Maureen: Ah, my call story… Well, I was sitting on a barstool in Barbados, holding a frosty

Jeanne: Pretty cool! Well, I guess the news and the Starbucks were hot! What about the wonderful Revenge? How did you become a part of that good ship's crew?
Maureen: Well, Fernando suggested... You know, I don't know anyone named Fernando, but I wish I did!

Jeanne: There's Fernando over there, and I think he would like to know YOU....he's looking this way....
Maureen: Well, helllllooooo, Fernando! What was I talking about? Oh, The Revenge. Sorry Fernando, I'll get back to you. We'll talk... Where was I? Right, the Romance Writers Revenge. I picked up a postcard advertising the blog at the San Francisco RWA Nationals, where I was sliding about the walls, trying not to be noticed. (My first Nationals, I really did abysmally at socializing.) I took the card home and a few months later logged on and lurked for a while. Then someone posted a blog about musical influence and I commented. I commented a lot over the next few months. Then I set up a bar on the deck after someone blogged about the notorious glittery hooha, and I think they basically figured they might as well take advantage of my gift of

Jeanne: Eeeuw! Rotten bananas? I think I'll let that one....lie. So, since we're talking about the ship (and those glittery hooha's ROCK!), tell us how you got your Pirate Nickname of 2nd Chance.
Maureen: Ah, 2nd Chance. Well in April of 2007 I nearly died. Went to bed, and woke up three days later in intensive care. My hear tried to commit suicide, but my husband was there to intercede. I spent ten days in two hospitals while they tried to figure out why I suffered sudden cardiac death. They never did find a definitive diagnosis. (SCD is a malfunction of the electrical currents in the heart.)
Jeanne: Whoa! Wow! This is amazing! Last week PJ admitted she'd been shot, once upon a time, and now you tell me you've nearly died? WOW! That's freaky!
Maureen: Whoa, that is freaky. So long story short, I came home. I wasn't sure why I was still around and I eventually was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress syndrome and began to see a therapist. Eventually, I realized I'd been given a second chance. When I needed a pirate persona, it seemed appropriate! It was also during therapy that I realized that after nearly dying, hearing an editor say "No!" wasn't really a big deal, and began seriously pursuing publication.
Jeanne: That does put things in perspective! So what made you want to write about pirates and the kraken?
Maureen: Ah, well, I were inspired by the Revenge and all me pirate

Jeanne: And you did it so well! So I know you just got back from RT, which means that you've gotten over your stage fright at national conferences, I guess. How was it and what was your favorite part?
Maureen: RT was insanely fun! I'm still totally exhausted and barely unpacked. People, people, people! And they all loved my pirate hat and I met my editors and my publisher and got to talk with my agent and help out the aspiring author workshops, and...and...and...I'm pooped! Favorite part? oh, wow. Doing a workshop with Katherine Ashe and Cherry Adair, called "he's A Pirate!" was a blast and has to be the highlight for me. I loved signing my book at the BookFaire and dressing up as the Kraken's Wife for the Fairy Ball, but that workshop was just so much fun! Seriously one fabulous thing about RT is how welcoming and supportive it is. Again and again, when I talked about my heroine being 53 and my hero being 65, eyes lit up with interest. I even had an older gentleman buy the book for his wife. Second chances aren't only about not dying, they are also about never giving up on yourself. Those of us in the babyboomer generation aren't done with living, or courting, or adventures or passion. So, I wrote the Kraken's Mirror to prove it.
Jeanne: Hear, hear! And prove it you did! How about an excerpt??
Maureen: Absolutely! In this bit, the heroine, Emily, has been temporarily blinded by waltzing vampires and rescued by the hero, Captain Alan. While appreciative, she's wearing a cloth over her eyes to protect them as they heal, and she has no confidence that a man would be interested in her. After all, she's fifty-three! She likes his voice, thinks it's kind that he helped her, but she's past all that, right? Ha! Oh, and did I mention that Emily is from the modern world? She fell through a magical portal and landed in a topsy-turvy pirate haven of Tortuga. At this point, she's tyring to be polite to Captain Alan, but he's just mentioned anticipating an evening of debauchery....
*** “Well, don’t let me keep you. I was at the Barmy Cock some nights ago, and there are plenty of sweet, young things to seduce there. I have the blindfold to protect my eyes, so why not see me there, and you can take your pick.” She tried to slide off the bench, but found a wooden barrier to her right. Damn. Oh, she liked the sound of his sudden chuckle. She liked it too much! She’d already scolded herself enough on the Quill, for staring at the young hunks who worked the lines. It didn’t make a difference to her that the rest of the crew enjoyed dallying with the boys. They were boys, and she couldn’t look at them without feeling like a dirty, old woman. Well, look at them that way! This Alan, well, he probably thought she possessed wealth or felt sorry for her. She’d grown accustomed to the blunt way the crew spoke of their sexual exploits. Jezzie would tease Mick while at dinner with ideas regarding their sexual play. Tink came striding out of her cabin one morning, rubbing her backside while complaining about Archer’s heavy hand the night before. The idea of seduction and debauchery seemed a bit tame compared to what she’d heard and seen on the ship! Alan turned her hand upside down and dallied with her palm, sliding his fingertips up and down the lines. She wanted to pull away, or maybe that wasn’t what she wanted. Damn! Her breasts ached, her nipples rising tighter than she’d ever known them to. Her belly clenched. Shit. Another chuckle set her pulse pounding. He probably knew it, too. His finger lingered at her pulse point. Damn. She had to be sitting in a puddle. “But why would I want to consider the sweet, young things, when what I want is here before me?” She jerked her hand away, suddenly angry. “You like teasing an old woman? Don’t try to bullshit me! You want my purse, fine! Here!” She struggled to haul the bag of coins Sam had given her free of her pack. Plopping it on the table, she pushed back, into the corner and tried to glare in his general direction. “Don’t fuck around with me! I’m not stupid. I felt your muscles, your broad chest…you don’t want me!” She heard nothing. Had he left? “You smell like apples. It’s quite intoxicating.” His voice came at her left side, close to her ears, and the hair at her jawline stirred when he exhaled. An arm settled across her shoulders. He nearly crooned, “I don’t need your purse. You’re not an old woman, and I have every intention of fucking you.” His hand cupped the back of her head as he finished the statement. Emily’s emotions veered between the fear of being trapped and the excitement of being wanted. Oh, God! Really wanted? Her lips parted, not sure what she was going to say, and he kissed her. ***
Jeanne: Whew! That's hot! Where's my funeral-home-fan? Goodness! Ahem. Well, any last words for today, Maureen?
Maureen: I'm a writer! There are no "last words"!

Jeanne: Oh, so true! It's Lair tradition to get our guests to pose a question for the day, do you have a question for our readers?
Maureen: But of course! Okay Banditas and Bandita Buddies, what's your most memorable second chance? Or third? Or fourth? Comment away, folks! Maureen will be giving one lucky reader a copy of The Kraken's Mirror!!
Here, little birdy.
Welcome to the Lair, Maureen. Your story sounds great, and I think it's so cool that your characters are a bit older.
And I do love pirate stories. Of course, that might have something to do with Orlando Bloom, but I digress. :)
Hey, Trish, one chook for you! It's been a while, hasn't it? And yeah, the whole Pirates of the Caribbean thing with you kinda indicated you loved pirates. Snork!
Jeanne, great interview.
Maureen! 2nd - I feel we're on first name terms after all those glittery hoo-has! I'm SOOOOOOO excited for you. Sorry, I've been holed up in Davy Jones's locker and I missed the news that you'd sold. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! The book sounds fabulous. I fondly remember some wonderful pirate romances from the 70s and 80s - love the idea of those becoming the hot thing again. And good on you choosing more mature heroes and heroines!
That story about how you got your nickname is seriously amazing. So glad you did!!!! Good luck with The Kraken's Mirror - may it sell a galleon full!
My best second chance was with my now husband :) Lucky me!!
Congrats on the Kraken, Maureen!!
Have fun with the GR, Trish!!
Well, Trish...Orlando...he was ok. But Barbossa, he rang my chimes! Though he does need some dental work and maybe a facial, or twelve...
I write pirates, just seems to be what I'm drawn toward...no complaints. I love writing pirates!
Hey Trish!! You nabbed the bird! Go you!
Aww, Anna, missed him by a feather. Grins.
Anna! You ever get the box of squirrels I sent? I just feel so bad for your downunders-ers without squirrels to empty your bird feeders...
And thanks! The book came out at the end of January. I adore my cover, love my publishers and did nicely at the RT book faire!
Could I ask for more? Other than playing with the bandits? You wanna lend me Fernando? We could always use another...cabin boy on the Revenge...
Trish, I love Pirate stories too, and I owe Maureen an apology because dear Blogger didn't put ANY spaces in when I loaded the blog! So sorry Maureen! And to you, dear readers...so sorry for that big-a** long paragraph!
As Maureen herself said, however, it's the words that count!
flchen1 - I know a lot of folks who find the next husband is the right husband!
Anna C said: I fondly remember some wonderful pirate romances from the 70s and 80s - love the idea of those becoming the hot thing again. And good on you choosing more mature heroes and heroines!
I do too, Anna, and Kraken's Mirror harkens to those a bit, but its very 21st Century as well, with some fantastic twists thrown in to keep it both interesting and spicy. Grins.
2nd Chance likes it spicy, I hear! Hahah!
Thanks fer bringin' me ta the island, Jeanne. I assume this is an island...
*looks around
Is that a cave up there and why is there smoke coming from it? Is that where dear Ermingarde stays? I know a certain kraken that would like to see if he could handle her fire... Wonder what happens when slime meets fire...?
Hey Fedora! My best second chance was that as well. I got it SO right the second time around. :>
Lucky us!
Maureen, LOL on the 12 facials for Barbossa. Geoffrey Rush is a wonderful actor.
And I just saw the newest poster for next month's Pirates 4, of the mermaids.
I'm looking forward to seeing the movie, but I will miss Will and Elizabeth.
Maureen said: Though he does need some dental work and maybe a facial, or twelve...
Or fifteen. Or maybe some Accutane...
However, he had the BEST lines, and an undead monkey. What more can a pirate ask for?
Maureen said: Is that a cave up there and why is there smoke coming from it? Is that where dear Ermingarde stays? I know a certain kraken that would like to see if he could handle her fire... Wonder what happens when slime meets fire...?
Ah, no, me dear Chancie! That's a wee bit of the moat you see glinting in the moonlight. We're landlocked and stone bound here in the lair. And the smoke is probably some of the gladiators cooking. They like the barbecue. Ermingard's up on yon tower, but I think she's asleep.
As to slime and fire....I'm thinkin that's an oil-water situation. Bad ju-ju.
But you never know!
Trish - I think Barbossa would clean up nice... I do love me some Geoffrey!
I hope to be in line for the movie...you bet!
Jeanne - I think one of the main differences between The Kraken's Mirror and the classic pirate stories is the heat level, blunt language and total disregarding historical accuracy.
That's my specialty. I give Captain Hellion of the Revenge heartburn when I say that, but it's simply the truth!
Well done Trish have fun with him
What a great interview Ladies and fun post.
Maureen congrats on the release this book sounds very good I haven't read a good pirate story since back in the 80's and always loved them. I do like the idea of an older hero and heroine I haven't read a romance with a couple at this age although there have been secondary characters in some of them that I really enjoyed.
As for a best 2nd chance I think I am going to have to think on this one LOL
Have Fun
Ah! But Krakey...he could climb that tower and rescue the fair (I assume she's fair) Ermingarde. He likes a challenge!
BTW, anyone have an inner critic ya want to be rid of, Krakey likes 'em screaming.
Helen - I hope you'll enjoy the book! As fer the 2nd chances? Well, if we all think deeply I bet we can all find dozens of them. Most aren't as dramatic as mine!
Maureen said: Jeanne - I think one of the main differences between The Kraken's Mirror and the classic pirate stories is the heat level, blunt language and total disregarding historical accuracy.
Yep. And Hellion having heartburn...that must be a sight to behold. Grins.
I love that so many things are mixed in, and that the portal has plopped Emily in the middle of everything. It's a romp, really.
Maureen said: BTW, anyone have an inner critic ya want to be rid of, Krakey likes 'em screaming.
By cracky, he can have my inner critic for snackies! Yippee!
Yeah, Jeanne... Hellion grimaces a lot when I talk 'bout how unimportant I find facts... ;-)
What's that old quote? Never let the facts get in the way of a good story? Grins.
Hellion will like that. Right?
Hope you can duck, Jeanne... Hellion will visit in the morning and she throws a mean rum bottle! ;-)
Maureen, I clearly see you have an eye for a wonderful Aussie! I love Geoffrey Rush!!!!
Maureen, no squirrels were ever seen in this neck of the woods although I've heard unconfirmed reports of world champion swimmer squirrels taking over Vanuatu. Hey, you can send me Fernando instead and we'll be quits - sound OK?
Anna - The man's eyes... Sigh! And I love a nice distinctive nose! ;-)
Fernando for squirrels? What sort of a pirate would I be ta take that deal!?
By crackie, a snackie? Shiver me timbers, you girls are having WAAAAAYYYY too much fun with this. I think it's time I Krakened the whip!
Maureen, are you serious about noses? I LOVE a man with a distinctive nose. People (ahem, Annie West, ahem) have been known to mock my fondness for an overpowering schnoz but I just flare my impressive nostrils and get on with shopping for tissues.
By the way, we love Hellion in the lair (so the cabana boys!). Don't give her a heart attack! Keep her hale and hearty and ready to swing her cutlass!
May the kraken be wit' you!
Anna - Me favorite Dr. Who is... Tom Baker... Love that smile and that nose...
Anna c said: People (ahem, Annie West, ahem) have been known to mock my fondness for an overpowering schnoz but I just flare my impressive nostrils and get on with shopping for tissues.
SNORK! Schnozes are interesting. They give a face character. (she said, flaring her own nostrils at the computer)
As to flung rum, bottle or no, I will decry the waste! And take up the recycling bin to catch the bottle.
I'll also practice my ducking techniques on the way to my well-earned rest. Grins.
I'll be back wi't ye kracken-uppen pun-loving, snork worthy gals in the bright and early (as in the sun will be up) day tomorrow...for now, alas, I must bid ye adieu or I won't be functional for carpool in the a.m.
See you in a few hours!
Oh, Maureen, LOVE TOM BAKER!!!! The scarf, the hair, the humour, the schnoz! By the way, did I tell you you kraken me up? Oh, dear, must stop now.
Actually must stop now - off to do some work! I will return as the Kraken said to Ermintrude.
Anna - We are obviously twin sisters of different mothers... ;-)
Hey Chancy!!!
So glad you made it home from RT and still had the where with all to make it over to the Lair!
BIG THANX to Le Duchesse for hosting you! I just went into the bowels of blogger and did a wee bit of clean-up on the blog. Still not perfect, but I do see definite improvement.
I'm halfway through reading The Kraken's Mirror and I am having the time of my life! What a rollicking good time!
Auntie Cindy!
So glad you are enjoying the book! We enjoyed having you as a guest at our local RWA last weekend...lots of wisdome that helped out Casey...who came home from RT with two requests!
Thanks for cleaning up the paragraph format...I gotta go look now! ;-)
Hi Maureen! Or should I say AHOY! Jeanne why don't you ever find me men like Fernando? Hmm? Hey, I'll have some of what she's having!
Congratulations on your sale, Maureen and the very best of luck with The Kraken's Mirror!
Christine...yes, Fernando... Isn't he dreamy?
I'm heading for bed but I will return and bring my bar menu from the Revenge in the morning...
My publisher introduced me to a new bar snack at RT...strawberry shooters... Yum!
And it's fruit, so it's healthy!
Hi Chance! Welcome to the lair as a published author! That's so much fun to say! :)
Congrats on the release of The Kraken's Mirror! I am so looking forward to reading your book. As one of those "mature" heroines myself as well as a huge fan of lusty, swaggering pirates, this one sounds absolutely perfect.
Very happy you got your second chance at life and at doing something you love. It's amazing how facing death can clear our vision of the future, isn't it?
Ahoy Maureen! Congratulations on the release of your book - sounds yummy. Hugs to your husband on the prospect of almost losing you. Glad that story had a happily ever after. As for me - guess my second chance came in the form of a second career - writing!
I hope this is the first of many pirate stories for you. The romance community can always use some great pirate stories.
Trish, congrats!
Maureen, your book sounds wonderful and I can't wait to read it! So you know, I typed out a long, gossipy response to your post and Blogger ate it, so this one is short (must go to the DDJ!).
I gave my husband a second and even third chance when we were dating. After 18 years of marriage, I'm glad I waited for him to grow up and realize I really AM the greatest thing ever. ;) Thanks for being with us!
Hey Maureen - always great to see one of the fab Revengers here in the Lair! Even better to celebrate the launch of your book.
Thanks for sharing you story and your tale about your own second chance. I know all the Banditas are so glad to hear you came through that one!
Like Fedora, my second chance was definitely with my second husband. But, I've had several in my life, where things haven't worked out as planned or hoped for and something else has come along that's even better. Let's hope the time for that with my books is coming soon!
Ooh a Kraken and Ermingarde! Now there's a story with some conflict! LOL
Now ladies, the best Dr Who is/was Jon Pertwee (though I had a big soft spot for Tom Baker too). He and the original Master were awesome. I only saw the last episode of David Tennant's run, but was surprised by how good he was.
I think that's my favourite theme tune as well.
And the best villains ever are the Daleks!
Hey Aunty Cindy! You said: BIG THANX to Le Duchesse for hosting you! I just went into the bowels of blogger and did a wee bit of clean-up on the blog. Still not perfect, but I do see definite improvement.
THANK YOU!!! I loaded that poor blog no less than 5 times. Arrrgh. Glad it let you "in" to fix it. Grins.
And isn't Kraken's Mirror a rollicking good time?
Hi PJ!
Hi Donna! You said: I hope this is the first of many pirate stories for you. The romance community can always use some great pirate stories.
So true!!!
Christine, I'm sure we can find you someone delicious in the Lair files....
Hey Caren! You said: After 18 years of marriage, I'm glad I waited for him to grow up and realize I really AM the greatest thing ever. ;) Thanks for being with us!
They're slow learners sometimes, but when they do...yeah. It's good.
Hey, Maureen...strawberry shooters? YUMMY!
Anna S said: I've had several in my life, where things haven't worked out as planned or hoped for and something else has come along that's even better. Let's hope the time for that with my books is coming soon!
Well said, Anna! I feel that way too. And your books...yep, got a good feeling about that....
I knew this place would be hopping long before I got here. LOL! Bo'sun of The Revenge swinging in here to say thanks for hosting our darling bartender. We're so proud of her we could bust!
I'm reading this book right now and it is awesome. The way Maureen manages to squeeze emotion out of these characters, and can twist up an encounter with one sentence. It just makes me smile in wonder.
Not sure about a second chance at anything, but I am starting my 2nd MS ever so here's hoping I learned something from that first one!
Off to try to catch up on comments.
Hi Terri!
thanks for letting us borrow your bartender for the day! Grins.
You said: Not sure about a second chance at anything, but I am starting my 2nd MS ever so here's hoping I learned something from that first one!
WOOHOOO! WTG, Terri!!! Rock on!
Thanks, Jeanne! I need to rock on a little faster, but it's going and that's all that counts. LOL!
Chance mixes up some mean drinks, but it's her glasses that are fun. Ask her to describe the Mighty Mast glasses. *g* Oh, and several drinks come with a dessert!
Oh, dear! Mighty Mast glasses. That does bring to mind some visuals....hmmm...
And I'm always up for dessert...snork!!
Maureen, I'm glad you're having so much success with your book. :) It sounds like you had a ton of fun at the RT convention. I wish I could have been there.
As for second chances. . .I feel like I get a new one every day. :)
Look at our Chance, storming the Bandita Lair. :) *Big big grin*
Hello ladies! And hello Maureen.
Second chances, huh? I don't think I stop for a minute to think about a chance or whether it's the second or third time I've taken it. I'm a "Just Keep Swimming" kind of gal. Which means that if I need to "rinse, repeat" a billion times, so be it. If I stopped to count how many times, I suspect I'd depress myself.
Sometimes it pays to have a stubborn streak. :)
2nd! It's so awesome to see one of our own blogging at such a renown lair!
I'm not sure how to answer that question--although I have been given 2nd chances at friendships (and a 3rd and a 4th). You know how you can have friendships that are easy, laid back, no judgment--and then you have the other kind of friendship you have to work harder at, but it's still totally worth it? Yeah. That's about the only thing I know of that I've been given a lot of chances to succeed at.
I don't count my writing--it's always a work in progress and I don't think of progress before as "EPIC FAILS". However where the friend is concerned, there have been some major epic fails. *LOL*
But we get better at being friends, I think, and I think that's the important thing. Not everyone is easy. *LOL* And not everyone should be.
PS, I noticed that all the pirates are now stumbling in after the banditas have been up and chipper for hours. How typical of us. :)
*Marnee, bleary-eyed, on her way back to the coffee pot.
Morning, PJ! Yes, nearly dying was one of the best things to ever happen to me. And believe me when I say I never thought I'd be able to say that and mean it.
But it woke me up. It brought focus to my life and oddly enough, helped me deal with fear.
And hearing 'published author' is such a kick! ;-)
Donna... Seems that writing is the second chance for a lot of us! After following the rules and spending hours reading, we suddenly wake up and think... "I'd sure love to read a book with an older couple and a matchmaking kraken..."
And we write!
My husband was truly my hero that night and was there throughout the ten days of wait and worry.
I now have an interier cardio defibrillator so that should my heart go dicey again and he's not around, it will serve as my personal EMT and shock my heart back into the beat.
It relieves a lot of the worry for my husband!
And me!
Caren - Sigh. Sometimes the guys need more chances than we do! Wise of you to see through whatever necessitated his needing all those chances!
I hate it when the comment eater does that! ;-)
Anna - Ah, the chance of books! I wish many of those chances for all of us!
You only ever get the first book once, but the rest? Over and over and over again!
Anna - Yes, I loved all the Doctors really... But Tom...something about Tom. And the first episode I saw was when he left the role! I had to wait for my local PBS station to cycle back to him!
Daleks? But stairs...one flight of stairs and they were screwed!
I did love the Master...
Oh, yes! The strawberry shooters...
Here be the recipe, in me publisher's own words... For the masses, I carve out the center of a strawberry and fill it with chocolate port or chocolate sauce and top with a dab of whipped cream. When you eat it, you just put the entire thing in your mouth, chew and enjoy the sensation.
Who wouldn't love a publisher who carved out strawberries for their authors!
Hey, Bo'sun! I'll be dropping by the Revenge in a few minutes, promise!
Aye, Terrio's been working and writing up a storm. She were really the first ta be published on the Revenge...sold a story to Woman's World last year!
Well, the glittery hooha did need a male counterpart... Hence, The Mighty Mast!
And I really do need to bring some of Captain Hellion's No Calorie Double Chocolate Brownies to the lair...
I'll pop over to the Revenge and use the oven...
And I do have a special glassblower in Tortuga...
Donna! Good perspective...every day is a new chance!
RT is a total blast and someday, I hope to lure the rest of the crew into attending. I saw several familiar faces from the Nationals and it tickled my fancy.
RT and the Nationals really can get along! One does not take from the other, they are complimentary. (Bet I didn't spell that right, but Hellion will be by to correct me, I'm sure!)
I mean RT has the Mr. Romance Contest, costume balls, Club RT, Robert Quill (who will render a likeness of you in any manner you wish...) (Nice commercial for Robert!) And readers...lots of readers!
The Nationals have better hotels, intense workshops and the RITAS.
One if play and one is work!
ARGH! Now I'm hearing Dori and her song! Thanks, Marn! I'll be right over to the Revenge to shoot you!
No problem, hun. *sassy wink*
Hellion! Welcome! Here, have a brownie!
Friendships, gods, I know that epic fail. Been there done that too many times to count. Just kept on swimming...damn you, Marn! And discovered better friends.
Like the pirates. ;-)
*whistling softly*
Just keep swimming, swimming swimming....
*ducks, runs away*
Hi Donna! You said: As for second chances. . .I feel like I get a new one every day. :)
Grins. Well, that probably makes every day a great day! :> So glad you stopped by.
It does look like she had a ton of fun at RT, doesn't it?
Yo ho! Marnee's in the Lair! Hey Marnee!
You said: I'm a "Just Keep Swimming" kind of gal. Which means that if I need to "rinse, repeat" a billion times, so be it. If I stopped to count how many times, I suspect I'd depress myself.
Sometimes it pays to have a stubborn streak. :)
Yes, yes it does. Especially in this business! Ha! And I like that Dory reference too. Dory rocks. :>
Hi Hellion!! I had to LOL about the Epic Fails. Grins.
And you said: But we get better at being friends, I think, and I think that's the important thing. Not everyone is easy. *LOL* And not everyone should be.
So true! And sometimes, those ones you have to work at a bit, are the best of all.
*wryly* And sometimes not.
Hey, we've been talking about you. *whistles innocently* In a good way, I promise.
I know have this overwhelming urge to put my "Finding Nemo" CD in...
*waves at the Duchesse*
Hello!! :)
Dory does rock. She's my favorite. And I can do her spacey expression on most days with minimal effort.
Morning, Jeanne! Do have a few strawberry shooters...
Maureen said: After following the rules and spending hours reading, we suddenly wake up and think... "I'd sure love to read a book with an older couple and a matchmaking kraken..."
Yep. Yep, I think that allllll the time. Snork!
(Not that I don't want to read an older couple and a kraken, but...yeah. In my head it's a dragon, and the couple is usually in some kind of peril....shots fired, thing blowing up...) Grins.
Maureen said: You only ever get the first book once, but the rest? Over and over and over again!
But that first one...ahhhhhhh! It's fun. So glad we could share it with you here in the Lair, Maureen!
Now, as Marnee said, Rinse and Repeat!
Hey,hey, Terrio! Did you tell us this? Was I lost in the fog?
Maureen said: Aye, Terrio's been working and writing up a storm. She were really the first ta be published on the Revenge...sold a story to Woman's World last year!
WOOHOOOO!!! (sorry it's a belated woohoo, but better than none at all, right?) WOOOHOOOOOOOOO!
Maureen said:I'll pop over to the Revenge and use the oven...
Oh, please, just give Sven the recipe (even if it's a secret, he'll keep it, bless the man) and we'll have brownies for the Mighty Masts here in a jiffy.
My most memorable third chance was when I finally passed the entrance examination and was accepted to study in the university.
Wow! *muffled voice, mouth full*
Those strawberry shooters are right powerful, first thing here in the morning. (Even if it is nearing lunch for my time zone)
Better lay off'n 'em for now, otherwise I'll make no headway on galley edits. Grins.
Hi Minna! That is a superb second chance, isn't it? WTG. :>
Snacks and Sven! Sounds wonderful!
Minna - I bet that was a huge one. Tests...shudder!
Thanks for stopping by!
Hey, we've been talking about you. *whistles innocently* In a good way, I promise.
*suspicious pirate look* Really? In what way?
Wait, never mind, this is 2nd's day! Huzzah for 2nd!! :)
Well, Cap'n Hellion...just 'bout yer insistence on accurate historical facts... Really, only that!
Aw, thanks, Chance. But 800 words isn't quite the same as an entire book. LOL!
Jeanne, I sold the story right before Nationals last year and it showed up in a September issue. I danced around my apartment the day I got that acceptance letter. LOL!
Just don't let Ermigarde singe the brownies. LOL! That might be tough to scrape off. Then again, she probably shouldn't be near the rum either.
Did Chance tell you all our drinks start with rum? *G*
Hey, toot yer horn, Terrio!
Yes, I graduated from the Tortuga School of Bartending. Where the motto is... Starts with rum, ends with rum and there be rum in the middle...
Ah, I'm gettin' all teary-eyed 'bout me alma mater!
Maureen said: Yes, I graduated from the Tortuga School of Bartending. Where the motto is... Starts with rum, ends with rum and there be rum in the middle...
Ah, I'm gettin' all teary-eyed 'bout me alma mater!
RUM!!! We love the rum!!! :> And yes, keep the rum away from Ermingarde, and vice versa.
just 'bout yer insistence on accurate historical facts...
Ah, well, I maintain my need for historical accuracy stems from characterization. I don't like 90210 characters in the Regency period. Before birth control.
And I don't like chocolate appearing in a 1300s set novel unless it's set with the Mayan culture. Where it would have been located.
Don't mess with chocolate or characterization.
YOUR heroine time travels--and is in keeping with her characterization. It's different.
Hellion said: Don't mess with chocolate or characterization.
Heeheehee. So true! On both counts. Unless it's a fantasy, like Maureen's book, it can be SO distracting if there's one of those "sore thumb" facts sticking out there in a story.
Then again, I often read right past such things that drive others bats because I don't know my history that well! Snork!
I'm with you, Jeanne, I could never be the history police. But I'm sure if I did know it, having it wrong would pull me out of a story.
For Chance - TOOT!
LOL! Happy now?! That was the first story I ever sent, however, I've gotten rejections since then, so maybe it was beginner's luck!
Exactly. Don't distract your reader. *LOL* But if you're writing a fantasy, promoting a fantasy--there are different expectations.
I have a much bigger problem with characterization than word choice or some minor fudging of historical facts. (Introducing chocolate 50 years ahead of time is different to me than introducing it 200 years or so ahead of time. And if you do introduce it, do it like Jude Deveraux did in A Knight in Shining Armor when she made brownies to make the hero remember her. *LOL* I think she was fudging chocolate a little, but the process in which to make the brownies was so time consuming--that was so spot on that it was easy to buy that it was possible to happen. Assuming you could believe time travel could happen. *LOL*)
Ah, a prime example of my split personality. I agree with both Hellion and Jeanne!
Though, really...chocolate righteously belongs in every time period. And in space. And in alien cultures. And at Stonehenge...
Terrio - Beginner's luck! Pish! Tosh! It were proof yer on the right path!
Great interview, Jeanne, and welcome to the Lair, Maureen. It's always great to have a guest from the Good Ship Revenge.
Congrats on the call for The Kraken's Mirror. The excerpt sounds deliciously "mature" and sexy.
Jo...Yes, the book is for the mature set. I don't do anything really majorly kinky...but I am a blunt writer with the right words... Well, I think they're right!
BTW, I brought a few makings over from the Revenge. I call this Silvestri's Delight. Bacardi, DeKuypers Sour Apple, splash of grenadine and squeeze of lime...
Drink up! I made a bunch!
Though, really...chocolate righteously belongs in every time period.
Lynn Kurland brought Reese's PB cups to the Middle Ages. Totally didn't mind it.
Cap'n - I'd never time travel without chocolate.
Maureen, you spirit shines through in this interview. You are funny and sweet and smart and a JOY to be around.
Do I see a few of my favorites commenting here? Donna MacMeans and I had dinner at one of the balls last year and I think she is DIVINE, and Ms. Anna Campbell is justone of my very favorite Aussies. waving
We are happy to have you aboard at Decadent, Maureen, you bring a lot of life to the ship. And I adore your older couple!
Decadent Publishing
www dot decadentpublishing dot com
Heather and all the Decadent women did a fabulous job at RT!
*toot! *toot!
I'm so very proud to be part of the team at Decadent and their support and encouragement has been stupendous!
You can send Anna some squirrels, Heather. ;-)
Maureen said Though, really...chocolate righteously belongs in every time period. And in space. And in alien cultures. And at Stonehenge...
Can I get a hearty AMEN! and a righteous hanky wave, for CHOCOLATE in every time period!
Maureen said: BTW, I brought a few makings over from the Revenge. I call this Silvestri's Delight. Bacardi, DeKuypers Sour Apple, splash of grenadine and squeeze of lime...
Ooooh. *slurp* Whoa! Good Lord, woman! That is serious drinkin'!
Grins. And very sour apple, like drinking a Granny Smith...
You got the idea, Duchess! Goes great with a brownie, too.
Course, doesn't everything! ;-)
Hello, Heather at Decadent! Welcome to the Lair!
You said: Do I see a few of my favorites commenting here? Donna MacMeans and I had dinner at one of the balls last year and I think she is DIVINE, and Ms. Anna Campbell is justone of my very favorite Aussies. waving
You do indeed! Donna and Anna C are both Romance Bandits and they're some of our fav people too. Grins.
We're so very glad you called Maureen so we could get our hands on Emily and Alan's story. Go you!
Oh MY! These strawberry shooters are DEEEEVINE!!! And all those lovely vitamins in the strawberries are so healthy. (SNORK)
You are welcome, Jeanne, for the clean up. I was holding my breath the entire time that I didn't erase the whole thing or something equally disastrous. :-P
Maureen, I had such a good time at your chapter meeting. I hope I was helpful... And Casey got requests??? WOOT!!! HUGS to her!
Auntie! Yup! Casey was shining. For a first timer, I was very impressed with her handling of all the insanity that is RT!
All I care about is that we have chocolate today. Hands off the chocolate and no one gets hurt.
Did you really just Pish Tosh me? LOL! You're too cute.
Pass me a Bo'sun Burner, I think I can finally see some of the wood on this deck. (That would be my desk at the DDJ. Silly people expecting me to work today.)
Congrats again, Chance! I've loved the idea of an older H/H ever since I first read about your story over at the Revenge. May sales of The Kraken's Mirror soar!
One of my second chances came when a certain group on the now defunct Eloisa James bulletin board persuaded me to try writing romance fiction again, something I had given up on long ago.
Terrio - I'd like to have a desk someday. I had a desk, once. It got buried under my out of control clutter...
One extra sized Bo'sun Buner, coming up!
Janga - Thank you!
There is something about online friends that seems to transcend all others. I don't know...the ability to be more plain speaking and so more encouraging?
Granted, that can go the other way, but so far, all my experiences have been positive!
Gads, have I really been over up over three hours!?
Bonnie, the official 2nd Chance dog, is sighing heavily at my side, signaling her readiness to get the hell out of the house and on a walk... Be back in a bit!
And we're all happy you could be persuaded, Janga. :)
Oh, Jeanne, you are all lucky to have a wonderful group here. QUITE entertaining, you are! :-) Thanks for hosting a smile today.
Heather Bennett
Decadent Publishing
Hi AC! You said: You are welcome, Jeanne, for the clean up. I was holding my breath the entire time that I didn't erase the whole thing or something equally disastrous. :-P
I know! I'm so glad you were able to do it. After having to retype it twice and reload the pix several times, I decided the spacing would have to stand because I couldn't do it again and get it in on time! ahaha!!
Hey Terri, you can see wood on the desk? Hey, come to my office, will you?
You said: Pass me a Bo'sun Burner, I think I can finally see some of the wood on this deck. (That would be my desk at the DDJ. Silly people expecting me to work today.)
So just what IS a Bo'sun Burner? Grins. Or do I not want to know?
Janga said: One of my second chances came when a certain group on the now defunct Eloisa James bulletin board persuaded me to try writing romance fiction again, something I had given up on long ago.
WOOT! Janga, you're writing? COOL!!! I'm so excited about that! What genre?
Heather at Decadent said: Oh, Jeanne, you are all lucky to have a wonderful group here. QUITE entertaining, you are! :-) Thanks for hosting a smile today.
*preens* Why thank you! We do feel quite lucky to have one another and all our Bandit Buddies and Revenger and Dish friends who pop in and visit us. The Lair's a happnin' place. Grins.
It's made all the better, however, when you can host friends, and even *whispers* editors!
I could tell you, Jeanne, but then I'd have to kill you. (I've always wanted to say that. Heh.)
I will give you a tip in case you order one. Blow out the flame before you take a drink. ;)
Terrio is right, Jeanne... You want to blow that sucker out or you get singed and crispy eyebrows...
The glass is similiar to what I serve the Mighty Mast in...but more slender, as befitting the difference...
Heather...big hint there, I thinks!
Heather, lovely to see you here. We love it when a Bandit Buddy hits the big time! Yay, Maureen!
Anna, I'm with you on Jon Pertwee. Will I sound like a sick bunny if I tell you I always thought he was pretty sexy? I think it's that big nose again!
Bo'sun burner? Sheesh! Poor Bo'sun!!!!
Absolutely love your sense of humor!! And since I am in the same age range as your heroine and hero I think I'm going to love your book! And who doesn't love a pirate arghhhh.
Anna - I loved all of the Doctors. And yup, I adored that nose. I wonder what that says about us?
Bo'sun loves her burner!
Catslady - I felt it was time for a couple that wasn't twenty something, skinny, perfect... But seasoned like a fine wine.
Is wine seasoned? Well, whatever would be seasoned! Like a fine rum? A fine spiced rum... A rum like Kraken Rum!
*official plug...I want them to sponsor me somehow, figure if I screech about them enough they might notice me... ;-)
The Kraken Rum Blog Tour. Or book tour! That would be so cool!!! LOL!
Don't be talking about my Burner like that. You're making me blush.
Terrio said: I could tell you, Jeanne, but then I'd have to kill you. (I've always wanted to say that. Heh.)
I will give you a tip in case you order one. Blow out the flame before you take a drink. ;)
Hahahah! And I'm one you can say it to with impunity. Grins. Okay, so A Bo'sun Burner is one of those that starts with rum, ends with rum and has rum in the middle? Grins.
Anna C as a sick bunny? Weird visual there....
Catslady said: And who doesn't love a pirate arghhhh.
SO true! Heehee. You do that so well....
It is ironic, Jeanne, that if I took your body disposal class, I'd even know how to get rid of your body. LOL!
You ever worry about arming people with that info? I imagine there's a folder on you somewhere...
Jeanne teaches a body disposal class? You mean...you don't just toss them to the kraken?
See, having a wild kraken one has partly tamed comes in handy!
ARRRRRR! Indeed! Indead...I sorta like that spelling...
Yeah, gots ta talk to the agent about getting Kraken Rum to notice me... It's such a natural!
My friend, Jane, thought I'd made the brand up until I pulled a bottle outta me bag at RT...
My 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th chances all came from Honey. We met at a party, he decided
that night to marry me. He didn't ask me
right away & I said "no" the first few times. He finally convinced me as to his
sincerity and overcame my apprehensions. That was fifty years ago!
Pat Cochran
Oh, wow. Pat. That is so wonderful. The first time my high school sweetheart proposed I told him I wasn't ready to die... (I was convinced marriage would mean the end of my bigger dreams...snort!)
Thirty years later he saved my life. Good thing he persevered!
Fifty years... See!? This is why I wrote this book! Because love and passion and chances come after the ring is on the finger, too!
Thanks for the comment!
Hey Terrio!
You said: It is ironic, Jeanne, that if I took your body disposal class, I'd even know how to get rid of your body. LOL!
You ever worry about arming people with that info? I imagine there's a folder on you somewhere...
Yep, gotta keep one eye open for those people who've taken my class. Then again, I try not to piss anyone off, but most adamantly not THOSE people. Ha!
And yes, I have friends who work for "the government" who tell me I have quite a nice fat file. grins. That's mostly because I end up serving as clearance references for most of my neighbors. Oh, and my DH works for a labor union. Both of which get you flagged by "the man!"
Maureen said: Jeanne teaches a body disposal class? You mean...you don't just toss them to the kraken?
Well, not everyone HAS that method at the ready, Maureen. Grins. And those poor land-locked souls need SOME method of disposing of the body, dontcha know! I'm your gal when it comes to disposal methods large (sharks, pigs, alligators) and small (bacteria, poisons, lethal gases). Grins. Mostly my body disposal class focuses on how the body's handled, time lines, etc. grins. Be we get into the gruesome stuff too.
Maureen said of Pat's comment: Fifty years... See!? This is why I wrote this book! Because love and passion and chances come after the ring is on the finger, too!
Isn't that lovely Maureen? Pat told us the other day that it was her anniversary....FIFTIETH anniversary...and we all had a collective WOOHOOOOOOOO! over it. :>
Pat, I'm still bowing in your general direction. My second chance at love and I are coming up fast on 12 years together and I thank the good gods every day for him.
And Maureen, thirty ain't nuthin' to sneeze at either! Go you!!
I have to second that "love comes at any age" as my father remarried at 80 (my mother had been gone 10 years) and his blushing bride was 75. They had 10 awesome years together, so yep, Love RULES!!!
Hey Maureen! Or should I say, Ahoy, Matee? hehehe
Always glad to have you with us, and especially today as our guest!! (Did you bring the rum with you?)
I guess my biggest second chance came when I almost flunked out of nursing school. Sigh. Yes. Not because of grades, but because my clinical skills weren't up to snuff. I was disorganized, unsure, not quite ready to do what was necessary. I had this instructor who put me on one term probation to literally get my shit together.
It worked.
I had her two terms later, and she couldn't believe I was the same student.
Haven't disappointed her since. :)
And Chance, I can't wait to read The Krakin's Mirror!! I adore pirate books and movies!
Suzanne! Huzzah! I can't wait for you to read me book. Of course, I brought the rum!
Kraken Rum, smooth, dark and bold.
*commercial break over...
I do love good teachers. I had one in junior college that did not tolerate tardiness...man, he would put students totally on the spot about why they were late. He never took anything for an excuse other than, "I didn't leave enough time."
Tough, but brilliant, teacher! Probably taught those fresh out of high school kids more about personal responsibility than they'd ever learned before.
Learned? Is that a word?
*examines mostly empty Kraken Rum bottle...
Good to know, Jeanne. My clearance expires in 2016 so I'll know who to use as a reference when it comes time to re-up. LOL!
These Kraken Rum people are missing a golden opportunity.
Pat - As a woman who didn't make it past five years, I bow in your general direction. That's a wonderful mile stone.
I'm almost serious about the Kraken Rum...I figure they have a google search and everytime time I chatter about them...they are listening. I need to ask Sari what she thinks about my vague attempts to attrack a sponsor... ;-)
Yeah, 50...gives me goosebumps!
Suz said: I had her two terms later, and she couldn't believe I was the same student.
Haven't disappointed her since. :)
Hard to believe you needed it, Suz, but I'm sure she was busting with pride over your accomplishments. I know we are, regularly. Grins.
Maureen said: I need to ask Sari what she thinks about my vague attempts to attract a sponsor... ;-)
I think it's a GREAT idea! I'm all about cross-promo. And how many times does a Kraken come UP in a book, really? So, they should go for it. Heehee.
TerriO said: Good to know, Jeanne. My clearance expires in 2016 so I'll know who to use as a reference when it comes time to re-up. LOL!
Happy to oblige! It'll get me on one more list, I'm sure. Snork! Of course, I'd probably be on lists anyway for having googled Pipe Bomb and Molotov Cocktail, and Serial Killer and....well, you get the drift.
Jeanne - If you check out the bottle...it is soooooo appropriate!
And their website? Hysterically funny, with info-mericals done old style... Absolutely delightful!
Maureen, those are great drawings and some of the other stuff is totally cool!
I'll have to look for them next time I go to the liquor store.
What a great interview !! Should have known my fellow Duchesse would know someone of a piratical bent! And wow! That excerpt was great for my 52 year old heart!
TRISH !!! You got the canniest swashbuckler of all time - the Dread Pirate GR !!! Guard the rum!
My life has been full of second chances. I had all but given up on an opera career after my last stateside audition for Baltimore Opera. The director said I sounded like Maria Callas on steroids. NOT a compliment.
My voice teacher persuaded me to send a tape to a teacher at the Mozarteum in Salzburg and the rest is some very adventurous history.
Fast forward to a few years ago. I had always wanted to be a write. Wrote my first book at the age of nine (through 12, it took me three years!) Serendipity stepped in a few years ago when our local bookstore owner told me about an online writing contest sponsored by Avon books. I entered, had a ball, had one of my chapters picked to go in the book that resulted from the event and I haven't looked back. Not published yet, but I refuse to let this second chance go unanswered!
Hey, Louisa! My fellow Duchess! For those of you who don't know, Lousia is an English Duchess (no e), and she is the Duchess of Hotdayum. :>
I, of course, am French, but we refuse to let those silly historical-man-disagreements ruin an abiding friendship. I am, of course, the Duchesse du Snorkville.
Louisa, you said, Not published yet, but I refuse to let this second chance go unanswered!
Huzzah! And I think you won't be an unpubbed much longer. I see a contract in your future! Grins.
Louisa - that is a great series of chances! Opera...wow. I have taken voice lessons but more forte was more folkish...
But I do believe if I had ventured into singing earlier, I'd have explored opera. More likely the light opera...musical sort of style... Pirates of Penzanze stuff. ;-)
That is wonderful to hear how you did with the Avon contest. Makes me believe in recommending those opportunities!
Jeanne - Kraken Rum is wonderful stuff! I adore it with Baileys...
*commercial break number three
Or was that four?
Maureen said: *commercial break number three Or was that four?
No need to count, you're among friends! And rum needs no advertisement, right? Grins.
I can definitely see you in The Pirates of Penzance, Maureen!
And RUM is never out of place in the Lair.
Thanks, my dear Duchesse! From your lips to God's ears!
Yeah, me and Angela Landsbury... ;-)
Well, there you go! Angela has a great voice - no Mrs. Lovette like Angela - and Pirates would suit you both. Grins.
I'd relish the comedy, Jeanne!
Looks like we're winding down here at the Lair and I want to go on record saying I much appreciate the hospitality I've been shown!
Jeanne, thank you so much for hosting me and allowing me to 'play' all day!
All you marvelous Bandits! Thank you so much...do come check out the Revenge on Friday as I plan to recap my week at RT.
I'll keep you updated on the campaign to enlist Kraken Rum...and hope you'll consider inviting me back to discuss my two scifi erotic shorts!
Aliens...sex...first person POV... Fun stuff!
Maureen, it's been a pleasure! You can let me know tomorrow whom you've chosen for the copy of the book and I'll post it as BOOTY! tomorrow night.
And Kraken Rum...yeah, gotta look that up....
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