I'd planned to have this post be the Launch Party for my self-published novelette, The Sidhe Princess, but you know what they say about the best laid plans:
I'm sorry to say that STUFF did happen, and I missed my deadline. In this case some of the STUFF included a sojourn to the Big Easy and other destinations south of there across the Gulf of Mexico. But all along the way, Aunty had the Lair and it's inhabitants firmly in mind.
Aunty made several stops on her journey, the first being the Central American nation of Belize, where the DH and I
investigated the Mayan ruins at Altun Ha.
Never fear, Aunty was assured by her guides Ed and Tracy that the world really is not going to end in December, 2012 as some claim. That's just as far as the Mayans bothered to calculate their calendar! Sounds like a perfectly reasonable explanation to me, considering the ruins at Altun Ha date back a couple of centuries BC. Aunty doesn't feel the need to calculate HER calendar nor even the Lair's for more than the next 23 centuries.
A bit further south, Aunty found herself on the island of Roatan, which belongs
to the country of Honduras. This long, narrow island was once the stronghold of pirates, but Aunty didn't see any scalawags she recognized (Ho! Romance Writers Revengers, where were you?) However, this scurvy knave claimed to be kin to our Golden Rooster.
As you can see, Aunty severely questioned the validity of his claim!
Also on Roatan, Aunty's lovely taxi driver, Mario showed her around his hometown of Coxon Bay. He even stopped at the local g
rocery store and helped Aunty procure an ice cold Diet Pepsi, the perfect pick-me-up on a hot and humid day!
Aunty thinks it's high time we recruited a Honduran cabana boy for the Lair. What do you think?
Back on the ship, Aunty headed for her last port of call in Cozumel, Mexico. But not before she finally located her missing reading glasses in a most unusual place...
And got a great idea for a whole new kind of shape-shifter story!
Back in our home port of New Orleans, Aunty made a quick stop at Cafe Du Monde to sample beignets and pick up a few recipes for Sven. Somehow, I doubt he will serve beignets on a regular basis considering the trails of powdered sugar they leave behind, but perhaps on special
So now you know Aunty's excuses for missing her deadline and NOT having her novelette up for sale in September as expected. But I promise we will have a SUPER LAUNCH PARTY for Sidhe Princess very soon!
Meanwhile, what do you think:
Is that Pirate Parrot related to the GR?
Should we recruit Mario as the Lair's newest cabana boy?
And would you read a paranormal romance in which the hero or heroine shape-shifted into a manta ray?
I'm sorry to say that STUFF did happen, and I missed my deadline. In this case some of the STUFF included a sojourn to the Big Easy and other destinations south of there across the Gulf of Mexico. But all along the way, Aunty had the Lair and it's inhabitants firmly in mind.
Aunty made several stops on her journey, the first being the Central American nation of Belize, where the DH and I
Never fear, Aunty was assured by her guides Ed and Tracy that the world really is not going to end in December, 2012 as some claim. That's just as far as the Mayans bothered to calculate their calendar! Sounds like a perfectly reasonable explanation to me, considering the ruins at Altun Ha date back a couple of centuries BC. Aunty doesn't feel the need to calculate HER calendar nor even the Lair's for more than the next 23 centuries.
A bit further south, Aunty found herself on the island of Roatan, which belongs
As you can see, Aunty severely questioned the validity of his claim!
Also on Roatan, Aunty's lovely taxi driver, Mario showed her around his hometown of Coxon Bay. He even stopped at the local g
Aunty thinks it's high time we recruited a Honduran cabana boy for the Lair. What do you think?
Back on the ship, Aunty headed for her last port of call in Cozumel, Mexico. But not before she finally located her missing reading glasses in a most unusual place...
And got a great idea for a whole new kind of shape-shifter story!
Back in our home port of New Orleans, Aunty made a quick stop at Cafe Du Monde to sample beignets and pick up a few recipes for Sven. Somehow, I doubt he will serve beignets on a regular basis considering the trails of powdered sugar they leave behind, but perhaps on special
So now you know Aunty's excuses for missing her deadline and NOT having her novelette up for sale in September as expected. But I promise we will have a SUPER LAUNCH PARTY for Sidhe Princess very soon!
Meanwhile, what do you think:
Is that Pirate Parrot related to the GR?
Should we recruit Mario as the Lair's newest cabana boy?
And would you read a paranormal romance in which the hero or heroine shape-shifted into a manta ray?
Looking at you with that plate of gorgeous beignets is sheer torture!
A manta ray? Does he shape shift into an edible fish, like a mackerel?
Love the pics!
LOL Jen!
If he shape shifts into an Ahi Tuna, his days are numbered! :-)
Congrats on the GR, and if you can't find him, just follow the trail of powdered sugar! There is NO NEAT WAY to eat a beignet! Believe me, I tried and failed several times. ;-)
Well done Jen have fun with him
Aunty Cindy
I soo love those pictures and I gotta say the way the GR struts around he could be relaited to any feathered animal LOL. And yes to Mario whay not he seems very helpful and a shapsshifter that turns into a manta ray they can be really big can't they whoo hoo sounds interesting and yes I would read it.
Sounds like you and the DH had another fabulos cruise Hubby and I have booked one that sails June
8th 2012 (yes still along way off) but we are soo looking forward to it we will be on The Pacific Jewel and sailing to New Calidonia, Vannuati, Isle of Pines, Mystery Island and then 3 ports in Fiji 14 nights of bliss YAY.
Have Fun
WOO HOO, Helen!
I am turning GREEN with envy over your fabulous upcoming cruise! We will expect to see LOTS of piccies when you get home. I've never been to ANY of those places, so you are out-doing yer olde Aunty!
YAY! One vote for recruiting Mario, who was very sweet, helpful, and not at all tough to look at. Aunty thinks he should try on the cabana boys "board shorts" uniform just to be sure... ;-)
No, there is no neat way to eat a beignet. Now I want to Google the recipe to make some. I don't have any Cafe du Monde beignet mix in the house.
Helen...be sure to put your holiday pics on FB! Your cruise sounds fabulous.
Let us know how your beignets turn out, Jen!
I thought they were dough deep fried in grease and covered in powdered sugar! YUM! hahahaha!
Aunty Cindy, I'm salivating over the photos of your cruise and the beignets.
And I don't think the Rosers would object to you bringing Mario, the cabana boy home with you!
Hey Cindy!
YAY! Another vote for Mario! I believe you are right. We aren't the only two Rosers who wouldn't mind having Mario serving up beignets at our next meeting! ;-)
Thanx for dropping by,
I love your new boots. :) It certainly looks like you had a great time and what yummy dessert. I've never had them (sorry I forgot how to spell them) but if you ever need someone to taste test them, give me a call.
Sorry yu missed your deadline, but I know it will be worth waiting for.
Hugs Auntie Cindy...oh, and you can certainly bring the cabana boy to serve anything he wants at the next meeting. I'll be there.
Evening Paisley, m'dear!
I hope your knee is feeling better. Perhaps we should have two of our cabana boys serve as 'crutches' for you. ;-) A couple of our big strong gladiators would be happy to assist you.
Ah yes, we Banditas are known for our bucket boots, and those truly were BUCKETS! LOL!
Beignets are a lot like doughnuts, only square, and fluffier. And mounded over with powdered sugar! YUM!
Hey, Jen, it's been a while since the rooster visited you!
AC, giggled at the scurvy knave. I think that definitely qualifies him to be related to our rascally rooster. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. I was just thinking today I haven't been anywhere exciting this year! Having major travel envy as I read about you scooting around Mayan ruins and flirting with taxi drivers and hanging out in pirate lairs!
Looking forward to THE SIDHE PRINCESS!!!
By the way, the beignets look scrumptious. I've never had them but I'd certainly like to change that state of affairs!
A manta ray is non-warm-blooded so I say yes!
A Manta Ray does not spell sexy in my book. Too wet & slimy.
Oh yeah Aunty, call Mario up I think he would fit in very well with the cabana crew. There could be some relation between the GR and the parrot, who knows, the GR has a bunch of relatives that we know of so it wouldn't be surprising to discover a few more.
Great post, Aunty Cindy! I love when you talk about your many travels. And I love even more when you remember all that history and geography!
Hey, Pink, congrats on getting the rooster!
Yeah, I can see that forcing herself to eat the beignets was the worst kind of torture for AC. What a team player!
Oh, and definitely! You can never have too many cabana boys, especially if they can make such lovely pastries!
Good morning, AC! And I think I would definitely read anything you like as long as you share your beignets. :-)
Stuff does happen, AC!
I'm not sure on the parrot joining the GR as a mascot. I mean, really, do we need two squawkers in the Lair? GR gives us enough trouble unless we keep him supplied with Tim Tams. 'Course, parrots eat plain, old crackers, so that might be easy enough to pacify him....
Another Cabana boy? Can we ever have too many CB in the Lair? Hmmm, I think not. ;)
I feel very strongly that you need to start planning your next trip immediately. I am in desperate need of a new cabana boy. And, obviously, you need one who can vacuum up powdered sugar, right? In fact, perhaps we should start a list of names.
Everyone who needs a new or replacement cabana boy, please give your name to Cindy! Thanks, Aunty Cindy! Hey, is the hero in your next book going to be named Mario? :)
Looks like a fantastic trip, and if I wasn't so insanely jealous, I might be happy for you. ;) J/K
Wow, Helen, your cruise founds fabulous. Is this your first one? I'd love to be on one that visits Fiji! Anything where someone else cooks and makes the beds for 14 days is my kind of vacation!
Jen, you're so ambitious. You want to google to find the recipe and I want to walk through the yellow pages to find a place that sells them! LOL.
Hi, Cindy S.! I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your part of the SVR presentation Saturday. You rock! Hope your voice lasted throughout the day.
Sheree said, "A Manta Ray does not spell sexy in my book. Too wet & slimy."
I'm with you on that conclusion, Sheree. Shiver!
Oops, Marybelle made the wet and slimy comment.
Sheree, are you serious? LOL. You're pretty adventurous!
Nice catch, Jen! Hope you have some Tim Tams on hand or things could get ugly!
Wow, Aunty, I feel like I had a little mini vacation reading about your travels! And like La Campbell I have HUGE travel envy here!
I think it has already been said we can NEVER have too many cabana boys in the Lair! And Mario is cute and helpful. Always good qualities in a cabana boy. How does he feel about roosters and dragons?
And New Orleans!! That is my home away from home, but I haven't been in years. I can still taste the beignets and chicory coffee - the only coffee I drink and I only drink it in the Big Easy!
Manta rays are actually quite beautiful. Powerful. Elegant. Strong. A bit mysterious and they can be deadly. And they have incredible endurance. Now imagine that in a human form. Yum!
Hey Fo,
Can't believe you haven't been anywhere this year! You are usually quite the gadabout. ;-)
If Jen/Pink finds a suitable recipe for beignets, she will have to share it... Better yet, she can stir up a batch and share those! As long as Sven doesn't get possessive about his kitchen again.
Another benefit of this trip was that I must have the clearest pores in the world considering how much I sweated on this trip! UGH! How do people LIVE in such humidity?!?!
who is working feverishly to get The Sidhe Princess out to everyone SOON!
LOL Sheree and Marybelle!
One BIG YES and one BIG NO! Thank goodness we don't all like the same thing, or there would only be a few books to read!
Actually, Marybelle, I 'petted' a manta ray once at Monterey Bay Aquarium (a very small one). It wasn't slimy at all. In fact, it's skin was quite silky, much like a dolphin. Surprised the heck outta yer olde Aunty!
YAY! Mario has now gained "the Dianna stamp of approval!" :-)
And I think you are right about the GR and his rather disreputable family. He, and they, are liable to do most anything, so having a pirate parrot as a shirt-tail relative would be no surprise. LOL!
Morning Jo-Mama!
You are up and at 'em early today. :-P Grandkiddoes keeping you on your toes?
You know me and how I love my history... AND cabana boys. ;-)
Morning Smoov!
Yes, beignets do go with everything! Looks like there's no help for it. We will have to convince Sven to fry up a BIG BATCH. Hope we have a few extra $$ in the treasury for brooms and mops to clean up the powdered sugar. ;-)
Hi Deb,
I AGREE! The GR is waaay too much trouble on his own. That parrot needs to stay on Roatan!
And I couldn't have put it better myself: We can NEVER have too many cabana boys in the Lair!
Off to contact Mario
Hi Lauren!
Great to see you here in the Lair!
I think you may have hit on something with the vacuums. I wonder if they made riding ones, kinda like a zamboni? I'm sure the hockey hunks would be much more likely to volunteer for clean up duty if they had a riding vacuum!
Yes, yer olde Aunty is in charge of recruiting, training, and maintaining discipline for cabana boys. A tough job, but SOMEONE has to do it! ;-)
And I HIGHLY recommend cruises as my vacation of choice.
Hey Jo,
Gotta agree, Cindy S. gave a GREAT (and funny) talk at our local chapter meeting last Sat. PLUS, she brought dead body cookies! Le Duchesse and the other "Boom Girls" will LOVE those. ;-)
Ah, Louisa m'love, you MUST get yourself back to Nawlins! I hadn't been there in several years myself, and it is just as wonderful as always. Oh, and my DH will only drink chicory coffee there too... MUST be the ambiance.
LOVE your assessment of the manta ray: elegant, powerful, deadly... I'm starting to think this shape-shifter idea DOES have merit!
whose new motto is: NEVER TOO MANY CABANA BOYS!
Helen, the cruise sounds fab! I did my first cruise last year (to NZ). Wonderful. And such a relaxing way to travel!
Beignets! Yum, hmmm, don't see any. Did y'all eat 'em all already? :(
The Pirate Parrot is adorable but can't hold a candle to the Golden Rooster! Wow! Your trip looks fabulous and yes, recruit Mario, he's adorable. As to the shapeshifting manta ray - I do know they have soft velvety skin or scales or whatever they have but a paranormal romance about a shapeshifting manta ray? I don't think so, he'd always be leaving a trail of slimy seawater whereever he went. Who wants to clean that off their sheets or their skin?! ; )
I can't recommend cruising enough! The ships are beautiful and you get GREAT food, free entertainment, exciting port of call, and you never have to move your luggage!
ROFL Amy on cleaning up the trail of seawater from a manta ray shape-shifter! Sounds like my aversion to doggie breath on a werewolf. ;-)
I do believe Mario will be joining us here in the Lair as our newest cabana boy. I hope Paolo doesn't get jealous!
What a fun post Aunty Cindy! I'm taking that exact (almost) same cruise in June. I'm leaving out of Miami though, not The Big Easy. No beginets or Cafe Dumonde for me this time.
I'd love the manta ray to turn into the cabana boy who in turn brings beginets. (I love beginets!)
Now, that novella, we have to talk.
Patricia Rickrode
w/a Jansen Schmidt
This will be our 2nd cruise we went on one 8 years ago and had a fab time and yes it is soo good having someone make the bed and people to cook and wait on you LOL I can't wait till I am laying on a deck chair book in one hand and cocktail in the other LOL.
If we get a chance for another one we are doing the New Zealand one then fingers crossed.
I forgot to say that I will be patient waiting for the new book can't wait to read it
Have Fun
Hello to the Ladies of the Lair and
congratulations to Jennifer on the
I'm back from a seriously busy time! Honey had emergency surgery Wednesday
a week ago and we returned home on
Tuesday of this week. He will be on
recuperative leave for another two
weeks! Thank God he will be OK!!
Answers to your questions, Aunty:
1. They are thirty-second cousins.
2. The lovely Mario would be an
excellent cabana boy in the Lair's
equal opportunity atmosphere.
3. Yes, if I could stop laughing long
enough to actually read !!
Hey Everyone!
Sorry, I had to go do a couple of errands and they took a LOT LONGER than anticipated. :-P Yes, STUFF happened again.
Judging by the amount of powdered sugar I see on the floor, looks like some of you convinced Sven to try his hand at beignets. YAY!
Hi Patricia/Jansen!
You're gonna LOVE your cruise! Actually, the ship we sailed on is moving to Galveston in the very near future so will not be going out of Nawlins either. It was FUN sailing down the Mississippi River, something I'd never done before.
And PLEASE! Be gentle with Aunty. I PROMISE Sidhe Princess will be available VERY SOON! ;-)
You TOTALLY deserve that deck chair, book and cocktail! We will want a FULL REPORT when you get home, and be on the look-out for potential cabana boys. ;-)
Thanks for waiting patiently for my novelette. I'll be announcing it on my FB page and to my newsletter group VERY SOON! I PROMISE!
OMGOSH, Pat!!!
So sorry to hear your honey had to have surgery! SCARY!!! Glad he is on the mend and you have him back home with you where he will get the best care possible.
LOL! GR and Pirate Parrot as 32nd cousins sounds about right! ;-)
Yes, we are very equal opportunity when it comes to cabana boys. The lovely Mario will be joining our staff very soon!
And I PROMISE there will be NO shape-shifting manta rays in my next book. I can not promise for the other Banditas, however. :-P
I'm all for non-warm-blooded shifters and if people cringe at the thought of giant-insect shifters, why not manta ray shifters? Although this does mean that any shifting to be done has to occur in the ocean.
At the Monterey Bay Aquarium, visitors can pet the bat rays if the rays feel like being petted (poor things are prone to being scratched by human fingernails). Sure, they're cold (the waters off Monterey Bay is pretty cold), but how can something be slimy while moving underwater? (as opposed to the slime sack reef fishes secret as their personal sleeping bags, but that's another story)
Hey Sheree,
I haven't been to the Monterey Bay Aquarium in ages, but it's a GREAT place to visit, and I was lucky enough to 'pet' those rays last time I was there.
I forgot to answer your question this morning Aunty, I was a little behind times and was only working on 6 cylinders.
Changing into a manta ray is definitely off the wall. I am having a hard time picturing it. Why I have trouble with the manta and not with a wolf or jaguar or whatever I can't really say. Perhaps if the entire story was sea related, perhaps the heroine is a mermaid?? That might make a difference.
Thanx Dianna,
I was only half-serious with the shape-shifting manta ray. But there are so many other animals writers have used (NOT mentioning prairie dogs for JT's sake), I figured WHY NOT? ;-)
Jennifer, congrats on the rooster!
Cindy, if you stuff has to get in the way, better it be cool stuff like this! What a great trip!
I might read about manta shifters if there was undersea boom involved. *g*
Cindy, forgot to say yes on Mario coming aboard and yes, maybe, on the GR being related to the parrot.
Looking forward to the actual launch of Sidhe Princess!
Hey Nancy!
Thanx for checking in! Hope you and Joanie and Donna and Trish are having a GREAT time at Moonlight & Magnolias -- like Banditas would have anything BUT a great time! ;-)
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