
Championing Your Day
by Margie Lawson -- Psychologist, Writer, Presenter
Hello Everyone!
A big THANK YOU to KJ HOWE for inviting me to guest blog today. I got to meet KJ in person when she attended a full day workshop I presented for Toronto RWA. I enjoyed chatting with KJ so much, I wish she would move to Denver. I know a few of the ROMANCE BANDITS. What an incredible group of driven-to-succeed talent.
Before I dive into the blog, everyone who posts a comment needs to know that they have an opportunity to win a LECTURE PACKET with over 200 pages of lectures. Stay tuned.
Championing Your Day
Does it seem like your days get away from you? Like you fall into a time warp? Seconds and minutes and hours seem to slip away without your full knowledge?
By the end of some days you feel as if you’ve accomplished little and you’re sad. You’re frustrated. You’re depressed.
Keep in mind, I’m a psychologist and a writer. I’ll share one tiny slice from my Defeat Self-Defeating Behaviors course that I teach on-line every January. It’s one of my TIME-MASTERY systems.
No cringing. Your time is your life. If you’re not in control of the minutes of your day, you’re not in control of your life.
I developed a list system with THREE LISTS: WINNER, SUPER STAR, and MAYBE.
WINNER LIST – This is for the items you KNOW you can complete in an identified time period from 20 minutes to two hours. Specify your time. List the items that are ABSOLUTELY DOABLE during that time. Not items that you wish you could do. Items that you WILL do. No question that you can complete them. Keep it short.
SEE? You can be a WINNER!
Think: DOABLE.
SUPER STAR LIST – This list is for what you MAY HAVE TIME TO DO. Or not.
You do not get to consider touching an item on this list until you have COMPLETED YOUR FULL WINNER LIST. No list hopping.
AGAIN: YOU DO NOT GET TO DO ONE ITEM ON YOUR SUPER STAR LIST UNTIL YOU COMPLETE EVERY ITEM ON YOUR WINNER LIST. You may get to one or two items on this list. No pressure to complete this list.
YOUR MAYBE LIST – This is where you capture your random ideas for whatever. You may do it someday or maybe not. You may put items on your MAYBE list that move up to another list later. Items on your Super Star List may also make the jump to your Winner List when priorities shift.
Remember: You can only look ahead up to two hours at a time. You can then take a break and reward yourself for being so incredibly productive and creative. Next, you identify another chunk of time, 20 minutes to two hours, and make your next WINNER and SUPER STAR Lists.
You may also have a Master List. That’s the one that could anchor the Titanic.
We won’t discuss your Master List. I’ll allow you to make you Master List, but don’t spend time staring at it. Pull the items from it for your WINNER List, then cover up your Master.
Will making these lists help you CHAMPION YOUR DAY? They could. You learn to set yourself up to meet goals. You boost your self-esteem. You accomplish what’s on your Winner List.
If you tap into your STEELY SELF-DISCIPLINE, you can take charge of sections of your day and power your way to success.
Here’s a quote I wrote that helps me stay on track.
Every hour, every day, follow your map to success.
My doable lists are my maps. Try making your doable lists and you’ll follow your maps to success too.
Take charge of your maps . . .
Take charge of meeting your writing goals . . .
Take charge of enjoying the minutes in the hours of your life . . .
Thank you for dropping by. I’d love to hear from you.
Do your big To Do lists overwhelm you? What maps have you created to help you champion your day?
If you’ve taken my Defeat Self-defeating Behaviors course, are you still working with your Change Coach? Let me know about your success.
DO YOU FEEL LIKE A WINNER? Post a comment and you may win a Lecture Packet (a $20 value) from one of my courses:
1 – Empowering Characters’ Emotions
2 – Deep Editing: The EDITS System, Rhetorical Devices, and More
3 – Defeat Self-Defeating Behaviors
Descriptions of these courses are on my web site. Click on Lecture Packets.
I’ll draw a name at 10 PM Mountain Time. I’ll post the winner at that time. Thank you for dropping by Romance Bandits!
Margie Lawson merges her two worlds, psychology and writing, by analyzing writing craft as well as the psyche of the writer. She presents 1) Empowering Characters’ Emotions, 2) Deep Editing: The EDITS System, Rhetorical Devices, and More, and 3) Defeat Self-Defeating Behaviors in one and two day master classes. She also teaches these topics in month-long on-line courses and offers Lecture Packets through PayPal from her web site.
Margie, thanks so much for stopping by the Bandits today. We're thrilled to have you as a guest!
I absolutlely love your class (deep editing) and plan to take more, but they're only offered at particular times. So how do you keep from over-scheduling? According to my hubby, I need to learn to say "no" - but it's not just that, it's the timing of some things. Many things I have no control over the timing of - like your class being the same month as another at the same time as several conferences at the same time as deadlines...
This is from Adrienne:
Margie, your Deep EDITs and Empowering Character's Emotions classes
have revolutionized my writing. Thanks!
I use Safari (Apple) web browser, and I can't see the information on
your Self Defeating behaviors packet. Can you post a brief outline of
it here?
I'll try out your list plan today and see how much more I get done!
Working towards being published is one of the best ways to crush a fragile ego. Rejection is a huge part of the publication process. How do you keep your spirits high as you work towards that dream?
Hi, Margie! I'm really enjoying your Deep Editing class. You've given me some great tools.
I've really gotten unproductive lately. Maybe this list idea will help me. Thanks!
Thanks for the great advice. Ordering one's day and having an IRON WILL and STEELY DISCIPLINE are so important to a writer's success.
On a slightly different topic I was wondering if you see entertaining misuses of pyschology in the work you read.
Boy, today's blog really hits the nail on the head...we writers can be our own worst critic moreso than any professional editor we ever encounter, and we can be our own worst enemy by engaging in self-sabotage of epic proportions.
I do it to myself all the time and then engage in a cycle of even more unproductive self-loathing afterwards!
Thanks, KJ, for the guest blogger today.
Thanks Kim! Thanks Margie!
This topic is certainly applicable today!
I'm checking out your website Margie, especially the January online course.
Does it deal with unforeseen family obligations that come out the gazzook?!
Hi, Margie *waving*
I'm really enjoying and learning so much from your DEEP EDITS class, though you would never know it since I only have time to lurk. I'll catch up, it just might not be until Dec.
That list thing is something I need to try. Job, college, single-momming an 8 yr old and trying to write a book is about to kill me. Other than doing what someone else mentioned and say "no" more often, I think having a list where I'm accountable for things and can see where I've accomplished something would make a difference.
How do you feel about multi-tasking? Is this a good thing or more trouble than it's worth?
Thanks for the class and thanks Kim for pointing us over here.
Wow, great blog. I SO get the idea that the minutes are slipping away and I sometimes think what the heck did I do with that hour? I am going to give this list thing a try. I think I tent to look at the big picture and it just seems so daunting. Instead of "Finish this book!" I need to think "Get words on paper for the next hour." Makes sense to me! Trying to finish one's first novel AND work a 40 hour per week job is not easy!
Just wanted to stop by and say "Hi!"...but then your blog really grabbed my attention! Time is always such an issue and your lists make so much sense.
Glad I dropped in...:-)
~ Melissa Mayhue
Vicky --
Ah -- Timing issues. Speaking to my on-line courses, I offer the Lecture Packets through PayPal from my web site. That way people can use the lectures (200+ pages) just like a how-to book. Anytime. Plus, I teach each of my three on-line courses once per year. If I taught them more often, I'd be self-defeating. :-)))
You do have to say NO to some things -- and have NO GUILT. I address the psychology of REFUSAL SKILLS in my DSDB course.
Thanks for posting. I hope to see you in my Deep Editing class this week. October is almost over.
Adrianne --
I posted the DSDB course description to the class. Sorry that your Safari and my web site don't click.
If anyone else is interested in reading about my DSDB course, please go to my web site and click on LECTURE PACKETS. www.MargieLawson.com
If you have web site glitches, please e-mail me privately at:
Thanks! Adrianne -- see you in Deep Editing class!
Hi Margie, what a great reminder of your your class! These last 2 weeks, I've been focusing on the WINNER list, so that's all I've accomplished. I need to step it up. Today I'm set on completing my SUPER STAR list!
Kim --
Rejection Blues can be debilitating. A huge piece of powering through them is POSITIVE SELF-TALK.
I know it seems dorky, and way too simple, but it works. Unconscious negative thoughts erode self-esteem. People have to consciously push themselves to start thinking positively.
Again -- I cover Rejection Blues in-depth in my DSDB course. :-))
Here's a quote I wrote:
Think positively and pursue your goals relentlessly.
Melanie --
Glad you're enjoying my Deep Editing course. I always have the best time teaching. Love the spirit and talent in the class.
I hope you're soon in charge of your minutes and hours. You'll have more time for writing and deep editing. ;-))
Hi Margie!
I met you when you gave your Deep Edits workshop for DARA in Dallas, and I haven't looked at a mss in the same way since. :D I'll definitely give the lists a try. I can always use help getting it all done!
Tracy Garrett
RLD --
Ah -- a fascinating question. RLD posted: I was wondering if you see entertaining misuses of pyschology in the work you read.
Yes. Some are entertaining, some are not.
My biggest concern is the emotional response. Showing (not telling) the intensity of emotion and writing it FRESH.
Not trite. Not overused. Not boring.
I cover nonverbals and full emotional responses in my Empowering Characters' Emotions course.
Thanks for asking!
Jacki - Well said!
Here's what Jacki wrote:
We writers can be our own worst critic moreso than any professional editor we ever encounter, and we can be our own worst enemy by engaging in self-sabotage of epic proportions.
I do it to myself all the time and then engage in a cycle of even more unproductive self-loathing afterwards!
JACKI -- My job is to help writers interrupt that dysfunctional cycle.
Thanks for posting! I bet everyone who reads your post is nodding and nodding and nodding.
Danielle --
You're fun! Yes -- my Defeat Self-Defeating Behaviors class addresses unforeseen family obligations that come out the gazzook. :-))
We all have days that derail our best intentions train. The trick is to regroup, salvage what you can, access support (even if it's only internal!), and get that goals train moving forward again.
In the DSDB course, participants identify strengths, and learn how to use their strengths.
Thanks for posting. :-))
Terri O --
Hello to another Deep Editing master. I trust that you're mastering deep editing in class this month. ;-)))
You asked about multi-tasking. It depends on the person and the tasks. If you're on the ADHD end of the concentration continuum, multi-tasking could be diaastrous. You'd be distracted and anxious and depressed and not accomplish much. Not a winner.
People on the other end of that concentration continuum are able to juggle, balance, prioritize, and COMPLETE some tasks. They're multi-tasking winners.
Timers are our friends. :-))) Consider using a timer, one you can carry with you from room (Walgreen's has them), and focus on one task at one time.
I hope this helps!
I'm yet another who's been struggling with time management in the last month (but I have a whole list of brilliant reasons for not having gotten any writing done!).
As for the ADHD distraction trap, I've found that setting a timer both for work and break times is really helpful - that way, if I do start to get distracted away from the writing during a break, my timer goes off and pulls me back to what I should be doing. Of course, I have to use a portable timer, which I clip to my pocket, or else I might wander off too far to hear the timer... but it's really helped, especially since I trained my husband that when I'm writing on the timer, he can't bother me until break time.
Hi Margie!
Thanks for the reminder to keep track of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves. Now I'm going back to work ;-)
Doglady --
Thanks for chiming in. I hope you try the WINNER and SUPER STAR Lists. If you stick with them, you'll have success. :-))
Melissa --
Thanks for dropping by! I'm betting that you stay on track most of the time. When your life is throwing more distractions at you than usual, consider using my Winner and Super Star Lists. :-)))
Thanks for your excellent advice. I read somewhere that we have over 60,000 thoughts (please correct me if I'm wrong) a day. If we have negative self-talk running through our minds, it's no wonder we engage in self-defeating behaviors. I love that word RELENTLESS. Not only is it a fabulous mantra, it's the name of one of my favorite wines. :)
Psst...Margie is m'avelous, d'alings, simply m'avelous. :-)))
Edie --
Great to see you here.
MAYBE you'll get to your Super Star list today. :-)))
Thanks so much for being here, Margie! Wonderful blog *g*
I've recently changed how I do (and look at) my To Do list. I have a master list but since I found my master list quite overwhelming, I now take ten items off of it and put them on my weekly list.
I've also learned that I'm not a good multi tasker :-) Now I pick a task (like you said, a task I know I can complete) and work on it until it's done. This has really helped me make the most of my time.
Now, like Donna, I'm back to work ;-)
Hello to Tracy G --
I had the best time presenting in Dallas. AND -- I'm so pleased to hear that you're still applying what you learned in Empowering Characters' Emotions. Excellent!
I look forward to seeing you on-line again. Stick with the WINNER and SUPER STAR Lists. :-))
Betsy --
Yay! Another time addict, er, fan. :-)))
I have several -- and I set them for breaks too. Thanks for sharing that point.
It sounds like your husband GETS IT and honors your timer. So smart!
Thanks for sharing your success strategies.
Donna --
I hope your work day goes well. I'll be shifting my focus to my work day soon too.
Thanks for chiming in!
Kim --
You're right. We all have OVER 60,000 negative thoughts per day.
It's mind-bending.
They could whomp our good moods and our good intentions.
We do have to be RELENTLESS in our quest to THINK POSITIVELY.
Too funny about RELENTLESS wine. :-)))
Beth --
Sounds like your ten-items-list works for you. Maybe you'll try the WINNER and SUPER STAR List system sometime. Just for fun. ;-)))
KUDOS TO YOU for being an STC. A Sequential-Task-Completer. I made up STC. :-)))
Thanks for sharing your maps to time management success!
Waving "hi" to Margie.
Good advice about lists. I'm a firm believer in lists and goal charts.
What a great idea. Breaking into doable time limits makes it so much easier. I'm going to feel so much better when I get things accomplished. Thanks for the post.
I've finished an ms I've worked on for about two years and am now in the editing process. How do you know when it's done? How much is too much? Where do you find a balance?
I've finished an ms I've worked on for about two years. I'm now in the editing process. How do you know when it's done? How much is too much and how do you find a balance?
I *love* making lists--I feel so much more in charge and control when I make them...but I love this way even better. I need to do this at work! Right now actually....
And I'll figure out a way to do this with the writing. *LOL* Which is also where I need to apply it...but for work, this would rock.
I would love to learn more about deep EDITS and emotions. I'm going to your website next. I've heard so many wonderful things--I hope one day I get to go to where you're presenting at a conference!
Love the blog! I plan on signing up for one of your classes soon!
60,000 negative thoughts a DAY? Lord, how many more of them do you have if you're a pessimist like me? No wonder I don't want to get out of bed in the morning. So much is explained!
I like your idea with the 3 seperate lists. I make lists all of the time and use a ton of post-its but I never split them up.
I am a college student so I know exactly what your talking about when the hours just slip by. I'll look at the clock one time and it's 1:00pm and it seems like the next instant it's already 6:00pm. Really scary. I'm always thinking I should have spent more time studying or doing a project.
Like today, I don't even know where to begin with the projects, studying, and homework. I think I'll give your lists a try.
-waves- Hi KJ! And thanks for the blog, Margie. Some good stuff there. I'm a Denver native, though now I reside in smoky San Diego. I love the psychology bent to everything, and read a lot of psych books for fun and research, since I have a lot of psychologically damaged characters. But it's always intriguing to see how a writer's mind works.
It's Margie. Love the comments, suggestions, and energy.
I'm working now. I'll be back on-line about 5PM Mountain Time. I'll catch up then.
Have a WINNING afternoon. :-)))
I enjoyed your deep editing class immensely. One of the posters mentioned fragile egos. The enormity of the odds work against my confidence. I know I'm a capable writer, but I worry about how to capture an agent's or editor's eye. My passion for what I write doesn't necessarily make it interesting to them. It sometimes seems so impossible. I keep on keepin' on, though!
I like lists by the day, the week, the month.
Anything related to health and finances goes to the top. The rest seems to fall into place after that.
And I apologize to no one for taking time for myself.
Does it seem like your days get away from you? Like you fall into a time warp? Seconds and minutes and hours seem to slip away without your full knowledge? That's exactly what's happened to my day today. I'm not frustrated. Yet. But when my eldest son wanted me to sit and talk to him, I didn't feel I could say no. He's recently broken up with a girlfriend of six years and I felt it was more important than writing. But it's tough when you're on a deadline ...
Margie, your lecture in Toronto was amazing, and prompted me to take the Deep Editing class, which has been invaluable to me. I can't believe how much I'm learning, and it's already improved my WIP so much!! Thanks.
I too, find it difficult sometimes to be the career woman, mother, friend, daughter, sister, and writer. There has to be some balance, but how do you do it, and not end up feeling that something is lost or something is sacrificed? For example, I try only to write after my son has gone to bed in the evening, which means that after work, dinner, clean up, bath and story time, I'm getting on the computer at about 8:00 p.m. And that's not even giving me time just to chill with my husband!!
Kim, thanks so much for asking Margie on! This is such a great topic!
Margie, I'm making my way through all the comments. Great blog, great advice and thank you for taking the time to answer everyone individually. Welcome to the Banditas!
Lovely to see all the new faces too! Come back and see us again!
Wow, what an amazing lot of advice. I'm going to try the three list thing TODAY! I love lists - especially now I'm turning into an old lady whose memory isn't what it used to be ;-) Thanks, Margie. What a simple idea and yet I'm sure it's going to make a huge difference to what I get done and more importantly how I feel about what I'm achieving! I use a master list although because it was my only list that's not what I called it. And you're right - it can be daunting to look at everything on it and also depressing to think of what I'm NOT crossing out as done!
Hi Margie:
Thanks so much for joining us as a Bandit guest blogger!
Oh if you could only see our private Bandita email loop--you'd see the self-defeating behaviors and negative thoughts flying by now and then--It's a wonderful help to me to have the Bandits as a support group. Auntie Cindy and her riding crop will NOT tolerate negative thoughts for long. at least, not the ones we voice on the loop! It's the private ones I need to conquer.
But I can certainly use this amazing tidbit--I let my minutes slip by and they do turn into hours with nothing done. So thank you for that reminder! The internet is a wonderful tool, but gosh is it also a wonderful time-waster.
Now, off the internet and back to the manuscript. ;0)
KJ, thanks for bringing Margie to the lair!
I started using Margie's Self Defeating Behaviors packet about two months ago. Unfortunately, I got side-tracked from finishing, but I will.
The lessons did help me to recognize where I was letting life control me instead of me controlling what I was doing.
Mentally I build my list every day, even if I don't physically write it out. My days are highly repetitive. I work out of my home so it is writing in the a.m., kids, work, housework, kids, meals, sports, bedtime.
From another aspect, as writers we are told to have flaws for our characters. I've had a difficult time understanding exactly how to do this, but working through this packet has helped me to say, "I don't have this self defeating behavior, but what would a character do if they did?"
"How would they have to change in order to overcome --x-- situation?"
"Can a character be both childlike and ambitious at the same time?"
Thanks, Margie, for the time you invested in sharing your wealth of knowledge with the rest of us.
K. Bell
Great post, Margie. I'm so glad you and KJ met (she's the greatest, isn't she?!)
I can see I'm going to have to drop by your website and pick up some of your lecture packs - I've already found so much useful in your post! I'm one who finds that time slips away - it seemed easier when I had a full-time job!
Heading back to my revisions - ah, another pack to order!
What a great way to plan the day!
I'm going to try it. :D
Such a good topic. Maybe you should teach on that one of these years at ACFW :-) I have the world's best intentions and am pretty disciplined, even then it's amazing how fast a day can evaporate and I'm left with half the things done that need to be done. Hope you are well!
I have your Deep Edits packet and it has helped my writing so much that I have ordered your Characters Emotions packet, which I am sure will come any day now.
But what I want to say now is the way you wrote about priorities is in a way that makes sense. Now I will have to think about ordering that packet too.
I'm recommending your packets to all my groups.
Sharon Lavy ACFW Ohio coordinator
I loved your class on empowering emotion, but this was even more applicable to me. I seem to get caught by that stupid "don't feel it" bug. I know I need to simply write, even if what I write is tossed out that day. Grrr.
I'm looking forward to taking another class online. Thanks, Margie!
Wow. Somehow I imagine, if implemented, your $20 packets are worth a whole lot more.
I'd never considered two hour chunks of time. Very clever. We need to pat ourselves on the back every chance we get, rather than chew ourselves out.
Gotta try this!
Hi Margie, What a time-appropriate blog! (no pun intended, or maybe it was ;-)
I usually find myself too tired after a day of work, or simply not wanting to look at the computer in the evenings since I've been doing it all day at work, so I find endless excuses not to write in the evenings. Or else I think that I have a large block of time, like a few hours, and I should be spending the whole time writing which is just too daunting so I find endless excuses not to write. All the excuses just sends me into an endless spiral of beating myself down.
The lists are a great idea. I think I'll try breaking down my novel into manageable tasks in a set and limited time frame.
I've heard so many wonderful things about Margie from the women in my critique group who attended the seminar in Dallas.
I'd love to win the Empowering Character's Emotions packet.
Hi Margie! Like Tracy G. I met you at the Deep EDITS mini-workshop at DARA last spring. You really opened my eyes to trying new things with my work. Thanks a million. I'll be trying out the WNNERS list asap!
Wow. Dynamic stuff ... but even the word "lists" scares me silly! I definitely need a few lessons on regaining control of my time - and my life!
Hi Margie, thanks so much for being with us today. I'm terrible at time management so I really paid attention to your post.
I like that idea of doable goals--that feeling of victory carries over into the rest of your day, even over small things. Thank you for giving us your strategies.
Margie, you must have written this with me in mind. Lately my days seem to disappear with no idea what I did with them. I think I have to add another section to the list though. The "Forbidden Zone". You know, the time vampires that suck the minutes away from your day before you realize it: internet surfing, solitaire, phone calls from friends who think they trump your writing time because - hey - it's not like it's a REAL job and you can write anytime. Sigh. Okay. Vent over. Thanks for a wonderful, thought-provoking post.
Margie, I just met you at the ACFW conference in Dallas. Thanks for everything you taught us. I know I could use more time to study the insights you gave. So much goood information!
All the best,
Annette M. Irby
Margie, I will definitely be checking out your website! I know you have done several online workshops for my chapter, Heart of Carolina Romance Writers. I haven't gotten to take one yet, but I definitely will next go round!
I made my lists today and managed to finish everything on my WINNER list--except writing. Off to squeeze some in now!
Wow, we have what I believe are several new faces stopping by today. Welcome to the Bandit Lair, everyone.
Welcome to the Lair, Margie! It's so great to have you with us. KJ, you're a gem, as always, to get great guest bloggers. :> I'll testify that Margie's DSDB class is great - I love the lists - and they help me get a lot done, in spite of the kids and the oblgations and, and, and... Snork. I've always been a list maker, but living by the master list can get really overwhelming. The breakdown of winner/superstar etc. makes it a win each time you cross something off. Or, when the wonderful week comes that you realize you got to at least one thing on that Superstar list each day. Heaven! Grins. I've got the lecture packets and have a series of days set aside to "Take the class" via the packets. I just know they are going to be GREAT! Oh, and for those of you who've neer met Margie, she's just as fun in person... heehee!
I'll second Trish's comment... A HUGE Bandita welcome to all our visitors today! Thanks for swingin by! :>
I can really see how this method might work for me. My question is, how do you apply this when you don't have enough experience yet to know how long it will take you to do certain things?
By the way, I've heard some wonderful things about your classes and I'm planning to save up for them. :)
Thanks for sharing on this blog today.
Well, Margie...I would love to take control of something in my life! LOL!
Really. I feel much better when I can look back on the day and see at least ONE thing that I've accomplished for me. ME. Not the kids, the hubby, the parents, the PTA, or the dog. ME.
None of the above make it easy.
Hi Margie,
Thanks for sharing your expertise with us. As a writer of lists I found your advice on moving to the next list ONLY when you'd finished the first one fascinating. I can see that will help me, especially to achieve some of the small but frustrating things that I keep putting off and then worrying about. Much appreciated!
I really liked your EE class in Dallas--very upbeat and challenging. (I was privileged to be your hostess). I'm still plowing through the material:-) Do I feel like a winner? Yes, I have a wonderful life where I can be a writer and wear the other hats I need when family or duty calls. Do I have self-defeating behaviors? Oh my, yes. Major time-waster here! I would love to win your written material. Thanks.
Thank you for this post! I am inspired to get more organized.
I've been guilty of procrastinating the last six weeks. Thanks, Margie, for the tips to get me back on track.
Margie! You're fantastic. I SO enjoyed meeting you in Dallas, taking the EB and visiting with you. Remember, we have the mutual friend: the Plot Doc. LOL
Now... I'm going back to re-read this original post and put it into action. I'm queen of the time-wasters. No brag-just fact. ;(
Margie, it was so great to meet you at the ACFW conference! I'm currently in your deep editing class but I haven't been keeping up b/c of work.
I had taken your Self Defeating Behaviors class before but fell out of the Winner, Superstar and Maybe lists. Now I'm kicking myself because they really worked!
I'm going to try those today! Thanks for the reminder!
I just got done reading all of the comments. The one Margie posted about ADHD gave me an ah ha moment. :) I now know that multi-tasking isn't the best thing for me. :) Although, as a wife, (homeschooling) mom, writer, etc., I sometimes need to do just that. I'll have to find that balance between life and ADHD. :)
Betsy's comment about the timer for both work and breaks will be a useful one to apply to my own life. :)
WOW! FABULOUS to see all the posts. The blog was hopping while I was working.
Wouldn't it be fun to get all of us together and focus on Defeat Self-Defeating Behaviors? :-)))
If anyone lives in the Detroit area, or has friends and relatives there, I'm presenting DSDB in a full day master class on May 3rd.
It's a power-packed life-changing day. :-)))
I'm diving in to the posts now. I'll have the best time responding to everyone.
If you tried the WINNER and SUPER STAR Lists today, chime in and let us know how you did.
Also, if you have questions about my on-line courses, lecture packets, and/or full-day master classes, please e-mail me privately (margie@margielawson.com). I'll respond to those e-mails on Thursday evening.
Thanks again.......Margie
Cher --
Thanks for the smile. :-)))
I know you manage your time well. BLAZE ON!
Very interesting post Margie, now I just have to put it into practice ::says Dianna as she wipes up the coffee she spilled by jumping up to get the clothes out of the dryer that she forgot last night:::
Margaret --
Looking ahead in up to two hour blocks of time, is an incredible psychological boost. Consciously and unconsciously, we realize what we've set to accomplish in that time frame IS DOABLE.
We can succeed!
Thanks for emphasizing that point!
Lisa --
Great quesion. I have the answers. People who have taken my editing courses have the answers too. ;-)))
Lisa posted:
I've finished an ms I've worked on for about two years and am now in the editing process. How do you know when it's done? How much is too much? Where do you find a balance?
Ah -- I cover this in my Deep Editing course. I developed editing systems for analyzing what you have on the page (my EDITS System). I also have a FIVE QUESTION CHECKLIST (my 5Q) to apply to each scene. Drop by my web site, click on LECTURE PACKETS, and you can read about both of my editing courses.
Gee -- aren't you glad you asked? :-)
Hi Margie - Welcome! I'm getting a late start so I'm still reading through some of the comments and I think I'm going to have to go back and take notes!
But one phrase in particular, struck me as I was skimming. NO GUILT. Okay, I'm hooked. I need to know how this works. Going to go check out your website right now!
Welcome to the Lair, everyone! And thanks, Kim, for bringing Margie to us!
MsHellion --
How'd you do with your WINNER lists at work? I bet you'll have more fun using my Winner and Super Star systems with your writing.
Thanks for posting!
Candace --
Glad you liked the blog. I look forward to seeing you in one of my on-line classes. Since I teach each of those month-long classes only once per year, you may want to consider a Lecture Packet. You can read the course descriptions under the LECTURE PACKET button on my web site. www.MargieLawson.com
Thanks for posting!
Hello FilmPhan --
I bet you'll feel more in charge, and probably accomplish more, if you follow my THREE LIST PLAN. You'll be a WINNER. ;-))
Thanks for posting!
I always over schedule and have too much on my plate. My lists seem to get lost in piles of papers. Any suggestions so that everything doesn't get shoved in together so nothing gets done? By the way I love your classes and have learned a lot.
HELLO tcastleb --
Isn't psych fascinating? Glad you're digging deep into your character's psyches too.
Thanks for dropping by!
Alia --
Glad you enjoyed digging deep in DEEP EDITING class. Me too. ;-))
Fragile egos need ego boosts. It's not egotistical to boost your ego . . . to yourself. Focus on your accomplishments.
Regarding capturing an agent/editor attention -- you know that one. WRITE THE BEST DARN NOVEL YOU CAN. You're ahead of a lot of writers. You know how to edit for psychological impact.
So -- work on that positive thinking. See what you can accomplish in terms of boosting your self-concept between now and Christmans. If you need more, you may want to consider taking Defeat SDB's in January.
Gillian -- you like lists -- and you take time for yourself and feel no guilt. Yay!
Thanks for sharing your positive attitude and positive energy. :-))
Leah --
Great decision. You knew stopping to emotionally support your son was the right decision. No question there.
I bet you'll regroup and get back on track meeting your goals. You'll figure out what you need to do to honor that deadline -- and do it. :-))
I hope you don't lose too many hours of sleep making up for lost writing focused time. It's the sacrifice we make to honor family and goals.
Hello Kris from Toronto!
Great to see you here.
Thanks for letting me know my Empowering Characters' Emotions material struck a chord (cliche alert!). I so enjoyed all the Toronto writers. I had such fun!
Now, to your question.
It's hard, hard, hard work to fill all our roles -- and write too.
I could address your question with thousands of words in response. But not here.
I recommend the great stand-by, DATE NIGHT, with your DH. Or -- maybe we should call it SNUGGLE EVENING. Make one week night and one or two weekend nights be FAMILY or DH, or FRIENDS, or whatever time. On your writing focused nights, you may accomplish more. ;-))
Thank you for chatting. I hope I get to see you on-line again!
Thank you. I'd love to be a Romance Bandits guest again. You all are an amazing group. ;-))
Cassondra --
Hello! Thanks for pointing out how the computer steals time.
I mentioned in a blog post earlier today that I'm a big fan of TIMERS.
Fun to e-meet you. ;-))
Hello Kyrsten, my Murder in the Grove buddy :-)))
Glad you'll find time to finish the DSDB Lecture Packet. I bet you'll love the part about the LEARNING CURVE, and how we move from Unconscious Incompetence through two more stages before reaching Unconscious Competence. Now -- I'm hoping your intrigued. ;-)))
WOOHOO! You realize the advantage of applying the psychology we explore in DSDB to your characters.
I'm working on adding that dimension to DSDB for the January course. You're psychic!
Kyrsten, I'm glad you posted. I appreciate you.
Hello Anna S--
Great to meet you!
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions about my on-line courses.
And YES -- KJ is a gem!
Deanna --
I hope you took charge of your day with the WINNER and SUPER STAR lists. :-)))
Thanks for dropping by!
Hi, Margie--
Enjoying Deep Edits and am looking forward to Defeating Self-Defeating Behaviors in Jan. Will definitely try your three lists tomorrow!
Maggie, what is the difference between winner lists and superstar Lists. Thanks, good talk, right on target for me today and helped a lot. Ann
I mean Margie
Cara --
So fun to see you here! Thanks for surprising me.
I do love the way you think. Who knows? Maybe Defeat Self-Defeating Behaviors for ACFW some year. ;-)))
I bet you do have steely self-discipline. Your steely self-discipline got you through law school.
AND--With less structure to your days with kids and events and responsiblities, it's easy to lose time. Maybe my WINNER and SUPER STAR Lists would help.
I am well, and I hope you are too!
Thanks again.....Hugs........Margie
Hello Sharon L!
Glad to hear that DEEP EDITING is making a difference. AND -- I sent ECE to you. I'll resend. Maybe it bounced back and I didn't realize which e-mail bounced. It will be zipping to you tonight. Thanks for letting me know you didn't have it.
Ah -- PRIORITIZING for the WINNER and SUPER STAR Lists is important.
We CANNOT cram all the things we'd love to accomplish in one day. They don't fit.
WINNER and SUPER STAR LISTS will help you prioritize -- and succeed!
Thank you for posting!
avy said...
I have your Deep Edits packet and it has helped my writing so much that I have ordered your Characters Emotions packet, which I am sure will come any day now.
But what I want to say now is the way you wrote about priorities is in a way that makes sense. Now I will have to think about ordering that packet too.
I'm recommending your packets to all my groups.
Sharon Lavy ACFW Ohio coordinator
Sorry to be posting so late. And I guess I should clarify my question. Wasn't sure if the lists are just for that day cause then you would never get to the superstar list and what is definition of superstar? thanks Ann
Holy smokes...I go downtown for my Grammar class (never hurts to improve one's craft) and return to over one hundred comments. Great job today, Margie. I hope you managed to squeeze in some of your own work. LOL You offered fabulous advice and I hope we'll all benefit from it!
Please come back and visit us again!
Hello Ane M --
So fun to meet you in Dallas last month!
Ah -- Sounds like now you'll push yourself to write, whether you're in a writing mood, or not. Perfect!
You may condition yourself to write. :-)))
Thank you for sharing this point. Others reading your post probably share this writing issue.
Peg Brantley said...
Wow. Somehow I imagine, if implemented, your $20 packets are worth a whole lot more.
You nailed it. Writers have to implement what they learn in my courses and lecture packets. :-)))
Glad the TWO HOUR chunks of time intrigue you. I'm all about DOABLE and setting yourself up for SUCCESS.
Thank you again!
Sherry --
Hello! You're so right. We're all tired at night. We make excuses. We don't write. We become more depressed.
It can be SO EASY to turn your attitude and behavior around and teach yourself to edit a scene or write a few fresh pages some nights.
Thanks for posting. I hope you create your map to success!
Hello Lena --
Thank you! I so enjoyed meeting those wonderful writers in Dallas.
I will literally write all the names on pieces of paper and draw a winner at 10PM Mountain Time. Maybe you'll be the lucky one!
Hello Suzanne!
Ah--another DARA writer. Thanks for chiming in. Have fun taking charge of your life in 20 minute to 2 hour chunks of time. ;-)
Delia Latham said...
Wow. Dynamic stuff ... but even the word "lists" scares me silly! I definitely need a few lessons on regaining control of my time - and my life.
If you're list-phobic, start small. Baby Steps. Work with mastering one chunk of time per day. Make your WINNER LIST and stick with it for that hour (or less). Then work up to larger periods of time. You'll regain control over more and more of your life. :-)))
Christine W --
Hello! Glad you liked the DOABLE aspect of the lists. We all have to be strategic to take control of our often chaotic lives. ;-))
Yet -- we all need time to do e-mail and read a few blogs. TIMERS are time-savers. :-)))
Thanks for sharing!
Annette --
Thank you. Great to hear from you.
I hope to see you on-line again sometime!
Caren --
Thanks. I hope to see you in one of my on-line classes sometime. In 2008 -- I'm teaching Defeat SDB's in January, Empowering Characters' Emotions in March, and Deep Editing in May.
Thanks for stopping by!
Just got in from the DDJ (dreaded day job) and boy the blog has been jumping! Taking notes myself. Would definitely love to take one or two of Margie's online course. I really like the idea of doing a two hour chunk, using a timer and not beating yourself up with guilt, which is a waste of what? TIME!! Great stuff, Margie and I surely needed to hear it. I tend to bash myself for not spending more time writing. Instead of bashing I just need to organize my time and thought processes better.
Trish --
Always fun to connect with you. KUDOS on your sale. I'm looking forward to buying your book! :-)))
Jeanne --
THANKS. You're the best!
Glad you're sticking with the W and SS lists. Good for you!
You're even more fun in person!
Margie, this has been fantastic. Thank you so much for being a Bandita guest!
Audra --
My question is, how do you apply this when you don't have enough experience yet to know how long it will take you to do certain things?
AUDRA -- I GO INTO DETAIL ABOUT THIS IN MY DSDB COURSE. The quick answer: You guess how long you think things will take -- and WRITE DOWN YOUR ESTIMATED TIME OF COMPLETION. Then, you put down the REAL TIME. Over time, you learn how long some things will take.
By the way, I've heard some wonderful things about your classes and I'm planning to save up for them. :)
THANK YOU. I hope to see you in class!
Thanks for sharing on this blog today.
Talia --
Some days, if you accomplish one major item on your Winner List -- you are a WINNER!
Thanks for posting!
Hi Margie,
Boy do I need to work on my time management. It is totally out of control. And my time burns as rapidly as the fires in California.
Thanks for the info.
Annie --
I'm a stickler on COMPLETING all items on that WINNER list before touching an item on the SS list.
We all have a tendency to do the things we like best -- and keep postponing the others. ;-))
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Hello Carla from Dallas!
Glad you chimed in!
Keep plowing through the material. ;-))
I hope to see you again sometime.
Hello Jess, Carolyn Greene's friend :-)))
I enjoyed meeting you too. I hope you try the Winner and SS lists for two weeks. See what a difference you can make.
Tina --
I hope you do get more organized! Set up a reward for meeting that goal. A fun reward. ;))
Suzan --
I'm impressed that you're owning your procrastination -- and that you're ready to take charge of your life again.
Make your plans. Stick to them.
You'll find your success.
Thanks for sharing!
I enjoyed chatting with you in Dallas too. I hope you finished knitting those cute socks. Maybe you'll post a picture of them on your web site. :-)))
Ah -- You're in Deep Editing. Hope you get to catch up in November.
Hey -- I'm glad you're kicking yourself about letting your Winner and SS lists slip out of your grasp. THEY DO WORK! Glad you're going to activate them again.
Great to hear from you. Thanks for stopping by.
I look forward to seeing you at ACFW in Minneapolis!
Hi Margie
I'm not sure if this competition is still open as I live in south Africa and don't have a clue as to how our time relates to Mountain time, however I'm hoping it's not too late.
Your blog today is a great help to me today as I plan to participate in NaNoWroMo. At least I can now see a way to write it by putting my daily word quota on my Winner List. However I'll only be able to write when my baby granddaughter sleeps. What's the best way to get back on track if she wakes before I've finished my word count?
Many thanks.
Ruth Dell
Given that we have so many blog posters, I drew TWO names.
Camy Tang and Annie West!
Camy and Annie -- Please e-mail me privately (margie@margielawson.com) and let me know which of my three Lecture Packets you'd like. :-))
You can read the course descriptions on my web site. Click on LECTURE PACKETS, then on each page. www.MargieLawson.com
I've enjoyed my time with you all. Thanks for responding to my guest blog with such enthusiasm.
Again--thanks to kind, funny, and talented Kim Howe and all the multi-talented Romance Bandits for inviting me to be their guest.
I'll finish responding to the posts now. Thank you for being patient.
If anyone has questions about my on-line courses, lecture packets, and/or would like information about my full-day master classes, please e-mail me: margie@margielawson.com
I wish you all great success at becoming Champions of Your Day.
Hello Kate --
CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SALE! You must still be flying high!
Thanks for welcoming me to the Romance Bandits. You all are fun. ;-))
Feel free to e-mail me if you have questions about my lecture packets.
Thanks for chiming in!
Hello Nanci --
Yikes! I'm big on big lists. Lists written in RED SHARPIE on card stock paper.
Big white board lists.
Vertical lists -- on bulletin boards, walls, lamp shades, windows. Whatever works.
I want my lists big and vertical.
I bet you'll come up with a plan that works best for you.
Thanks for posting!
Nanci said...
I always over schedule and have too much on my plate. My lists seem to get lost in piles of papers. Any suggestions so that everything doesn't get shoved in together so nothing gets done? By the way I love your classes and have learned a lot.
Valerie --
Great! Glad you're enjoying DEEP EDITING -- and that you plan to take Defeat SDB's in January. Thanks for letting me know!
AT --
Hello! You may have missed that part of my blog post on the other page. I explain Winner and Super Star lists on the page that has my picture.
Thank you for joining us today. ;))
AT --
The Super Star List is for the items you MIGHT get to in that time period. You could have 2 items on your WINNER List, and 2 or 3 more on your SUPER STAR List. You don't get to do any SS items until all the WINNER items are completed.
You can make WINNER and SUPER STAR lists for full days -- and for the week. You move SS's to Winner List, one by one, when you will have time to do them.
I cover all this and 230 pages more of lectures in my Defeat Self-Defeating Behaviors course.
Glad you asked for clarification. ;-)))
Popping in way late to say congrats to the winners, and to say Hey! to Margie.
I LOVED your EDITS class at ACFW and cannot wait to take your online classes.
You are a fabulous teacher and I enjoyed meeting you.
Cheryl Wyatt
Great Blog by the way!!!
Cheryl Wyatt
HELLO hrdwrkdmom aka Dianna --
It's a new day . . . hope you make your WINNER and SUPER STAR Lists and honor them!
Thanks for dropping by. :-))
Very interesting post Margie, now I just have to put it into practice ::says Dianna as she wipes up the coffee she spilled by jumping up to get the clothes out of the dryer that she forgot last night:::
Hello doglady :-)))
You got it! Organize your TIME and your THOUGHT PROCESSES. Make those cognitive shifts and take charge of the minutes and hours of your day.
Taking charge of your day in 2 hour chunks is doable. Hope you try the W and SS lists!
Thanks for dropping by again. :-)
doglady said...
Just got in from the DDJ (dreaded day job) and boy the blog has been jumping! Taking notes myself. Would definitely love to take one or two of Margie's online course. I really like the idea of doing a two hour chunk, using a timer and not beating yourself up with guilt, which is a waste of what? TIME!! Great stuff, Margie and I surely needed to hear it. I tend to bash myself for not spending more time writing. Instead of bashing I just need to organize my time and thought processes better.
Patricia --
Sounds like my blog was well timed for you. Take a minute and review the blog. Put some energy into Championing Your Day. :-)))
Patricia PacJac Carroll said...
Hi Margie,
Boy do I need to work on my time management. It is totally out of control. And my time burns as rapidly as the fires in California.
Thanks for the info.
Ruth --
Your post came in just in time to be included in the drawing. Alas -- you weren't one of the winners.
Regarding your question about finishing your word count after your baby granddaughter wakes up, I bet you'll find a way. You can always print the scene you're working on, clip it to a clipboard, and write the last page or two longhand while you supervise her. You can add it to your WIP on the computer later that day.
Or -- you can always write when she goes back to sleep that night.
With committment, comes sacrifice. :-)))
Rannza said...
Hi Margie
I'm not sure if this competition is still open as I live in south Africa and don't have a clue as to how our time relates to Mountain time, however I'm hoping it's not too late.
Your blog today is a great help to me today as I plan to participate in NaNoWroMo. At least I can now see a way to write it by putting my daily word quota on my Winner List. However I'll only be able to write when my baby granddaughter sleeps. What's the best way to get back on track if she wakes before I've finished my word count?
Many thanks.
Ruth Dell
Cheryl --
Yay! Great to see you!
Thanks for the praise. I enjoyed meeting you in Dallas too. I love presenting and teaching. I always have the best time!
I look forward to seeing you in Minneapolis next year. :-)))
ScrollSquirrel said...
Popping in way late to say congrats to the winners, and to say Hey! to Margie.
I LOVED your EDITS class at ACFW and cannot wait to take your online classes.
You are a fabulous teacher and I enjoyed meeting you.
Cheryl Wyatt
Scrollsquirrel, thanks for the props! We Banditas LURV our blog and hope you will come back to visit. Everyone else, too. You are all honorary Banditas!
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