Our guest today is my good writer-buddy and frequent visitor to the Lair, Marie Force. Here are a few things you might not know about her:

Since 1996, Marie has been the communications director for a national organization similar to RWA. She is a member of RWA’s New England, From the Heart and Published Author Special Interest Chapters. While her husband was in the Navy, Marie lived in Spain, Maryland and Florida, and she is now settled in her home state of Rhode Island. She is the mother of Emily, 15, Jake, 12, and a feisty dog named Brandy. Marie is the author of a romantic suspense series, FATAL AFFAIR (June 2010) and FATAL JUSTICE (Jan. 2011), Books 1 and 2 in her new Fatal Series from Harlequin’s Carina Press. Book 3, FATAL CONSEQUENCES, is coming in July 2011, FATAL DESTINY in September 2011 and FATAL FLAW in February 2012.
AC: Welcome back to the Lair, Marie!
We’re thrilled to have you here to celebrate the release of your latest, Fatal Justice, the second book in your romantic suspense Fatal Series for Carina Press. Please tell us what your two lead characters Sam and Nick are up to in this latest story.
Marie: Hi there Aunty and all the Banditas! I’m so happy to back for another visit. Thanks for having me!
Sam and Nick return for another adventure in Fatal Justice. They’re newly in love and working out the boundaries of their relationship in the context of two high-pressure jobs: she’s a D.C. homicide detective and he’s a U.S. senator. In this book, Sam investigates the murder of a Supreme Court nominee with the added caveat that she and Nick were two of the last people to see the victim before he was killed. Also in Fatal Justice, Sam pursues a new lead into her father’s unsolved shooting that leads to danger for her. I’m really excited to get book 2 out to readers!
AC: And I can't wait to read it! What particular challenges have you faced in writing a series with the same couple as the main characters?
Marie: While writing Fatal Justice, I was enduring the roller coaster ride of Fatal Affair being on submission. I was disappointed that romance editors weren’t interested in a series featuring the same couple in every book. Boo! Thankfully, the ladies at Carina Press love the idea, and readers are telling me they do, too! I had a feeling they might…
The primary challenge as the series continues is keeping Sam and Nick’s relationship conflicted enough that it stays interesting but no so conflicted that it’s unrealistic. I found that to be a particular challenge in the third book, Fatal Consequences, which I finished in November. I’ve decided that readers don’t want to see them “fighting for their survival” in every book, so they will grapple with a lot of the stuff everyone deals with but in the context of their high-profile Washington lives.
AC: Sounds juicy! (rubs hands together with glee) What were some of the rewards?
Marie: I love slipping back into the Fatal world. It’s like putting on a comfortable pair of slippers. I’m working now on Fatal Destiny, the novella that will feature Sam and Nick’s wedding, and it gets easier with every book to submerge myself in the new story. I know the characters very well at this point. I said to someone recently that the scenes featuring Sam and Nick almost write themselves because I know exactly what each of them would say in most situations.
I’m also really enjoying the secondary characters, including Sam’s partner, Detective Freddie Cruz, Detective Tommy “Gonzo” Gonzales, Sam’s father Skip Holland, the O’Connors and the rest of the cast. I gave Freddie, Gonzo and Detective Jeannie McBride major subplots in Fatal Consequences and expect to further develop their characters in future books. Freddie is also prominently featured in Fatal Justice. He’s a trip to write!
AC: Since you also write contemporary romance as well as romantic suspense, do you use a different process?
Marie: I wish I could say my process is different for the suspense books, but I tend to fall back on the same chaotic seat-of-the-pants madness that has fueled all my books. I sold Fatal Consequences and book 4, Fatal Flaw, on proposal, which required synopses. While writing Fatal Consequences, I never once referred back to the synopsis
However, one of these days my head is probably going to explode from keeping all this stuff locked up in my brain! That’s why I recently hired one of my Beta readers to index books 2 and 3 for me. I did the first book, Fatal Affair, myself and it took an entire weekend. Since I’m staring down a Feb. 28 deadline, I’m very grateful to my friend Aly for taking over the indexing job for me. As I write the fourth story, I’m finding it harder and harder to keep track of all the details, so it will be great to have a series “bible” to refer back to while working on future books.
In reference to the differences between contemporary and suspense, they don’t require different techniques mostly because the Fatal books are also contemporaries. However, it does take a significant amount of brain cells and bone marrow to keep the suspense portion of the Fatal books moving along at a good clip and to end up with a reasonable conclusion to the murder mystery.
AC: Where can readers find the Fatal series?
Marie: They’re available at Carina Press http://ebooks.carinapress.com (just look under "romantic suspense" on the sidebar) and everywhere e-books are sold. I’ve been asked a lot about where Nook users can find Fatal Justice if it’s not yet available on barnesandnoble.com, where it will be eventually. Nook users can download the ePub format from Carina.AC: What’s next for you?
Marie: I have a print book out on Feb. 1, Everyone Loves a Hero. Also in February, I’ll be running a promotion to give readers the opportunity to plan Sam and Nick’s wedding. Watch my website at www.mariesullivanforce.com for details about how you can participate and win some great prizes.Fatal Affair will be released in print by Harlequin in July via the eHarlequin website. Also in July is Fatal book 3, Fatal Consequences. The free wedding novella, Fatal Destiny, is out in September as part of Harlequin’s romantic suspense week. Book 4, Fatal Flaw, will be out in February of 2012.
I also recently posted two of my unsold contemporaries, True North and The Fall, to Amazon and have been blown away by the response from readers. That’s been very exciting!
AC: WOW! My head is spinning! 2011 promises to be a very busy year for you. Did you make any resolutions? Or do you have plans or wishes you hope to see fulfilled?
Marie: I never make resolutions and tend to avoid writing goals. I don’t like to set myself up for failure. However, I do hope to exercise more in 2011 and I have set just one goal for my writing career: to finally sell the book of my heart, Treading Water. We’ll see if either of those things happens! Let’s put it this way—the slim chance of a book sale is probably far more likely than the exercise! LOL!
I’m looking forward to chatting with the Banditas today! I’m always curious about what readers think of romance series featuring the same couple in numerous books. So let me know what you think of that, tell me some of your resolutions and the most important question of all: will Bachelor Brad actually choose one of the women this time around? Inquiring minds want to know! I’m happy to give away a copy of Fatal Justice to one of you!
Thanks again for having me.
Marie!!! Congrats on Fatal Justice--can't wait to get all caught up with Sam and Nick, and looking forward to MORE! :) Woohoo!
CONGRATS on getting the GR, Fedora!
Yup, I'm looking forward to the new Sam & Nick book too!
these books sound exciting, congrats on the new release too:)
I think you'll really enjoy Marie's series. Feel free to ask her questions when she arrives in about 7 hours. ;-)
Well done Fedora have fun with him
Whoo Hoo Marie I am so looking forward to Fatal Justice I too loved Fatal Affair and am eager to catch up with Sam and Nick and all the other characters in the first book. I think this is the first series that i have read that involes the same hero and heroine all through the series and I love the thought of it because I got to know Sam and Nick so well in the first book and going through all the adventures they are going to have along the way with the whole series appeals to me LOL.
I have thouroughly enjoyed all of your books Marie so keep em coming LOL.
Thanks Aunty Cindy for inviting Marie back today.
Have Fun
Will we see any of the other characters get a romance during the series I would love to see Tommy meet his match
Have Fun
Fedora, it's been a while since you've had the chook, yes? Congrats!
Hey, Marie, fabulous to have you here in the lair. You're the cabana boys' fave!
Love the sound of the new book. And what fun to have the wedding coming up too!
Do you see this series continuing indefinitely a la the J.D. Robbs (who said readers don't like continuing characters in a romantic series? Sheesh!)? Or do you have a definite end in mind?
Aloha, Marie! Mahalo to your husband for his military service and your support of him!
I enjoy reading a series with the same couple - it's like a PCS move. You learn how the couple take the next step in their relationship as they "move" to the next book.
Marie - You sound like one busy gal!
I'm not a big fan of The Bachelor (that is the name of the show - right?) so can't make a guess on the outcome. As to a continuing romance with the same couple - hey, as long as there's conflict and falling in love and a satisfying conclusion - sounds good to me. (Of course, a frock coat and a ball gown would make it even better - LOL)
I have actually never seen an episode of The Bachelor so I could not even begin to guess at that.
I love it when romance between characters span more than one book. If it is a couple that I love I like being able to keep visiting with them. I am able to see the growth between them and the relationship doen't feel so rushed.
You are so welcome, Helen!
I LURVE to host Marie because she is always a fun guest. ;-)
So glad you are loving this series, and seeing the same couple go through adventures as their relationship grows. A lot like real life, isn't it?!?!
I was thinking of the JD Robb books too, when Marie was getting feedback about readers not wanting to see the same couple in book after book. What the heck # is the In Death... series up to now?!?! 87???
Aloha, Kim!
Thanx for dropping by tonight and YAY! Score another fan of series books that show the same couple in the various stages of their relationship.
I'm really looking forward to the wedding novella! Write faster, Marie!
Hi Donna!
You're prowling the Lair LATE tonight. ;-) I've never seen The Bachelor either (SHHH! Don't tell Marie!), but then I don't watch much of anything on TV.
OOOO! I'd love to see an historical series with the same couple... Besides Jamie and Claire, of course.
We'll keep the NEVER-watched-The-Bachelor as our lil secret, shall we?!?!
And YAY! Another reader who wants to watch the couple's relationship grow over the course of several books. I KNEW Marie was onto something with her idea!
Marie, I rarely read romantic suspense (or ANYTHING with a contemporary setting, really--I'm usually all about historical and/or fantasy), but I enjoyed Fatal Affair and am looking forward to Fatal Justice.
Hey Susanna!
Welcome to the BOOM-side (not quite the Dark Side, but things do blow up or go bang)! Sometimes it's FUN to explore a different sub-genre and I'm so glad you liked Marie's story.
Now can I interest you in a couple of books with Irish hunks?!?! ;-)
Congrats on the GR, Fedora!
Man, I have "Fatal Affair" and "Everyone Loves a Hero" in my TBR pile! Must get on them right away!
Okay Ladies,
I must retire for the night and will be driving to the coast tomorrow morning so don't know when or if I'll be able to check back in.
Marie will be here in just a few hours (since it is 2:30 am in Rhode Island right now) and will be thrilled to read your comments and answer any questions!
Please continue on with the celebration and roust a few cabana boys to make mimosas for everyone!
YAY Sheree! Move those puppies to the top of your TBR stack! You won't be sorry. ;-)
Marie, your series reminds me a bit of JD Robb's In Death with Eve and Roarke in that that series also features the same hero and heroine and it's a series I love. I'm glad to "discover" you here and I'm definitely going to check out your books.
Fedora, what are you going to do with the chook?
Fatal Affair is such a great read I am sure you will love it
have Fun
I'm afraid I don't watch the Bachelor although I always hear tidbids here and there. Resolution - try to clean up some of my clutter but absolutely no messing with my books lol. I haven't read you as yet but I have heard a lot of good things about your books. Oh, and if I like the couple first time around, I enjoy reading about them again.
Well done Fedora enjoy GR
Congrats on the new book Marie.... I am looking forward to it as I enjoyed the first one
Fedora! You snagged the GR!!!!! Congratulations! And thanks for coming on tour with me! :-)
Morning Cindy! Thanks for having me today. I so enjoy our interviews! LOL on the 7 hours. Thanks for letting me sleep in!
Hi Cath, glad the books sound good to you! Hope you enjoy them!
Hi Helen,
Thank you so much for your kind words about Fatal Affair. I know this kind of series isn't everyone's cup o Joe, but I've been thrilled (and a little vindicated--LOL) by readers' responses to Sam, Nick and the series. Thanks for all your support of my books. You've been with me from the beginning, and I appreciate it!
Hi again Helen,
I should've read more before I pressed send... Yes! You will see a lot more of Tommy. His love life kicks into gear in Fatal Justice with an interesting match and I have a big surprise in store for him in Fatal Consequences. :-) I expect all the main secondary characters will have major stories going forward. I came up with BANG-UP big idea for a story for Sam's dad the other day that I'm now salivating to write. LOL!
Hi Anna,
So nice to "see" you! We must as LEAST have a drink together at RWA this year! :-)
Funny you should mention the In Death books. One of the enduring romances in all of fiction right? But shelved under mystery, not romance. I know! I was surprised by that, too! So what makes my series a little different from the Robb series is that it is first and foremost a romance. Whereas in the Robb books you might find the emphasis on the mystery with the romance interwoven here and there, in mine it's a 50-50 split (sometimes even 60-40) with some politics thrown in since Nick is a senator. As much as I love the Robb books, I am always left wanting MORE of Eve and Roarke. So I kept that in mind while writing my books. LOTS of Sam and Nick! :-) I do expect it to go on indefinitely--or for as long as the ideas keep coming and readers are still interested in the series. I have no real plan for the length of the series at this point. Thanks for the great questions!
Hi Kim,
I will pass that along to my husband. He is a very PROUD veteran! He would probably still be in uniform if his cranky wife hadn't said ENOUGH of the PCS moves! Glad you like the idea of a continuing series! I had a feeling readers like you were out there! :-)
The Bachelor is the show I love to hate. I know it's a train wreck, and yet I still can't NOT watch it. Kinda like the Kardashians...
While I can't promise simpering debutantes in the Fatal series, there will be an occasional ball gown (such as in a VERY important scene in Fatal Justice) and outstanding shoes. Sam's a bit of a shoe whore...
Hi Danielle,
I feel the same way. I love having the opportunity to delve into what happens after the happily ever after. There was so much ahead for them at the end of Fatal Affair that I always would've wondered whether they'd really made a go of it if I hadn't written Fatal Justice and beyond.
The Bachelor is not for everyone. Especially this season with the recycled Bachelor. However, I will say, he's about the HOTTEST thing on TV right now, so you could watch just for the eye candy.... Wait til he takes off the shirt.... WHOA!
Thanks for venturing out of your usual genres to give Fatal Affair a try. Hope you enjoy Fatal Justice, too! Ironically, until recently, I haven't been much of a fan of RS for pleasure reading as I too prefer the historical when I have down time. However, my book club friends got me reading Pamela Clare's I-Team series, Christy Reeces's Last Chance Rescue series and Maya Banks KGI series and now I am totally HOOKED on all of them! Highly recommend.
Thanks for checking out my books! Fingers crossed that you enjoy them!
And Aunty, I think I knew you weren't a Bachelor fan. It's one of my "not so secret" shames! It's so bad my teenage daughter wouldn't get caught dead watching it with me. LOL (She gets peeved when she catches me watching the Kardashians, too. She reminds me a little TOO much of my mother....)
Hi there Daz,
You are right--there are some similarities with the In Death books in format, but they're very different, too. However, readers of that series would probably enjoy mine.
Hi Catslady,
Ahhh, conquering the clutter--always a goal around here, too. I can't get over the amount of STUFF two kids generate. Okay, I can't entirely blame them....
Thanks for checking out Fatal Affair! So glad you liked it. Hope Fatal Justice does it for you too! :-)
Phew...I think I'm caught up! Looking forward to the rest of the day with y'all!
I like the same couple in a series of books. I like to see how their relationship progresses and how they face obstacles that may come their way.
Congrats on the new book!!
I agree, Runner. That's why I'm enjoying writing it, too! :-)
Hey Marie *waving madly* delighted to 'see' you back in the Lair! Look forward to catching up with you in DC.
The Fatal series sounds awesome and I'm so glad Carina took the chance on your series! Also glad to see it's coming out in print!
I love ongoing series with the same characters - the most obvious being JD Robb's In Death. But also, Lisa Gardner and Tess Gerritsen have great ongoing series - especially where they're developing a relationship beyond the initial HEA.
Hi Anna,
Waving madly back at you! Look forward to seeing you at RWA!!
I so agree on continuing stories. Seems to be a staple of the mystery genre but not so much in romance, which is baffling!
Fedora, congrats on the bird!
Marie, welcome back. I like the idea of a series featuring the same couple, and I think suspense offers particular opportunities for that.
I've noticed continuing couples appearing in some paranormal romances, but that doesn't seem to carry over into other subgenres.
They're very popular in mystery, of course, and not uncommon in science fiction and fantasy.
The book sounds great! Good luck with it.
Cindy and Anna, the J.D. Robb books are about to hit 33, I think, not counting the novellas. However, they're shelved in bookstores under mystery, suspense, and thriller. I have to think there's a marketing reason for that.
Maybe Marie and others like her will demonstrate enough reader interest to open up romance. There was a series starting with a continuing couple, romantic suspense, in print last year, but it only went as far as two books. A third was scheduled, apparently, but won't be coming.
I think it's unfortunate, but maybe it's a crossover whose time will come. When I first started writing romance, editors were saying the paranormal elements had to be superfluous, you had to be able to strip them out without changing the story. Now, however, there are paranormals that skate the genre line with fantasy.
Marie: COngrats on all the good things happening to you. Looking forward to reading your work!
Hi, Marie. Welcome back to the Lair. Sounds like you're keeping busy, which is a good thing in the world of a writer.
Congrats on your new release.
Thanks, Nancy! I'm hoping to see this series structure become more popular in romance so I can say I blazed a trail. Haha! The readers have shown the series enough love to get me to four books and a novella. Hoping they will continue to enjoy Sam, Nick and their band of friends and colleagues.
Thanks so much, Lorelei!
Trish, yes, busy is GOOD but a big balancing act with a full-time day job that requires quite a bit of travel and two kids who are busier than I am. Oh and that puppy... Whoo! Speaking of busy! She wakes up with naughty on her mind! Thanks for the good wishes.
I do like series that feature the same couple, but so far only such series I've read which seems to keep going on and on is in Death series. Other series I've read have been mini-series.
Not sure if mine will turn out to be mini or maxi. LOL, that sounds dirty, but you get my point!
Welcome back to the lair, Marie! Congrats on the success of your Fatal series *g*
I don't have anything against series featuring the same couple but I haven't read many either! Must remedy that this year :-)
Hi, Marie! I'm so pleased the Fatal series is going so well for you! I'm a huge fan of political thrillers and to have that mashed up with an ongoing love story is yum yum YUM as far as I'm concerned. can't wait to get my hands on them!
As you can probably tell, I love revisiting characters (and couples) I've loved before. It's so comforting and thrilling at the same time. Like hanging out with old friends who've really been through something since you saw them last. Lots to catch up on. I'm so glad Carrina sees it our way. :-)
Thanks a million, Susan! I am so excited to be writing this series the way it appeared in my addled brain! I also love hanging out with much-loved characters in future books. Hopefully, Sam and Nick can find the love to hang around for a good long time! :-)
Nice to chat with you all today!!
Hi Marie,
Congrats on your new release!
This series sounds fantastic!
I don't watch the bachelor, so I'm not even going to guess.
Hi, Marie! I love following a series with a couple, but I'm not a fan of ones where say a triangle is drawn out indefinitely--I like some closure where that's concerned :)
Yay Marie with Fatal Justice! And many more to come.
Hi, Marie, welcome back to the Lair. It's always good to "see" you here. I'm so glad Carina Press picked up your suspense series. I really enjoy a series with the same couple involved, but I know they're trickier to write.
Both Anne Perry's series (William Monk and Thomas Pitt) are among my favorites. And, of course, J.D. Robb's In Death series is to die for!
Congrats on the rooster, Flchen1! He's been a bit rowdy lately, I hear. Must be all that holiday partying.
Been a while hasn't it, Fedora? Have fun with him !
Marie, I love a series that follows a couple through a series of adventures. It gives you a chance to see the couple's relationship grow over a longer period of time.
Hi Marie! Love your books and can't wait to read Fatal Justice!
Looks like you and I are in the minority here. I do watch The Bachelor (though I missed the first episode Monday). It's one of my guilty pleasures. You'll never guess who I waited on at work Tuesday night. Brad's cousin! Got lots of background info on our recycled bachelor. ;-)
Hey Marie!
I love characters that continue through several books. It gives me a chance to really get to know them. Of course, my kids start looking at me a bit strangely when I begin talking about the characters as if they are real people. But,come on. Sam and Nick. They're real, right?
I missed you earlier! Thank you for wading into the "same couple series" waters. Hope you enjoy!
Thank you! You're not missing a whole lot on the Bachelor... LOL
Don't worry--no triangle in this one. Just an "annoying" ex-husband who is a thorn in their sides.
Thanks, Linda! xoxo
Jo, it can be more difficult to write at times and then easier than other books, too. Depends on the day!
Louisa, I'm so looking forward to seeing how Sam and Nick's relationship changes and grows over the life of the series. Should be interesting (or so I hope! :-)
PJ, so nice to "see" you here! Hope you enjoy Fatal Justice! You are so lucky to have met Brad's cousin. Was he H-O-T too? You missed some good "chest" shots of our hero on Monday. Might be worth a viewing on ABC.com, just to get you caught up, of course. I read in People that Brad is totally in love. Hope it works out for him! He seems like a nice guy and I am GLAD he didn't pick someone just for the sake of picking someone last time. Good for him!
Of course Sam and Nick are real. Who said they aren't??? :-)
Hi Marie! Congratulations on the release of "Fatal Justice" and your soon to be released "Everyone Loves a Hero". I haven't had the chance to read "Fatal Affair" yet, but can't wait to start this series. Especially since I really love all the books you have written so far.
As to your question, I really like books that features the same couple in numerous books. It gives you the chance to revisit the characters. Congrats again and I hope you get the chance to publish your book TREADING WATER like you want! Can you give us a hint what it is about?
Amber E.
Thanks so much, Amber! I'm so happy to hear you've enjoyed my books.
Ahhh, Treading Water... It's about an architect whose wife is injured in a suspicious "accident," and left in a coma. He has to step up and care for his three daughters (two of them teenagers). More than a year after the accident, he finds new love and is forced to confront decisions he never imagined having to make. It's the first of a three-book series that I absolutely LOVE. Fingers crossed that this will be the year!
Huh. I actually prefer a series to feature the same couple! Ones that don't make me a bit sad 'cause after the book ends, I have to leave them behind!
No resolutions for me! I don't make them.
As for Brad? I don't know! I wasn't a fan of him the first time around so I don't think I'll be following this season very much. He did look a bit like a deer in headlights in the first ep. My prediction is that even if he does pick someone, they won't end up getting married. I'm not quite sure I believe that he's gotten over his commitment issues yet.
SO glad to hear you say that! I know what you mean about the "sad" factor when a book you love is over. It's nice to know there will be more. So I hope you love Sam and Nick enough to want more. And more. And then some more. :-)
I liked Brad before and I like him better now. LOL on the deer in headlights. I think it took guts for him to come back again after the beating he took the last time. I wish him nothing but the best.
Marie, I like the sound of "And more. And then some more." Heh!
Oh ya totally! I felt so bad for him what with almost every single girl mentioning what happened the first time around. And that slap! Oh man, that really was so unnecessary! I hope my prediction isn't true but that show's got such a crappy track record. :D
Very crappy track record for sure! But it's still guilty pleasure TV. And let's face it, like him or not, he's easy on the eyes! LOL
I normally prefer The Bachelorette. More eye candy. ;)
Hi Aunty and Marie, Lovely to see
you both! As to Marie's questions:
I don't watch the Bachelor, so I really haven't an opinion. Shame
on me, I haven't read Fatal-Book
1 yet but I have added it to my
TBR list & will be picking up a
copy soon. This will be a first
for me, a couple who are the main
characters in each book of a series.
Thanks for visiting the Lair, Marie.
Pat Cochran
Hi Marie - I'm glad to hear that you might keep this series going for awhile if you can sell it. I find that one of the reasons I much prefer UF to PNR is that in UF it's much more common to find continuing couples -just to name some of the most popular couples and series out there - Kate/Curran in the Kate Daniels series, Mercy/Adam in the Mercy Thompson series, Cat/Bones in the Night Huntress series, etc. I love seeing the growth of their relationships as much if not more than I love the paranormal elements and the world building.
I love seeing the same couple in a series. Love Eve and Roarke in J.D. Robb's series. Although not technically a romance series, these two definitely apark!
My resolutions involve improving myself, in my writing, my weightloss goals, and spiritually.
Sorry, not a fan of the Bachelor so no opinion there.
I'm looking forward to checking out your books. Great interview!
Hi Pat,
So glad the same couple in a series appeals to you! Thanks for checking out the Fatal books.
Hi Jen,
Thanks for your interest in the series. Hope mine measures up to those you name--gulp. :-)
Hi Laurie,
I love your resolutions and wish you all the best with them!
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