Friday, October 2, 2009

Michelle Willingham's Irish Eyes Are Smiling

by Anna Campbell

I'm so glad to have back in the lair the fabulous Michelle Willingham who writes Medievals (and soon Victorians) for Harlequin Historicals.

For more information on Michelle and her books, including some wonderful excerpts, please visit her website:

Don't forget if you click on the covers, you can order the books pictured. The 2010 books are available for pre-order from Amazon. The Undone! books are available from Harlequin ebooks.

Welcome back, Michelle! Always lovely to see you in the lair. You’ve been terrifically busy creating more fabulous stories to entertain us. Can you tell us about your October release from Harlequin Historicals, TAMING HER IRISH WARRIOR?

TAMING HER IRISH WARRIOR is the fourth book in my MacEgan Brothers series. It tells the story of Ewan MacEgan, the youngest brother. Readers might remember him as an awkward teenager in my earlier books, but he has definitely grown up as one of my favorite heroes. In the past, Ewan was a boy who desperately wanted to be a fighter like his brothers but had no natural ability. He's now learned that amazing strength can compensate for lack of dexterity. But the heroine, Honora St. Leger, is an incredible swordfighter herself, and he meets his match with this female warrior.

Sounds great, Michelle. You’ve recently had a Harlequin Undone! released. Can you tell us about THE WARRIOR’S FORBIDDEN VIRGIN? Does it relate to TAMING HER IRISH WARRIOR?

THE WARRIOR'S FORBIDDEN VIRGIN allowed me to create a longer story, by exploring the secondary characters in TAMING HER IRISH WARRIOR. There are some events that happen "off screen" in TAMING that I was able to reveal in the Undone. Not only that, but the character of Sir Ademar allowed me to do a virgin hero, which I'd never tried before. Ademar is the strong, silent type who has trouble speaking to women. I adored writing him.

THE WARRIOR'S FORBIDDEN VIRGIN is available here:{F499EB6A-21E7-40F5-B1FF-75B8395720F4}

Love those virgin heroes! This is your second Undone! What are the challenges and rewards of writing these spicy shorts?

Keeping them short! The pacing of an Undone! has to be fast, furious, and extremely sexy. Often when I get to know my characters, I find myself wanting to do a full length book for them. In January, I was able to do just that. AN ACCIDENTAL SEDUCTION is the prequel to my February book THE ACCIDENTAL COUNTESS so I was excited to use the same set of characters. It presented a difficult challenge since I wanted readers to be satisfied with the short story but still curious about what happened next to the hero and heroine.

In romance terms, you’ve made medieval Ireland your personal kingdom. What fascinates you about this place and this period?

Ireland has a wild, haunting quality to it, similar to Scotland. There's something about Celtic legend and those craggy ruins that makes me wonder about the men and women who lived there. I also hadn't read quite as many Irish medievals, and there was a personal interest in learning more about the land.

I notice you have a trio of Victorian romances coming out early next year. Can you tell us about those?

As I mentioned earlier, AN ACCIDENTAL SEDUCTION is the prequel short story for THE ACCIDENTAL COUNTESS. I had been watching the movie THE BOURNE IDENTITY when it occurred to me… wouldn't it have been fun if Jason Bourne discovered he were married? And if you were his wife and your husband went missing for three months and had no memory of you, how would you feel? THE ACCIDENTAL COUNTESS is basically Cinderella meets THE BOURNE IDENTITY. It tells the story of Stephen Chesterfield, the Earl of Whitmore and his childhood sweetheart Emily Barrow. I had a great time writing it, and it was the most intense mystery-romance I've ever written, uncovering what happened to Stephen during the missing three months and who was trying to kill him. Quite honestly, I had no idea "whodunit" until the very end of the book—and the answer truly surprised me!

In March, Stephen's sister Lady Hannah Chesterfield gets her book. THE ACCIDENTAL PRINCESS is a secret royalty story, inspired by THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER. Two men look exactly alike—but who is the prince and who is the illegitimate son? It's another mystery to unlock the past of Michael Thorpe, a Lieutenant in the British Army. Michael is a bad-boy, rebellious soldier who is fascinated by innocent Lady Hannah, a woman he'll never be able to have. And Hannah, in turn, is drawn to this man who breaks all the rules and captures her heart.

What else is coming up for Michelle Willingham?

Readers can enjoy a free online story at eHarlequin, starting November 9th. VOYAGE OF AN IRISH WARRIOR is tied into my MacEgan Brothers series and features a few cameo characters from TAMING HER IRISH WARRIOR and HER WARRIOR KING. I also have a short story in THE MAMMOTH BOOK OF TIME TRAVEL ROMANCE called "A Wish to Build a Dream On," available in the U.K. on October 29th and in December for the U.S. Last, I'm working on my final MacEgan brother book now, featuring Trahern MacEgan. It will release in the fall of 2010.

Wow, lots coming up! You juggle a writing career with a young family. How do you manage your time and your energy?

Early bedtimes! I have a 7-year-old son, a 5-year-old daughter, and a 22-month-old son. All three require a lot of my attention, and it's definitely a balancing act to meet their needs and still find time to write. Apparently I'm influencing them more than I realized. The other day, my daughter was visiting with family, and she asked why my mother's cousin was knitting. Our cousin responded, "Because it's something I enjoy doing in my spare time." My daughter quipped, "Well, why don't you go write a book? That's what my mommy does." Gotta love it!

I'm offering up a free download of THE WARRIOR'S FORBIDDEN VIRGIN and a signed copy of TAMING HER IRISH WARRIOR to two lucky commenters! Just tell me what you enjoy doing in your spare time! What's your guilty pleasure? And if you have any questions about my books or the characters, ask away!


Linda Henderson said...

Hello Michelle.

Linda Henderson said...

I do a lot of reading in my spare time. Also spend a lot of time with my grandchildren. Would love to win your book.

limecello said...

Hi Michelle, thanks for visiting with us today! :D Loves the post

My guilty pleasure? Reading - cooking... *sleeping* haha, and recently playing Super Mario Galaxy on wii.

Congrats on the GR, Linda!

Fedora said...

Oh, I LOVE Michelle's books! So they are something I enjoy reading in my spare time (of which I always wish there was more of--spare time, and her books!)

Limecello, Super Mario Galaxy is pretty fun! We also like Mario Kart :)

Congrats on the GR, Linda!

Helen said...

Congrats again Linda he must love your grandchildren he always enjoys palying with mine when he comes to visit my place and the Tim Tams of course.

Great interview Ladies Michelle you are so busy I do love the comment from your daughter. I love the thought of an Irish historical I do love an Irish hero (where are Aunty Cindy and Joanie).

My spare time is taken up with reading (trying to get the TBR pile down) and more reading because that is my favourite pastime and spending time with my grandchildren. I used to knit a lot as well when my kids were young but I do prefer reading now can't ever have to many books LOL.

Visiting the Romance Bandits always increases my TBR pile and my must have list and I thank them so much for the wonderful guests.

Thank you Anna for inviting Michelle today off to look for some of the books tomorrow.

Have Fun

Carol Burge said...

I've been unemployed for quite some time, so I have a LOT of spare time these days.

Hmmm, guilty pleasures, let's see. I usually read or write or get on the computer. Oh, I guess I could call this one thing I do a guilty pleasure. I sometimes get on my son's xBox and play Guitar Hero. *snicker, snicker* I think I was a Rock Star in a past life! :)

Michelle, your books sound wonderful.

Best of luck!


Anonymous said...

Congrats Linda on nabbing the rooster!

My guilty pleasures are books and chocolate. At night I read during my spare time. In the winter I piece quilts when I get in the mood. Lately its been all books in my spare time. Then again I do spend some spare time on the computer.

Christine Wells said...

Michelle, welcome to the lair and thank you, Anna, for the great interview.

Michelle, kudos to you on writing with three children, that's amazing! Love the sound of your books. I always like a good mystery mixed in with the romance. Best of luck with all you have on your plate!

As for my indulgence... reading is one but I do that for an hour or so before I go to sleep at night so I don't really see it as a special indulgence. Probably giving myself a pedicure is when I really spoil myself. If my feet are looking pretty enough to be seen in sandals, you know that I've made some time for myself:)

Did you have any difficulty making the transition between periods? Have you noticed a difference in your voice for each one?

Ooh, Linda, you won the rooster! Yay!

Minna said...

In my spare time I read, bake, watch tv and knit Barbie clothes and other Barbie stuff (and then I trade those for instance for books or for more yarn).

Blodeuedd said...

Hi Michelle,
They sound great.
My guilty pleasures, well reading and watching too much telly, oh and those long hot showers

Lynz Pickles said...

Congrats, Linda! Have fun with him!

Now, on to more important things... VIRGIN HERO! I cannot explain in words alone how obsessed I am with virgin heroes. To really get it, you'd have to discuss them with me face-to-face, so you could see me squirming with glee. I think it's because I read so many Harlequin Presents novels. After a while, the whole uber-playboy thing can get annoying, especially when he's paired with one of those "I've never ever wanted a man before!" virgins. I do love those stories, but sometimes I need a break, and what better break than a virgin hero?

Oh, wait. The question at the end wasn't about why virgin heroes are so much fun. Oops. In my spare time - when I'm not obsessing over those male virgins or obsessively analyzing my reading habits - I read. A lot. I follow a ton of blogs and have a couple of websites I check daily, but I mainly read books and the occasional short story. I also play piano and love cooking... but mainly, I read. Sometimes I review books, and I often try to make the characters in my head stop talking so I can get back to reading, but I don't really write about them. Not yet, at least. I'd like to, one day.

My guilty pleasure? Chocolate. Which isn't so bad, but in large quantities... that's when it gets guilty. And oh how I love it in large quantities.

MariElle said...

In my 'spare' time - actually I have quite a bit of it since I've been sidelined with fibromyalgia- I chat with my fb friends, read, read, read, have a novel written and in contract with Ellora's Cave- I guess that's actually work isn't it? Just have the edits to do... and I love doing crafts, knitting afghans and other 'stuff, crocheting and right now am making a set of crystal Christmas Tree Ornaments for each of my 3 sons. They all still come home for Christmas but soon will be setting up their own homes so want to have a set for each of them to take with them.
Looking fwd to reading about Ireland as a setting- don't see that as often... with lots of Irish blood, books set in Ireland call out to me 8~)

Stacey Smith said...

My Thing I like to do is Go to Auther blogs and read about what there up to.and go to all ther contest .I love having books By my fav Authors.

Joan said...

A quick drive by shout out to Michelle. Welcome!

Anything Irish/Ireland gets my vote and your Ewan sounds right up my alley. Can't wait to read them.

3:59...still too early to be up zzzzzzzzzzzzz

mariska said...

I looove to read, while enjoying my homemade brownies, Yummy :)
playing hotwheels with my 3yos son is another thing that i love to do.
And one more thing, enter so many contests on authors' blog to win some signed copies, will be my most guilty pleasure lately :D

Authorness said...

Fabulous interview, Michelle and Anna! Michelle, how lovely to see Ewan grow up in your series.

My favourite spare time activity at the moment is mucking around with web design software. I'm only doing verrrry basic stuff, but it's so much fun I have to restrain myself from changing my website design every other day.

~ Vanessa

Jane said...

Hi Michelle,
I like to hang out with my friends and catch a movie or go shopping. When I want to relax I'll read or put on a DVD.

Congrats on the GR, Linda.

michellewillingham said...

Hi Linda--reading is one of my favorite spare time activities, too. How old are your grandchildren?

Hi Limecello--oooh, sleeping. There's a luxury I don't have very often. When you have small children, "sleeping in" at our household is defined as 7:00 a.m. I dream of the day when they sleep past that!

Flchen1--Thanks for your kind words about my books! We have a lot of family fun playing Mario Kart, too. My favorite is Mushroom Gorge, and I always fall off Wario's Goldmine.

Hi Helen! Oooh, Tim Tams...yum!

Carol--I tried Guitar Hero, and I swear, I had trouble with the most basic of songs! It's trickier than it looks. :)

michellewillingham said...

Virginia--before I did writing, I learned to quilt. Piecing was my favorite, but I wasn't so fond of the actual quilting. I would always end up with wrinkled seams that I'd have to tear out again.

Christine--actually yes, I did notice a difference in "voice." My medievals tend to be a little darker and more intense (okay, and sexy! LOL). My Victorians were what I'd call rompy fun. My Countess heroine has a bit of a tart tongue and she threatens to poison the hero in the first scene because she's so angry with him for disappearing for 3 months. It was a bit risky, in terms of character, but I loved her. She also adores cooking (completely inappropriate for a Countess) because she had to fend for herself for so many years. I had great fun including historical recipes in the book.

michellewillingham said...

Minna--when I was growing up, my mother had a friend who used to make Barbie clothes. I loved them! That's great that you have such a wonderful talent.

Blodeuedd--it's nice to have you here! TV is another of my guilty pleasures. I'm not ashamed to admit that I love reality tv, particularly So You Think You Can Dance, Top Chef, and Project Runway. ;)

LynzPickles--I am in so much trouble now because all of the Halloween candy is in stores. Yesterday I was bribing myself with Milk Duds to make sure I got my synopsis done!

MariElle--congratulations on your book with Ellora's Cave! That's great! How do you make the crystal Christmas tree ornaments? Sounds fascinating. :)

Joan and Stacey--nice to have you here!

Mariska--good luck! Hope you win something today. :)

Vanessa--Web design can be addictive! When I first started out writing, I did my own website, but the more I learned about programming, the less time I was writing. I finally had to slap my own wrists and hire someone else because otherwise there would be no books. ;)

Jane--nice to see you! Shopping is something I don't get to do very often. With three kids, I feel like I'm walking around with time bombs, set to self-destruct at any moment. ;)

Nadia Williams said...

Wow, you're really busy! Kudos to you for managing to balance all of that writing and still be a mommy.

hrdwrkdmom aka Dianna said...

Hi Michelle, most of my spare time is spent reading, the banditas and friends keep my tbr well supplied and now there is going to be even more to read! Oh my, so many books so little time.

Sherrinda Ketchersid said...

I love the book covers, especially Undone. Striking! I love to read and blog in my spare time. I can do both while laying on the couch, destressing from long days at work! lol I'd love a chance to win a copy of your book!


Deb Marlowe said...

Hi Michelle! I can't wait for this book!
You continually amaze me with all that you accomplish--including great kids.

See you tomorrow!

michellewillingham said...

Racingboo--it's challenging because you always want to give your kids time, but you also have to make time to write. Definitely early bed times help!

Dianna--nice to have you here!

Sherrinda--I love Sir Ademar's cover, too. It definitely reminds me of a strong, silent knight. ;)

Deb--can't wait! For you ladies who are in Raleigh-- Deb Marlowe, Sabrina Jeffries, Claudia Dain, and I are all signing our books at the Brier Creek Barnes & Noble in Raleigh, NC tomorrow from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Hope to see some folks there!

Kandy Shepherd said...

I always enjoy reading Anna's interviews with her guests and this one is no exception! I love your covers Michelle and really like Irish settings as I lived in Dublin as a child.
My guilty pleasure is looking up real estate websites in other countries and checking out houses I'd like to live in. My last such foray was into Irish real estate...

Barbara Monajem said...

Michelle! I am so impressed at how much you accomplish. I *used* to read in my spare time, but now I write romances, so I don't *have* any spare time... or that's what it feels like anyway, LOL. But I will *make* some spare time to read your stories. In fact, my next Borders coupon is going toward buying Taming Her Irish Warrior. I'm so glad to hear about the Undone! --and a freebie, too! I particularly enjoy short stories that explore secondary characters.

Gotta run -- I'm off to Georgia Romance Writers' Moonlight and Magnolias conference. Whoopee!!

CrystalGB said...

Hi Michelle. Your books sound great. In my spare time, I read, watch tv and garden.

Ju Dimello said...

Hi Michelle,

This is Anju here.
I love the cover of your book :)

What do I do in my spare time.. Simple question but invokes interesting answers. Nice to read all your entries.

As of me.. I am a jack of all trades.
Reading is my first passion and you can say - a steady passion :)
Apart from that, when I was small, I used to try my hand at making handkerchiefs, embroidery, friendship bands etc.. Then after I was in graduate, I used to try my hand at cooking - where in I became the expert chef in home of course ;) with my attempts at usual indian food (thats our normal fare) and then along with chinese, and other cusines as well. A few months back, I tried to make some hand craft items like table mats, foot mats etc.. And recently I tried baking for the first time - I made pizzas, bread, cookies and even muffins over the past few weeks :) Yummy !!! Recently, about a month back.. I started writing :)
Hence, anything that catches my eye is what I tend to do..

Wishing everyone their best :)

Anna Sugden said...

Hi Michelle (waving madly!), my fellow Struggling Writer! Welome back to the Lair - great to see you again.

Spare time?! Laughs hysterically!

I love reading and doing Japanese Hanjie (picture logic) puzzles. I'm glad to see other computer game addicts - my faves are any of the Wonderland series and my newest Plants vs Zombies!

I'm also an avid hockey fan (shocking, I know!) so I'm always catching up on the latest news via The Puck Podcast and the hockey blogs.

My latest thing is to download TV series I've missed onto my iPod so I can catch up with them - Saving Grace and Shark are my latest two, with Castle lined up.

michellewillingham said...

Kandy--now that sounds like fun. Did you find any castles to live in? Or what were your favorite places?

Barbara--thanks so much, and enjoy the conference!

CrystalGB--gardening is a lot of fun, but for me, I much prefer the end results rather than the weeding. ;)

Ju--I am always on the lookout for new recipes. I would love to learn to cook Indian and Chinese food. The recipes I've found don't seem very authentic, though.

Hi Anna! I never knew that about the hockey. And downloading shows to your iPod sounds like a great way to enjoy TV.

Amanda from Novel Addiction said...

I'm fairly boring when it comes to my spare time... I wish I had more of it to try new things! I love to read, of course (hence why I started my review blog), occasionally I'll do some puzzle games on my video game console.

I'd love a chance to win your book, they both sound great!
Morning Glow
ohmorningglow AT aol DOT com

Christie Kelley said...

Hi Michelle! Welcome back to the lair.

Your books sound great. My spare time? When is that exactly?

My current guilty pleasure is trying to catch up on my TBR pile which has grown far too large.

Governess4hire said...

When I'm not chasing around my kids, I love to read or scrapbook.

michellewillingham said...

MorningGlow--good luck!

Hi Christie--Like you, I have a towering TBR pile!

Governness4Hire--I admire folks who are crafty with scrapbooking. I have no artistic talent when it comes to making things. Hats off to you!

catslady said...

Books, of course, are always something I enjoy and always have. I've also enjoyed many different activities that come and go. Knitting, crochet, needlepoint, jigsaw puzzles, drawing, painting, ceramics, etc. Today the computer takes up a lot of my spare time but I also enjoy bocce, darts, bowling, and playing games (board, Wii, cards) with friends and family. Medievals are my favorite!!

Cassondra said...

Spare time?


What's that? (grin)

Hi Michelle, and welcome to the lair.

I LOVE Irish and Scottish historicals. I can't help it. I know they are far cleaner and more romantic and better looking than real life was back then, but I just cannot resist. I wish somebody could explain the addiction to me. Maybe it's because I have Scottish roots. These books sound wonderful.

I love the sound of your flawed heroes--the one who has trouble talking to women, and the one who is not perfect as a fighter--and must rely on strength. And matching him up with a woman warrior who MUST rely on dexterity rather than strength? That's brilliant.

More books for the TBR pile.

Cassondra said...

Linda, congrats on the bird!

KDSGS said...

Great interview Anna, and Hi Michelle!

I ADORE historicals, And I just read 'Her Warrior Slave' and I LOVED it! Kieran was to die for, wonderful hero! Taming Her Irish Warrior...must get...NOW!

As for my guilty pleasures? Reading, writing, genealogy, The Boston Red Sox (baseball) And the computer game, The Sims.

There is a whole subculture out there, I am part of a group that uses the Sims to post stories on our blogs (taking in-game pictures, almost like a graphic novel). Some of us do writing on the side as well.

And how wonderful you have some Victorian novels coming out, it is my fav era. The premise sounds fascinating! Cheers!~

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Linda, is this your first go at His Roosterness? Congratulations! Thanks for commenting.

Lime, I definitely relate to sleeping as a guilty pleasure!

Anna Campbell said...

Fedora, great to meet a Michelle fan!

Helen, good luck on the book buying! That's always a fun way to pass a few hours, isn't it?

Anna Campbell said...

Carol, some kids I know have Guitar Hero. It looks like a hoot!

Virginia, I'm not sure I feel guilty about books - although I sure do when I've got a deadline breathing down my neck and I can't put down some wonderful story!

Anna Campbell said...

Christine, what an interesting question about voice! I look forward to seeing Michelle's answer. Oh, and you have such PRETTY toes ;-)

Minna, you always sound like you do so much!

Anna Campbell said...

Blodeuedd, I must say I'm partial to a nice long hot shower myself!

Lynz, personally I think there's much to be said about a virgin hero ;-)

Anna Campbell said...

MariElle, congratulations on the Ellora's Cave book! Sounds like you're plenty busy!

Stacey, good luck in the draw!

Anna Campbell said...

JT, I knew you'd love the sound of these books, what with your Irish fancies and all ;-)

Mariska, the brownies sound great. Where's mine?

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Miss Vanessa, I LOVE that you muck around with your software as someone who has directly benefitted. Hmm, all will be revealed!

Jane, that all sounds fun!

Anna Campbell said...

Ooh, Michelle, a heroine who threatens to poison the hero in the first chapter? I think you've got me at hello!!!

Hey, Racingboo, welcome to the lair!

Anna Campbell said...

Dianna, the Bandits and their guests supply my TBR pile too!

Sherinda, good luck in the draw!

Anna Campbell said...

SHERRINDA, sorry, the rooster stole that second 'r'. Well, it could be that it's quite early here in Oz and I haven't woken up yet but I always like to blame the rooster for any mayhem.

Hey, Deb, lovely to see you here!

Anna Campbell said...

Michelle and all our Raleigh Bandit Buddies, hope your signing is a blast!

Kandy, I do that with foreign real estate pages. There's a whole stack of estates in Scotland I'd LOVE to buy!!!!

Anna Campbell said...

Barbara, have a wonderful time at Moonlight and Magnolias! Wish I could come. I hear you on not having time to read now you're too busy writing. I've made a resolution, though, that this year I'm going to do more reading. It really feeds into my writing.

Michelle, do you have a similar feeling?

Anna Campbell said...

Crystal, yet another for the reading brigade. Yay!

Hey, Anju, welcome to the lair! Wow, what a wonderful list you put together. I'm absolutely hopeless at anything to do with handicrafts - I can't cut in a straight line and people used to laugh at my attempts at sewing at school. Sigh. I am however quite a good baker!

Anna Campbell said...

Anna, I wait and watch TV shows on DVD too. No ads and no annoying cliffhangers at the ends of episodes that I have to wait a week to solve.

Hi Morning Glow! Great to see you.

Anna Campbell said...

Christie, I've got a date with my TBR pile for a couple of days of R&R before the madness of promoting Captive of Sin starts. Mine's blocking out the sun!

Governess4hire, I LOVE your name!

Anna Campbell said...

Catslady, cool that you're a medieval fan!

Cassondra, I love flawed heroes too. And then matching them up with someone who challenges them to come to terms with those flaws. Delicious!

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Drew, sounds like Michelle's visit was tailormade for you! Fantastic!

Phew, caught up! About to go and hang washing. Oh, what a glamorous life I lead!

The Scarf Princess said...

In my spare time I read of course. I also enjoy watching BBC movies. They produce some great historical mini-series!

Anna Campbell said...

Joder, I'm in the process of watching North and South again. Sigh! What a great show!

Linda Henderson said...

Michelle, my grandkids are 14,13,6,4 and 6 months. Although the 6 month old spent 4 months in the NICU because she was born at 23 weeks so I'm not sure how they consider her age. She was due 7/16 and was born 3/19. They all keep me hopping.

Anna Campbell said...

Linda, I bet they do keep you hopping! You'll soon have enough for a cricket team ;-)

Beth said...

Hi Michelle, if I'm not mistaken the picture of you was taken at Nora Robert's bookstore during one of the signings. That is where I had the pleasure of meeting you and buying your books. I have really enjoyed your Irish medievals and I am looking forward to your new Victorian. I love Regency, but it is nice to read something set in a different period. Guilty Pleasure - buying romance novels. I work in a library so I don't really need to buy, but some I can't resist owning. Sneaking off to a bookstore after being in a library all day is definitely a guilty pleasure. Also taking a bath. I love the taking a long soak and closing the door to all the noise in the living room. Add a romance book and a glass of wine and it is guilty pleasure overload.

Anna Campbell said...

Hi Beth! Oh, your guilty pleasure sounds like heaven. A glass of wine, a great romance book and a hot bath? Bliss! Just add some great music on the stereo.

Pat Cochran said...

Hello, Michelle,

In my spare time, I volunteer for
my church. Currently I sing in one
of our choirs and I'm the publicity
chair for our parish festival.Also,
I like to blog and visit several
sites daily. The Lair is one of my
stops as our Miss Anna can attest.
When I find more spare time, I read. Obviously, I'm not reading enough as my TBR stack can attest!
Thanks for visiting today!

Pat Cochran

michellewillingham said...

Catslady--nice to see you again! Which wii game is your favorite?

Cassondra--I hope you enjoy the books! I love Scottish settings, too.

Drew--Thank you so much! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed Her Warrior Slave. Hope you enjoy the new books, too!

michellewillingham said...

Anna--I LOVED your virgin hero. :) And with reading, I really do try to steal some time here and there to enjoy my favorite authors. I like to read outside my genre sometimes...I'm a sucker for paranormals.

Jodor--which historical mini-series do you like?

Linda, I'll bet the 6 year old and 4 year old are really fun. 6 month olds are wonderful for snuggling. :)

michellewillingham said...

Beth--yes! That picture was taken at Nora's store in Boonsboro, MD during a signing. We had a great time that day. Diane Gaston was with me at that particular signing. It was nice meeting you!

Pat--I used to sing in my church choir, too, before I had my kids. It got too difficult to juggle everyone on Sunday mornings, so I had to give it up. Hoping to start again one day when everyone is older. :)

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Pat, we love you dropping in to see the Bandits. Keep coming round, my friend!

Michelle, I read outside my genre too. Keeps me fresh - and anyway there are so many great stories out there. Thanks for the kind remarks on lovely Matthew ;-)

Beth said...

Hey Anna, I do put on the music. I have a play list of spa music and I have a dimmer switch on the light and a eucalyptus candle burning and I am all set. HEAVEN

Anna Campbell said...

Beth, sounds fantabulous!

Anna Campbell said...

Thanks for a great day in the lair, everyone. Don't forget to check back to see who won Michelle's books.

Fedora said...

Michelle, I'm not sure I've ever successfully completed Wario's Goldmine--I cannot stay on those tracks!! It is a hoot playing with the kids, especially since they beat me regularly ;)

And yes, I've been loving Michelle's series--been looking forward to Ewan's story for a while now! :)

JV said...

Reading romance is definitely my guilty pleasure because I do it instead of housework (much to the detriment of my house!) and instead of the work I'm paid to do from home sometimes. So, I'm always playing catch-up with that!

And still I continue to read whenever I can find a moment!

catslady said...

Hi Michelle :) My older kids seem to be hooked on Mario Cart but they are sooooo much better than me (of course they play more often than me lol). I always enjoyed the tennis and bowling - especially the bowling because that's one thing I can beat them at hahaha.

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, JV, as a card-carrying member of the "I'd rather read a romance than clean the house" brigade, I salute you!!!!

Fedora and Catslady, great to see you popped back!

Don't forget, everyone, to pop back and see who won the books!