We love debut authors here in the lair and I'm delighted to introduce a very talented new author who I met for an uproarious lunch a couple of RWAs ago (she's a friend of Louisa's - should be recommendation enough, huh?). Lexi's huge fun in person so I wasn't remotely surprised when I heard she'd translated that funny, snarky humor into a three-book deal with Kensington Brava.
You can find out more about Lexi at her website: www.lexigeorge.com
Here's the blurb for DEMON HUNTING IN DIXIE which is out this month:
A warrior, a demon, and the girl next door…
Looking For Trouble...
Addy Corwin is a florist with an attitude. A bad attitude, or so her mama says, ‘cause she’s not looking for a man. Mama’s wrong. Addy has looked. There’s just not much to choose from in Hannah, her small Alabama hometown. Until Brand Dalvahni shows up, a supernaturally sexy, breathtakingly well-built hunk of a warrior from—well, not from around here, that’s for sure. Mama thinks he might be European or maybe even a Yankee. Brand says he’s from another dimension.
Addy couldn’t care less where he’s from. He’s gorgeous. Serious muscles. Disturbing green eyes. Brand really gets her going. Too bad he’s a whack job. Says he’s come to rescue her from a demon. Puh-lease. But right after Brand shows up, strange things start to happen. Dogs talk and reanimated corpses stalk the quite streets of Hannah. Her mortal enemy Meredith, otherwise known as the Death Starr, breaks out in a severe and inexplicable case of butt boils. Addy might not know what’s going on, but she definitely wants a certain sexy demon hunter by her side when it all goes down…
So without more ado, here's Lexi!
Lexi, welcome to the Bandits and huge congratulations on the release of your debut paranormal romance DEMON HUNTING IN DIXIE. Can you tell us about this story?
Small town florist Addy Corwin is out running with her dog one night when she is attacked and left for dead. She is saved by Brand Dalvahni, six-foot-four inches of hard-muscled yummy. Opposites attract and, from the start, Addy is irresistibly drawn to Brand. Says he’s an immortal demon hunter and that he’s come to rescue Addy from the rogue demon that marked her.
Demons and demon hunters in boring little Hannah, Alabama? Pul-leeze!
But right after Brand shows up, strange things start to happen. Dogs talk and reanimated corpses stalk the quiet streets of Hannah. Woo woo is one thing, but what really has Addy rattled is her reaction to Brand. She goes into hormonal meltdown every time the handsome warrior comes near. And that’s not her only problem. Addy's encounter with the demon has changed her, giving her powers of her own, not to mention a startling new hair-do.
Her cosmetological troubles are nothing compared to the extreme make-over Brand gets when he meets Addy, the one female in ten thousand years who can make him forget that he’s a warrior and remember he’s a man. While Brand struggles to protect Addy from the evil creature on her trail, a demon of a different sort stalks the unsuspecting warrior: Addy’s matchmaking mama.

Addy stepped away from the couch and her knees buckled.
One moment Brand was across the room, his shoulder against the wall, the picture of aloof boredom, and the next she was in his arms. She closed her eyes and swallowed a sigh as she was lifted against his hard chest. The man sure had muscles, she’d give him that.
“You will recline, at once.” His tone was stern.
Okay, muscles and a few control issues.
She opened her eyes as he lowered her to the couch, and saw a grimace of pain flash across his features. It was the first expression of any kind she’d seen on his face, unless you counted the lip twitch thing. The man could give a marble statue lessons in being stoic.
She caught his arm as he started to rise. “That thing hurt you!”
He stilled, his gaze on her fingers wrapped around his wrist. “You are mistaken. The djegrali did not injure me. It is your touch that disturbs me.”
Addy stiffened and drew back.“Well, excuse the hell out of me.”
He caught her by the hand. “You misunderstand. You do not repulse me.”
He knelt down beside her. He put his fingers under her chin and tilted her face with gentle fingers. Addy stifled a gasp. Who was this guy? The merest touch from him and her breasts tingled and she felt all hot and wobbly inside. What was the matter with her?
“Look at me,” he commanded.
Sweet Sister Ruth, he had a voice was like whiskey and smoke. She shivered and raised her eyes to his. He stroked her cheek with his thumb, a rapt expression on his face. His thumb drifted lower to brush her bottom lip. “You must be patient with me, Adara Jean Corwin. The Dalvahni do not experience emotion. It would be superfluous. We exist for one purpose and one purpose alone: to hunt the djegrali. For ten thousand years, that has been my objective, until now.”
“Ten thousand years, huh?” With an effort, she squelched the sudden urge to scrape the pad of his thumb with her teeth. No doubt about it, she was in hormonal meltdown. “Sounds boring. You need to get a new hobby, expand your horizons.”
“Earth is but one of the realms where the Dalvahni hunt the djegrali.”
Oh, brother, too bad. He was paying a visit to schizoid-land again.
Then the impact of his words percolated through the fog of lust that set her brain and her body on fire.
“Hey, wait a minute, I didn’t tell you my name!”
“The animal you call Dooley informed me of many things, including how to find this dwelling.”
“You don’t say? Funny, she’s never said a thing to me in four years.”
He put his hand on her shoulder as she tried to sit up.“You will not rise,” he said with annoying calm.
“Oh, yeah? That’s what you think, bub.”
She pushed at his arm, an exercise in futility. The man was built like the proverbial brick outhouse.
His hand slid over her abdomen and down her running shorts to her legs.His hand felt hot against her bare skin.
“Dooley, come here,” he said.
The dog rose and trotted over to the couch.
Brand traced an intricate pattern with his fingers along the skin of her inner thigh. Addy began to shake. What was happening to her? This was so unlike her. All her life she’d struggled to rein in her reckless nature, the wild streak that made her mama wring her hands in despair. Self-control was her hard-earned mantra. Think first and feel later. But this guy . . . this guy really got her going, made her want to throw caution to the wind. She wanted to arch her hips against his hand, a stranger’s hand.
“Speak, Dooley,” Brand said with his gaze on Addy’s face.
“DOOLEY LOVE ADDY. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE,” the Lab said in the growly voice of a three-pack-a-day smoker. Flinging up a back paw, she scratched her ear. “CAN DOOLEY HAVE CHICKEN LEG IN COLD BOX? CAN DOOLEY?” Her head snapped around. "OH, LOOK, A BUG!"
There was a long moment of silence as Addy gaped at her dog in shock. Slowly, she raised her eyes to Brand’s.
“Who are you?”
A slight crease appeared between Brand’s brows. The expression in his eyes grew puzzled.
“Until tonight, I thought I knew.”
Lowering his dark head, he kissed her.
Whiskey and smoke, huh? Works for me! You’ve got a novella, “The Bride Wore Demon Dust”, in what looks like a really fun anthology called SO I MARRIED A DEMON SLAYER that comes out in August. Please give us the lowdown on this story.

Not only is she married to a total stranger, she’s changed species! Worse, she’s pregnant . . . although she hasn’t told Rafe about the baby yet.
Distraught and confused, Bunny flees the wedding and Rafe goes after her. Unfortunately, so does the demon that tried to kill her. Having marked her, the demon is irresistibly drawn to her, especially now that she’s a powerful Dalvahni and a worthy receptacle for the demon.
Sounds great! Here in the lair, we love call stories. Will you please share yours?
I’ve been writing for more than 16 years. My first two books were part of a romantic fantasy series. I knew nothing about fiction writing. Never took a class or read a book on writing, just started writing and loved it. So, I’m self-taught. I joined a writer’s group about five years ago and that was a tremendous help. Getting feed-back and constructive criticism is essential, in my opinion. You can’t write in a vacuum, not if you want to get published. There are rules and you have to learn about them before you can break them.
Around the same time that I joined the writer’s group, I started the querying rounds on the first book of the romantic fantasy that I’d been working on for more than ten years. I got rejected. Big time. Something like a hundred ‘no thanks.’ Discouraged, I decided to try my hand at a paranormal romance. The book took a year to write and the result was DEMON HUNTING IN DIXIE, my debut book with Kensington. The book was a total surprise. When I started writing it, I thought it was going to be dark. But it quickly morphed into something else. This snarky voice came out of me that I never knew existed. It was amazing and liberating.
I had done well on the contest circuit while writing the book and I was jazzed. This is it, I thought. This is the one that will make it! In January 2010, I started querying and received a flurry of requests for partials and fulls from agents. I was excited and hopeful . . . and then the rejections started pouring in. Light paranormal doesn’t sell, was the consensus. I was devastated. Another series dead in the water.
I went on my romance writer’s loop and whined and a woman I barely knew at the time sent me an email. There was an interview of Megan Records on line that I needed to check out, she said, and then I needed to query her. I had never thought about querying an editor—too focused on getting an agent. I read the interview and Megan said she saw a lot of dark paranormal. No surprise there, that’s what the agents had said was selling. But then Megan said something that made me sit up and take notice. I don’t see much funny anymore, but I’d like to.
I sent Megan a query letter, referencing her interview and said, I write funny! She sent me back an email and asked for the full. This was in February of 2010.
On March 11, 2010, I was on my way to the doctor for a recheck because I had broken by foot in two places in February. I fell off my shoe. It’s a talent, I know. Anyway, a friend was driving me and my sad, casted foot to the doctor when my cell phone rang. I almost didn’t answer it, because it was an out-of-state call. I figured it was a wrong number or one of those Nigerian bank schemes. I answered the phone and, boy, am I ever glad I did! It was Megan Records calling to offer me a three-book deal! Good thing I wasn’t driving. I would have wrecked the car!

I am hard at work on book two of the demon hunter series, tentatively entitled DEMON HUNTING IN THE DEEP SOUTH. The deadline on book two is in June and it will be out next year. After that, it’s on to book three, DEMON HUNTING IN A DIVE BAR.
If the series does well, I have three more demon hunter books in mind.
Because my spies have been following you for years, I know you’re an enthusiastic amateur thespian. How do you think your acting experience feeds into your writing?
I think anything creative, whether it be dancing, painting, acting, quilting, etc., gets your juices flowing. I started out writing poetry in elementary, but the words dried up when I went to law school. The thing that freed my inner muse was scrap booking! I started scrap booking when my kids were little. Tapping into my creative side opened me up to other possibilities within myself and, from there, I turned to writing. Acting does the same thing. Being creative fills you with joy, connects you to the divine, and spills over to other things in a positive way.
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

Read, read, read, and WRITE! Writing is a craft and it’s a muscle that gets stronger with exercise. Try to write something every day, whether it’s a letter, blog, a short story, an essay, poetry—whatever. Check out some of the wonderful craft books on writing out there. Stephen King’s ON WRITING is an excellent one. Take advantage of the internet. There is a wealth of knowledge available at your fingertips on everything from structure and plot to POV and dialogue tags. Join a writer’s group or start one of your own. Even if you don’t all write the same thing, it is exciting to be around other writers, and you will learn from one another. Brain storming with other writers is great. A writers' group will also teach you to give and accept constructive criticism.
Also, be ready to face rejection. It is part of the process. It sucks. It stings. It hurts. It knocks your feet out from under you and throws you into a spiral of self doubt. Give yourself a day to pout and sing the “I Suck” song, then shake it off and get back on the horse. Remember that writing is subjective. You cannot write a book that will please everyone. Write the book you want to read. Name an author, classic or otherwise, that everybody loves universally. You can’t, because people have different tastes. You are going to be rejected on the road to being published. After you get published, guess what? You face rejection again! There will be reviewers that love you and those that hate you, as I am already finding out. You will work with editors who want you to revise your manuscript. You may submit a proposal on your next fabulous series idea and get rejected on that too. But, don’t give up. If you give up, you will lose. Believe in yourself and persevere.Writing is not for wimps.

I’d really love to hear about YOUR creative outlet. Writing, scrap booking, painting, sculpting, photography, cooking? What gets you inner muse going?
Lexi is very generously giving away TWO copies of DEMON HUNTING IN DIXIE today to commenters so good luck, people!
Sounds great. Congrats on the release and the upcoming anthology.
I am really the most creative person, as in something others will appreciate. But I have to admit I have quite a skill with office supplies and wannabe art.
i love to do photgraphy as my creative outlet. i love to digitally paint on top of the pictures I take to create a whole new unique piece of art.this sounds like a great book and i can't wait to read it!
Donnas, you have quite a skill catching the chook too! Well done!
Hey, I've got to admit I'm an office supplies nut!
Misty, your artwork sounds amazing. I'm hopeless at anything like that!
i used to do cermanics, but i had kids and quit, i also could crochet, and i love to take picture of random stuff like clouds,trees, water
Blackroze, I love ceramics although I'm sure I'd have no talent at making them. Such beautiful things at the end, though.
How fun, Lexi! Congrats on your debut! Creative outlets? I used to do a bunch of different stuff, but it's been a while since I've had kids... calligraphy and crochet are probably the two most useful outlets--you have something to show for it if you do it right ;)
yes, i love making, know I had designed and made it . made me feel very good . i kinda think every once in a while to get back into it
Hi, Anna and Lexi! What a fun interview!
Congrats on your book deal and anthology, Lexi! I'm always looking for funny and your demon hunter sounds right up my alley! Love your voice.
My creative outlet is making book trailers for la Campbell. (She thinks I slog away at it 23 hours a day, but really it's too much fun for me. Don't tell her that or she'll cut off my chocolate slice supply.)
But now I'm off to exercise my writing muscles.
LOL! I couldn’t stop laughing. This is one book I NEED to read!
Well done donnas have fun with him
Hi Lexie and Anna
Great interview Ladies and Lexi I love the excerpt and the sound of this book as well as the anthology, I don't think I have ever read a funny paranormal I think this one sounds like a great place to start. Congrats on the release and I love the call story.
I used to knit a lot once but these days I read or am spending time with my wonderful grandchildren and boy do they keep me going
Have Fun
Fedora, I have the most AWFUL handwriting. I've always looked on people who can do calligraphy with great envy!
I hope you do get back to it, Blackroze.
Oy, Vanessa B, a little bird told me you're going to pay me to make trailers for me. Is this right? Snicker! You're so brilliant, I don't even care if you have fun making the trailers, LOL!
Danielle, giggled at your post. Yeah, the dog's funny, isn't he?
wtg on the chook donna
i go off in to day dreams and come up with some amazing stories or story lines some i dont get on paper fast enough though. i have quite a few poems i have posted up. so thats something till it hits you at 2 am and your in the dark and you grab you phone to post in the notes the poem running through your head. the main thing im into right now is photography i got a new nikon for my bday to take more professional pictures as any function i am normally given camera duty thanks to pictures i have captured with a simple digital camera in the past. i also paint from time to time. and also put puzzles together it helps me relax as well as reading.
Helen, you've got your hands full with the grandkids and keeping up with your reading! We LIKE you to keep up with your reading ;-)
Wow, Lindsey, you've got lots of creative outlets. Good for you. The new camera sounds like fun!
Oh, Anna, that little bird's telling porkies!
Oh wow. I love that excerpt lol This sounds like a rgeat book. Very interested in reading it right now. Thanks for sharing.
Lisa B
modokker at yahoo dot com
Butt boils??? LOL!!!! I'm not into cotemporaries much, but I have GOT to read this one!!!
Great interview, Anna and Lexi! Lexi, I love the sound (and titles) of your books---I will most definitely be picking them up!
Hmmm, creative outlets...I used to a lot of cross stitch, but haven't in quite some time. Writing book reviews keeps me busy, and I also love to take pictures of my family, pets, and wildlife that frequents my yard. :-)
Besides writing (my first love), I am a very prolific knitter. So much so that I've actually started to design my own patterns for accessories such as hats and gloves. Starting small!
Welcome to the Lair, Lexi and congrats on your debut! Thanks for sharing your call story - it's inspiring to know there are other long time writers, who've made it and especially in a market that's supposedly down.
FWIW I prefer light paranormal!
I wish I had the creativity to scrapbook or do crafty stuff, but I don't. I have the ideas, but the execution is ... not up to the idea *g*.
I used to cross-stitch and knit, but these days, I tend to read or play games on my ipad or do Japanese Hanjie puzzles.
Congrats on the upcoming books. Demon Hunting in Dixie sounds interesting and I'm with Anna -- whiskey & smoke voice = yummy :)
Misty, I love it when people meld two art forms together. Your paintings sound amazing! I used to be really into photography but I don't have time for it anymore! As for the painting part, I can't draw stick people!
Hey, Donnas, anything that involves art (even office supplies!) works for me! Thanks for stopping by.
You too, Anna? Hmm, I may need to talk to you ladies about what you're doing with those office supplies. Now I'm really curious.
Blackroze, I don't do ceramics, but I can crochet! Okay, only a little, but I'm trying to learn! Needlework is hard, but so relaxing. I really enjoy it when I have the time.
flchen, I think calligraphy is amazing. It's something I would love to dabble in. I hesitate, however, because my handwriting is so awful I figure my calligraphy would be too! Thanks for the congrats!
Vanessa, so GLAD you like funny! My stuff is definitely not literary ficton, but, hopefully, you will get a laugh out of it. Book trailers? I am impressed. My oldest daughter is majoring in digital video productions in college and I've been trying to wrangle a book trailer out of her!
Thanks, Danielle! Dooley is one of my favorite characters. I have a black Lab and she's all about the chow and a real sweetheart. I tried to imagine what my dog could say if she could talk, and I figured it would be about food and affection and anything interesting that moves, like bugs.
Love the interview, Lexi! Here's one of your Southern Magic sisters waving to you from Birmingham!
My hat's off to you, Helen, about the knitting! The best I can manage is a little crochet and it has to be pretty basic. I've made a bag, a couple scarves and some sad looking hats! Glad you like the sounds of the book. Drop me a line and let me know what you think if you read it!
Lindsey, I used to lull myself to sleep by running stories in my head, instead of counting sheep. Sort of like watching a movie. When the story started playing in my head during the daylight hours, I started writing! Sounds like you're an amazing photographer as well! Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks, Modokker! I had a blast writing the book. When I first started writing it, I thought it was going to be way darker. But as soon as Dooley the dog showed up, it went in a whole different direction!
Hee hee on the butt boils, Sheila! My heroine's nemesis is so unpleasant I had to come up with SOMETHING to do to her, and that was it! Fun to write, I must say! Thanks for stopping by.
Gannon, so glad you like the titles of my books. Titles are HARD but so important, I think. I really stress about them. Cross stitch is something that I've always been interested and is on my "to learn" list. I have a friend that cross stitches and she assures me I can learn! We shall see . . .
Margay, I cannot believe you DESIGN patterns!!!! I am so not worthy with my pitiful crocheting skills. I am impressed. And you write, too! Wow.
Anna S. I never said I was GOOD at scrapbooking, just that I did it! Seriously, I was intimidated by it at first, but then I realized it's really about getting the memories on the page and that everyone has their own style. Like writing, there's more than one way to do it. So don't be intimidated because you think you aren't artistic enough! The fun is in the doing. So glad you like light paranormal, BTW!!!
Gamistress, I love Brand, the hero in DEMON HUNTING IN DIXIE. Not only is he handsome and sexy as all get-out, but I love the fact this stiff, stern warrior is totally flummoxed by my Southern gal! He was great fun to write.
Thanks for stopping by, Callie and for the wave from Birmingham. I can always count on my Southern Magic sisters for support!
And I want to say thanks to the wonderful folks at Romance Bandits and to Anna Campbell in particular for having me on the site today. I have been a lurker on Romance Bandits for years, but I seldom comment. This is a great blog and very active, which is lovely for readers and writers. I am thrilled to be with y'all!
Lexi, that's how i feel about my mother. She can take a pile of nothing and make the most amazing dresses or costumes out of it. I always said she should work in Hollywood, but she seems to prefer the East Coast!
Margay, I did not get that gene from my mother! She doesn't sew either, but she's a fabulous cook. My grandmother and great aunt could sew anything, however. Alas, I think the art of sewing is fading away. Do they even still teach it in school anymore? I remember when I had to take Home Economics. The first semester was sewing (I made a pair of sad pajamas) and the second semester was cooking. I did much better the second half of the year!
Lexi, I don't think they do teach it anymore, which is a shame. And my mother is one of those people who can do it all - she sews, knits, crochets, every craft there is, she probably knows how to do it. Thankfully, she passed some of it down to me (I can do all those, too, but I prefer knitting). And on top of it all, she is a fantastic cook! Her soups are amazing - got me over the flu this winter! She IS the domestic goddess!
Catching the GR is definitely a fine art, donnas! You got him! Don't let him near those office supplies. He'll probably staple himself to something!
LEXI !!! So thrilled to see you in the Lair!
And yes, La Campbell, that was one wild and rowdy lunch. We'll just blame the wine, shall we? SNORK!
I have had the privilege of reading this book from the start and I will give you several warnings -
Do NOT read it while drinking any beverage. You and your book could drown!
Be prepared to laugh until you cry!
And be prepared to take a crash course in Southern fried humor and lots of it!
And be prepared to fall in absolute LUST with Brand. The man could corrupt a whole convent of nuns.
My creative endeavors these days are pretty much writing, writing, and writing. Oh and entering writing contests. Being a Contest Courtesan is an art in and of itself.
However, in those days before writing took over my life and half my house, I quilted - cross-stitched - candle wicked and sewed.
I still sing, though no longer professionally and music is still a large part of my life.
Don't enter me in the draw, Lexi, as I already have my signed copy of Demon Hunting in Dixie on my keeper shelf!
Seriously, ladies, if you are having a bad day Demon Hunting in Dixie is the perfect cure!
Happy Friday Ladies! I for one am glad the weekend is right around the corner. This was a great post and that dog was hilarious!
My creative outlet is tinkering with recipes in my kitchen. I love to see what I can come up with.
Margay, you are one lucky gal to have such a multi talented mom! I would love one of her soup recipes! Love to make soup, especially in the winter. It is such comfort food. You are making me hungry and it's way too early for lunch!
Sounds like a fun read I'll have to look into it....I'm a scrapbooker...I have my whole little area to scrap life's moments into books which I enjoy.
I leave the writing to the writers...I tend to enjoy escaping into their worlds and out of mine :) so much more fun!!!!
Thanks for the props, Louisa. I wouldn't be published today without the help and encouragement of my friends! Candle wicking? That sounds interesting. I love going to some of the arts and crafts shows and checking out the handmade items, like candles. I'm like you these days. No time for anything but writing! My poor family hardly recognize me anymore and my house is a disaster. I keep telling myself: My house is a mess, my mess is a home. That's my mantra. It is a shame you aren't singing anymore. You have a lovely voice. :)
Jenn, I love to cook, too! I have a friend that likes to experiment, like you. He opens the cabinet and the fridge and comes up with some delicious meals. Made up the most wonderful gumbo recipe out of much of nothing! He's my go-to guy at work for recipes. Me, I'm more of a country cook. I used to cook more, but now with the writing and working full time, I don't as much. My poor family, how they suffer! :(
BJ, I really enjoyed scrapbooking when I had the time. We used to meet at our church once a month for an all-day marathon and twice a year we'd have a scrapbooking retreat. Writing, alas, has put a stop to that. Maybe one day . . .
Hi, Lexi. This book and series sounds like so much fun. And I love your call story. Funny, I had an infected foot when I got the call. My talent is getting blisters at RWA National. :/
Congrats on your release!
Congratulations! Sounds like a terrific book... Always like a hot guy and a funny heroine...
Hmm, Trish, now I wonder if there is some kind of cosmic connection between our feet and The Call . . . Thanks for the congrats and for stopping by!
May, I love a book with a hot hero, too, especially if he's an alpha male. Love to see them fall in love and struggle against it! Addy, my heroine, deals with stress by being a smartypants. That's how she rolls. She was great fun to write. The second book is about Evie, her best friend, a totally different gal. It took me about 50 pages to get into Evie's head, but now I love her, too!
Lol...love the cover and excerpt for Demon Huntin in Dixie! and the novella looks like fun too! Congrats on the new books. I don't have much of a creative streak but I do love to bake so that is kind of an outlet for me and I do like to make bead jewelry - though I'm a bit color challenged when it comes to matching things up well...I usually ask for opinions before I finish a project...lol
Maria, baking and jewelry making are two wonderful outlets. We have a lady in our knitting/crocheting group who makes the most wonderful desserts. I am all about the food! There are so many beautiful choices these days for beading and jewelry making and so many places to shop! The hardest part would be choosing what to use!
Thanks for the comment about my cover. I love it too and feel VERY fortunate to have such a gorgeous cover for my first book! I am over the moon about the whole thing!
Donnas, congrats on the bird.
Lexi, I love your voice! You sound, to this NC native, authentically Southern.
My creative outlet is writing. The inner muse stays pretty active. She seems to latch onto all kinds of things--news items, odd bits of music, conversations overheard in restaurants.
I used to play the clarinet but probably couldn't get more than pffftout of it now. *g*
Nancy, glad you like my voice. I was born and raised in South Alabama and I've always loved funny and colorful expressions. I get ideas from all kinds of things, too. That's why I carry index cards around with me, so I can jot down ideas at any time, and make notes about news articles. Read about a mud bog in the local paper and went to one to see what it was like. Used a whole bunch of things on that one, let me tell you, and am looking forward to putting a mud bog in one of my books! Next on my list: A monster truck pull. Should be a hoot.
Hi Lexi. The book sounds wonderful. I'd love to have a dog like Dooley, but I'd be scared to find out what my dog would say if he could talk.
I'm a professional cook, but my secret passion is baking, so that's my creative outlet. I don't do fancy decorating, I just love to bake cakes and other goodies. All it takes to make me happy is to have someone say they really enjoyed something I baked :)
Betty, we would make the perfect pair. You like to bake and I like to eat! As for dogs talking, I'm sure they would be nicer than humans, if maybe a little focused on the food aspect of things. I know my Lab would be. It's gotten to where every time I walk in the kitchen she's like, "EAT?" The answer is no, because she's 12 and already too fat. A dog after my own heart.
Shoot me a line if you read the book. I'd love to hear back from you!
Welcome to the Lair, Lexi! Demon Hunting in Dixie sounds deliciously clever and I love the alliteration of the title.
Watching my favorite televsion shows and movies really opens my creative mind (that's my story and I'm sticking to it!). Seriously, the visual activity seems to open up my right brain. Sometimes I totally lose the thread of the show and go off on an imaginary tangent of my own!
I knit and crochet, do some scrap booking (not quite the way it's 'supposed' to be done, though) and I bake.
Stevie Wonder - Sir Duke
Aretha Franklin & Annie Lennox - Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves
Tik 'N' Tak - Upside Down
Sir Elwoodin Hiljaiset Värit - Neiti Kevät (Miss Spring)
Tavaramarkkinat: kevät (Spring)
Margay, my mom was a superb knitter. She tried to teach me, but I just couldn't get the knack.
Welcome to the lair, Lexi, and congrats on your debut! Thanks for sharing that fabulous excerpt *g*
I love to cook and bake (and eat *g*) not sure the eating part is all that creative! I use to do counted cross-stitch and a few years back I started making bead jewelry. Now I'd like to learn how to make wire jewelry.
Seems I'm all about food and bling :-)
Vanessa, little bird don't tell porkies, they tell roast chickens!
Oh, no, now I've upset the rooster!
Hey, Lisa, so glad you enjoyed the excerpt!
Sheila, I'm laughing at what made you want to buy this book!
Gannon, I got my first digital camera a couple of months ago (for the New Zealand trip). And it's given me a new lease of life on the photography front. Because it doesn't matter if the shot is a disaster, I'm much more inclined to take shots of little quirky things. It's great fun!
Wow, Margay, your own patterns? How clever are you?
Jo, I so agree! I get ideas everywhere, from television and movies, to news articles and the internet. We are so fortunate to live in the information age! There is a world of info at our fingertips. Glad you like the title of the book. I was quite proud of it! :)
Minna, sounds like you have multiple outlets for your creativity! Good for you. Anything that opens you up to possiblity and growth is awesome! Sounds like the Bandits and their readers could put together a humdinger of a cookbook/craftbook/what-to-do-with-office-supplies workshop!
Anna, I hear you on the execution outrunning the ideas. I never have trouble getting the inspiration but then what I do is SOOOO far from what I wanted, I tend to give up and do something else.
Gamistress, that whiskey line just kinda did it, didn't it? LOL!
Lexi, welcome to the lair. Here, have a cool cabana boy I made for you earlier. Hope you're having fun here. Congratulations on your debut!
Actually strangely, I can draw people and the front end of horses (never could quite get the back end right). I taught myself to as a kid because I had an obsession with horses and historical ladies - and hey, occasionally I'd go wild and put a horse and a historical lady in the same picture. Shows you if you're determined, you can teach yourself to do most things. It's the determination that's often the issue!
(The Ride of the Valkyries plays loudly). Oh, I do love the smell of Officeworks in the morning!
Lexi, I have it on good authority that Vanessa does trailers for cake! ;-)
Hey, Callie, welcome to the lair. Here, have a cabana boy!
Beth, bling is good! So glad you enjoyed the excerpt. I like eating, too, which is why I should be dieting. Notice I said "should be."
Oh, love it when a stern hero is totally flummoxed.
Lexi, now you've broken the ice in the lair margaritas, you'll have to pop up and talk to us. It's a devil's bargain, a bit like selling your soul for eternal life. LOL!
Thanks for the welcome and the cabana boy, Anna. I cannot draw, especially freehand. I can copy something if it's in front of me, but it's still a rough go. Oddly enough, I had an aunt who was a fabulous porcelain artist. She could paint anything, people, animals, birds, flowers. I think the gene died with her, though.
Thanks, Anna, I will! Y'all have made me feel so welcome here.
Margay, I'm in awe of people who can do that stuff. It seems like magic to me. It's like someone who can sing. I've got a friend with a beautiful voice and it just comes out of her naturally, she doesn't even try. I sound like a crow with catarhh when catarrh when I sing! And the harder I try, the worse I sound!
Lexi, I remember when a lot of people sewed and dress patterns were a really common item for sale. I think cheap clothes from China are so readily available now that people don't bother any more, which is a pity.
Hey, Louisa, lovely to see you! Laughed at your list of reasons to read this book - the Brand one kinda had me at hello (oh, if only Brand would! Snork!). Thanks for introducing me to Lexi. I've had such fun at our lunches. So sad I'll be missing out this year. You'll have to have some good Southern fried fun for me in my absence!
Patterns and cloth are almost cost prohibitive these days! Sadly, it's cheaper to buy ready made. I should have learned to sew. I have a hard time finding clothes that fit because I'm tall and short waisted, a double curse!
Jenn, I used to do a lot of cooking (you know, interesting stuff, not just to fill the tum). I've got a bit back into it lately and I must say I'm really enjoying it. I love to bake!
What!!!! You aren't coming to RWA this year, Anna? We will miss your smiling face. :(
BJ, a lovely friend of mine, Rachel Bailey who writes for Desire, did a scrapbook album for me when Claiming the Courtesan came out. I'd never seen scrapbooking before and this was gorgeous. I can see why people love it!
Lexi, I've never heard Louisa sing. Clearly I have to ply her with more alcohol the next time I see her!
Lexi, I've never had gumbo. I really do need to come South (well, north for me!) and see you gals!
Ooh, Trish, maybe infected feet are lucky! Thanks for swinging by!
May, you really can't go wrong with a hot guy and a funny heroine, can you?
Maria, I actually think baking is majorly creative. And unlike a book, you get that kick of completion after a minimal time. It's wonderful writing a novel, but it's not exactly instant gratification!
Nancy, I've been a bit out of my routine lately but I'm hoping to go back to the piano in the next little while. I find it helps my writing to do something non-verbal (that was a tip from Dorothea Brande). Hmm, I might actually conquer My Way this time round. At the moment, it sounds like My Stumble.
Lexi, is a mud bog like quicksand?
Betty, isn't it wonderful when people love what you've baked? I used to work in an office full of very groovy (mostly younger) people, none of whom ever cooked anything at home. I used to take along the fruits of my baking endeavours and I was the most popular girl there those days!
Jo, I find someone telling me a story (whether it's reading or a movie or TV) really helps my own creativity too. I think because I'm engrossed in the other person's story, my subconscious can just go into its cave and start mixing magic potions without worrying about me prodding it to hurry up. My subconscious doesn't like to be nagged, I've noticed.
Minna, sounds like you've got plenty to keep you busy!
Nancy, my grandmother was a superb knitter too. My mum wasn't into handicrafts although she was a wonderful if plain cook. She had a hand with a roast that I've never seen bettered. Yum!
Beth, I'd love to see some of your jewellery. Yeah, I love to eat too. Hmm, perhaps that's destructive rather than creative ;-)
Lexi, I could definitely contribute to the office supplies section of that book!
Hi Lexi - Just wanted to say welcome to the lair. Your book sounds like great fun and I love your snarky voice.
Your experience with rejection reminded me of my own. So many rejections letters that said "too bad it's historical." But the pendulum swings, doesn't it (grin).
I used to paint before I started writing. I haven't broken out my paints since I sold - but I hope to soon. Actually, I think hanging out with other writers gets the juices going - all those "what-if" scenarios (of course, the wine doesn't hurt either).
Congrats on the sale and I'll be watching for many more.
Lexi, how lovely that your aunt painted on porcelain. My great-grandmother was really artistic and had a house full of paintings. They were very Edwardian in style and completely out of fashion now - although I remember the neighbours being shocked when she gave one featuring nude sea nymphs to my grandfather and he hung it in the lounge room. I remember finding the painting really lovely, even as a little girl. The girls were so PINK and the sun was coming up over the sea so the sky was pink too. Clearly set me off on a life of crime early!
Lexi, I'm short and short waisted. I remember hearing a fashion expert talk on historical costume once and they made the point that at least in the old days, people wore clothes that fitted them because usually they were made specifically for them.
Aww, thanks, Lexi. I'm taking a break from the horror flight this year. Last year, it seemed to take forever to get over the jet lag. Definitely coming to Anaheim (partly because it's practically in my backyard compared to NY!). Have fun and raise a glass or two for me.
Donna, it definitely helps to hang around with other writers. My crit partner Annie West is coming up to stay next weekend and I'm so looking forward to it. Since I moved to Queensland, we don't get together nearly as much as we used to.
Phew! Caught up. It's one party going on in the lair today. Maybe we need Dooley in to round up all the feral cabana boys!
I love the snarky humor in the excerpt. I don't mind dark in the books I read, but a sense of humor (even in the dark ones) make the book for me. This book sounds like fun. It should be a good series.
I have tried just about everything crafty for my creative outlet. Embroidery, sewing and cooking are by primary loves. I have gotten into jewelry making too. Things have been a bit busy lately, so I haven't gotten to do much. Hopefully, the house will be finished soon and I get get back to my projects.
librarypat AT comcast DOT net
Donna, you are so right about the pendalum. I was being told by agents that all the publishers wanted was dark and twisted paranormal and that light PN didn't sell! You just never know, do you? All we can do is write the best book in us and hope we get it in front of the right people at the right time! Thanks for your kind words and for the congrats. It's been a fun ride, so far! Here's hoping I get book 2 finished on time!
Pat, I hope you get back to your projects soon. I agree with you about humor. Even in a book like Claiming the Courtesan, there's a sarcastic, rather black humor to leaven even the darkest bits. I think life is unbearable without a smile, however wry!
Lexi, good luck with book 2!
LibraryPat, you sound like an extremely talented and BUSY woman. House finished? Are you building or remodeling? Yikes on either one! Best of luck with all of your projects.
Anna, a mud bog is a large field that has been soaked with firemen's hoses until it is a large soupy mudhole. Then all the good old boys and girls get to play in the mud in their trucks, four-wheelers, motorcyles and whatever other kind of wheeled conveyance they might drive! I even saw a rebuilt hearse at the mud bog I attended. It opened up a whole new universe to me.
The painting you describe sound quite lovely to me. I can see where you get your romantic streak, from those lovely pink nymphs rising out of the sea!
We will miss you at RWA, but I understand about the jet lag. Rest assured we will raise a glass in your honor. I hope to see you next year in California! And if you do make it this way, I will make you gumbo. It is yummy.
Your book sounds great. Love the cover. I like to garden and to cook as my creative outlets.
Crystal, I love the cover too. :) I think they did a great job. My mother wanted to know why they cut the girl's head off. Hard to explain that part. Hee hee. Gardening? I am impressed. I have a black thumb.
You know i love finding out about new books..And blogs and interviews are the best place to find out new stuff:) Thank you very much
Anna, everything I play on the piano sounds like My Stumble. *g*
Thanks, Temperance. I have really enjoyed being here today. It's been great fun! Thanks for popping in.
Karyn, so looking forward to hosting you here on the 10th June!
Ooh, a gumbo invite. I'm ringing Qantas right now! Well, maybe not but I'd definitely love to do it one day. At the time, strangely it didn't strike me as particularly scandalous to have three nude women on my grandmother's wall. I look back now and think, "Wow, you go, Granma!"
Crystal, it's a fun cover, isn't it? Glad you enjoyed the interview!
Temperance, thanks for swinging by. This book was a fun one to introduce to the lair. Sexy demons always welcome here!
Snort, Nancy, you're a one-hit wonder? I actually have fun with My Way. It builds to such a nice climax. And you know I like those (snicker!).
Sounds like a fun read. I use to enjoy art - sketching. But was totally told by parents that it was a waste of time. I'm thrilled that my youngest has persued art and just graduated college with a BS in fine arts with graphic design and magna cum lauda. I have enjoyed many crafty arts at least in my lifetime
Hey, Lexi, great interview. You know how I love your sense of humor.
Watching (action, romantic, and period pieces) movies get my muse to going because I can always see something that can be done differently.
Oh, Catslady, that's so sad about you giving up drawing. Honestly, I don't think ANYTHING is a waste of time. Well, maybe eating Tim Tams is but it's fun! ;-)
Hey, Carla, lovely to see you here! Lexi, thanks for bringing us so many new visitors today. The cabana boys are whingeing about all the new cocktails they've had to learn, though. Margaritas, apparently, are so yesterday!
I've never been too creative, but I do crochet, and my sister and I took quilting classes for quite a while, which was a lot of fun. The thing I do the most lately is take photographs, mostly at amusement parks. Even though I'm not all that good at it, I enjoy trying to get some great pictures whenever we visit a park. Living in Orlando, there's lots to choose from.
Hi, Anna and Welcome, Lexi!
What a great and most informative
interview! I express my creativity
through scrap booking, writing poetry
and cooking.
Pat Cochran
I am into crafts: knitting, sewing, embroidery, crochet. I always have a project on the go & one in the planning.
Barbara, sounds like you and I have both been bitten by the photography bug!
Hey, Pat, sounds like you've got plenty to keep you occupied! So glad you enjoyed the interview. Lexi was fun to talk to!
Mary, I envy you with your clever hands. I'm hopeless at that stuff - can't even cut a straight line. After today's blog, though, I'm determined to go back to the piano and master My Way.
catlady, sounds like you got my artistic ability and yours too! You go, girl!
Carla, you know I love you and I gotcha back. Ladies, I owe my success to this lady! She's the gal who put me on to Megan Records with Kensington. I call her my guardian angel. She just got a contract and an agent of her own in the last few weeks, and WELL deserved! Love you, C!!!
Barbara, what do you MEAN you're not creative???? Sounds like you're mighty creative to me! I couldn't quilt if my life depended on it and photography is an art! So there! No more with the I'm not creative thing! You are, you just don't recognize it!
Yea, Pat! Another scrapbooker! I was a total addict for years. I used Creative Memories. Love their stuff, plus my scrap goddess sold it, so it was easy, because she always had it when we met. It was like crack to me! Thanks for stopping by.
Marybelle, you are another multi talent on this blog. I am humbled by all y'all do. Man, the muse must love this place! Thanks for stopping by!
Congrats on the release! It sounds fun!
I enjoy knitting, crocheting, and photography and some beadwork. I haven't had a chance to do any painting or sculpture in a good while but I enjoy both of those too.
Congratulations, Carla!
Wow, Pissenlit, you're a factory of creativity! This has been such an interesting discussion, hasn't it?
Pissenlit, another multi talent in this already talented group! Sounds like you can do anything you set your mind to!
Heh. *shrug* I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts. :)
And look how well-rounded you are, Pissenlit! You are a regular Renaissance gal.
Hi Lexi! Hi Anna, thanks for having Lexi here today.
I'm ashamed to be so late to what looks like a really rocking party! Thanks so much for visiting the lair, Lexi and congratulations on your debut. I love the title of the anthology, btw!
Love the attitude in the excerpt. DEMON HUNTING IN DIXIE looks like it's going to be a great read.
As for creative outlets, I enjoy collaging. Not good at it, but I enjoy doing it. It lets my mind wander into the story while I work.
Christine, I know a lot of writers use collaging. I'm not visual enough for it to work although I can see how it does. I remember doing a collaging session with some writers a few years ago and being absolutely amazed with what they came up with.
Ooh, Christine, collage sounds interesting. Are you an inveterate plotter? I am so envious of plotters. I use index cards, myself. Write down plot points and ARC moments I know I want in the story so I don't forget.
Cooking, watching movies, going shopping and working in the yard are things that bring out my creativity.
Leni, sounds great. Actually a lot of us find creative outlet in cooking, I noticed!
Thanks, everyone, for a great day in the lair. I'm feeling very...creative. Well, actually, contemplating all this activity makes me feel very tired! But I'm sure I'll feel creative tomorrow!
Lexi, thanks for being a fabulous guest and we wish you all the best with your debut DEMON HUNTING IN DIXIE.
Don't forget to check back, girls, to see who won the two signed copies of Lexi's book!
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