It hasn’t been the best of years so far. Lots of upheaval in my personal life but now that June’s here, I’ve decided the rest of the year is going to be fantastic. Why June? Because we’re halfway through the year and…ONE NIGHT SCANDAL is officially out!

Here’s the back cover blurb:
A Night with a Marquess
Born on the wrong side of the blanket, matchmaker Sophie Reynard understands the consequences of unbridled desire all too well. Despite the many highborn friends she has matched, falling in love with an aristocrat without a pedigree of her own would be an act of futility. But that doesn’t stop her from succumbing to one evening of anonymous passion…
A Lifetime of Desire
Nicholas Tenbury, Marquess of Ancroft, knows nothing of Sophie’s lineage. He knows only that the enchanting beauty captured his heart in one night and then fled, leaving no trace of her identity. But when he seeks answers from London’s finest matchmaker, he finds none other than the woman herself—stubbornly refusing to acknowledge the attraction they share! Now the enamored Marquess has no choice but to sway Sophie with seduction…
ONE NIGHT SCANDAL is the fifth and final book in my Spinster Club series. I’ve really enjoyed writing this series but it’s time to move on to something new. I don’t have any news on that front yet, but hopefully soon. My agent sent out my new proposal so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I’ll hear something before long.

Sophie is a medium, or psychic, as we would call her today. I love the fact that for the past four books she’s been matching her friends with her abilities. But she can’t see her own future. So when the man of her dreams enters her life, she has no idea that he’s the one for her.
Have you ever been to a psychic? If so, what did you think about the things he/she said? If not, would you consider it? How’s your 2011 been so far?
I’m giving away a signed copy of ONE NIGHT SCANDAL to 2 lucky posters today. Just leave a comment for a chance to win.
I've always wanted to go to a psychic but i'm too chicken of what she (or he) would have to tell me.
I already try to live my life to it's fullest extent and I love every minute I have with my husband and children. I wouldn't want that to be ruined in any way.
Nor would I want to run into said fortune teller in a big green city on the other side of a tornado.
My year so far has been really busy but with my youngest about to possibly (crossing anything that can be crossed) start pre-k I'm ready to get back to having some me time while my boys are in school. Which includes LOTS of reading time!
I have never been to a psychic or anything like that. I don't know for sure if I believe or not, but would be too scared of finding out something bad was going to happen.
Unfortunately, this year so far has not been the best. I fell aa little over 2 years ago and totally messed up my back. This has caused my spine to deteriate and alot of pain every day. This also limits the jobs I can do, so I am having a hard time finding a new job, due to my previous employer firing me for something that was their fault anyway! Oh well, life will get better, I am sure.
congrats to Lofarific on the chook
I go to the psychic from time to time after all who can resist a good reading. or sometimes not so good.
one told me i was a egyptian pharrohs daughter in a previous life and that is why i do not like to clean my room. i am still waiting for my maids to come do my bidding. which gave everyone a right laugh cause i never have a completely clean room.
another one told me i was going to be hurt by the boy i was with. and that did happen surprise surprise.
i went to see john edwards in person when we was in san jose, ca a few months ago and though we were not called he was amazing. there were people in the room connected but that did not know it all by one person who had passed just that day.
Well done Lolarific have fun with him
I do hope your year gets better mine has been pretty good so far and I am soo looking forward to Sophie's story she has been such a great character throughout the series Whoo Hoo, and I do have my fingers crossed for lots more Christie Kelley books.
I have been to a psychic many years ago and she didn't tell me anything I didn't know or help me with anything but that doesn't that she didn't know things I hadn't told her but I would love to go and see another one there are a few girls at work that go here and there and I plan on going with them one day.
Now for a party to celebrate the release I will have a maragetta and of course a massage to ease the muscles before the party really starts jumping
Have Fun
I've never been to a psychic, but would LOVE to. Especially if it was Deb Webber!!
She is SO accurate (according to the mags and TV appearances)
Having a pretty good 2011 so far, there's no use in moaning!!!
Congrats on the chook Lolarific! Us girls with 'L' names gotta stick together and rangle the rooster. Lol!
Christie congrats on the release! I think I'll get Paolo to rustle up a nice daquiri for me.
I loved the Spinster Club series. Can't wait to snatch up the next book.
Now as for psychic's, yes I have been to one. I wasn't too impressed because the one I saw charged for her services.
Since then I have interviewed multiple psychic's and those with similar abilities. The best ones don't charge for services and give very honest predictions.
2011 is shaping up to be a good year. It's getting better with each month.
Hi Christie,
I'm always up for a party, especially one in the lair. I guess there have been instances where I knew what was going to happen. It might have just been a coincidence, but I guess we never know. It's been a pretty good year and hopefully it'll be even better.
Ooh! I've been soooo looking forward to Sophie's story! And with Paul Marron on the cover as Nicholas Tenbury, too! Yes! Can't wait!
As for psychics, I think I have visited one before. She told me stuff that was interesting, but since I rather not ask about my future, I can't say how right or wrong she was. Besides, I believe that everyone has some degree of psychic ability (like the time I didn't drive when the light turned green but waited until after a car drove through the intersection, thereby saving the lives of everyone in my car) so it's really not that big a deal.
I have never been to a psychic. How do you weed out the charlatans?
No I've never been to a physic. I'm amazed by the people who truly do have ESP. The ones that help solve crimes! WOW!
Financially we've had a rough year, we spent months evicting a bankrupt tenant who also totally damaged our place.
Then had our oldest son's wedding, college expenses for another son, rising health insurance. I'm working but we're not catching up!
I've never been to a psychic, my sisters have, of course they told one of my sisters that she would meet the man she would marry 'shortly'...which she did, of course, she was already nearing 30 and un-married and looking...
I am having a great 2011! Nope, nothing good has happened, but I've realized as I get older that there is no use wishing I could change my life when I should be greatful everyday for what I have.
Woot, time to party! Congrats on your final Spinsters Club book, Christie! Sending good vibes for your proposal!
ONE NIGHT SCANDAL sounds like a lot of fun.
I've never been to a psychic. They give me the heebeejeebees, to be honest. I had a taro card reading once by a friend and that was bad enough!
Woot, I have been waiting for this one Christie!
Never been to a psychic but I don't discount the possibility. I will join with you in hoping for a better year from this point on. Thoughts and energies directed to you and yours.
Must go check out the book store and if all else fails Amazon has One Night Scandal, I just hate to wait....LOL
Oh Lars! Sven is busy, want to get in a little practice on your massage techniques I am a willing subject. Bring some of those snackies and a Toasted Almonds drink with you.
I feel like I'm late to my own party! Sorry, I had to take my son to karate at 8am so now I'm back home and drinking (coffee only).
Hi Lolarific, I've never been to a psychic either. Although a friend of mine has a friend who is one and says it's really interesting to have a reading.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you to get your son in pre-K. That's a huge accomplishment and will mean so much more free time for you!
June, I'm sorry about your back. It makes me feel bad for complaining about my sore back this morning when there is nothing wrong with it.
Good luck finding a job. I know who tough that is. I finally got out of real estate and started a regular 8-5 job last month. A regular paycheck is a wonderful thing.
lindsey hutchison said...
one told me i was a egyptian pharrohs daughter in a previous life and that is why i do not like to clean my room. i am still waiting for my maids to come do my bidding.
I almost spewed coffee on my keyboard. I love this!
Thanks, Helen. Since it's already late down there, you can have a margarita. I'll have to wait until after dinner (or maybe with dinner). When you're done with Sven send him my way. I really need a good back massage today.
Hi Cath, I'd never heard of Deb Webber so I went and googled. her. I'll have to read about her a little later.
Thanks, Landra. And you're right, 2011 is getting better with every month. I found out on Thursday that all four of my previous books have sold in Turkey and Russia. Yay!!
Jane, I've had those intuition moments where I decided instead of going my usual way to work, I feel the need to take an alternate route. Only to find out later there was an accident on my usual route.
Thanks, Sheree.
I agree that everyone has some degree of psychic ability too. Some people are just able to access that talent more than others. I wish I was one of them!
Marybelle, I would have no idea how to weed out the charlatans. I've never been to one so I have no clue!
Laurie G, I'm also amazed by the psychics who help with criminal cases. They are a special breed of person.
Good luck with all the financial difficulties. Hopefully, things will get better soon!
Hi Dtchycat, it doesn't seem like it would be hard to tell a single woman nearing thirty that she would find the man she would marry shortly. How do you quantify shortly anyhow?
Thanks, Christine!
I had a tarot card reading one time too. They were pretty generic. Something like I would be surrounded by family soon. It was a month before Thanksgiving. Yeah, I was surrounded by family.
Thanks, Dianna. If you find the book on the shelves, let me know! I was at Walmart yesterday and they didn't have it out (or they didn't get, I don't know which). My mom was supposed to call B&N on Friday but I don't know if she did.
I haven't ever been to a psychic, but would love to! I'm not looking to go for any sort of "truth", but think of it more as a tourist thing. That make sense?
It's raining here today, good day to run to the book store!
Sven, let's go wash my hair!!!
Jenn3128, it's absolutely beautiful here. Mid 70s and sunny!! I need to get outside before the rain comes tomorrow.
Congrats! I am so excited for this book! I have loved the series. I did go to a psychic in October, and one of the predictions did come true recently. I have always believed that anything is possibile, so why not psychics and the unknown. Now I am signaling for the Cabana Boy to order another Cosmo. Who cares that it is 10:30 in the morning - I'm on mental vacation!
Hope your year gets better and better, Christie. Great cover and description. Can't wait to read it. I met with a psychic for the first time a few months ago and everything she predicted came true. Good stuff, too. Thanks for sharing and best wishes for big sales. :)
Margaret! Thanks for stopping by! Please have your Cosmo and enjoy it. I'm not sure I'd be setting the best example by drinking at this hour of the morning. Then again, both boys are still in bed. Or in the case of the Karate kid...back in bed. I guess an 8am class is too early for him.
Hi Joya! I really need to get to that psychic. Maybe next time she comes to MD, I'll be able to get to her.
Thanks for stopping by...don't forget your drink and massage!
Congratulations on the release of ONE NIGHT SCANDAL, Christie. It sounds like a great read. I like that Sophie's able to predict everyone else's future, but her own. Isn't that so true in life, that we see clearly the paths others should take, but are clueless about our own?
I've never been to a psychic; I'm more a logical, sensory kind of person. But I'm fascinated by stories where characters have this kind of power.
I was bribed into going to a psychic once. I really didn't want to go--but my friend begged me then said she would pay for my reading. Okay, so I couldn't pass it up.
Well dang--that woman knew LOTS about me--even the name of my mom who died in the 80's--my husband's name, and other stuff like that. Then she proceeded to tell me about stuff I haven't told ANYONE. That made me a believer. She also told me I would be signing a contract regarding a book within a year. I did. And I never told her anything. She just knew I was a writer.
I've never been to a psychic, always wanted to, but I'm too cheap. I'd probably take what I was told with a grain of salt though. Hopefully he/she would tell me I was about to meet the love of my life..but don't they always say stuff like that?
Thanks, Jo! I keep telling myself I will go to a psychic but it just hasn't happened yet.
J. M. Powers....wow! That's amazing that she knew so much about you when you hadn't told her.
I've never been to a psychic. I'm too scared. On one hand, I feel like it's bunk but on the other hand I'd hate to spend the rest of my life thinking, "OMG, she *said* this was going to happen!"
And I would, too. :-)
Congrats on the release, Christie! I'm going to the store today so I'll look for it!
I've never bwen to a psychic but I think it would be a lot of fun to go! I'm always fascinated when in one of the historical romances I'm reading is having a village fair and a gypsy is there telling fortunes.
We just got back from South Carolina where we had a "family union" visiting our younger son and his family. It was so much fund playing and spending time with our 3 granchildren. We "treated" them all to a stay in North Myrtle Beach and had a great time at the pools where we stayed but the beach there as well. Had a great view of the ocean from our rooms. Also got to enjoy some great local food at family owned restaurants but we had full kitchens in our units so we could also have some great homemade dinners. I love to cook and my daughter-in-law enjoyed a break from cooking!
Had lots of time at the beach and pool to also read some great books. It was refreshing to get away from the chilly rainy weather we had been having in Rhode Island and enjoy the sunshine!
My husband and I are back to work now but it doesn't seem as stressful after the relaxing and fun time we had with the little ones.
Thanks, Susan! Let me know if you find the book on the shelves yet. I haven't seen it yet.
Jeanne, it sounds like you had a great time with your family. I love Myrtle Beach!
Have never been to a pychic. Year has been stressful.
I have been and some of the things she said were pretty accurate. Freaky.
I went to a few many years ago when I was really young. They all told me about the same thing. Some thing came true others hasn't so far. I can't say I was a big believer in them any way but it was a lot of fun going. So far this year has just been so, so, nothing great to speak of.
I remember going a very long time ago and can't remember it being very interesting but I have a friend that goes frequently. I do think all things are possible and that some may really have the sight but I also think a lot of them are just in it for the money. I guess the trick is being lucky enough to find the right one!
I have never been to a psychic but I would love to go, I think it woudl be kind of fun! My 2011 has been okay...nothing to shout from the rooftops but not horrible...lol..though it's shaping up to be a really hot summer - which just means I'll get a lot of time to read:)
I've never been to a psychic. I might consider it for fun, but I doubt if I'd believe anything they said - unless, of course, they started coming true. Wouldn't that be freaky?
My 2011 started out with a bang, a fantastic new job with great benefits, making good money. So far I've been able to buy a new computer, I'm getting some things done around the house, enjoying time with my son at our favorite amusement parks, and not having anything major go wrong yet. Of course hurricane season just started (I live in Florida) so who knows what the rest of the year will bring.
I am not psychic but I get feelings.
WOO HOO!!! Release party in the Lair!
SUPER CONGRATS on your last book in the series, Christie and my fingers are XXed for your new proposal! We need more GREAT Christie Kelley books. :-)
Hasn't been a great year in my neck o' the woods either. Kinda carrying over from last year, I'm afraid. :-P Still hoping the second half of 2011 will get better. Maybe a psychic could confirm for me...
CABANA BOYS! Fire up the industrial sized blenders!
Regencygirl...I hear you! Thanks for stopping by.
Margay, I've heard that from a few people. I really should try to get to one.
Virginia, maybe those other things just haven't happened yet :)
Thanks for stopping by the party!
Catslady, I think you do have to find the right one. I don't think I'd just go to one out of the phone book. I would need a friend's recommendation.
Maria, we supposed to have a cooler wetter summer. I'm not so sure about that. Last week was awful hot and dry.
Barbara, congrats on the new job! I started a new one last month. It's always nice when you can treat yourself to something. I just bought a new sofa, chair and tables for my living room. Now, I can move my desk into the extra bedroom and have a quiet office.
Sharon, I get feelings too. I've learned to trust them over the years.
Thanks, AC. You know after the winter/spring I've had this year, I'd be a little afraid to go to a psychic. She might tell me things will get worse. Although, I'm not going to worry about it. The rest of the year will be great.
Lolarific, congratulations on snagging the Golden Rooster!
Christie, I'm looking forward to this book and have my fingers crossed for your proposals. I love your work!
I've never been to a psychic. I doubt I ever will. I think finding a genuine one as opposed to a charlatan would be very difficult. Having heard friends try to warp events in their lives to fit what psychics have told them does not inspire me with confidence.
However, I love reading about people with paranormal abilities, as you know. In the book, the reader knows whether the ability is genuine.
As for my 2011, it's going pretty well. I found a GH outfit, which relieves me of the most onerous aspect of pre-conference shopping, which I do every year and hate every year.
I'm not one of the people who helps sales clerks make a good living. I like to go for something in particular, find it, and come home. Spending time in the mall paralyzes my brain.
Thanks, Nancy. I'm glad you found something for the GH ceremony. I wish I was going to be there. :(
I feel the same way about the mall. I really need to find some new shoes for work so tomorrow I have to go to the mall. I'm not a browser...I go in get what I need and get out.
I've never been to a psychic. I wouldn't waste my money on that, since more likely than not, it would be a charlatan.
Great party, Christie! One Night Scandal sounds fabulous - can't wait to read it *g*
I live fairly close to Lily Dale, NY which is known as a spiritualist community. When I was a teenager, I went up there with my mother and aunt and had a reading done but I wasn't too impressed with the medium I spoke with. I'd like to go back, though.
Best of luck with your proposal and congrats on your release :-)
Congratulations on your new book. Sounds great.l I love the cover. I have never been to a psychic.
lol Christie i am glad you enjoyed that i have to admit i still have a laugh over it. the psychic actually recorded that session so i have the tape to play from time to time. and i must still be waiting for that maid from time to time
I went to a palm reader,she nailed it with alot of things. Spooky.
Minna, that's why I wouldn't go unless a friend recommended one.
Thanks, Beth. I downloaded your May release and I think I'll start it tomorrow. I can't wait. I need a book like yours.
Thanks, Crystal!
Kat, I find it so interesting how many people have said that. I really need to go see one.
I've been to a few over the years. I find them fascinating. I always think it's interesting to see what they have to say.
I've never been to a psychic and don't intend to change that. :) 2011 has been a whirlwind so far, and I don't see that changing any time soon--life with kids is always a rollercoaster, from what I can see! Congrats on your newest, Christie! Hope things settle down a little for you otherwise!
Hi Danielle! So tell me do you think they're accurate? I'm loving all the psychic stories today.
Thanks Fedora. I'm hoping my life calms down too.
honestly ive never been to one ive had one come up tome on the street and read me which was semi weird
My year has been alil well off print books and all my possessions beside smy clothing stolen had some godo news tho in the midst of the bad myneice contacted rsv and faught to loive shes thriving and doing so much better i moved back some to be close to family so allw orks out in the end i guess
congrats on ur new book i sooo wanna read it sounds awesome
I think some of what they say is accurate, but I try to not live by what they've said. I know others that will do everything the psychic says just because they said it. Then again, I have been to some that are so far off the mark it's funny.
Thanks, Sinn
danielle, that's funny. I really want to try one, but only one that a friend of mine knows personally.
Congrats on your new release Christie! I'd love to get my fortune read by a true psychic, but never had a gambling streak in me - how do you know the psychic is just not some less than average nobody?
Christie, good luck finding those shoes! I wish you were going to be in New York, too.
Sorry I'm late to the party, ladies. Today was my oldest son's high school graduation, so it's been a busy day. :-)
Yes, I have been to a psychic...more than once. My sister and I (and my mom when she was alive) would go occasionally---more for entertainment, really---but I was told some things that most definitely came true. The first visit, the psychic told me she saw a ceremony with lots of men in uniform. This was in December and I had just started dating my husband who was in his last year at the Naval Academy. He later asked me to his graduation (men in uniforms!) which was not until the following May. *g*
*grabs a drink...and a cabana boy* Here's to a fantastic rest of the year! Congrats on your release!
Nope, I've never been to a psychic. It's not really my kinda thing. My 2011 has been okay, neither great nor particularly bad, I guess.
Oooh Lolarific, my psychic sense tells me you are in for a wild day today with the GR!
Congrats on this latest book! I can't wait to read it. And I hope the rest of your year is SMOOTH SAILING!
I've spent many years studying voodoo and I have been fortunate enough to speak with a number of mambas with "the gift." Their advice has always been spot on and at times a bit eerie.
My year started out rather chaotic and has had some real ups and downs, but lately things have evened out and I have a feeling good things are coming. No evidence, just a feeling.
Christie Kelley said...
Thanks, Dianna. If you find the book on the shelves, let me know!
Didn't make it to Wal-Mart but Krogers had it!
Congratulations, Christie!
The past two years have not been the
greatest, but we've made it through
so far. God willing, we'll continue
fairly well! We celebrated our golden
anniversary last month and all the
school-age grands are doing OK! Now
if we can get a win for Dale Jr, then
I will be happy! LOL!!!!! Oh, the
question: never been to a psychic! (I
had an aunt who trekked to a psychic
whenever she had a problem. Don't think
it helped any!)
Pat Cochran
Sorry I missed the party, but I wanted to say I'm so excited about your latest book, Christie!
Most seers/psychics I've spoken with have actually been pretty accurate, but they all get one fact wrong! They say I'll have a son and I never did!
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