Do ants do antics?
It's one of those unanswerable questions, isn't it?
I suppose unless you're an ant!
Any readers who happen to be ants, please step up to the plate and give us a definitive answer! Or perhaps that should be ANT-swer.
No, don't go. I promise the puns will stop and what is to come is much funnier than my jokes!
I want to talk about the good things in life - and something that always restores my faith in humanity is a visit to YouTube. Yes, YouTube is a force for international good!
It seems to me what really grabs the imagination over there isn't horrible stuff about people being mean to one another. It's the sweet, life-affirming stuff like dancing babies or animals being impossibly cute (although sadly I'm yet to find any ants doing antics!). So I thought in the interest of general wellbeing, I'd share a couple of my favorites with you!
First up for your viewing pleasure is the Keyboard Kat (nearly 12 million views!):
Next in our gallery of talented quadrupeds is Merengue Dog:
I'm not sure a baby hedgehog eating a carrot counts as an animal with talent but it's mighty cute (Trish Bandita put me onto this one):
And how's this for breathtakingly (literally) cute?
I'm sure most of you have seen the next one - which isn't precisely animals (depends on your opinion of soccer fans!). I gather it was put together for the World Cup in South Africa in 2010 and it's a kind of Middle Earth meets mayhem extravaganza. It still makes me giggle like a loon!
So do you have any cute videos to share? Let's all have a laugh!
what, no golden rooster vidoes? Anna, I'm sure you could get him to do some funny antics ;)
Oh -- don't know about ants but Aunts do antics ;)
my sympathies go to the poor cat & dog forced to wear goofy outfits while showing off such talent, the baby hedgehog & panda are just plain cute ;)
Wow, quick off the mark, Gamistress! Bravo to you. Yeah, you're right, I should have chased up some videos with chooks!
That panda one always makes me giggle and I can't tell you how many times I've watched it.
There was a lovely one I got from Liz Bevarly on Facebook today if you want something else really sweet to look at. The Cat and the Dolphin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rynvewVe21Y
Oh, and Gamistress, I had to giggle at the aunt joke - that actually wouldn't work in Oz. We say arnt like the Brits.
Dang, don't you just hate those wide-screen films. Sorry about the LOTR video being chopped off in its prime. Here's a link to You Tube if you want to see it in all its glory: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prrv6_CUyF0
saw that video (cat & dolphin) on facebook and it is pretty cool. they seemed to become best buds :) liked how the cat seemed to try to pull the dolphin back for more head rubs.
arnt-ics -- brrr too cold, i'll stick to ant-ics thank you :)
Ooh, clearly not lining up for a trip to Antarntica, then. Oh, dear, we're VERRRRRRY tragic!
OMG Anna these were too cute. I was laughing so hard to the dancing dog. I saw the video you posted on facebook earlier today and that was just so adorable. I wish I had some to share...I'll have to look for some and then send them to you.
Congrats, gamistress! You got the chook! Now, to figure out what to do with him! lol!
Love the panda, Anna! How adorable is that? And the hedgehog is just so darn cute. You were right. They both made me smile.
Here's one a friend posted on her Facebook page last week that I fell head over heels in love with. It's a man singing a litter of puppies to sleep.
Danielle, so glad you got a kick out of the videos. Every time I watch that darn cat, I get the tune stuck in my head! So glad you loved the dolphin and the cat too - wasn't that lovely?
Oh, PJ, I saw the puppy one on FB. Isn't that the most adorable thing? I nearly put it up with the others today but I decided enough was enough. ;-) Goodnight, Sweetheart...
Anna, what a great Sunday post and just the thing too since I've been feeling like death warmed over.
I *heart* Merengue Dog and the panda sneezing was pretty damn cute too.
Sorry but the LOTR and vuvuzelas just didn't do it for me.
I think one of my favorite is The Original Ooga Chaka Baby Video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GF3rWj0A_Y
Snort to oogachaka baby, Deanna! Glad the videos gave you a smile. Isn't that dog so clever? Love that one!
PJ-I just watched the puppy video. So adorable!
Danielle, isn't it? I love these!!!!
Hey Anna have you seen the video of the praying dog? The other video is Ninja cat. Saw it a few years ago and thought it was funny.
Oh, love those, Danielle. That cat really IS a ninja!
Great post! Loved the LOTR one, but the one that came after it - How LOTR should have ended was even funnier!
Want some funny cat vids? Visit Mean Kitty on youtube! These vids are so funny and/or cute! There's tons of them
Oh, Carrie, love the LOTR one - hadn't seen that before. Here's the link:
Ooh, love the Mean Kitty - there seems to be a second cat since I last checked in. What fun.
Hi Anna, thanks for some great entertainment today. I really needed a lift! Love the hedgehog! I think my favourite animal video is the one where the otters (?) are swimming around holding hands (flippers?) As you can tell, I can't remember details very well, but it was very cute:)
It's been a loooong day. SIgh.
Congrats on the bird, Gamistress!
Oh, I remember the otter one! That was gorgeous. Found it - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epUk3T2Kfno Seriously AWWWWWWW!
Well done gamistress66 have fun with him maybe you can get him to do something special and put on
u tube LOL
So funny I do like watching some of the things but I don't have any to share with you although we had a dog once that loved to chase water out of a hose and we all fall around laughing.
I have not long got back from a trip to Canberra today for our romance readers lunch we went with the Canberra Ladies today had a blast and went to a chocolate cafe for dessert called Koko Black yummo
Have Fun
well done gamistress have a good day with him
Like Helen I have been to Canberra for lunch .... long day 3 hours return journey but worth it for the lunch and desert LOL... loved the videos but can't think of any myself.... I like the mob ones especially the one in Amsterdam Station.... dancing along to Julie Andrews
So cute, Anna--and you are right--a nice pick-me-up!
Here's one that's not animals, but the historical girls in the house might enjoy it! A very simplified version of Prinny's story:
The white dog is so cute!
f'ANT'astic blog Anna! Hedgehogs are so adorable.
I loved the excited-to-find-a-puddle elk calf when it was going around Facebook a few weeks ago:
Got me smiling this morning. Thank you Anna and everyone that posted links. I'm just getting up and lots of you have had some very great sounding days already.
I can give you a link but not all the videos are chuckle worthy ~ also there advertising in them but heres the link anyhow: http://lifewise.canoe.ca/Living/Cats/home.php
PS Watch the cat boxing one on the list
@Wendy ~ Love that video Thank you
Oh that made my day. I had just seen the cat and dolphin at another blog and then came here. I did see the dog on Letterman but this clip had a lot more. It's amazing that it never gets on all fours that entire time! Thank you for the laughs!!
Anna, what a great way to start a Sunday! Love the baby hedgehog *g*
This past week I saw When Harry Met Sally 2 on Funny Or Die with Billy Crystal and Helen Mirren and it cracked me up! No animals (well, sort of *g*) but so funny :-)
Gamistress, do try to get some funny videos of the GR today. He desperately needs some good press! ;)
Anna I ADORE cute pet videos on YouTube. I loved the ones for which you posted links!
OMG, that LOTR video was hilarious! I want to go watch all the other ones, too. I'm often guilty of screaming at movies (at home, of course), "Just shoot him!" or "Kill her while you have the chance!" or "Just cast a spell NOW!" or "Leave the haunted house, go to the airport and get the heck outta town!"
Doesn't make for nearly as much drama, true, but so much safer for all the main characters that way. :)
Ooh, Helen, you torture me with an ARRA lunch and then you torture me even worse with a chocolate restaurant? And I thought we were friends!!!! Sheesh!
We had a white alsatian puppy that used to cavort with the water out of the hose too. Kept us (and him) amused for hours!
Barb, those flash mob videos are great, aren't they? Have you seen the St. Patrick's Day one with everyone doing Riverdance at Central Station in Sydney? It's fab! Here's the link if you haven't: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxEB48jY3F8
I used to work in Haymarket and this was my regular station which added a certain zing to it for me.
Snort, Deb, I LOVE it! And now I'm having trouble restraining myself from spending the day checking out the other videos. Thanks for sharing!
Cheryl, that photo gave me the idea for the blog - it just gave me such a big smile too!
Wendy, that elk is adorable! I can remember being that excited to be in the water when I was a little 'un too! Thanks for sharing!
Kaelee, those cat videos are delightful. Loved the boxing cat one and there's a really cute one of a cat too big for a box. Thanks for letting me know about the site!
Catslady, so glad these gave you a smile. As I say, even if I'm having a bad day, a cute animal video will cheer me up. Love them!
Beth, it doesn't seem to be on Youtube, sadly. Sounds hilarious! Hey, we're not animalist here. You can include humans!
Caren, sometimes it all gets a bit silly. I remember a film from years ago called Sleeping with the Enemy where our heroine (Julia Roberts) knows her violent husband is in the house so she GOES LOOKING FOR HIM!!!! Huh? What's up with that? Any sensible woman would take to her heels like the wind. Yeah, means we would have missed the big shoot 'em up climax but good sense went out the window just like the heroine should have.
This one's via Delia on Facebook and it's absolutely gorgeous, really touching. Not a funny one but lovely.
Beth, it doesn't seem to be on Youtube, sadly. Sounds hilarious
I think I found it on the Huffington Post site but here's a link to it at Funny Or Die. It's not PG13 so be warned :-)
Oh, Beth, that's funny but kinda sad!!!!! Don't you love how Helen Mirren is SUCH a good sport? I think she's wonderful!
This is one I saw a few weeks ago. It's a baby video:
Sorry to be late tot he party...again.
What a fabulous post! Ever since I got my two baby cats, I am hooked on cute animal videos. This one is one of my favs (including Tiggy the talking cat...who sounds like he is possessed by some weird ghost but still)
Kaelee, what a little cutey!!!!
JT, that one is so dang cute, I just put it up on Facebook credited to you. Thanks for sharing it - it gave me a lovely giggle.
What great videos! I just watched the one with the cat and the dolphins. How sweet is that!
You could definitely make some major bucks with videos of the GR, Gamemistress!
And the little hedgehog video brings back fond memories of my pet hedgehogs! They really were the sweetest little things and a complete puzzle to my dogs and cats. I had four hedgehogs, the longest lived hung in there for nearly ten years. I don't know what it is about them, but they just make people smile.
Louisa, I don't think I've ever seen a hedgehog in real life. They're not native here. We have a very grumpy anteater with spines called an echidna - it's related to the platypus and is one of only two mammals that lay eggs.
Hey, thanks, guys, for a great day in the lair. I've had fun with all the recommended videos!
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