
Did you ever wish you could go back to being a kid? Look for all the new pencils and backpacks and lunch boxes and just go back to school with all the other eager kids.
Or maybe it was college. Maybe life intervened and you didn't get to go, or it wasn't what you wanted or were ready for at the time.
Or graduate school. I've frequently considered graduate school. I have tons of graduate credits, in several different fields, but nothing held me enough to want to go the distance and do that thesis at the end.
I've been considering it again, lately. There's a fabulous program another Bandita did that offers a graduate degree in writing. Now THAT I can do, commit to, and complete. Grins.
If you could go back to elementary school, what would you do differently? What kind of backpack or lunchbox would you get?
If you could go to any college in the country, free ride scholarship, where would you go, and why? What would you study? Would it be for business or just for fun?
And if you wanted to further your education and do graduate studies...what field?
I'd love to know what you, our friends, are interested in!
No amount of money could lure me to repeating my childhood over again. Let alone the hell of K-12 schooling. *LOL* I enjoyed school; I was good at it...but the whole socialization, competitive sports, popularity thing--not so much.
But if I were an elementary kid now, I'd probably be begging for a Harry Potter lunchbox. And if my mother were still alive and exactly who she'd been when I was raised, I wouldn't be allowed to read the books nor have the lunchbox because she thought they promoted witchcraft. (Another reason I'm very happy to not be in my childhood.) *LOL*
Graduate School sounds good. What program is it exactly? That sounds like something that would be 'fun' (as far as that sort of thing goes.)
Hellie got the rooster! Oh, we have to dress him as a pirate. The Dread Pirate Goldie.
I finished my Bachelors last year and everyone said I should going for the MBA. I just couldn't do it. Three and a half years was enough.
Now, if someone else was paying, I'd do the writing program at Seton Hill in a heartbeat.
Not sure on the lunchbox but was surprised to see the retro ones when kiddo and I were shopping last week. I might have to go with the classic - Scooby.
Hey Hellion! You got the Chook! Blogger was being very, very difficult today and not only not letting me post my blog, but not letting me add pictures. Sigh. I do love the pictures! Grins.
Had to LOL about the witchcraft and Harry Potter. I guess they do promote it, but I tend to overlook that and just revel in the story. Ha! Even as a parent...I'd rather have them read SOMETHING. But I know some parents are verrrrrry particular about that.
Holy crap, I did. How did that happen? I can't have a rooster in my office. I think my work frowns on pets in the workplace.
Sorry, what am I thinking? Bo'sun will look after the Chook for me. *LOL* He'll be wearing an eyepatch and a pegleg in no time.
I don't think any of the pirates have ever gotten the Chook. Dang... *LOL*
I'm currently having technical difficulties but will be returning as soon as I can. Sorry.
Yay MsHellion! The GR hasn't visited with you for a while (of course, we'll have to work to get him to stop the pirate-speak when he returns).
Elementary school was great. Not sure I'd change anything except not moving at the end of fifth grade. It's hard to come into a new school for sixth grade.
Free ride? I'd go back in a heartbeat. I'm a schoolie at heart. I'd major in fine arts (painting and writing concentrations) and probably history. Nothing - and I mean Nothing - to do with business. Been there - done that. (grin)
Seton Hall has a great program. I've considered it...
Great topic, Jeanne! And congrats on the release of your latest book. I can't wait for it to reach me from Amazon.
Wahoooo, MsHellion! Too funny on not wanting to repeat your childhood. I feel the same way about elem, but high school was a wee bit better. I loved college, though.
I went back to school in my forties after college graduation and I loved every minute of every class I took.
Terri said, "Now, if someone else was paying, I'd do the writing program at Seton Hill in a heartbeat."
That sounds interesting, Terri. Tell us about it. I'd love to take a writing program, although I might be intimidated by the other students LOL.
Donna said, "Free ride? I'd go back in a heartbeat. I'm a schoolie at heart."
I'm with you, Donna. I think I could be a professional student. I'd like to study law or criminal justice. I took quite a few classes while researching my first book and I loved learning that stuff -- "search and seizure," "probable cause" -- those terms set my heart racing LOL.
I loved school, all 27 years of it
--from what would be called pre-K today through the moment I was entitled to wear full doctoral academic regalia. I would have been happy to stay a grad student forever, but my advisor insisted I finish my dissertation. :)
What I'd love to do now is just take any courses that appeal rather than than following a program. I'd take some French literature courses, lots of history, and certainly some of the new courses that focus on romance fiction.
That is the second time today Blogger has eaten my comment. ARGH!
Jo - Seton Hill University in Pittsburgh has an MFA program on Writing Popular Fiction. A friend of mine is taking it and she loves it. Most of the work is online with something like two weeks every semester done on campus.
Here's the link:
I'm with Hellion! Though, primary school would be more fun these days, I think. I'd probably also go for the Harry Potter lunchbox or something with cats or penguins on it. Then again, maybe I'd go for a sporting lunchbox with my fave footballing or hockey hunk!
Definitely no to more exams, though! I did do a post-grad degree for teaching and that was hard enough!
If I was going to get to go to Uni as a mature student - I'd love to do what my lovely hubby is doing and go to Cambridge and study something totally fun. I love the idea of being at such an awesome uni with all that it offers.
When I was at Uni there was a course called American and Commonwealth Arts which seemed to involve a lot of book reading and movie watching - I could go for that!
I'd also love to do courses at the local community college on stuff like flower arranging and craft-y things. The only problem is I'm hopeless at them and have no talent at all ... but I'd like to know the principles at least *g*
I'm with Hellion, I really have no desire to go back to school...any grade.
I'm really not sure what type of lunchbox I'd get. Most of my childhood years, I took a brown bag.
Now, if I did go back for something it would probably be a history degree.
I would NOT go back to elementary school, or anything before college. No way, no how.
College or grad school is a different story. I loved my college days and only wish I'd realized then I was going to write historical fiction so I could've majored in history instead of being "practical" and getting a B.S. in Economics I've never used. As for grad school, if someone else was paying for it I'd be thrilled to get a PhD in History. I think Princeton has a good program, and I'd love to get back to the East Coast for awhile...
FInally! I'm back! Sorry everyone!
Donna said Free ride? I'd go back in a heartbeat. I'm a schoolie at heart. I'd major in fine arts (painting and writing concentrations) and probably history
Donna, my sister! I would go back in a NY Minute if I could. I love learning things even if they're "useless" in general. Grins.
Jo said: Great topic, Jeanne! And congrats on the release of your latest book. I can't wait for it to reach me from Amazon.
Thanks, Jo! :> Both for the comment about the topic and for ordering Deadly Little Secrets! :>
Ms.Hellion, congrats on the bird! I also would love a Harry Potter lunchbox, though my first choice would probably be Stargate SG-1 or Wonder Woman. Or maybe Superman. Or Princess Leia.
But I could happily cart my lunch in a Harry Potter box.
I also thought the socialization thing and the sports thing in grade school were hellacious. At least until we got to softball, where I was pretty decent. Kickball, otoh, was totally and absolutely mortifying.
So I would only go back if I could be good at kickball. And run faster. I could hit the ball far enough in softball to compensate for my lack of speed.
Jo said: I went back to school in my forties after college graduation and I loved every minute of every class I took.
See, I think school is wasted on the "young" - some of them anyway. :> I love being an "older" student and adore the new perspectives I get whenever I take a class. That feeling of "i never thought of THAT," is so much fun!
Jeanne, if I were going back to school just for the heck of it--which I do toy with but never act on because, hey, we already have one tuition bill on the horizon and besides, I would have to write papers and take tests again--I would probably go to grad school in history. I truly do love the subject.
Jo said: I loved learning that stuff -- "search and seizure," "probable cause" -- those terms set my heart racing LOL.
Grins. Had to LOL about this. I'm going to the Writers Police Academy in about three weeks. I'm sure I'll be swooning over all that fun stuff. :>
Janga said: I was entitled to wear full doctoral academic regalia. I would have been happy to stay a grad student forever,
Oh, it's DR. Janga! Yippeee! I love it. Congrats - belatedly, of course - on that signal honor. :> I really wish someone would pay me to go to school. Hahah. There's all those ads about "Obama wants Mom's to go back to school" - yeah, right. Not Grad School, darn it. :>
Janga, I had 4 semesters of French Lit and loved every bit of it, so I'll bet you'd love it too, being a book-lover.
TerriO said: Seton Hill University in Pittsburgh has an MFA program on Writing Popular Fiction. A friend of mine is taking it and she loves it. Most of the work is online with something like two weeks every semester done on campus.
Terri, I had monster problems with Blogger today. Hence both the lateness of the post (tho' part of that was I had myself down on the wrong day! grrr!) and the lack of my usual picture-laden post. Snork.
Hey, thanks for posting the Seton Hill link. :> That's the program I'm looking at. There's also one out of a Unviersity in Maine and one at Johns Hopkins, both of which come highly recommended.
Anna said: Then again, maybe I'd go for a sporting lunchbox with my fave footballing or hockey hunk!
I think I'd go for superheroes. Iron Man or Silver Surfer. Grins.
Anna said: I'd love to do what my lovely hubby is doing and go to Cambridge and study something totally fun. I love the idea of being at such an awesome uni with all that it offers.
Oooohhhh, jealousy rears it's ugly head. I would ADORE this! How fun for your darling hubby that he's doing this.
Christie said: Now, if I did go back for something it would probably be a history degree.
You'd ace it, Christie, with as much history as you've already absorbed to write your books. Of course, you'd probably spend part of class furiously writing notes about story ideas each phase of history created for you. I think all writers would be that way - esp. the Banditas! I can see us all, listenign intently to the lecture, then getting that glassy eyed "I ahve an IDEA!" Look, and furiously trying to get the story idea down before it escapes. Grins.
Hi Susanna! You said: I loved my college days and only wish I'd realized then I was going to write historical fiction so I could've majored in history instead of being "practical" and getting a B.S. in Economics I've never used.
Wow, Economics. Heavy duty stuff. :> hated it. Grins.
History would be SUCH a fun major, wouldn't it? And ohhhhh, to go to Princeton or Harvard or Yale to study it? Yep. Heaven.
Nancy said: Stargate SG-1 or Wonder Woman. Or maybe Superman. Or Princess Leia.
But I could happily cart my lunch in a Harry Potter box.
I think we need to get you a lunch box with your buddy Teal'c on it. Grins. Custom made, Nancy N. Lunchbox, special edition with him on it, arms crossed and glaring at anyone who dares contemplate your lunch... Grins.
Nancy said: Stargate SG-1 or Wonder Woman. Or maybe Superman. Or Princess Leia.
But I could happily cart my lunch in a Harry Potter box.
I think we need to get you a lunch box with your buddy Teal'c on it. Grins. Custom made, Nancy N. Lunchbox, special edition with him on it, arms crossed and glaring at anyone who dares contemplate your lunch... Grins.
Nancy, I found softball mortifying until late high school. I was so uncoordinated at points. I was okay with kickball - bigger target and eye foot coordination, which was better than eye/hand for me. :> But softball was just horrid as was the whole rope-climb thing, until I was in the later part of high school when my growth spurt got my body synched up. :>
Nancy said: --I would probably go to grad school in history. I truly do love the subject.
Ahhh, there's history again....all of us love the history! :>
MsHellion...they call that a lunch special at Popeye's
Well done MsHellion have fun with him
I am not sure that I would want to go back to school I did enjoy high school but more for the friends and fun I had there not the study LOL.
I have done a few Tafe courses thru work over the last 20 years but I really think I am over all of it now.
My eldest grandson Jayden starts school next year and I will enjoy that shopping with him for lunch boxes and pencils etc that is what I am looking forward to
Have Fun
Intersting topic, Jeanne.
Elementary school I would change and not be home schooled during
7th grade (Yes, kiddies....in Joanie's day 7-8 were included in elementary). The home teacher's husband was the owner of a construction company that was being investigated. Her mind was not on math etc.
Lunch box? Hmm...if it was today it would be Keith Urban complete with iPod of his songs. Or Zac Brown Band...Chicken Fried in the box.
High school. There would be a lot I would change but there were goo things too that balanced out the bad.
No more college for me at this point, though the degree in writing fiction sounds intriguing.
I would go to Bellarmine University, a small, Catholic college here in Louisville. It is set in the most bucolic, beautiful place, the campus is gorgeous (esp. in fall)I went there and got my BSN over a 6 year period.
During that time I considered getting a minor in philosophy as I had a GREAT student teacher that made it fun. Plus I relished the idea of developing a "The World According to Joanie" philosophy :D
I was so backward school was painful for me, really. This whole book reading thing is a life long habit for a reason, I could deal with my books but not with people.
As far as lunch boxes, Harry Potter would work for me or depending on the grade even the Waverly Wizards.
YAY MsHellion! The GR will definitely liven up any office staff meeting!
CONGRATS ON THE NEW RELEASE, MY DEAR DUCHESSE !!! The Amazon pigeon is winging his way to me with your fabulous book as we speak!
If I could repeat any of my childhood years in school it would be the three years I spent in England. I would pay closer attention to all of the great historical places we visited this time!
Do they make Mr. Darcy lunchboxes? Jane Austen? Mr. Rochester? Or how about a Richard Armitage lunchbox? YUM!
I would LOVE to go back to school as long as I didn't have to work my way through as I've had to do with every degree I've earned.
I had a ball earning my B.S in Music Education and at the same time a B.A. in vocal performance. I went to an all girls college in the middle of nowhere in Alabama. I was such a serious student that the lack of distractions (boys in class, fast food restaurants, movie theatres or entertainment venues of any kind) was perfect for me.
I earned my MMA (Master of Musical Arts)in Opera Performance and Music History at the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg. Any college an hour from the beach and two hours from New Orleans is a dream college!
I have all of my coursework done for my DMA (Doctor of Musical Arts) and have done all of my recitals, concerts and opera performances. All I have to do is finish my dissertation. Sigh. Don't see that happening any time soon.
If I could go back to school with a full ride scholarship it would have to be somewhere that offers a degree in British History and Literature. If the college was actually IN Britain - even better!
Other than that I would love to earn a degree in Romance languages (or any languages actually.) I love the study of languages and I've studied several over the years. The Monterey School, where they teach languages to people in "government" jobs would be fabulous!
Jeanne, just so you know, I'm also having trouble commenting, as Terri mentioned she is. Blogger's "in a mood" today, apparently.
As for my buddy Teal'c on a lunchbox, that'd be great. Christopher Judge, who plays Teal'c, was at DragonCon, and Trish urged me to get my picture taken with him, but I don't love being photographed. I meant to go down to the Walk of Fame and get an autographed photo, but I never made it.
Maybe next time.
Jeanne, I would love to experience that back to school excitement again. I used to love getting new pencils and a new pencil box in elementary school. I always adored those big pink erasers. I still buy them to use on crossword puzzles and Sudoku.
Any school in the country? I would love to have gone to Appalachian State University becuase it's in the mountains and everyone I know who went there adores it. I am also half in love with UNC-Wilmington. It makes me wish I was doing it all over and could be a Seahawk! Of course, the ultimate would have been UNC-Chapel Hill. It has the coolest, most creative thinkers around. Would love to be on the newspaper there (like my best friend was!). What a thrill!
I would love to get a masters in something fun, like psychology. I think I would make an awesome therapist!
Donna, I'm totally with you on being a schoolie. Visiting colleges with my older daughter this summer made me want to go back to school real bad! I didn't make the most of my college experience and would love a chance to go back and be hyper-involved with clubs and organizations. I am such a rabid volunteer!
WTG Hellie!
I have a bad feeling the GR will be swaggering around with an eye patch for days. But GUARD THE RUM on board the Revenge... just sayin.
Nope, do NOT wanna repeat elementary, jr. high nor high school. No way, no how, no matter HOW much you paid me! :-P No, it wasn't ALL THAT BAD, but ONCE ONLY thankyouverymuch!
As for college, I always wanted to go to USC and have many times regretted that I didn't follow my instincts, go into serious debt, and go there!
Louisa, I LURVE the sound of UofSMiss, an hour from the beach and two from Nawlins! WOO HOO! Here in California, U of C Santa Barbara is RIGHT ON the beach, and Santa Barbara is a gorgeous town too, so sign me up for a free ride there. I HAVE my BA in history, so I'll take my MA in comparative lit. or creative writing would be fun too. ;-)
Hi Jeanne!
I'd love to go back and study the history/art/literature of Georgian England. Of course I've done it informally but there's nothing like an intensive course to focus the mind! I'd love to study at Cambridge University if money was no object. I could visit VA, too, which would be a definite perq!
Creative writing... I think you have to be veerrry careful what program you choose. I imagine the wrong one could just as easily stifle creativity as nurture it!
Louisa said: CONGRATS ON THE NEW RELEASE, MY DEAR DUCHESSE !!! The Amazon pigeon is winging his way to me with your fabulous book as we speak!
Thanks, Louisa! Wow, I finally get to have my posts show up again...weird. Blogger's been eating my posts.
Joanie said: MsHellion...they call that a lunch special at Popeye's
Dianna said: This whole book reading thing is a life long habit for a reason, I could deal with my books but not with people.
Dianna, I moved in the middle of my 9th grade year. I was SO out of place and my only refuge - my lifelong one - was books. So, I totally get this. Grins.
Louisa said: All I have to do is finish my dissertation. Sigh. Don't see that happening any time soon.
WOW, Louisa! You should do it so we can call you DR. Louisa, like we do with DR. Janga. Grins.
And to go to school in Britain....ahhhhhh....yep.
Caren said: Any school in the country? I would love to have gone to Appalachian State University becuase it's in the mountains and everyone I know who went there adores it. I am also half in love with UNC-Wilmington. It makes me wish I was doing it all over and could be a Seahawk! Of course, the ultimate would have been UNC-Chapel Hill. It has the coolest, most creative thinkers around
Ahhhh, to go to Chapel Thrill....that would have been fun. I took some courses at Duke and at NC State, but not at UNC, alas. I went to MEredith too, for a bit.
Glutton for punishment...or what was it Donna called it? A Schoolie?
Caren said: I would love to get a masters in something fun, like psychology. I think I would make an awesome therapist!
I think you would too, Caren! Go you! :>
AC said: U of C Santa Barbara is RIGHT ON the beach, and Santa Barbara is a gorgeous town too, so sign me up for a free ride there.
Oh, wow, that would be faboo, wouldn't it?
As to the repeating elementary - other than cool school supplies - I too file that under the heading of "not enough money printed to get me to do it again." Grins.
College though...
Caren, I meant to also say that Appalachian State would have been one of the "go back to" schools for me as well. It's GORGEOUS there!
Okay I'm late.
I'd go to grad school for a bunch of stuff.
I've already BEEN to grad school, mind you, but that would not stop me.
First, I'd go for viticulture because I've already been for horticulture so I've got the basics covered. But the study of grapes and vineyards would be SO interesting.
But then I'd go to Belmont College to study music business. MTSU has a good program too, and I might go there to study studio engineering. Maybe I'd do both. (We ARE living in our fantasy world, aren't we? The one where grad school is free?)
Then I'd go for geography and geology, then anthropology.
Yep. I'd do a degree in every one of them. Of course, then I'd be 90 years old.
OH...then I'd do the ultimate--architecture. Specialty in restoration.
By then I'd have more on my list.
You can see why I finally left school, right? It was either leave, or stay there for the rest of my life--but WITHOUT enough interest in any one thing to get a doctoral degree, which would be necessary to actually EARN A LIVING while on the premises of said institution of higher learning.
Yeah...if college were free, I'd go forever.
Sad, isn't it?
Oh,..elementary school? I'd never go back there. The first 12 years were the most miserable years of my academic career. Blech.
Woot Hellion!
Good going on grabbing the rooster!
OHHHH...art. Donna reminded me.
Yes indeed. Art might actually have to come FIRST!
yes, I'd definitely need a graduate degree in art.
I do know one thing I'd do different.
I'd go to Berea College.
Do y'all know about Berea? It's a shcool here in Kentucky, and there's no tuition. But each student has to work at the school and/or apprentice with a craftsman in the city of Berea--there are all kinds. If you want to do arts or craft for a living, this is the place to go. I'm not entirely sure how I missed this when I was looking, but I somehow DID miss it. Even now, I think about going and enrolling.
Cassondra said: Yeah...if college were free, I'd go forever.
Sad, isn't it?
Nope. Grins. I think about 12 of us admitted we'd go forever too. I think it keeps you smart and young and in touch with your brain cells.
Hahah! Probably why mine are dying off at too fast a rate...I'm not learning enough!
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