by Jeanne Adams
Hey gang! Sorry for the late blog today. I was under the weather a bit yesterday...feeling better today, thank you. One of the "good" things about being a bit less energetic than usual is that I got to clear out the TiVo and watch some movies I'd been meaning to watch.

I watched five episodes of my dear, darling Special Agent Gibbs and his NCIS agents then followed that up with an after lunch serving of NCIS:LA. LL Cool J is SUCH a treat for the eyes.
Here's my problem. I've got two kids, both of whom are sports-boys and have extracurricular activities. I'm writing books and managing a household and generally running like a crazy woman.

I have great plans to watch a movie with the hubster, settle back into the big chair and a half and snuggle up with him and some popcorn and watch some of those DVDs we bought one another for Christmas. (We do this - buy the latest one for one another, because we'd buy it anyway, but it gets a present for one of the boys to give to the parent for a relatively low cost. The 21st century version of buying dad a tie or pencil leads or handkerchiefs)
Sorry, I digressed. Anyway, the challenge for me is, that I seldom have time - or make time - to sit down and watch the chick flicks and fun movies full of explosions that my boys buy me for birthday or Christmas. I have good intentions...but there

It has to wait for a sick day.
So, long story short (or is it too late for that?), yesterday, I got in some movies. I watched The Blind Side. WOW! What a fabulous movie! Made me want to root for the Baltimore Ravens - somethign I've been resistant to because I don't like that the shall-not-be-named-owner pulled the team out of Cleveland and took them to Baltimore. Grrrr. Nothing against Baltimore but...

I also missed Batman Begins. And Master and Commander. And Tangled.
I had wanted to see ALL of them in the theatre, but with babysitting and movie costs so high, books due, baseball schedules, (...my country's 500th anniversary to plan, my wife to murder, Guilder to frame for it...I'm swamped!)....it's just been impossible.
What movies did you miss on the big screen? Any you bought on DVD and still haven't watched?
When's the next "sick day"?
I'm going to go buy Thor!!!!
I hear it is Awesome....I don't get to go to the movies at all...cost way to much....then I'm buying the Gnome movie...I own over 600+ dvds....I kind of used to buy them when they would come out every Tuesday as a special treat to myself, it wasn't like I had a life for a long time....then I got married and now it's only the ones I really want...So off to the store today...hope you feel better :0)
Hey BJ! You got the Golden Rooster! Be careful, he's notorious for pirating DVDs and watching them on his laptop. :> You'll have to keep him away from your collection.
Forgot to say that Thor is one I will INSIST on seeing on the big screen.
Why, you ask? Gotta see it on the big screen.
Also, things blow up. My favorite!
AND, my DH promised dinner and a movie for our anniversary (which fell on Easter this year so we didn't go out) and that's the movie I picked!
I guess today we're going with the crazy nut job movie roommate...My Mom has this desire to watch that one...I'm going to get Gulliver Travels with Jack Black. If you ask my daughter she has it in her head that we are going to but Justin Bieber's dvd....It ain't happening!!!!!
I did order a movie from amazon last week Better Off Dead...John Cusack...Got to love him :0)
Oooh, I love John Cusack. My favorite of his is Grosse Point Blank, followed by Con Air. :>
I also saw a great clip with Jack Black - one of my favs - about Gulliver. He loved doing it and had a blast talking to "the little people"
He's SUCH a crack up! Can't wait for Kung Fu Panda 2 which comes out next week. :> We'll be buying in on DVD as well, I'm sure.
Oh wow...I'll watch him...I think he's a bit tired...I see he's been spending a bunch of time in HI, all that sun...LOL.
My better Half is taking me on a work trip to see if we'll be moving to VA or NC so we'll be really busy these next few months while it's at the movies to even get the chance :0(
Like BJ, I'm going to buy Thor as soon as it comes out on DVD. I did see it in the theater though, and flirting with the idea of seeing it again in 3-D.
I missed Tangled in the theater too. It's on my rather extensive Netflix queue. Did you know that Netflix maxes you out at 500 queue items? I do. :)
There are certain movies I have to see in the theater -- eagerly awaited superhero movies, Harry Potter movies, Twilight movies, and big historical epic movies. Most everything else I watch on DVD or through the TiVo or Netflix streaming.
BJ said: My better Half is taking me on a work trip to see if we'll be moving to VA or NC so we'll be really busy these next few months while it's at the movies to even get the chance
Well Nancy and Caren and I are all from NC, it's a nice place to live.
We endorse it heartily! Grins.
(VA's not bad either - quite beautiful)
Trish said: Did you know that Netflix maxes you out at 500 queue items? I do. :)
I probably shouldn't ask HOW you know this, but I'm going to...did you really max it out?
If so, I'm *bowing* in your general direction! Grins.
Like you, I have to see the BIG movies on the screen - Star Trek, Harry Potter, Super heroes of any ilk - but most things I can wait for the DVD. :>
Hey Duchesse!
Sometimes we all need a 'sick day.' We used to call it a 'mental health day' back when I had the Dreaded Day Job. ;-)
I probably won't beat Tawny to be first in line, but I can't WAIT to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie! Those are a MUST SEE on the big screen!
I was prepared to NOT like The Blind Side (I tend to resist THOSE kind of movies) but I watched it on the plane and there was nothing else to do. SHOCKER! I LOVED IT! Sandra TOTALLY DESERVED that Oscar, and I am NOT one of her fans.
Master and Commander is FAB-U-LOUS! You will LOVE IT! Hubs might too, all that male bonding stuff and war...
CONGRATS on the chook, BJ. And hang tough about that Justin Bieber movie. (Aunty shivers at the thought)
WOW Trish! I thought MY Netflix queue was out of control because it is approaching 100. I bow in I-am-not-worthy fashion in your direction. ;-)
One movie that I missed in the theaters and I'm curious if anyone here has seen it and can give me a thumbs up or down: Hereafter. This is the Clint Eastwood directed film starring Matt Damon. Should I move it to #1 on my queue?
I'm thinking I'll be able to talk the dh into going to the movies this weekend for 3D Thor. Haven't heard much about it, though. Trish - did you like it?
I missed Tangled, Water for Elephants (so far), the Twilight films...but I'm content to wait for them to come around on HBO. I have some DVDs that I haven't unwrapped yet, but most of those are British historical series - Upstairs, Downstairs sort of things. My problem is that I can't necessarily watch them on a sick day as the darn DVD player in the bedroom is really a an Xbox and I haven't a clue how to work it (men!). So I tend to watch sitting up in my office and taking notes.
However there is my sons's room that I'm turning into a guest room. Think I need to put a cheap TV with a DVD player in there. Hmmmm....
Pay heed to The Duchesse's advice, BJ !! The GR is a notorious thief of all good things. Good tastes, bad morals - that's our bird!
So glad to hear I'm not the only one who buys DVD's even when she doesn't have time to watch them. I have a wall of DVD's and while I've watched most of them there are probably 8 to 10 I haven't gotten around to yet.
I don't see films in the theatre much anymore. It is a 40 or 50 mile round trip to the nearest movie-plex, the cost is outrageous and the food is enough to have to mortgage the house!
I would love to see the latest Pirates movie and the finale of the Harry Potter series on the big screen. I have all of the others on DVD.
I have Tangled and The King's Speech on my list of DVD's to buy. I also want to get the season DVD for the show Moonlight. It only lasted one season, but I really loved it. I have CSI-Las Vegas Seasons 1-11 on DVD and I can't wait for the latest season to come out.
I'll wait to get Thor on DVD as well. Looks like loads of fun!
I have a huge Disney collection of DVD's. They are a great antidote to feeling bad on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
BJ, congrats on the bird! Wow, what a DVD collection you have.
Jeanne, we miss more movies than we see. Getting our ducks in a row to march off to the theater just seems to have a way of not happening. And we have only one kid!
I really wanted to see I Am Number Four. The premise sounded cool, and, hey, Timothy Olyphant! But it didn't stay around very long, and we didn't get there.
You can add me to the list of people who missed Tangled. The guys weren't up for it, and I wasn't in the mood to fly solo.
I agree that some movies lose in translation to the big screen. The LOTR films had magnificent scenery, but the impact wouldn't have been as great (and isn't, I can say, having watched the DVDs) without the big screen.
Speaking of pirates, everyone, AC graciously delayed her regular May blog one day so A.C. (Ann) Crispin could join us tomorrow with her new book, a Pirates of the Caribbean prequel. It's Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom, a sweeping adventure that shows us a pre-Pirates Jack Sparrow.
Thanks again, Aunty Cindy!
Trish, the mind boggles at a maxed out Neflix queue of five-freaking-hundred.
Jeanne, I saw Thor for Mothers Day. You definitely want to see Asgard on the big screen.
And yeah, LOTSA stuff blows up. *g*
Louisa, I also want to see the last Potter film on the big screen. If I lived as far from the theater as you do, I would also think long and very hard about whether I wanted to make that drive.
I used to read Thor, so I have a particular interest in it, but I'm not sure I would have driven that far to see it in the theater.
My pleasure, Nancy!
I'm really looking forward to Ann's visit. Her prequel sounds like it will be great reading!
I hear ya on the guys not wanting to watch Tangled. It's the same at my house. I'll have to get it to arrive on a night I'm home alone. :-P But my guys LOVED Despicable Me. Did you and yours see that one?
AC, the guys saw Despicable Me. I didn't. They liked it, but I don't think they liked as much as everyone who has mentioned it on the blog did.
I love movie blogs--and love movie blogs that quote the Princess Bride. *LOL*
I've pretty much bought up the movies I mean to have right now (and watched them). I have been wanting to buy Downton Abbey, and Amazon does have a good price on it, but I can't quite bring myself to buy it.
Right now I'm wanting to watch movies that are coming to theaters: Pirates, Harry Potter, Thor, stuff like that....
Great topic, Jeanne! I've missed so many of the academy award-winning movies this year and last. I need a sick day! Unfortunately (or fortunately), I haven't been sick!
BJ, Thor definitely blew all expectations at the box office. But what else can you expect with Kenneth Branaugh, whom I adore!
MsHellion, the boy loves the Princess Bride!
Another one I missed in theaters, now that I think about it.
LOL at your Nexflix queque, Trish. WTG!
I saw Thor in the theatre too, but not 3-D, which I find gives me a headache. I'm such an old lady!
One movie I haven't seen that I really reqret is THE HURT LOCKER. I know I'll have to be in a certain mood for that though.
Yesterday I bought TWILIGHT with my 40% off Border's coupon. I need to see what all the fuss is about because neither Kristen Steward nor James Patterson (are those the right names???) turns me on.
Oh, no, I think it's Robert Pattison. i was too lazy to get off the couch and go look LOL.
MsHellion -
I LOVE Downton Abbey and highly recommend it. Excellent casting. I watched the entire season in one sitting because I had to see what would happen next. They're filming the second series now I think.
Jeanne -
I've heard rooster soup is really good when you're feeling poorly (snicker).
Jo, The Hurt Locker is another one I wanted to see. It's out on DVD now, but I think I need to be in the right frame of mind for that.
Jeremy Renner, who starred, has a small bit in Thor (a hint of things to come in the Avengers movie).
Donna wrote: I've heard rooster soup is really good when you're feeling poorly (snicker)
No wonder there's all this outraged squawking echoing the halls.
And Demetrius is wearing a very big grin. . . .
Kiddo and I got in the habit of catching the latest flicks as they came out, then something happened and we stopped. Last one we saw in the theater was Tangled, which I highly recommend. Loved it. Need to buy soon.
However, for a buck I can hit the RedBox so we're working on catching up. Saw Burlesque over the weekend and LOVED IT!! The music the dancing, the PJs/cookies scene. OMG! You have to watch this movie!
Well done BJ have fun with him
I do hope you are feeling better I haven't been well either and have had to have a few days off work but instead of watching movies or TV I have been reading LOL.
We have lots of DVDs here at our place and I very rarely watch any of them I did get to the movies to see Rio we took Jayden and Hayley and I so wanted to see Tangled but didn't make it but I won't be missing the last part of Harry Potter at the movies when it is released.
I have so many books to catch up on I read first then think about watching a movie or a TV show LOL
Have Fun
Jo and Nancy,
The Hurt Locker is INTENSE! I had to get up and leave the room during part of it. Just could NOT take it! I have a hard time with any war movie. This one was fantastic, but very difficult to watch.
TerriO, Burlesque is #1 in my Queue. Looking forward to it even more with your endorsement!
Hey AC! you said: I probably won't beat Tawny to be first in line, but I can't WAIT to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie! Those are a MUST SEE on the big screen!
Oh, you are SO right about that! I lurrrrrve those movies, to borrow your phrase. Grins.
And while I like Sandra, I'm not a big "tear-jerker" movie fan either. As previously noted many times I like it when things go boom. BUT, I really did enjoy it and I totally think she deserved the Oscar as well. Just as Natalie Portman did this year, even though The Black Swan was verrrry disturbing.
Donna said: However there is my sons's room that I'm turning into a guest room. Think I need to put a cheap TV with a DVD player in there. Hmmmm....
I recommend Costco. Grins. They have this (relatively) cheap DVD/VHS combo so you can still watch the old VHS's if you've got 'em, and I do, plus the DVDs.
Louisa said: The GR is a notorious thief of all good things. Good tastes, bad morals - that's our bird!
HAHAHAH! THat's PERFECT, Louisa! Dead-on description of the boide.
Louisa said: I would love to see the latest Pirates movie and the finale of the Harry Potter series on the big screen. I have all of the others on DVD.
Me too, Louisa! And I hear ya' on the cost. At least I wouldn't have the 50 mile roundtrip, but the cost...yikes.
And I love the Disney movies. I'd buy them even if I didn't have children. Of course, I bought Tangled for that very reason!
Nancy said: A.C. (Ann) Crispin could join us tomorrow with her new book, a Pirates of the Caribbean prequel. It's Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom, a sweeping adventure that shows us a pre-Pirates Jack Sparrow.
Nancy, you know the COOLEST people! (besides us, of course) I'll look forward to Ann visiting tomorrow!
Nancy said: I really wanted to see I Am Number Four. The premise sounded cool, and, hey, Timothy Olyphant! But it didn't stay around very long, and we didn't get there.
I know! I wanted to see that one too, and missed it entirely.
I'll lend you the DVD of Tangled. Grins.
Nancy said: Jeanne, I saw Thor for Mothers Day. You definitely want to see Asgard on the big screen.
And yeah, LOTSA stuff blows up. *g*
Happy sigh! My FAVORITE!!
Hey Hellion! You said: I love movie blogs--and love movie blogs that quote the Princess Bride. *LOL*
"...the most important thing is don't get involved in a land war in Asia..."
I'll quote PB all day. Hahahah!
Heehee, Jo, you're so right. It's a fortunately/unfortunately sort of thing, isn't it?
You said: I've missed so many of the academy award-winning movies this year and last. I need a sick day! Unfortunately (or fortunately), I haven't been sick!
This is my issue. I'm seldom sick, for which I'm very, very grateful. However, just taking that "mental health day" was easier when I wasn't my own boss. I'm a slave-driver, I tell ya!
Jo said: One movie I haven't seen that I really reqret is THE HURT LOCKER. I know I'll have to be in a certain mood for that though.
Y'know, I just can't decide if I want to see this or not. Probably not, but....yeah. Just not sure. If you see it, Jo, be sure and let us know what you think.
Terri said: However, for a buck I can hit the RedBox so we're working on catching up. Saw Burlesque over the weekend and LOVED IT!! The music the dancing, the PJs/cookies scene. OMG! You have to watch this movie!
Oh, cool! I've wanted to see this one, but didn't get a chance to. Then I didn't hear much of anything about it before it left the theatre. Nice to know it's good. Thanks, Terri!
Cindy, thanks for the warning on The Hurt Locker. The last movie my dad and I saw together was Saving Private Ryan. I watched the first 20 min. or so through my eyelashes--provides a blur, and so easy to squich shut eyes that are already halfway there.
The dh is not hugely into war movie, so I don't think there will be a problem with using the "scene skip" button on the remote.
Duchesse wrote: Nancy, you know the COOLEST people! (besides us, of course) I'll look forward to Ann visiting tomorrow!
Thank you! I had loved Ann's books for years, as I know you have, when I took her writing seminar at DragonCon. She's a great teacher a lot of fun.
Helen said: I have so many books to catch up on I read first then think about watching a movie or a TV show LOL
I'm usually this way too, Helen, which is why I'm seldom able to watch all the stuff I've recorded off TV, much less the movies. But my head hurt - sinus headache - and I wanted passive entertainment. Grins.
Hey, hope YOU feel better! If you took off work, you must be off-kilter, so I hope you'll get to feeling better soon.
Helen, sorry you've been under the weather!
I'm also trying to catch up on books. I got Smallville Season 5 for my b'day but haven't had time to watch it.
Thanks Guys
I am back to work today although I am still not 100% but I need money to live on and buy books LOL
Have Fun
The Hurt Locker was awesome! After you watch that one, go grab the HBO series Generation Kill (its a little 7 part series), Alexader Skarsgard is so hot I can hardly stand it.
My BFF and I are planning to go see Bridesmaids while incredibly intoxicated. And, if you plan on seeing any of those Twilight movies, please do so while "great", makes the experience so much better. We've gone to each opening day while "under the influence" and each have been one of the bests days!
Wow, lots of "" and !! in here today.
I can't think of anything that's been in the theater lately that I'm sad I've missed. I usually wait for video. I'm cheap.
Hey Jenn3128! I'm using a lot of !! today too. :>
You said: Generation Kill (its a little 7 part series), Alexader Skarsgard is so hot I can hardly stand it.
I haven't seen Generation Kill, but I looked Alex up on IMDB - SMOKIN' hot! Looks best in the Gen Kill pix and one where he's in a tux...oh, my.
He's not quite beefy enough for me, a little too willowy, but that face is mighty nice.
Had to LOL about seeing Brides Maids whilst under the influence. Grins. I'm sure it got funnier and funnier. Snork!
Jenn3128, is Alexander Skarsgard the actor who plays Eric on HBO's True Blood? Tall, Nordic, and probably not as pale as he is in that show?
Yep, that's him, Nancy. Discovered that when I looked at IMDB. Grins.
Do I need to post images of him, I will volunteer for that task!!
And with Generation Kill it was the whole ensemble of characters that made it so good.
Hey, BJ, one chook for you! That's something you didn't miss.
Jeanne, sounded like you were due for a comfort sofa day. I have those every so often - they're good for my mental health. Often, I'll curl up with a couple of good books - Tawny's latest JUST FOR THE NIGHT featured in my latest comfort day. Wow, great book. But sometimes it's the DVD player. Most recent thing I had a wallow in is an old BBC adaptation of WIVES AND DAUGHTERS by Elizabeth Gaskell. I'd missed this first time round. It's not North and South, but frankly, what is? And where's Richard Armitage when you want him? But definitely lovely entertainment and beautifully done. And with a nice romantic plot that always works for me. Definitely wallow on the sofa material.
By the way, did you enjoy Master and Commander? I haven't seen that yet.
Anna, we liked Master and Commander. I'm not a huge Russell Crowe fan, but I thought he was quite good in that, as was Paul Bettany.
Ooooh, an NCIS marathon AND a Princess Bride reference. Niiiice!
Let's see...I've missed seeing Tangled, Enchanted, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, G.I. Joe: The Rise of the Cobra, and The A-Team on the big screen. Oh and Push but that was because I didn't even hear about that movie till after it was long out of theatres! I've seen them all now and though I enjoyed Tangled, I'm okay with having missed it in theatres...the rest, not so much.
Hey Anna! You said: I have those every so often - they're good for my mental health. Often, I'll curl up with a couple of good books - Tawny's latest JUST FOR THE NIGHT featured in my latest comfort day. Wow, great book.
I've not read it yet, but I have it because it's my carrot/treat for getting a couple of chapters done. Grins.
I love that term...sofa wallow. I think I may have to schedule a few sofa wallow days into my calendar. (That's the only way it'll happen short of getting sick, and as Jo said, when you're seldom sick...)
Hey Pissenlit! Thanks for popping in.
You said: Ooooh, an NCIS marathon AND a Princess Bride reference. Niiiice!
Let's see...I've missed seeing Tangled, Enchanted, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, G.I. Joe: The Rise of the Cobra, and The A-Team
See! I missed a bunch of these too. I got Enchanted and Tangled, but I missed the second Transformers AND GI Joe. Gotta get 'em on DVD...
Pissenlit, I also wanted to see Push. And G.I. Joe. The boy didn't especially like G. I. Joe, but I figure if lots of stuff blows up and there are neat effects and not a lot of gore, it's probably worth the price of a rental.
Jeanne, can so identify with this post! There are countless movies I've missed but when I finally get time and go to the DVD store my mind is a blank! I need a list.
It used to be that the only movies I counted on seeing in the theatres were Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter and Pixar movies with my boys... until the last 2 Harry Potter movies. I missed them. It shows you how hectic life has been lately because I didn't even realize HP7 was on and then it whizzed by and I missed it. Same with The Girl Who Played With Fire. Missed that, but have now seen on DVD. I did see THE BLIND SIDE. It was great, wasn't it? You've inspired me--I'm going to see what I can find that both DH and I can watch together. If you imagine a Venn Diagram with the circles only overlapping the tiniest bit, that would be our movie tastes. Hope to find something in the shady area:) HA!
Hey Christine! Thanks to my 10 year old I do indeed remember what a Venn diagram even IS! Hahahah!
You said: If you imagine a Venn Diagram with the circles only overlapping the tiniest bit, that would be our movie tastes. Hope to find something in the shady area:) HA!
I'm lucky with this one. The Dh's movie likes are pretty much in line with mine. Although I have to say I couldn't watch Band of Brothers, nor would I watch Saving Private Ryan again. I do like things blowing up, but I "knew" those men - WWII vets - and the filmakers on both those pieces knew how to yank you right into the story.
I did see HP7, thankfully, but I do believe it's the LAST movie I saw! Yikes!
BTW, glad to have inspired you! You could do like Trish and just queue everythign up in Netflix. Grins. I'm considering that...
Nancy, I think GI Joe's worth a rental as well. There's beefcake, and some cool action sequences, and black leather.
I'm there.
Otay, Fans, I'm off to the sleeping place. Pretty much am "done in" Grins.
Enjoy Ann Crispin tomorrow!
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