It's my very great pleasure today to welcome back one of our favourite authors to the lair, the fabulous Denise Rossetti! Denise also happens to be my critique partner, so I'm doubly excited to kidnap--ahem--host her in the lair today.
The latest instalment of Denise's Four-Sided Pentacle series is out now, so make sure you rush to the bookstore (or let your fingers do the ordering*G*) and buy it. Isn't that a fabulous cover? And I can vouch for the fact that the amazing hero, Walker, fulfills the cover's promise.
Walker the Earth Shaman is big, beautiful, utterly deadly and so self-contained that everyone is too afraid of him to get close. Of course, his forbidding aspect hides great pain, and it takes the rather clueless but endearing Mehcredi the hapless assassin to penetrate that profound reserve. This is a hero to die for and a heroine to love. A sexy, romantic fantasy full of adventure and heart.
Now, over to Denise!
Totally love what you've done to the place, BTW. *blinks* Wow, look at the high gloss on those cabana boys. Tough job, but I guess someone's gotta keep 'em well buffed. *snork* Shame about the pesky chicken. [Christine: He's useful as a duster, though sometimes he makes the cabana boys sneeze]
A recent academic study shows that reading fiction improves social skills. Why is this asked the experts? Well duh, it’s something romance readers have known forever. Reading fiction allows us to experience life as it’s lived in someone else’s head – and the direct immersion increases our empathy and understanding of others. (They measured it.)
And what are romance novels all about, pray tell? Emotions, of course!
I still recall how enthralled I was with Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, even though it’s not a romance. The narrator is a mathematically-gifted, autistic fifteen-year-old boy and the book is an amazing insight into the interior world of autism. University lecturers make it required reading for education and psychology students. By any standard, it’s a terrific read!
I think this is where the Muse first started mumbling at me about the amazing character who grew up to be Mehcredi in The Lone Warrior (released 3rd May). She may well be the most unusual, and probably the most engaging, heroine I’ve ever written. For a start, she’s an apprentice assassin, though she’s hopeless at it. She’s not actually autistic - I felt I could never understand enough about the reality of the condition to do it justice – but she was abandoned at birth and grew up as a kind of ‘wild child’, bereft of any kind of affection. As a result, she has no concept of relationships, no empathy and therefore no tact! She has tremendous difficulty reading faces, let alone understanding the inflections of speech that allow humans to communicate subtle emotional changes. But despite these handicaps, she retains an essential shining innocence.
Poor Mehcredi, she really should watch Tell Me Lies! Those of you who do will understand my fascination with the science of facial expression. It’s underpinned by a solid body of research and it really works. The FBI and other law enforcement agencies use it.
So who better for Mehcredi’s hero than a man who is so self-contained, so cold and deadly, that everyone holds their breath when he enters the room? Walker, the earth shaman, first appeared in Thief of Light and Mehcredi is the unknown assassin he’s hunting.

If she hadn’t been so wild with rage and terror, she might have pitied the unknown assassin. As it was… Breathing hard, she watched Walker turn without another word and glide through the press of bodies to the door. People made way for him without seeming to realize they did so.
Unfortunately for Walker, Mehcredi has no reserve, no fears, and she boldly walks through his barriers as if they were mist. Poor man! Add in Walker’s pain, his grim desire for vengeance and the machinations of an evil necromancer and there’s enough angst and adventure to stop the heart of an empathizing romance reader. Oh, and I mustn’t forget the rascally dog!
Needless to say, Walker catches up with our hapless assassin…
She opened her mouth to shriek, to plead, but long-fingered hands fastened around her throat. As he slowly increased the pressure, digging painfully into the soft flesh under her jaw, the man smiled, lips pulling back from white teeth. The expression gave him an eerie, chilling beauty. He could have been an avenging angel or a handsome demon. Either way, those elegant brutal hands were the sure instruments of her death.
Her fists flailed, punching. When that failed, she raked at his forearms with her nails, but he didn’t even flinch. Mehcredi knew she was strong, stronger than any woman she’d ever met, but it made no difference. Black spots formed in her vision, her lungs labored and cramped.
“No,” she tried to rasp. “No, please.”
From far off, as if down a long tunnel, came the sound of hysterical barking.
The man thrust his face into hers. “Now you pay,” he snarled as he sent her down into the dark. “Assassin.”
After a start like that, things can only get better surely? *evil cackle*
You can read the whole of the first chapter here -Subscribe to my monthly newsletter for more chances to win, excerpts and sneak peeks.

Hi there, Kim. Aloha to you too!
Aloha, Denise! The pesky chicken will find some fun in the Hawaiian sun!
I can't think of a book offhand that brought me to empathy tears, but the local history does. The Hawaiians were robbed of their kingdom by American business men in 1893. Yet pride in their culture ensures the kingdom lives on in the heart of the people.
The Lone Warrior somewhat reminds me of King Kamehameha who successfully united the islands in 1810 and probably saved them from being taken individually as European Colonies. Kamehameha was a self made man who fulfilled a prophecy to unite the islands. Yet he as a solitary man and content to "retire" to his home island of Hawaii.
Ooh, great question, Denise! I've found that experience with different stories, by a whole bunch of different authors. I think one that really worked for me was the character of Mary, a bookish librarian, in Debbie Macomber's Morning Comes Slowly. I could relate to her anxiousness about being "on the shelf" and her eventual elation at discovering that the joys of love and family were not closed to her.
Congrats on The Lone Warrior! I need to catch up with your more recent releases--they sound glorious!
Have fun with the GR, Kim!!
There are so many different stories that will cause my eyes to tear up a little. Anything emotional and well written might cause me to shed a tear or two. But I think I am a very emotional person anyway, I tend to shed tears easily. LOL Luckily, I laugh far easier than I cry.
BTW, I have read one of your other books and really enjoyed it. I will have to check into this series.
Hey, Kim, looks like the chook will be dancing the hula today!
Christine, thanks for inviting Denise today. Denise, welcome back to the lair. And no, we have plenty of takers for buffing the cabana boys. You don't need to volunteer!
So looking forward to reading the Lone Warrior. As you know, I collected a prize copy at ARRC in Sydney. The convention was such fun, wasn't it?
Kim, you'll have to take the GR surfing! Then we'll see who's a chicken. *snork*
Interesting you should mention King Kamehameha. Right from the start, Walker reminded me of everything proud and wonderful about Native American warriors. He's also got that straight dark hair, obsidian eyes and high cheekbones thing going. But tragically, he's the survivor of barbaric colonial repression and the loss of his people has changed his life - he's the 'lone warrior' in truth. The cover is a brilliant portrait of him.
Hi Denise! A warm and hearty welcome to the lair!
Congratulations on THE LONE WARRIOR'S release. I remember when you showed me the cover I thought this is a cover that really sums up the spirit of the book. Truly, that *is* Walker, isn't it? He's such an amazing hero.
Oh, I'm an absolute watering pot when it comes to books. Sometimes I think I'm too empathetic and wish I wasn't! Two that stand out clearly in recent times are Lisa Kleypas's Married by Morning--she had me sobbing in the first couple of pages! That was correspondence between a young lady and a man off fighting the Crimean War and some parts of it were just poetry.
The other book that really grabbed me recently was The Guernsey Potato Peel Pie and Literary Society. There was that light and shade of a witty and redoubtable British female writer and this group of eccentrics and all their antics set against the reality of war. I think they way the prose would relax you with laughter, than hit you with grief was masterly.
Kim got the feather duster today!
honestly book thatmade me laugh cry and empthaize is After the Night by linda howard recently tho I read another book that did the same thing cry No more also by Howard it touchedme to teh core had me cry and smile feel all of that faith and gray from after the night will hold a near and dear spotbutnow so will milla and Nate their love and bond proceed all else if you havent read them you really should Denise ur a new to me author cant wait to try out ur books
Hey there, flchen1,
Some characters really speak to us, don't they? It's wonderful to be able to follow their journeys and rejoice when they find their bliss. I'm always amazed that a person who exists only in our imaginations can cause us to experience such intense emotion.
Oh, and you can find a list of all my books in reading order here - Just sayin'... ;)
Oh June, I know just how you feel. I've been known to cry at happy endings. I'm a complete watering pot!
Thanks also for the kind words. All my books are listed here, in reading order. I'm a helpful soul. ;)
Hi there, Anna my friend! ARRC was a blast! That's the Australian Romance Readers Convention for anyone who might not know. Lots of sqeeeing and laughing. The atmosphere was absolutely terrific. I had such a good time it took me a week to get over it. ;)
Fingers crossed you enjoy The Lone Warrior.
Hi Denise!! Welcome back - can't wait to catch up with you in person this summer!
Oooh The Lone Warrior sound thrilling.
I'm not normally a crier when I read, but some books do manage to hit the button with me.
Susan Mallery always gets me *g*. Falling for Gracie and Accidentally Yours come to mind - one minute you're laughing and the next she's tugging on your heart-strings.
Jessica Andersen's Nightkeepers series is also great for putting you through the gamut of emotions.
And one of my all-time faves, Lorraine Heath's Between the Devil and Desire.
Well done Kim enjoy your day with him
Whoo Hoo waving Hi to Denise and Christine I am sooo looking forward to reading this book I found Walker very mysterious in The Thief of Light and am looking forward to getting to know Mehcredi a lot better.
A couple that I really felt for in one of my favourite books was Gideon and Charis in Anna Campbell's Captive of Sin. I just felt for these two and was so drawn to them, there have been lots more as well I soo love falling into a good book where the characters and their emotions and feelings are flying off the page.
Congrats on the release Denise and thanks Christine for inviting Denise to visit, yes Denise being at ARRC2011 was just the best.
Have Fun
There have been various books I read where it made me cry,laugh and gave me the butterflies in the stomach but the only one I have read so far that had it all is a book by the amazing Abby Green titled The Spaniard's Marriage Bargain. Isandro Salzar and Rowan Salzar get together trough a marriage business arrangement but after a year or so of marriage she just leaves and disapprears ,leaving her and Isandro's baby son behind. Then suddenly she returns and wants to see her son, Isandro refuses untill she tells him where she has been for 2 years but she says she cant tell him. All the way though the book you want to laugh when she has adorable moments of fun with her son and then you want to cry when she is so lonely and Isandro refuses to understand why she left and punishes her for it. Then you get to the butterflies in the stomach when the passion between them reignites like a flame.
Just all in all a amazing book !!
Thanks for a great giveaway and thanks for the chance to win the book sounds amazing and I would love to give it a try!
Heya Christine! Thanks for inviting me to your place. :)
Ah, I can see my TBR pile towering toward the ceiling. One good thing is that I've already read The Guernsey Potato Peel Pie and Literary Society. It was lovely, wasn't it? So deft and well done, deceptively simple but it had so much depth - of emotion, of course!
And yes, Jim Griffin, the cover artist, did a brilliant job of capturing the essence of Walker. I must have been very saintly in a former life, because the Cover Gods have been incredibly good to me!
Hi SiNn! Linda Howard is a keeper for me - and I don't have too many of them, believe me! Cry No More was amazing, watching Milla deal with every mother's nightmare. My all time favourite of hers is Son of the Morning. I love the way Grace grows, despite losing everything. Then there's Niall, of course. Hmm...
Wow, they do get off to a rocky start! But I love it when the hero & heroine start off in a rough place. It makes their HEA so much more satisfying when they have a looooong journey there!
congrats on the new release, Denise! I'll keep my eyes open for it!
Hey, Denise. Glad to have you in the Lair today. This book sounds great. I love it when heroes and heroines are so different, and Mehcredi sounds like a very different type of heroine.
Hi, Denise, welcome back to the Lair. Your books are delightfully delicious.
Okay, I admit it. I cried when Rhett Butler said, "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
Hmmm good question....
I remember a flight to Chichago when I bought my first Lynsay Sands book Love Bites. I have no real clue what to think of her writing or anything. I was just bored and my flight was delayed. Well mid-way through the book I was laughing out loud and I ended up having to explain the book to my seat mate. I think he might of bought the book for his wife.
That would be just one of many that just sticks to memory because it was so public...
Hello Denise!
So good to see you back in the lair!
This book sounds absolutely fabulous. (That excerpt is irresistible, btw) I love how you've made him so hard and distant, and given him the only woman who could breach that--somebody who couldn't be put off by it.
And what a lovely cover!
Kim congrats on the bird!
Denise, welcome back. The first book I remember that made me empathize so strongly was Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird. I grew up in a small southern town, with enough vestiges of 1930s Maycomb left to make that setting seem familiar to me. I understood the racial conflicts Atticus faced and Jem tried so hard to understand.
I think a lot of people must react to the book that way. Otherwise, why would it not only win a Pulitzer but stay in print continuously for 60 years?
The Lone Warrior sounds great. I love stories about heroes fighting virtually alone against great odds.
Oh, what a wonderful cover!! Books that make me cry and laugh are my favorites. All of Julie Garwood's historicals seem to have that effect on me.
SiNn, I cried buckets in Linda Howard's Cry No More. Ironic! But that was such a moving story. She's an amazing writer.
Helen, I think Captive of Sin was one of Anna's best books. She handled the material with great sensitivity. It was a very emotional book, wasn't it?
Jo, I think I probably cried the first time Rhett uttered those last words, too. I wanted them to have a happy ending. Now, I recognize why they couldn't have one, at least at that point.
Nancy, I must go back and re-read To Kill a Mockingbird. It's such a wonderful book--truly deserving of the word 'classic'. Maybe the inner lawyer in you was drawn to it, too.
Btw did you like Snow Falling on Cedars? Beautiful book!
Catslady, Denise does get the best covers! She and I have the same cover artist, as it happens:) He's fantastic.
Julie Garwood is on many people's list of favorite authors. I've never read her for some reason or other. I must rectify that.
If only I had enough hours in the day to read everything on my TBR pile!
Hi Anna S.! Oh yeah, it'll be great to see you here in Oz. We're gonna paaarty! So looking forward to it.
And thanks for those authors. Yet more names to add to my tottering TBR pile. *sigh*
Hey, Helen, good to see you! You've got Walker pegged just right. He's one of those dark 'n' deadly type heroes - his heart is well armoured.
Have to agree, no one does what editors call 'emotional punch' better than Anna Campbell. Her characters just grab your heartstrings and squeeeze!
Can't wait for ARRC2013 - bring it on!
Oh Desere, The Spaniard's Marriage Bargain sounds incredible. I'll just get a step ladder so I can climb up and add it to the top of my TBR pile. *grin* Thanks for the recommendation.
Hi Susan! Know what you mean about the journey to happiness. I love the gradual unfolding, the way the characters have to work through their assumptions and take risks with each other. As you say, it makes the HEA so much more satisfying.
Hi Trish! You're right about Mehcredi - she's certainly unusual. I have to say I loved writing her and watching her grow. And thought she and Walker are so different, she's exactly what he needs.
Gosh yes, Jo! When Rhett said that, I remember thinking, "Nooo-ooo!" Couldn't believe it at first. But it would never have worked. *sigh*
BJ, that's so funny! I remember reading Auntie Mame by Patrick Dennis on a crowded bus and laughing out loud. Very embarrassing! OTOH, it's tremendous recommendation (if the book's meant to be a comedy, that is). No wonder your seat neighbour bought a copy!
Cassondra, my friend! Thanks for dropping by.
You've seen right through me. I absolutely love to torture alpha heroes and Mehcredi was the perfect heroine to drive Walker nuts. She's scared of him, because she's not stupid, but she's not in awe like everyone else. She does him the world of good! heh heh
Hi Nancy! Lovely to see you.
I guess when a book's a classic, it's for really good reasons. I wonder how many people rethought their assumptions after reading To Kill a Mockingbird? What an incredible achievement for an author!
As for Walker - he literally is the lone warrior. He's the last of his people - or so he thinks. heh heh
She's scared of him, because she's not stupid, but she's not in awe like everyone else. She does him the world of good! heh heh
You're brilliant for coming up with that. And isn't that just the way of it. When people normally go gaga over somebody, the one they're truly attracted to is the one who sees them as just a person.
The couple in Morning Glory by LaVryle Spencer.
Denise wrote: I absolutely love to torture alpha heroes
It's no wonder you get along so well with Christine and Anna. All that torture does make for a fabulous book, though.
Christine, I also have not read Julie Garwood and I also have her on my "must read" list because so many people love her. I fear reading her may be like reading J.D. Robb--a black hole that will suck me in for weeks, until I have read the entire lengthy backlist, the case of J.D. Robb, the backlist under both her names.
Garwood has a biiiig backlist. . . .
Christine, I agree that Captive of Sin is a fabulous book and handles difficult subject matter adroitly. I just finished Midnight's Wild Passion, though, and I think it tops all her others.
The subject matter is less delicate and less difficult, perhaps, but the characters start from such dark, wounded places.
Of course, that's sort of a given in an Anna Campbell novel.
Anna Campbell wrote: I collected a prize copy at ARRC in Sydney. The convention was such fun, wasn't it?
It's always fun when to win something, right? *g*
Denise, I LOVE the snippets you've given us of THE LONE WARRIOR! Wow, I'm so looking forward to reading this book.
Hmm, which book had me really empathising with the characters. As soon as I read your question I immediately thought of an historical romance I read back when I first discovered romance as a genre.
It was SWEET SILVER PASSION by Pamela Kae Forrest, a powerful story about a woman taken by Native American Indians, raped, falls pregnant and who loses the child. She eventually escapes and is helped by someone who becomes her friend but the trauma sends her into hiding and she develops a male persona (Apache Sam - a tracker and guide through Indian territory).
The story starts when the hero, Cooper, seeks her out (thinking she's a bloke) to help his wagon train get to California. His original guide (the man who helped her) needs her help and she agrees, to pay off her debt.
In the story you see her struggle with socialisation, Cooper's attraction to her, dealing with her own emotions (past and present) as she sees those on the wagon train try to achieve their dreams and eventually confront her own fears.
The mix of secondary characters and their interactions with Apache Sam, and how each help her regain her humanity and deal with her past, really add depth to the story.
I don't know how many times I cried, an still cry, when I read certain scenes. You feel so much of when you're reading in her POV. It's a really powerful story all round.
And it's on my keeper shelf. Sorry, about the novel I've written here but I think you can tell this was a great story, one that would certainly develop a reader's empathy! LOL
kyliegriffin71 (at) optusnet (dot) com (dot) au
flchen1 - Morning Comes Softly is also a keeper on my shelf - I love this story! Again it tugged at the heart strings with the hurdles the characters were faced with and they had to overcome.
Oh Denise!! You so have to read Jennifer Ashley's The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie!! Lord Ian is an autistic character and Jennifer just does an amazingly heartbreakingly real portrail of him but the balance of he and his heroine falling in love is just beautiful if not totally filled with pitfalls (we are talking romance here--there has to be pitfalls) but so worth the ride.
I can't wait to read Walker's story and that is another Excellent cover.
DragonStar1974 )AT(
Pretty much any book on my favorite's shelf has invoked an emotional response. The latest is Jace by Sarah McCarty. I love her writing anyway, but Miri and Jace go through a lot of anquish before they get to their final joy, and I lived it write with them.
caity_mack at yahoo dot com
Hi Denise - I've loved Books 1 and 2, and have been anxiously awaiting this one.
Great question, but difficult to answer. I get totally caught up in whatever story I'm reading, so I'm very vested in the characters. I've been known to laugh or cry (and I am not usually an emotional person), and I re-read my favs because it's like visiting old friends.
Since there are too many books that have meant something to me, I'll mention one of my oldest favs - one of the first adult books I read back when I was 12 was Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean Auel - I remember crying at the end. I've probably read it a dozen times over the years and it still gets to me.
Wish I was riding the waves with the GR in Hawaii! Make him behave, Kim!
Hello Denise !!! One of my very favorite writers evah! The DELICIOUSLY SEXY cover flats I won from you a few years ago are still framed and hanging in my writing studio and scandalizing my two stuffed-shirt brothers no end! My 17 year old niece, however, insists I leave them to her in my will! LOL
Madame Christine knows all about my cover flat fetish!
I need to catch up and get your latest books. LOVE these characters!
I ALWAYS cry when I read Flowers from the Storm by Laura Kinsale, especially when Christian gate crashes the Friends meeting and declares his love for Maddie, fighting the effects of his stroke to stammer out those beautiful words.
Actually while I do sniffle my way through Captive of Sin, I cried even more in places in Claiming the Courtesan.
I cry when I read Mary Balogh's A Perfect Jewel, Simply Love and a couple of others.
My first good cry was when I read Black Beauty as a girl. Still makes me cry.
Boy, I need to think on this one! I've always felt empathy was having experienced the same or similar situation before and feeling for the characters. Not ever having lived in the 15th--20th Centuries, I'm not sure I can empathize being a woman of the 21st.
Ah,catslady, Julie Garwood is wonderful, isn't she? Hers were among the first historicals I read after Georgette Heyer. They were, um, a tad different after Heyer! I loved them all!
Cassondra, Mehcredi does work Walker out in the end, but it's such an effort for her and she does make mistakes. She sticks to it though!
Anny, I haven't read anything by LaVryle Spencer for ages, but I recall being enthralled. Goodness she can write!
Oh Nancy, Anna and Christine together are bad enough, but add me in and alpha guys head for the hills. heh heh
Hi Kylie! Great to see you! Oh my goodness, I'm so glad Apache Sam got her HEA after all that. *whew* I can see why it's keeper for you. Empathy in spades!
Hi there, Stephanie, how are you? As it happens, I have read The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie. I thought it was BRILLIANT, one of the best things she's done. I loved how she didn't squib on Lord Ian's problems. She did it properly and with respect. That book was one of the reasons Mehcredi is a neglected child, rather than one with a clinical issue. I was totally bowled over.
Hi Cathy! McCarty is terrific, isn't she? I have a number of her early Ellora's Cave books. Her style is really powerful, yet it's easy to read. Totally pulls you into the story!
Ah Devon, my friend, thanks so much for the kind words. Christine tells me she thinks The Lone Warrior is the best in the series so far, so I'll be interested in your opinion. :)
I read Clan of the Cave Bear about a million years ago and never felt the need to read the rest of the series. But I know so many people who adored it and are blown away by the fact there's a new one just out.
Ah, Louisa, you made my day! I'm just chuckling at the thought of scandalizing your brothers. *snork* Love it! Love my covers too, I've been incredibly fortunate.
Flowers from the Storm was one that immediately came to mind when I posed the question for this blog. Talk about a heart-wrencher!
And there's nothing like an animal in trouble to have me in floods of tears. I took my little sister to see Bambi and I was the one who cried! Oh dear. I should also mention there's a cute but rascally mutt in The Lone Warrior. The little freeloader does perfectly well too. *grin*
Hi there LilMissMolly! It's the whole 'walk a mile in my shoes' deal. I love that books can take you to places you've never been before and into the heads of people who think totally differently from you. It's fabulous! Next best thing to time travel or mental telepathy. *grin*
Thanks Christine, Bandits and BBs! I've had a faaaabulous time, daaahlings! You've got those cabana boys perfectly trained!
Seriously, thanks for letting me visit today. It was great!
I recently re-read GONE WITH THE WIND & it never fails to move me.
Thank Google I found you Denise! The link on your blog didn't work, but I didn't give up! *fist pump*
I haven't had the chacne o read the book yet, but from the excerpts Mehcredi really to me at least sounds like someone with Asbergers. I should know, I have it, so does my youngest son and a younger brother...yes it runs in the family. *sighs*
One of the main things is that you really can't tell from facial clues what someone is feeling, which can lead to all sorts of misunderstandings. So you either end up like my brother and me, afraid to even try any kind of social interaction, or like my son who simply does his own thing regardless of the odd looks he gets from those around him. I do my best communicating through the computer and I've found this to be true for most in the Asberger community. ;)
I simply applaud your talent and I can't wait till I can get the book. :D
Welcome back, Denise! Loved the bits of your book you shared here and can't wait to hightail it over to read the entire first chapter. Congrats on your release :-)
I really empathized with the characters from the last two YA books I read.
Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready about a girl whose boyfriend dies on his birthday but as she can see/hear ghosts, he's still very much a part of her life.
The second book was If I Stay by Gayle Forman about a girl who is caught between life or death and has to choose whether to stay with the living or not. I cried through most of it *g*
Thanks so much for being with us today!
Hi Beth! Thanks so much for the warm words. Hope you enjoy the excerpt!
There are some brilliant YA books around at the moment, aren't there? Thanks for the recommendations. *smile*
Hi Marybelle! Ah, there's nothing like an old favourite, is there? Even if it does make you cry!
Meg, you're a wonder! Thanks for persisting. *smile*
You're right, Mehcredi does sound like someone with Aspergers, but it's more that she was abandoned as a baby and has grown up without human interaction, almost like a 'wild child'. I wasn't brave enough to give her Aspergers for real. I didn't think I could do it justice.
But yes, she has a lot of problems working out what people mean by their facial expressions and body language. She does actually improve, but slowly.
Thank you for telling us about you and your family. I'll be very interested to hear what you think when you've read the book. Please do let me know!
I was looking to read my comment. It seems to have dissapeared into hyper space.
Many books do make me emotional but the book that got me through my teen years was The Changeover by Margaret Mahy. She was trying to figure out who she was and connect with others while trying to rescue her brother.
Looking forward to reading this book.
linze_e at
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