by Donna MacMeans
Have to say - I'm loving all the hype on the upcoming nuptials of Kate Middleton and Prince William. The momentos are fabulous. Have you purchased any? I'm particularly fond of the bobble heads myself. (I'm hoping Anna will drop in with an update on what's available in England).
So what will you be doing on the big day, Friday, April 29th? Will you be glued to the TV set watching the procession? While the actual event takes

I do so love a royal wedding! How about you? Any party plans? Maybe just one piece of wedding cake? (Hmmm...I know the accountants wouldn't do it, but I wonder if I can talk the workshop sponsors into some cake for the participants. I say any excuse for a party is good enough for me.) Let's party in the lair.
WOOOHOOO! Lookit me, I got the roostah again! :>
Thanks to a glitch in Blogger, Donna's post didn't post last night, so I get to nab the Chookie.
Good thing too. There's more dusting to be done. (Hey, there's ALWAYS more dusting!)
Thank you Jeanne for letting me know the post didn't go up as scheduled - but you earned that rooster! I suggest you dress him up Prince William and let him strut his stuff. At least that way he won't get confused as an Easter Peep (grin).
There's a good point, Donna, since there are peeps-a-plenty 'round here. We're gearing up for wedding fever - I probably WILL get up to watch.
I know, I heard you all gasp. The idea of ME up at 6 AM of all things. But y'know, once in a lifetime event and all that. :>
Mostly, however, I'm hoping it clears off and we can Easter egg hunt tomorrow and play out in the yard because everyone has cabin fever!
I'm not into the royal wedding hype and will be sound (I hope) asleep at that ungodly hour on the east coast. Of course I'm always up for a party in the liar ;) and cake is always good -- good cake, even better :D
Donna -- sorry to hear you'll be at an accounting seminar at 730 am. Way too early for in the day for one of those. Any flyer for seminar starting before 10 am always seems to disappear before I get a chance to sign up. Not sure how that happens ;). I never make my local acctg society meetings in Feb & Mar cause they do the breakfast meetings/cpe's those months. I'd much rather be sleeping comfortably in my bed than uncomfortably in meeting room chair. ;)
LOL Donna! Great video! Hope you can talk those surly accountants into partying just a little bit. After all, April 15 has come and gone, so now they can relax and have fun, right? Right?? Is that even possible? ;-)
Jeanne, well done! Enjoy the day with Chookie. Just don't let him get near the Peeps!
Gamistress - Ah, but I need those CPEs! Plus this seminar is free. The guy who does the presentation of industry concerns and news is really pretty good as far as those things go, but they can't change the fact that the subject is still...accounting. (sigh)
I'm sure I'll be able to catch the highlights of the wedding on the news...assuming I'm awake late enough after all that driving.
Timely topic, Donna! Whether we Yanks participate with wide-eyed wonder or scoff at the royal wedding, we have to admit it's a once in a lifetime experience. Uh, maybe more since some of us were around for other royal weddings.
I'm hoping Dr. Big will be golfing that day so I can enjoy the pagentry without male disdainful commentary.
I think Kate and William are a darling couple and have showsn a lot of good old fashioned common sense in the planning of their wedding. A royal wedding is a boost to the entire world.
Kate - I love that video! They did a good job finding actors to match the real people. It would be a blast if the royal wedding included that much joviality, but I don't think that's the British way.
Oh, Jeanne, what a sneaky one you are! I wasn't even up last night. We had a ginormous Easter egg hunt and I swear we added three kids to the hunt who were strangers to us all!
Oh, Donna, that spoof was priceless. I always admire people who can put that kind of thing together with actors who love like the characters and the crazy dancing (although I noticed the Queen was her usual sedate self). My gosh, didn't she just celebrate her 85th birthday? Those royals have the longevity gene. Poor Will may never get to be king!
Jo - I agree. This couple, I think, have a much better chance at success than the earlier marriages. Being the romantic I am, I think every successful marriage is a boost to the world, karma, and the universe. Group Hug!
Fingers crossed that the media doesn't hound the couple to death and gives them a chance to use the strength of their bond to fend off such interference.
LOL - I think Prince Charles is more likely singing that tune, " Will I get to wear the crown just once before I die?" Queen Elizabeth is certainly made of stauch stuff, that's for sure.
LURVED the video, Donna! The guy doing Prince Harry could easily pass for the REAL deal. :-)
Like you, I will watch the clips on the news. I'm sure we will have ample opportunities to see the highlights 98,712 times at least!
CONGRATS on the GR, Duchesse. I like the idea of dressing him up for Easter. Maybe even an Easter 'bonnet' a la Scottish Highlander? I can see him swaggering now.
I haven't made up my mind yet. I'm not going to make it up, either. I'm going to wait and see what happens. If I wake up at 5 am, I'll take it as a Sign. Otherwise, I'll just sleep right through it.
AC - I love the idea of dressing up the rooster for Easter! Darn - could have blogged about that. Guess I'll have to set that topic aside for the next time in the millenium when Easter falls on the 24th of March or April.
Is anyone else condused as heck as to when Easter falls every year? I think I heard something about a full moon somewhere. Anyway wish it was a reasonably reasonable predicatible day every year. Oh well -
Barbara - LOL on leaving it to the universe to decide. I can tell you right now that the only thing that would get me out of bed at 5 AM is if I had a plane to catch that required arriving at the airport at some ridiculous time.
Speaking of which, just got an email that bumped my reasonable 10am departure flight so something like 6 am. What's up with that?
Anyway - back to the blog (grin). I think I know the answer the Universe holds for you, Barbara. (grin).
I know what you mean about figuring out what Sunday Easter is on. I've read the formula before but darned if I can remember it. I did hear something about this year being the first time Orthodox Easter and regular (would that be UNOrthodox?) Easter have fallen on the same Sunday in like... practically 4 EVAH!
All I know is my niece was born on Easter Sunday 1977. Her birthday was on Sunday again this year but it was NOT Easter. (sigh)
who absolutely agrees that the ONLY reason to get up at 5 AM is to catch a plane going someplace FUN!
Jo said: We had a ginormous Easter egg hunt and I swear we added three kids to the hunt who were strangers to us all!
Heehee. This happens in our neighborhood a lot. Someone's cousins or friends or something usually get in on the fun. :> Love me some Easter Egg hunts.
We're rebuilding a fence today, so I'll have to do all my "hunt" prep in the morning! (Or late tonight)
Donna said: Being the romantic I am, I think every successful marriage is a boost to the world, karma, and the universe. Group Hug!
*Squueeeeeeze* Me too, Donna. :> Probably why I'll be getting up at that unholy hour. Grins.
And AC, I think a tam-o-shanter would sit nicely on the GR, don't you?
Oh ya, I'll definitely be glued to the tv for the wedding! It will be 6h00 my time so my alarm's going to be set for 5h30 to give me time to drag my butt out of bed and put the kettle on(gotta have caffeine, especially that early in the morning!) and if there's time, throw some breakfast together. At least, that's The Plan. Whether I'll be able to drag my butt out of bed is another matter entirely. :D
Hi Donna,
I will try to catch as much as I can. Not sure which channel to tune into to, maybe BBC America. I'm thinking they might have more access.
Jeanne & Jo - Sigh - Easter Egg hunts. I miss easter egg hunts. My children are adults now, no grandkids, and it's a rainy, rainy weekend - so no hunts at my house. But I'm looking forward to the time when there will be.
Pissenlit - Good on you for setting the alarm and everything. I've found I have a tremendous ability to ignore the alarm and fall back to sleep unless I absolutely HAVE to roll out of bed. That royal wedding better be exciting from the get-go, else I think a lot of people will be drifting back to sleep.
Jane - I'm thinking they'll all have pretty much the same thing. I will be sorry to miss it, though. I could really get into having tea and English muffins for breakfast rather than my normal Diet Dr. Pepper and a bowl of cereal (Grin). I guess one benefit of the Accounting thing is that I'll get pastry for breakfast!
Hey, Jeanne, one chook for you!
Donna, I have a beautiful tin of William and Kate biscuits thanks to Anna. She's clearly getting into the spirit of things!
By the way, it's Easter Day already here in Australia. Happy Easter to all our Banditas and Buddies who celebrate the holiday!
Well done Jeanne have fun with him although i would watch him with all the chocolate LOL as Anna has already said it is Easter Sunday here in Oz and the Easter Bunny has been.
Happy Easter Everyone.
I think the wedding will be screened sometime in the early evening here in Oz and yes I will be watching what I can of it I watched Charles and Diana's wedding and I will be watching this one although Hubby says that at 8-30 if it isn't finished we will be then watching the footy LOL they have delayed the telecast of the footy for the wedding LOL.
Although I don't think we will be having a cake
Have Fun
Glad to hear the Easter bunny found you, Anna. So what kind of biscuits did they put in the tin? Little shortbreads in the shape of crowns (grin)? They'll go nicely with the leftover Easter goodies to eat while watching the wedding. Wish it was televised here the evening before. Then I'd have a chance to watch it.
You must have cake! What's a wedding without? At least tell me you plan to have a sip of champagne while watching the TV. Tell your husband he'll benefit if you get a little tipsy and a little sentimental over the march down the aisle...at least - my husband always does (grin).
Jeanne, congrats on the bird! I know you'll keep him busy.
Donna, I'm sure you'll see plenty of wedding coverage replay. On the big day in 1981, I was taking the bar exam all day, then went out with friends to celebrate surviving the thing. But I saw all the big moments in replay, without the nattering between.
On the 29th, I'll check in on BBCAmerica, but I have no big plans.
Nancy -
Resting is a good plan...and cake! (hehehe)
Yesterday was my husband's birthday - I have cake on the brain...and alcohol. We drank copious amounts of alcohol as it was a birthday that ends in a "0". Those always require the little assist of a stiff drink.
You were sitting for the bar in 81? Ah, those were the days. I sat for the CPA exam in 77. Doesn't seem all that long ago and certainly couldn't forsee the path my life would take.
Oooh Duchesse! The GR knows he is in for a workout at your place!!
I am off on Friday so I will likely get up at dawn's early crack and watch the wedding. I watched Diana and Charles's wedding and I have high hopes this marriage may just take.
My Mom has a lovely set of tea towels from Charles and Diana's wedding. A friend of hers in the village sent them to her. No doubt she'll get some nice kitsch from this wedding too.
I just hope it is a lovely day and all goes well and that they can find some enjoyment in all the hoopla.
Royal Wedding Party in the Lair? I am SO there! Where's my tiara?
Hey Louisa - That's really neat about the tea towels. I would imagine those souvenir type things are worth more now than when purchased. Hmmm...do you think the bobble head will ever fetch big bucks? (grin).
I'm surprised more kitshy stuff isn't at the stores here.
Oh yes, Donna! When we are old and gray (okay older and grayer!) I am sure Antiques Roadshow will be beating down our doors for those Will and Kate bobbleheads! Definitely a sound retirement investment! SNORK!
I will be watching live so I will have to be up at 3 AM. Must buy a cupcake to have along with my pot of coffee. The last wedding I attended they didn't have a cake just a tree of cupcakes.
Kaylee - This cupcake thing seems to be a trend. Must admit, it's probably easier to distribute - but where's the drama in cutting a cupcake? My husband wants cupcakes for his birthday - though it was technically yesterday, we're celebrating tomorrow when the whole family is together. But I know his request for cupcakes is that he figures he'll eat less cake that way.
Three AM? I salute you. Normally that's when I hit the bed, but given the accounting thing (and all that driving) I'm going to try for a good eight hours sleep. We'll see - some habits are hard to break.
Happy Easter Everyone!!!!!!
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