Posted By Kate
It's a total thrill for me to welcome Jennifer Lyon back to the Lair today! I absolutely love her hot, sexy Wing Slayer Hunters series, which means I'm in heaven right now because the third book in the series, NIGHT MAGIC, came out last month, and SINFUL MAGIC debuts in just a few weeks. Back-to-back Wing Slayer Hunters! You've got to love that! Take it away, Jen!
Thank you to Kate and the Banditas for having me today!
I’m here with a dilemma, and I know the Romance Bandits and readers will be able to help me out. You see, I’m having trouble with my assistant. Meet Bailey.
I hired him because he’s cute, and he works for dog treats. I can actually afford dog treats, so it’s a win-win right?
Not so much. You see Bailey hardly ever shows up for work. He claims the reason is because he lives with my son in another town and can’t drive. Frankly, I think that’s a poor excuse. I mean come on, how far did Lassie travel to save Timmy? Sigh.
Another problem is that Bailey can’t type or answer phones. And he has a weird fascination with squeaky toys. Plus, he often insists on lying in my lap while I work. That makes typing a bit of a challenge.
I think I may have to reconsider Bailey as my assistant. So I’ve been looking around for other candidates and found this one:
Notice, he comes with his own transportation. That’s an obvious bonus right there! Plus he looks a lot like my hero in the third book from my Wing Slayer Hunter series, Phoenix. The book, NIGHT MAGIC was just released on March 22nd. The back cover blurb says about Phoenix: Wing Slayer Hunter Phoenix Torq is sworn to protect earth witches, but he is shaken by Ailish’s fierce independence—and his own forbidden cravings. Dark, impulsive, and haunted by his troubled past… Don’t you think that fits this guy? He could help me promote NIGHT MAGIC!
And then I found this guy:
If we tattooed a dragon on his chest, this man would look just like Key DeMicca from my next book, SINFUL MAGIC, that is coming out May 31st. Key looks like a good looking surfer, but beneath that lurks…well here’s the description from the back cover blur: Wing Slayer Hunter Kieran “Key” DeMicca channels the dark violence that lives inside him into a popular comic book series about an ancient dragon named Dyfyr, but only Key knows that Dyfyr is real. Not only could he help me promote SINFUL MAGIC, but if I sent him out to hand-sell the book, I’m betting female readers would buy more than one copy!
Two really solid candidates! But then I saw this guy:
And I thought; that’s Linc! Or Lincoln Dillinger, another Wing Slayer Hunter whose story I’m just beginning to write. Linc is a charming, sophisticated, and an obscenely rich high-stakes gambler who obviously doesn’t mind getting a little dirty now and again. Talk about inspiration to write!
I don’t know what to do! Who should I chose to be my new assistant? What do you think? Give me your opinion and you’ll be entered into a contest to win a signed copy of the first two books in the Wing Slayer Hunter series; BLOOD MAGIC and SOUL MAGIC.
Jennifer Lyon always wanted to be a witch. When her witch-powers didn't materialize, she turned to creating magic in her books. NIGHT MAGIC and SINFUL MAGIC are the third and fourth books in an enchanting, passionate and supernatural series. Jen also has a super secret alter ego known as Jennifer Apodaca, the author of the award winning Samantha Shaw Mystery Series. Visit Jen at or click here to visit the Wing Slayer Hunter Lair on Facebook.

Thank you to Kate and the Banditas for having me today!
I’m here with a dilemma, and I know the Romance Bandits and readers will be able to help me out. You see, I’m having trouble with my assistant. Meet Bailey.

Not so much. You see Bailey hardly ever shows up for work. He claims the reason is because he lives with my son in another town and can’t drive. Frankly, I think that’s a poor excuse. I mean come on, how far did Lassie travel to save Timmy? Sigh.
Another problem is that Bailey can’t type or answer phones. And he has a weird fascination with squeaky toys. Plus, he often insists on lying in my lap while I work. That makes typing a bit of a challenge.
I think I may have to reconsider Bailey as my assistant. So I’ve been looking around for other candidates and found this one:

And then I found this guy:

Two really solid candidates! But then I saw this guy:

I don’t know what to do! Who should I chose to be my new assistant? What do you think? Give me your opinion and you’ll be entered into a contest to win a signed copy of the first two books in the Wing Slayer Hunter series; BLOOD MAGIC and SOUL MAGIC.

Hi Jen,
Congrats on the upcoming release. Tough choices. Bailey is too cute, but if I think guy who looks like Key would serve you well.
Congrats on the release!!
Ok I dont know how you would ever pick. Bailey is just too adorable. But if you need someone who is a little more coordinated with hands and all I think the guy that looks like Linc would not be a bad choice at all.
Go Jane, lasso that chook and make him assist you for the day! Would you say the GR is technically a Wing Slayer lol!
Slayer of Tim Tams! Ha.
Welcome back to the Lair Jennifer. I have to say that this series of yours sounds delicious, and so are the hunky choices for assistant.
I admit I am torn between Key and Linc. Key is just downright delicious, but Linc has that spark in his eyes that makes tingle.
I do worry that Linc would fail to show up for assigned tasks, being a gambler and all. Key on the other hand is aware of the writing world and would probably offer more assistance.
Bottom line: Hire both! One to help and the other to entertain. That means Key for Mon., Tues., Thu. and Linc for hump day and TGIF.
Ooh Yes!
Am I putting too much thought into this???
Well, since no one is picking Phoenix, the guy on the motorcycle, you can just send him to me. LOL
Jennifer, congrats on the releases!
Hmmm, how about all of them? 3 assistants(especially ones that look like them) are better than 1...or perhaps make that 4 because Bailey is just too adorable to fire. What could go wrong? :D
Congrats on the upcoming release!
It's so hard to choose... But I think I'd pick the guy who comes with his own transportation!
Well done Jane have fun with him I am sure he will be hyped up on chocolate LOL
Hi Jennifer and Kate
All I can say is WOW maybe you could have all of them as assistants I am sure you could find jobs for all of them LOL I know I would be able to.
But I would probably pick Phoenix seeing as he has his own transport and he does sit on it very nicely.
Congrats on the release Jennifer I must read this series they sound so good.
Have Fun
Hire all three and put them on a rotation schedule so you don't have to pay all three at once. You would have the benefit of all of their strengths.
Hi Jennifer- Welcome to the lair!
I'd say anyone who hires a dog for an assistant - no matter how cute - should hire all three hunky guys. That way you could work one hard and give him a couple days to recupe while the next one reports for duty. I promise when you play "fetch," the game will take some interesting turns. (grin).
Hey - if these guys don't work out, you can hire the rooster - he already has his wings!
Sounds like a great series!
Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for all that man candy ... erm ... I meant ... asking us to help you pick an assistant. *grin*
I would have to say I like the look of Linc, although Jed Hill (always a favorite) as Key looks pretty darn nice too.
Happy picking. Can't you just have all three?
Great eye candy thank you for sharing !! And if I were you I would definitely pick number 3 he looks perfect!
Thanks for a great giveaway !
I'd definitely stick with Bailey....I doubt I would ever get any work done with the other hotties around!!!
I'm voting for contestant #2! :)
The obvious answer is all three. Promotion is a tough business and you can't rely on just one person to get the job done. You need the combined skills of all these wonderful men.
My personal preference is Linc, of course, because I have a weakness for grubby, dark haired men who so clearly need a shower. (I'm always willing to pitch in and help scrub, scrub, scrub!)
Hi Jennifer. Congrats on your new release. I don't think you could go wrong with any of those sexy guys. :)
Hi Jennifer! Welcome to the Lair! These books sound wonderful. Any thing with men like that and wings? I'm there. Grins.
As to the assitant "problem" - I'm thinking that the guy on the bike could, if you wanted your desk moved, pick up the whole thing, with you sitting on it, and move it. Grins. All three are attractive and yummy and if they're like your heros, they're resourceful and smart.
The only challenge I see is the distraction factor. Seriously. I know you're made of stern stuff, but getting work done, with THAT around? Seriously? You think the DOG is a distraction....hahahaha!
I'm pretty much in the camp of "hire all or none" and just enjoy the day and the view. Ha!
Oh, forgot to say congrats on the Rooooooostah, Jane! I'm always an advocate of putting him to work, so...put him to WORK! Hahah!
Slush said: Would you say the GR is technically a Wing Slayer lol!
Slayer of Tim Tams! Ha.
Hahahah! He does have an inordinate fondness for them, doesn't he?
Helen said: I would probably pick Phoenix seeing as he has his own transport and he does sit on it very nicely.
Heehee. And you a grandmamama, Helen! SNORK!!! And you are QUITE right too, btw. He does sit that bike verrrrry nicely.
Jen, I would have to pick the assisstant on the motorbike. He is just total hottness.Also you could always have him lift heavy objects to show off all those yummilicious muscles...LOL.
Jane, congrats on the Rooster! Maybe we could call him Rooster Slayer for the day? I don't know if he would like that--I certainly don't want to offend him :-)
Thanks for the congrats! And I am sure you're right about Key. He does look very fit for the job!
They guy on the motorcycle, definitely (and I am totally not saying that because my dad is a biker) But if you don't want him... send him my way. It's been ages since I read on the back of a motorcycle.. I just want to wrap my arms around that waist..
Donnas, so you see my problem? How do I pick? But I do love the look of Linc :-)
And now I'm wondering, how can I ever bring myself to fire Bailey, when he's so adorable?
Slush, I love your schedule! That's an excellent idea!
And can we ever think too much about what to do with our men????
JuneM, LOL!!! I'll send him right over! Listen for the sound of his motorcycle!
Pissenlit, four assistants...why yes, that is a stellar plan! I can't see where anything would go wrong with that.
I'm realizing I probably don't have the fortitude to fire Bailey anyway. I just saw him yesterday and he's cute as ever!
Minna, transportation is important. Somehow I keep forgetting that as I study the options :-)
Helen, ROTFL!!! I should have known better to drink coffee while reading this! "...and he does sit on it very nicely."
Um why yes he does! There's a point in his favor!
Dianna, I love the rotation schedule! I'm getting such great suggestions here!
Donna MacMeans, play fetch...bwahahaha!!! I had never considered that point. I am cracking up over here!!!
So yes, clearly I will need a rotation schedule!
The rooster is a good idea, except he's soooo popular here. But he does, indeed, already have wings!
Daz, you are very welcome for the man candy assistant candidates :-)
Now see, this is why I'm so glad I came here with my problem. Hiring all three (on a rotation schedule) is a perfect solution!
Desere Steenberg, I have a secret fondness for number three, but don't tell one and two :-)
Cath, I think you may be right!
Gillian Lyne, isn't he a cutie? Can't go wrong with him!
MsHellion, I do love your willingness to get in there and scrub!
But yes, I am definitely seeing the wisdom of hiring all three!
CrystalGB, that's what makes it so hard to pick just one--they all look capable :-)
Jeanne, thanks for the welcome!
I have to agree about Phoenix (number one). He does look strong!
And you may have a point about the distraction factor. I mean if Bailey distracts me from, you really do bring up a good point!
Still with these guys around, will I even care that I'm being distracted?
Michelle Bledsoe, oh I do like that idea about him picking up heavy stuff. And I would study his muscles in the name of research!
Raonoid Luckwell, it sounds like you have a real connection with Candidate Number One :-) He's is hotness on a bike!
Hi Jennifer- If Bailey could answer email I'd pick him but since he can't I want the guy who would be Key. Not only is he fine but I could do so much with him and that body ;).
Hard choice...LOL I'd not be able to make the chioce. Try all of them.......*snicker*
Well Jen, I think they should come and work for ME! They're far too distracting for you and besides, you throw Bailey over for one of them and his feelings will be hurt....just sayin'.
Hire the second one! He is scrumptious! Heck...hire them all..hehe ;)
Katiewalthall AT ymail DOT com
G'morning, everyone!! So glad to see how helpful you've all been, helping poor Jennifer with her selection. Snork! I'm definitely leaning toward the "ALL THREE" solution. It really does help to have a reliable "TEAM" of helpers when you're working as hard as you are, Jen. ;-)
Congrats on grabbing the Golden Winged One, Jane!
I have to say the one with his own transportation come on man on a motorcycle with them abs I can wrap my arms around to and hold on OOOHHHHHHHHHHH BABYYYYYYYYYYYY
Your sure you don't need possibly three assistants? Well if you really want to narrow it down to one my pick would be Phoenix then. I've always been a big biker fan. And hey, he will get you anywhere you need to go. ;)
LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com
Gratz on the new release. I am not sure at all who you should pick. Bailey is adorable yes, but...Phoenix is gorgeous and has a nice bike, Key I am not positive he is very hot but the tattoo would make him much hotter and Linc well he needs a shower and I WOULD LOVE TO HELP.
Jennifer said: Still with these guys around, will I even care that I'm being distracted?
No, no you won't. Point in thier favor.
Oh Key. I would definately go with Key!
Oh wow, the first one! The motorcycle guy!! Bailey looks like a rat terrier is he ? I have one and they aren't suppose to answer phones anyway, much too social ! :)
Really, how are you supposed to choose when your choices look like that. Whichever ones you don't choose I'll take though. Good luck!!! LOL!
Victoria, Bailey things playing and naps are more important than email :-)
LOL on the Key look-a-like, he does have a lot of potential!
Sxyldy, so you see how hard this is? But choosing all of them would solve the problem!
Hi Jen, congrats for your book release and your "yummy" problem :P
How if you choose all of the above? They can change shift if they want. But if you insist just one assistant, I vote for candidate #3 a.k.a Linc. And the rest for me? How about that? *LOL*
Maureen, LOLOL! What about all your deadlines? Are you sure they wouldn't distract you?
You're right about Bailey though. I could NEVER hurt his feelings.
Katie, that second one is super popular, I think he's winning!
But they all have their own special qualities, it's just too hard to choose!
Kate, thank you and all the bandits for having me here today to work out my dilemma! So many great solutions. I just knew you'd all understand and be willing to help!
K2sgal, that's a really strong endorsement of the motorcycle guy! LOL!
LadyVampire2u, I'm really leaning toward the three assistants now! And yet, you make a good point about Phoenix look-a-like, he would get me there! (Uh, I mean anywhere I wanted to go.)
Oh good heavens! Choices, choices, choices! I think you should go with the first guy. At least he has his own transportation and you don't have to drive him from place to place. Besides, I'm sure in between answering emails and phones, he could massage your shoulders, or arms, or, well, anywhere else you needed massaging. :D Congratulations on your new release and looking forward to the others!
Go with Linc. He can go pick up Bailey every morning and then you can have the best of both worlds.
Debbie, it's so generous of you to offer to help Linc shower! LOLOL!
Jeanne, LOL!!!
Emily, thanks for your vote! If I'm forced to pick one, I think Key is winning.
Tresa, Ohhh, I bet your dog is so cute! Bailey is a Miniature Pincher with a little Chihuahua mixed in. He's super social and wants to be the center of attention.
I wonder if Bailey would ride on the motorcycle with the Phoenix look-a-like?
Tanya, I know! This is such an important decision too :-)
I love all the offers to take the ones I don't choose so no one is left out!
Ren, it sounds like a great deal to me, then we can rotate assistants later if we want to :-)
Siobhan Muir / Meg Palevich, I really like that massage idea! An assistant that can multitask is a bonus :-)
no fair you have been keeping Key in the dark at your regular blog. Love the pictures. For anyone here who has not yet picked up The Wing Slayer Books (and Men). Why not?!! They are hot and Jennifer Lyons writting is engrossing. And sometimes if she is in a good mood she will share her heros with her fans.
SheriV, excellent idea! I love Linc picking up Bailey every day!
I'm thinking it should be Key.
Hi Kathy! I haven't shared him on my regular blog yet? I will have to remedy that ASAP!
Thank you so much for you kind words about the books!
Angel, thanks for helping with this huge decision! LOL!
Well I sure wouldn't turn any of them down lol. I am going to go with the third hunk because you can seem to see into his dark, hypnotic eyes!!!
Hire all three and have them each come and work on two days a week and give Sundays to the dog so you get a rest ;)
I'm sorry I haven't commented more but I can't seem to get past that photo of Key! Dang, Jen, I think he would make a really good assistant.
Okay, Linc and Phoenix are no slouches either. ;-)
And Kathy, you are so right! The Wing Slayer books are soooo fabulous! I loved Phoenix and can't wait to read Key's book. I just got a quick taste (hmm!) of his story from the excerpt on Jen's website and OMG, I can barely wait to get my hands on him. Er, his book! Yeah, that's it!
I can't choose between the hotness of these men! I don't envy you this choice. So sexy!
Definitely Phoenix, the man on the motorcycle. I love a man who knows how to ride.
Congrats on your new release.
Bailey knows what's important to him and that is a good thing :).
I'd hire Key if for no other reason than
to see a real live dragon! Of course, it
wouldn't be terrible to watch the dragon
tattoo on Key's tummy also!
Pat Cochran
I say Key WOW!!!! as long as he works with his shirt off. I agree he could sell books if I got to touch his abs everytime I bought one I would have at least twelve they would be christmas gifts for everyone I ran into even if it is only April.
Catslady, that third one does have great eyes, doesn't he?
Ilona, that's a great solution! And I'd still get Sunday with Bailey!
Thank you Kate! Glad you enjoyed NIGHT MAGIC! I'm hoping readers love Key's book, SINFUL MAGIC, just as much.
Danielle, it is a dilemma, isn't it? I guess we just keep "studying" the men until we figure out which one would make the best assistant :-)
Jo, I do love a man who knows how to ride :-)
Victoria, you're right about that--Bailey does know what's important to him :-)
Pat, Key's dragon is super awesome too! So you make a good argument in his favor!
Brandy, okay, I now I just have to hire Key to go out and sell my books! LOLOL!
All three! Key (Jed Hill) would definitely sell books to women (I know I have a few just because Jed is on them)! And who can pass up Linc's smile!
I'm so late visiting today, but wow, worth the wait!
#3 needs to come to my house so I can bathe him before sending him over to your house!
Key (Jed Hill) all the way.He's super hot..Then again would you get any real work done with any of these guys as your assistant :)
Congrats on the upcoming release. That is a very tough choice. you could choose all 3 and have them work every 3 days. If that is not possible then i would choose Lincoln. He would be very nice to look at everyday. You might end up like bailey and always want to lay in his lap and then he would never get any work done. that is what i would do.
LINC!! *sigh*
Sheree, Jed has that special magic, doesn't he? He can sell me anything he wants to :-)
But I still has a tingly spot for the Linc guy!
Jenn3128, I'll see if I can send him to you for bathing and grooming, LOL! You promise to send him back, right? This year???
Chrisbails, Oh boy, I'm crying from laughing now. Yes, I would want to lay in his lap like Bailey lays in mine! Such a good point! LOL!
Elaing8, I doubt I'd get ANY work done! But the view would be sooo nice :-) And maybe I could call it research?
Wendy Negron, that's how I feel every time I see that "Linc" picture!
Linc, defininely Linc. Close your eyes and imagine him walking over to the cappucino machine, leaning over your shoulder as he checks your spelling and adjusting the label poking out of your jacket. You may not be able to concentrate on the job at hand, but i guess that depends on the job at hand.
Jen, thanks again for visiting the Lair! And thanks to everyone for coming by to help Jen pick out her new assistant. I think she got a lot of good ideas here. :-)
Hope everyone races out and orders Jen's Wing Slayer series. I know you'll love them as much as I do!
Kieran “Key” DeMicca would be my choice for assistant. Does he have to put his shirt back on? Congrats on the series and your new deserve the greatest success.
The second guy!!!
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