Here's a quick bit of fun for a (hopefully not too) hot Saturday:
Television -- half-hour sitcom or hour-long drama? I love those sitcoms. They're only 22 minutes of viewing time (without commercials) if you want a quick break!

Television -- half-hour sitcom or hour-long drama? I love those sitcoms. They're only 22 minutes of viewing time (without commercials) if you want a quick break!

Sleepwear -- sexy and frilly, sloppy and comfortable, in the buff? Yeah, right, this body no longer does sexy. I want comfort!
News Broadcst -- computer, television, or newspaper? I keep
telling Dr. Big that newspapers are out of fashion, but he loves his hour of reading in the morning. Me, computer news because I can pick and choose what to read or not.

Replacement for Charlie Sheen on 2.5? -- Ashton Kutcher (he IS the replacement), Charlie come
back, or Aw, I wanted Hugh Grant and his lovely accent. aplusk (Kutcher's twitter handle) all the way; he's phenom (and I think I'm gonna be a stalker -- hey, doesn't he like older women LOL?

Let 'er rip, Bandita Buddies. What's your fave? Be sure to tell us why!
Television: Right now Switched At Birth
Sleepwear: Comfortable, or in the buff, it is summer after all!
News Broadcasts:Online news updates on Fb
Sports: Love baseball and basketball, but watching my son play tennis is my fave by far!
Charlie Sheen: I think Ashton will make it his own and bring anew fresh face to the show.
Well done Lolarific have fun with him
Here we go
TV for me if I watch TV at all something quick and funny
Compfy I am built for comfort not show LOL
If I am home from work I will watch the TV news
Love watching football (Rugby League)
Charlie Sheen
This is one show I really enjoy not sure how it will go with Ashton in it
Have Fun
Another cool windy day here in Sydney
GD - Just when I think I can beat Lolarific, lost again!
I'm loving everything. About to do a Game of Thrones marathon...Jason Mamoa(sp?), holy mama, hot!
Reading Burn Down the Sky (James Jaros), totally not a romance, but so good.
A little sad that hockey season is over, but so glad Boston won!
True Blood starts in a week, Yeah!!! Oh, Eric, how do I love thee, more than I can put on this blog, that's for sure!
I have never seen the Charlie Sheen sitcom, was I really missing anything? Probs not!
Congrats, Lolarific.
Hello Jo,
I love sitcoms(30 Rock, Community) and dramas(NCIS, Hawaii Five O.) Can't choose between those two.
Sleepwear: I choose comfort.
News: I read the paper and watch the local news at 11pm.
Sports: Hockey and baseball. I do watch basketball, but it's usually during the playoffs.
I'm going to watch when Ashton makes him debut on Two and a Half Men. He should do okay.
Hey, Lola, one chook for you! He's had a fondness for Oz lately - he might have picked up the accent. G'day, Mate!
I've got really fond of How I Met Your Mother!
Sloppy and comfy in the sleepwear department.
Computer news (although I always get news on the radio in the morning when I get up).
Actually not crazy about ANY of those sports. Sorry, Jo. Like the tennis.
Hugh would have been lovely!
Television - both, depends on my time & my mood
Sleepwear - comfort everytime
News Broadcast - online for convenience
Sports – happy to give them all a miss
Replacement for Charlie Sheen on 2.5 - Ashton will be the better choice
have a g'day with him lolarific
Hi Jo
I like British comedy shows but can't think of one at the moment LOL
Sleepwear compfy... flannelette jammies as it is winter here
News .... on the net and the TV news channel
Sports ... not really although DH has the F1 grand prix and other car racing on
Don't watch Two and a half but if Hugh Grant was in it I might LOL
Television: I love the hour long dramas, but there's a couple of sitcoms I love - especially 2.5 Men.
Sleepwear: Give me comfortable any time.
News: Mostly computer, but I'll watch broadcast news occasionally.
Sports: Don't watch any, but if I had to choose, it would be basketball (or maybe hockey).
Charlie Sheen: Ashton's okay, but I'd rather have the original, he made that show what it is.
What fun, Jo - love some Fast Five!
TV: definitely the hour-long dramas. Love shows like Castle and Leverage and Criminal Minds etc.
Though if I can catch an episode of a couple of old English comedy shows like dinnerladies or The Royel Family, I'll always watch them.
Sleepwear - comfortable all the way
News: computer or TV. Even my hubby reads his daily paper online these days! Though, must admit, I read more sports news than news news *g*.
Sports: do you need to ask? *g* hockey, football (soccer or American), baseball. Never been into basketball.
Never watched it, so can't make a call.
Hey another hockey fan, other than me and Jane (even if you are a Boston fan *g*!) Yay Jenn!
Goooooood morning, everyone! It's a pleasantly cool morning in northern California. Sorry I didn't get on last night. Blogger was playing mind games and didn't let me on their team!
Larific, WTG on getting the rooster!
Oh, yeah, tennis is way cool to watch. I love the bamming and whamming over the net! Do you play with your son, Lolarific, or just watch from the sidellines?
Hi, Helen, love your comment, "built for comfort not for show.! That's me all the way!
It will be very interesting to watch how Ashton spins the series in the place of Charlie. Right now, I'm sure everyone's just hoping for Sheen to pull his life together. Kutcher has the comic timing for this kind of sitcom and I hope Chuck Lorre takes the show in a new and unique direction.
Television: Not watching anything but Food Network and NCIS so that would be the hour drama right?
Sleepwear: I don't do sexy. Comfort for me at all times.
News: Kind of a Fast Five on AOL
Sports: None of the above.
Charlie Sheen: Never watched it, no opinion.
Jenn 3128, gosh darn (tee hee) right back at you! That Lolarific is a quick one!
OMG, OMG, OMG, GAME OF THRONES has me enthralled! Aunty Cindy caught a few episodes while she was gallavanting about Michigan and emailed me that she didn't know it "was one of THOSE kinds of shows."
Although it's clearly VERY adult, I don't think of it as over-the-top except in its EPIC quality. It's got all of the great human conflicts -- power, love, justice, honor, revenge, greed.
Oh, and Mamoa doesn't hurt the eyes too much LOL. Isn't he Samoan? Or Hawaiian?
Jenn 3128, tell us about BURN DOWN THE SKY. What genre?
Hi, Jane! I love those sitcoms too. Just a quick pick-me-up when I've run down on steam. Sometimes an hour-long show is too much.
I'm going into MODERN FAMILY withdrawal right now. I love that show!
Sigh, Anna C. Hugh would be lovely in just about anything, er, any show!
Marybelle, short and sweet! Are you an anti-sports person? I think I would be except that I have four sons and a husband. Dr. Big has sports on the telly all day, so I've learned to write to the background noise of Tiger or Derek Jeter or Kobe Bryant!
Hi, Barb, car racing sounds interesting. Aunty Cindy's husband is into that kind of thing.
I'll be thinking of you and winter today. We're birthday celebrating at SunSplash, a water park attraction here in northern Cal. We'll have a great HHFD (happy, happy fun day) with our whole family. Dr. Big and I will cut out after the pizza and cake, however. The water park rides are not my thing!
Hi, Barbara E. What's your favorite hour-long drama?
I'm very eager for BURN NOTICE to start again (next week, I think) and loved seeing Matt Bomer's lovely blue eyes when this season's WHITE COLLAR began.
Oooh, you're my kind of gal, Anna S. I love all those shows and I especially like how some shows are aired during the fall and some during the summer. Clearly I watch entirely too much TV!
Nope, the sports question was a no-brainer for you!
Hi, Dianna! Isn't the Food Network fascinating? I get a lot of ribbing in the Robertson household because I love watching it, which is highly ironic because I don't cook.
I just want to know how, just in case, you know, like there's a food shortage and I have to make do with what's in my cabinets. LOL.
Television: hour-long unless it's on HGTV or The Food Network. With DVR it really isn't an hour long!
New Broadcasts: On line when I do look for news
Sports: Oh Jo, you've never spent an evening staring at the back end of Jake Westbrook pitching, have you? Sigh. A finer ass in baseball there isn't! Alas he isn't pitching for Cleveland anymore. The good news? Jack Hanahan is playing third, Josh Tomlin IS pitching and Grady Sizemore is back in Centerfield. Not to mention Michael Brantely is hitting great, Travis Hafner (whom I liken to a modern day totem pole of a man) is back and my Indians are at the top of the AL Central. Oh yeah, and I love football, too.
(Basketball? Nope, other than enjoying the Mavs beating what's-his-name...not a big fan.)
Charlie Sheen: Can I confess to only watching this show occasionally? My favorite part when I did watch it? The son. So will be interested in seeing Adam in the role. Charlie? The boy needs a good therapist!
Jenn3128: I'm loving everything. About to do a Game of Thrones marathon...Jason Mamoa(sp?), holy mama, hot!
Isn't this a fabulous series? I just loaded the first 3 books to my Kindle, too.
Whoops, forgot the sleepwear question, (Not that I forget sleepwear...)
Comfort at all times! However, my comfort consists of a heavy tee-shirt and shorts. Working nights, I sleep during the day, so when the kids lived at home I never knew who would be in my house when I'd wake up.
Ah, Suz, I get it. It's all about the fine asses, not the game. Well, then, I'll have to pick up interest in baseball LOL!
The son on 2.5 is definitely a draw for me, too, and his interaction with Charlie. It'll be fun to see how AK's role changes that. Or even WHAT the role is. Not the hard-drinking, woman-chasing role Charlie played, I hope.
Suz, I just finished episode 9 of GAME OF THRONES while I was pretending to be healthy on the treadmill.
Possible Spoiler Alert:
I don't know what the season finale tomorrow night will bring, but I was not a happy camper with last Sunday's epi. Hmmmm, I'll see where it goes.
Ah, Suz, your sleepwear makes perfect sense. I'm always in sweat bottoms and a tee shirt, day or night unless I'm going out. I'm a lazy old broad!
Morning All!
The small children let me sleep in & it felt amazing!
Burn Down the Sky is a total departure for me from the norm. It's a end of world, dark, gritty story. I think it is classified as a dystopian (sp?), the spine says Voyager Fiction, guess that makes sense.
Hockey - I'm not a Boston fan, but love my Avalanche. And, as you know, huge rivalry between the Av's & Vancouver so I couldn't betray my Av's by going for them. It just wouldn't work. It was disappointing to see the fans of Vancouver go a little nuts, and the booing when Boston was holding that Cup up, I didn't like that at all.
I think Jason Momoa is Hawaiian, didn't get as far on my marathon as I planned last night, I got tired!
Oh & Jo! Northern Calif!! Me too! Born & raised, I love it here!
Oooh, Jenn, I love dystopian novels. Margaret Atwood has written sever "The Handmaid's Tale" (of course) and "Oryx and Crack," I think it's called.
I'd just like my dystopia/end of the world theme with a love story behind it LOL!
Cool, Jenn! We're practically neighbors! And isn't today a lovely day?
Congrats of the rooster Lolarific. You are snagging him often it seems.
I've been gone a little bit but I'm back.
Television: Hooked on River Monsters. One hour of Jeremy Wade and I love his voice. Brit guys and accents Yum! Other than that TV is not my big thing at the moment but I tend to go for the Hour shows.
News Broadcasts: In the same boat as you Jo. I like the info online. I can read what I want to read and not waste trees.
Sports: Football by far is my love! I am also into Tennis though most people are not that impressed.
Charlie Sheen: I'm not sure what to think about the change to Ashton. But he will probably bring in something new to the show.
Welcome back, Landra. Have you been vacationing?
I'm ashamed to admit I've never seen River Monsters! What's so appealing about it?
I'm back from my 3 hours SunSplash tour! Lots of pizza, Pepsi and delicious oreo ice cream cake. Yum! Everyone sent the remainders home with me so it wouldn't be wasted. Just what my figure does NOT need! LOL!
jo robertson said...
Hi, Dianna! Isn't the Food Network fascinating? I get a lot of ribbing in the Robertson household because I love watching it, which is highly ironic because I don't cook.
I had quit doing any serious cooking for years, mostly getting by with one dish meals and a lot of help from frozen entrees. Since I started watching The Food Network I have been trying my hand at cooking from scratch again, on weekends anyway, working 10 hour days I don't do a lot through the week. The problem with me is I was and still am a country cook so there is nothing healthy about it..LOL
Lolarific, congrats on the GR!
Jo, fun topics!
I prefer the hour dramas. For me, they're more engaging.
I read the newspaper and like to start my day with the crossword.
Sleepwear must be comfy.
The only pro sport I follow is tennis.
Don't watch 2.5 but am always in favor of Hugh Grant.
Jo, no vacationing just a ton of additional projects added to my plate. I am now reviewing books for a website, hosting a web show, and a couple other writing projects.
River Monsters is all about giant fish species that are existing in rivers. Jeremy Wade, the host, is a biologist and avid fisherman. He travels to the most remote areas and even some spots in the U.S. to catch the monsters. The first 2 seasons are avialable for purchase and I'm sure Hulu has some episodes. Good news is he practices catch and release, and you learn a lot about different fish species watching the show.
Oh my, Lolarific, you and the GR are becoming quite the item!
Television : Half hour sitcom IF it is good! I prefer old comedies - The Golden Girls, Are You Being Served?, Keeping Up Appearances, Designing Women. My life has enough drama and frankly I don't like watching stories about whiny well off people behaving badly. I see enough of that in real life!
Sleepwear : Definitely sloppy and comfortable at this stage of the game.
News : I love reading a good newspaper. But I also check yahoo news and I read news magazines. I'm sort of a news nerd.
Sports : Are you ready for some FOOTBALL !!! I live in Alabama where football is a sort of religion. Love it!
Charlie Sheen's replacement : I think Hugh Grant might have been a lot of fun on the show.
Hi, Louisa! I love those old sitcoms too. We find ourselves watching FRIENDS and SEINFELD a lot, but I loved Golden Girls and That Girl (anyone remember that old Marlo Thomas movie?!. Ah, the good old days.
Landra said, "I am now reviewing books for a website, hosting a web show, and a couple other writing projects."
How fun! I'd love to review books, but I'm such a slow reader I don't think I'd be much use LOL. Do you want to tell us more about it?
River Monsters sounds interesting, Landra. I'll have to check it out. I was just watching a special on the blue whales, an endangered species and the largest mammal in existence. It's hard to believe there are such creatures. I've been in the Pacific Ocean whale watching, but have only seen a killer shark.
Hi, Nancy, glad you could stop by. I know you're still recovering from your college trip!
The crossword puzzle, huh? I'm too impatient to do it on a daily basis. Kudos to you!
Jo, I am currently reviewing Romance books for The Season (www.theseasonforromance.com) an online E-zine. I get the opportunity to read romance books from all genres. All I can really say is that it's a rewarding experience. The reviewers are a great group of gals and the site is run by Historical Romance Author Beverley Kendall (love her books BTW).
In fact, The Season is currently looking for reviewers, and even if you are a slow reader you only have to commit to at least 2 books a month.
Thanks, Landra, that sounds like a very interesting and entertaining job!
1. Hour-long drama, has to be law
enforcement: NCIS, White Collar, In
Plain Sight, The Closer, Bones, etc.
2. Has to be comfortable or else I
can't sleep.
3. News on TV or online.
4. Will watch most sports but Nascar
is my favorite.
5. Was totally turned of by the show
so I'd be happy to see it go off the
air, although I do like Grant, No to Kutcher.
Hi, Pat! Thanks for weighing in!
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