Kate Carlisle will get us started with a release party on May 2. Come join the fun as Kate launches MURDER UNDER COVER, the fourth book in her Bibliophile Mystery se

May 3rd Auntie Cindy will host Kris Kennedy who will talk about her new book, DEFIANT.

On Wednesday, 4th May, Anna Campbell hosts New York Times bestselling author Sarah MacLean who will talk about her sparkling new historical romance ELEVEN SCANDALS TO START TO WIN A DUKE’S HEART.

On May 6, Kate welcomes back Avery Aames, author of the Cheese Shop Mysteries, who will show us all sorts of new ways to Say Cheese!
May 7th Let’s celebrate with Tawny’s release party!! JUST FOR

Suzanne Ferrell welcomes Addison Fox on May 9th. Addison will talk about her third book in her Sons of the Zodiac series, WARRIOR BETRAYED.

On Monday, 16th May, Anna Campbell hosts historical romance author Vanessa Kelly who will be talking about her latest release MY FAVORITE COUNTESS.

On May 18, we get a peek at Captain Jack Sparrow's early career when A. C. Crispin, author of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom, visits with Nancy.
On May 29th, Susan Sey welcomes Cat Shield who will be talking about her debut novel MEDDLING WITH THE MILLIONAIRE.

On May 31, Anna DeStefano and Nancy will chat about Anna's new book, Secret Legacy. To protect an endangered child, the second of Anna's telepathic twins must join forces with a psychic warrior who once broke her heart.

Anna Campbell is holding a Hardback Heaven at Midnight Contest, open until 30th June. She’s giving away three signed copies of the beautiful hardcover Rhapsody Book Club edition of MIDNIGHT’S WILD PASSION.
To enter, just email Anna on anna@annacampbell.info and tell her the name of the hero and heroine of MIDNIGHT’S WILD PASSION. For more information on the contest, please visit her website on: http://annacampbell.info/contest.html
WOO HOOO!!! It's gonna be a WONDERFUL MONTH!
We'll also be celebrating our BLOG-O-VERSARY!!
Plus, we Banditas have a BUNCH of KEWL stuff up for bid in Brenda Novak's online auction.
OH!!!! And I have a feathered assistant for the day! Shake those tail-feathers, Chookie!
Congrats on the GR, Aunty Cindy.
Wow, can't believe it's May. Looks like another fun filled month at the lair.
Congrats, AC on the big bird.
My copy of Murder Undercover just shipped from Amazon. Whee! I have to check out "Lost in Fondue". What a great title!
Great covers on all the books.
Another awesome month in the lair!
Hey AC what are you going to make him do today ?
Who Hoo Ladies what an awesome month ahead YAY. So much happening it is sure to be good
have Fun
Congrats on the GR AC!
Another fabulous month in the lair - I can't wait!
Wow! A lot of great looking releases for May. Love the guest line up!
What a fun month - lots to look forward to!!
Great guest line-up, fab new launches from our fave Bandita authors and a chance to win some booty at Brenda Novak's auction ... who could ask for anything more?!
There's the link to Brenda's Auction. You will see that Romance Bandits has their own separate listing! Feel free to bid away, BBs. And please pass the word to everyone about this very worthy cause.
My goodness, we do have some HAWT covers on this post! Plus, I agree Jen, "Lost in Fondue" is a FUN title!
I have the GR inside cleaning the bathrooms right now, but I'll be sending him outdoors soon to wash my car, which is covered in tree sap. UGH!
Why is it Aunty can get so much work out of the GR and all he does at my house is eat the chocolate and incite the natives to revolution and car theft???
Looking forward to another great month in the Lair !!!
And now I am off to check out the goodies at the Brenda Novak Auction!
May looks awesome....!!!!
Hey Louisa,
I haven't been too successful with getting the GR to work today. His cleaning was 'spotty' at best. :-P And so far I haven't been able to shoo him out to wash the car. He kept asking for the keys and I kept telling him, "EXTERIOR WASH, ONLY!"
I agree, BJ!
Be sure to check out the auction. It runs all month long.
AC, congrats on the chook!
Wow, May is BIG in the lair. Can't wait. All these parties are going to be huge as well. Perhaps I can finally catch that last elusive cabana boy and bend him to my will. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Be afraid Paolo. Be very afraid!
It looks like May is going to be a rocking month in the Lair. Woo Hoo!
Definitely the first one, with those cheekbones, that is the way to go.
Congrats on the release, I will be making a trip out to get my copy tomorrow as soon as I finish shopping for granddaughter's birthday.
Oh Lar, could you bring me another Mimosa please?
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