by Anna Campbell
Good evening, Regency gossip mavens! It's your eagle-eyed editor here from Regency Routs, Rumpus and Rumpy-Pumpy.
Are you ready for your big dose of SCANDAL???!!!!
Yep, we're all getting to play papparazzi for the day. Nikons at twenty paces! Hoist your Olympus!
Because today is the launch party for the honorable Miss Campbell's latest release MIDNIGHT'S WILD PASSION and there's going to be blood on the Polaroids before we're done, dear readers!
But first a word from our sponsors at MIDNIGHT CENTRAL...
MIDNIGHT'S WILD PASSION is a classic Regency romance spiced with passion and danger and...SCANDAL (well, you kinda knew that, you're papparazzi, right?).
Here's some secret video from one of our undercover London reporters:
And here's the background to the breaking story that's taken the gossip sheets by storm:

The dashing, licentious Marquess of Ranelaw can never forgive Godfrey Demarest for ruining his sister - now the time has come to repay the villain in the same coin. But one formidably intriguing impediment stands in the way of Nicholas's vengeance: Miss Antonia Smith, companion to his foe's unsuspecting daughter.
Having herself been deceived and disgraced by a rogue-banished by her privileged family as a result and forced to live a lie-Antonia vows to protect her charge from the same cruel fate. She recognizes Ranelaw for the shameless blackguard he is, and will devote every ounce of her intelligence and resolve to thwarting him.
Yet Antonia has always had a fatal weakness for rakes…

We even have specific footage for our Aussie scandalmongerers, uh, READERS of Downunder Disgraceful Doings!
You'll notice that Nicholas and Antonia have been caught in a VERY compromising position in this candid photo.
Just goes to show you shouldn't do anything naughty in the summer house at Pelham Place. All those bushes give dedicated papparazzi lots of places to hide out - and let's face it, neither Nicholas nor Antonia was paying much attention to what was going on OUTSIDE the lovely little Greek temple at the time!
Our intrepid reporter told us events reached such a pitch that his camera fell from his sweaty hands and crashed upon the muddy ground, so this is our only photgraphic record of illicit cavortings.

He looks like a fallen angel and acts like the De-il himself! Many a time, we've had to fan our heaving bosoms and reach for the smelling salts preparing the sealed sections of RRRARP where we've related his numerous and notorious escapades with wanton women both within and without society.

The marquess's attentions to the lovely young woman have been notable. At the Bradham musicale, he sat next to her for the entire evening - apart from a mysterious disappearance onto the terrace. During the house party at Pelham Place which had such a lamentable end, he was rarely away from Miss Demarest's side.
But we at Regency Routs, Rumpus and Rumpy-Pumpy have inside information, dear readers! It's not Cassandra he's pursuing but her dowdy chaperone Miss Antonia Smith who until now has been a model of rectitude.
Previously, Miss Smith was on our radar purely as a dragon of a companion with no dress sense. But rumor now has it that Miss Smith conceals hidden depths.
We wonder what else this lady is concealing!

If I were the marquess, I would be VERRRRRRRRRRRY careful! Of his dealings with both Miss Smith and Miss Demarest.
And then, fetch your editor a burnt feather, there was that scandalous evening at the Merriweathers where not only Miss Smith and the marquess danced a waltz together, but the poet and traveler John Benton, once accounting the handsomest man in England, returned to set female hearts a-flutter.
The fellow has been in Italy for years and there is some secret scandal about his absence that we promise to get to the bottom of before we're done. We will leave no stone - or poet - unturned in our search for the truth! Our reporters will scale any cherry trees (oops, gave away a clue to a future edition there!), hide in any retiring room at a ball, eavesdrop on any conversation to keep our readers informed!

There are whispers of missing heiresses, elopements, parental disapproval, seductions, abductions, duels. Oh, my, we can hardly contain our censure at the wicked goings on this Season. And we dread to assault our gentle readers' ears with what we know.
Well, all right...
If you insist...

It seems if you want the full dramatic story, you have to read MIDNIGHT'S WILD PASSION?
NOOOOOO! Regency Routs, Rumpus and Rumpy-Pumpy resents the implication that we don't have the whole story - even though we don't. One thing we do know, there is much scandal and mayhem before there's a wedding!
OK, you papparazzi in training, let's celebrate the launch of this scandalous memoir with some wild reportings! Tell me the latest scandal in that notorious den of iniquity, the Romance Bandits Lair.

If you know no scandal of the lair - which this editor finds extremely hard to believe! - tell us some scandal from this momentous Season where the Marquess of Ranelaw seems to have lost his taste for wild women and started to pursue dowdy companions.
Heavens to Betsy, what is the world coming to?
Plenty of champagne and orgeat and warm lemonade to keep you refreshed. We have the second best orchestra in London to keep your toes tapping - that social-climbing Mrs. Jones-Llewellyn-Jones had already booked the best orchestra, bl-st her hide.

And the party favors include THREE signed copies of the document in question. Yes, MIDNIGHT'S WILD PASSION (oh, my, the summer house!) will go to three intrepid reporters today.
GOOD LUCK, PAPPARAZZI! May you do Regency Routs, Rumpus and Rumpy-Pumpy proud!
yipee! it's a release party :) Congrats Anna!
ready to call it a night here so I can go dream of scandalous rogues :) (don't think any gossips hiding in my dreams so should be safe ;) looking forward to the "on dits" as well as the book itself
Hey, Gamistress, it's YOU!!!! The chook is out in breeches and neck cloth today. He looks rather spiffy in his boots. Come back tomorrow - I'm sure there will be scandal a-plenty to keep you going!
Whoo Hoo Anna
What a party and I have to dash off and won't be back till tomorrow morning :(
Have Fun everyone and make sure you all have a drink for me.
This is one book I am dying to read.
I will be back in the morning
Have Fun
Congrats Anna ! wohooo...
partayyyyy :)
Wanna read that book if i'm so lucky today \^_^/
Well, did ya hear 'bout Cap'n Hellion and...
Oh, wrong blog!
Congrats, Anna!
Yer squirrels are in the mail!
Yay, yay, YAY, Anna!! Can't wait to get this! And ooh, party the night away with the GR tonight, Gamistress! :)
Helen, we're keeping the champagne cold for you. Come back tomorrow!!!!
Thanks, Mariska. Good luck!
Well the timing is right for a party but the day is bad. Must sleep in order to work tomorrow. Embittered the party. Toast to the wonderfully talented Ms. Campbell. :)
Maureen, I'm still recovering from your rambunctious invasion of the lair! Whew, that was SOME party! I hope Helly does stick her nose in - she's always great fun when we ply her with champagne and cabana boys!
Hey, Fedora, it's a LAUNCH PARTY! We've got three this month in the lair. May has been officially designated hangover month! ;-)
Thanks you so much, Janet! Oh, groan on having to work! Come back and see us tomorrow if you're back on deck!
Congrats Anna on the release! The book looks beautiful and I am looking forward to finding out all the scandalous gossip about Nicholas and Antonia. Sounds like it will be some juicy gossip!
Happy release day party !!! Scandalous rogues !! we can only dream of !!!! Congrads on the new book Anna !! even better an fellow aussie love !!!! author !!!
cant wait to read it
June, one of the fun things about writing Regencies is that they were just as celebrity-obsessed as we are now. Gossip and scandal play a huge part in the era so it's fun to muck around with those themes. Thanks for saying you're really looking forward to reading MWP. I know it's out in a lot of Dymocks already! Yahoooooo!
Thanks so much, Kat! Lovely to see you here. Scandalous rogues? Yes, please!!!! ;-)
Can't wait to read all the scandals and congrats dear Anna...
Hooray for the launch! Much anticipated and very excited it's finally here. I'm already stock up on my hoarding. :-)
Thanks, Sheila! We all love our scandals, don't we? LOL!
Deanna, love that you've got about five formats about to hit you! Always makes me smile. Thanks for swinging by!
My goodness, Anna, what time did you get up this morning? Care for a cup of tea? Probably not, champagne is much better!
Happy release day and have a great party!
Congrats on the release! I love a good book with tons of gossip - not to mention I love anything where the hero is set on 'ruining' someone!
Thanks, Bron. I got up at a RIDICULOUS hour this morning. I tell you, it's hard to be a party animal and an insomniac! ;-)Tea???!!!! CHAMPAGNE!!!!!
Dtchycat, 'ruin' is just one of those words that get you in, isn't it? I find 'rake' and 'scandal' work for me too! ;-) Thanks for the congrats!
well done Anna and congrats on the release..... I can just picture you telling this with you waving your fan to keep you cool...better still Sven keeping you cool.
Can't wait to read it
YIPPEEEEE Finally! Gossip is pretty slow around here as everyone has been rained in, on, and around in this little corner of the world. But new books are always welcome!
Well! I have it on good authority from my dearest friend Lady M who was taking the sea air in Capri, that the Marquis under discussion was caught inflagrante by a very irate Italian Count. In the stables no less, with the Countess in a very questionable position! Riding crops and saddles were involved, my dears!! The Italian Count being of a fiery temperament as you can imagine, attacked the Marquis with the nearest weapon which happened to be a pitchfork and the results were quite...well...alarming. Now, word has it the Marquis has lowered his sights somewhat, to those ladies less able to judge . . .if I may put it delicately . . . by experience.
Congrats on the new release, Anna. I think after everyone's had a few drinks in them, we can start to see some scandalous behavior.
The demure woman offers a smile to a passing gentleman. She had no interest in the affection he bestowed her way. Instead she retrieved a crystal glass of champagne from a passing servants tray. You are here for a reason, she chastised herself. Get the job done and run like the devil is on your heals!
Taking a deep breath before she gulped down the remaining fizzy liquid from her glass, she slipped secretly behind the curtain leading toward the houses private quartes. She heard the moans beyond the final door on the right. She smiled knowing wealth awaited her if she could capture this moment of deception. The rake was at it again and please, oh please, let it be with the Duke’s daughter.
Ensuring her camera was ready before she flung open the heavy wooden door, she yelled ‘Cheese!’. Both man and woman turned in shock to look at her. The flash of the bulb as it blew lit the room in bright white light. The woman screamed but she did not wait to see if it was the Duke’s daughter as she ran down the hall, the rakes angry bellow sounding behind her as she ran, indeed like the devil was on her heals.
LOL! Lift up your skirts ladies!! There a rake after us!!!!
Hey, Barb, the pink bookmark is really getting some hard work in! Thank you, it's lovely!
Laughed at the idea of Sven waving a fan of peacock feathers over my head. Works for me! I quite like the idea of two cabana boys giving me foot massages too.
Marie, I hear you on being rained in. I've got webbed feet these days! It's here, it's here! I'm so excited! Feels like I've been waiting forever for this one to hit the stands! Can't wait for you all to meet Antonia and Ranelaw!
Snort, Lis! You REALLY have to start writing saucy historicals! I want to know the rest of the story now. And what happened to the poor countes????!!!! Love it! Thanks for swinging by to celebrate my launch. Here, have some champagne! And no, you can't have that pitchfork. You might be inspired to mayhem!
Jane, so far everyone's on their best behavior. I don't think it's going to last, do you? Snork! A barrel of margaritas was just rolled behind the bar and you know what that means!
Ooh, Danielle, you've been talking to Lis, haven't you? The two of you have clearly been stalking the upper classes in search of distinctly non-classy behavior! How wonderful! Let us know when you've uploaded the photos. That duke's daughter stood on my foot at a rout in Mayfair and I've always wanted to get the snooty cow back for that. ;-)
By the way, Danielle, I'm not sure lifting one's skirts is the WISEST behavior when a rake is in the vicinity. Just sayin'...
Well done Anna , lovely post and I adore the pics ! Congratulations on yet what I know will be another masterpiece !
Hey, thanks, Desere! As you can probably tell, I had fun putting this one together!!!!
Congratulations Anna and Happy Release day!
Thanks, Nas! Big excitement here!
And there is always the question of the rash, you know. Lady M swears it was caused by the straw in the stables but . . .
No, Lis, I'm sure she said it was her lover who was rash. Or did I misunderstand???!!! Sheesh! You can't keep up with all these nefarious doings!
Indeed! Lady M is a very dear, dear friend but I do ask myself how does she know such intimate details? Particularly when the man in question is such a wellknown rake? You know how I detest gossip, Anna, but one does wonder.
LOL Anna! Uhh, Yer! Lifting one’s skirts around a rake is a very WISE move. *sultry wink*
Woot! Can't wait to read this one! Congratulations Anna on your release.
I heard from Lady D--- that she saw Paolo and Lady J--- slip behind the drapes in the West Wing drawing room and they didn't come out for hours! When they did come out well, let us just say Lady J--- went straight to the retiring room to repair the damage and Paolo was more than a little worse for wear.
I just want to know if there is a map for all of the lairs little nooks and alcoves and if all of the cabana boys, hockey hunks, and gladiators are trained in the art or are some ahead of the class so to speak. I do so like Lar, those big brown eyes are like warm chocolate.
Congrats Anna...Happy Release Day!!!I so hope to read this book SOON!!!
Storms have plagued my internet connection,but I made it.
Happy Release Party ;)
Congratulations Anna on your new scandalous story! My bandit gossip is that there are more amazing stories coming our way this year.
OMG, Anna! I'm so glad I read this before drinking my coffee or I'd be cleaning up a very messy computer. Rumpy Pumpy? ::Snort!::
Congrats on your release! Ranelaw is wild! No, that's not right. Well, it is right, but what I meant was, Ranelaw is in the wild. Yes, that's right! Ranelaw is in the wild and now everybody can read his adventures and I don't have to keep my mouth shut about all the delicious details of his wonderful story! If that's not reason enough to party, I don't know what is! :)
Congrats, gamistress! You haven't had him in a while, have you?
HURRAY, Anna, on the release of MWP!!
Scandals in the Lair? Pshaw, surely you jest! (Shhh, quiet, Sven.) Bring on the bubbly, though; we are celebrating today! Congratulations!!!
Happy Release Day, Anna! I found the book last night!
Scandal in the lair? Gasp! No such thing, I'm sure. And if Sven has something to say about me, Caren, Christine, and some cabana boys with champagne and Tim Tams--he's making that up!
Ahhh, the cave. Do people really believe writing is all that goes on in there? Why just this morning...
I couldn't find the platter of turtles I had made for the party and, knowing how much Joanie adores them, I went in search of the missing lovelies. Well, where do you think I found them? That's right, dear readers. They were in the cave and, I'm proud (and more than a little scandalized)to say, providing an incredible amount of inspiration...though not exactly of the writing kind. ::wink wink::
It seems dear Joanie (yes, that's right, our Joanie!) was playing "Hide the Turtle" with the Gladiators. Do you know what happens when you hide a turtle on the hard, hot, sexy, hard...sorry, got a little carried away there...body of a Gladiator? Chocolate melts. Caramel softens. Somebody has to clean it up, right? Who knew clean-up could be so exciting? Apparently, our very own Joanie, as her efforts seemed to be quite enthusiastic...and appreciated! My, is it getting hot in here? Where's my fan?
That's the end of this intrepid reporter's first-hand account of "Licky in the Lair." Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to make more turtles and find a few Gladiators of my own!
WOOOHOOOO!! So excited - can't wait to get my copy. BTW your bookmarks are delish!
We love our celeb gossip in the Lair.
Now, not that there'd be any about me *blinks innocently*, but the rumours about a certain Lady S and the hockey hunks are wildly ... exaggerated ... there were only 2 chandeliers damaged and the bathtub was full of bubbly, not Pimms (far too sticky ... or so I'm told!).
Now, as to what certain duchesses were up to with those cabana boys, well that's another matter. All I can say is that's the most interesting use for wardrobes I've seen in a long time.
And, it's true that Ermingarde was shocked flameless by the goings on between certain gladiators and some ladies from the Lair up in the tower room.
Oh and I hear the super-secret agents meeting in the Lair's library with certain other ladies was full of ... ummm ... super-secret stuff. Lots of banging ;)
OMG, PJ--I'll never look at your chocolates--or Joanie!--the same way!
ROFL PJ! Who knew Joanie got up to such stuff in her writing cave?!
*snork* Anna - forgot to say how much I love Regency Routs, Rumpus and Rumpy Pumpy! I meant the title, you wicked woman!!
Congratulations! Happy Release Day!
morning -- well rested (such lovely dreams) and ready to celebrate. Ahh, a momosa, thank you Sven :)
I'm with Danielle - when could me a better time for raising one's skirt than near a rake ;) particularly such talented, err, charming one as that ;)
What interesting info is popping up about the mysterious happenings at the liar as well as about other things popping up ;) (Anna you're a bad influence).
Sven looks a little nervous as do several of the other gents. hmmm, most curious. Let's keep those trays well laden & the glasses filled, I think it's only beginning to get interesting here today ;) Who knows just what scadelous behaviour will be told or naughty deeds revealed.
Parties in the liar are always such fun. Is their really 3 launch parties planned this month? Oh, my, I'd best make sure I've got enough asprin & caffine in the house for recovery (not that I'll need it of course) :D
Trust me, gamistress, with the GR at your place there WILL be a scandal before the day is out!
CONGRATULATIONS, La Campbell on another stellar novel!
And, as usual, the Banditas and Co. are throwing a STELLAR party!
LOVED this post! Snorked most of my morning tea while reading it!
Rumpy Pumpy? Isn't that illegal?
Speaking of illegal, rumor has it the disappearance of a certain Lord R.A. from society in the past weeks has been linked to the appearance in town of a certain Lady A.C. who has taken a house on Grosvenor Square and had bars installed on the windows. No servants have been seen, but an inordinate amount of champagne, strawberries and chocolate have been delivered to said house by Fortnum and Mason. Rumor has it the racket coming from the house in the form of screams and moans has frightened horses in the street and resulted in one debutante and two snooty dowagers fainting dead away!
LOL! I giggled so many times reading through the Rumpy Pumpy report, which is dangerous when you're on the treadmill. :)
Congrats on your new release, Anna.
I heard the Golden Rooster has a not-so-secret crush on Joanie. She will have to set her attack kitties at the ready to protect her virtue. :)
OMG! I laughed my way through this whole thing. BEST selling of a book EVAH! LOL! I want this NOW. I mean, I always want your books, but dang, woman!
As for scandal (I've yet to read the comments so we'll see if I repeat gossip already shared) I have it from a very reliable source that the morning after the last party, Demetrius was found to have an excessive amount of "kiss" prints on his person. And not in the shoulder-up region. DNA tests were sent out to find the culprit(s), however Ermigarde seems to have sneezed at an opportune moment and scorched the carrier pigeon out of the sky before she could reach the lab.
Demetrius has volunteered to suffer the event again in order to gain more DNA samples. The brave, brave man.
Happy Release Day, Anna! (I always giggle like a 12 year old boy every time I say that phrase...) Gorgeous cover and may I say: I love rakes. Adore them! Happy reading for me!
Congrats on the release La Campbell! I am sooo excited about this book, have been waiting for it forever.
Now this reporter has the inside scoop about a particular Duchess and the steamy Sven moving away for a walk in the gardens. Upon further investigation these two appear to have missed the fantastic rose arbor and nightblooms. Yet, I could not help but overhear certain, improper verbal exclamiations echo over the veranda and beyond that would imply these two are up to no good. More to come while I search for our culprits....
Delightful post, Fo! I think I'm starting to appreciate the papparazzi!
Congratulations on the release of Midnight's Wild Passion. The story sounds wonderful and I absolutely adore the cover. I'm off to download my copy! Whoooo!
Oh, and OF COURSE other activities go on in the Cave. We just can't mention them in a family-friendly environment.
Don't quote me - This is strictly off the record, but...
I was taking inventory in the wine cellar. You know our budget for liquor and chocolate is more than halfway depleted and it's only April! So I thought I'd better check to make sure the books were accurate. I found Demetrius shielding someone against the wall with his broad shoulders. Not sure who it was, but from the sounds she was making, her participation was not coerced. I discretely looked away and passed on by. Any speculation as to who it was? (Any volunteers - grin)?
Great launch, Anna! Love this cover - and the scandals, ruinations, and gossip. All the makings of a great read.
Congrats on the release! I have all your other books and love them all!
The party is going on hard. There were a few awkward moments when a drunken lout tried to table dance, but the host put an abrubt end to it.
I love a party and this one sounds like it's going to be a wild ride! My only question is what about the servants? Are they gathering in the wine cellar in secret and doing theh hokey-pokey and turning all around?
I think sometimes the servants have more fun than the rogues and the debs but you'll have to check with Hastins the butler to get all the latest. Better hurry because if there is wild passion going on below the stairs who will be serving the brandy in the card room?
Find out all the details that the bandits aren't telling you by buying or ordering a copy of Midnight's Wild Passion today (before it's too late and they run out)!
"This comment was unsolicited and written by a fan of Anna Campbell."
Oh Anna I had to swing by....I couldn't miss it!!!!
Of Course I'm a scandal in itself...I've been away for so long (must stop doing that)!!!!
I'm so happy for you!!!!
Big Hugs :0)
Plenty of champagne and orgeat
Swear I read this as ANOTHER word starting in or....
Woohoo!!! Another Anna Campbell novel on the shelves!!!
A Bailey's on the rocks if you please Paolo....Paolo??? Duchesse? Sven?? Where IS everybody?
I speak not for the underlings known as Sven and Cabana boys, dianna, however you may rest assured the gladiators are well versed in ALL useful skills.
I saw to it myself...
G. Sangria
PJ!!! You promised to keep it under your hat!
Though was lucky enough to find one under Demetrius' loincloth!
(puts hand to mouth...licks off caramel) Did I say that?
I am LOVING your cover and can't wait to read what's inside it. Congratulations!
Congrats, Anna!! I can't wait to read MWP.
Scandals in the lair??? I don't think so. I know I have never witnessed a thing.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
SNORK!!! La Campbell triumphs again!!!!!!!!
I lift my skirt--er, my glass! My glass!--in a toast to your fabulosity, Anna dear!!! I've ordered your Wild Passion and expect it to show up on my doorstep at any moment! :-)
I've ruined a perfectly good latte and most of my keyboard this morning, snorting my way through your tales of scandal and flagrant Rumpy Pumpy throughout the land. I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked! And a bit flushed, as well. ;-)
But if you think I would ever betray my fellow Banditas' secrets ... well ... you're right! Come closer! Let me whisper in your ...
Ooh, there's the mailman! Talk later!!!
Congrats Anna!
Man looks like ya'll had a blast last night lol.
I had a theory when I first moved to where I live. I knew one person. And we used to stand at the bus stop every morning with our children with one other woman. The other woman had a husband who was a truck driver, and she, uh, entertained frequently while he was on the road. Therefore my theory was that all you really needed was one person to talk to and one person to talk about :-) And that's gossip!! LOL
Happy release day dear Anna! I pre-ordered your book and woke up today to find a new book on my kindle (always a happy day). I'm write, write, writing today, but tonight? It's all about Midnight's Wild Passion!
OK, I'm here. I'm armed with camera! I've got batteries! Be afraid, be very afraid!
Whoo hoo! It's another fabulous release day party in the lair. Bring on the Rumpy Pumpy!!
Congrats, Anna! I'm very excited to get my hands on a copy of Midnight's Wild Passion :-)
Hi Anna!
Super congrats on your latest!
Don't know what Ms. Wells and AC were up to, but I have it on good word it involved two packets of digestive biscuits, a jar of Nutella, the margarita machine, a tube of Bain de Soleil and several cabana boys...
Lis, you'd NEVER gossip! I know you too well - and I've heard so much... Oops! About to talk out of school there!
Danielle, you saucy wench! Now you've got the gladiators all excited and they don't know what to do with their swords!
Dianna, poor Paolo. He was such an innocent when he joined us. We have corrupted him. Or perhaps I should just put the blame on Lady J! By the way, if only those curtains could talk! Oh, that's right, we hid a microphone in them. They CAN talk. Bwahahahahahaha! Thanks for the good wishes. So exciting to have a new book out!
Rumpy-pumpy indeed! Hahaha!
And for those of you still waiting, I'll gloat a bit...I have my copy, I have my copy! Grins.
Anna, HUUUUUGE CONGRATS on another fabulous success. I see that reviews are popping up right and left saying that it is "One of the year's best" and that "..Campbell has outdone herself..."
And so on. *sniffle! Wipes a proud tear* So happy for you my dear, and SO proud to call you friend and fellow Bandita! WOOOOT!!!
*covers a camera lens* Now now, no pictures....
Hey, dlynnpen, your cat has made our more timorous cabana boys cower. That's why we put on the gladiators - cabana boys are no good at all in a stoush with an angry, wet cat! Thanks for swinging by and saying you're looking forward to the book! So far, I've had the most wonderful feedback about it - lovely for the author to get!!!!
Maureen, May is actually a HUGE month in the lair. Our Kate has another Bibliophile mystery out, Tawny has one of her wonderfully sexy Blazes that's already burning up my bedside table, and Beth, our RITA winner, has another of her gorgeous emotional SuperRomances out. In fact, I think the discerning book shopper is buying in the lair this month ;-)
PJ, I've been DYING for Ranelaw to be out in the wild (he was wild anyway, as you pointed out! Snort!). I love the review the Dish gave me! You girls are the best. If anyone missed it, here's the link: http://www.theromancedish.com/2011/04/guest-review-midnights-wild-passion.html Five out of five stars always looks good in my sky!
Sven? Oh, Sven!!!! Come over here to momma and tell her what you've been up to with that wild Deb! Actually there are some wild debs or at least deb balls in MIDNIGHT'S WILD PASSION! Have another glass of champagne and let's toast!!!! Thanks, Deb!!!!
Oh, Deb M, that's old news about you and the Tim Tams and all the other rambunctious stuff you got up to. But did you know you feature in the latest on dit? You thought you were being so discreet, but our reporters get everywhere. That was no banana tree that looked happy to see you - it was one of our roving reporters in disguise. And he caught the whole lot on video. I'm open to bribery, by the way! Thanks for picking up MWP!!!! Hope you have fun with it.
Ooh, PJ, do you want a job? You have great potential as a Rumpy Pumpy reporter! And wouldn't you love to see that on a business card? Is JT molesting the gladiators again? Sheesh! They had dark rings under their eyes after the last launch. They'll want a holiday after this one. There's no stopping JT when she has a turtle. Snort! Actually I think she's thinking of writing a Regency called the Heir and the Turtle!
Anna, you've changed out of your banana tree suit? I didn't give you permission! Get out there into the secluded walk of Vauxhall and get us some more goss. By the way, you're going great guns so far but the idea wasn't for YOU to be our object of gossip. Oh, well, at least you managed to corrupt a couple of the hockey players and the cabana boys are getting into the spirit of things now in the hope that you'll get sick of all that ice and come over to the pool to keep them entertained!
Isn't it exciting to have another book out? And I was so happy with the bookmarks! Thanks for saying you love them! Happy reading!
Congratulations on your newest "baby" - it looks like another winnner!
Deb, let's put it this way - those turtles definitely came out of their shells! Snork!
What else COULD you mean, VA? Batters eyelashes with totally unconvincing innocence...
Actually I think a mag called Regency Routs, Rumpus and Rumpy Pumpy would give Cosmo a run for its money. Or perhaps a gavotte for its money!
Thanks so much, May! I'm having fun as you can probably tell!
Gamistress, popping up? Oh, I see, you mean the button on the remote control for Ermingarde's cage. ERMINGARDE'S CAGE?? EEEEK, dragon on the loose! She's out to find PJ's turtles and turn them into hot chocolate!
Hope you're enjoying your cocktail. The boys have put together a special one for the launch Midnight's Wild Passionfruit!
And yup to three launches in May! Batten down the hatches!
Shhhhh, Louisa! My kidnapping of Lord A is meant to be a secret. And I've managed to wear down his resistance. He's ALMOST enjoying himself now. And no horses were harmed in the commission of this crime. And those snooty dowagers didn't faint. I punched them in the nose and knocked them out when they wanted to join in the fun!
You might be snorting on the treadmill, Super Trish! I'm snorting at our Joanie protecting her virtue at all costs. And that wily rooster can talk any girl around, not to mention charming the attack kitties! So glad you got a giggle out of the post. I kinda went a bit wild - hmm, at midnight'?
Happy release party! Congrats on your new release Anna. The party sounds fab and also the book, can't wait to read it. Bring on the drinks.
Yum, roast pigeon. Well done, Ermingarde! You walking green barbecue, you!
Terri, glad this gave you a giggle. As you can probably tell, I had fun putting it together. I'm seriously sad there isn't a REAL mag called Regency Routs, Rumpus and Rumpy Pumpy. I'd read it as soon as it turned up in the mailbox!
And how wonderful you're spreading scandal! We love that in the lair. Almost as much as we love creating scandal in the first place!
Helly, you have a naughty mind! That's why we love you in the lair. Just don't go exploding like a volcano!!! Snicker. Thanks for the congrats! Very excited!
Slush, don't let them get away! Quick! Ermingarde, hold the front page of RRRARP! (Oh, dear, that acronym looks like a noise the Prince Regent would make after eating too many lobster patties - as he invariably does!). I scent scandal! Scandal, I say!
Jo, you're right, we must consider the children and their innocent little ears. Is it time for them to go to bed yet? Snork! Hey, cool about downloading the book. This is my first book out since e-books have become such a huge force in the publishing world. I'm really interested as to how the print/digital breakdown will work out. I suspect there will be a LOT of e-books this time round. Happy reading!
Scandals, ruination and gossip? Yup! Works for me too, Donna.
Ooh, Demetrius laying down his shield... Oh, no, that's not what you said, did you? I wonder who the lucky lady was! I wonder if she was having a Roman Holiday!
Report back, intrepid Papparazzi! We want more!!!!!
LilMissMolly, that was MEEEEE on the table! Luckily, the cabana boy who caught me took me away into a dark corner and..
The nice thing about being the editor of Regency Routs, Rumpus and Rumpy Pumpy is that I get to censor the mag! Nobody but the cabana boy and I shall know what passed in that shadowy corner. What's that? My rival mag The Season's Salacious Sexy Scandals caught me on tape! Dang! I wonder what's left in the bribery fund. I think Donna took it for the alcohol budget!
LMM, thanks for saying you've got all the other books. Hope you enjoy this one!
What a fun post, Anna! Happy partying and congratulations on the release of Midnight's Wild Passion. I loved it! Is this book going to introduce a series? I really, really, really want to read Cassie's story.
Oh, Jeanne, don't encourage the servants to do the hokey pokey! That's the root of all sin ;-) All those legs and arms going everywhere and when a young servant girls turns it all about, she doesn't know where she'll end up! We've had several front page exposes involving the hokey pokey! The patronesses at Almack's have allowed the waltz. But they will NEVER allow the hokey pokey!
By the way, your cheque is in the mail.
What's that? Oh, we said we'd say the comment was unsolicited? In that case, a hokey-pokey dancing CZECH is in the mail.
Seriously, thank you! xx
BJ, yes, we were about to list you in our missing persons classified section ;-) You and George Clooney and Richard Armitage. Well, we know where Richard's been - pipe down, Dickie, I'll be there soon! You know what you have to do before I feed you and no amount of soulful, sultry looks will make me relent! But I'm wondering if the you and GC missing together bit is completely coincidental...
Seriously, thanks for swinging by! x
Joan, how were PJ's turtles? Snicker, snicker, flash photography! Thanks for swinging by! Goodness, I can't imagine what word you were thinking of instead of orgeat. Organ recital? No, actually here in the lair even that sounds saucy!
Ooh, that caramel's pretty good, JT. As is what is underneath the caramel!
I hear Liam is pretty good at Lying 'em. Oh, dear, I must stop. Clearly I've had too much of Goddess Sangria's punch! Karyn, lovely to see you! I'm so delighted you loved Ranelaw. Hey, did everyone see Karyn's wonderful review of Midnight's Wild Passion on the Season? Nothing cheap ruggy about it at all! http://theseasonforromance.com/may2011_anna-campbell-midnights-wild-passion.php Loved the Top Pick - well, I would, wouldn't I?
Thanks so much, Jenny! Lovely to see you here. Looking forward to your visit later in the year. As you can tell, we have great fun here. Well, at least the Banditas do. I'm not so sure about the cabana boys and the gladiators. And the servants have all run off to do the hokey pokey so it's no use trying to ask them!
Runner, that's why we all confide in you. When it comes time for you to write the tell-all memoirs, our rooster will be coooked! ;-) Thanks for the good wishes!!!!
I am back and so glad the champagne is cold what a party whoo hoo.
I gotta say I am sure it won't be long till one of the paparazzi gets a photo of Sven and Madame Wells in that deadline cave they had better be careful and of course Aunty Cindy with her whip and the Cabana Boys I am sure it will all come out very soon LOL.
Huge congrats on the release of Midnight's Wild Passion I will be off to the shops again this morning to see if I can pick it up and then enter the contest to win a cleaner for a year think how many books I could read if I had a cleaner LOL.
Have Fun
Can I just say you guys certainly know how to throw a party! Having a blast.
I can't wait to read this scandalous book Anna. Looks so good.
OK, real life is calling. I have to go shopping so Madame has something to eat when she comes up to see me this weekend. And you know she only dines on lark's tongues and ambrosia! I'll be back!!!!!
Happy Release Day Anna.
I'm so new to the lair that I didn't realize there was anything to gossip about. I'm going to have to thank Kate Walker for directing me here as I haven't laughed like this for a long time. Thank you Bandits ~ I really enjoyed this today.
I must search out your book Anna. I've never read anything by you before but this is definitely a wake up call. I used to read nothing but Regencies but got duked out and raked over too much. It's been a while and I think I'm up for it again.
Kate, you're supposed to lift your skirts for the rakes, not for me! Sheesh, I need to teach you gals everything!
Hey, did Midnight turn up? Scandals galore there! But I'm sure I could force myself to listen to a little more salacious gossip...
Thanks for ordering it. I hope you like it! Glad the post made you snort!
April, the lair is in chaos, isn't it? And what is la Duchesse doing over there with grass in her hair? Either it's a new fashion in headgear or she's been up to no good! Thanks for swinging by!
Ooh, Debra, tonight's all about midnight's wild passion? And do you think you'll get some reading in too? Snork! Oh, love your definition of gossip. Actually, you're right! Thanks so much for ordering the book, I hope you enjoy it!!!! Good luck for the writing! I've got visitors coming on the weekend. It's housework for me this afternoon. Midnight's wild passion is starting to sound kinda like a better alternative! ;-)
Hey, thanks, Beth. Already got THE PRODIGAL SON pre-ordered. Yum, yum, yum! Sounds like another fantastic story from you although it's very
MEAN to make your friends cry! ;-)
Yeah, the party's firing, isn't it? I've got enough rumpy pumpy to fill the mag for months ahead!
Jen, I wondered where Madame and AC were! Thank you for exercising your sharp-eyed gaze and finding them behind the aspidistras! Quite a dark spot there behind the aspidistras! Actually my advice is buy share in Nutella. It seems to have been the food of choice today at the party! ;-)
But Jeanne, you look so cute with your buttons done up wrong and bruised ivy in your flowing blonde hair! And that naked cabana boy behind you just sets off the picture beautifully. I mean, scene. I didn't take a photo. No, not me!
Hey, cool you're having fun with the launch. Haven't the reviews been wonderful? All those Tim Tams I sent out as bribes clearly hit the spot!
Hope you enjoy the book!!!!!
Thanks so much, Catslady! And stand still for a moment so we can catch a picture of you in that compromising position with Sven. What? He's just giving you a massage? Likely story!
Ooh, Inara!!!! Rush, rush, rush to buy my book. Well, all right, you can stop to test that cabana boy's muscles first. Then rush, rush, rush! Thanks for swinging by!!!!
Thanks so much, Virginia. Here's a Midnight's Wild Passionfruit I had made up specially for you - extra wild!!! Lovely to see you here. Now, let's find you a comfy cabana boy to rest your weary bones upon! ;-)
Janga, I hadn't originally thought about Cassie as the heroine (there's quite a strong hint about who she might marry in the book as it is). But she's a character who has come back to prod me since I finished the story. She was a fun character to write - it was fun to play against the stereotypes. Thanks again for that lovely review - I put in a link earlier so people can share your wonderful words!
Helen, I think the Cleaner for a Year comp is a fabulous opportunity! Did I put up a link to this? You need to buy the Australian edition of MWP and send in your entry. http://www.harpercollins.com.au/features/competitions/competition5.aspx
Laughed at how many books you'd get through if you had a cleaner. Must say I wish they'd let me enter!
Thanks so much for swinging by. And didn't you catch an eyefull as you walked through the door? Those girls really are losing all sense of decorum. They won't be allowed into Almack's the way things are going!
Thanks so much, Danielle! Is this your first launch party in the lair? The launches are notorious! And a lot of fun. And there's two more coming up in the next couple of weeks. Whoo-hoooo! Thanks so much for swinging by - happy reading!!!!
Gamistress, congrats on the bird!
Anna, whoo-hoo on the new release! Can't wait to read it.
As for the deadline cave, I _think_ it's still for deadlines or other intense writing . . . but I did find an empty champagne bottle under one of the tqbles.
Uh, that's TABLES. And no, it wasn't mine.*g*
Duked out and raked over? And you say you've never been to a party here before, Kaelee? Snicker! What a beautiful way to put it (mind you, Ranelaw does a bit of raking people over himself!). Thanks so much for swinging by - what fun you hit us on a fete day. Launches here are always great fun - people swing from the chandeliers wearing only a loin cloth. And that's the romance writers. The poor cabana boys have to make do with a tea-towel! Kate Walker is a great buddy to the Banditas. We love her here - in fact, we've set up a special memorial cabana boy to her. The only problem is Aunty Cindy stole him this morning and I haven't seen him since. Sheesh. I knew I shouldn't have brought out the margaritas!
Nancy, you'll notice a few of our deadline divas have crept out to join the fun. I think that's only because the gladiators invaded the deadline cave bearing Joanie on their shields. It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye!
Thanks for swinging by! It's so exciting to have a new book on the shelves!
Ooh, Nancy, are the margaritas starting to bite? Mind you, the cabana boys have been biting for a while!
Phew, caught up with you girls at last! I think I need a nice comfy cabana boy now. Get off him, Beth! My turn!
Who needs decorum when there is a launch party going on in the lair LOL this is all about fun and staying out of the cameras way and then we should all get tickets for Almacks think of the mayhem we could all cause there !!! that is of course if we could get the Rakes to attend :)
Have Fun
Hi Anna ~ I followed Kate Walker here on April 2 ~ this is the first party since then and I'm having a ball at it. I'm not a writer but I'm trying to find the cave as turtles on a gladiator sound very very interesting. To be honest I'll never eat a turtle again without that visual.
Helen, I think the rakes love to attend Almack's! Think of all those lovely juicy debutantes they get to sink their teeth into ;-) You're right - it's been a wild day in the lair!
Kaelee, in the turtles' defense, they're CHOCOLATE AND NUT AND CARAMEL turtles. Not big sea creatures with shells that swim around the oceans ;-) Personally I think there's much to be said for a turtle on a gladiator. Or a gladiator on a turtle when it comes to that! Come and see us again!!!!
I finished it... yes all in a day's work and not afraid to end with a cabana boy on one arm and a rum and coke in my hand!
It was hot, Hot, HOT!!! I have to say this one has risen to the top of my fav Campbell stories. Ranelaw is the most delicious, tasty morsel! If only *sighs*
Ladies, you must ensnare, entangle, and lock legs around this book and the hero!
As for our disappearing Sven and Duchess... afraid to say that I didn't locate them but there was a certain Lady A with some hockey players, a hot tub, and a scandalous game of truth or dare! Needless to say there's a lot of steam coming from the tub. *rushes to look for Anna* 'Quick we need the camera'!
Wow, Slush, your fave? That's fabulous! Thank you so much! I had a teeny weeny crush on Ranelaw when I was writing it - kinda like Everest is a teeny weeny molehill ;-)
Ooh, Anna...uh, Lady A with hockey players!!! I have to get this shot!!!!
Hey, guys, I'm going to have SUCH a hangover tomorrow! Thanks for giving Midnight's Wild Passion such a fabulous launch. And don't forget to check back tomorrow to see who won the three signed copies. Wish I could give one to all of you!!!!!!
This edition of Regency Routs, Rumpus and Rumpy Pumpy is definitely ready to go out to the world and this editor gets to go to bed (with Sven?).
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Lair,
This question must be asked today and
the answer will cause much scandalous upheaval amongst all within hearing!
What lady of greatly-elevated standing
and membership in the highly-regarded
Banditas and Buddies Society met in a
secretive manner with a most handsome
gentleman in the so-called "deadline
cave?" This rendevous of the lady, with initials found in the first ten letters of the alphabet, and the lord,
known as a most scandalous rogue, are
part of a very shocking tale! Solve
the puzzle, dear readers, and find the
Your devoted reporter.
Ooh, Pat! Um, I've got a horrible guilty feeling you're talking about MEEEEEEE! But I'm the esteemed editor, I never get up to hanky panky, let alone rumpy pumpy, or nicky nooky come to that! ;-) Mind you,in my own defense, although I'm not by any means saying it's me, he is VERY handsome!!!!
(Aunty blinks and squints from all the flashing cameras)
We really MUST look into banning all future Rumpy Pumpy if this mess is the end result. I've never heard so much whining from the cabana boys on clean up duty. Or maybe the whining was actually from Banditas and BBs???
AHEM! Helen, you KNOW I only use that riding crop to ensure discipline during cabana boy training... ONLY THEN! ;-)
And Pink, you are sadly misinformed. There were TWO jars of Nutella as Mme was reluctant to share hers. :-P
(staggers back in the direction of the deadline caves)
AC, that wasn't whining, that was MOANING!!! There's a big difference! LOL! And given what Madame's nefarious plans were, she needed a whole jar of Nutella to herself. I still think it would be a clever business decision to buy shares - especially with two more Bandita launches coming up!
Smile at the birdy! Flash! x
Congrats on your new release! If one of the cabana boys would bring a glass of champagne, I'd toast to your continued success!
Sheree, the cabana boy has been looking for you for hours! Who did you run off into the garden with, you naughty wench? ;-) Thanks for swinging by!!! And thanks for the congrats!
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