Tuesday, November 6, 2007

And The Winner...

of ONE of the following by Stephanie Rowe is...Heather Hiestand!! Congratulations, Heather! Please send me an email at bethandrews91@gmail.com and let me know which of the following prizes you choose:

1) An autographed copy of one of Stephanie's backlist (winner’s choice)
2) A critique of a one page query letter (two rounds of critiques)
3) A critique of a five page (double spaced) synopsis
4) A critique of the first five pages of a manuscript (double spaced)
Congratulations, Heather and thanks to everyone who commented!


Heather Redmond said...

Thank you so much! What a wonderful set of prizes to choose from.

Caren Crane said...

Congrats, Heather! I don't know how you'll choose. So manu goodies, it's not fair!