at DC! Perhaps we can do another pub crawl...uh, visit to the awards ceremonies!

Keira, bwahahahahahahahaha!

Kate Carlisle said...

ROTFLOL at the Faery dust explanation, Maureen! I knew you'd clear up the confusion!!

Louisa, I love that title! Very intriguing! I just hope La Naughty Campbell doesn't get wind of it...

Kate Carlisle said...

Eileen is definitely growing up in Book Two, PJ! You won't be disappointed!!

LOL, Keira! Yes, I'm the nice, proper Bandita! *Snort!*

Oh Suz! Hawkeye!! Be still my heart. :-)

Joan said...

And, I've heard the GR isn't all that hospitable as a houseguest. Are you sure you really want him??

Not so, Maureen...it's all in how you..um, STROKE his feathers...


Pat Cochran said...

Maureen, I was just visiting your
website last evening. I had gotten
your newsletter and I spent at least 10 minutes just staring at, uh, studying your fabulous cover! LOL. Those eyes are amazing! The story and that alpha sound just wonderful. Can't wait to get my hands on the book so I can
continue to "study" the cover!!!

As to choice, I like my beta who
has his alpha moments!

Thanks for visiting with us today!

Pat Cochran

Maureen Child said...

Pat, thanks for that. Yeah, he is worth um, studying!!

Joan...there will be no stroking of the feathers in polite company!

Anna C...yeah, I definitely think an Award crawl will be in order!

Terrio...I'm really more of a Beta guy girl myself. They're still my favorites.

Sarabelle...Alphas are fun as long as they've got a heroine who can keep 'em in line!

Danie...who says we can't love 'em all??

Kate Carlisle said...

Anna, maybe on that next crawl we could crawl away with some prizes!!

LOL Joanie!! You do know your way around, um, feathers!!

Minna, loved Tarzan!! Also loved the beta boy. Must we choose? Can't we have them all? :-)

Pat, I stared at that newsletter for a few hours--I mean, minutes, too!

catslady said...

I'm always looking for something different and this book seems like it would be just that - very interesting concept! I love the cover too.

Cassondra said...

Hi Maureen!

I do have to say that I don't much like Alphas either, but Culhane is kind of..well..irresistible...and when you've gotten jaded...ya know....you can be forgiven a little attitude I guess...see...I'm making excuses for him and all I've seen is the cover! Yumm.

Nice to have you back in the lair, and I don't know how you do it--the number of books you crank out--but I'm glad you do!

Cassondra said...

Hi Maureen!

I do have to say that I don't much like Alphas either, but Culhane is kind of..well..irresistible...and when you've gotten jaded...ya know....you can be forgiven a little attitude I guess...see...I'm making excuses for him and all I've seen is the cover! Yumm.

Nice to have you back in the lair, and I don't know how you do it--the number of books you crank out--but I'm glad you do!

Maureen Child said...

Cassondra...Thanks, I always love coming to the lair! You guys are all so much fun!
So glad you're willing to give Culhane a chance!

Catslady...I promise you, this book is definitely different!

Joan said...

Joan...there will be no stroking of the feathers in polite company!

What? Of course not, Maureen. Never in polite company.

But there's this little nook in the third level of the lair.....


Kate Carlisle said...

Joanie! Shhhhhhhh about the nook!!! Now everybody's gonna wanna take a peek! :-)

Caren Crane said...

Oh, Virginia! I think the lure of the Golden Rooster cookies is too strong. *g*

Maureen, you can't possibly complain about your Officer cover when your other covers are so danged hot! I hear you about not being able to keep the humor out of your stories. I am afflicted the same way!

I like your take on the Alpha male. I am married to a man who is sometimes perceived as arrogant, but that's not it at all. He just knows better than everyone else. And OF COURSE he expects me to be grateful for the benefit of his vast knowledge when it's applied to me. Why, it would be positively illogical for me to feel otherwise. It's slightly maddening, but he's so funny! He makes me laugh all the time. THAT is why I married him. Despite being so danged Alpha all the time. Sheesh.

I adore Alphas in fiction, though. Especially when they come up against women who can hold their own. (Ahem, like me!) Those poor men never know what hit them!

Thanks for being with us, Maureen. I can't wait to read Bedeviled!

Caren Crane said...

Suz, I could watch Last Of the Mohicans every day! I'm with you on both Hawkeye and Uncas. Men in breeches! Whenever I'm at Biltmore House, I walk to the bridge they used in the movie and picture DDL running across it...*sigh*

No, I don't think you can overdose!

Maureen Child said...

Caren, that sounds like MY husband. He's a Beta with Alpha tendencies, poor man! PLUS he's Sicillian....but he makes me laugh every day and that was the big selling point for me!

Thanks for having me here today, everyone! It was, as usual, a lot of fun!

Kate Carlisle said...

Thanks for being with us today, Maureen! And thanks for bringing Culhane along. I think I speak for everyone when I say he was quite an enjoyable addition to the Lair today! :-)

Thanks for showing Maureen a great time, everyone! We'll announce the winners of BEDEVILED later this week!

pjpuppymom said...

Thanks for spending the day with us, Maureen! Thanks, Kate for a terrific interview!

Anonymous said...

Bedeviled sounds great! I love the alpha hero, they are so protective.

Suzanne Ferrell said...

Caren...I didn't know they filmed that scene actually AT Biltmore. I knew they filmed it in the area, recognize those misty mountains anywhere!!

Dina said...

Hi Kate,

Thank you, it was fun and to be the 1st to "meet" everyone was great!

Michele L. said...

Wow Maureen! I loved your explanation of the faery dust! So inhaling it turns you into a faery? I wonder if inhaling an alpha hero, I mean ravishing an alpha hero would turn me into a alpha heroine fiend? Love those Alphas!

How do you come up with all these terrific story ideas anyway? You are one very talented and creative lady!

Keira Soleore said...

Last year, we were at Chimney Rock where a few of the scenes with DDL running uphill (yowza!) were filmed. Yum!

Keira Soleore said...

Yum -- DDL, I mean, not The Rock. Ahem.

Jennifer Lyon said...

I love alpha heroes! I can't wait to get my hands on Culhane...uh...I mean BEDEVILED. I've ordered it and will pick up my copy on Saturday!