Dearest Banditas, Buddies and friends we've just met, June promises to be all white knights, chocolates, white weddings, love songs and forget-me-nots around the Lair! Okay, maybe not that, but we do have a ton of happenings, contests and surprises to rave about so here goes:

June 2 - Popular Lair visitor Tiffany Clare is back to tell us about her third historical romance, The Secret Desires Of a Governess. Tiff is very generously giving away three copies of her latest book to people who comment. [I am all atwitter at the shades of Jane Eyre!]

June 3 - RITA winner Terri Garey returns to the lair to talk about her new “Devil’s Bargain” series, and the lure of “books that go bump in the night”! (Check out those abs on her cover!)

June 4 - It's going to be hot, HOT, HOT when Christie Kelley throws a release party for her steaming new Regency One Night Scandal! This is a party you won't want to miss. [I hope I can find a virtual designated driver!]

June 6 - Stefanie Sloane will be talking about the Young Corinthians and her second novel The Angel In Her Arms. [There is a book trailer on her website. Oh, my!]

June 7 - Jessica Andersen returns to the lair as Nancy's guest. June is the most popular wedding month, and Jessica will chat about favorite fictional weddings and the newest Nightkeepers novel, Storm Kissed. [Those lovely tattooed arms make me feel all stormy inside! *sigh*]

June 10 - Anna Campbell hosts debut historical romance author and regular lair visitor Karyn Gerrard. Karyn will be talking about her new book Timeless Heart and spreading the lurve with some giveaways. [We love new authors, especially when they are old friends!]

June 16 - Susan Gee Heino will return to the lair to talk about her July release Temptress In Training. [And wait until you find out who she is tempting...]

June 19 - Mega basketball fan Patricia Sargeant will join us as Regina Hart to tell us about her June release Fast Break, love 'n hoops and her fabulous Brooklyn Monarchs. [I can't wait for the hunky basketball heroes!]
Every week in June, Christie Kelley will be giving away a signed copy of one of her five releases, including One Night Scandal. Just visit her website for more details and your chance to win!
Anna Campbell is holding a Hardback Heaven at Midnight Contest, open until 30th June. She’s giving away three signed copies of the beautiful hardcover Rhapsody Book Club edition of Midnight's Wild Passion. To enter, just email Anna on and tell her the name of the hero and heroine of Midnight's Wild Passion. For more information on the contest, please visit her website.
Be sure not to miss any of the fun. We promise to be here every day with something Wildly Interesting (or at least Moderately Stimulating, if not Downright Exciting) for you!
Looking as hot in the liar as outside as it is outside in the early DC summer heatwave that's going on now. Hope the ice doesn't all melt -- ok for the help & books to be hot, but gotta keep the drinks cool ;)
looks like a good month amongst friends/authors/awesome book talk and every thing in between including a few jokes
and congrats on the chook gami
Ooh, what a month!
sounds like june is going to be an awesome month!
Congrats on the GR, gamistress66.
Happy June. Can't wait for all the fun.
Looks like both my TBR list and TBR pile will be growing again this month. I just can't keep up with all the great books that I want to read. I think I need to stay off the computer, stop watching any tv and just read, then I MAY get caught up, if I stop reading any new authors. Oh well, I don't see all that happening so I will just pray not to get crushed my MT. TBR and keep trying to catch up. LOL
well done Gamistress enjoy GR
What a great month Karen....looks like more books for the pile....will I ever catch up LOL
Hey, Gamistress, looks like you're starting the month with a chook!
Wow, what a great line-up we've got in the lair this month. Really looking forward to Christie's launch. We've had some humdingers lately, haven't we? And really looking forward to hosting Tiffany Clare and Karyn Gerrard. Love it when Bandita Buddies get to come back and lord it over the lair for the day (but only for the day - take note, you two! Ermingarde is back in charge after that!).
Great month ahead Bandita's CAN.NOT.WAIT!!!!
June has a lot of somethings for me. My list is officially beyond the possible.
Well done gamistress 66 have fun with him
Whoo Hoo
What a month ahead in the lair there is sure to be lots of fun a frivolity I am looking forward to it
Have Fun
Ooh, it looks like a great month ahead. I've had my head down lately and haven't been dropping by as much but these look so tempting!
Gonna be another great month in the lair! Wheee! Thanks for the round up, Caren!
Another awesome month in the lair and so many fabulous books to look forward to reading *g* I can't wait!!
Oooh still more books to add to my TBR pile ... at least with my new iPad it's not as obvious that I've bought so many new books *g*
Looking forward to a fab time in the Lair!
Another great, HOT lineup in the Lair, Caren. Thanks for putting the previews up!
Looks like another great month in the Lair!
WOO HOO!! Thanks for the GREAT coming attractions, Posh! Another round of GORGEOUS covers and fun guests. My TBR mountain will soon rival Everest!
We are also THRILLED and TICKLED PINK to have you join us on 'the other side' of the blog this month! Thank you for being such a great supporter of the Lair. Can't wait to hear about your release.
No worries about the ice in the drinks. Sven just installed a new industrial strength ice maker in the kitchen!
I'm sure the GR has installed himself in the coolest spot in your house today. Keep your chocolate under lock & key. Just sayin...
Lookin' good in The Lair!!! Can't wait for all the fun and SO many of my fav authors with new releases!!!!!
Gamistress, congrats on the Golden Rooster!
Caren, nice job with the post! It's always such a challenge working in the covers with short blurbs.
We have some great guests coming in. It's nice to see who's coming.
WOW, just looking at those covers sends me running for the air conditioning! Can't wait to get my hands on those abs, I mean books, yes books!
Stellar lineup, as usual Banditas!
You've caught one hot commodity there in the GR, gamistress! Keep the fire extinguisher handy.
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