Well that's weird. It's goes to a yahoo account and they may be having problems. I was email with someone today and when she replied the date on her email suddenly went to 5/19/04. So something's up..
Donna MacMeans, Trish Milburn, and Nancy Northcott will all be in Atlanta for the Moonlight and Magnolias conference in Decatur, Georgia September 30 through October 2nd. If you're in the area, stop by for the booksigning. We'd love to see you.
Redeeming the Rogue by Donna MacMeans received a 4.5 star TOP PICK! review from Romantic Times Magazine.
Living in Color by Trish Milburn is now available on Kindle, Smashwords and at barnesandnoble.com for the Nook.
2011 Golden Heart® Finalists!Nancy Northcott and Anna Sugden are finalists in Romance Writers of America®'s prestigious Golden Heart® Awards.
Riding The Waves by Tawny Weber was awarded a Reviewers Choice Award by CataRomance.
Cosmopolitan Magazine - April 2011 - out now! features an excerpt from Jeanne Adams's Deadly Little Secrets Pick up a copy today!
Nominated for Best Suspense of 2010! Romantic Times Magazine has nominated Jeanne's Deadly Little Secrets for their Best Suspense Award. This is Jeanne's second RT nomination.
Woohoo! Email's been sent!
I take that back. Well, no, not really, I did send it...twice. But both times, I got one of those "Delivery Status Notification (Failure)" emails.
Well that's weird. It's goes to a yahoo account and they may be having problems. I was email with someone today and when she replied the date on her email suddenly went to 5/19/04. So something's up..
Try christiekelleyauthor@gmail.com
Weird! Well, okalie dokalie, here's hoping! :)
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