Launch party!!!! Launch party!!!! Bring on the cabana boys and the margaritas! The caterer is taking special requests, so shout them out!
MURDER UNDER COVER, the fourth book of my Bibliophile Mysteries series, is out tomorrow, and you know what that means: sudden, overwhelming panic about my hair. I’m going on book tour, and I must have fabulous hair.
I haven’t had great luck communicating my needs to hair stylists in the past. I go in early, thinking that I can flip through their books to find the style I want. The problem is, many of their books are either outdated or way too avant garde. I just don’t think I’d look good in a blue Mohawk. Although… it would make my blue eyes pop.
This year, I decided to do my searching in advance, and I want your help deciding which is the right look for me. Since I’m releasing a mystery novel, I’m going to limit my search to hairstyles found on my favorite mystery shows on TV. I am convinced that having mystery show hair will send a subliminal message to book buyers that they will love my book as much as they love the show. I’ll do anything to sell my book. Extensions, color, cut, even – gasp! – a perm (as a last resort).
So here goes… whose hair looks best on me?
Kyra Sedgwick from The Closer:
Either of the blondes on Psych:
Maybe I should go dark. I love Mariska Hargitay… but should I do Season 1?
Or the shorter years?
I have to say, Elliot does not look impressed with the dark hair/blonde bangs look in either picture. And honestly, I want to impress him even more than I want to sell copies of MURDER UNDER COVER.
Finally, from another favorite show, NCIS, I could totally rock Pauley’s hair, don’t you think?
What do you think? Which ‘do should I do? Or do you have a better suggestion for whose hair I should try? What’s your favorite mystery show hairstyle?
Thank you for celebrating the release of MURDER UNDER COVER with me! I hope you’ll rush out tomorrow to get your copy! You can get a sneak peek at Chapter 1 on my website: http://katecarlisle.com/murder-under-cover.php
Hey Kate,
I LOVE you in Kyra's Closer hair do, but your own locks look best to me.
Aunty Cindy claimed the GR. Tell him to stay away from the cabana boys. I don't want him knocking them over when they carry the drinks in.
Kate, congrats and Happy Launch Day. I'm excited and think the Chief's hair from Pysch fits you perfectly, IMO.
As for a drink, I need a margarita but make it watermelon for goodness sakes. I want a little extra jazz.
The Hot Tub is calling ladies, and the delicious Paolo.
wow i love your cover. Im a judge a book by the cover person and i am going to the shop to buy my copy of yours!
Also those pics are great :) i would go for the first one personally :D
Happy Launch Day, Kate!
Just wanted to take a moment to send
you "Congratulations" on this big day!
I'm now off to get some sleep! Save
me a Mimosa and a massage for later in the day! I'll be b-a-a-c-c-k!!
Pat Cochran
Congrats on the new release, Kate. I think you look great with Kyra's hairstyle. I kind of like Prentiss' straight hair with heavy bangs on Criminal Minds.
Kate, congrats on the launch of your new book.
As for the hair, I think Kyra's hair from The Closer has my pick. I thought you looked fab with that hair.
Kate, you crack me up! Mind you, someone should have been warned of the dangers when you discovered that particular computer program! Some scary stuff going on there, honey!
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on your new release. Um, Foanna checks those photos again and isn't quite sure whether they SHOULD have released Kate... Oh, what's that? It's one of Kate's wonderful books? Well, that's OK! They might have murder in them but they're nowhere near as scary as Katera Sedgewick!
AC, congrats on the chook!!!! Maybe he can offer Kate some hairdressing advice. Something with feathery bangs (ha ha!).
AC you got him again he must have had lots of fun with you LOL
Whoo Hoo I am soo looking forward to reading this one I will be puting an order in this week YAY.
Kate be yourself you are going to sell heaps of books who doesn't want more info about Brooklyn and her wonderful family and of course Derek Yummo.
But I like Kyra's hair style best.
I will have a nice glass of champagne thank you and lets parteee
Congrats on the release
Have Fun
Happy Release Day, Kate! Can't wait for more of Brooklyn's adventures!
Hmm..I think you could definitely give Mariska a run for her money--in either style!
Good morning, everyone! I'm writing to you from Oakmont, PA. I'm here for the fabulous Festival of Mystery, hosted by the Mystery Lovers Bookshop. I drove here with my pals Hannah Dennison and Avery Aames yesterday. So I have two fun ways to launch MURDER UNDER COVER - online here at Bandits, and in person at the Festival of Mystery. How cool!!!
Cindy, thank you! I liked the way I looked in Kyra's hair, too... and in Kyra's body. LOL!!!
ROFL - nice one, Kate!
Congrats on your new release - can't wait for the Amazon pigeon to bring mine.
I like the Kyra look and the 'blonde on the right in Psych' look, but as I'm all for the brunette look - how about Stana Katic from Castle? You could rock her do too.
Slush, one watermelon margarita coming right up! Don't think it's going to last long in the hot tub with Paolo, though. Better drink quick!
Yeah, I have to say, the chief's hair looks much better on me than Julia's does... If I'm going to Psych it up, I'll go with the chief.
Amaris, I loooooove my covers, too! And the four books look so pretty standing next to each other on a shelf. All lovely, warm jewel tones. Thank you, gods of cover art!
Pat, THANK YOU!!!!! Launch day is so much fun!!! Sleep well. I'll make sure your hunky masseur keeps his fingers warmed up. Snort!
Jane, thank you for celebrating with me! I *love* Criminal Minds! I couldn't believe what happened with Prentiss this season. Yikes! She does have great hair, though.
Thank you, Daz! I love Kyra's curly, pretty locks. She makes it look effortless. Which is actually what I'm looking for - a hairstyle I don't have to wrestle with every morning. Sadly, I don't think that's going to happen.
Anna, I *wish* I knew how to do that stuff on the computer! A friend did those for me. Yes, I have very, very, VERY strange friends! Snort!!! I actually did the spit-coffee move when I opened that email. I had been complaining to her the day before about my hair and book tour coming up, and she surprised me with these monstrosities. LOL!!!!
Helen, thank you for ordering MURDER UNDER COVER!!!! That makes me so happy! My first sale!!!! :D Raising a glass of champagne in your general direction...
Deb, ah, Mariska! Don't you love that name? I'm sure at the time, people were like, "Those crazy Hollywood parents, slapping a name like Mariska on the poor little girl." (Which makes me wonder what Gwyneth's daughter Apple thinks of her name now that she's old enough to realize it's... fruity.)
But Mariska Hargitay is just such a wonderful, unique, memorable name. I do love her hair. Not sure I want to go dark, but maybe...
Anna, I both love and hate Stana Katic. I love her because she's fabulous. I hate her because I'm jealous... I want to be that close to Castle on a weekly basis!
I looked up images of her to find a good hair pic, and I came across this: Pic of Stana Katic
Kate, whoo-hoo!
My copy is on hold for the official release date at my local indie bookstore. I can't wait to see what Brooklyn and Derek do next.
And you're a genius with photoshop!
Ac, congrats on the bird!
Paolo!!! A good stiff drink over here if you please...I need it after those hair photos!
Kate, your own lovely tresses are lovely but LOL on the photoshop. IF I had to pick one, might as well go all the way to the other end of the spectrum and do Pauley's pigtails.
Congrats on the release! You know I love your books though dang...forgot to see if their is another weapon wielding kitty on this cover!
Borders...here I come!
Found him!!!
Is that a sniper rife under his paw? LOL
Congratulations on the new release, Kate!! I can't wait to pick it up. I've loved the series so far.
Now, onto the hair. I do think Pauley's punk hair would be great on you :) Really, I like your hair the way it is, but if you want a change, the woman from Psych with the short hair would be my pick.
Congrats again on the release!
Congratulations on another book I'm SURE will race up the Best Seller lists. I love the short, fun doo you have in your picture in the right hand column, so I'll suggest you keep (or go back to?) that one. Though if you really want to go all out, you could think retro and get Farrah's feathered look!
I really like Mariska Hargitay's shorter years hairstyle alot on you! Of course, I am a firm believer that shorter hairstyles look way better on anyone over the age of 30 - and it kind of looks alot like your own hair, just darker - more mysterious, tough girl look. Of course, I love L&O's Olivia so I may be a bit biased. Congrats on your new release!
Nancy, thank you for ordering MURDER UNDER COVER! I love that you ordered it from your favorite independent bookstore. I loooove indies!
I am not a genius with photoshop, just the lucky (?!) recipient of help from a generous yet snarky friend.
Joan, the Pauley 'do is my favorite, too!!!! Cracks me up every time I see it.
Oh, and LOL!!!! on my dangerous kitties! Yes, they are all sly cats on my Bibliophile book covers. Watch out for Kitties with Weapons.
Christie, the chief's hair on Psych would probably be the easiest 'do for me to do. Most of the other styles would require extensions and/or a serious dye job.
LOL!!!!! Oh lord, feathered hair. My second worst hair mistake. (The worst was The Dreaded Perm.)
Dtchycat, thank you for celebrating the release of MURDER UNDER COVER with me! I do love Mariska's short hair. Of course, with her face, she could get away with ANY hairstyle, I think, including no hair at all. She is gorgeous, isn't she?
Oh I am so sad - I live less than a half an hour away from Oakmont but my car is in the shop (sigh).
I loved you as Kyra's hair too! Definitely fits you. But I love Pauley as Pauley lol.
Happy launch day, Kate! So exciting! As for hair, I'm hopeless. Don't take my advice, I haven't had a decent haircut in two years or more. I'm too damn lazy to bother, plus my publisher doesn't send me on book tours. :)
Kyra's the closer!!!!!
although Pauly would be a total turn around if you wanted to go for a 180 flip out....LOL
Happy launch Day :0)
Popping in to say Happy Launch Day, Kate!! Loved the pictures and I'm a huge fan of The Closer :-)
But I think I prefer you with your own hairstyle *g*
Okay, grabbing a cold beer, some chips and guacamole and a cabana boy or two and heading back to the cave!
Congrats on launch day, Kate! I think you could rock almost any hairstyle you want, but I love Keira's and Mariska's styles. :-)
Happy Launch Day, Kate!
Happy Release Day Kate. I like everyone else will have to go with Kyra's hair, you looked great in it.
I can't wait to read you new book.
Yay! Happy early book birthday!
Are you sure you don't want a blue mohawk? Well, okay. How about Beckett's hair on Castle when it was kinda mid-length? :)
OMG, Kate!
Girl, you crack me up!
So, here's my take. You're too fair complected to do the brunette thing. I mean seriously, only those of us with good color can pull off the brunette.
Of the blondes...Kyra's Closer hairdo is the best!
Can't wait to see what Brooklyn and Derek get into this go round! Congrats on another release!!
Just a quick pop-in from the Festival of Mystery to let you know that I'm checking in regularly and will respond to comments in a couple of hours. I loooooove this launch party!!!!
Woohoo, launch day! I love launch parties in the Lair. Kate, huge congrats on your newest release. I'm headed out with the hubby this weekend to see Thor at the theater, which is conveniently located close to Books-a-Million. I'll pick up my lovely Banditas' newest books then.
I loved this post. While I'd love to dare you to go with Pauley's hair, I think the best of the lot for you is the blond on the right in the Psych photo, the one with the short hair.
The GR suggests if you want to go completely different try this style and color:
I think he's secretly been hitting the margarita pitcher but I'm probably not the most stylish Bandita in the Lair either. :-P
Well apparently blogger ate my comment this morning.
I voted for the first pic, it works with your cheekbones.
I will be going out tomorrow to get my copy.
I could use a mimosa Lar!
Hi Kate!
Congrats on your latest release! Amazon sez my copy's on its way.
I like the short, blonde wispy look for you. Easy to care for and if you want that just tousled look, all you need is a dab of gel.
YAY, it's launch day!! Congratulations, Kate, on another fabulous release.
Good luck on the tour! Snorked at all the photoshopped versions of you. You're so clever.
Can identify about the hair dilemma. I've never found a stylist I'd trust to do whatever they wanted to my hair and know it would look great. I think you don't need to do anything too different. You have gorgeous hair. When you're onto a good thing, stick to it!
Congrats on the rooster, AC!
Ooh, Aunty! Whatever you are doing he likes it! Keep an eye on him!
I can't wait to get my hands on it!
Where is that cabana boy with my chocolate shake???
Uhm, about those hairstyles ... back away from the stylist's chair! Slowly! LOL
Your own hair looks FABULOUS! Don't change a thing.
I once let a hair stylist talk me into cutting my hair super short. I HATED it! I wore hats and scarves for months! I just don't look good with short hair. So in spite of the fact many people tell me women "my age" don't wear their hair long I think I'll just keep mine, thank you!
catslady, I love Pauley as Pauley, too! One of the most fun characters on TV!
Susan, I do love going on book tour and meeting readers, but I seriously wish I didn't have to worry about my hair. You know how in lots of scifi movies, everyone's bald in the future? That would be AWESOME!
BJ, I kind of do want to do a 180-degree flip out. Mostly just to see the look on my husband's face. LOL!!!!! I can't imagine what he would say if I came home with black pigtails.
Beth, scoot over! I'm coming into the cave with you and the cabana boys. Paolo, bring me a pina colada!
Gannon, you're so sweet!
Minna and Virginia, Thank you for coming to the MURDER UNDER COVER launch party!!!
Pissenlit, you know, now that you mention it, I've always wanted a blue mohawk! It would really make my eyes pop. :)
Suzanne, thank you! I'm glad you're looking forward to MURDER UNDER COVER. One of the things I love about this book is seeing how Brooklyn reacts as their relationship progresses. And I *really* loved revealing more about Robin, Brooklyn's BFF.
Trish, oooooh, thank you for picking up MURDER UNDER COVER this weekend! I hope you love it! Have fun at the theatah, dahling!
Cindy, you kid... but my hair used to look kind of like that. Did you ever read Kate Carlisle's Hair Biography?
Hi, Dianna! I'm so glad you made it to the Launch Party!!!! Can't believe MURDER UNDER COVER is out tomorrow. In some ways, it seems to take forever... but then the Big Day always takes me by surprise.
Hi, Jen! I do like dab-o-gel hairstyles. Especially now that my kitchen is being remodeled and I must make myself look presentable for the contractors, who arrive eaaarrrrrly in the morning.
Christine, it is so hard to trust a stylist enough to allow them to do whatever they want. Even if your hair looks fantastic when they're done, if it doesn't feel like "you," it's wrong. Thanks for the nice compliment!
Louisa, case in point! That's just what I mean. I bet a lot of people complimented you on your short hair, but if it didn't feel right on your head... it wasn't right, no matter what people said.
I'm popping in late to the party and I don't have time to read all the posts. Congratulations Kate on your new book. I love your locks just the way you have them. Have a fun time promoting your book.
Thanks, Kaelee! I appreciate you stopping by! :)
Congrats on your new release! Personally, I like your photo and hair style as is (as reflected in the side bar photo). I think women over a certain age shouldn't go long. It makes them look desperate to be in their 20's again. IMHO.
Molly, thank you! I kind of like my hair too.... some days. ;)
Hey Kate,
Looking forward to your new book!
As for the hair look...
I think you would look great with the Psych's blonde "do" on the right. Also like Mariska's season 1 look for you.
You would definitely get "noticed" with Pauley's "do"!! Abbie rocks!!
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