Everyone's been busy as bees spiffing up The Lair for one of our fav authors, Kristan Higgins! Lucien has been particularly happy, going around with a silly grin on his lips and growling when Demetrius starts polishing his shield. Kristan? Anything you want to share about your last visit?
Ahem, anyhoo she's brought along a transcript from an interview I did with the hero/heroine of her latest Harlequin release MY ONE AND ONLY. Let's see if we can get a peek into the story of these two wacky kids. Take it away, Kristan!
Thanks Joan!
Just when she thought she had life and love all figured out, divorce attorney Harper James can't catch a break. Bad enough that she runs into her ex-hubby, Nick, at her sister's destination wedding, but now, by a cruel twist of fate, she's being forced to make a cross-country road trip with him. And her boyfriend back at home is not likely to be sympathetic. Harper can't help that Nick has come blazing back into her life in all of his frustratingly appealing, gorgeous architect glory. But in Nick's eyes, Harper's always been the one. If they can only get it right this time, forever might be waiting—just around the bend.
1. Do you have a tattoo?
Harper: I fail to see how that's any of your business.
Nick: Not at the moment, Joan. But I'm seriously considering a small rooster over my heart.
2. Do you have a nickname?
Nick: Harper likes to call me snooky bear during our more intimate moments.
Harper: Sure, I do. It's that, or "the accused."
3. Dogs or Cats or Komodo dragons?
Harper: Dogs. Really, just dog. Singular. Coco's rather superior to the rest of the canine world. Aren't you, sweetheart?
Nick: Is Coco a dog? I thought she was a squirrel.
4. What is your favorite food?
Nick: Let me answer that one for you, Harpy. Human hearts, right?
Harper: Nick's is clear broth and dry toast.
Nick: Only because you've given me an ulcer, dearest.
Harper: Sac up, Nick. Can I get a cheeseburger? Very rare?
5. Are you ticklish?
Harper: No comment.
Nick: Yes, she is. So am I, Joan. Just in case you'd like to give it a try.
6. What is your favorite love song ever?
Nick: "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel.
Harper (snorting): Wow. So original, Nicky. Mine is "Paint it Black" by the Rolling Stones.
7. What did you last text message say?
Harper: It was from my boss, Theo. "Y R U not here?"
Nick: Mine was from Harper. It said "Me so horny. Meet me in the bathroom."
Harper: Ignore him. He forgot his Ritalin today.
8. Do you collect anything?
Nick: Ex wives.
Harper: Death threats.
9. Do you believe in ghosts?
Nick: Oh, I've been haunted for the past 12 years.
Harper: Nick! That's so romantic! Have you been drinking?
10. Who is your favorite movie star?
Harper: Who's that brawny Scot? I like him.
Nick: She's only saying that because I'm neither brawny nor a Scot.
11. What is your number one bad habit?
Harper: I'm sitting next to it.
Nick: Ditto.
12. Top 3 wishes?
Harper: I wish Nick would stop touching me. You're doing that on purpose, aren't you?
Nick: Yes. Get over it. I wish Harper would break up with that boy-toy she's dating, admit she still loves me and apologize for sticking a knife in my heart 12 years ago.
Harper: I'll stick with my first answer and wish it two more times. And my boyfriend is not a boy-toy, just for the record. He's a firefighter. Know what I'm saying, Joan? Firefighter. Big. Strong. Brave. He can carry me.
Nick: Shut it, woman.
13. Favorite Girl Scout cookie?
Harper: Ah, those little venture capitalists are always selling something, aren't they? I usually order the Thin Mints and stick them in the freezer.
Nick: Where she stores her heart. I like the Samoas, personally. But I buy a box of everything.
Harper: Of course you do. Because you're such a prince. Have the Vatican made you a saint yet?
14. Best and Worst Personality trait
Harper: Pass.
Nick: I might be a little stuck on the past. Maybe I work a little too much. And I love too deeply.
Harper: You're really going to say that? In public? People read this blog, you know.
Nick: Moving right along, Joan, My best traits would be I'm loyal, funny and great in the sack.
Harper: Well. I'll allow those last three. The 'love too deeply,' though…What are you, Bella? Edward's calling. Your blood smells so sexy.
Nick: She's stunted, Joan. Introspection was never her thing.
15. What are you scared of?
Harper: Well, I wouldn't use the word scared.
Nick: She's terrified of being alone. Which is why she's dating the human equivalent of Lassie.
Harper: And you're afraid of ending up like Larry King, a string of ex-wives behind you, an empty yet fabulous apartment in front of you.
Nick: I'm hardly Larry King, Harpy. You always exaggerate.
Harper: And you always rewrite the past and make yourself look like the wounded hero.
Nick: And you love to bolt at the first sign of crisis.
Harper: And you love to—you know what? Bite me, you overbearing idiot.
Nick: Don't tempt me, you stunted shell of a woman. (Pause.) Want to grab dinner?
Harper. Seafood okay?
Nick: Sounds great. Hey, this was fun, Joan! Thanks for having us.
Well, you two run along while we and the BB's discuss more questions for you. What about guys? What other questions would you like to ask Harper and Nick (wait a little bit for Nick I'm um, practicing my tickling :D) or for that matter, the awesome Kristan Higgins? Ready, aim, fire those questions!
C'est moi?
Bwahahahaha!!!! Feeling very cocksure today. Geddit?
Squeeeee, squeeee, squeeeee! Kristan's in da house! Let all the gladiators bop! Let Sven do his massage tango! Let the cabana boys do the conga! Celebrations abide!
OK, having got that off my chest, what's been happening in your fabulous life lately, my dear friend? And a little bird told me you just hit the NYT and the USA Today lists! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!
Well done Anna have fun with him
What a great interview loved it and some great questions there.
A couple of questions for you both
What is your most memorable moment?
What is your favourite sport?
Kristan congrats on the new release I look forward to reading it. And congrats on your book All I Ever Wanted being a finalist in the Aust Romance Readers Awards for best contemporary for 2010.
Have Fun
Woohoo, it's the fabulous Kristan Higgins!! Thanks for having Kristan, Joanie. Kristan, welcome back to the lair. I love the sound of these two--sparks are definitely flying here!
Congratulations on hitting the lists, too! That's great to hear.
So, there's a road trip in your book--did you feel compelled to actually do the trip yourself for research? Is it one you've done many times?
Anna, you got the Coq? Congratulations, m'dear!
Sven, darling, come and do your massage tango a bit closer to meeee!!
YAYYYY!! So happy to have Kristan back in the Lair!! It's always fun to have one of my fave authors here - I can't wait to read this one!! Ok - will stop the fan-girl squeeing now ;)
Loved the interview - what better way to start the day than with laughter?!
Hmm, my questions:
Leather, lace, silk or something else?
Favourite drink?
Worst thing you've done while 'under the influence'?
Good morning all, congrats on the GR Anna, make him toe the line.
Nick, Harper, how long were you guys together before you split?
Don't feed him too many tim tams Anna
Congrats on your new book Kristan, Can't think of any question as my brain is dead and it is the end of the week LOL
Good morning, Wenches of the Lair! Thank you so much for having me!
Harper and Nick are dying to answer your questions...
1. Most memorable moment?
H: You on the Brooklyn Bridge, Nick.
N: Why, Harpy, how sweet! You feeling okay? Mine would be...you on the Brooklyn Bridge, actually.
Fave sport:
H: Cage fighting.
Nick: That's so perfect for you, Harpy. Mine's baseball, so long as the Yanks win.
Leather, lace or silk?
N: Harper's would be leather. In whip form.
H: So sue me. Indiana Jones is a hero of mine.
Favorite drink?
Nick: Harper's would be human blood. Mine's coffee.
Harper: Mine is actually a cosmo, girls. And Nick's would be a Shirley Temple.
Worst thing you've done under the influence?
H: Marry Nick. Clearly.
N: Propose to Harper. Clearly.
How long were you together before the split?
N: Counting college? Two plus years.
H: An eternity.
And now for the author...Yes, we took a long road trip out west a few years ago. It was definitely part of the inspiration for the book...all those long, beautiful stretches through nowhere. McIrish and I were always saying, "Kids! Look! That rock is so beautiful!" and the kids would drag their eyes off their respective copies of Harry Potter and murmur dutifully, "Wow, so pretty." It was really the trip of a lifetime.
Welcome back, Kristan! Congratulations on hitting the lists! I'm very much looking forward to reading My One And Only. I LOVE (and that's some big love) your books *g*
Fabulous interview! My questions for you, Nick and Harper are:
What's your favorite part about your job? Least favorite?
And, as Glee is now on Netflix instant streaming and has been entertaining me while I'm on the treadmill...
To Glee, or not to Glee?
Thanks for hosting today, Joan!!
What a great interview! And I'm so happy to meet such great new authors, anyone who good to my favorite author Kristan, is a friend of mine ;).
My Q for N & H is what's your favorite ice cream? Vanilla, Chocolate or Strawberry?
Oh and if you had to travel again, where would you to next?
Yay! Kristan's here! I love waking up to find one of my favorite authors in the lair. Thanks, Joanie!
I loved every minute of Nick, Harper (and Coco's) cross-country adventure and apparently I'm not the only one. Congrats on making the NYT and USA Today lists!
Kristan, your quirky secondary characters never fail to touch my heart, and BeverLee touched it more than most. Is she based on anyone (don't worry, we won't tell) or just a product of your fertile imagination?
Hey Anna, you got the GR! Congrats?
Kristan, I loved, loved, LOVED My One and Only! It has the combination of humor and poignancy that I always enjoy in your books. I laughed; I cried, sometimes practically at the same time because behind the funny, snarky barbs that they hurled at each other were some serious wounds.
Before I discovered your books, I don't think I ever read a book in the first person POV that I really liked, yet I've loved all of yours. You have a rather unique ability to present the heroines in your story as attractive without making them sound like they're hugely egotistical. The tone is more conversational than descriptive. They're always very lovable -- even the prickly Harper! As a mother, my heart broke over her pain over her mother's abandonment.
And your heroes are always to-die-for, of course, emotionally as well as physically! I don't know how you give us such a deep view into the hero's emotions in that POV, but you do a fabulous job. The hero makes or breaks a story for me.
So, my only question is, "When is your next book coming out?" I can't wait!
Oh, the evils of Blogger! It just ate my entire answer!
I wanted to give a shout-out to my sistah from down under...Hi, Anna! Why are you doing that perverted thing to that poor rooster, and why aren't you writing another book? I thought we agreed you'd write one a month...
At any rate...in answer to some questions...
What's your favorite part about your job? Least favorite?
Nick: Favorite would be the planning stage. Least fave...the hours? Don't you dare say a word, Harpy. Ignore her.
Harper: My least favorite is seeing the disillusionment in the clients who thought marriage would be all googly eyes, all the time. Favorite part? Running into that person a year later and seeing how much happier they are, and Nick, if you don't stop rolling your eyes, they're going to get stuck that way.
Vanilla, Chocolate or Strawberry?
Harper: Ben and Jerry's Coffee Toffee Crunch.
Nick: Hey, me too.
Harper: And they said it wouldn't work...
If you had to travel again, where would you to next?
Harper: No comment.
Nick: We're thinking of the coast of Maine. Heard it's nice up there.
And one for the author...Is BeverLee based on anyone (don't worry, we won't tell) or just a product of your fertile imagination?
Bev was one of those characters who just leaped to life. I thought she was going to be a little blowsier, a little more out of control, but she became instead one of the most decent and loving characters I've written to date. A moment of grace, if you will.
JV, thank you so much! I may have to print that comment out and pin it to my bulletin board...
My next book, UNTIL THERE WAS YOU, comes out in November. It actually has both the hero and heroine's point of view in it, and I was shocked (shocked, I tell you!) at how much I loved writing Liam's perspective. He just seemed to have so much going on that I opted to show his side of the story, too. I am fairly confident that women will be throwing their panties at him. Can I say that? I myself was tempted to toss a pair at the computer...
Kristin's in da HOWSE! Or, actually, the Lair! Welcome back, Kristan!!
And Anna...you rwascawlly Aussie, you wrangled the wooster! Grins.
You know, Kristan, I don't know about you, but I find it QUITE unfair that the hysteric...I mean historical authors can bandy about words like "cocksure" and although people snicker (I'm snickering), they don't get "The Look of Censure." A contemporary author uses "cocksure" in a sentence and we get The Look.
Anna C said to Kristan: And a little bird told me you just hit the NYT and the USA Today lists! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!
WOOOOOT!!! Congrats, Kristan and wellll deserved!
Helen said: And congrats on your book All I Ever Wanted being a finalist in the Aust Romance Readers Awards for best contemporary for 2010.
Ooooh, more awards! Why am I NOT surprised??? Go Kristan!
Wow, Sven, that massage tango's pretty....interesting.
That said, when you're done with Anna S, tango over here, my shoulders are like cement....
Kristan said: "Kids! Look! That rock is so beautiful!" and the kids would drag their eyes off their respective copies of Harry Potter and murmur dutifully, "Wow, so pretty." It was really the trip of a lifetime.
Omgosh! You have my kids! :>
Nick said: Nick: That's so perfect for you, Harpy. Mine's baseball, so long as the Yanks win.
Awww, Nick, and here I was beginning to REALLY like you. And now, I'm going to have Joanie and the Goddess Sangria tickle you until you puke because you brought up the Y word in the Lair. Suz and I, being the resident Baseball fanatics, are Braves/Cubs fans and Indians fans, respectively.
We don't like no stinkin' Yankees.
Lorelei said: What a great interview! And I'm so happy to meet such great new authors, anyone who good to my favorite author Kristan, is a friend of mine ;)
*bats eyes* Why Lorelei! So lovely that we're friends. Grins.
Hi JV! Welcome to the Lair!
You said: Before I discovered your books, I don't think I ever read a book in the first person POV that I really liked, yet I've loved all of yours.
And there you've hit on it...I don't know what it is about Kristan's style, but I love her books (Sorry, Kristan, didn't mean to talk like you weren't in the room - YOUR books), and I'm not normally a big fan of first person POV
Kristan said: Hi, Anna! Why are you doing that perverted thing to that poor rooster, and why aren't you writing another book? I thought we agreed you'd write one a month...
Oooh, you got her to agree to that? You RATE!!! She's always promising kidneys (I think she buys them wholesale) for things, but she's never promised US to write a book a month. Wow. You've got pull.
Now, let me go hunt up the next Anna on Book Depository...
Braves, Cubs and Indians? Gosh, I don't know what to say, other than you poor, poor lambs, and don't mess with this Yankees fan, wench!
Yes, I have children! Two! Daughter and a son, the lights of my life (except when I have to go into their closets, then start Googling exterminators and boot camps).
Must go adjust my codpiece...you're right Jeanne. It sounds ridiculous. Then again, historical authors can't really get away with "holy testical Tuesday," can they?
LOL. I can't wait to read this book!
Kristan said: I am fairly confident that women will be throwing their panties at him. Can I say that? I myself was tempted to toss a pair at the computer...
SNORK! Oh, the visual....
And I was sighing over what JV said to you. So cool, and so well deserved too. I'm thinkin' that on the blessed day someone said that about my work a tattoo might be involved....no, on second thought, I still think it's too much pain. But it would be on my bulletin board too! Grins.
*mutters* Yankees-scmankees. The Cubs may FINALLY get somewhere this year. My husband and eldest son (contaminated by osmosis and genetic claim) can dream, can't he? And the Bravos....ohhhh, Chipper! Grins.
You also said, in a moment of clearer thinking: Then again, historical authors can't really get away with "holy testical Tuesday," can they?
Why yes! We can do that. They can't say "Bloody 'effin Hell!" either, which is quite satisfying in contemporary usage, but waaaaaaay more naughty than codpiece in historical terms. Grins.
Kristen, congratulations on your new release. I loved the interview!
And congrats on hitting the lists!! Woohoo!
I cannot wait to read this book. (I won it earlier this week! *waves at Kristan* Hello! Thank you!!!) I plan to read it for myself and rave about it everywhere!
Nick, darling, you sound adorable! I'd like to ask you who do you like reading most? Or what do you like reading most?
Harper--I love your name, despite Nick's nickname--is there any movie you like to watch over and over? If so, why?
Wow ~ I'm going to have to read a Kristan Higgin's book. Just reading this blog has made me laugh a lot and I'm not even in the know. I'm in a reading slump because I'm depressed as we had to put a furbaby, a cat with kidney disease to sleep, and I am looking for a way out of it. I just may have found the key. Thank you ladies.
Goooooood Moooooooorning, every one!!!
I got a budget day...until at least 3 pm (Hope for all day)so get to join ya'll and one of my faves Kristan!!!
Congrats on the bird Anna and glad he told us Kristan's news!! Woohoo!!! WTG
Helen, another harbringer of good news about said fav author.
Kristan, any chance you'll get to go downunder to accept the award you'll clearly win?
Hey Kaelee! So sorry about your furbaby. If you need a great distraction and pick-me-up, go for Kristan's books (any of them!)
You said: I just may have found the key. Thank you ladies.
Any time, Kaelee!
Hi Christine!
Did you teach Sven that trick with the oil during the dance?
Hey VA!
Kristan is a tough cookie and can take a fair amount of fan girl squeeing. After all, that's how we met in SF at RWA lunch.
The light of fear wasn't in her eyes too long after I started squeeing :D
Dianna and Barb!
Great to see you and I am SO there with you Barb...the end of the week has about fried my brain.
Fortunately, I have My One and Only to refresh me!
Joan said:
The light of fear wasn't in her eyes too long after I started squeeing :D
Snork! Go you!
Hi Kristan!!!
Loving My One and Only! The Amazon pigeon delievered it right on time!
I think a road trip out West would be fun and wow on your kids being able to read in the car.
Have you ever gone horseback riding :D?
Hi Beth,
Yes, I bow in your general direction that you are on the treadmill while I? I am on the couch :D
Waving to Loreli!
Thanks for joining us today. Kristan IS one heck of a writer that's for sure. Love. Her.
You see, I've KNOWN some BeverLee's in my life and Kristan's portrait of her is so vivid and real....including hairspray LOL
Hi JV,
I agree wholeheartedly with your fervor for our Ms. Higgins. She handles first person POV so seamlessly.
And her characterizations are so well crafted up to and including their wicked cool senses of humor.
Ah, now Jeanne my dear cailin....sure and a cock...um, sure would not be amiss in the realms of the Isle.
Tour a loura, loura.....
And I'd lean toward the Braves too though, I've never quite forgiven the Chipster for infidelity to his wife years ago....He tarnished his golden boy image with that.
And I miss the guy who was a catcher who proposed to his wife at Disneyworld...my kind of athlete
Hi Kaelee!
Welcome to The Lair! There's always room for another Bandit Buddy.
Oh, Kristan's book will make you laugh. Get her whole backlist. Really.
And so, so sorry for your loss. Being the Mama to two baby cats I can't imagine. ((hugs))
Woohooo on the USA Today and NYT, Kristan!!
Nick - my man - don't listen to Jeanne and the other Philistines, there be Yankees fans in the house too. Just don't be a NY Rangers fan or we'll have to part ways!
Kaelee - OMG - you have to rush out and get every one of Kristan's books because you'll love them!! (Besides, think of the time it'll save you, having them all on hand *g*)
Hugs, Kaelee - so sorry about your fur-baby. I didn't see that end bit until I'd hit send.
You got your copy, Joanie?
*mumble, grumble* freaking Amazon pigeon. Probably holed up with my copy and reading it. Bloody bird.
Jeanne said: *bats eyes* Why Lorelei! So lovely that we're friends. Grins.
(Big smile) Hi Jeanne, now since we're friends, I just checked out one of your books from the library: Dark and Deadly...
and Joan (waving back) So happy to meet you, I'd also like to check out your books but I couldn't find your last name, please write back.
And Kristan: Don't worry, I'll always be your BFF (Biggest Fan Forever)
You know I was totally nodding at JV's comment, which is so much like I feel about Kristan's work. I can pick any of her books and don't mind reading them over and over. Sometimes I just open a page in the middle and read on...
I'm a fairly new reader, I started 3-4 yrs ago, I'm always happy to meet new ones. There are soooo many. happy to have personally "met" new ones :D.
Hey Jeanne, couldn't wait, so I've just started reading D&D...on page 8, but I'll have to continue tonight. So far I'm enjoying it! ;D
Welcome, Kristan!
Joanie and Kristan, what afantastic interview with characters! This made me want this book NOW. *grin* I love the interplay.
Kristan, do all of your characters come to you so fully formed and with such strong, individual personalities? I'd love to know how you flesh them out.
l'm fairly new to the Bandits as I followed Kate Walker into the lair. I follow her around in a nice way as she leads me to such wonderful sites. I do have three of Kristan's books in my TBR. I happen to have her debut book which I will start with. Thanks for the welcome and the sympathy.
I'm still trying to figure out what the rooster is but I love Sven and the cabana boys. I love the fun you have on this blog. I do read some of the resident authors but will be checking out the others when I have time. Thank you for bringing some much needed laughter into my life right now. My attention span is a a very low point right now and i'm so happy to just hang around for a bit.
Oh, Kristan! Congrats on making the lists! That's fantastic!
Lessee...questions for Nick and Harper...
Nick, Tell me where you first saw/met Harper, and what about her first attracted you most.
Harper: Same question.
Jeanne said:
Awww, Nick, and here I was beginning to REALLY like you. And now, I'm going to have Joanie and the Goddess Sangria tickle you until you puke because you brought up the Y word in the Lair. Suz and I, being the resident Baseball fanatics, are Braves/Cubs fans and Indians fans, respectively.
We don't like no stinkin' Yankees.
Uh...I guess when I come to see you in a couple of weeks, I won't bring my Yankees hat then. :0p
Hi, Kristan and Joan,
I'm laughing at all the in-fighting
going on today! I'm wondering what you
two (Harper & Nick, not Kristan & Joan) think will solve the problems
you have encountered? Or CAN they be solved? Marriage can work, Honey and
I are off to a nice cozy lunch in celebration of our 50th anniversary today! We wish you the best!
Pat Cochran
WTG Lorelei on finding our Bandita books!
Alas, mine are in the future of some savvy publisher who has yet to discover them Three Roman era historical manuscripts are ready to go and working on the first of an Irish Mythology series.
Patric and Ruarc don't ye know..
Awwww kaelee...a little wanderer. We save special welcomes for those...Demetrius! A plate of chocolate chip cookies, sangria and of course a 30 min. massage ala Sven.
The rooster is the fate, er, the reward of the first poster of each day. He's been known to wreck havoc from the States to England to Australia where there are rumors flying that he's romantically involved with a koala!
Congratulations on your 50th!
It's hard work, I'm sure but the rewards? Priceless.
Um, excuse me while I save Cricket from a wandering wasp....
She's gonna break her neck leaping trying to get to it through the glass of my sliding door!
Ladies, I'm back! I was working, I'll have you know. No WiFi in my office (for obvious reasons).
Okay, Nick and Harper have actually been making out between bouts of verbal sparring, but they're back and ready to take more questions.
Favorite book of yours, Nick?
Hi, Miss Hellion. Sure, I remember you! Kristan sent your book out today! My favorite things to read tend to be about structures. I love--
Harper: Yawn. Can we move along, Nick? The ladies don't want to hear about New York subway tunnels. My favorite movie? The Terminator. I like his sense of purpose.
Another question: Nick, what attracted you to Harper, and Harper, what was it about Nick that caught your fancy?
Nick: It was that vulnerability in her beautiful eyes...
Harper: Nick, you do realize you're talking out loud, right? Sac up, pal.
Nick: She has an amazing rack.
Harper: Ah. Truth at last. As for me, I admit to finding Nick's confidence rather appealing. And irritating.
Nick: And my gypsy eyes had nothing to do with it?
Harper: The ego on this guy. Ladies, do you see what I have to put up with?
And now a word from the author...
Kaelee, so sorry about your cat! Listen, if you have CATCH OF THE DAY in your pile, don't read it just yet, okay? Stick with another of my books. We lost both our cat and my dear dog in 6 weeks. Horrible! But now we have a dopey puppy, and I adore her. Still miss those other guys, though.
Do my characters come out fully formed? Sometimes! That's the preferred method. But other times, I have to write a LOT before I start to understand their deeper motives and true personalities.
Would I come to Australia? I'd love to! As for winning the award, I believe I lost. If not, they've done a terrible job notifying me of my win!
Pat, happy anniversary! What a wonderful thing! You asked if Harper and Nick can overcome their problems.
Nick: Of course. I've never stopped loving her.
Harper: Oh, lordy. That one gets me every time, Nick. Could you have it tattooed somewhere?
Nick: You know you love me, woman.
Harper: He does have a point.
Actually, Kristan, that's why I kidnapped the rooster. I thought he could take over my writing duties! Mind you, it seems I've done a genre change to HEN LIT!!!!!
Snort, Jeanne! Why don't you come and join us over on the dark hysterical...um HISTORICAL side? We'll give you unlimited license to use words like scoundrel and rogue and cocksure and cockamamie and cocktail... Hey, how did that one get in there? Clearly I need a drink!
Hey, Kaelee, how cool you found us through Kate Walker - we'll have to start calling her Kate FINDER!!!!! ;-)
Oh, no, Kaelee, just saw your sad news. Hugs.
Hey Lorelei!
You said:
(Big smile) Hi Jeanne, now since we're friends, I just checked out one of your books from the library: Dark and Deadly...
Oooh, COOL! I was in your library! I love it!!
Grins. As a newer writer, that thrill is still just so...well, THRILLING! Grins.
Cassondra said: Uh...I guess when I come to see you in a couple of weeks, I won't bring my Yankees hat then. :0p
Better not! Reds...okay. Bravos? Well, WELCOME! Grins. Others are on a case-by-case basis.
And Anna, I love you so much, darling, but for that ONE flaw....rooting for the Damn Yankees.
However, since you're MUCH more of a hockey fan, I will keep hoping the fever will pass.
WHOA!! PAT!! You ROCK!!!
You said: Honey and
I are off to a nice cozy lunch in celebration of our 50th anniversary today! We wish you the best!
Talk about burying the lead story. You've made it 50 years, still like him, still call him Honey?
SWEEEEET! So Harper and Nick, are ya' takin' notes here? FIFTY YEARS, married.
Love that!
*Bowing in Pat and her Honey's general direction in sheer delight*
Nick and Harper said:
My favorite things to read tend to be about structures. I love--
Harper: Yawn. Can we move along, Nick? The ladies don't want to hear about New York subway tunnels.
Okay, Nick, you MAY have POSSIBLY redeemed yourself from the whole Yankees thing. Anyone who likes structures and subway tunnels in NYC is pretty cool. Grins.
Harper, YOU may not like 'em but I do. Hey Nick, come sit by me.
Paolo!?! A drink for Nick...
Anna C said: Why don't you come and join us over on the dark hysterical...um HISTORICAL side? We'll give you unlimited license to use words like scoundrel and rogue and cocksure and cockamamie and cocktail...
And catamite, don't forget that one! And you get to hoist people on their own petards, and have them stick your spoon in the wall.
Such a fun lexicon.
Then again, as Kristan said, we get to curse a bit more - though not nearly as colorfully - and we can call a coc...ahem, a spade a spade. Or a tool. Or a weapon....
(Knew I'd work that weapon in there, didn't you?)
i usually cannot shut up but i only have one thing to say... i believe Harper really suffered through her rebirthing process but in some ways Nick just kind of cruised over his last 12 years of continued missteps. he compartmentalizes a lot of things in his life and well...now i'm dwelling...If you all want to know why My One and Only will make the NYTimes bestseller list is because you will think about this story and remember it for quite awhile. signed, one of your true blue fanbasers! t
Hi Thea! Welcome to the Lair!!!
Goodness, Jeanne, what historicals have YOU been reading? I, Claudius? I don't think I've ever mentioned a catamite in one of my books. May have mentioned both cats and mites, though. Yeah, one of the reasons I love writing Regencies is the language. I love it when my heroes are sapskulls and clodpoles and moonlings and blackheads.
Hi Thea,
Kristan's characters do stay with you. There are definately trends among them...ALWAYS intersting extended family, a neighborhood watering hole and sparring with priests :-)
Pat, 50 years!!!!! Three resounding cheers for you and hubby! Congratulations and happy anniversary! xxxx
Nick has a response for you, Thea.
Thea, I have to step in and correct you. You have no idea how that woman broke my heart! Cruised? No. Crawled. Crawled, I tell you! See, it's because she told this story from her point of view that I seemed less scarred. Wait till my memoir comes out, that's all I can say.
Harper: Sigh.
Nick: Hush. You know it's true. I've loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you.
Harper: Ladies, we may have to step out for, what...half an hour, Nick?
Nick: Make it an hour, Harpy.
And from the author:
Ladies, I'll be popping in later tonight! Any more questions for H&N, once they're done fooling around, fire away!
Great interview! Love the Harper & Nick, love the premise, gotta get this book!
To Joan, I will patiently wait for your work. Hope it comes out soon!
Kaelee: Aww! SO sorry. I know Kristan's books will cheer you up. She is awesome! You'll see. You'll be another one hooked on Higgins as I say ;D And I've got Kate Walker on my list, gonna check her out now...
"Hooked on Higgins"....
I LIKE it!!!
Hmmm...I'm thinking T shirts with that saying and little CATS holding the letters...
To Anna Sugden. OMG! I just visited your website and what do you know? I'm half Persian, too! And I lived in NJ for a while as well. How about that! I'm looking up your books at this minute... ;D
Wow Lorelei - that is a cool coincidence!
I'm afraid, I'm like Joanie - awaiting that magical call. Inching ever closer, but not there yet. Keep your fingers crossed.
Ack - Blogger posted before I'd finished. I meant to add - a belated Happy No Rooz to Lorelei.
What a great interview! I'm looking forward to reading this book!
Thanks for the "Good Wishes"! We had
a lovely lunch which ended with our
desserts served with sparklers alight
and sparkling all over the place! We
will have a second celebration later
during the summer, when our dear Ashley
is home from college, for family and
friends with vow renewal and all!
Pat Cochran
Pat, sounds lovely! Congratulations again.
So late to the party. Shame on me! Just wanted to pop in and say "Hi, Kristan!" Congrats on hitting the NYT and USA Today lists! :-)
I can't wait to read MY ONE AND ONLY. Your books always make me happy.
Hi Chey and Gannon!!!
Sorry to have been absent. Went to see the movie ARTHUR with Russell Brand....it was great!!!
Not QUITE as good as Kristan's books though so....ending the night with more of My One and Only
So nice to have spent the day with the ladies of the lair! Thank you so much for having me, and Harper, and Nick, who haven't seemed to come back from their, er, break...busy, I guess :-)
Hope you all have a wonderful, happy weekend!
To Anna S.: Happy No Rooz to you as well!
Well I had so much fun and am very excited to have met a great group of Romance Banditas! I'll be back soon.
Kristan & Joan: I think this blog was awesome, loved having N&H as guests. Gives the readers a feel for the characters. Great job! See ya next time, bye!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I dug Fools Rush In out of my TBR and I'm really enjoying reading it. I do have a couple more of Kristan's books as well. I just found out that they are all available at the eHarlequin bookstore. Yea!
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