by Beth
It's time for another Chit Chat post! On my website I have a Chit Chat page where every month I share what music I'm listening to, what books I'm reading, things I'm currently loving, what I'm watching, what I'm looking forward to and which of my recipes I'm craving.
Unfortunately, I've been in the writing cave finishing up the first book of my new trilogy for Superromance (sent it in on Weds. Yay!) which didn't leave me much time to update my Chit Chat page. But that's okay because I had so much fun the last time you all joined in on the Chit Chat right here in the lair, I thought we could do it again :-)
Here's what I'm currently...
...Listening to:
Cheers (Drink to that) by Rihanna
Typical by Mute Math
Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
All the magazines that have accumulated over the past four months *g*
My new standing desk! My husband made me a desk where I could stand and write and I adore it! I really do move around a lot more when I use it :-)
Football! I'm a big football fan (NFL) and have enjoyed watching the games these past two Sundays (go, Steelers!)
Project Runway. Love Anya and Anthony Ryan and I really like Viktor's designs.
Barefoot Contessa. If I had to pick just one show on Foodnetwork to watch, this would be it *g*
...Looking Forward To:
Working on the second book of my new trilogy. The hero is a bad boy with some serious rough edges. I love him already *ggg*
What's Your Number? I've been an Anna Faris fan since The House Bunny and I can't wait to see this movie starring her and Chris Evans :-)
Pumpkin Cake Delight
1 (18.25 oz) box yellow cake mix
1 (15 oz) can pumpkin pie filling, ready to use (NOT plain canned pumpkin)
1/2 cup butter, melted
Pour pie filling into bottom of 9" x 13" baking dish. Sprinkle cake mix over top. Pour melted butter over cake mix.
Bake at 350 degrees for 30 - 40 minutes. Test with a butter knife - if it pulls out clean, it's done. Serve warm with whipped cream.
Tell me what you're currently:
Listening to
Looking forward to
Let's Chit Chat!
And speaking of fun Chit Chats, check out this video taken by Rhapsody Book Club at Romance Writers of America's 2011 Literacy signing! Sorry, I couldn't get the embedded code to work. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5Q_lnDLL08&feature=youtu.be
Listening to: Coldplay and Adele
Reading: Joyce Lamb and Agatha Christie
Loving: My new pair of pants
Watching: Baseball, Alphas and Inspector Lewis
Looking Forward to: Prime Suspect, Community and Grimm
Craving: Donuts, fries and ice cream cake
Just finished Hawaii Five O .... loving, craving, and looking forward to more.
Awww - fond memories of the conference in New York!
What a fun idea, Beth - I'll play!
Listening to: The Puck Podcast *g* love Doug and Eddie's review of the week in the hockey world. My iPod is on a shuffle mix of my favourite running songs, so listening to that too.
Reading: Coincidentally - Feels Like Home! I'm on a Bandita binge, as a stack just arrived from The Book Depository! Next up is Jeanne's Deadly Little Lies, Jo's The Watcher, Kate's How to Seduce a Billionaire and Christina's Heiress in Love.
Loving: Football (soccer - Go Man Utd!) and football (NFL - gotta take those Redskins wins when you can!). Also my iPad2 - how did I cope without it?!
Watching: Leverage, Rizzoli and Isles, Downton Abbey and The Killing (the original Danish version)
Looking forward to: hockey season *g*, using our new fire in the living room, finishing my current wip!
Craving: hockey *g*, hot, buttered popcorn and some sunshine!
Well done Jane enjoy your day with him
I am listening to what ever is playing on the radio at the moment a good mix of music from the 60's 70's and 80's.
Reading In The Widow's Bed Heather Boyd just finished Jo's The Avenger fantastic story
Loving My Grandkids they are so cute and funny
Watching I have been watching the football and although my team got beaten on the weekend and are out of the finals I will watch the other teams for a couple more weeks
Looking forward to the weekend and more reading
Craving all the summer fruits and salads
Have Fun
Listening to: The Living End's new album I got for free from Brisbane's favourite rock station Triple M; and I got to take a tour of their city studio - with Mum and she got a free copy too! - great Aussie band.
Loving: Collecting vinyl and books; not always in that order.
Watching: Season 2 of 'True Blood' on dvd. 'Sons of Anarchy' on channel 1 free-to-air cable every Wednesday night. :D
Looking Forward to: My Birthday in 2 weeks! I love my birthday; always have... so much fun to not only get older but receive fun gifts and be with my family.
New season of 'Supernatural' starts in 2 weeks at well; a few nights before my birthday, 3rd October, actually ... love the Winchester Bros.
Craving: Time with a cool friend of mine I don't see very often; he sweet and very cool and makes me laugh.
What a fun idea!
Listening to: Daft Punk (the soundtrack from Tron: Legacy)
Reading: books for college
Loving: apples :D
Watching: many shows like Project Runway (rooting for Anya and Viktor), America's Next Top Model, Downton Abbey
Looking forward to: Pan Am
Craving: cake
Fun, Beth!
Listening to: Give Me Everything by Pitbull & Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5 (part of my dance playlist for exercising)
Reading: A Game of Thrones
Loving: I just discovered Drop Dead Diva and have been watching the first season on streaming.
Watching: The new season premieres -- Hawaii Five-O last night (Shocked at the ending scene!)
Looking forward to:
Getting this book turned in
Craving: All the things I'm not supposed to have like sweets, pizza and cheese fries
Oh, also looking forward to the premiere of Terra Nova.
Hey, Jane, you'll be listening to a chook by the looks of things!
Beth, love these. They're such fun!
Listening to ABC Classic FM (great writing music)
Reading Soulless by Gail Carriger and the last few Daisy Dalrymple mysteries by Carola Dunn
Loving my new kettle (so much so I'm blogging about it next month - yeah, I know tragic!)
Watching Jeopardy (love J!).
Looking forward to a reading day next Sunday
Craving a reading day next Sunday
By the way, Beth, congrats on getting that pesky ms in! Can't wait to read it!
Oooh, how fun Beth!
Hey Jane, you caught the Rooster!
Listening to - the soundtrack to Pirates of Caribbean (#1), and Nickelback
Reading - Nora's NY2Dallas and rereading Awaken the Giant Within
by Tony Robbins
Loving - Life! Being in a size 12 with "room" to spare! Starbucks Venti Mocha...
Watching - ESPN Zone
Looking forward to - NCIS and NCIS LA season premiere's tonight. Prime Suspect and a couple of the new movies and turning in a proposal and a book.
Craving - chocolate dipped pretzels. A few dry, cool, sunny days to work in the yard (emphasis on dry) An end to telemarketing calls from mortgage co's wanting to "upgrade" my mortgage.
I concur with the others: this is fun!
Listening to RHYTHM OF LOVE by Plain White T's (over and over again)
Reading magazines at the moment (as way behind and want to pass on to someone else)
Loving life
Watching not enough tv (my cable options are changing drastically for the worse later today - I'm in a funk over my stupid cable company, and my DH doesn't want to change companies)
Looking forward to playing badminton tonight (and swatting the heck out of that birdie)
Craving brownies (as my daughter ate the last one last night)
Hi Beth! *waving*
I'm currently...
Listening to the Oldies station. I'm reliving my youth today. :)
Reading Sage Creek by Jill Gregory.
Loving having much of my family visiting this week.
Watching college football!!!
Looking forward to next week at Moonlight & Magnolias!
Craving the Swiss Steak we'll be having for dinner tonight.
LOL, Beth, I love this Chit Chat experience!
Listening to: the theme from TRUE BLOOD, can't get that song out of my mind!
Reading: Jeanne's DIRTY LITTLE LIES (loving Dav)!
Loving: My new journey into indie publishing!
Watching: Sons of Anarchy (love some biker dudes) and Castle! Yay, Nathan's back!
Looking forward to: tons of new fall shows, and especially the second season of Boardwalk Empire
Craving: La Bou's blueberry scones, but I might settle for your delicious-sounding cake, Beth!
Listening to--Country song "Hunt You Down" by JT Hodge. Some kind of primeval about this...rowwwll. And the 70's station on the Sirrus radio who had a disco fest the other day. I was doing "The Hustle" driving down Dixie Highway, LOL
Reading "The Last Warrior" by Susan Grant...GREAT sci fi romance author
Loving My new Ford Escape. Tooling along with my Sync voice calling people on the phone hands free.
Watching Did watch DWTS though very underwehelmed with cast. Looking forward to the premiere of Big Bang Theory
Looking forward to finishing my paranormal mss. and getting onto the next two....darn characters waltzing in to demand their due
Craving Apple Pie. I'm on a kick right now for that and plain chocolate cake
Good morning!
Jane, I'm listening to Adele's Someone Like You quite a bit. Love it! And I've heard great things about Alphas. I'll have to check it out.
Now, seeing as how you're stuck with...er...I mean, have the pleasure of the GR's company today, perhaps you can send him out for donuts and ice cream cake *g*
LOL, Kim! Has the new season started? I'm so behind on everything, I'm not even sure when the new shows begin *g*
Awww - fond memories of the conference in New York!
Miss you!!
My son is gearing up for hockey season and has high hopes of getting to a few Predators' games *g* He's almost as anxious for the season to start as you are :-)
Thank you so much for picking up FLH - hope you enjoy it!
I need to catch up on Leverage and I've been wanting to watch Rizzoli and Isles but that'll have to wait until I've caught up on The Closer *g*
Hey, Helen! Isn't it great when you find a radio station that plays a wide variety of music? We finally have one and I'm so glad as so many times stations play the same tunes over and over again *g*
It tickles me that you're looking forward to summer foods while I'm craving all things autumn - apple crisp and homemade applesauce, pumpkin bread and hearty soups and stews...yum! :-)
Mozette, I love my birthday, too! We have three coming up, older daughter, my son and then mine *g*
and I got to take a tour of their city studio
How cool! I would love to do something like that - sounds like a lot of fun :-)
I have both True Blood and Supernatural in my Netflix queue but I'm not sure when I'll get to them. Actually, I've seen all the seasons of Supernatural except the last year and a half. Need to get caught up *g*
Hey, Antonia! I've heard Pan Am is supposed to be really good. Maybe I'll get a chance to check it out.
What kind of cake are you craving? I was in the mood for pumpkin but now I'm thinking I'd rather go with a nice, moist spice cake :-)
And now I'm hungry!
Beth - Great fun reading everyone else's responses, but I'm afraid my answers - though true - are extremely boring.
Listening - to silence. The house is quiet and the back door is open. My neighbors are outside talking. I can't exactly hear what they're saying, they make background noise with birds and a distant buzz saw.
Reading - mulitple books on whiskey distillation in preparation for the next book. I need some good fiction to start - I'll have to scan the responses here.
Loving - my new Ipad2. Having lots of fun where you can put a message on photographs taken and then email.
Watching - I was watching True Blood but the season ended last week. Watching the new premiere shows this week before Boardwalk Empire starts.
Looking Forward to - The next season of Downton Abbey - it should be out soon. Game of Thrones - second season. Boardwalk Empire - second season.
Craving - Fuzzy Navel Cake, Pumpkin cake roll, Bourbon Pecan Pie. The temperatures are dropping and my craving for baked goods amps up.
Jane, congrats on the bird!
Beth, congratulations on turning in your book. Can't wait to read it!
Right now, I'm listening to nothing.
Reading a post-apocalyptic Western fantasy, Bloodlands, and just finished David Baldacci's The Sixth Man.
Loving having my latest ms. making the rounds and having worked a jigsaw puzzle after a long period of feeling I didn't have time
Watching: Haven, Castle, Law & Order UK, NCIS Los Angeles
Looking forward starting the next ms., once I figure out what it will be, and to the return of Justified, Southland, Burn Notice, The Glades, and White Collar and to working the next puzzle
Craving chocolate. Always. Is there anything else? *g*
Hey Beth, I'm ready to chit chat! But first, um, you said:
"Unfortunately, I've been in the writing cave finishing up the first book of my new trilogy for Superromance."
There's no "Unfortunately" about it! I love to hear that we'll have a new trilogy to look forward to. :-)
Okay, here's my list.
Listening to: SANTANA (sing with me..."Oye Como Va") :-)
Reading: Just finished Susan Mallery's ONLY YOURS and now
reading Maya Banks' THE DARKEST HOUR. Both highly recommended reads! Next up: Jeanne's DEADLY LITTLE LIES. Can't wait!
Loving: (1) My smart phone. How did I ever live without it? (2) My book covers. I've been so lucky all along, but have to say the latest ones are truly gorgeous!
Watching: (1) New seasons of CASTLE and HAWAII FIVE O (Watched them both last night. Yummers!); (2) Too many news shows! Ack!; and (3) We're hooked on Inspector Lewis
Looking forward to: (1) Finishing my revisions; and (2) Spending a week with my mom and family on Balboa Island.
Craving: Pizza and pasta and a glass of wine (but since it's just past breakfast time here, I'll stick with a hardboiled egg. LOL).
Jane, congrats on taking home the bird! Hide the donuts. :-)
"What kind of cake are you craving? I was in the mood for pumpkin but now I'm thinking I'd rather go with a nice, moist spice cake :-)"
@ Beth Andrews: Chocolate cake :D. I've never had spice cake, but I'm curious to try it.
Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5
LOL, Trish! I can't get this song out of my head now *g* But that's okay since it makes me want to dance!
I've heard great things about Drop Dead Diva! I want to see New Girl since I really love Zoey Deschanel
By the way, Beth, congrats on getting that pesky ms in
Thanks, Anna!
I'm with you on craving a reading day but mine will have to wait another week since this Sunday is my daughter's birthday and I'll be cooking and baking *g*
Loving - Life!
LOL, Jeanne! Fabulous answer *g*
I haven't read Awaken the Giant Within in years. Maybe I'll have to pick it up again. It's sunny here but not quite dry. Older daughter had a cross country meet Saturday and it was muddy enough that one runner lost a shoe :-)
Listening to RHYTHM OF LOVE by Plain White T's (over and over again)
Hey, Laney! That's an addictive song, isn't it? Hearing it makes me smile *g*
I'm trying to get rid of some magazines, too seeing as how I have so many, they're toppling out of their basket *g*
Grr on the changing cable options! So frustrating!
Hey, PJ!! Happy Birthday!!
I hope you all have checked out PJ's celebration over on The Romance Dish *g*
Looking forward to next week at Moonlight & Magnolias
I'm envious! Hope you have a wonderful time :-)
Hi, Jo! Blueberry scones sound fabulous! I didn't get to make any this year with our fresh blueberries but I did freeze quite a few berries to use later. Hopefully they'll work in my scone recipe *g*
Loving: My new journey into indie publishing!
Can't wait to read your releases! So excited for you :-)
I was doing "The Hustle" driving down Dixie Highway,
LOL, Joan! I don't know how anyone can stay still when that song comes on. I can't *g*
One of my (many) sisters-in-law has an Escape and she loves it. So glad you're enjoying yours!
Hey, Donna! I don't think your answers were boring at all! I'm actually a bit fascinated by what you're reading right now *g*
I can't exactly hear what they're saying, they make background noise with birds and a distant buzz saw.
I can zone out most any noise - my son drumming or playing guitar (when he's home) my daughters' music, my own music, power tools, lawn mowers etc but I can't concentrate if someone's talking *g* Which is why I'm so happy when school starts and my house is quiet again!
Thanks, Nancy! I'm working on the second book and I'm excited about the trilogy. Of course, I'll be even more excited AFTER they're all revised and polished *g*
I so want to watch Burn Notice. It looks like a lot of fun and I have The Glades in my Netflix queue. Maybe I'll start that this week while I'm on the treadmill.
Fingers crossed for your ms.!
There's no "Unfortunately" about it! I love to hear that we'll have a new trilogy to look forward to. :-)
Thanks, Kate! You're right, it's all good :-)
Ooh, book recommendations! Great *g* And I heartily agree with you on your covers - so gorgeous!
It's late enough here for that pizza, pasta and glass of wine. Hope you got to enjoy the things you craved ;-)
Chocolate cake :D. I've never had spice cake, but I'm curious to try it.
Antonia, I don't have a recipe (I figured I'd just search one out) or I'd share it with you *g*
I forgot to mention the pumpkin cake in the post is the one my son usually requests for his late Oct birthday. Now that he's in college, the poor kid doesn't get a cake :-( I think I'll make it this year anyway and eat it for him!
Beth, thanks for the good wishes!
I hope you like The Glades. I love Burn Notice.
And yes, the published book is more fun than the ms. :-)
Listening to : Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor (it's what my hero is hearing to the accompaniment of gunfire.)
Reading : Georgette Heyer's Regency World by Jennifer Kloester
Loving : That I am writing every day now and making progress!
Watching : Movies - Tangled
Looking Forward to : Finishing enough pages to reward myself with the entire first season of True Blood on October 30th (I'll be off all day. I own the boxed set and I've never watched it!)
Craving : Tim Tams and REAL Cadbury's Chocolate!
Listening to: Paul Brandt
Reading: Deanna Raybourn's The Dark Enquiry
Loving: New Girl starring Zooey Deschanel
Watching: The Body Farm
Looking forward to: the season premiere of Bones(argh! can't wait till November!)
Craving: an ice cream float
Listening to: News radio
Reading: NeverWhere by Neil Gaiman
Loving: Springtime
Watching: not much
Looking forward to: Downton Abbey season 2
Craving: My Mother's Wine Trifle
Loving : That I am writing every day now and making progress
Good for you, Louisa!
I just watched Tangled recently and I loved it. Can't wait to see it again *g*
Loving: New Girl starring Zooey Deschanel
I missed this last night but am hoping to catch it at some point. I've heard is very funny *g*
Hey, Marybelle. I know quite a few people are looking forward to Downton Abbey! I caught a few episodes of the first season and really enjoyed it *g*
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