N: Jeanne and I both enjoy books that don't fit squarely into a niche, romances or books with strong romantic elements that bend the genre lines. So today we're chatting about those.
J: You know, that always sounds hinky. In a Bend-it-like-Beckham kind of way. (Speaking of Genre Bending)
N: Bwhahaha! I didn't start out reading as much romance as I do now. I discovered science fiction (and comic books) and mystery first. I read YA romances without realizing that's what they were, courtesy of my local library and the Scholastic Book Club, but I didn't read romance as an adult. I did read historical fiction with romance in it, but I didn't pay much attention when the romance genre exploded in the late 1970s and early 1980s. I read a handful of those early sagas, but I was in school, preoccupied with trying to decide where my life was going. I stuck to the genres I'd come to know better.
J: Nancy, you and I kind of followed the same path on this. I too read a lot of science fiction and fantasy, as well as a lot of historical fiction. I also read a lot of biographies when I was younger.
N: Once I started reading romance, however, I was hooked. Even when reading other genres, I now much prefer books that have a strong romantic plot line to those that don't, although I'll settle for a pretty low threshold of romance in a thriller. A couple of years back, I read a debut military science fiction novel with an interesting premise. It was well done but didn't draw me in, and I realized that was because there was no romance in it. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada. So I didn't read the next book.
The series is now in hardcover, so it clearly has many avid readers. I just don't happen to be among them.
N: The current market is doing a lot to make me happy. Romance is slowly, sometimes grudgingly, allowing elements from other genres, like action, magic, and suspense, to assume prominent roles. At the same time, romance is establishing a strong presence in science fiction, fantasy and in mystery, bending the genre lines to a degree that wouldn't have been possible several years ago. I love historical and contemporary romances that are pure romance--nothing extra added in, but I also love the extra elements crossing genres. So today's blog is about the line benders.

The title character saved England from invaders known as The Horde. The heroine is a police inspector on the trail of a killer who dumped a body onto the hero's house. He joins her because, well, it's personal now, doubly so when he learns he knew and respected the victim who drew her to his home. Pursuing the killer drags them into a conspiracy to kill the thousands of English men and women, including the two of them, who carry Horde technology they can't live without.
Conspiracy to commit mass murder is more common in thrillers than in romance. There's the worldbuilding, as I said, and the dark, gritty tone. Oh, and zombies, who technically belong to horror but have begun cropping up in romance.
J: That's another mindbender, isn't it? I mean zombies? In Romance? Seriously? But I've been seeing it too. Since you mentioned it to me, I picked up Iron Duke. haven't had a chance to read it yet though.
N: I know you'll enjoy it.

While I found the first quarter a bit slow, it was good enough that I felt it was going to get better. So I kept reading. Once the bad guy appeared, things picked up quickly. The hero is a vampire searching for his lost (human) love in the wreck of civilization. People kill monsters--vampires, shifters, and others--so he doesn't want anyone to know what he is. He has become very good at passing for human. The heroine is part of an isolated community with secrets to keep.
Naturally, his quest and her secrets collide in the midst of the final confrontation against the villain who wants to wipe out the heroine's community. Despite the paranormal elements and the setting, this book reads like a romance. But it's published by ROC--perhaps because HEA isn't guaranteed at the end of the book, and romance requires that.
J: This is another one I'm going to have to read. I mean vampire westerns? Really? But this sounds quite good.
N: I liked it a lot. I'd like to see some continuing couples in romance, romantic arcs that don't tie up with HEA at the end of the book. The popularity of Eve Dallas and Roarke among romance readers implies that's do-able, but it isn't happening so far. Speaking of genre benders, those books are, first and foremost, serial killer police procedurals. The romantic arc, though, is much more intense than is usual in the mystery/suspense genre. It's a line bender. I'm not featuring it here, though, because with the latest book just out, I don't want us to spoil New York to Dallas for anyone who hasn't read it yet.
J: I'd love to see more of this too, Nancy. Her series is also a futuristic, and Nora is known to frequently bring other paranormal elements, like witchcraft and psychic abilities.
N: You know I loved Nora's Sign of Seven trilogy, and that actually had horror elements in it. I don't usually read horror. Jessica Andersen's Nightkeepers are romance with strong, strong fantasy elements. Jon Land's Caitlin Strong series are thrillers with a strong romance element. C. S. Harris's Sebastian St. Cyr novels are mysteries, but Sebastian's love life plays a prominent role.

J: As you know, I love the Retriever Series as well. Katherine Kurtz and Deborah Turner Harris's Adept series (although there hasn't been a book out in that series for several years) has quite the long arc. The ongoing/developing romance in The Adept is subtle, but quite good. The longer arc on the romance seems to actually be more intense in some ways than in a one-book.

N: Anne Aguirre's RITA-nominated Sirantha Jax series (first one is Grimspace) are also prime examples. There's a science fiction primary plot, but the romance between Jax and March is iKathern ntense and often painful. With one more book to go, I'm hoping for a big payoff there.
J: As you know, I love Anne Aguirre's novels. Grimspace was superb. And since you sent it to me, I'm guessing that's why I liked it so much!
So, we'd love to know, what are you reading now? Do you like your romances straight, with no paranormal or other elements? Or do you like a bit of boom or magic or other paranormal elements with your romance?
I'm reading Joyce Lamb's romantic suspense books back to back. This series from her has paranormal elements. I do enjoy paranormals, but I don't read them as much as I did a couple of years ago. I think it was fatigue. I'm new to steampunk, but I also enjoyed "The Iron Duke."
Hey you two!
I'm not surprised to find you curled up in the Lair library.
WOW! That post-apocalyptic vampire western sounds GREAT! I'm gonna have to add it to my TBR Mountain. ;-)
and chookie too
OOPS! Looks like Jane beat me by a nano-second!
The GR is all yours, m'dear!
Jane, another day with the chook!
Man, you and AC were SOOO close!
Jeanne and Nancy, what a fun post. Actually I went slightly outside my normal reading ranges when I read Soulless last week and just loved it. Sometimes a change is as good as a holiday. The Iron Duke sounds good. I'd heard about it before - must check it out.
I liked Nora 7 trilogy too and I'm definitely NOT a horror fan. But all the things I love about her writing were there. Strong family like friendships, realistic world and premise, great characters and romance.
As kid, I read a lot of Sci-fi and loved historical fiction and later historical romance sagas like Roberta Gellis wrote. I've yet to find another writer who gives me the same satisfaction and joy with sagas like that. Not popular today.
Just finished Anita Clenny's newest book which will be out October or November. Excellent series. I also like The Sentinel Wars series by Shannon Butcher.
Great article and I enjoy a good book set in the steampunk era so I'll check that one out.
Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE
I love romance novels of all sorts, historical, regency, paranormal and have to say that a vampire western sounds kind of intriguing. ; )
Currently, I'm reading Christopher Farnsworth's THE PRESIDENT'S VAMPIRE .. not a romance but so far a very good read. : )
Want to finish it before some of my fave romance writers come out with their newest books starting at the end of this month. Happy Reading!
I'm reading a book on the rise and fall of the A&P. Does this make me a real nerd?
I'm loving ANGELS & MAGIC right now. Not necessarily in the same book.
I've recently read Jill Shalvis and Sophie Jordan. I like anything from historical romance to contemporary thrillers. A good book is a good book!
Well done Jane have fun with him
Nancy and Jeanne
Great post I love my romance I am not big on vampires but yes I do read stories with them in and I love romantic suspense with boom and murders etc, love stories with paranormal elements in them as well and I do love shapeshifters.
I read a lot of historical but love the other genres as well but I do have to have a HEA.
At the moment I am reading Anne Lethbridge's The Gamekeeper's Lady but I have not long finished Jo's The Avenger what a fantastic story that one is and next up will be Jeanne's new one Deadly Little Lies and I am looking forward to that one
Have Fun
Hey Jane! You got the Golden Rooster! Woot!
I'm going to have to pick up Joyce Lamb if you're enjoying her.
And you'll have to tell us what you think of Iron Duke.
Hey AC!
You said: WOW! That post-apocalyptic vampire western sounds GREAT! I'm gonna have to add it to my TBR Mountain. ;-)
Heehee on the TBR Mountain - I have one of those too. I am thinking that vampire western has to go in my TBR peak too. I'm thinking Suz might like it as well.
Uhhh-oh! We've even got Anna C admitting she's bending the genres...at least in her reading!
Anna, you said: Actually I went slightly outside my normal reading ranges when I read Soulless last week and just loved it. Sometimes a change is as good as a holiday.
And yes, sometimes it is fun to read something so "completely different" than what you write, isn't it?
Hi Sia! Oh, I used to love the Robert Gellis's too!
Looks like Iron Duke will be getting a few hits today. Grins. It really does sound fab. I'm going to have to move it up to the slot right after I finish George Pelecanos's The Cut. :>
Hi Amy! So glad to see you here.
You said: Currently, I'm reading Christopher Farnsworth's THE PRESIDENT'S VAMPIRE .. not a romance but so far a very good read. : )
Oh, I've heard good things about this. Someone else in the Lair was reading it - Jo? - and I know Sven wanted to read it too.
JenniferTanner said: I'm reading a book on the rise and fall of the A&P. Does this make me a real nerd?
As in the A&P Grocery stores? I used to love those. Or is it about something else? Grins.
Yes, it makes you a book nerd, but since you're in the company of book nerds, you're in GOOD company! Ha! (my latest non-fiction on the bedside table is about quantam physics being akin to magic, so, yeah...)
Marybelle, when I read your post I though, "there's a book with that title?" - Ha! It would make a catchy title! Glad you clarified before I went a'hunting.
I loves me my romance with a heavy dose of paranormal. And suspense. And other things, Nancy. Love and romance are part of life, and they should be included in many more things than they do show up in (and acknowledged as such)!
Fun post, Nancy and Jeanne. I love romances that pull in other types of story lines. I'm a big paranormal, urban fantasy and post-apocalyptic, and dystopian fan. Which is sort of funny since any of those would totally freak me out in real life. :) I like all of those elements in the romance I read as well as YA, which I also love. Dystopian has gotten big in YA.
Oops, forgot to say what I'm reading. I've been on deadlines lately so I haven't had a lot of fun reading time, but when I have I'm reading A Game of Thrones. I want to read it before I watch the first season of the show.
I don't like run-of-the-mill romances; never have. When I was young, I only read them to shock my folks - and to get them to let me read horror... hehe and it worked like a charm!
Then I found out about vampire romance and I was completely hooked! Then, I began writing them too; as I didn't come across them all that often and wanted a particular type (and of course I wrote that type because of what I enjoyed reading). Now, I have a blog chock full of those stories as well as stories of the strange and unusual.
Hey Helen! How's the day in Aus?
You said:Jo's The Avenger what a fantastic story that one is and next up will be Jeanne's new one Deadly Little Lies and I am looking forward to that one
Ooooh! You got the Avenger already!!?! COOL!!
And thanks! I'll look forward to hearing what you think about Deadly Little Lies.
EllisFlynn said: Love and romance are part of life, and they should be included in many more things than they do show up in (and acknowledged as such)!
Hear, hear!! What Ellis said.
Great post - I'm another one who started off in the sci-fi and mystery area, then moved to romance.
I must admit to being very unfashionable with my reading loves - romcom, gritty romantic suspense/romantic thriller, sports romances, contemps and WW2 romance. I don't like much paranormal unless it's 'light woo-woo' (ghosts and witches and angels), though some authors, like Jess Andersen, Terri Garey and Virginia Kantra obviously have tempted me into the water!
I'm also fussy with my historicals - preferring Westerns. I do enjoy great English historicals or Regencies, but have no love for Scottish or Irish romances. I like historicals with punch and gusto or with humour.
If I read outside of romance, it tends to be thrillers (eg Thomas Perry) with plots that fascinate me as a concept. I prefer there to be romance threads, but I'm fussy *g*. Either do them well or don't bother!
Jane, I'm not familiar with Joyce Lamb. Can you tell us a bit more about those books? I know what you mean about fatigue, I think. Sometimes when I immerse myself in a series for a while, even one I love, I reach a saturation point and have to step away.
Most of the steampunk I've seen has been in SFF. I haven't seen a lot of it in romance.
Congrats on the chook!
Aunty Cindy, Christine Cody's website describes Bloodlands as "post apocalyptic western fantasy," which is appropriate, but I wouldn't have liked it as much without the romance element.
Anna, I know I've heard of Soulless, but I can't remember what it's about. Enlighten me?
The Iron Duke is very dark, but I did enjoy it. And of course you're right at home with tormented heroes and heroines. *g*
Glad you enjoyed the post.
Sia, that's a great description of the Sign of Seven. Those are the things I loved about it, as well as the quest story element that brought in the paranormal factors.
Can you tell us a little more about the Sentinel Wars and Anita Clenny?
Sounds as though you read a lot of the same things Jeanne and I did. Have you seen Lois McMaster Bujold's Vorkosigan series? The first book, Shards of Honor, has strong romantic elements in it. So does its sequel, Barrayar. Then the series jumped to these characters' son, Miles.
The books are best read in order, but one of the later books, A Civil Campaign, is about Miles's courtship and very romantic. So is Winterfair Gifts, a novella about his wedding.
Hi, Amy--
Is the Farnsworth one of the Abraham Lincoln books?
I know what you mean about wanting to clear the decks before the new releases hit. Alas, but my TBR pile, like Cindy's, has become mountainous, so my decks arre never clear. *sigh*
One of the books I'm looking forward to is Alterant by Dianna Love and Sherrilyn Kenyon. Speaking of them, the Dark-Hunters wpare genre benders, too.
Whoops, that's ARE genre benders. *sigh*
Jennifer, no, reading about the A&P does not make you a nerd. At least, not around here. We love quirky interests in the Lair!
Marybelle, angels and magic? Interesting. What's the last book you read with one of those elements?
Hi, Cheryl Ann--
You wrote: A good book is a good book
And I agree. We write (and read) all kinds here in the Lair.
Helen, glad you enjoyed it! I have Ann Lethbridge's novella and Jo's Avenger and am looking forward to them. Finished Deadly Little Lies last week, and it was great!
Good morning, Duchesse! Thanks for jumping in with me on this. For more info on The Iron Duke, people can check Meljean Brook's website: www.meljeanbrook.com and go to the Iron Seas page.
Eilis, I was struck by your comment that romqnce should be acknowledged as such. I agree. Romance sometimes gets glossed over or dissed, and that's annoying.
Trish, many of the elements in paranormal and urban fantasy would freak me out in real life, too. And an apocalypse would probably do me in. But I love reading about them, as you do. The stakes are high at the end of civilization.
Mozette, I also write what I like to read. Otherwise, what's the point?
Anna, you know I love gritty romantic suspense and thrillers. I generally prefer the more intensely paranormal worlds, but I enjoy the lighter ones at times.
Hi, Bandits!
Just checking in,looking forward to blogging with you tomorrow.
I'm not big on zombies and vampires, but I really enjoyed Deanna Raybourne's THE DEAD TRAVEL FAST--historical set in vampire country. Wonderful hero.
I just finished an advanced copy of Elizabeth Hoyt's SCANDELOUS DESIRES,due our Nov 1. Very very sexy pirate tale. Again, not my usual fare, but I loved it.
I'm now reading Theresa Weir's memoir--yes, memoir--THE ORCHARD. It's wonderful. Her late husband was an apple farmer. One of the reasons he's her late husband is the pesticides used in farming. The great thing about this book is that it's not preachy. It's very personal, reads like a 1st person novel, difficult to put down.
Theresa's PALE IMMORAL, wrirren as Anne Frasier, is a fine vampire-ish novel--one of the few that grabbed and held me.
See you tomorrow, all!
I read fiction because I'm interested in the characters and their relationships. So whether I'm reading romance, mystery, women's fiction, literary fiction, or some blend of genres, my interest in the relationships is what keeps me engaged with the individual book, the series, the author's work. I love the continuing stories of Margaret Maron's Deborah Knott and Dwight Bryant, Julia Spencer Fleming's Clare Fergusson and Russ Van Alstyne, Marie Force's Sam Holland and Nick Cappuano, Science fiction has never been a genre that held wide appeal for me, but I have read and enjoyed books by Sharon Shinn, Linnea Sinclair, Wen Spencer, Catherine Asaro, and Lois McMaster Bujold.
I don't read horror (I didn't finish Nora's Circle series), and I read very few thrillers. My sister, a big fan of thrillers, accuses me of liking books "where nothing happens"--her description of the character-driven, relationship-centered, quiet books that fill many of my keeper shelves.
Today I'm reading the short story collection Jane Austen Made Me Do It, which includes stories by Jo Beverley, Lauren Willig, Syrie James, Adriana Trigiani, and other favorite authors. Next up is Jo's The Avenger. I do like variety. :)
Hi, Kathleen--
We're looking forward to having you tomorrow. All of those sound great. I love Deanna Raybourn's Lady Julia mysteries, but I haven't read The Dead Travel Fast.
I enjoy memoirs, and they can be great resources. That's sad about the pesticides, though.
Janga, we read a lot of the same authors. I think continuing couples are more common in mystery than any other genre, though they've popped up in SFF at times. Bujold and Asaro have continuing couples.
Have you read Cryoburn yet?
I enjoyed your recent review on The Romance Dish.
I like variety so I'm all for mixed genres. I too started out with science fiction and suspense and then gothics. And Kathleen Woodiwiss got me really into romance. But I truly like having other elements and I need to try steampunk which is new to me.
Catslady, I loved Kathleen Woodiwiss, too. Gail Dayton wrote a couple of Steampunks for Tor Romance, and then there's the Iron Duke. I haven't seen other Steampunk in romance but mostly in SFF.
For those who inquired about THE PRESIDENT'S VAMPIRE, I honestly don't know much more than that Christopher Farnsworth is a screenwriter by trade and also wrote BLOOD OATH, the first book featuring the vampire to world leaders, Nathaniel Cade. My hubby turned me onto TPV and is reading BLOOD OATH now. Of course, we're ass backwards but I don't mind. TPV is fast moving, full of action and even some monsters (including Bin Laden). It's not for the faint of heart but will have you cheering for Cade. btw - BLOOD OATH is going to be made into a movie. Hurray.
Oh yeah, if you'd like to learn more about Farnsworth, his books and his projects, visit http://chrisfarnsworth.com/
Happy Reading! : )
Great post, Nancy and Jeanne. That's one of the exciting aspects of being a reader or writer in today's industry. There's lots of room for combining sub-genres and smudging the lines between them.
I love a romantic thread in my stories, but don't find the romance in itself sufficient to sustain my interest. So I'm always looking for different blends.
Nancy, Soulless is by Gail Carriger and I reviewed it here: http://www.theromancedish.com/2011/09/soulless-has-soul.html Basically it's about an alternative Victorian Britain where the vamps and werewolves have become part of society. Our heroine is a very straight talking spinster a la Amelia Peabody who has the power to leach the supernatural powers from a vamp or a werewolf if she's touching them. The hero's gorgeous - a really grumpy Scottish werewolf earl who starts talking in brogue when he's emotionally affected. Big sigh. Lovely romance! The voice in this book is amazing - it's funny and ironic and clever. I think it would appeal to you.
Kathleen, really looking forward to your visit tomorrow!!!!
I'm reading Hot Target by Lisa Renee Jones. And I think I have all books by Elizabeth George to read now, thanks to my sister in law.
Hey Janga! I had to LOL about your comment:
My sister, a big fan of thrillers, accuses me of liking books "where nothing happens"--her description of the character-driven, relationship-centered, quiet books that fill many of my keeper shelves.
My sister and I have such different reading taste. She will call me up and say, "Oh, I read the BEST book....you would hate it" Its become a huge joke b/tw us. She loves books where Angst and Sorrow are the main characters - what I dub "book club books" Grins.
Me? Well ya'll know I love my HEA and things blowing up, so...yep, very different taste.
Hey Kathleen! We're looking forward to having you in the Lair as a guest tomorrow!
Nancy said: Finished Deadly Little Lies last week, and it was great!
Thanks, Nancy!
Nancy said to Janga: I think continuing couples are more common in mystery than any other genre, though they've popped up in SFF at times. Bujold and Asaro have continuing couples.
You're right about that, Nancy.
And Janga, I'll second Nancy's comment about enjoying your review!
Thanks, Jo!
You said: That's one of the exciting aspects of being a reader or writer in today's industry. There's lots of room for combining sub-genres and smudging the lines between them.
I love this too, Jo and I love that the e-market is allowing more writers to successfully bend and smudge those lines.
Anna, your description of Soulless makes me want to read it even more. :>
Minna, I'm quite fond of Elizabeth George. I think you'll like her work.
Amy, thanks for the scoop on TPV and Farnsworth. Sounds interesting!
Hi, Jo--
I hear you on the blends. Can't wait to see how you mix them in The Watcher and The Avenger.
Anna, as soon as you mentioned Gail Carriger, I remembered Soulless. I've read it and enjoyed it though I'm not current on the rest of the series. I've heard it called Steampunk, but there didn't seem to be a lot of steam tech, as best I remember. I think your label of Alternate Victorian Britain fits better.
That series has a continuing couple, doesn't it?
Minna, I liked Elizabeth George. I hope you enjoy those books.
I love paranormal elements in my romance. Doesn't have to be heavy and doesn't have to be dark - but it puts me in a separate world from the one that I experience everyday. Love science fiction, I cut my teeth on Edgar Rice Burroughs when I was little (thank you to my older brothers who actually bought the books and got me hooked). Can't say that I'm a big BOOM girl but I'm not opposed to it - I just don't seek it out. I have the Iron Duke here on the TBR pile. WIth you guys recommendation, I may bump it up to the top.
Donna, you put a nice dose of boom into Redeeming the Rogue. :-). Would you believe I've never read Rice Burroughs?
Let us know what you think of The Iron Duke.
Nancy, I haven't read enough Steampunk to say. The only other book that seems to be designated as SP that I've read is the Percy Parker book. They've got airships and steam technology powering some cool gizmos and the baddies definitely have access to some diabolical steam machinery. So I think it probably is considered Steampunk. I'm definitely going to read the rest of the series. Love her voice.
Anna, the Percy Parker book does sound very steampunk-y. I have that book but haven't read it yet.
Nancy! I'm shocked!
You said: Would you believe I've never read Rice Burroughs?
*le GASP!*
Donna, my fellow Burroughs fan, did you know they were making a movie of John Carter of Mars? Grins.
I don't mind a bit of magic and paranormal in my romance. Currently i'm re-reading the Twilight Series but i have put it down to read 'Anna Campbells - My Reckless Surrender'. I love the paranormal aspects in the twilight romance.
Jeanne, who's playing John Carter?
Rice Burroughs was wilier than some of the writers of the pulp era. He kept the rights to his stories.
Sonali, I haven't read the Twilight saga, but I have read Anna Campvell's My Reckless Surrender. It was great. Wrenching but great.
Sorry, Nancy, that was my bad syntax. Soulless has all those Steampunk elements! And hey, thanks for saying you loved Reckless.
Sonali, I hope you're having fun! x
I've been wanting to try steampunk, and haven't yet. I may use The Iron Duke as my introduction.
And I'm just plain big on series, period, so I'd be all over a series that arcs a couple over more than one book. Lots of series do this with the secondary characters--continuing characters through the book, but you can't ever make them a major force in the first book, or it won't be allowed to have "romance" on the spine, and that's important to me because that's the heart of what I love.
Ah well. *heavy sigh* Genres do seem to be shifting and bending, so I guess we'll see what they morph into.
Oh, and what I'm reading...Nothing, at the moment :0( because I've been too busy with work and other home-related stuff, but I've got Lord Of The Fading Lands on the nightstand...waiting.. .patiently.....waiting...
Anna, I read Soulless a good while ago, so I'd forgotten those elements in it. Those are definitely steampunk elements.
Oh, Cassondra--Lord of tne Fading Lands? I loved that series. Devoured it. Jeanne put me onto it. I hope you like it too.
I'm not into zombies at all. And there are so many Vamps stories that they all start to run together. I do enjoy a good ghost story though set in regency or Victorian era.
I have put all my vampire - and weird stories - into a blog.
Now, there's a consent form; and for a good reason too ;) but otherwise, girls, enjoy! :D
Nancy said: Jeanne, who's playing John Carter?
Rice Burroughs was wilier than some of the writers of the pulp era. He kept the rights to his stories.
Yes, he was and his family is still profiting from that!
Taylor Kitsch from Friday Night Lights is playing John Carter, Lynn Collins from X Men Origins and True Blood is playing the Princess of Mars, Dejah Thoris. :>
LilMissMolly, ghost romances were really popular for a while, but I haven't seen one lately. I like them, too.
Mozette, thanks for the url.
Jeanne, thanks. I'm so far from current, I don't know those actors. I'll check them out, though.
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