by Anna Sugden
I'm thrilled to welcome back my very dear friend and Lair favourite, the RITA award-winning author,
Terri Garey.
It's especially exciting because she's here to talk about the launch of her new
Devil's Bargain series, which I know you're going to love as much as I do.
Without further ado, here's Terri!

Hello, all you bodacious Banditas and BB's! How lovely to be back in the Lair!
I’ve brought a special guest with me today, by the name of Sammy Divine… yes, I know those abs are delightfully lickable, but you simply MUST wait until you’ve been properly introduced… you, Anna Campbell, no pushing! :)

Where was I? Oh, yes, about to introduce the smokin’ hot, devilishly delicious Samuel B. Divine, otherwise known as Samael the Fallen, High Prince of Darkness, Ruler of the Abyss. Don’t let those good looks fool you, ladies – he’s not your average fallen angel, he’s the world’s original and most misunderstood bad boy.
[Note from Anna: you can look and drool, especially over those abs, but you can't touch. Sammy is MINE!]

Everyone’s heard the tale of how the Devil tempted Eve to sin by taking a bite of forbidden fruit, but in
DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE, the first book in my new
DEVIL’S BARGAIN series, I get to tell Sammy’s side of the story. Poor Sammy feels that he was the one tempted, and then forever punished for it. How was an angel, innocent and unknowing, supposed to resist the charms of a mortal woman on fire with lust? (You, Tawny Weber, you know what I’m talkin’ about, dontcha, Blaze Babe? *g*

Sammy first showed up on the scene to wreak havoc during my Nicki Styx series (
SILENT NIGHT, HAUNTED NIGHT). In each subsequent book, his character grew and developed, becoming more human and less diabolical as his feelings for Nicki Styx grew ever stronger. Nicki, though tempted through and through, loved someone else, and forced to make a choice, chose the mortal man who held—and ultimately kept—his place in her heart. Sammy found himself in the unexpected position of loving a woman enough to let her go, and went one step further by saving her from the evil forces that surrounded him in his Kingdom of Darkness.
While Nicki Styx eventually got her happily-ever-after, Sammy’s story was just beginning. Forever changed by his love for the dark-eyed girl who dwelt in the Light, he was no longer completely content with his life as the reigning Prince of Darkness.

DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE, he finds himself restless and alone, questioning the anger and blame that he’s spent eons nurturing. He’s so restless in fact, that when offered a possible chance at redemption by taking on the role for which he was originally created—that of a guardian angel—he takes it, albeit on his own capricious, devilish terms. Hell-bent on doing things his way, he uses the tricks of his own trade (temptation and seduction) to both bring together and tear apart two very different people who’ve made their own deals with the Devil. Faith McFarland is in need of a miracle, and Finn Payne just wants to stay alive. A cursed ring is all that stands between Finn and Hell, and all Faith needs to save her terminally ill child. Falling in love was never part of the bargain, but once they taste Heaven in each other’s arms, they must work together to convince the Devil to give up his due.

DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE (Avon Books) hit the bookstore shelves this past Tuesday, and poor Sammy has been very busy as he steps from the shadows to show the world how smoldering he is (see all that smoke swirling around his legs?), but he never turns down a good party, which is why he came with me today. So let’s get this party started by giving away
two free copies of his book, shall we?
Tell me if you believe in guardian angels, and why, and you’ll be eligible to win. And, if you feel like it, pop over and read an EXCERPT from DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE!
Don't forget you can order any of Terri's books from Amazon by clicking on the cover, here in the blog post.
GREAT to have you back in the Lair, Terri!
Is that the GR I see?
Cluck, cluck! I think it is, AC! LOL! :)
And yes, lovely to see you again, Terri! Congrats on this latest! I think I have a couple books to catch up on--looking forward to that treat!
As for guardian angels, let's just say that I don't disbelieve them :)
Fo, you really MUST stop crowding everyone out. We can ALL take turns oogling Sammy and his luscious abs. ;-)
And for the record, Tawny is not the ONLY Bandita who is an expert on hot bods... just sayin'...
I definitely believe in guardian angels. I know my cousin watches over my children (as well as his siblings) but I went into labor with my oldest the day after he passed away and my other son was born on his birthday. How's that for coincidence? And not long ago I had a close friend pass away and I had a dream that I was telling him I couldn't stop being sad he was gone and I woke up in that moment and swear he was staring at me and I felt at peace with his passing. Those things stick with us and those of us who have lots of faith know that even if it isn't one specific person, we're still being watched over by all over our loved ones who've passed on before us. :D
I did not know Sammy had such abs!
As for guardian angels, sure. Someone must be looking out for those of us who managed to grow up without screwing up too much. Looking back at all those times things could have gone wrong... *shudders*
Loved the excerpt. I want to believe in Guardian Angels. There is something rather comforting: to think we are being watched over.
Woot woot!!! Terri's in the Lair.
YAY baby and helloooooo :-D BTW, everyone, for all that I've somehow gotten this (obviously mistaken) rep as a naughty girl, Terri is sooo much naughtier. Really! I have pictures to prove it.
I'm so jazzed about this book - I adore me some Sammy and have been waiting a long time for his story :-) YAY again, and congrats, Terri.
As for guardian angels, of course I believe :-)
How was an angel, innocent and unknowing, supposed to resist the charms of a mortal woman on fire with lust? (You, Tawny Weber, you know what I’m talkin’ about, dontcha, Blaze Babe? *g*
Aww, isn't it always like the bad boy to blame some sweet innocent woman (batting my lashes sweetly and innocently). I would never consider the seduction of a good boy. Nope. Never.
And seeing that I've read quite a bit about Sammy, that devlishly gorgeous angel, I'm going to say he's really really good at being bad.
Here in the lair was where I first "met" you Terri. Don't enter me in the drawing, I already have Sammy's first book and actually half way through already.
I believe in guardian angels, I have had and heard of several encounters that could be explained no other way. Have a great time in the lair today my friends, I am off to work here in a few.
Congrats Cindy, or is that commiserations, on nabbing that pesky bird!
Fedora - can highly recommend catching up, but make sure you don't start a book when you've only got a short time to read! Terri's books keep you up all night!
I'm with you, I don't disbelieve ...
Judging by the cover of Tawny's Breaking the Rules, I'd say she has a certain expertise in lickable abs *g*
Then again, your Wild Irish Sea isn't too shabby either!
Lovely stories, Lolarific - I'm sure my lovely MIL watches over us in our family. We've had several signs that she's nearby!
I'm so glad your friend was able to help you through your grief. It's so hard to lose someone close.
LOL Sheree - you make a great point! Every now an again, when something happens that could have been terrible, I know someone has to be making sure I don't go before my time!
I'd like Sammy comforting me, Marybelle ... what do you mean that wasn't quite what you meant ;)
LOL Tawny - you're right. Terri looks so gorgeous and elegant and classy and we know better. Oh the tales we could tell!
You will love Sammy in this book ... and Finn is super-yummy too!
Oh yeah, Sammy is REALLY good at being bad *happy sigh*
Isn't Terri's book great, Dianna? I was lucky enough to read it before it went to press. And, I can tell you her next one is fab too! Gabriel *slurp*!
Have a good day at work!
let GR work for you AC
Great blog Terri and the book looks good too....... not too sure about having a guardian angel at the moment LOL.... but must have one to reach this age
Whoo Hoo Aunty Cindy have fun with him
This book sounds soo good congrats on the release, I do love Sammy's abs very nice to wrap your arms around (just a quick cuddle Anna)
As for guardian angels yes I think we all have someone watching over us nothing specific I just have this feeling we do
Congrats on the release Terri and thank Anna for inviting Terri back to the lair
Have Fun
Oh my, you girls DO start the party early, don't you? Congratulations to Aunty Cindy for nabbing that pesky clucker!
Thanks so much for welcoming me back to the Lair today, ladies... I know so many of you that it's like coming home!
Sammy is enjoying the female attention, as well! He's an (as yet) unrepentant bad boy!
Hi, Terri! I've loved all of your books, and I can't wait to read more about that naughty, but sexy Sammy. :-)
I absolutely believe in guardian angels! I have a friend who actually had an angel experience. I've never "seen" anything, but it's more a feeling.
Hi, Terri! Welcome back to the lair! I have to agree about the lickability of those abs. Man.
I love the idea of guardian angels. I don't know that I have one but one of my sisters definitely does. The girl has walked away from more car accidents than any person has a right to. None are her fault, either. It's just that she's a trouble magnet. Some might say that's evidence that she doesn't have a guardian angel but I'm a glass-half-full kinda girl. I say she's a trouble magnet & keeps her guardian angel way busy. :-)
You here stories all the time about the disaster avoided due to some strange occurance, the survivor who is miraculously alive days later after buing buried in debri, or the recent stories about lost animals returning home after being caught in the recent tornadoes -- makes it hard to discount the possibility of guardian angels out there. I know I've come away with barely a scratch after a fall or accident that should have left some major hurt and have had family members survive accidents that could have easily killed them, not just survive but come away with surprisingly minor injury in consideration to the possibilities.
Congrats on the release -- and he is definately hot!
So good to have you hanging out with us in the lair, Terri! I've been anxiously waiting to get mean, Devil Without A Cause in my hot little hands *g*
I do believe in guardian angels and I can't wait to read how the delicious Sammy takes on that role :-)
Hi, Gannon! My mom had an "angel" experience, too, days before she passed away... hard not to believe your mom!
Susan, I like your theory about your sister! :)
Gamistress66, some things are hard to explain any other way, aren't they?
Hi, Beth! Talk about somebody who looks like an angel, but isn't! Sammy will be delighted for you to hold him in your hot little hands, I'm sure! ;)
Dropping in to give my support to one of my favorite authors :) Hey Terri!
I fell in love with Sammy way back in Dead Girls Are Easy and I was so happy to see him get his own series and guess what? He has a hawt brother (so to speak) who I can't wait to read more about ;) I love the little twist thrown into Sammy's life in DWAC (you have to read it to find out what I am talking about)
LOL Barb - I'm sure there is a guardian angel just for you!
Always a pleasure, Helen. I know you'll love Devil Without a Cause!
Hmm, as it's you, I'll let you have a quick cuddle.
YAY Terri's here!!
Oooh Gannon - do tell about your friend's angel experience. I'm fascinated by those kinds of stories.
Hi Terri. Devil Without a Cause sounds great. Sexy cover.
I want to believe that there are guardian angels watching over us to keep bad things from happening.
Congrats on the book, Terri, I've got my copy and already sneaking peeks although I want to save it for relaxed reading at the beach ... don't think I'm gonna make it. I totally believe in guardian angels!! Not only because I was raised as a good Catholic gal who also believes in and fears the Devil but would be hard pressed to resist Sammy. My confirmation in guardian angels has come in many forms, e.g., that little voice in my ear that tells me not to do something that could have turned out disastrous but the most intense experience came one day in traffic. I was sitting at a stoplight with nowhere to move when I glanced in the rearview mirror and saw there was a car zooming up on me. I knew that car would never stop in time to keep from plowing into the back of me. At first, all I felt was panic but then suddenly, as if I had been enveloped in a warm blanket of calm, I relaxed. I thought it was because I knew I was going to die and accepted it but when the car suddenly veered away just before it hit me and managed to go completely around all the cars and onto the shoulder, I knew it was because my guardian angel had wrapped his/her wings around me. I suspect everyone's did that day, including the moron driving the car gone wild. He crashed into a tree and wasn't hurt. Amazing. Whether you call it a guardian angel or something else, perhaps a loved one who has gone before you, I believe! : )
Hi Susan - can't wait for Money Shot, your next book too! I so want to read how you give Goose a happy ending!
I know what you mean about trouble magnets! I'm sure your sister does have a guardian angel - a very tired guardian angel!
You're right, Gamistress, you have to believe when you hear these miraculous tales. We saw one only the other day, when a cyclist was knocked off her bike, here in Cambridge and trapped under a car. Three fire engines, two ambulances and two police cars later and she got away with minor injuries!
Hmmm don't trust that innocent face, Ms Andrews. I'm keeping my eye on you with Sammy in the Lair!
I don't know if its just because its Friday, but this post made me positively giddy! Those abs, mama likes!
I don't believe in guardian angels. I believe that we are in control of ourselves and if you skate past something, it was pure luck.
Kharma though, I'm all over it, just like Sammy's abs, excuse me while I go pet him.
Welcome Sharon - any fan of Terri's is a friend of the Banditas!
I fell for Sammy at first lip-curl too. I was so glad Nicki got her happy ending and left Sammt to me .. uh ... to have his own series ;)
Gabriel is delish!
CrystalGB, it's comforting to know that there is someone looking out for us - even if we can't explain it!
LOL Amyv - I don't think you'll be able to resist. Not when you know there's two hot, hot, hot hunks in this book.
Wow - what an amazing story about your near escape. We're very glad your guardian angel was on the job that day!
We aim to please, Jenn. Just remember, you can look but not touch ... or Sammy's guardian angel will be borrowing some of P226's weaponry and letting loose!
Luck's an interesting thing - is it just happenstance or do you make your own luck?
I have to tell you guys that Sammy is loving all this petting and attention - he does love to be center stage! :)
Amazing story about your guardian angel, Amy - I've had that feeling of peace come over me before, too, and it's really hard to describe! So glad you weren't hurt!
I think "Mama likes" will be my phrase of the day, Jenn!
Congrats Terri! Very yummy cover! As for Guardian Angels, I believe in them although I'm not sure if mine does their job!lol I can't really say why I believe either just that I do.
What caliber would the guardian angel like? I've probably got it covered.
I don't know about guardian angels, but I've had enough ridiculously close calls in my life that it'd be silly of me to discount their possibility of existence.
Great post, ladies! Welcome back to the Lair, Terri. Sammy's story sounds delicious, so glad he's here for a visit.
Oh, yeah, guardian angels are kewl!!! Sometimes they're human, sometimes extra-terrestrial, sometimes god-like, but they're out there. LOL.
@Anna S, you're right, Hunks abound in this one of Terri's ... you could actually count 3 hunks with Gabriel's appearance ... I know he's an avenging angel but he can be my guardian angel anytime. Terri, you done real good with this one and I totally agree with "Mama Likes"!! : )
OOOH ! Aunty got the GR !! He is in TROUBLE now!
Hello Terri !! Can I just say your latest cover is SCRUMPTIOUS !!!
I do believe in Guardian Angels. After some of the things I have survived I think I may have an entire squadron of them. And I feel certain some of them are relatives who have gone on and are still watching over me.
Dear Terri Garey,
Congrats on your recente release! I want to lick your book cover. Even if I get a paper cut on my tongue.
That is all.
-Kati R
P.S. If they look anything like Sammy, then yes. I do believe in guardian angels. If not, I still believe in them. I got into an accident a few years ago at a T-stop intersection and had I pulled my car out a few more inches, I could've died. The guy came out of nowhere and blew through the stop sign as I was making a left turn. 55 in a 20 mph zone! It was a frikkin neighborhood. Geez!
I don't believe in ghosts, either, but they do exist!
Eurythmics - There Must Be An Angel (Playing With My Heart)
ghost busters theme song
CAN'T WAIT TO READ THIS BOOK!! Sammy is one of my favorite characters. Woo Hoo! :-)
Ooops forgot to comment about Guardian Angels. I definitely believe in them after a few instances where a neighbor's son was involved in a car accident and was the only survivor -- then his younger brother just went through the VERY SAME THING! There is most certainly a guardian angel watching over that family!
LOL Candy - why would you think your guardian angel is slacking? Hope that's not true!
Thanks, P226 - I knew I could count on you. Something big and bad-ass would do nicely!
Are you still riding motorbikes? That surely must be testing your guardian angel!
Ooh extra-terrestrial guardian angels, Jo - sounds exciting!
LOL Amy - how could I forget Gabriel. He is definitely a worthy distraction - just wait until he gets his own book! *smug grin*
I like the idea of our relatives who've gone before watching over us, Louisa. I can see my maternal grandfather as a perfect guardian angel.
Make sure it's only the cover, Kati - I'm watching you!
Wow - that was a close escape! Big cheer for your guardian angel!
Those of us from countries with long histories know all about ghosts, don't we, Minna?
Are you still riding motorbikes? That surely must be testing your guardian angel!
I didn't for a couple of years. Then I couldn't stand it anymore. So, about a month ago, I went out and bought the fastest production motorcycle available. It does just short of 100mph in 1st gear. Hope my angel's in shape. He's going to have to flap those wings pretty fast to keep up.
YAY!! Leslie is in the Lair!! Great to see you!!
Wow - another close escape for your neighbour's sons. Their guardian angel must be a SEAL!
LOL P226 - I figured! I can't imagine you grounded or without wheels.
You too must have a Special Forces guardian angel!
So, any plans to come over for the TT races?
I believe in guardian angels. I've heard so many true life stories that just have no other explanation.
Terri, welcome back! Sammy is a great character. It'll be fun to see what you put him through. *g*
AC, congrats on the bird. Work him hard!
I think I would have to say that I do believe in Gaurdian Angels. My grandmother died when I was just a baby and my sister was less than 3 years old. Since then, whenever something is really bothering my sister, or when she is really worried about something, she "dreams" of Nannie.
So, any plans to come over for the TT races?
Oh... I wish. I so wish.
I think all things are possible and we still don't know a heck of a lot lol. All your books sound exciting!
Terri! This is fantastic. I just know you're going to have lots and lots of sales. You know how much I love your stories. Anyone who can keep me reading cover to cover in one sitting rocks!
I think all things are possible, too (well, maybe not ALL things - like I don't think Brad Pitt is going to see me across a crowded room and leave Angelina Jolie for me, but a girl can dream, can't she?) LOL
I've had so much fun writing this character... he's dark, and complicated and never, ever predictable, even to me!
Marlene! Leslie! So many of my Playground buddies all in one place - it's like old times!!
Big (((HUGS)))!!!
Terri - I just downloaded Having a Devil of a Time to my new Kindle. YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!
I don't know if guardian angels exist or not. I would love to have one, but I've never had the pleasure of coming in to contact with one! I did hear a story that Mother Mary appeared to a family friend to let her know about my birth, but that's a different topic! :)
Definitely believe in GA! Too many
occurrences in the family not to
believe. Such as grandson's terrible
accident last year which resulted in
minor injuries for him, total for car!
I know that the family members who
have passed on were with him that
Terri....excuse me, I was taking my
turn ogling at Sammy's abs! I was
about to say that even we ladies of
the golden years can be affected by
that marvelous & "touching" sight!!
Pat Cochran
p226, if the bike goes almost 100 in first, do I want to know what it does in fourth?
Can't wait to read Devil Without a Cause, it sounds fantastic. No, I don't believe in Guardian Angels, because I don't really believe in any kind of angel, but it's a nice fantasy.
On guardian angels, my jury is out. I've certainly had some very lucky close calls, so I wouldn't say no. OTOH, I've had my share of injuries caused by other people. So I'm still open on the question.
Thanks for sharing - can never get enough of Terri Garey. While I vacillate on what I do and don't believe at times - I think they must be there. When I was young I almost died on several occasions. This was not general knowledge and quite a few years later I met the mother of a friend who was gifted and throughout the course of the evening with many events - she told me about each of these events in my life specifically and told me I was being watched over. What do I say to that? I have no answer to this day.
Great post! Do I believe in guardian angels? Hmm.. I'd have to say yes. As for why.. I'm a total klutz, and I get sidetracked so often, frankly.. I have to have a guardian angel looking after me, or else I would have broken a few bones (if not had something worse happen!)
Have a wonderful weekend!
ohmorningglow AT aol DOT com
I believe because there are some things that just can't be explained and it gives a kind of comfort to believe.
Congrats on the release!
I do believe in them. There have been too many close calls that are unexplained any other way and its nice to think there is someone out there watching over you.
I do believe in Guardian angels. I've had numerous situations were I had strong feelings not to do something or go somewhere and bad things did happen.
One time we were all set for a trip to Florida packed car etc and then I had a bad feeling and I refused to go. A bad ice storm came through the Tennessee Mts where we would have been driving!
Another time around 7:00 my children wanted to eat out. It was starting to get stormy and windy. I said no way. At 8 o'clock a tornado hit our small town.
Many times we've felt someone telling us to buy a house or not too etc. So far we've been lucky in our decisions.
Hola, again, Banditas and BBs!Thanks for letting Sammy and I hang out in the Lair yesterday! I asked Sammy to close his eyes and choose two random winners, and he chose LOLARIFIC and LENI (he seems to like the letter "L"!).
Lolarific and Leni, if you'll send your mailing addresses to, signed copies of DEVIL WITHOUT A CAUSE will be in the mail to you ASAP!
Thanks for all your thoughts and comments, everyone!
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