Blogger must've had a melt-down because the wonderful posts of Cassondra and Joanie have been ground up and eaten by the monster!
We apologize to our loyal readers and assure you that Blogger (so they say) is madly working to address the problem.
Check back in an hour or so!
It's been a while and looks like Blogger's in a snit and isn't going to return our posts.
Hey, anyone want to trash Blogger? It's like the little girl who was very very good, but when she was bad she was horrid!
HOW DARE HE !!!! Off with his head! Send out the DRAGON !!!
Yep...He ate most of the blogging world today....off with his head!!!!!
BOO! I would almost bet someone sabotaged the Blogger-sphere as a Friday the 13th prank. We have enough bad mojo without that, thank you, Mr. Blogger-Man!
Awwwww! Blogger's been down since sometime yesterday, I think. Most unfun of them.
Yup, I noticed it was down yesterday as I was trying to comment.
LOL, Louisa, Blogger is really wrecking havoc in the Lair today.
B.J., I'm glad Blogger has spread his bad mood around. I thought it was just aimed at us Banditas! Was getting Joanie's boys armed to take him on!
Oh, Caren, I think you're right! Dirty Birdy! I'd totally forotten it was Friday the 13th. I'm in the mood for a good spooky movie. Is anything decent playing?
Pissenlit, don't you hate how we're so dependent on this electronic technology. Sometimes I long for the old paper and pen gig.
Then I look at my Kindle and say, heck no!
Thanks for trying, Jane.
I feel bad for Joan and Cassondra. Blogger stole their stories and clearly aren't about to give them back!
Louisa you have the GR even if for a little while LOL lock those car keys away
He is doing it everywhere it has been really strang without being here I will keep checking in
Have Fun
Thanks for trying again, Helen.
Yes I find that the ones I thought I got a comment on totally disappear! I'll try to double up tomorrow lol.
Thanks for the extra effort, catslady.
The sad thing is when you work for hours on a post and then it -- POOF! -- disappears on you. Arrgggggh, I hate that!
And if I am not mistaken it is Caren's birthday! How DARE he wreak such havoc on Caren's birthday! Happy Birthday, Caren! I can send you a golden feathered bird as a gift, slightly used? PLEASE TAKE HIM !!
The cats are hiding and the dogs are all sitting on the couch TRYING to look innocent.
Yes, Louisa, today's Caren's birthday. Send the gently used rooster (and isn't he always, ha ha) her way!
I'll just save mine for NEXT month!
Doh! Happy birthday, Caren!
Good deal, Joanie. Sorry Blogger messed you up.
Blogger "ate" the comments at my blog site ... and then to my post as a guest elsewhere). He must have been really hungry!
So now I have to rerun the contest to get the original commenters to recomment!
I took some solace in knowing that it was system wide, not just me!
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