Sunday, November 9, 2008

Countdown to Death

by Nancy

Today, we welcome award-winning Georgia author Debby Giusti to the lair. Debby's books have finaled in Book of the Year, Inspirational Readers Choice Awards, and the Maggie Awards, and she has won Daphne du Maurier Award for Inspirational Suspense. Debby will tell us a little about Countdown to Death, her fourth Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense novel and the first in her Magnolia Medical series.

Thanks, Nancy, for having me on the Romance Bandits blog. It’s a thrill to be here today and to chat with all the Banditas!

Nancy first extended an invitation for me to blog when we ran into each other at RWA 2008 in San Francisco. We reconnected at the Moonlight and Magnolias Conference in early October, and the photo of Nancy, Caren Helms and me was snapped shortly after the Maggie awards were announced.

That night at the M&M party following the awards ceremony, I asked Nancy to suggest a topic for today’s blog. She said, “Talk about your latest release and your Call.” So here’s a little info about COUNTDOWN TO DEATH, my fourth Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense and the first book in my new Magnolia Medical series.

How did five people from a small Georgia town contract a rare, deadly disease? Medical researcher Allison Stewart has to work against the clock to find out. Yet before she can ask one question, someone tries to kill her. A handsome recluse who is shrouded in suspicion saves her.

Many believe Luke Garrison is guilty of a decade-old murder—a murder with ties to Allison’s case. Allison dares to work closely with Luke. But is she setting herself up to become victim number six?

My Magnolia Medical stories feature laboratory professionals on the cutting edge of medical breakthroughs. Battling killer diseases in Atlanta’s leading research lab, they also face human enemies who threaten them and the people they love.

PROTECTING HER CHILD will be out in May 2009, and I’m currently working on book three.

How’d I get started in this business? Like many writers, my road to publication was paved with contests. The feedback from many wonderful judges allowed me to identify problems in my stories, and their suggestions often provided solutions that turned weaknesses into strengths.

While I was completing one manuscript, I'd pull together the beginning chapters and synopsis for a new story and send it out on the contest circuit. In a relatively short time, I'd have feedback, which helped me gauge whether the beginning hook drew the reader into the story, whether the plot was well-defined and could sustain a full-length manuscript and whether the characters were compelling. Using the judges' comments and suggestions, I eventually shaped my stories into polished manuscripts.

The key to publication for me was submitting to contests where the final round judge was an editor in a house where I felt my stories could find a home. I entered three contests judged by three different Steeple Hill editors, including senior editor Krista Stroever and executive editor Joan Marlow Golan. I won the contests and received requests from the judges. Not long after that, Krista called to tell me Steeple Hill wanted to publish, NOWHERE TO HIDE, one of my winning manuscripts. SCARED TO DEATH sold a few months later.

What advice would I give writers seeking publication? Enter contests!

A second tip is to keep paper and pencil by your phone. Luckily when I got THE CALL, Krista prompted me to write down everything she said. After we hung up, I screamed for joy, sent up a big “Thank you, Jesus!” and ran to tell my husband. I must have been in shock because I couldn’t remember anything except Steeple Hill wanted to buy the story. Thankfully, I had notes to remind me of the details.

For next few weeks, I walked around in a pinch-me-and-I-might-wake-up daze and was overwhelmed with gratitude, which continues to fill me today. With COUNTDOWN TO DEATH in print and PROTECTING HER CHILD due out in May 2009, the thrill of receiving that first call still hasn’t dimmed. I’m living my dream and lovin’ every minute!

Stay in touch by visiting me online at with me each Wednesday at and on the third Wednesday of every month at

Thanks again, Nancy, for a great day with the Romance Bandits!!!

Happy writing!

Wishing you abundant blessings,
Debby Giusti

Debby's giving away two copies of COUNTDOWN TO DEATH today so be sure to post a comment to enter the drawing. Tell her about your favorite series and what you like about the stories. How about sharing your favorite medical thrillers as well?


Tiffany Clare said...


Tiffany Clare said...

Not sure what my fave series are, just know I prefer them. Weird I'm not writing a series, lol! I love family connections, or just connections where the characters were really strong in the previous book, and I want more.

Contests, eh? I have a love hate for them. They've been... interesting.

Never read a medical thriller.

jo robertson said...

Hi, Debby, welcome to the Lair. Nancy's right -- we Banditas do love Call stories so thanks for sharing yours.

Your medical suspense books sound very intriguing. I've never read anything from Steeple Hill. Would you mind sharing their framework for mystery and suspense? Are there any no-no's, for example?

I don't know if he fits the category of medical thriller writer, but my favorite author is Michael Crichton who recently died so young. At least, he was a doctor, LOL, very handsome, and very, very tall.

Oh, and my very favorite medical show was Chicago Hope. I love Mandy Patinkin!

Congratulations, Tiffany!

Anna Campbell said...

Hey, Tiff! Way to go! It's a while since you had a day with the chook, isn't it?

Debby, welcome to the lair! Your stories sound really interesting! And what a great call story. I don't think I've ever read a call story that hasn't made me smile! What have you learnt since you sold that you didn't know before you were published?

Jo, I must say I have a think for MP too. LOVE a man with a big nose who can sing ;-)

Tiffany Clare said...

Yup, it's been a while. Last time he was here, he was supposed to get rid of those nasty raccoons. They've gone into hibernation (thank God). Hmmm... perhaps he can chase my cat around the house? Just for fun?

Call stories of every kind are smile worthy. Gives everyone a little hope, those on that same road, eh?

Natalie Hatch said...

What a great title for a blog post.. certainly got me interested.

Helen said...

Well done Tiffany

Great blog Debby I love a good suspense story and your books sound great.
Thanks for inviting Debby Nancy.

One of my favourite series is the Cynster series by Stephanie Laurens and all of them have a good bit of suspense in them as well as some great heros and heroines The Bastion Club series is also very good.

Great call story and so glad you kept up with the contests I will be adding your books to my must get list.

Have Fun

Carol said...

Congrats on snaring the GR Tiffany!
I love a medical yarn! Love ER and I even go way back to Ben Casey!(yikes)
In books...adored Lucilla Andrews...way back! More recently I like/love the medical thrillers by Robin Cook.
I've alway been Interested in the for disease control...which feature in many films.
Your books sound terrific Debbie...more for the TBR folder...
(if I ever get back to my list!!)
Cheers Carol

Tawny said...

HI Debby :-) Welcome to the Lair!! What a fun call story - I'm a sucker for them. Well, them and contests.

A dear friend of mine sold to Steeple Hill as well. I'm so impressed by the breadth and variety of stories that series puts out. Yours sounds fascinating - I do love the title!!

As for my favorite series... Can I say Blaze? *g*

Di R said...

Great blog, Debby.

I love that she told you to write everything down. Sounds like great advice.

As for favorites series, right now I am loving Eloisa James' Deperate Ducheess.


Debby Giusti said...

Hi Tiffany,
Thanks for stopping by . . . a little after midnight! The Magnolia Medical stories are all stand alones and can be read in any order. While the common thread is that the researchers work in the same laboratory complex, I have included a few reoccurring characters.

You mentioned family books. I loved Kay Hooper's early books. She wrote about large family conflict with great intertwining mystery that always made me want to read more.

pjpuppymom said...

Hi Debby! I enjoyed meeting you at M&M in Atlanta this year and I'm looking forward to reading your book. I haven't read any medical thrillers lately so your book arrived at just the right time. :)

I'm definitely a series lover but I have way too many favorites to list them all. A few of my keepers are Christina Dodd's Darkness Chosen, Julia Quinn's Bridgertons, Johanna Lindsey's Mallory's, Robyn Carr's Virgin River, Monica McCarty's Highlanders and Stephanie Laurens Bastion Club.

pjpuppymom said...

Congrats on the GR, Tiff!

Debby Giusti said...

Hi Jo,
I was sorry to hear about Michael Crichton as well. And surprised to learn he was 6'9". The news report I heard said he'd been lonely growing up because of his height and thus turned to writing.

Steeple Hill is Harlequin's Christian line with four Love Inspired Suspense stories released each month. They also publish six romances and two historicals a month.

While the stories contain adult themes, I think of them as "G" rated. My first book, NOWHERE TO HIDE, involved a widow whose husband had freelanced as the web master for a gentlemen's club porn site. She had been unaware of the type of work he did until after his death when she tries to find his killers and ends up on the run. My stories contain lots of violence, but no sex scenes . . . yet there's always sexual tension.

Debby Giusti said...

Hi Anna,
Good question. I've learned that writers have to wear more than one hat. They're writers and PR folks and bloggers and speakers and conference presenters. But their most important job is to write the next book.

Debby Giusti said...

Hi Natalie,
Glad you like COUNTDOWN TO DEATH. In the story, a medical researcher is battling the clock to determine if folks in a small Georgia town have been infected with a fatal disease, so IMHO the title fits.

Debby Giusti said...

Hi Helen,
You're great!!! I'll be looking for Stephanie Laurens' books. It's always nice to find a new author to read.

Debby Giusti said...

Hi Carol,
I was a Ben Casey fan in my very young years as well! :) Even had a Ben Casey shirt. Remember those?

I live in the metro-Atlanta area so the CDC is nearby. I'm a medical technologist and wrote for years about emerging infectious diseases for ADVANCE MAGAZINE FOR ADMINISTRATORS OF THE LABORTORY and served on their editorial advisory board. I used to attend many CDC conferences for the mag and still try to hit one a year. I always come home with lots of ideas for new stories.

Debby Giusti said...

Hi Tawny,
Thanks for the nice Steeple Hill plug. A number of historical authors were happy when SH started to publish the Love Inspired Historical line. From the sales information I've seen, seems readers are happy as well.

Stephanie Bond is one of my favorite Blaze authors. She's a Georgia gal and so, so sweet! Watch for her next three single titles coming out back-to-back next year!

Debby Giusti said...

I pass on the info about keeping paper and pencil close to the phone to writers whose manuscripts are being reviewed. How embarrassing if I'd had to call Krista back and ask, "Did you REALLY call me? And if so, what did you say?"

Eloise James is a wonderful writer. Thanks for mentioning her series.

Debby Giusti said...

Great seeing you at M&M. Loved the conference . . . excellent workshops, wonderful writers, welcoming spirit all wrapped up in good 'ole Southern hospitality.

Sounds like you're a diehard series fan. Thanks for sharing your favorites!

Joan said...

Tiffany, congrats on the GR!

Debby, welcome to The Lair!

Everyday I go to work at the hospital it is a medical thriller :-0

These books sound fantastic! The descriptions alone have me sitting on the edge of my seat.

And thanks for the advice about paper and pen by the phone. Going to sharpen my pencil now!

catslady said...

I do love suspense novels but I'm not sure I've read a series. I too love the title. My favorite series of all time is the Earth's Children series by Jean Auel. I guess I liked the originality of it.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure what my favorite series is. I loved Elizabeth Hoyts Prince series but also loved Shari Anton's Magic series, so I am not sure I have a favorite. I kind of like most series that I read.

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Hi Debby! Welcome to the Lair! It's been a hopping weekend around here.

Tiffany, congrats on the GR!

Nancy, drive safe on your way home and thanks for hosting Debby in the Lair. Great interview.

Debby I love your call story. Like Anna said, I have yet to hear one that doesn't make me grin right along with it. :>

As to series, there are so many I love. Most that I love are in Fantasy - Lackey's Valdimar Series, Tolkien, Eddings, etc. I also love Anne McCaffrey's dragons. I love Patricia Brigg's Mercy Thompson series and pretty much all of Nora Robert's series.

I really enjoy medical thrillers and am looking forward to getting yours.

Jo, I too was saddened by Michael Crichton's death so young. I want to be him when I grow up - bestselling books, movies, tv shows - yeah, you betcha wow! I had no idea he was so tall though. I've seen pix of him, but usually seated.

Have a great day everyone!

ArkieRN said...

Hi Debby,

Congratulations on your new book. I love medical mysteries. I became a nurse because I love medicine.

I have about 30 series that I read. Romance, Sci-fi, Suspense, and Fantasy - I read them all.

Tiffany Clare said...

Duchesse, I love the epic fantasy series too.

Robert Jordan anyone?

He's the biggest name I could think of, but most fantasy novels are of the epic proportion. Another fave of mine is Carol Berg... mostly her Rai-Kirah, but D'Arnath is pretty freaking good too.

There is usually a huge diff though between a fantasy series and romance series book to book. Fantasy usually leaves you with a hook with all protagonists for as long as the series generates popularity. Romance... at generally get that requisite HEA at the end of each book. Mind you, Keri Arthur comes to mind, no HEA at the end of each book even though it's marketed as romance, not strictly urban fantasy. :)

Renee Ryan said...


Glad I found you at this blog (we met at M&M). Anyway, I loved your call story. Contests are such a great way to get in front of an editor.

Your books sound fascinating. How do you add the Inspirational message? Is it in the plot/storyline or in your characters?


Debby Giusti said...

Joan, healthcare professionals are special people!!! Thanks for all you're doing for others. Hospitals are amazing places, aren't they? Lots of drama. Life and death issues. Heartache and joy. No wonder ER, as Carol mentioned, and Gray's Anatomy do so well.

Anyone read Tess Gerritsen? She's a physician writer, and her stories are some of my favorites.

Debby Giusti said...

Hi Catslady!
Jean Auel is fantastic! Wish I had her mind . . . or at least a neuron or two that worked like hers.

Weren't we on the Writing Playground together? Let me know if you're the same Catslady! :)

Debby Giusti said...

Hi Virginia,
Seems the vote is swinging toward the pro-series side.

Anyone read Debra Webb? I was at the Southern Magic Readers Luncheon in Birmingham, AL, last weekend and she was recognized for having written 77 books. Amazing since her debut came out about ten years ago. That's 7+ books a year! Oh my gosh!!! Her HQ Intrigue Colby Agency series has done so well and led her into single title fame.

Debby Giusti said...

Okay, someone help me out. I just went back to the main blog to find out what the GR is that Tiffany evidently won. I'm clueless, but despite my confusion I still want to add my congrats!

Whoo-hoo!!! Way to go, Tiffany!!!

Joan said...


The GR aka Golden Rooster is a mainstay here in the lair. A wily bird who is awarded to the first poster of the day. He's had quite a thrilling life himself with being plied with Tim Tams, chocolate, learning military tactics from p226 and surviving the horror of visiting me in the home of KFC ;-)

Joan said...

Hi Renee!!! {waving madly}

Renee Ryan is a fantastic author and holds a special place in my heart...she was my first mentor! I give her all the credit for planting my feet firmly on the ground when it comes to this publishing biz.

Debby Giusti said...

Jeanne, thanks for sharing your favorite fantasy authors. That's a genre I don't usually read, but I love that we're such an eclectic group. And that there are books being published to fit everyone's particular taste. We're lucky in the US to have an abundance of good reads!

Since Tuesday is Veteran's Day I'll send a big shout out to our brave men and women in uniform past and present. We've been blessed because of their dedication and commitment.

Any Romance Bandit veterans? If so, thanks for your service to our country?

Joan said...


I second your thanks to the members of our armed forces. You are appreciated, you are remembered and we are behind you!

Debby Giusti said...

Thank goodness for nurses and for all you do to help others.

Sounds like you're a series junkie! :) And the type of reader I love! :)

Love the photo of the little cutie posted with your comment! What a doll!

Pat Cochran said...

Hello and Welcome, Debby!

I enjoy both series and family-
connected books. Love finding out
more, especially about families.
Medicals in any form are special
to me - I have a Janice Lynn up
next on my TBR list.

My favorite medical show favorites
really go way back! My nursing
school classmates and I used to
gather in our lounge to watch Ben
Casey and Dr. Kildare. A later
favorite was St. Elsewhere.

Pat Cochran

Debby Giusti said...

Tiffany, thanks for the info on fantasy vs romance series. Sounds like the fantasy keeps the reader hanging at least as to the final resolution of the protagonist's over-arching conflict. Am I close?

I'm brainstorming a possible continuity series with a few other authors. We each will have our own book and a HEA for our heroes and heroines. In addition, the entire series will have a suspense plot that's woven into the individual reads and will progress to a climax at the end of the final story. Sounds confusing, doesn't it?

Anyone read continuities?

Renee Ryan said...


Waving frantically right back at ya! And, hey, don't ever forget that when I read your very first attempt I was incredibly impressed with your natural talent. It's been a joy watching you grow as a writing. I am such a fan of yours! May your next GH final (fingers crossed) end in a sale!


Renee Ryan said...

Er, I meant grow as a writer. Don't you just love fast fingers, slow brain???


Joan said...

May your next GH final (fingers crossed) end in a sale!

LOL, you know I have that dedication all ready to go beginning with you, missy! :-)

Debby, I've never read a continuity series before. How challenging is it to write?

Debby Giusti said...

Hi Renee! M&M was fun, wasn't it!

Every Steeple Hill book is different, but the inspirational thread is usually gently woven in through the characters. In my stories, either the hero or heroine has faith, while the other may feel he/she doesn't deserve anyone's love because of some mistake made in the past.

If the hero can't love himself, then he feels God can't love him either. When he realizes the heroine loves him, his heart begins to change.

Again, the faith element is lightly threaded through the story and should never be heavy handed or preachy.

Debby Giusti said...

Joan, thanks for solving the mystery about the Golden Rooster. Tiffany was up late and posted, according to the notation on my screen, at 12:14 AM. Thanks, Tiffany, for making the first comment!!!

Joan, you mentioned KFC-land. Are you a Kentucky gal? I met and married my hubby at FT Knox and am headed there on Friday. I've got a booksigning at Fort Campbell that evening and then will drive on to Knox for a signing at the Main Post Exchange on SAT, Nov 15. I'm speaking to the Fort Knox Spouses and Civilians Club on Monday. If anyone's in the area, let me know!!!

Joan said...

Oh, yeah Debby. I live on down Hwy 31W aka Dixie Highway from FT. Knox.

How cool that you will be signing at the post! Unfortunately, my day is booked (drat) but you ought to stop in at The Bookstore in Radcliffe OR contact Debbie Meredith who handles romances for them and I'm sure she'll get the word out in the area. Contact me for her email addy at joaniet13 AT gmail DOT com if your interested

Debby Giusti said...

Joan, what would I do without you? Shame on me for not mentioning Renee's upcoming books!!! I was chugging along, making comments and failing to highlight Renee's success!

Please forgive me, Renee!

Renee's Love Inspired Historical series, The Charity House, will debut with THE MARSHALL TAKES A BRIDE, in Feb 09, followed by HANNAH'S BEAU.

Renee, why don't you answer the question you posed to me? How do you add the inspirational message? Also, tell us a little about your series.

Debby Giusti said...

Hi Pat!
Oh my gosh! I had my early doctor shows confused when I mentioned Ben Casey. I wore a DR. KILDARE shirt!!! How could I have mixed up those two?

I never got into St. Elsewhere. Don't know why. Usually medical shows are my favorites!

Lots of nurses on the loop today. Thanks to all of you for your selfless giving.

Debby Giusti said...

Joan, how fun to know you'll be close!!!

I love Debbie Meredith. Met her at RWA a couple years ago. I signed at Radcliff Bookstore last fall. Nice folks. I should contact her. Thanks!

I lived at Knox a number of times. Went to kindergarten there as well as 7th and 8th grade. My dad was military, and he was also stationed at Knox when I was in college. After graduation, I got a job at Ireland Army Hospital and eventually was in charge of the Blood Bank. Met my hubby at a dance and . . . well, it was love at first sight.

My Old Kentucky Home will always have a special place in my heart!

Buffie said...

Hey Debby!

I was at M&M this year too! I met you Sunday morning at the author get together. It was great getting a chance to chat with you and your cohort Missy Tippens. I have to say that I am really looking forward to reading some Steeple Hill books.

I too live in the Atlanta area. I was a Federal Gov't employee for 10 years and almost went to work for the CDC a couple times -- only the HR area. Small world, huh?!

Congrats again on the Maggie win!

Joan said...

Well, my gosh. Small world. My father served in the Army in WW II and growing up (he was 40 when I was born) took us out there to the Patton museum all the time.

I went back a couple of years ago. It's an interesting history not only of the General but conflicts since then too.

Course it doesn't hurt to run into some of those good looking soldiers either :-)

Debby Giusti said...

Hi Buffie,
Thanks for the Maggie congrats, but I was a finalist, not a winner. Hope we can chat at one of the GA Romance Writers meetings. I can't make November because I'll be at Fort Knox that day. Maybe December?

BTW, I had lots of comments about Nancy Northcott's Maggie win in the blog I submitted to her. But she took them out when she posted the blog. Shame on Nancy!!! :) She said everyone already knew she'd won. Well, heck, I'm just so doggone proud of her! She was thrilled that night. All of us at the Awards Ceremony were thrilled!!! Hope a sale is right around the corner.

Joan, fingers crossed (along with Renee's) for the GH!!! Nancy, too. And all the Banditas who are entering this year!!! I'm hopin' everyone wins!

Debby Giusti said...

Hey, Joan! Love going back to Army posts and seeing the young soldiers. God bless them!

My son and his wife are stationed at Knox now. She said her dad spent about six hours in the Patton Museum! It's grown so much since when I was there. BTW, a little trivia. The famous Gen Patton's son -- another general -- lived a couple doors down from my family. He was a good man with a lovely wife and followed in his father's footsteps in many ways, including his colorful language! :)

More trivia: The movie, Patton, premiered at Fort Knox. Okay, that's it.

Joan said...

But she took them out when she posted the blog.

Ohhhhhh, she is in Trob-le....

Nancy, you are on KP duty!

I'm with you Debby, I was fortunate enough to place 3rd in the historical category but was whooping and hollering as soon as everyone's name in Nancy's category had been read...except hers which meant WINNER!!!!

I tried my darndest to get her to dance in celebration!

Debby Giusti said...

Joan, Renee, Buffie, how many of us were on the dance floor at M&M?

Joan said...

I was only on there for two songs. The amount of "motion" my shimmying was putting into play freaked me out! LOL I couldn't drink enough alcohol to "let it go"

Caren was getting down as was Trish and, gotta watch out for PJ!!!

Buffie said...

Debby, I think I made it out on the dance floor 2 or 3 times. PJ and I did the twist and I know I was there for YMCA. It sure was a lot of fun.

Joan said...

Dancing Queen was what got me out there...that and vodka :-)

Jeanne (AKA The Duchesse) said...

Ooooh, Debby, thanks for ratting Nancy out.

Nancy, Bad Bandita! You must allow your fellow writer pals, and Banditas to CELEBRATE with you, for you and most of all ABOUT you. Remember, we all wish we'd been there getting the award, so we have to live vicariously.


I SO wish I'd see the dancing queens out on the floor.

*okay, that didn't sound exactly right...*

Fedora said...

Hi, Debbi! Congrats on your books--how exciting!!

I'm a big fan of series books--I have a soft spot for Julia Quinn's Bridgertons. I also really enjoyed Nora Roberts' Quinns (Chesapeake Bay) and all her MacGregors; Sarah Mayberry's Daytime Divas (a Blaze trilogy); Sylvia Day's Georgians; Kleypas's Wallflowers; Stacey Kayne's Wild trilogy; Monica McCarty's Highlanders; Kate Angell's baseball titles... And Harlequin and Silhouette have a ton of category lines that are pretty great reading :) I really enjoy revisiting places and characters through a series...

Congrats on the chook, Tiffany!

Nancy said...

Tiffany, congratulations! Whether you have him chase the cat--or vice-versa--do keep him busy! I've read Robert Jordan but had put that series on hold until it was complete just because the books were so massive and the gaps between them so long.

I didn't expect to be so late to the party, but I had no computer access and then was on the road for several hours. Looks as though y'all have had fun without me. :-)

Jo, I was also sorry to hear of Michael Crichton's death. My favorite of his works is the movie adaption of The Thirteenth Warrior.

Jeanne, I can't take credit beyond inviting Debby. She wrote the post (though I did insert a typo, now fixed) and even sent me all the graphics. Glad you enjoyed it.

Debby, thanks so much for joining us. I just started Countdown to Death and am eager to dive farther in. I do love your call story. Thanks to you and JT about the Maggie. Sharing it with you two and the other banditas and the RNTV group and the GRW and HCRW and CRW members was just wonderful. I really felt like the belle of the ball.

My parents were both in the navy, so I join in your shout-out to veterans.

Buffie, I'm always in awe of the number of my friends who know the arm motions to YMCA.

Debby Giusti said...

I didn't realize I was dancing with so many Banditas that night! :)

Seemed appropriate to let our hair down after all the work we'd done throughout the day!

Promise you'll come back next year, okay?

Debby Giusti said...

Jeanne, next year come to M&M. You'd love the conference, and you'll see all your friends dancin' the night away!

Debby Giusti said...

You take the prize for Series Diva!!! Thanks for sharing your great list of favorites!

Debby Giusti said...

Hey, Nancy! Welcome home! Hope you had a good trip and an easy drive back to NC!

I've been having a ball today chatting with your Bandita sisters! What a super group of gals! Okay, I have to ask. No guys, right?

Navy parents . . . or 'rents as my daughter would say. No wonder you're such a great person. All that military brat blood turns ordinary genes into something special. Which is what you are!!! Bet all the Banditas would agree. Thanks again for inviting me to blog today. Cyber thank-you hugs to mom and dad for their service to our nation.

Joan said...

Nope, no "guy" Banditas but we do have a couple of male BB's p226 being the military member (Hey, 226...where have you been? Helllooooo?)

Anyway, thanks for being with us today. Because of great guests like you my TBR pile is threatening to spill into the street!

Debby Giusti said...

Thanks, Joan. You all are the greatest!!!

Nancy said...

Debby, thanks! My parents were out of the navy before I was born, but I spent many a Saturday morning peering into a toilet bowl with a toothbrush in my hand. :-)

Daddy was a hospital corpsman, and Mom was in the WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service). Her rank had USNR, instead of USN, after it. I don't think they do it that way anymore.

Glad you could join us today.

Debby Giusti said...

It's been so much fun! Thanks again for inviting me, Nancy.

pjpuppymom said...

Debby, thanks for being here today!

Nancy, you *were* the belle of the M&M Ball!

Joanie, you were doing fine out there on the dance floor!

I love the Twist but had to draw the line at the YMCA. I never would have gotten all those hand motions right! lol