It's my great pleasure to bring back to the lair a writer who really gave the cabana boys a run for their money on her last visit.
Maggie Robinson is the author of the saucy and sexy and super Courtesan Court historical romances for Kensington. The stories are all set in Jane Street where the rich men of London house their mistresses - so you can imagine why I call these stories 'saucy'!
When I read Maggie's debut, MISTRESS BY MISTAKE, I said it "sizzles off the page. A marvelously sexy romp." By the sound of it, MISTRESS BY MIDNIGHT is equally crammed with wit, mayhem and high society hijinks!
You can find out more about Maggie and her alter-ego Margaret Rowe on her website: http://www.maggierobinson.net/
So here's Maggie!

Thanks so much to the Banditas (especially Anna)…and the cabana boys…for having me back at the Lair.
I’ve brought two new mistresses with me from my latest Courtesan Court books, Laurette Vincent from this month’s MISTRESS BY MIDNIGHT and Prudence Thorne from the novella “Not Quite a Courtesan” in last month’s anthology LORDS OF PASSION to keep the boys busy.
Both ladies—and they are, honest—are temporary residents of Jane Street, my fictional mistress row. Good girls gone bad.
And loving it!

Laurette starts off as a freckle-faced tomboy who has her sights set on the boy next door, who happens to be the Marquess of Conover. But fate intervenes, as they say in Romancelandia. A dozen years after they’re parted, Con’s determined to get her back any way he can. He’s not exactly obsessed—let’s just call him determined and prevaricate. Laurette can’t resist him forever, but she makes a valiant effort. It was such fun to flip back in forth from their teenage angst and lust to their…adult angst and lust.
MISTRESS BY MIDNIGHT is a little more serious than the other books in the series, slightly Cathy and Heathcliffish without the cruelty, insanity or so many dead bodies. Have you ever noticed how Emily Bronte kills off everybody? Even poor puppies.

I’m so lucky to share LORDS OF PASSION with romance legend Virginia Henley and wonderful Kate Pearce. Writing a novella on purpose was a delicious experience. I say this as someone whose first “book” seven years ago turned out to be about 25,000 words and included an amnesiac heroine in a whorehouse. I’m so ashamed.
I revisit Jane Street twice more this year with “To Match a Thief” in August’s IMPROPER GENTLEMEN, and the last official Courtesan Court book, MISTRESS BY MARRIAGE in September. I’ve become so fond of the ladies who live there that I’m pretty sure some will turn up in 2012 one way or another.
To find out more about the books, please visit my website (and check out my naughtier alter ego, Margaret Rowe).

A hero should always ___________and never_________.
Those stories sound absolutely delicious, Maggie! Bandita Buddies, get commenting!
Hi Maggie! Mistress BY Mistake does look delicious. I like stories about good girls gone bad and all of these stories look like fun and sexy reads. I'll be on the lookout!
LOL. Forgot the sentence.
A hero should always be honorable and never cheat.
First thing that came to mind. Sorry, it's too late to think of anything amusing. :)
Ooh, good one, Laurie! Cheaters are a pet peeve of mine...
Hi, Maggie/Margaret! Your latest sounds awfully good! Jane Street sounds like a very intriguing address to visit ;)
As for the sentence: A hero should always believe the best of his heroine and never say never...
Congrats on catching that wily Golden Rooster, Laurie!
Hey, Laurie, the rooster must have enjoyed his day with you! He's BAAAAACCCCKKKK!
Maggie's books are great fun! And I love your sentence!
Fedora, never saying never is always a good thing. Although when a hero says never you know the rooster poop is about to hit the fan ;-)
Welcome Back Maggie :0)
I would make those Cabana boys work too....LOL
A Hero Should always be honest and Never be Greedy!!!
A hero should always be willing and never unprepared (for a surprise)!
Hi! Great covers, so hot!
A hero should always be honorable and never hog the covers!
BJ, I'm getting the impression of some lovely heroes here! Bravo!
Oh, LGM, one never wants an unprepared hero, does one? Snork!
Sheree, what sort of covers are you talking about? I actually don't mind it when a hero hogs a book cover when he's as handsome as the guys on Maggie's books!
Anna said: Hey, Laurie, the rooster must have enjoyed his day with you! He's BAAAAACCCCKKKK!
Okay, I've been coming here awhile and I know there is no excuse not to get it. I've even snagged your rooster a few times, but could someone tell me his story? His likes and dislikes, his strengths and weaknesses... I'd be most grateful. That way I have some idea what to do with him when I have him. ;)
I know there must be some intesting backstory here.
Firstly the cover whore in me is drooling...those are some DE-LIC-IOUS covers :)
A hero should always smolder and never refuse his lady (especially in the boudoir)
Thanks for introducing me to another great author Anna.
Oh, Laurie, that could fill a whole novel. He's a rambunctious, troublesome, womanizing rooster who likes to eat Tim Tams and cause havoc in the hen house. It's a bit of a mixed blessing to win him.
He's actually the invention of our fabulous Louisa Cornell. Hide your head, GR. You don't want to know you're a merely mythical being!
Hey, Cath, you know how I hate to see your TBR pile coming down to manageable proportions!
A hero should always satisfy his lady and never be selfish! LOL!
Another book for the TBR pile.
Nas, that TBR pile of yours will look like mine soon!
By the way, I'm loving these answers!
A hero should always be kind and never behave like a jerk.
Michael Bublé - Hollywood (OFFICIAL Video)
Due South - The Mountie Song Revisited
Hi Maggie,
Can't wait to read the Mistress By Midnight. I loved Tempting Eden.
A hero should always "be thorough" and never "rush". :)
Carol L
Aww, Minna, really? I quite like it when they behave like jerks. Then we get the great grovel scene at the end! Bwahahahahaha!!!!!
Anna said: Oh, Laurie, that could fill a whole novel. He's a rambunctious, troublesome, womanizing rooster who likes to eat Tim Tams and cause havoc in the hen house. It's a bit of a mixed blessing to win him.
Last week when he spent the day here, he terrorized the kitties and chatted up the neighbors female 4-H birds. This time I'll have to think of things to keep him busy. Does he do housework? If so, he'll be my hero. I don't have Tim Tams but I do have some fudge left.
He's actually the invention of our fabulous Louisa Cornell. Hide your head, GR. You don't want to know you're a merely mythical being!
He's busy and didn't hear you. I won't tell him if you don't. ;)
Carol, your answer puts my sweet young self to the blush!!!!
I get him to do housework by bringing out the stewpot and starting to cut up carrots and onions and opening the recipe book to Chicken Chasseur. But my kinder friends tell me that's a bit mean. Mind you, it works! Is a clean house worth a few ruffled feathers on the rooster? I think it might be! Sounds like he was living true to form last time he visited you!
A hero should always let the lady win the argument and never leave the toilet seat up.
At least that's what I expect from my personal hero - hubby.
Hi Maggie, welcome to the lair! Thanks for bringing Maggie to us, Fo.
Love the premise of this series--if Anna says it sizzles, then I'm sure it must be hawt! And hasn't the cover fairy been good to you? Those are fabulous covers!
Congrats on the rooster, Laurie:)
Whoo Hoo Laurie have fun with him
Thank you Anna for invting Maggie back it was so much fun the last visit.
I have your books on my must have list I have heard so much about them and I know I am going to love them if only I had more time to read LOL.
A Hero should always Laugh and never grumble. LOL
Have Fun
A hero should always satisfy and never gloat.
Hi Anna and Maggie!
I love the covers of your books and the name "Laurette". I can already hear the shelves of my TBR pile creaking.
Congrats on the GR, Laurie!
Well done Laurie.... he must like it at your place
Hi Maggie your book looks really good
A hero should always be thoughtful and never forget special occassions
Congratulations on your new book! It looks like a great story.
A hero should always be devoted to the heroine and never make assumptions about her.
Good morning everyone! Y'all have been busy while I've been snoozing! Thanks so much for the good wishes--I feel so very fortunate, especially with my covers. I saw the one for August's Improper Gentlemen recently and had to look carefully to find some clothes, LOL. I'm kind of glad my grandmother is no longer with us or she'd be giving me a lecture that would never end. She was always talking about what "a lady would do."
And in the spirit of my granny, I'll finish the sentence as she might have: A gentleman should always RISE TO THE OCCASION and never FORGET WHERE HE COMES FROM (she was an awful snob, LOL).
The new books sounds great!
A hero should always be determined to win his lady and never snore!
Your books look great, Maggie. You are a new-to-me author so I'll be looking for you at the stores.
A hero should always be intruiging and never be boring.
Hi Maggie! Welcome back to the lair.
I have Mistress by Mistake in my towering TBR pile. The series sounds great and I can't wait to read them.
Since I'm feeling a little saucy today, here's my sentence:
A hero should always bare-chested and never flabby.
How about "A hero should always have high moral ethics and never be unfaithful." Must be too early in the morning for me, as I can't think of a single thing to add to that....
I see we have a lot of upright, moral heroes this morning! I'm all for that. One of the things I love most about my husband is that he's got a very old-fashioned sense of honor--he was an Eagle Scout and everything. He once said to me when he had to make a tough decision at work (he was a high school principal and coach, poor guy) that he knew what people wanted him to do, but it wasn't right even if it was easy. I guess sticking to his principles worked, because he's still in touch with a lot of his students.He's in the hospital right now recovering from surgery, and I'm leaving Internetland to spend the afternoon with him later, so I may disappear for a while. But I want to thank all of you for your comments--it's really helpful for a writer to know what traits her hero should have!
Congrats on the releases, both stories sound great. 2 answers come to mind to your question --
a hero should always be true and never disrespect his lady.
a hero should always be sexy and never be a complete idiot/fool.
Welcome to the lair, Maggie! I can't wait to dive into MISTRESS BY MISTAKE. With the cold weather here in Canada, I could use a hot read. :) Wishing you every success!
A hero should always be valiant and never a rake!
I have read Mistress by Mistake and Mistress by Midnight and they were both phenomenal!! I can't wait for the next title in this series to be released.
Thank you so much, Snowi! And now I'm out for a while to go visit my husband. Behave yourselves while I'm gone. I'm sure the cabana boys will keep you all in line. :)
A hero should always like to laugh and never cheat.
I'm really curious about MbMis. Love a good reunion story.
I agree with Fo, Maggie's stories are delicious. They're also naughty. So perhaps naughtily delicious. I haven't read her latest book and novella, but her first two were marvelous.
@Maggie: How was it that you were at RWA last year, and I completely missed seeing you? I saw all the Bon Bons except you.
A hero should always... talk and cuddle post-coitus ...and never... simply turn over with a grunt and fall asleep. (As if!)
@Laurie: Congrats on the GR.
Maggie, wishing your husband a speedy return home from the hospital and a speedy recovery at home.
@Karyn, the juxtaposition of your two sentences were rather snork-inducing...
"A hero should always be perpetually aroused and never be shorter that 6 feet in height.
All the best for your release!"
Why, yes, I have a juvenile sense of humor sometimes.
Hi, Maggie! Welcome back to the Lair, where your naughty books are deemed so delicious!
A hero should always be in control with other people, but never in control with his heroine.
I hope you Hubby is on the mend and back home very soon
Have Fun
Laurie, congrats on the bird!
Maggie, welcome! The book sounds wonderful. As for the amnesiac heroine in the whorehouse, I think she might be fun.
A hero should always protect the weak and never take what he doesn't have a right to.
Laurie, I made the rooster do housework but putting our yellow lab in charge of him. She didn't trust him any farther than she could see him, and he feared her. He even scrubbed the toilet and shower under her supervision.
She died last summer, and he hasn't been here since the new golden retriever came, but she isn't overly trusting of birds in the yard. They flee form her, so I assume she could also keep him in line.
For his voice and general attitude toward women, think Pepe le Peu.
Maggie, fingers crossed for your husband's speedy recovery!
Sheree wrote: A hero should always be honorable and never hog the covers!
I love that!
"A hero should always treat his heroine like his lover in private and never forget to treat her like a lady in public.
I love the sound of this series. Courtesan court, what better place for a Lady to learn how to be a lover. It sounds like you will need to revisit the neighborhood from time to time.
Best of luck with the release of MISTRESS BY MIDNIGHT and your future release of MISTRESS BY MARRIAGE.
Oh my, I like Carol's..
Not a lot of my brain cells are in operation so this is the best I could do.
A hero should always __charming__and never___a bore__.
Welcome back, Maggie - lovely to see you in the Lair again.
Wishing your hubby a speedy recovery!
Hmm let's see, a hero should always know which shoes look best on his heroine and never be slow to whip out his credit card *g*.
Hi Maggie! Congrats on your latest release. I'm snowed in here today (when it snows in South Carolina, everything closes and we all stay home) and have been cuddled under a blanket on the couch with a dog on either side and Mistress by Midnight in my hands. It's doing a great job of keeping me warm!
Congrats on grabbing the GR, Laurie. I wholeheartedly agree with your sentence. I can't abide a hero who cheats.
I can't think of anything new to add lol. I agree with all the statements. A hero should always put you first and never forget it!
Somehow I've never read you but your books sound wonderful and what fantastic covers!
Kim, I'm with you on the toilet seat!
Christine, Mistress by Mistake DEFINITELY sizzles! Tssss!
Helen, you'll love these books! Grab them from the TBR pile!
Jen, Laurette is such a pretty name, isn't it?
Ooh, Barb, I like the special occasions line! What a great idea!
But, Maureen, when he makes assumptions about the heroine, that's when a lot of the fun starts. Pout! ;-)
Maggie, where's Tawny when you want her? I want someone else to snicker at rising to the occasion!
Oh, Barbara, I LOVE the idea of a hero not being allowed to snore! Good one!
Oh, Sheila, you are SOOOOO right. Never boring should be tattooed on every hero at birth!!!
Christie, that's definitely going right for the jugular. Or perhaps the six pack!
Laney, they work for me. I must say I would have trouble with a hero who cheats.
Maggie, I hope there's good news about your husband! He sounds wonderful!
Gamistress, I'm definitely with you on a hero with intelligence - although I'm quite happy for him to make a fool of himself for love! I like 'em to suffer a bit on the way to their happy ending.
KJ, I keep hearing about all the snow over there. Stay warm!
Snowi, lucky you, reading both books! And welcome to the lair. Here, have a hot cabana boy we prepared for you earlier! What's that? Maggie has chased them all to exhaustion and we no longer have a prepared CB? What's the story?
Sasha, I love a good reunion story too. There's something delicious in watching old wounds heal, isn't there?
Karyn, you're with Christie, I see, in getting into the really in depth stuff! Snork! Works for me!
Oh, Keira, you're so right. And then after he's grunted, if he starts snoring, well, I'm sorry he should be drummed out of the regiment of heroes!
Oh, Keira, I missed that. But you've cracked me up!!!!!
Oh, Jo, what a delicious definition of a romance novel hero. I love it!
Ooh, Nancy, very Robin Hoodish you're feeling this morning!
Oh, no, I just got a telegram from the rooster expressing his deep hurt over being likened to that oversexed SKUNK!!!! Nancy, I think he's plotting revenge!
Pat, Courtesan Court is such an intriguing concept, isn't it? Love your line!
Dianna, I"m 100% with you about a hero never being a bore. That's the eighth deadly sin in Hero Land!
Hmm, Anna, I'm getting a very particular hero in my head at your suggestions. Could it be...the man in your life? Snork!
PJ, sounds like a lovely way to spend a snowy day. We haven't got snow, we've just got inches and inches of rain. I need a hero to come and take me somewhere sunny!
Catslady, I love your line about the hero putting the heroine first. That's absolutely essential, isn't it?
Anna, I see you've been doing my job for me! I want to thank everyone again for the warm welcome/wishes! I just got back from visiting my husband, and he's getting better every hour, although he has the unfortunate tendency to fall asleep once I walk into the room. I feel kind of boring, LOL.
Love everybody's sentences! And yes, I guess I'm kinda naughty. I wasn't really until my agent kept writing "MORE" in red on my manuscripts, and now it seems I just can't help myself. ;)
Keira, sorry I missed you at RWA! I brought family and friends to keep me sane and I tried to do proper vacation things with them. You are lucky you didn't see me in my bathing suit at the pool!
PJ, I've been watching the weather down your way. Crazy stuff! I'm worried about a storm here on Wednesday, when they might spring my husband. We live 45 minutes away from the hospital & might wind up in a hotel first night home if the driving's bad. But you just can't tell---they've been wrong about everything lately.
Anna, I did mean the bed covers but I like your take better.
Maggie, glad it's good news from the hospital!
Snort, Sheree, we can make it both!
Maggie -
A hero should always LOVE THE HEROINE and never LIE TO HER.
there are many other choices, but that's the one that popped up in my mind first.
A hero should always wipe his feet and never leave his clothes lying around. Oops, I’m in my mom mode.
A hero should always take his time and never be crass. Hmmm, well that one works. Sorta
A hero should always make you want to fall in love with him and never be boring.
Okay, speaking of boring, I need to go find some alka-seltzer plus with a chaser of hot lemon tea.
Your book sounds like a fun read Maggie!
A hero should always pay attention and never presume.
Di, I really like your answer!!!
Hey, Sia, great to see you here. Love your responses to the question. Wasn't it a great idea for a blog answer? We haven't had one quite like this before, I think!
Ooh, Chey, I like it - although again, sometimes when he presumes, that's when things turn into fun! And of course, there's always the grovel at the end to look forward to then.
Hi Maggie, your books sound fabulous.
A hero should always be flawed and never expect the perfect women.
Ooh, Virginia, love a flawed hero! What a great choice!
Hello Maggie, Thanks for visiting
with us today.
A hero should always practice veracity and never prevaricate.
Congratulations, Laurie! Hello
Ms. Anna! (Are you anywhere near
the flooding there in Australia?
Take care!)
Pat Cochran
Laurie got the GR again !! Good job!
Mistress by Mistake is SMOKIN' !! And and wonderful, wonderful read!!
A hero should always be insatiable and never be happier than when he is with his lady love!
Pat, sadly, I'm right in the middle of the floods although so far, no damage at my place. It's a complete tragedy - you wouldn't believe how much water we've had coming down on top of us. Terrifying! It's still raining out there too - I'm wondering where it's all coming from! Thanks for checking.
Ooh, Louisa, an INSATIABLE hero!!!! I like it!!!!
Anna, I hope the rain stops soon!And for any of you southerners with surprising snow & ice, welcome to my Maine world.I'm not a fan of winter, but it's so cold in Florida where my son lives he doesn't have to worry about me moving in any time soon, LOL.
I'm so glad you all have been having fun with this sentence. Lots of interesting takes on what makes a good hero (and I'm with Louisa on the insatiable part, LOL...at least in fiction).
A hero should always honorable and never yell. lol
Lisa B
Books sound good. I like the idea of the first one and going back and forth.
A hero should always have a sense of humor and never take himself too seriously.
I'm looking forward to reading Lords of Passion and Mistress by Midnight, since I love wit, mayhem and high society hijinks.
The male model on "Mistress by Mistake" is none other than My fave Paul Marron so any take on "hog the covers" is fine by me. ;)
Modokker, yes, yelling isn't very heroic, is it!
Ooh, Barbara, a sense of humor. That's definitely very appealing with a hero! Good choice!
Snort, Sheree! You and Paul! People are talking!
Just wanted to say a big congrats on your release!!
Oh, and... A hero should always be capable of mayhem, and never use it to hurt the heroine. ;-)
(Don't enter me, I just thought it was a great question. )
All of the good responses seem to be taken, but here's what I used in my marriage vows, slightly modified:
A hero should always build his heroine up, and never tear her down.
jen at delux dot com
Hey, Kris, that's one great answer! Thanks for swinging by!
Jen, what a lovely answer! Thanks for playing the game.
Thanks, guys and Maggie, for a great day in the lair.
Don't forget to check back to see who won the signed copies of MISTRESS BY MISTAKE and MISTRESS BY MIDNIGHT! Good luck!
A hero should always believe in who he is and never believe in something hes not.
waves Hi Maggie! I love your work ty for stoping in you totally rock
I want to thank you all again for the lovely Lair time! And thanks for "playing" my finish-the-sentence game. I was addicted to MadLibs as a girl and can't resist--your answers were thoughtful and I'm going to write them down somewhere!
Anna, you are the absolute best!
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