Well, it's that time again. Time to upgrade my cell phone. I really, really thought I wanted a Smartphone, preferably an iPhone. Why, with one of those I could check and respond to my emails! Take a picture and post it to my Facebook account! Check the weather any time I wanted and download tons of Apps. How cool would all that be??
And then I realized that since I work from home and am at my computer all day, I already have the ability to check and respond to email, post pictures on Facebook and check the weather. Never mind that I'm not even sure what an App is or why I would want one (or several dozen). I just couldn't force myself to spend so much money AND raise my monthly cell phone bill (already high enough thanks to having three kids on it) to justify getting a Smartphone.
Plus, I have to be honest, I rarely even use the cell phone I have except to text my kids. The only time I use it daily is during RWA's conference where most of my text conversations go like this:
Me: Where are you?
Friend: Just got done at a workshop/In my room/In the bar
Me: On my way.
Yes. I'm quite the texting conversationalist ;-)
So, no Smartphone for me, although I can get online with the one I did get (if it's not a Smartphone is it a Dumbphone?) but with limitations. I figure by the time I'm ready for my next upgrade, I'll know if I'd truly use a Smartphone often enough to open my wallet *g*
Do you have a Smartphone? Do you want one? Do you love your cell phone or are you like me and only use it rarely?
Is he coming to my place
Have Fun
Well back up the street he comes LOL
I have had a mobile phone for many years and really don't use it much but about 3 months ago I decided that I really could use a smart phone to (as you say) check emails and facebook etc so yep I got one it is a galaxy and I have enjoyed it although I really don't use it like I thought I would the thing I like most about it is that I can check facebook while at work (if I remember to take it with me when I go on a break LOL) and I can so easily take photos of the grandkids and put them up on facebook straight away. The plan I got with the phone is very reasonable so it hasn't cost me a lot and I have angry birds and I also play words with friends that I enjoy
Have Fun
He has gone Helen... he knew his way ... don't give him too many tim tams he ate all of mine
Hi Beth, no I don't have a smart phone ....just a very basic one that I use occasionally.... I only have a cheap plan so would have to pay a lot more for a smart phone plan
I had a smart phone, like you, wasn't worth the extra cost to me. I do use a cell phone a bit more than you maybe but I just need to be able to talk on it and an occasional text if my daughter catches me away from my computer. I usually get on Yahoo and text her back if at all possible.
Ladies, is he really that addicted to Tim Tams? You may never be rid of him.
Beth - I have an iphone, and I do use it more than my old non-smart cellphone. Just like you, when I'm at home I use it primarily to text the kids. They know better than to call me on the iphone as I won't even hear it, if I'm at home.
The phone becomes a necessity when traveling, then it's my phone/text/alarm clock/damera/calendar and sometimes notepad. My most used app is SUDUKU (grin) for when I'm bored, PANDORA when I want to listen to tunes and am sans ipod, and some app that lists local theaters, restaurants, gas stations, etc. based on the current GPS. Oh yeah - and I use the weather thingie to check weather at my destination.
Helen, he's with you again! He's a lucky bird ;-)
I'm so glad you're enjoying your smartphone (and using it!) and have a reasonable plan. There aren't many 'regular' phones to choose from so I'm guessing it's only a matter of time until everyone in my family has a smartphone. Hopefully by then they'll all be supporting themselves - and their cell phone habits *g*
I've heard of those angry birds and I think it's best I stay far, far away from them as they seem to be quite addicting *g*
Hey, Barb! I keep telling myself I'll use my phone more often and then I...don't *g* We still have a land line and that's what I use to make calls when I'm home. Every once in a while I consider dumping the land line but I'm just not ready for that step :-)
Dianna, I used my phone more often this past year when my son was away at college but now that he's back I'm back to only using it occasionally. He uses his phone all the time, as does my older daughter, but I'm just as happy to leave mine sitting on the counter *g*
Donna, I'm hopeful that I'll use my new phone more often since it has a data package. I should be getting it this week and will try to have it all figured about before the conference in NY next week *g*
My son's favorite app was his weather one. Unfortunately, he lost his phone in Nashville two weeks before school ended and is now back to using his old phone which is very basic :-) He's saving up for a smartphone when he can upgrade this winter.
I have the Sprint LG something, too early need a coffee drip, lol. The whole family has it with the family plan. Texting is over 4000 text a month with the kids alone. I'm lucky if I hit 100-200. It's a slider with a touch screen and purple. It's ok. It has so much stuff on it I don't even touch. I use face book occasionally and texting, besides calls.
I have an Apple I-pod touch and can do all the same things on it. And I have a digital camera too. The 1 good thing is if I dont have my camera, I can use my phone and send right to Facebook or my contacts, even you-tube. I will be trading in my phone soon for a new 1, 1 that's easier to use and see without my glasses. We did find Sprint works best by where we are, we dont lose calls like we did when we had that other company. One of the vgreat features is the GPS, so I can see where everyone is,lol.
Good luck with whatever you decide.
chrissy6341 at aol . com
I have one, and what I like it for is being able to take pictures more than anything else. We live in an area where cell coverage sucks, and, like you, I'm home at my desk with a good landline and a computer. But it's handy for texting and checking email in those situations where I'm not at home. I agree, I'm probably using a mere fraction of what I'm paying for, but I'll probably stick with a smartphone. What I like is that I've got e-book apps on it, so I can always have something to read if I'm stuck without a book or my NOOKcolor.
Terry's Place
Romance with a Twist--of Mystery
My hubby really wants an Iphone/smart phone thingy.
Me I'm good with my non-touch face phone. I can still take photos and text when the spirt moves me. Since I hardly do the texting thing anyways I guess I'm good...LOL PLus I always and I mean ALWAYS have an awesome camera in my purse so photos are hardly taken on there unless I send on to the mother in-law. So really all I do is talk on it. So I'm good. Yep I'm boring there......Now if we talk computers...I'm thinking I'm gonna have one of those built...faster MEANER....LOL
Watch out facebook!!!
I think I would like an iPhone but at least here, you have to use AT&T for your provider and ...I don't like them.
I like my phone and find that I text much more than I thought I would, though not while driving!
Christine, my older daughter holds the record for texts in our house but she's doing better and texting less. Luckily, our plan has unlimited texting *g*
I'm hoping the camera on my new phone is a good one. The phone I have now takes such horrible pictures, I don't even bother half the time.
Hey, Terry. We have spotty cell phone coverage here though it's slowly getting better.
If I ever get a smartphone I'll have to get that ebook app! I hate being w/o something to read :-)
No Smartphone for me, I can barely
deal with the cell phone I have now!
I resisted for a long time, then Ken
got us our cells for Christmas last
year. I keep my cell on when we are
away from the house so the children
can reach us. Son #2 and family live
in The Woodlands just north of Houston.
Using my cell to communicate with them
eliminates long distance fees!
BJ, I'd rather spend the money on a really good camera. We have three and none of them take decent pictures. It's very frustrating.
Hopefully my new phone's camera will be good enough to hold me over until I can go shopping :-)
Joan, I see people texting while driving and it makes me insane (as my youngest would say *g*)
Then again, I got tired of seeing my older daughter constantly texting and made a rule that when she's at home, she can only text in her room. Not sure it's cut back on her number of texts but at least I don't have to see her tapping away
LOL, Pat! My husband doesn't have a cell phone and does not want one. Ever. Every time he uses mine (which isn't often) to answer one of the kids' texts or send them a message, I have to explain how it works.
They are great for long distance and I'm really glad my son had his during his first year of college *g*
I really don't use my cell phone much, I don't really like them. I just keep one for emergency when I am out. I don't even send text messages, maybe three times since I have had the phone. So no I don't need a smart phone, but my son decided he did and got one in this morning.
OMG...I so feel your pain...I've been down that road....You so should see my digital camera graveyard...LOL
I don't get rid of them because when the hubby goes on his off-roading trips he loves to take pictures and sometimes cameras like to take a 1000ft drop off the side of a cliff so be it. So far I really love my camera I got for Christmas, but I'm sure by this Christmas I'll love the new one (I have a Mother in-law that buy me a new on each year because she hasn't bother to get to know me and thus only knows I take photos for my scrapbooks...so new camera each year.)
I do hope you find that perfect camera :0)
LOL Beth - you and me both! My phone isn't very smart at all. I won't pay for a smart phone because I just don't use a phone enough.
But then I make up for it with both an iPod Touch and an iPad! I must admit to being app addicted on those *g* - especially the adventure games.
Sounds like I have a phone like yours. It's not a smartphone but I can get on Facebook and check/answer my emails. Maybe it is a smartphone and I don't know it? That's possible. It's touchscreen so I feel all techie just from that.
My child will be in 7th grade next year and is constantly telling me about her friends who have iPhones. She's now determined she should have a smartphone. Yeah...no. NOT. HAPPENING.
Remember when we were kids and wouldn't in a million years expect to have this grown up stuff? Remember that??? Where did that time go?
I wants one! But like you, Beth, I don't use the cell phone I have very often. I still baulk at the fees--calls from cells are a lot more expensive than from my home phone. I don't give my cell number to many people simply because when you don't use it all the time, you miss texts and people assume you get their messages straight away.
But I really would love to have portable email and a portable calendar that was synchronized with my home computer. But the added expense is enough to put me off. Maybe one day...
Hope your son likes his phone, Virginia! I just got my new one but haven't had time to see what all it can do yet *g*
My mom has a cell phone but it's rarely on so it doesn't do her much good. But she does carry it with her :-)
Thanks, BJ! I have a pretty busy summer of writing coming up but once Fall hits I'm going to do some serious camera research *g*
My husband has a really great film camera that we could use at home but I never even think about it until it's too late :-)
Anna, my son and youngest daughter love their iPod touch. I only have a shuffle, which I use all the time, but it would be nice to be able to make playlists *g*
I don't even look at the games because I know I'll get addicted. It's easier for me to just pretend they don't exist :-)
Terri, my new phone has a touch screen and I feel very cool *g* I got the limited data package so we'll see how it goes and how much I use it.
She's now determined she should have a smartphone. Yeah...no. NOT. HAPPENING.
LOL - if one of my kids wants a smartphone, they'll have to buy it themselves and pay for the extra monthly charge. Which is why none of them has one yet ;-) It's funny how something can drop in importance when it's their money!
It's a totally different world today, isn't it? But I have to say that my kids didn't/don't have nearly as many gadgets as their friends and they've survived just fine *g* Although if you asked them they'd probably tell you they've suffered greatly!
But I really would love to have portable email and a portable calendar that was synchronized with my home computer.
Oh, that would be wonderful, Christine (and it sounds like something Tawny would do *g*) I'll have to see what my new phone is capable of! My older daughter uses her phone's calendar all the time and is constantly making notes and reminders but then, she's way more organized than I am :-)
Hi, Beth! I'm more of a dumb phone user myself, but I know that smartphones seem so convenient! I could be checking e-mail constantly! (Which probably is actually kind of a bad thing ;)) Right now I still have my little flip phone, which I FINALLY learned how to text on. I fear that with a smartphone, I would be hopelessly distracted at all times. So, I guess it isn't a phone fail so much as a ME fail! ;)
Awww, I'm gonna miss those chatty texts since I won't be at conference :-(
I don't have a smartphone, and probably won't get one. My phone does get email/online, so that's good. But I have an iPad and an iTouch, I really don't need the redundancy of yet another toy that does the same things they do.
I do need a new cell phone, though, since my battery is lasting about three hours at a shot now. I just haven't looked into it. You've inspired me, though :-)
But I really would love to have portable email and a portable calendar that was synchronized with my home computer.
Oh, that would be wonderful, Christine (and it sounds like something Tawny would do *g*)
LOL - My phone (and iTouch and iPad) does this. It helps that I use Outlook for my calendar (and email and address book), which all the devices seem to read.
Can't live without it!!!
Anna said: But then I make up for it with both an iPod Touch and an iPad! I must admit to being app addicted on those *g* - especially the adventure games.
Evil, evil games! I love them *g* I've got both my girls addicted now, too. So that's good, because they come take the iPad away when I'm supposed to be writing LOL
I don't even own a cell phone! :D If I were to get one though, I wouldn't mind a smartphone but I suppose it would be more along the lines of me wanting it as a nifty toy than as something I'd actually need.
Helen, have fun with the bird!
Beth, I do have a cell phone, but it's not a smartphone. Doesn't even have a camera. I need the phone to be a phone, nothing else, and I use it only when I'm away from home. When I'm in the house, the phone is in my purse and usually turned off.
I try to avoid giving businesses and doctors' offices my cell number since they almost invariably use that, leave a message, and never try the house. It could be days before I pull my cell out again and get that message. I just tell them I don't use my cell. They look at me as though I'd admitted being from Alpha Centauri, but that's okay as long as I actually get messages.
I have text capacity--can't avoid it since the boy really wants and uses it and our plan is all phones or none on that--but I despise it and avoid it whenever possible. More minutes for him, obviously.
My phone fits my hand. The iPhone does not--too wide.
I would like my phone to play the Stargate theme as a ringtone, but I haven't yet figured out how to make it do that or taken it into the service center so they can make it do that. Assuming it's not too primitive for such functions.
I fear that with a smartphone, I would be hopelessly distracted at all times
LOL, Fedora! That's my fear, too. I'm already way too easily distracted. I don't need some gadget with fabulous bells and whistles trying to claim my attention :-)
I do need a new cell phone, though, since my battery is lasting about three hours at a shot now. I just haven't looked into it.
You'd better look into one soon because I have every intention of sending you tons of pictures and texts from NY :-) I'd hate for you to miss even one of my oh-so-witty messages *g*
LOL - My phone (and iTouch and iPad) does this. It helps that I use Outlook for my calendar (and email and address book), which all the devices seem to read
I print out blank calendars and write my schedule on them in pencil then erase it and re-write when I change that schedule *g* It's a wonder you can even put up with me!
Pissenlit, I do feel my phone is more of a 'want' than a 'need' although it is nice when I'm traveling. And as I've mentioned, I'm glad I had it this past year to communicate with my son while he was away at school. He always called a few times each week, but it was nice to get a quick text from him or a picture :-)
Nancy, I only give my cell phone number out to people who might need to contact me if I'm traveling.
I'm sure there's a way to get that ringtone but I have no idea how to do it. I let my kids get my ring tones for me *g*
I print out blank calendars and write my schedule on them in pencil then erase it and re-write when I change that schedule *g* It's a wonder you can even put up with me!
This actually made me cringe *g*
The joy of Outlook is when I change it one place (phone, iPad, computer) it gets changed everywhere so I never have to worry about updating stuff. I make an appt somewhere and key it into my whichever toy I have with me, then the reminder pops up on my computer so I'm not late :-)
Someday, I'll lure you over. After I show you how to work a spreadsheet LOL
I don't need a smart phone, I can barely operate the basic model I have. It's not a NEED I have to fulfill.
Someday, I'll lure you over. After I show you how to work a spreadsheet LOL
LOL! I'm not sure I'll ever be able to work one of those *g* But I'm in awe of your organizational abilities :-)
Hey, Marybelle, I'm the same way. I like my new phone but it'll take me a while to figure out everything it can do.
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