If you know me personally, you know how invaluable my friends and family are. Seriously. My life would not function at the chaotic speed it does without the group of people who make up my small army.
Let's start with the working side of Jules. The team that keeps me running consists of my agent, editor, my past editor (because I still keep in contact with him), about 6 published authors who give me advice, my critique partners (there are 3) and my husband. My books would not get out the door, at least in a timely fashion, if it weren't for these amazing people who give up their own time to help me.
This picture is just 2 members of my army: Leanne Banks and Charlene Sands. These two ladies have spent hours on the phone with me helping me sort my characters and find new ways to torture them:)
As for my personal life, there are simply too many to name. My husband, parents, children, sister, best friend, my old co-workers and many, many more. They all keep me laughing, happy, lending shoulders to cry on, ears to listen when I need to grumble and anything else I may need (usually before I know I even need it!) My personal army fill my days and keep me moving forward. On the days I want to drag, they pull me along, cheering me on the way.
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't tap into one or more of my Army resources. And here I thought I was so independent:) But I need those people in my life to keep me moving

So who is in your Army? Don't pretend you don't have one;) If you really think about it, you'll know it takes many members to keep your life machine well oiled and running!
I'll be giving away a copy of my April Harlequin Desire, HER INNOCENCE, HIS CONQUEST to one random person who leaves a comment!
\^_^ /
Oh, Mariska, I was SOOOO close! Congrats!
Jules, congrats on your latest book! I agree we don't do this alone - and the people I've met along the way have actually been the best part of the journey. Thanks for coming to see us in the lair today.
Congrats on the new release, Jules. My army of course includes my parents and brother. I'm also close to two of my cousins and I can go them for advice and encouragement. I rely on my friends for fun and entertainment. We gossip about celebrities and catch up on all the craziness that is happening in our lives.
Mariska! Way to nab that frisky rooster! Not sure he's part of anyone's army.
Well, I count all the banditas and BBs as part of my army, as well as family and my writer friends at COFW. It truly does take an army. And this one is all volunteer.
Well done Mariska have fun with him
How true I have an army as well my hubby and children and grandchildren then there are my friends Barbara who lives a couple of doors away I don't think I would cope without her and my sisters and friends that I work with and the many friends I have made since joining The Aust Romance Readers Assoc and where would I be without the Bandits life wouldn't be the same.
Love you all
Thanks Donna for inviting Jules to meet us today
have Fun
Jules, you're so right! We have a fantastic army right here in the lair with all the Banditas and Bandita Buddies. Good luck with your deadline!
Donna, thanks for hosting Jules here today.
Hi Jules,
I'm really glad you have an army keeping you going as I enjoy your books. My army expanded into cyber space a few years ago when I made a lot of friends on eHarlequin. I enjoy being connected to people who love to read romance as much as I do. My husband and my extended family are all part of my daily army. Even my cats give me much needed support at times.
My family is my army: my parents, my siblings, neices, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. There are so many people that I can count on that I feel so blessed. Best of luck with the new release. It sounds like it will be a great book.
Welcome back to the lair, Jules! Congrats on the release of Her Innocence, His Conquest *g*
You're right, there are many people in my personal army, always there with support and encouragement and, at times, a good swift kick in the pants ;-) I couldn't do this without them!
Good luck with your deadline!
Mariska, LOL! Thanks for popping in:)
Anna, I love the lair! I so appreciate Donna asking me to join you all today!
Jane, celebrity gossip is always fun with friends:) My friends and I sit and talk like we actually know the stars...LOL!
Thanks for stopping by:)
Donna, I hear ya about COFW. I seriously owe a lot to that group. I wouldn't be where I am without them:)
Thanks for having me come play today!
Helen, love the pic! You sound very blessed as well:)
Thanks for sharing with us!
Thanks, Christine! BTW, love the cover in your pic!
Kaelee, so great to see you here! I can't get to the forums on eHarlequin NEAR as often as I want. But that is a great support group!
So great to see you here today!
June M. I agree! There are so many people to count and we are all so blessed in our own way.
So glad you shared with us today:)
Oh, Beth, that kick in the pants is what makes a good, loyal friend, isn't it? :)
Always glad to come play here!
Congratz on the book it sounds lovely ! My army is my family without them especially my dad my life would be a mess they keep it together and they are always there for me !
My army starts with my hubby, then I have my BF, local writers, and then the COFW family. The combination of these people keep me focused and typing.
Congratulations on your new release, Jules! You are a new-to-me-author.
My army is my family from my husband, daughter, stepsons, parents, sisters, MIL, BILs, nieces, and nephews. I really enjoy 3-way chats with my sisters on the phone.
Sometimes, I think, a personal army can also be a day-to-day thing. For example, a few weeks ago, my daughter became ill in school during the morning and I was stressed out trying to make plans to leave my school to go get her at her school, get her to the dr., finding a babysitter for that night (I had conferences), making quick sub plans, etc. My students were very sympathetic and one boy said, "Hey, Mrs. H. It'll be okay." :)
Good morning, Jules! I love the concept of having a whole army behind you. It's very satisfying to me to think of that kind of firepower at the ready, just waiting for me to need it. :-)
My army is vast. Some of them don't even know I claim them, like authors whose work I admire so much just reading them gives me ambition. My CP, the fabulous Inara Scott, is in there because she always manages to tell me the truth but gently & with great love. Of course my editor & agent are in there, both of whom also tell me the truth, but without the gentle or great love part.
Mostly, though, there's my husband who has complete, unshakable & largely unfounded faith in me. He believes without question I'll do exactly what I set out to do, & no success I achieve surprises him. He's a miracle.
Congrats on the new release! I'll look forward to reading it.
Hi Jules. Congrats on your new release. My army is my husband, my parents, my siblings and my best friend.
Susan - great point about how great authors are an inspirational part of the army as well - hadn't thought about that.
Barb - isn't email fabulous! When I first started writing, back when dinosaurs ruled the earth, there was no email and so the support army was very restricted. Now my army is coast-to-coast and international. Amazing how close you can be to someone and never really see them except through email.
Desere, I understand about the dad. I don't know what I'd do without mine:) Thanks for sharing!
Paulette, it's that combination that will take you everywhere:)
Great to see you here!
Oh, Deb, what a sweet story! I agree. The army can change from day to day and just add more blessings when we need them:)
Thanks so much for sharing!
Susan, I don't think authors would be near as productive without our team:)
CrystalGB, sounds like a very strong army;)
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Jules - I totally understand about armies and I'm happy you have such a great one. Continued success!
Hugs, Becky
Thanks so much for stopping by, Becky! Always great to hear from you:)
When Donna said you were talking about us, I had to see names. So glad my name didn't show up, but would love to be a part of that army that keeps you going, if I'm not already! Keep up the great work you seem to pull out with a bit of help from others, even if you'd rather be independent of the help! :-)
I don't have so much an army as a pirate crew. :) But I do have a magnificent crew of friends and writers who make up my pirate crew and get me through the day to day stuff. :)
Congrats on your latest book; and thanks for giving a shout out to your friends.
LOL, Joni! I didn't have enough space to list all the names:) But you are certainly in the group. You were the first review I ever received and it was so kind;)
Thanks for stopping by!
MsHellion, I love it! A pirate crew? Great group, huh?
Thanks for sharing;)
Congrats on your new release. I have my family, friends I have known for a few years and some for decades.
It has been surprising but I count a number of people on Facebook as part of my army. I have never met them face to face but know when to pray and think good thoughts for each other.
Again, glad to know about your April release!
Peace, Julie
Julie, I completely agree! I have so many cyber friends that pray when I need them too and are always there to lend an ear:) What would we do without Internet?
Thanks for stopping by!
Your welcome and thanks for a great post and a stunning giveaway!
Desere, you're very welcome! I love coming here when I have a new release. You all are so welcoming and fun:)
Speaking about your new release...you didn't really mention anything about the story in the blog. Want to tell us something about it? (and maybe where to find an excerpt?)
Welcome to the Lair, Jules, and thanks Donna for hosting her today!
Personal armies, huh? Well, we Banditas have a mini army just in ourselves! Imagine 19 great friends calling you on the carpet or boosting you up whenever you need it!
Down here in Texas I'm lucky not only to have a great chapter in DARA, but a group of 10 friends known as the Writer Foxes, (Because we love to hang out at a place called the Fox & Hound pub). Again a group of people who love each other, support each other and kick each other's tails when needed!
Then there's work. My boss is one of my beta readers, as well as my friend Karen. And numerous other coworkers who are cheerleaders. What has surprised me is since my first book sold, how many other nurses and doctors have been both enthusiastic in their support and curious enough to buy a copy! (Considering it's an erotica, I'm thinking they were even daring enough to do so! LOL)
Congrats om yr book! Thank you for the contest!! Hollybwright at comcast.net
Congrats on the new release, Jules!
My army is my online family of readers, bloggers, and authors. We talk about all kinds of things. We've even started our own Man Candy Monday where we talk about hot men, share pictures, and just harmless girl fun. I'm mostly homebound so this is where my online family keeps me going. I don't know where I'd be without them. They are such a blessing to me.
Nice timing on this subject.
It's easy to take that "army" for granted and though they know how much I appreciate them, this was a great reminder to make sure I TELL THEM.
Beyond family, friends, groups and loops I get to claim the mean neighbor next door AND Homer, my other neighbor's dog(he's a marmaduke mutt w/ a great bark). Then you made me think about all the "hangout" places I go to write and the wonderful people there too.
And on and on...
Congrats on new book!
Hi, Jules, Donna & all,
My "Army" is made up of Honey, our
children, our DIL & SIL, our grandkids (even they can raise Grandma's spirits when needed!), our siblings, and our
closest friends. I also include all my
blog friends, especially the Banditas
and Bandita Buddies. Thanks to all for
their support!!
You know reading about all the wonderful support systems we all have in place - makes you sort of wonder about those that don't. It must be awfully difficult to just exist in such a world. Sad.
But we all have each other (group hug!) so we can rejoice!
Oh, sure, Donna;) I've been having too much fun! The story is the second (the first was FROM BOARDROOM TO WEDDING BED?). It's set in Miami around a family of architects designing a lavish resort for a Donald Trump-style character (but younger and much better hair).
The hero is a bad boy, Harley riding hottie and the heroine has worked around bad boys all her life and pays no mind to Zach which only ruffles his feathers:) Game on for this well-known stud!
Blurb is at my site www.julesbennett.com
Suzanne, I've heard of your Texas chapter. You do have a nice well-rounded army:)
So glad I could come play in your playground today!
Thanks for the congrats, Holly!
Linda, harmless girl fun is the best:) I like the sound of your Mondays! Great way to jump-start the week:)
Hey, Tanja! So great to see you here! Thanks for stopping by:)
Pat, what a great shoutout to your friends! Thanks for sharing:)
LOL! Donna, I missed the group hug! I fell asleep with my girls for 3 HOURS! YIKES! Guess my body needed the rest:)
I'd have to say my family. They are the ones I can count on for everything to work.
Hi Jules! Welcome to the Lair!! I had to LOL about the Army. It's so true.
Of course, my best battalion is right here in the Lair, my fellow Romance Bandits, and Bandit Buddies.
Then there's plot partners 3-5 depending on the timing, pre- readers (2-3) who tell me where I've left gaping plot holes...
Oh yeah. It takes an army over here too.
Congrats on the new release!
Congrats Jules!
My family is my army.
Leni, there's nothing like family. I wouldn't be able to function at all without mine!
Thanks, Jeanne! I have to say, I love coming to the Lair because some of my fave authors are here!
Chey, obviously this crowd is close with their family (blood related or not). So many of my friends I consider family.
Thanks for stopping by!
Jules said: Thanks, Jeanne! I have to say, I love coming to the Lair because some of my fave authors are here!
What a lovely thing to say, Jules! It's a great group here and we unabashedly claim to be tons of fun too. Ha!
My army is always my mom and my dad. even until now plus sisters that i have and my DH :D...to many armies in this house, still i do need more of them !
congrats on the new release, Jules.
Thanks so much, Mariska!
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