interview with Suzanne
Banditas and all our friends, today my very good friend Addison Fox returns to the Lair to talk about the third book in her Sons of the Zodiac series, WARRIOR BETRAYED. Pull up a bar stool, a lounge chair or a cabana boy's lap and let's talk serious alpha male booty today with Addison.Addison: Suz all the wonderful Banditas - thank you for having me! It's always so much fun to spend a day in the Lair ?
Suz: So, Addison, WARRIOR BETRAYED is the third in the Sons of the Zodiac series. So far you've given us the hunky Leo and super-sexy Scorpio. Which delicious brother are we going to see this time?
Addison: WARRIOR BETRAYED is Quinn's story - my Taurus warrior. Each of the warriors has a role to play on the team (you know, so they don't just sit around and look hot all day!) and Quinn is the team's security expert.
Suz: What trait of the Taurus Warrior did you focus on the most in this book? How does that effect Quinn's relationships with his brothers and his heroine?
Addison: Quinn's been a really vibrant character for me from the word "go" and very clear in my head. He's deeply stubborn and convinced he's right, but he's also fiercely loyal to those he loves.
Quinn spent a fair amount of the previous book, WARRIOR AVENGED, allowing his stubborn bent to shine through and he's now paying for it in his own story.
Suz: In WARRIOR BETRAYED, Montana Grant has spent her life under the shadow of decisions by both her parents. How is her destiny intertwined with Quinn's?

Her mother, Eirene, the goddess of peace (and Themis's daughter) abdicated her role to marry a mortal. Themis (the creator of the warriors) swore that Eirene's child would be destined to take her place and that has begun as the book opens.
As you might imagine, that's a rather tall order to place on a woman?.there's nothing better than a sexy warrior to help you get through it!
Suz: In each of your books your heroes are strong alpha males. What about this kind of hero appeals to you?
Suz: Since you have such strong personalities in your heroes how do you decide what kind of heroine to match with them?
Addison: One of the most enjoyable things about writing romance is pairing two characters who you really root for as a reader. A strong male (whether alpha or beta) needs an equally strong woman to make you feel these two people deserve a life together.
For me, the characters are everything to the story and it's always fun to match up two people and see the reasons they fall in love with each other.
In the case of Montana and Quinn, he's very sure of himself and needs a woman who isn't afraid to go head-to-head with him. For her part, Montana's not only spent a life of privilege, but she's also an incredibly powerful woman in her own right, running her family's shipping empire. Montana's a woman used to making decisions and it was important to me to pair her with a man who would celebrate her strengths and give her shelter for her vulnerabilities.
Suz: Soooooooo?who's next for me to drool over?er, for all your readers to look forward in anticipation?
Addison: I'm working on the fourth book in the Sons of the Zodiac series right now, WARRIOR ENCHANTED. It's Drake (the Pisces) and Emerson's (the witch next door) story. These two were introduced as a potential couple in WARRIOR AVENGED and I absolutely love them together.
What's been a lot of fun in writing this one is that Drake's already very sure he's in love with Emerson, but she's the one who is holding back. Of course, in true romantic fashion, things are about to get a whole lot worse for the both of them as Emerson's life is turned upside down by the return of her missing brother.

Addison: I'd love to! I have a new contemporary series launching in November of this year. BABY IT'S COLD OUTSIDE is the first of a trilogy about a small town in Alaska that holds an annual Bachelor Competition. The heroine of BABY IT'S COLD OUTSIDE, Sloan McKinley, ends up in Indigo, Alaska by circumstance, but quickly falls in love with the town,and it's very eligible town lawyer.
Suz: So let's talk Zodiac signs. What's yours? Do you really fit into any of the traits you sign is supposed to have?
What! The rooster again! And I haven't a tim-tam in the house.
Welcome back to the lair, Addison. Love the sound of your series. I'm a Scorpio myself, but my husband is a Taurus so I can vouch for the stubborn component. Scorpios are passionate (check), assertive (check), and just downright interesting (grin). the idea of my husband as the hero. Must check this out.
Ooh, SOOOO close! The chook was nearly on bathroom cleaning duty!
Addison, welcome back to the lair. We love it when you visit. Suz, great interview!
I'm a Virgo and I think I have a LOT of the characteristics! I'm firmly convinced Virgos run the world - but not a lot of people are grateful for that, LOL!
Addison, welcome back! I loved Warrior Ascended but haven't yet gotten to the next book. I have special sympathy for your Taurus hero because I'm a Taurus.
Donna, congrats on the bird.
Oh, this series sound good. I haven't read any of them yet. I need to check them out. The Alaskan series sounds good, too, but I'm really wanting to read your Zodiacs.
I love strong characters, male and female. The clash of watching them learn to compromise on their way to HEA is always interesting and fun. :-)
I need to get more Bandits on my blog. I forget how much fun you all are! Feel free to contact me, too.
Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE
Aloha! I am a Leo and can roar sometimes at my children!
The Polynesians look at the stars for navigation - not so much for personality characteristics.
To loosely translate your new title, it is Koa Kumakaia (warrior betrayal).
In my excitement of finding a new author to read, I forgot to answer the question.
I'm a Libra and one thing that doesn't fit me is vacillating in making decisions. I rarely ever flip-flop tend to read situations and analyze facts quickly and make a decisions. Much of the other *facts* are pretty accurate.
Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE
WELCOME BACK to the Lair, Addison! Suz, thanks so much for inviting Addison to share more of her HUNKY zodiac warriors with us.
Hmmm, my Ex is a Taurus... If you look up stubborn in the dictionary, you'll find his picture. AHEM! Not saying anything else. ;-)
I do believe Paolo is a Pisces, and of course Sven is a Cancer and ever so crabby when you mess up his kitchen. :-P
the ever-wandering Saggitarian
Donna you really should keep some Tim Tams in the cupboard just in case he pops in you know how much he loves them LOL
Hi Addison
Welcome back and congrats on the release I have all of your books on my must have list I really want to read them I will get them very soon.
Love the sound of the new contemporary as well Alaska is one place I would love to visit.
I am Aries and I really don't follow the stars that much so I don't know if I have the normal traits for an Aries or not.
Thanks Suz for inviting Addison back
Have Fun
OMG - I previously posted a comment from my son's Google account (Jebus). When did he get a Google account? He's a Virgo - are Virgos crafty?!?!
Hey, Donna!
Congrats on napping the GR again! He must like all that rainy weather at your place!
Scorpio, huh? Me,too! Only I'm married to an Ares. ONe of these days I have to figure out if we're compatable or not! hehehe
Hey Anna C!
Thanks, I always love to talk hunky heroes with my friend Addison! And let me tell you, her Taurus warrior, Quinn is one hunky hero!
Virgos rule the world?
Hey Nancy!
You have got to read Warrior Avenged and Warrior Betrayed. Lots of mythology, stuff blowing up, good sex...Oh yeah, couldn't put them down!
Hey Sia!
You're lucky. Since we're only 3 books into the Sons of the Zodiac series, you aren't too far behing. Addison has been building us a world with these very heroic heroes and the women they love. Warrior Ascended was book #1.
Sia said I'm a Libra and one thing that doesn't fit me is vacillating in making decisions.
This is exactly how my oldest is. Takes the girl so long to make a decision, that when we go out to dinner, she always has to order last, and even then has trouble making up her mind!
Hey Jebus, er Kim in Hawaii! I figured that was you with the Hawaiian translation! Yes, Virgos can be sneaky...just ask our own Anna Campbell, who thinks they're taking over the world. :)
Hey AC!
I have a special effinity for Tauruses. My Dad, daughter, sister and now grandson are all Tauruses. Hmmm...Perhaps it takes a Scorpion woman to handle them?
Hey Helen!
I've wondered. Does it take a while after books are release in the States for them to be available down under?
Yes it does but we do have Romance bookstores that get them in at about the same time as they are released in The States, but a lot of them are online bookstores it is not easy to walk into a bookstore and find all the romance books you want here.
Have Fun
Thanks to everyone for such a warm welcome back to the Lair. I LOVE visiting with the Banditas - you all make me feel so very welcome!
And Donna - congrats on kicking off the day with the GR - way to go, girl!
Thanks for the welcome! I have a soft spot in my heart for Virgos - my dad is one.
And congrats on your new release - MIDNIGHT'S WILD PASSION is taunting me from my nightstand....and is my reward as soon as I've made my deadline!!!
Thanks so much for your kind words and for the welcome. And yay on being a Taurus - that means you've just had or are soon to have a birthday - I hope it's a happy one!
Hi Sia!
I so hear you on the strong characters - there is just nothing I love more than sinking into a book and watching the hero and heroine try and figure why they're falling so hard for each other. :-)
And I'm laughing at "roaring" at the kids! :-)
Thank you for the translation - I LOVE that - Koa Kumakaia.
My mom and sister are both Libra's and I would never say they vascillate. They weigh pros and cons, but are definitely decisive once they've chosen a course of action!
Hi Aunty Cindy!!!!!
It's so funny - the stubborn element just comes up over and over when it comes to the sign of Taurus. That was actually a really fun part of Quinn's character to play with, especially because Montana really wasn't going to have any of it! :-)
Thanks so much for the warm welcome!
And you are SO right on the Tim Tams....I recently found out you can get them at Target....oh, was I a happy girl! (Thankfully I can't easily get to a Target in NYC and have to parse them out when I get to a Target at my parents'!)
Thanks so much for having me today! I'm having a grand time already and it's still early!
And....I realize I've forgotten to give the answer of the day. I'm a Gemini, which is known as the sign of communication. Or....loosely translated....I rarely shut up! :-)
Hey, Addison! I luurve your Zodiac Warriors! I'm almost finished with Warrior Betrayed---can't get enough of those yummy immortals. *g*
I'm an Aries---not sure if I really fit the description. I've always felt more like a Pisces. On the other hand, my hubby is a Virgo right down to the ground. ;-)
Wow, Addison, your new release sounds wonderful!
AS far as zodiac stuff goes, I'm not at all sold on my sign but we were at a Chinese restaurant the other day & my kids were fascinated by their birth year's animal. Which is fine when you're, say, a dragon. But speaking as somebody born in the year of the rat, I prefer being a Virgo. Even if it doesn't fit. :-)
I'm a pisces...So I'm totally...
- Compassionate
- Adaptable
- Accepting
- Devoted
- Imaginative
Couldn't been born under better sign....LOL
Although that LAZY trait does come out every now and then on nice sunny weekends ( see Escapist).
Thank you for finally giving us Quinn's story ....Yummy (now I just have to get my lazy butt off to go buy it...LOL)
Have fun in the Lair :0)
Hi Gannon!!!!!
Thank you for all your support! I am having so much fun with this series and it is just such a joy to get to share it with others.
I hope to see you at RWA this year!!!
I can so relate! I'm an Ox in the Chinese Zodiac. :-)
Hi BJ!
I'm writing Drake, my Pisces, right now and I love the list of traits you've outlined. He's been a fun hero to develop because he is imaginative and a little dreamy, but still 100% alpha when necessary. It's made for a fun dynamic.
Hey Gannon!
Wasn't Warrior Betrayed fabulous?!? I read it in one sitting. And now I have to wait forever for the next one to see what happens between Drake and Emerson! So not fair!!
Hey Susan!
But speaking as somebody born in the year of the rat, I prefer being a Virgo.
LOL!! You crack me up! I believe I'm from the year of the dog.
Hey BJ!
Wow! You have that Picese list down pat!
I really should look up all the traits for Scorpios.
Hey Addison!
You're always welcome in the Lair and I adore this series, so am happy to chat about it with you and everyone else!!
I'm a Gemini, which is known as the sign of communication. Or....loosely translated....I rarely shut up!
Uhm, I think I'll leave that one alone! :)
Hi Addison. Your books sound great. I am a Leo and I do fit some of the traits of a Leo.
Hey Addison and Suz:
Quinn's Story--YIPPEE!!! I've been waiting and waiting for his book and now it's here. (Confetti shower commences)
I've loved all the books in this series. Recommend them to everybody I know. Congrats on their success and looking forward to many more of them, as well as your new contemporary series.
Oops! Forgot to add, I'm an aquarius.
Congrats on your new release!! I can't wait to read Quinn's story!
I'm a Pisces, which fits me because I wear my heart on my sleeve. :)
Happy Monday!
I fit a lot of the traits of my sign (Pisces) though in the scenario you described with your story with the witch next door, my situation was opposite. My hero just shook his head at me and said, "You're in love with me." "I am not." "Yes, you are." Then I thought about it for a bit and said, "Okay, I guess I am."
So as a Pisces, I think denial is my most obvious trait. I'm happy here though. *LOL*
And as a Pisces, I'm dating outside of my water signs and my other obviously compatible signs. I try not to think about it much. :)
Anna, Virgos do run the world--I have a moon in Virgo and I'm convinced the office would fall apart without me.
Hey Crystal!
A Leo, huh? That was the first Zodiac warrior's story in Warrior Ascended. You really need to read that one! You will fall in love with Brody and all the warriors Addison introduces us to in that one!
Hey Kathy!
Joining you in the confetti party! Girl you're gonna LOVE this one, too!!
Aquarias, huh? So, um what are those traits? I have a granddaughter who's one and I need to know what to watch for.
Hey Karyn!
I am a Cancer, and I can dig the homebody vibes, big on family all those cancer traits.
Love those qualities. My son-in-law has those and boy is he all about his family!
Hey J.D.!!
(Y'all this is my CP.)
I'm a Pisces, which fits me because I wear my heart on my sleeve.
Yes, you do. So, I guess we can expect Drake, the Pisces warrior to be a little on the sensative side?
Okay...looked up Scorpios
- Passionate
- Resourceful
- Observant
- Dynamic
The person that a Scorpio respects and holds close to them is treated with amazing kindness, loyalty and generosity.
Scorpios are very weary about trusting anyone, a person needs to gain their trust and this gets built up over time and once all the 'trust tests' have been passed,
Scorpio loves deeply and intensely.
Scorpios have powerful instincts and they trust their own gut feeling which is another reason why a Scorpio seldom fails.
And this one in particular fits me...Scorpios have an excellent memory and combined with an inability to let things go, they can hold a grudge against someone who did them harm forever, in fact a Scorpio rarely if never forgives and forgets. They will even go as far as get vengeance on the person. On the other hand, they will always remember a kind gesture forever and repay it.
Woohoo!!! Adddison's in the Lair!!!
Your series is fantastic and I bow in your direction at your talent.
You mentioned that your hero came to you do mine. How do you find the heroines to match them? Are they lurking in your psyche? Or do you have to in and drag them out to the light?
I'm an Aires...the Ram. And yes, I match up most of those characteristics i.e. not giving up, "ramming" down obstacle.....thus my choice to pursue publication :D
Hey Ms. Hellion!
So as a Pisces, I think denial is my most obvious trait. I'm happy here though. *LOL*
LOL. It's good to recognize those parts of us and embrace them, isn't it?
Hey Joanie!
I'm an Aires...the Ram. And yes, I match up most of those characteristics i.e. not giving up, "ramming" down obstacle.....thus my choice to pursue publication
And with your new Irish paranormal WIP, you're gonna do just that!!
Hi Addison!
Warrior Betrayed is my "carrot" for when I type The End on this mss. Being the wife of a Taurus, I've loved Quinn since we first met him--hard head and all. :D
And I'm really looking forward to the Alaska series.
Congratulations, again, on your new release.
Hey Tracy!
Don't you just love Tauruses? All mine seem to be loveable in their stubbornness!
Hey Suz!! Great blog today! :)
Addison, thanks for the birthday wishes. Yes, it was happy.
I note Suz's comment about lots of stuff blowing up and lots of mythology. I loved these features of the first book. *g*
I hope to see you at RWA this year!!!
Unfortunately, Addison, I won't be in NYC this summer. :-( My oldest is off to college in August, so our summer is pretty busy.
I will really miss the fun and madness of RWA. Hope to be there next year.
Oh my, what gorgeous covers. My husband is a Scorpio so I'm going to have to read about your sexy hero. I am a Sagitarious and I have some of the traits but I'm on the cusp which makes me a bit of a Scorpio too. Our signs are not compatible lol. We are opposites. We definitely don't have a boring relationship lol. I love that you're writing about all the different Zodiac warriors.
Is it me? Or did anyone else notice she picked the two sexiest signs to write stories about first? *LOL* Leos and Scorpios are notorious lovers. *LOL* Seriously if you can snag one or the other, you won't leave your bed for months.
I want to see the Libra lover. I've dated the Libra guy before, and while they are interesting, they can never make up their mind...and it translated over into "I can't make up my mind if I want to kiss you or not, or marry you or not, etc, etc, etc." Or the Cancer dude who is sensitive and loves his security, but you can never cook anything as good as his mama can.
I can't wait to read the challenge of dealing with those characters! *LOL*
Welcome back to the Lair, Addison. It's always good to have you hear to talk about your Warrior books
I'm a Pisces, which is rather disappointing since I want to be a Gemini like my husband LOL.
Thanks for visiting! And yay, Leo! (I love hearing everyone's signs and what they think of them) :-)
Hey there!!!!! Thanks so much for all your support - I am so, so lucky for the wonderful group of friends I've met since joining DARA!
Thanks for the confetti! :-)
Hi, Karyn!
Thanks so much for stopping in and your very kind words.
Hello, my dear!!! I am SO, SO, SO excited for your new series in August. I am counting down the days to PRIMAL LAW!!!
I am so laughing about your Pisces story. I'm having a blast writing Drake and turning him inside out and upside down!!
I can't wait to see you at RWA!!! And I laughed so hard at your writer's comment....persistence is SO the key, my lovely Ram!
Love the post and the sound and look of this all new series! Congrats on this newest book of your!
I am a Sagittarious myself. The definition of the individual under this sign sounds very like me. Atleast about 80 percent of it. ;)
LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com
Hi Addison,
I'm really excited about your release. I love your warriors!
I'm a Scorpio and I have to say that Suzanne's post on Scorpios is right on the money. Loyal, passionate, reserved. But I don't hold grudges. Probably b/c as I age I can't remember talking to you, let alone what I'm supposed to be mad about. ha!
Take care!
Hi All!
I'm so sorry I abandoned my internet connection went kaput last night (tho fortunately it's magically reappeared!)
Tracy - you got one of the best-est Taurus's (Tauri??)!!
Gannon - will miss seeing you in NY!!!
Catslady - clearly something's working with you and hubby :-) People can talk about compatibility all day long, but nothing takes the place of good, old-fashioned chemistry!
Jo R - as a Gemini I always root for the twins, myself :-) But yay on being a Pisces - that's the story I'm writing now and am having a blast with the hero.
Lady Vampire - thanks for your kind note. And yay on Sagitarrius - I actually introduce my archer in Warrior Betrayed (and he's getting in a whole lot of trouble in book 4!!!)
Karilyn - hello!!!! I'm laughing about no grudges. It's definitely easier to forget about being upset the older I get....there are too many other fun things to be doing!
Thanks so much to Suz and all the Banditas for having me visit. I will randomly pick a winner and get that to Suz!!!
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