Oops, wrong type of lottery. The title of this post is more the essense of our little exercise today, because yanno...we can't run a lottery on the web. No license (thunderclap). No Sangria...you can NOT take care of that. (shakes head)
Anyway, I racked my brain to come up with a topic for today. Nothing. Felt I had overdone the Adventures of Cricket and Grayson the Monkey Cat. Couldn't think of anything original in the "Top 5/10/20" track. Acknowledged that I am not brilliant along the Cassondra lines.
But then I turned on our local news.
WAVE 3 TV here in Louisville has a feature where one of the anchors goes and stands out along one of the city streets holding up a sign "Pass the Cash". People pull over and tell of somebody they know who are in dire straits and could use $300. So I thought to myself. "Self," I said, "I bet if the Bandits and BB's in the Lair had the money, they could do some great things."
No, I do not have REAL cash to give out, but with the enormous power of The Lair, you've all just "virtually" won $1,000. Now, divide that up into 3 different amounts and tell us who or what you would give the money to and why. No real names, no identifying information. Just the heart of how this small boon would help someone in need.

I'll start:
1) $300 to the Kentucky Humane Society. For obvious reasons. They gave me my two baby cats and have SO many other animals that need homes.
2) $400 Dare to Care.
3) $300 to the Australian Red Cross or other relief

Now, all is not lost. At the end of the day, my trusty kitties will use their incredible abilities and select one winner at random to win a Romance Bandits Tee Shirt.
Now, Pass the Cash!
Here Chookie, Chookie!
Hey Joanie,
I could DEFINITELY use an influx of cash about now.
THREE piles of $$ you say? But I can only think of 2 things to do: First, I'd set aside enough to pay my registration to National. Then I'd take what was left and throw a BIG PAR-TAY in the Lair!
Gee, that sounds terribly selfish and hedonistic of me, doesn't it? Well, maybe I'd ask everyone at the party to donate one book to their local library.
Okay, now LET'S PAR-TAY!
$500 to the Australian Flood Relief Fund for obvious reasons
$250 to Kids First (the hospital that has treated my daughter for many late night emergencies---she suffers from really bad croup)
and $250 to help research a cure for Cancer(my B-I-L has been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour:()
I wish it was a real $1000 or more that I had spare as there are hundreds of worthy causes out there.
Congrats, Aunty Cindy, on getting the bird.
Oooh, good one, Joan!
Let's see,
$700 anonymously to someone I know - who wouldn't take it from me but who desperately needs it. $250 to the Australian Flood Relief Fund and $50 Children's Hospital.
Even $1000 doesn't go far when there are so many who need it.
Great idea for a post, Joan!
$500 to Australian flood relief.
$250 to Nowzad Dogs - a non-profit that arranges for soldiers to bring back cats and dogs to the states from Iraq and Afghanistan.
$250 to the Wounded Warrior Project.
Congrats, Loucinda! ;)
$400 to the Red Cross for whatever disaster is going on (because I know, if not Australia, there still will be somewhere in the world)
$300 to the Oakland (CA) school district for their long-term financial woes
$300 to The Marine Mammal Center for their rescue and rehab of marine mammals
Hey, AC, it's been a while, hasn't it? Congrats!
JT, what a fabulous game to play. Normally I'd do things like the Metropolitan Museum and the Australian Ballet but I have to say given the tragedy of what's been going on just down the road from me, this time charity starts at home. So I'm giving my whole $1,000 to the Premier's Flood Appeal in Queensland.
Seriously, guys, if anyone wants to donate, it would be fabulous:
Keep an eye out on Facebook - there's a fabulous auction of writerly things like books and crits about to start! I'll give more info when I have it. But here's the Facebook page if you want a preview:
Well done AC ... enjoy
I will give all mine to Aus but some to the Queensland floods some to the New South Wales floods and now Victoria and Tasmania are getting floods and Western Australia has bush fires that were deliberately lit.
Aloha, Bandits! I'd donate the entire amount to the USO who makes life a little easier for deployed personnel.
I would give $400 for the Australia Flood Relief, $400 to Doctors Without Borders and $200 to Autism Speaks.
Whoo Hoo Aunty Cindy have fun with him today I am sure he will help spend the money LOL
Joanie a great game I would send $500 to the Australian flood releif at the moment it really is devestating up in Queensland and I would send $500 to the RSPCA (animal rescue) up in Queensland they too are in need of money to help feed the animals that they have found after the floods.
So many needy organizations and people around the world and there never seems to be enough to help them all.
We have big collection tins out all over the bars and restaurants at work for the flood relief it will be my job to count them all up when they are filled so I am going to be busy.
have Fun
333 to St Judes, 333 to local animal shelter and 334 to australian relief fund
Great blog, Joanie! One of our local TV stations does something similar to that.
I'd give...
$250 to the local dog rescue group that brought Rachel into my life.
$250 to Premier's Flood Appeal in Queensland (Thanks for the links, Anna!)
$500 to a local family who lost everything in a fire over the weekend, including two puppies they tried valiantly to rescue.
I like this blog, Joanie! Great idea!
I'd give:
$250 to Premier's Flood Appeal in Queensland---big thanks to Anna for giving us the link
$250 to Friends for Life, the local animal rescue group where I got my two dogs---love them!
$500 to Hospice---I cannot say enough about this organization. They brought peace and comfort to my mother and mother-in-law at the end of their lives, as well as to the rest of us. They are truly angels here on Earth!
Great pay-it-forward blog, Joanie!
Oh, whoa, Aunty Cindy, you are up waaaayy too late, girl! I crashed around 9:30 last night!
Every time I pass a homeless shelter or a place that offers food and clothing to the homeless, my heart squeezes a bit. I hear a lot of "It's their own fault" and "Why don't you just get a job."
But seriously any one of us is just a disaster or two away from being in the same position.
I'd divide up my 1K and pass it out to those local organizations.
AC, congrats on the bird!
Three charities, eh? I think I'd also go for the Humane Society. I mulled Golden Retriever Rescue, which could certainly use it, but the Humane Society serves a wider animal population.
Second would be the local food bank, which is strapped right now.
Third, our local Crisis Assistance Ministry, which has far more people in need than it can help.
Wooohooo Aunty Cindy! You got the rooster!
We know he won't be slacking today cuz you'll have your riding crop to whip him into shape. *grin*
Wow, Joanie, I am blushing here. *scuffs toe in dirt, looks embarrassed*
However you've written a wonderful blog here, and what a tough choice. I could spend a million on worthy organizations and on people I know who need it. $1000. And I've gotta split it three way? Hmmm..
1) I like that organization that lets soldiers bring home pets from the middle east. I know it's a feel-good organization to some degree, but I think it's kind of important. Those men and women bring home so many scars from over there, I think if they can bring home one good thing, something that made their life better, and in turn they can make the animal's life better, that's a great thing. And importing an animal can be a real pain, so I'd give a third to that.
2) I'd give a third to the Wounded Warrior Project.
3) I'd give the other third to a fund to provide for retired race horses. Noble champions who've made people money and passed their prime should not be sold as dog food.
Congratulations AC!!!! Try not to run the bird too ragged today.
Books? You want books? I GOT books! The first is a History of Sangria... (BOOM).
Um, read it at your own risk.
Oh, Cath....so sorry to hear about your BIL. Even if designated inoperable, there are many other effective treatments out there.
Of the major health oriented charities I'd give to the American Heart Association for research into congestive heart failure which is what my mother suffered from.
And ultimately, if I won a LOT of cash, I want to set up a "secret" organization that goes around and pays off bills for critically ill children.
$700 would certainly help your special someone. I hope that they find themselves out of the woods soon!
You are SO right. $1,000 isn't near enough. I guess ultimately no amount would ever BE enough.
I applaud some of the millionairs/billionaires who have decided to give away vast amounts of their money. Go Warren Buffet!
Hey Pink!
Man, I thought about the Wounded Warrior project too. I am so in awe of our military. It was so hard to pick only THREE.
And how interesting about the re-homing of dogs and cats from the war zone. I've seen a few stories about dogs and servicemen but none on cats! SO glad they included them!
I have a soft spot for kitties :-)
Animals of all kinds seem to be the theme. How cool Sheree about the Marine Mammal rescue. All types? Whales, dolphins??
Sharks? :0
Education wise, I considered a donation to a private college for a program for writers.
THANK YOU for the link! I'd loss track of it on FB.
So, will American credit cards work ok?
Wow, Barb....I hadn't heard about the other areas, course my knowledge of Australian geography is limited.
I've been worried about all the people I watched on House Hunters International who bought in that area!
Hooray for you Kim!!!
The USO is SO much more than the images from like WW II with doughnuts.
Doctors Without Borders is a wonderful group. I contributed to them when Haiti had their earthquake.
And SO many new and effective approaches to autism are coming out in research. A lot of dedicated parents need the tools to help their little ones find their way.
Helen, how wonderful that you are remembering the animals displaced by the devastation.
When Hurricane Katrina hit, there were SO many dogs and cats that were rescued and never found their families. People forget their needs i.e. food, litter, warm shelter.
St. Judes is a marvelous choice. Every year, one local country radio station hosts a radiothon (usually around Valentine's Day)
The stories BREAK YOUR HEART...
The story behind Danny Thomas starting that (as I recall) was when he was first in Hollywood struggling, he went into a church to pray to St. Jude, the patron of lost causes. He promised to honor God if he could get a break.
He got the break, and Danny was true to his word. Voila...a top level hospital who offer hope to all children.
Oh, PJ...how sad about the family and their loss!
I can NOT imagine the heartache of losing a beloved family member.
Cricket and Grayson grumble about the fire drills but we need to be ready! :)
Gannon, Hospice (or Hosparus as our local one is now called) IS a God sent blessing.
My friend had them with her mother. They handle everything, freeing the patient and family to just BE together.
"A disaster away"...ain't it the truth, JoMama...
Nancy, my local parish has a similar organization called St. Vincent de Paul. They provide short term help with groceries, utility bills etc.
And you're right, more demand than supply I'm afraid
"A disaster away"...ain't it the truth, JoMama...
Nancy, my local parish has a similar organization called St. Vincent de Paul. They provide short term help with groceries, utility bills etc.
And you're right, more demand than supply I'm afraid
Oooh, Aunty got the Chook !!! Poor Chookie !! You are in for it now, buddy!
This is a tough choice !!
I would have to give $500 to Australia Flood Relief. I just feel so helpless when I watch the video and I am so grateful that all of our Aussie friends are safe !!
Another $250 to the RSPCA for their work rescuing pets and animals affected by the floods in Australia.
And another $250 to NOWZAD. Definitely a great cause Pink !! Anyone who doubts the value of this effort read From Baghdad, With Love by Jay Kopelman and then read the sequel From Baghdad to America: Life Lessons from a Dog Named Lava, also by Jay Kopelman. In a terrible situation where many of these soldiers feel that they aren't saving anything or anyone in this fight, the act of rescuing one animal and bringing it home to the States is often the only thing that helps them recover from the terrible stress of war.
Gannon, Hospice is a wonderful organization that I give to every year. They were indeed God's angels in my life with both my husband and my dad.
Hey Cassondra,
Don't blush, preen. You are my blog idol :)
Really nice angle about the importation of animals with soldiers.
A comic strip Funky Winkerbean, has a character with PTSD from Iraq who has been having trouble in the real world. His girlfriend has convinced him to go to an organization (can't remember the name, darn it) who train dogs to help with that...similar to handicap helping dogs or seeing eye dogs.
I tell you, after the love I receive and share with my two little furballs...I have NO doubt it can work to help them
So many worthy causes make it difficult to choose how to use even imaginary cash. I'd give $500 to a family in the next county who lost everything, including two of their children, in a house fire last week, and I'd split the remaining $500 equally between the local literacy fund and the flood appeal for Australia.
What another poignant view of this program....
Janga, how horrible for that family!
We've had WAY too many house fires here in town usually due to space heaters. It takes so little to devastate so much.
Sending prayers their way...
I think I would give $500 to my pastor and his family because they have had some mold problems in their home and the kids have been ill. Besides, ministers are like teachers; they don't make a lot of money. Actually, our church did have a pass-the-cash kind of thing for their oldest son. Our local HS goes to W., D.C. every four years and the pastor and his wife were having trouble coming up with the required amount of money, so we donated money to their fund.
I would self-donate $300 since I have to take classes almost every summer and they can cost anywhere from $100 to $300+ a semester hour.
I would give the remaining money to the local Girls' Science Club that just started at my daughter's school.
$400 to someone I know needs it
$300 to the local food bank, because they've been used a lot more in the past year and have seen fewer donations
$300 to the Yellowstone Association for preservation and educational programs
You know, this little exercise makes me wish I was as rich as Bill Gates or Warren Buffet so I could give oodles of the money away to worthy causes like they do.
3 piles of money to do good....I love the number 3......
>>>333-to the Autism chptr in Chicago
>>>333-to the national kidney foundation
>>>334-to the Aussies in Queensland...Man they need it :0(
What a great post, Joanie, and it's heart-warming to see how everyone is so supportive. It's not a surprise because I know how wonderful all our Banditas and BBs are.
We have been thinking about this because we get a heating allowance from the government for my hubby, who is over 60. We don't need it and think it's crazy to receive it, so have been looking into local charities that we can support with the money.
Also, our local grocery store gives away 1000 pounds each month to a charity or project - shoppers vote with little tokens and the one with the most wins. We always vote for local charities.
If forced to choose, I'd give to a local children's project, a split portion between Guide Dogs for the Blind and Audio Books for the Blind, and to the Cats Protection League.
First: to a no kill shelter.
Second: to help pay for the feral cats that I tend to.
Third: local food bank (pet food too:)
What a great blog!
Cath - big hugs for your family and your BIL.
Anna - thanks for the link for how to help with the Aussie floods. All of our Aussie friends are in our thoughts.
Trish - I know how you feel. It would be awesome to have so much money that you could give away lots and help so many people and causes. OTOH I can't imagine the pressure they must be under to support every charity and cause.
1. $250.00 to the American Diabetes Association to help find help for all those children and adults with Type I diabetes.
2. $250.00 to Susan G. Koman foundation in the name of my daugter-in-law's mother who is a breast cancer surivor and my three Aunts who were not.
3. $250.00 to American Cancer Research for extending research to lesser known cancers that have little resources available for research.
4. $250.00 to our local Animal Rescue League in honor of all the wonderful dogs and cats that have graced our family home and spread smiles and happiness to us all.
5. The hope and prayer that all who do not have $1000.00 to give to do what they can or volunteer to their local oranizations. Time given can help as much as money.
Okay, I just caught the GR trying to order Tim Tams with his "share of the dough." :-P That bird is INCORRIGIBLE!!! He is now outside in the cold drizzle scrubbing the patio! AHEM!
Sheree, the Marine Mammal Rescue in Marin County is FAB-U-LOUS! I remember taking my son there when he was a young teen.
No, Joanie, they don't rehab sharks. Mammals only, so dolphins and whales yes, though most of their patients are seals, sea lions, and otters. WONDERFUL orgainzation!
Everyone has mentioned some fantastic charities today. Goes to show how very many worthy causes are out there. And yes, Joanie, there probably would never be enough, but Bill & Melinda Gates are to be commended for starting their charitable trust for billionaires, as are Warren Buffet and the others who have pledged their fortunes for future use.
I take back my self-donation. I think I would give it to the Heart Association or the Diabetes Foundation. My family is affected by both.
Hey Deb,
That is so great that ya'll were able to help out your pastor. So many giving people struggle when it comes to their own needs.
Hi Trish,
The food banks are in desperate need.
The Yellowstone Foundation? You know I have never been to any of those National Parks. I have a friend who travels there a LOT with her husband. It always sounds so beautiful.
Like so many other diseases/conditions I know the Kidney Association would welcome any help.
It is so expensive for people on dialysis...plus challenging to make it TO dialysis 3 times a week.
What a great thing, your local grocery does Anna.
We have something like that every year in early June, The Crusade for Children. All sorts of fundraising, jars and firemen standing at corners with fireboots to collect.
I bet if we put some of Jo Davis' fire guys out there, we'd quadruple the collection :D
Good for you taking care of the feral cats. I'm not sure if we have many colonies of them here in Louisville.
I do know the KHS has started a "Barn Cat" relocation program. Thinking about building a barn just so I can...yanno...get...um, another..... sigh
Jeanne M,
VERY good point about volunteering. Many of these causes we've talked about could NOT function without willing volunteers to give time and effort
What a fun idea for a post, Joan!
Let's see...I'd give 300 to St Jude's, 300 to DAV and 400 to Roswell Park Cancer Institute.
Joan, I'm pretty sure credit cards will work from all over the world. Thanks for checking!
What a lovely post, Joanie!
I'd divide it into
1. $350 to The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption.
2. $350 to the local food pantry
3. $300 to my nursing School, The Mount Carmel College Of Nursing, because there is a shortage of nursing school teachers and therefore a shortage of nurses in this always aging world.
Piles of cash, huh?
1.) $300 to my electric company (I'm paid up) for others who need it to run their heating.
2.) $300 to the Gas company (also paid up) for the same reason.
3.) $400 to hire some singers to go around to the old folks homes around town and entertain them once a week. (Okay, that wouldn't go far to entertaining ALL the homes once a week...but maybe it can be a VOLUNTEER group who needs gas money...)
What a great post.
I'd give $350 to the Australian Flood relief
$350-Valerie Fund Children's Center who treat childhood Cancers. They treated my daughter when she had Bone Cancer and did everything for us.
$300 to our local food bank
Carol L
Hey Beth! Hey Suzanne! Great causes.
As I've thought about this all day, and read everyone's choices I almost felt overwhelmed.
I just watched footage of Christina Taylor-Green's funeral. What a poignant picture of her parents standing and looking up to the heavens. I would donate to ANY fund in her memory.
If that school STILL educates/trains nurses of your caliber, I'll agree to get old.
I've got "pacts" with certain nurse friends to take care of each other...
Awww, MsHellion,
What a wonderful variation! Singing to the elderly!
Such a simple gesture, but so DEEP in love and heart.
Oh, Carol L.
I am so glad the professionals at that cancer center were there for you and your daughter.
One third to fuel assistance for the poor (if you live in a cold climate this time of year is horrible)
One third to the Food Shelf.
One third to Queensland flood relief. Thanks for the info about it, Anna.
How fun! I'd split my money evenly between the following:
1. BalletMet (my daughter dances at this professional ballet company, which is non-profit);
2. Catholic Relief Services (they are first responders to international disasters along side the Red Cross) and
3. Columbus Audubon Society - I want to save all the song birds in Ohio. :)
Evenly split between:
Pawsibilities...are Endles, a dog rescue group that I am a board member of.
The Cinncinati, AR tornado victims fund.
And a local group called Helping Hands (they help local families in times of hardship).
While I admit that my choices are not worldly like most, I want to do the most help for those around me that have assisted me in one way or another.
$300 to our area library
$300 to our parish pantry
$400 to Autism Speaks
( we have 2 autistic grandsons)
Wish I had money for real, so we could help all who need help!
Pat Cochran
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