Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fortunately and Unfortunately...

by Jeanne Adams

Or, Please welcome Heidi Betts to the Lair!

Jeanne: Today I’d like to introduce the fabulous Heidi Betts. Heidi and I have known each other since…well, we won’t go THAT far back in time. (Besides we're both younger and better looking than those two ladies!) *dusts off hands*

Anyway, Heidi is the author of about 20 books and three novellas – we looked it up and here’s the breakdown - 6 historicals, 9 Silhouette Desires, 3 novellas (only 2 published so far, though, 3rd comes out in July), and 2 single title contemporaries (working on the 3rd). I tried to add it all up, but had to email Heidi and get help! Ha! All told, she’s written for Silhouette, Dorchester, and St. Martin’s. Whew!

She’s here today, however to talk about her latest release Tangled Up In Love (St. Martins, February 2009) which will be in stores February 3rd. Not long to wait!! Yeah!!!

It’s her contemporary single title debut and the first book in her “Chicks and Sticks” knitting trilogy. I’m thrilled to welcome Heidi! Hey, girl, pull up a comfy chair, we’ll have a cabana boy bring you something warm and toasty, and we’ll chat.

Heidi: Good morning, everyone! Thank you so much to my friend, Jeanne, and her fellow Romance Bandits for having me! (I love cabana boys, by the way, so feel free to send as many as you like my way. *g*)

Jeanne: So, are you excited to see TANGLED UP IN LOVE on the shelves? Wait, there was something else you wanted to talk about too, right?

Heidi: Absolutely, I’m excited. That other thing? Oh, that would be Fate, because I truly believe that without it, this series would not exist.

Have you ever read the adorable children’s book FORTUNATELY by Remy Charlip? It’s wonderful, and if you haven’t, you definitely, definitely should. The path that led me to write TANGLED UP IN LOVE was so littered with Fortunately/Unfortunately situations that the book jumps immediately to mind every time I think of it.

Jeanne: Really? I’ve not read the book – and I’ve read a lot of kids books in the last few years! – but I think I’m going to get it. So how was it like fortunately/unfortunately?

Heidi: Well, first, I can’t tell you the number of times my agent began phone conversations with “I have some good news and some bad news.” Oh, how I came to loathe those words! And when all was said and done, he got a copy of FORTUNATELY to add to his personal bookshelf — as well as stern orders never to use that phrase with me again. :-P

Jeanne: Ooh, if you said that to me I’d be scared… (Y’all have to check out Heidi’s blog, WIPs and Chains to know why I’m scared…her alter ego is scarwy!) Bwah-ha-ha! Just kidding. Sort of.

Ahem, back to the matter at hand...So what on earth made you want to write a contemporary about knitting? And how is that unfortunate?

Heidi: That’s a story you’ll appreciate. You see, I’ve always wanted to write romantic comedy, but the timing never seemed to work out for me. (Unfortunately.) Then I came up with this idea. A brilliant idea, if I do say so myself. An idea I loved, and just knew was going to be a big hit. I showed it to my agent. He thought it was rather impressive, as well, and sent it immediately over to St. Martin’s Press, where an editor loved it. (Fortunately!) Unfortunately, they had another author already writing for them who was doing something similar (and^%#!), so she couldn’t make an offer. Fortunately, she loved my writing and wanted to see something else.

It took me all of about two seconds to tell my agent that, yes, I would definitely be willing to work up a few more ideas…well, okay, ideas I had; it was proposals that would take a bit of time to flesh out. He suggested I call the editor and talk to her about what she might be looking for. Smart man. Because, you see, it was during that conversation that she happened to mention how much she enjoys knitting, how popular knitting has becoming thanks to books like Kate Jacobs’s FRIDAY NIGHT KNITTING CLUB, and how much she’d love to find a hot and sexy knitting romance unlike anything that had been done already. (Hey, I write hot! I write sexy!) And then she uttered the eight words that changed my life: “I don’t suppose you know anything about knitting.”

Jeanne: Grins. I think I need popcorn, I just love this story. :>

Heidi: Me too, of course. *vbg* And the good thing is, I do! I do know something about knitting! As a matter of fact, when I first came home from college and announced to my parents that I wanted to write romance novels instead of becoming a teacher the way they’d expected, my mother taught me to knit so that I could sell dishcloths and bath mitts to local craft stores. (It wasn’t much, but it satisfied my parents’ demand that I work while also allowing me time to stay home and write.)

Jeanne: You’re serious? You actually knitted for craft fairs, shows, and so forth while you began writing? That’s great!

Heidi: Yepper. And imagine my amusement when I realized that my knowledge of what I’d always considered simply a hobby might now open a wonderful new door in my writing career!

This phone call took place on a Friday, and I spent the entire weekend wracking my brain for hot, sexy knitting ideas. By Monday morning, I had a one-page proposal ready that I thought did a pretty good job of fitting the bill. It didn’t take long to hear back, and the news was all good this time. (Fortunately!) The editor — and everyone else at St. Martin’s — loved it. In fact, they wanted me to turn that single idea into a trilogy. The only instructions they gave me were to make it as sexy and funny as I possibly could.

So, you see, it was definitely Fate that led me down the knitting romance trail…and reminded me that sometimes what we want to happen isn’t necessarily as great as what’s meant to happen. And I’m so very grateful that things worked out the way they did, because now I get to write three books about three amazingly fun couples I never would have met otherwise. I finally get to spread my wings and write the hot, sexy, funny contemporary romance I’ve always wanted to write.

Jeanne: Wow, that is so great! I love it when it all comes together like that.

Heidi: So do I. ;-) And now that I’ve had my chance to share, I hope you’ll tell me what you think… Do you believe in Fate—or as my agent would call it bashert (which is Yiddish for “it is as it should be”)? Or are you more of a mind that life is just a series of random events dotted with coincidence, and no one is up there leading us to anything?

I can’t wait to hear your responses. Thank you so much for spending the day with me, and for letting me voice my enthusiasm over TANGLED UP IN LOVE. I’d love to invite everyone to visit my website ( — where you can read an excerpt for TANGLED to tide you over until the book hits shelves on February 3rd! — my WIPs and Chains blog (a.k.a. The Dungeon), and my knitting and romance blog, Must Love Yarn, to read more about TANGLED…or to simply chat and have fun!

Also, if the Bandits don’t mind, I’d love to give away three autographed books from my backlist to three commenters on today’s post. (Jeanne: Yeah, like we mind when our guest gives away books!) This includes the HOTTER THAN HELL anthology, by the way, even though it might be a little higher on the page than others.

Thanks again for having me in your Lair!

Love, stitches, and very sharp needles…
Heidi Betts

Also, don't forget to pop over to Romance Novel TV to see today's vignettes and photo. Finish the vignette and win!


jo robertson said...

What an absolutely delightful interview, Jeanne and Heidi. I love that Fortunately story! It's so true that it's hilarious!

What a wonderful idea -- knitting and hot sexy love. Can you give us a hint about the story line of TANGLED UP IN LOVE? I mean, I write suspense, so when I think of knitting needles, I think of all sorts of lethal uses of said needles.

jo robertson said...

OMGoodness, I won the rooster. Did Jeanne explain that the rooster goes to the first commenter of the day, Heidi? Uh, he's a virtual rooster, although there are dissenting opinions in the Lair about that fact.

Hmm, to answer the question, I believe you make your own fate, but I do think that you have to be open to those opportunities when they come along. Maybe that's why people believe things are the way they're supposed to be. Because they recognize the moment and seize it!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Hey Jo! Congrats on catching that elusive Rooster. :> Heidi, I told you about that bird. You have to watch out for him.

Fedora said...

Squee!! Hi, Heidi! Glad to see you in the Lair! Tangled Up in Love is sounding like such a fun battle-of-the-sexes story, with a lot of great tension building interactions :) Can't wait to read it!


Fedora said...

Oh, and BTW, great interview, Jeanne! How fun that you and Heidi go way back! So, any uh... entertaining stories to share? :)

And I've read most of Heidi's Desires, a couple novellas, and have some of her historicals on my TBR. Can't wait to read her new series!

Helen said...

Congrats Jo he must have wanted to visit Emma

Great interview Ladies and the book sounds like lots of fun Heidi, I love to knit as well used to anyway I just don't get time to knit anymore when I retire I might have more time although the TBR pile might keep me going for a long time LOL.

Yes I believe in fate what is mean't to be will be.

Have Fun

Keira Soleore said...

Most excellent interview Duchess and Heidi, and welcome Heidi to The Lair.

This is such a wonderful way to hold a series together. Some due it through tea or tea houses or being a chef, etc. You're doing it through knitting. I'm awed and floored, because I've started and stopped many knitting projects in my formative years, learnt my lessons, and have never attempted it since. However, I know of friends who took it up in their 30s and 40s and simply love.

Minna said...

Well, looks like Jo took words out of my mouth and answered your question for me.

Mulan's revolution

Jane said...

Welcome Heidi,
It's so good to see you here. Congrats on your contemporary single title debut. I do believe in fate and I also believe sometimes things just happen for no reason. I'm a big believer in karma.

Congrats on the GR, Jo.

Laurie G said...

I started knitting again 1 year ago after an eighteen year break. I find it very relaxing yet productive.

Best of luck with your writing. I've enjoyed a few of your contemps over the years!

Marisa O'Neill said...

Jeanne and Heidi what a great interview - I totally believe in fate. What makes me walk down one street as opposed to another? Or what makes take the 2:15 bus on Tuesday when I always take the 2:25?
So many of the people I've met have been by happy accident or fate. For example - I met Anna Campbell because Kim Castillo told me I had to meet this fabulous new author. And we hit it off, from there I met Jeanne Adams and from there I've met (cyberly) all the Bandits - all because of one email. Fate definitely has a hand in my life.

Margay Leah Justice said...

Knitting and reading are two of my favorite things to do - when I'm not writing! I do believe in fate. I don't think things happen by chance, I think they're meant to be.

Caren Crane said...

Heidi, we're so glad to have you here! I love to hear people's stories about the odd circumstances that led to the publication of a book. I hope to have my own story about the unlikely publication of my books someday!

I think it's awesome that you have a hobby like knitting you can turn into a great storyline. Our own Kate Carlisle has a similar story about her hobby of book-binding (!). I always lament the fact that I have no particular hobbies that would translate into a cool story. I suppose developing a stamp collection or something would be a bit of a put-on? *g* Had you ever considered incorporating your knitting into your writing before the editor suggested it?

As to me, I don't believe in Fate so much as I believe God has a plan for my life. Now, I have free will so I can make all the fortunate/unfortunate decisions I want, but I believe I will be steered back on track, somehow. When I look back at all the decisions I've made, it sort of makes some sense, even though some decisions didn't at the time.

I think no matter what you call it, there are things you pick up that will be useful to you later (whether you chose it or your parents forced you into it *g*). So great to have you with us.

And way to snag the Golden Rooster, Jo-Mama!

Deb Marlowe said...

Fate indeed! What a great story and the books sound fabulous! I love seeing Romantic Comedy again!

Can't wait to get Tangled Up!

Beth Andrews said...

Welcome to the lair, Heidi! Tangled Up In Love looks fabulous! Can't wait to read it *g*

I do believe in Fate. After I won the GH, I decided to query Superromance with my winning story (I'd been targetting a different line and had just been rejected before the national conference).

As I was getting ready to leave for the post office with the query, I got The Call and sold to Supers. My editor had read my book in the GH and wanted to buy it *g*

Thanks for the great interview, ladies!!

Christie Kelley said...

Welcome to the lair, Heidi!

Great interview. I love the knitting idea for a sexy book (all kinds of thoughts going through my mind right now).

As far as fate, I absolutely believe in it.

Gannon Carr said...

Welcome to the Lair, Heidi! Great interview! I've always wanted to learn to knit--on my list of things to do *g*. Can't wait to read the series.

I'm a big believer in Fate. As fans of romance, how could we not believe?!

Dianna Love said...

Jeanne - Wonderful interview and I've heard of Heidi but I don't think we've met in person before. I'll have to look for her at national this year.

Heidi - I love your story about how you got the knitting trilogy. Congrats!

I do believe we make our own fate and should seize any opportunity to follow a dream since we're only here once.

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Hi Fedora! Isn't it great to have Heidi here? We go back a bit...mostly in Washington Romance Writers. If I start telling stories on her though, I might get a few in return and we wouldn't want THAT now, would we? Snork.

Anonymous said...

Heidi -- I was so intrigued at the thought of "hot, sexy KNITTING" that I had to go to your website and read the excerpt. It sounds hilarious! Sounds like it should have been a Katherine Hepburn - Spencer Tracy movie, only with Cary Grant, perhaps, and a lot more swear words. LOL.

Fantastic story about how it came to be as well -- it's hard to imagine from the outside of the publishing world how these crazy books get written. Great fun to see them from the inside.

Thanks for visiting the Lair. I have no doubt this one will be a huge success for you! :-)

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Morning, Helen! Another knitter. I want to take it up, but find it intimidating. Maybe I'll dog Heidi into teaching me at the next WRW Retreat...watcha think, Heidi?

Hey, I just realized I forgot to answer the question: Like Jo, I believe that you make your own Fate, but as she so eloquently put it, I think great things come to you because you're open to them, have visualized them and face them unafraid. That's a paraphase Jo, and I think I was channeling Tawny D there with the visualizing...

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

G'morning, Keira! Like you've I've stopped and started on the knitting. I have all my late mother's knitting stuff. Have I touched it? No. I think I'd spend the first hour crying in the wool, so perhaps that's why it still sitting there! Ha!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Hi Minna! I love Mulan, don't you? (Well, obviously you do, sorry!) Love the Disney music. And as you said the other day, they're making some Disney hunks these days - bare chests and all!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Hi Jane! Karma's a b*itch sometimes, isn't it? Snork. I thinki it's true though. What goes around, comes around.

Hi Laurie! Another Heidi fan! Yeah! And a knitter too. Go you!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

*blush* How nice! Good Morning Marisa! All from one email!? All the Banditas in one swell foop. Yeah! Grins.

The invasion over at your place seems to have taken on a life of its own, doesn't it? RNTV was rockin' yesterday.

I wonder that about the timing and the buses and planes and all that. So, yep, Fate for me too.

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Mornin' Margay! Another Fateful Knitter. Wow, I have to confess I didn't realize people knit that much anymore.

Nancy said...

Jo, congrats on grabbing the bird.

I think you answered the question on fate really well, so I'll just chime in with you on that one.

Heidi, welcome! This was a fun interview, Jeanne.

My mom was a knitter and made beautiful sweaters and layette sets. She also made caps to go with the sweaters.

I never learned--well, I could do a straight knitting stitch and a purl stitch, but forget casting on and off--but I have a few friends who love it.

Your new book sounds cool.

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Hi Caren! Well, God's plan is that you be a published author. :> He told me.

Not to be flip - apologies to God, though he has a tremendous sense of humor (I know this from personal experience) - but you tell fab stories about real women. Like all the writers here and reading the blog, its the work and perseverance and working in faith that makes it all so scrummy when it does happen. I got that "good and faithful servant" feeling when I finally got The Call.

BTW, I too wish I had a hobby. Horses, knitting, bookbinding...I just read. And chase boys. (The short, related to me kind, not the smexy ones.) None of that makes a particularly good hook for a story line.

Bravo on you Heidi that you DID have it!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Hi Deb! You know, you make a good point. There's been a dearth of romantic comedy in the last few years. I too am looking forward to a comeback...

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Hi Beth! Wow, Fate indeed. That's a geat story. I knew you sold from the GH, but not that you'd had that experience.

(Not surprising though since NWHF is fab!)

Heidi, to which house did you sell first?

Margay Leah Justice said...

Jeanne, next to writing, knitting is my favorite creative pastime. Besides, my mother is the queen of all things creative (sorry, Martha Stewart), so it would kind of be a sin if I didn't share at least one of her passions!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Morning, Christie! Morning Gannon!

Two more believers in fate. :>

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Hi Dianna! Great to see you as always. You might have met Heidi at've been there at least once, right? Or am I hallucinating that? (Probably - five days with the children home, two of them with snow and ice. Arrrrgh!)

Like you, I'm in the "play full out, 'cause you're only in the game once" philosophy. :>

Louisa Cornell said...

Good catch, JoMama!! Make him behave. Perhaps you can teach him to knit!

Welcome Heidi and what a great interview. I love the story of how your knitting trilogy came to be.

Because knitting is often associated with little old ladies I am thrilled you are writing something that shows how sexy creativity can be !

I have been lucky enough to have women in my life who have taught me how to quilt, tat, knit, candlewick and do various other handcrafts. There is something very comforting about creating something with your hands where you have immediate tangible results.

Every year I make ONE quilt for a member of my immediate family. They get to pick the pattern and there is much bickering about whose turn it is!

Now my take on fate is a bit different. I see fate as a series of roads you come upon in your travels. I think the Cosmos or God or whoever you believe in lays out a certain number of fates for you based on what you were put on this earth to do AND based on your actions in life. You get to choose the road and often you shape your fate by your choices. Sometimes it is more like a scavenger or treasure hunt as you go down those roads and try to find the fate that is also looking for you. With luck and some smart decisions on your part you and your true fate will find each other. And the best thing to do is to enjoy the journey along the way! You meet the most terrific people that way!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Isn't that excerpt great, Kirsten? I love it. I understand I have to go back and fix the link to Heidi's website - you can copy and paste now, but not click I think - but if you can, go read it. It rocks.

Kirsten, I hadn't thought about it as a movie, but you're right...

Heidi? Any whispers from Hollywood?

CrystalGB said...

Hi Heidi. Great interview. Tangled Up In Love sounds wonderful. I love how you incorporated knitting into your trilogy.

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Hi Nancy! You said: My mom was a knitter and made beautiful sweaters and layette sets. She also made caps to go with the sweaters.

My mom did too. I had this gorgeous red and white sweater, very complex...I think I still have it in a box in the cedar chest. It would fit my 4 year old. Maybe. :>

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

LOL Margay about the apolgies to Martha. :> My Mom was so creative too. I miss that.

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Hi Louisa! What a wonderful way to put it, about Fate. I love that image.

How cool that you tat. My Mama could do that too - wasn't much in the way of handicrafts she couldn't do - and made beautiful doilies and antimacassar covers and all that. I looked into a tatting class and nearly ran in horror at all the wee bobbins.

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Hi CrystalGB! Good to see you again. Isn't it cool how Heidi made knitting sexy? I love that!

Heidi Betts said...

Good morning, everyone. Forgive me for being a bit late to the game. Had to take care of cats & burn off a cinnamon roll from yesterday. :-P

Allow me to (attempt to) catch up... *g*

Hi, Jo! Congrats on the GR. Yes, Jeanne warned me about that thing. And as long as he doesn't attempt to peck me to death---or wake me at some ungodly hour LOL---I think I can handle it.

You can get the full scoop about TANGLED at my website, of course (back cover blurb, excerpt, etc.), but basically Dylan & Ronnie are bitter journalist rivals. Over the past year or so, they've challenged each other to a number of outrageous things thru their newspaper columns. And then Ronnie throws Dylan a bit of a curve ball---she challenges him to learn how to knit. Of course, Dylan doesn't want to lose their competition over something little old ladies can do, so he accepts...but tosses Ronnie a bit of a curve ball of his own when he enlists her help in learning to knit. And from there, it's sparks flying & naked knitting galore. *vbg*

Oh, & don't think a couple of those "lethal uses of said needles" don't come up along the way. Ronnie threatens a couple of very creative ways to maim poor Dylan when he annoys her. LOL

And Jeanne~ Duchesse? I don't know, I'm thinking my Mistress could take your Duchesse. She's got a veritable arsenal of weapons at her disposal. Plus the boots. Even I'm afraid of her sometimes. ;-)

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Fedora! Thanks so much for dropping in to see me today. I'm glad you're looking forward to TANGLED...& it's so fun to think you've been there all along the way while I made my little transition from series to single title. :-)

And no stories about Jeanne & me. Absolutely no stories, I swear. (You heard me, Jeanne---no stories!)

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Helen! Great to hear you knit. To be honest, I don't get to do it as much as I used to, either, but when I do, I find it very fun & relaxing.

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Keira! Thanks for the nice welcome. Using knitting as the arc for this series has been so much fun. I really had no idea how I was going to pull it off, & it took a lot of brainstorming, but I'm so pleased with the way it came together. It's got knitting, a group of friends, a very cool sports bar, a sort of "knitters vs. jocks" thing going... It's a lot to keep track of, but it's always kind of a blast. :-D

And, hey, maybe TANGLED will help you get back to knitting. There's even a pattern in the back of the book I'm hoping people will try---& then let me know how it turned out. ;-)

Pam said...

Thanks to the Bandits for having such a wonderful guest--Heidi is amazing, both as a person and a writer! And if anybody can make knitting sexy, it's Heidi!

Heidi Betts said...

Hey, Minna, great to "see" you again!

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Jane! Thank you, thank you! I believe in Karma, too...& just finished watching an episode of My Name is Earl on the bike, which makes Karma hilarious. LOL

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Laurie! Thanks for the kind words about my books. I'm so glad to hear you've gotten back into knitting. It's definitely a fun & relaxing hobby. And you end up with such nice things when you're know, as long as you didn't drop a stitch. *g*

Heidi Betts said...

Hey, Marisa! Love your take on Fate. I totally agree with you. I love following that little thread back to the catalyst that put something in motion & helped you end up with a great result. Sometimes I think I could do that about almost everything in my life. :-)

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Margay! If you add "watching too much television" to that list, then our favorite things would be the same. Of course, since I can both write & knit in front of the TV, I'm able to double up. *g*

Heidi Betts said...

Hey, Caren! Well, if you'd asked me a couple of years ago if I would ever consider writing romances about knitting, you'd have gotten a very blank, deer-in-headlights kind of look in response. LOL But the opportunity fell into my lap & it's all worked out amazingly.

As for not having any interesting hobbies to write about...don't worry about it! There are so many writers out there who have impressive backgrounds that can help them with their stories---nurses, pilots, military personnel... I'm qualified for exactly nothing, but I've still managed to hold my own. After all, that's why they call it "research." ;-)

Margay Leah Justice said...

Actually, Heidi, I am guilty of the too much television myself, but I also do knitting and reading while watching so I'm actually multi-tasking when you think about it.

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Deb! I'm so glad you're happy to see some romantic comedy on the shelves. I am, too. It's what I've always wanted to write, but never seemed to find a good fit before. I adore writing funny & have been hugely blessed by an editor who told me to let 'er rip; to be as funny & sexy as I wanted, let it all hang out, & she'd tone me down later, if I needed it. For better or worse, she toned me down barely at all. :-P

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Beth! Love your Call story. Don't you love the way things turn out sometimes, even if they aren't necessarily what you planned? :-)

I'd always loved reading Silhouette Desires, but never in a million years considered writing them; I just didn't think I was capable. (Stories about how particular H/S & confusion over their guidelines had convinced me long ago not even to try.) After my dad died, tho, I holed up & ended up doing nothing but reading Desires one after another. When it came time to start writing again, I was kind of clueless, but decided to try my hand at a Desire, anyway. Tho I would never wish to lose my dad for anything in the world, selling to Desire & getting the chance to write a handful of stories I truly loved is something really good that came out of something bad. Not planned, but I feel like Fate (& maybe my dad) moved me in that direction, anyway. :-D

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Christie! Love your KISS cover. But then, I love purple. The original cover work-up for LOVES ME, LOVES ME KNOT was purple & I loved that aspect of it. It needed some work in other areas, so I'm glad they re-shot it, but I still wish they'd kept some of the purple. :-)

And, yes, *sexy* knitting. REALLY sexy knitting. LOL I have to admit, I had trouble wrapping my mind around that at first, too, but then my mother said something that changed my whole perspective: Who says yarn can't be sexy? Boy, did that get me going! And in every single book, I'm trying to make knitting as sexy as humanly possible. I think I've succeeded, too...have I mentioned the naked knitting scene? *g*...but I'm going to have to wait for reader feedback before I can be sure. :-D

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Good Morning Heidi! I agree, NO stories. What happens at the Retreat, STAYS at the REtreat...right? :>

Anna Sugden said...

Welcome Heidi - and thanks for the great interview, Jeanne.

I guess the unfortunately about your visit is that my TBR mountain just got one book bigger *g*.

Tangled sounds fab - I agree with Kirsten - it does sound like one of those Hepburn and Tracy movies!

Sexy knitting? Maybe I should take it up again!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Welcome Pam!

Hey, Heidi, there's a knitting pattern in the back of the book? COOL! What a great idea!

Anna Sugden said...

Oops forgot - yes, I do believe in Fate. Fickle as she is, I think there is something about things not just being random events.

Now, if only she'd speak to that editor who has my work on her desk!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Heidi said: After all, that's why they call it "research." ;-)

Snork. Yep. And thank heaven for it. There's a book or a website on just about everything you ever wanted to know.

LOL on the vision of you with a "deer in the headlights look" Heidi.

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Gannon! Am I allowed to smile slyly & suggest that maybe after reading TANGLED, you'll be even more inspired to learn how to knit? I have to admit, I'm kind of hoping. *g*

I've actually had one reader at my WIPs blog who wanted to learn to knit before the books came out, then I told her there's a pattern in the back of the book, so now she's going to wait & try to learn off of that. I can't wait to see if I get pictures of finished projects from readers who tell me Dylan & Ronnie inspired them to learn or get back to knitting. :-D (I can't promise the hot sex & naked knitting, tho. That's going to be up to them. LOL)

And you're can romance readers & writers not believe in Fate & Magic & Destiny? That's like an astronaut not believing in gravity. *g*

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

LOL Margay on the Multitasking - Yeah, yeah, that's what it is, multitasking! "Honey!?!" she calls to her darling DH when he complains about her reading while exercising while the TV is on, "Margay says its MULTITASKING!"

That's a good thing, as Marths Stewart would say! :>

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Naked knitting or Nekkid knitting? (Naked = you have no clothes on. Nekkid = you're naked and up to something...)


Anna, you too? Another knitter? Wow.

BTW, Fate IS whispering in that editor's ear - I just visualized it - "Buy the boooooook, she's a Banditaaaaaaa, you loooovvvveee the booooook." - see? Told ya'.

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Dianna! Actually, we have met---*very* briefly at the St. Martin's cocktail party in San Fran. We'll have to do better this year, tho, & actually chat for more than ten seconds. :-D

I definitely agree with you on following your dreams & taking advantage of every opportunity. My dad used to tell me that when opportunity knocked, I needed to be smart enough to open the door. I try to remember that & think of every new circumstance---even the ones that seem negative in the beginning---as a possible opportunity.

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Heidi said: how can romance readers & writers not believe in Fate & Magic & Destiny? That's like an astronaut not believing in gravity. *g*

Oh, so true, Mistress of Knitting. Snorking LOL on the gravity comment though. :> Romance readers are the quintessential optomists, and smart with it. They KNOW you get more done, make more progress, and win what you want by looking for the best and the bright side, even in the darkness.

And they have the excellent taste to enjoy a d*mn fine read, which you provide, m'dear!

Heidi Betts said...

See, Fedora...Jeanne knows better than to start dishing dirt. *g*

Jeanne~ Where have you been? Knitting is the new yoga, baby! (Or maybe I should say the new pilates. LOL) And I could definitely give you an impromptu knitting lesson at the Retreat. It actually took me a couple tried before I caught's balancing those two sticks that causes problems. Crochet is much easier. LOL

As for where I sold first, it was to Dorchester/Leisure Historicals...the Monday after a WRW Retreat, in fact. That group has been very good for me. :-)

No whispers from Hollywood yet, but hey---it could happen. ;-) After people have had a chance to read the book, I actually want to pose the question of who should play the h/h in a film version at The Dungeon. I can't wait to see what suggestions readers come up with. :-D

Yep, patterns in the back of all three books...& they're patterns that are connected to each of the stories, which I just love!

And I suspect you've seen my "deer in headlights" expression before, Jeanne. It happens a lot, mostly due to the fact that I suffer from a mild case of Foot-in-Mouth Disease. :-P If you haven't see it, stay tuned...I'm certain you will. *snort*

Heidi Betts said...

Can you tell I'm trying to catch up...esp. to Jeanne. LOL On the up side, tho, she's helping me burn off more of those cinnamon roll calories. (Did you know that a single Cinnabon cinnamon roll contains more than 1200 calories?!? That's a day's intake, people! Thankfully the one I ate wasn't Cinnabon, so I don't actually know how many calories it was. Scratch that---I don't want to know!)

But I digress...

Margay, you may enjoy this---one of the characters in this series (Grace, heroine of Book #3) is a Martha Stewart type. She has her own cable show that's a cross between Oprah & Martha...she does a bit of everything. She's got a whole Marilyn Monroe thing going on, too. I just love her! :-D

Heidi Betts said...

Hey, Kirsten! I'm so glad you enjoyed the excerpt. I'm going to be posting another one (different from the one that's on the website) on my blogs Monday (Groundhog Day, Feb. 2nd) if you're interested.

I definitely had fun with these characters...& with the swearing. That's another thing I can get away with in single title that I couldn't in category. And it's possible I was a bit tipsy with the freedom. ROTF Of course, I've been known to curse like a sailor myself, so it also could have been second nature. :-P

I also had to LOL at your remark that the publishing biz sounds crazy. You have no idea! LOL Oh, the stories I could tell! And maybe someday, if you ply me with enough appletinis or mango margaritas like my "Chicks with Sticks" enjoy, I may even spill a couple. (But I will not spill my drink. *g*)

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Nancy! Thanks so much for the kind words.

My mom taught me to knit, & she is definitely better at it than I am. I also get her to re-write patterns for me because those things tend to be written in hieroglyphics; I do better if they're written out in plain English & in *very big print* so that I can prop them somewhere & just glance at the next step rather than squint & lose my place.

So is there a reason you never picked up on knitting more, or was it just not your thing?

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Heidi, I don't even want to know things like that about cinnamon rolls. *lalalalalala* (Putting my fingers in my ears so I don't hear calorie counts.)

So how am I helping you burn calories? Inquiring minds want to know...

BTW, I'm really looking forward to Grace (in so MANY ways...) if she's a Martha Stewart type. At one point in my "career" I aspired to be her, then she so totally lost me with the expensive scrapbooking stuff. :>

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Spill a drink? Perish the THOUGHT! No drink spilling in the Lair until MUCH later. (Wicked grin) Once we hit noon, the cabana boys will break out the hot toddies, Bloody Marys and so forth. We have to wait for our west coast pals to have a bit of a wake up before th booze comes out, otherwise...)

Heidi, I think Nancy and I were more the gunsntanksnplanesnswordsnstuff girls than the knitters. Or am I wrong about that, Nancy?

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Louisa! I definitely played around with the "little old lady" knitting stereotype in the story. My editor & I even joke about how we should be promoting the trilogy as: "These are not your grandmother's knitting romances." LOL But knitting is definitely becoming a younger wo/man's hobby. Girls & boys of all ages are starting to take it up, which is one of the things I loved being able to work into these stories. :-)

I would love to know how to quilt. I grew up with a babysitter who quilted all the time, & she did teach me a couple of things, but I'd love to *really* know what I was doing. I think it's an amazing gift.

jo robertson said...

LOL, Helen, Emma is eyeing the rooster as if she'd like to pluck his feathers, but he's having none of that. She's still flailing her arms about but soon she'll be able to grab hold of him!

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Crystal! Great to see you over here.

Thanks for the nice words. I'm glad you enjoyed the interview, & all I can say is---I did my best. :-D

Heidi Betts said...

Hey, Pam. Well, aren't you just the best PR person I never hired. Note to self: rectify that immediately. *vbg*

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Anna! Well, thank you so just made me laugh *&* blush. (Not as easy as it may sound, either, esp. with a mouthful of tea. :-p)

I hope that after you've read TANGLED, your Unfortunately turns into a Fortunately & you're saying, "Wow, thank God I discovered her! This is definitely better than swimming thru shark-infested waters." (Yeah,'re gonna have to read FORTUNATELY to get that one. *vbg*

And if it does inspire you to take up knitting again, please, please pop over to Must Love Yarn (or WIPs; I'll take what I can get) & let me know. *g*

jo robertson said...

Heidi and Laurie, I love the relaxation of hand work, but I've never learned to knit. I'm afraid I'd just have a lopsided sweater!

Sorry I beat you to the punch, Minna. Was that your answer too?

Heidi Betts said...

Jeanne~ Knowing what I know...& what the rest of you will soon find out...I would have to say it's "naked" knitting that soon turns into "nekkid" knitting. (And, btw, I thought I was the only person who knew the difference between those two spellings! *g*)

It's the typing! The typing! (Get your mind out of the gutter; we aren't in The Dungeon, after all!) I'm working up a total sweat over here!

Oh, & Jeanne... I don't know where you are right now, but the clock just struck noon. Where is that oiled up cabana boy with my drink?!? ;-D

jo robertson said...

LOL, Jeanne. Like Jane, I believe in Karma too, but I think we do good things because it's the right thing to do, sending out good works into the universe. Not because we expect a reward.

I really admire people who turn trouble into something positive.

And I have to believe that bad guys get their comeuppance, somewhere, sometime!

Heidi, did someone ask if TANGLED IN LOVE was your original title? I think it's brilliant!

Margay Leah Justice said...

Okay, now I'm intrigued. And I love your riff on multitasking. too funny!

jo robertson said...

Jeanne, I expect with the economic downslide, we may have real resurgence of romantic comedies. People want to laugh when their paycheck are slighted!

A great time for Heidi's books.

Becke Davis said...

I've got Heidi's book on pre-order, it sounds terrific! And, Heidi, kudos for coming up with such a brilliant name for your blog: WIPS and Chains is a classic!

jo robertson said...

Thanks for the synopsis of TIL, Heidi. I popped over to the website and it sounds delicious. I love "rival" stories. They're so much fun and in the time-honored tradition of Katherine Hepburn's movies!

jo robertson said...

Thanks for sharing that beautiful story about your father, Heidi.

And OMG, how clever about having a knitting pattern in the back. Wouldn't have thought of that!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Heidi said: (And, btw, I thought I was the only person who knew the difference between those two spellings! *g*)

Lewis Grizzard rules. I'm just sayin'...

ROFLMAO on the working up a sweat typing.

Lars! Lars! Please, take Mistress Heidi's drink order? Thank you. :> (We always try to accomodate our guests here in the Lair)

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Jo said: Jeanne, I expect with the economic downslide, we may have real resurgence of romantic comedies. People want to laugh when their paycheck are slighted!

A great time for Heidi's books.

I think you're right, Jo. And yes, a GREAT time for Heidi's books! And for Money Honey, our own Susan Sey's book, coming out next year. Can't wait for that too.

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Becke/Treethyme, isn't that a FAB name for Heidi's blog? She has some of the most delicious emoticons on that blog too...but she won't share where she get's em. *pout*

p226 said...

Belief in fate is one heck of a question. I can't quite say that I believe in fate. But I don't put much stock in coincidence, either. It sure seems like sometimes the universe puts someone, or something in your path on purpose, doesn't it?

But a resignation to fate may also carry a resignation of personal responsibility, no?

A very interesting question. One I can't really answer. I suspect the jury will be out forever with me.

Terri Osburn said...

I'll never catch up today, but wanted to say what a great blog! And I love the story of how these books came to be.

I believe in fate to a point. I think our fate changes with the choices we make. But I also believe everything happens for a reason. So in truth, I guess I'm ambivalent? LOL!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Hey P226! Good to see you. :>

You said: I can't quite say that I believe in fate. But I don't put much stock in coincidence, either.

And there you go. As I said, I kinda believe you MAKE your fate, but then those things leap into your path "by coincidence..."

Uh, no. Somehow, there they are, but coincidental? Not so much.

But as you said, the resignation part doesn't sit well with me at all. Kinda like Louisa's view of different paths. I don't think we're herded one way or another by Fate, we choose to get up every morning and make decisions. THAT effects everything.

Blaming things on Fate's a cop-out, if you think of it that way. :>

But that's just my opine.

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Hi Terrio! Ambivalent's good in this case - where Fate's concerned! - so hey, ambivilance rules.


So, do you knit?

Minna said...

Love the Disney music. And as you said the other day, they're making some Disney hunks these days - bare chests and all!

He, he. Maybe they have figured that mums should have something to see, as well.
That bit of music wasn't from Mulan, though.

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Minna said: He, he. Maybe they have figured that mums should have something to see, as well.
That bit of music wasn't from Mulan, though.

I think you're right - they've finally given us Mama's a nice view since we usually have to see these movies overandoverandoverandover...

I can't tell you how many times I've seen every single Scooby Doo episode and movie. Between that and the Backyardigans...urg. However, they've inserted sly puns and "adult" humor which is, I think, another way to make it tolerable for us poor Moms!

On the Mulan - I know the music wasn't from, but the cartooning was, so i guess I lumped -em together.

Heidi, Minna's our resident music gal. She's always popping in with a link to a great U-Tube vid or music episode. :>

Heidi Betts said...

Jo~ TANGLED UP IN LOVE actually was my title. The first one I came up with (well, practically) & the original one I stuck on the proposal when I was still trying to get SMP to buy me. :-D I don't even remember what inspired me to use it, but I liked it & my editor later told me she loved that I got "love" into the title of the first book. So whoo-hoo on Fate holding my hand on that one, too. *g*

Book #2 was originally going to be TIED IN KNOTS, then they decided it should be TIED IN KNOTS OVER YOU, then they decided they didn't like that at all & we spent weeks trying to come up with something better. My mother is actually the one who suggested LOVES ME, LOVES ME KNOT, which I think is terrific. Yes, it had to grow on me a bit, but it grew really fast. ;-)

Book #3 is currently titles KNOCK ME FOR A LOOP, but I've decided not to get too attached, just in case. :-P

Call me Pollyanna, but I truly believe that if people would stop watching the news, stop worrying so much, & stop talking about it, this so-called recession would be nothing but a memory in a couple of months. Look what happened over the summer with soaring gas prices. I refused to focus on them, made my attitude, "No problem, it's only money & I can always get more of that"---yes, I know, but go with me on this, it really does work!---& focused on the what goes up must come down idea that the prices wouldn't stay that way forever. And sure enough, they dropped. More than I expected, actually. LOL So just soldier thru, everyone, & keep your attitudes positive. This, too, shall pass. And in the meantime---as you suggested, Jo---I'm happy to help you laugh away your troubles. :-D

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Treethyme! Thank you so much! Let's see, for pre-ordering my book, for loving my blog... Thank you, thank you! (Mistress Heidi thanks you, too...& her mode of thanks is usually to let you have some alone time in a cell with one of her half-naked Sexy Saturday hotties. *vbg*)

I hope you'll feel free to drop by The Dungeon anytime & become one of Mistress Heidi's Darlings. We really have a lot of least if we can avoid the lash of that whip. :-P

Heidi Betts said...

Jeanne~ It's a Dungeon secret. Can you imagine the wrath if Mistress Heidi found out I was breaking the rules? 8-0

And Minna has shared some great stuff with us over in The Dungeon, too. Methinks she might spend a wee bit too much time online & at YouTube ;-), but hey, who the heck am I to judge! My butt is even now becoming permanently attached to my desk chair. :-P

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Ooooh, The Dungeon...

Yes, Lars, Mistress Heidi DOES need another drink. THank you. A refill? Certainly. Hot for me today, thanks. Yes, coffee with Baileys will do fine.

Where was I? Oh, yes. DO visit WIPS and Chains if you have a mo' ladies and gents. It's a lot of that okay? To say that a dungeon is fun?

Heidi Betts said...

Hey, P226! I'm not sure I believe in coincidence, either. That's where I like to believe Fate really does exist. But I definitely don't believe in shirking personal responsibility, either. We make our own decisions & take our own actions. I just think that *beyond that*, if we're open to little forks in the road & special circumstances being dropped in our lap, then that's most likely Fate. Or, as my dad would suggest, opportunity knocking. :-)

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Terrio! You think *you're* having trouble catching up? LOL

I'm glad you enjoyed the post. And ambivalent sounds too harsh, I think. You're just...undecided, or maybe hesitant to believe too much one way or the other. And there's nothing wrong with that. :-)

Heidi Betts said...

Jeanne~ If you're into pain, humiliation, & bondage, saying The Dungeon is fun is just fine. ;-P

Laura J. said...

WOW!!! I think I'm comment #100 (or 101 or 102).

Stoppin by to say hello!!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Weeelllll....not so much into pain, humiliation and bondage....
but I do like the emoticons. :>

Hi Laura J! Glad to see you in the Lair...

Heidi Betts said...

Hey, Laura! ***waving madly*** I think you were! There should be a prize. What shall I give you? Oh, I know! I'll make you my liaison with my Happy Bookers Yahoo Group (snort) & put in a request with Mistress Heidi that you get some alone-time with Mr. Yesssssss over the weekend. How does that sound? ;-)

catslady said...

I would like to believe in fate or especially reincaration when you keep coming back 'til you get it right, but I'm afraid I'm more the - stuff happens and it's all a crap shoot. I guess I can't get past some of the truly horrid things that happen to innocents - babies and children - and can't get it around my head that such suffering is their fate.

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Hi Catslady! I agree w/ you on the horrid stuff happening to innocents bit.

Great to see you in the Lair today. So, do you knit?

Uh-oh, I'm about to break out in quotes...Jo!!! I need you...

Isn't it Shakespeare that uses the line "...knits up the ragged sleeve of care..." bit? Isn't he talking about sleep in that one?

Off to look it up...

Terri Osburn said...

Okay, I admit, I'm not ambivalent. I'm way too opinionated. LOL! But I think we have *some* control. How much? That's the big question.

Aunty Cindy was sweet (and patient!) enough to teach me to knit in San Fran. I admit I haven't picked it up since. *sigh* But the day will come when I need a nice diversion and will actually have the time to enjoy it. Could be decades from now, but it'll come. LOL!

Keira Soleore said...

Heidi, thanks for your reply. In many contemporaries, you see a detailed sense of place, but rarely do you see a complex world built up like a paranormal. From the reviews and your website, I see that you've done exactly that. Brava to you, and thanks, Duchess, for introducing me to a new-to-me glom, er, writer.

Pat Cochran said...

Nice interview, ladies!

Hello, Ms. Heidi, I seem to meet you everywhere! This is about the second or third blogsite this very month where our paths have now crossed. Aha,Fate or coincidence? Good question!! I have read your excerpt and I'm now looking forward to getting all Tangled Up in your story! Thanks for joining us in the Lair today!!

Pat Cochran

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Bwah-ha-ha, Keira...we do our best to seduce you with new...I mean INTRODUCE you to new authors. :>


Hi Pat! It's great to have Heidi here, isn't it? :>

Heidi Betts said...

Catslady~ Well, now, I think that opens a big old can of worms I'm not sure I want to get into. Like evil & free will & why bad things happen to good people. I still believe in Fate, but I also believe the above exist, so...

Worms! Worms!

Heidi Betts said...

ROTF, Terrio. You sound like me---way too opinionated not to have an opinion on everything. Even if I'm not sure about something, I still have an opinion. :-P

Oh, how I love San Fran! And maybe TANGLED will inspire you to pick up the needles again. (I'd cross my fingers, but I need them for both typing & knitting. :-))

Hellie Sinclair said...

Yes, I believe in Fate.

But I believe the choices we make, which we do to our free will, will lead us there. Sometimes later maybe--but eventually to the Fate we were meant to have.

Heidi Betts said...

Wow, Keira, thank you. I think I'm getting a little verklempt.

The world building in paranormals & urban fantasies blows me away. (I've recently been working my way thru Jackie Kessler's Hell books & Vicki Pettersson's Shadow series, so I know of whence I speak. *g*) I cannot promise I come even close to that with these books, but I am happy with the story arc that flows thru all three books & how many personalities/threads are woven thru the series. It wasn't always easy, but I think I did okay. ;-)

p226 said...

Jeanne, I think you and I are the same page. Heidi provides an interesting perspective as well that finds the middle ground between the responsibility cop-out of faith, and personal responsibility.

One might consider that fate may place the CHOICES in front of you. But what you do with those choices is your responsibility alone.

Interesting take.

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Pat! Great to see you again, too! I know, I'm everywhere this month...with more to come, too! One of my readers & Darlings of the Dungeon calls this my "Blog Tour 2009." LOL We considered renting a bus but couldn't decide on the beverages...Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi or
Coke? *g*

Glad you're looking forward to TANGLED. And if you're not quite convinced...jump on the bus, we'll get you there eventually. :-D

(Wait, did that sound dirty?)

Heidi Betts said...

Hey, MsHellion! I like to lean back & let Fate lead me a little more than that, but I absolutely agree that our choices also make our fates. Oh, & Pro/Con lists come in handy, too. :-)

Heidi Betts said...

P226~ Definitely believe Fate puts the choices in front of you, & you're the only one responsible for what you decide to do. Could be the right thing, could be a mistake...but even what looks like a mistake at one point could lead you to a new & wonderful destiny eventually. :-)

Laura J. said...

Oh that would be perfect!!! I'm sure I can keep him pretty busy!! All my thanks to Mistress Heidi.

Hi Jeanne (and all bandits!)!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

P226 said: One might consider that fate may place the CHOICES in front of you. But what you do with those choices is your responsibility alone.

Well, there you go. Very succinctly put and right on with what I'm believing. :>

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Yes, Heidi, that DID sound dirty.

And it's COKE ALL THE WAY!!!

Yeah, baby!

Anna Campbell said...

Man, 120 comments???!!! And I haven't even been over to RNTV yet!

Jo, congratulations on the chook! I hope he's behaving. You'll be tired after your sterling efforts at RNTV yesterday. No energy for running after a randy rooster!

Heidi and Jeanne, great interview. Heidi, welcome to the lair! Thanks so much for coming to visit us.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the call story. That's one of the best ones I've ever heard. You'll dine out on that for a long time, I think! Congratulations. The books sound fantastic and having that hook is going to make them a marketer's dream. Brilliant stuff!

Anna Campbell said...

Oh, meant to say I do believe in Fate. It works very oddly but it does work!

pjpuppymom said...

Welcome to the lair, Heidi! I've been reading about TANGLED UP IN LOVE all over the internet and I'm looking forward to getting my hands on a copy. I love your fortunately/unfortunately story. That's terrific!

I definitely believe in Fate. Too many things have happened in my life for me not to.

I learned to knit when I was a teenager but dropped it somewhere along the way. I've been thinking of taking a class. The woman who volunteers with me at the hospital info desk knits and is always working on adorable baby caps for the newborns in the hospital nursery. It's made me want to take it up again.

Heidi Betts said...

Jeanne~ I concur. Diet Cherry Coke for me, tho, please. :-)

Heidi Betts said...

Laura~ I know you'll keep him well as well-oiled. At least until "Zack" comes along. *vbg*

Trish Milburn said...

Hi, Heidi! Congrats on your knitting trilogy. I wish I knew how to knit, but my crafty ability runs only to counted cross-stitch, and I haven't even done that in forever.

And, yes, I do believe in fate. I think things happen when and how they're supposed to. That's not to say that we don't do things to bring about what we want; I just think us taking those actions are part of the path of fate. And don't I sound all woo-woo all of a sudden. :)

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Anna, thanks so much for the warm Bandita welcome. :-)

I'm glad you enjoyed the story of how TANGLED came about. It was just one of those bizarre roller coaster things where you're not quite sure what to think or how to react while you're in the middle of it, but then can look back & see the symmetry of it all. LOL

And from your fingertips to God's ears on the "marketers' dream" thing. SMP seemed pretty excited in the beginning, but we'll see if they followed thru on getting the word out. Of course, you guys are helping, for which I'm extremely grateful. Thanks, guys! Mistress Heidi owes you one. ;-)

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, PJ! I'm so glad you've been hearing about made me smile with that one, because I feel like I live in so much of a vacuum sometimes, I don't know what's going on in the big, wide world---let along the world wide web. :-p

I think knitting caps for newborns is such a sweet idea! I hope you're able to find a class in your area to help you take up knitting again & follow thru on that. And if you do, please consider popping over to Must Love Yarn to share your story with us. I'd really love to get readers/knitters to share their stories about knitting & let me posts pics of their projects. That would be totally cool. And if there's a baby under the cap, even better. *g*

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Trish! Thanks so much. I used to do cross-stitch. Math, however, is not my strong suit, so I can't say that I was terribly good at it. Plus, those needles are sharper than knitting ones & I got kind of tired of stabbing myself! :-P

And you don't sound woo-woo at all. Seriously, if I haven't sounded overly woo-woo yet, you're totally safe. *g*

jo robertson said...

Oops, sorry Duchesse, I just got to this.

Of course it's Shakespeare! Yay for the Bard!

It's Macbeth saying he murdered sleep, sleep that knits up the raveled sleeve of care, yada, yada, when he killed King Duncan and had Macduff's whole family slaughtered.

Love those bloody (pun intended) plays.

jo robertson said...

Wow, Heidi, all three of those are super titles. Kudos to your mum. Do you think titles actually help sell books? They must do!

limecello said...

Whoa - lots of people in the lair today! Congrats on the GR, Jo! :)
Hi Heidi - seems like I'm running into you everywhere! As for your question about fate... yes I think I can see fate at work. It's those certain people where the stars align and everything falls into place - the heavens open - all that good stuff.
Here's to hoping that happens for me :P
I love the premise of your new trilogy! So excited for the release date :)

jo robertson said...

And OMG, "knitting is the new yoga" should be a bumper sticker!

I adore the dusty shades of purple. I finally understand the line "when I am old I shall wear purple!"

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Jo said: It's Macbeth saying he murdered sleep, sleep that knits up the raveled sleeve of care, yada, yada, when he killed King Duncan and had Macduff's whole family slaughtered.

Love those bloody (pun intended) plays.

SEE!! See, I KNEW you'd know where it was from. I was pretty sure it was MacBeth and I would have been right. Didn't get a chance to go look it up, but then here you are, so I didn't need to.

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Hi Limecello! Great to see you! So, do you knit?

Heidi Betts said...

Jo~ And I've got more! I've got this extensive list of knitting titles & puns & fun little sayings that I'd love to put to use. Some I'm able to slip into this trilogy, others may have to wait. But it's so much fun to come up with them.

I definitely think a good title can help sell a book. One that grabs your attention, sticks in your head, is fun or appealing in some way. Don't you?

And my mum is great. She also came up with "Chicks with Sticks" (they've got sticks & they know how to use them *g*) & one of my favorite tag lines for for this series: "Who says yarn can't be sexy?" Hmm. Maybe I shouldn't get so annoyed when she refers to them as "our books." *snort*

I think bumper stickers are a great idea. But only if we can put a note below that says, "And TANGLED UP IN LOVE is the new Kama Sutra." ROTF

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Limecello! Yep, I'm making the rounds. :-p

I love your "the heaven open" line. Yes, yes, please---more of that! LOL

And I'm so glad you're excited about the trilogy. I am, too...but then, I'm moderately biased. ;-) You're all so sweet to be so supportive of me & the books, tho. In fact, I made a little "offer" at both WIPs & Must Love Yarn yesterday that you're all welcome to check out. Maybe I can do a little something to pay y'all back. :-)

Christine Wells said...

Heidi, I just loved your story about fate paving the way to a knitting series. I thought you were going to say you went to knitting bootcamp in order to write that series.LOL Serendipity tapped you on the shoulder, didn't it?

I believe in Fate, that we were meant to make the mistakes we make and that hurdles are in our path to make us stronger. Your experience sounds a little like that story Julie Ann Long told in her Tao of Publishing workshop last year about the young man who lost his arm but because of that, he didn't have to go to war and be killed like the rest of the young men in his village. There were lots of events in between, but that was the gist.

Your books sound like great fun. Thanks for joining us in the lair today. Thanks for having Heidi in for a chat, Jeanne!

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Hi Christine! Glad you could pop in! :>

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Christine! LOL I'm not much of the bootcamp type, so if I hadn't known how to knit, I honestly think I would have just told my editor, "No, sorry," & moved on. (Possibly kicking myself later for not at least asking why & thinking about learning, but that would be nothing new. :-P)

And in this case, serendipity didn't just tap me on the shoulder, it Frenched me, then wrapped me in its strong arms & carried me to bed in a very Rhett & Scarlett manner! *vbg* Yes, I've been ravished by Fate & am begging for more. :-D

Anna Campbell said...

Ooh, Heidi, do you think fate will come and ravish me once it's done with you? It sounds kinda fun!

Hey, you know you girls are on fire (blogwise!). 140 comments???!!! WOW! Heidi, I think you've got a guaranteed bestseller coming up. Yippeeeeee!

jo robertson said...

Heidi, your mom sounds like a great asset. Keep her around!

Christine, ROTFL at "knitting bootcamp." They should have parenting bootcamp, too, shouldn't they?

Heidi, a title and cover definitely catch my eye when I'm purchasing. That's why I love a book store, so you can touch and feel that smooth, slick, wonderful . . . what? Cover!!

Heidi Betts said...

Hey, Jeanne, should I be picking winner for the 3 free books now? Don't want to put a damper on that chat, but don't want to horn in on tomorrow's post, either.

Let's see...little pieces of paper everywhere, cats picked...


Congratulations, ladies! Please visit the Backlist page of my website ( & pick a title you’re interested in...& this does include the HOTTER THAN HELL anthology...then e-mail me ( with your book choice & mailing info, & I’ll get your prizes right out to you!

Thank you everyone for spending the day with me, & to the Bandits for letting me hang out in their Lair. The company was lovely, the drinks sublime, & the men...oh, the men. ;-D

Hope to see you all in The Dungeon soon, too!

Heidi Betts said...

Okay, Anna, I really need you to say that LOUDER. Really enunciate. And sort of aim the words know UP. ;-)

And as soon as I'm finished with Fate, I'll send him (is it a him?) your way. It's really quite fun, I must say.

Hey, do we have a romance novel title on our hands, here---Ravished by Fate?

Heidi Betts said...

Jo~ We don't always see eye to eye, but I've decided to keep my mom around for a while. She reads my galleys for me, stuffs promo envelopes, bakes all my holiday goodies, & even does anatomically correct gingerbread cookies for me to show off at The Dungeon at Xmas. And she used to be in a convent, for heaven's sake! Seriously, how could I part with someone like that? *vbg* (Oh, & btw, when I talk about her in The Dungeon, her name is Madame Mommy Dearest. She doesn't know about that, tho, so please don't tell her! ;-))

I love being able to touch a book, too. See the over, read the blurb, touch the pages... I think I might be a book hussy.

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Heidi, you book hussy you! Grins. Love that.

Jo, you naughty gal, caressing the books...

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Madame Mommy Dearest really IS a dear, so don't let Heidi fool you. I don't know about the anatomically correct cookies - now THERE'S an image! - but she's really a sweetheart.

And a nunnery? Really? Obviously it didn't take...

Anonymous said...

Congrats Jo on grabbing that rooster!

Great interview Heidi, I love to read interviews with authors. I also wish I could knit. That is something I never learned to do. I can sew and piece some quilts, but never learned to knit. Maybe one of these days I will learn.

Banditas I am glad to be back. I haven't had power or heat for three days now and I just got my power back on. I just hope it stays on now.

Laurie G said...


Heidi Betts said...

Jeanne~ I'm a book hussy & proud of it. I go to bed with a book almost every night, & most times, it's better than the alternative. I'm just sayin'. :-P

The nunnery definitely did not take for my mom. When she told her mother she was leaving the convent, my gram locked herself in the bathroom for 3 days, sobbing. The mental breakdown doesn't surprise me so much as the question of what the rest of the family did without a bathroom for that long. 8-0

And if you want to see the anatomically correct gingerbread couple, drop by WIPs around Xmas. They've become a bit of a holiday tradition in The Dungeon. :-D

Heidi Betts said...

Hi, Virginia! Sorry to hear you've been without power & heat. Yikes! Here in Central PA, we've been there, don't that, but have been lucky so far this winter. Knock on wood.

And knitting isn't easy. It took me more than one try to finally get the hang of it. I caught on to crochet more easily, I think because there's only the one short needle to deal with. And I still have some idiosyncrasies in the way I knit compared to others, but I don't care. ;-P

Heidi Betts said...

You're welcome, Laurie! Thank you for chatting with me & being so excited about TANGLED! :-D