hosted by KJ Howe
Please welcome Adrienne Giordano to the lair today so she can establish our favorite legal authority - Man Law!! Adrienne is kind enough to offer a copy of Man Law to one lucky commenter, and a pair of bullet earrings (yes, seriously!) to another commenter, so please ask your questions.
Call me crazy, but I'm entertained by loud-mouthed alpha males. I blame it on my Italian Jersey girl upbringing.
Need I say more?
I love to settle in and listen to a loud-mouthed alpha tell a story. Give me some chocolate covered peanuts while he's telling that story and I 'm in heaven. The thing I love more than a loud-mouthed alpha is finding their weakness.
And exploiting it.
The hero in my debut romantic suspense, Man Law, is Vic Andrews. Vic is an alpha who has no faith in his ability to understand women. To his credit, he does try, but he likes his bachelor life and having no familial strings attached. It keeps his life simple and with his job as a private security contractor—err government assassin—he needs simple.
He's also a rule breaker. Yep, the only rules Vic follows are his own goofy man laws. Man law eighteen? Never touch another guy's grill. That's one of his minor laws. He does have some that are important.
Ones like:
Never mess with your best friend’s sister.
Never leave a man behind.
Never wonder if you should have thrown the asshole off the roof.
That last one just might be my favorite. J Vic has been playing outside the lines so long that he considers the man laws his lifeline, the thing to cling to when the craziness of the world befuddles him. I dare say they anchor him and give him structure when chaos ensues.
Unfortunately for him, they also make him vulnerable. With a little help from me, he winds up obliterating all of his man laws in this book. I'd like to say I feel bad about destroying his lifeline, but really, not so much.
He was a tough one to break, I'll give him that much. He pushed me. At times, he laughed at my attempts to break him. Then I got mean about it and he finally understood what it was I wanted for him.
He finally understood that his man laws alone wouldn't get him through life. Yep, I wanted my loner, loud-mouthed alpha to connect with someone on a deeper level than he'd ever known. Not an easy task. My guy had to hit bottom—hard—before he gave up the fight.
That's the fun of bringing down a loud-mouthed alpha. When they go down, they go down in a big way and no man law is going to save them.
Readers, do you have any loud-mouthed alphas in your life? Have you identified their weakness?
Adrienne Giordano writes romantic suspense and women's fiction. She is a Jersey girl at heart, but now lives in the Midwest with her work-a-holic husband, sports obsessed son and Buddy the Wheaton Terrorist (Terrier). She is a co-founder of Romance University blog. Adrienne's debut romantic suspense, Man Law, is available from Carina Press. Her second book, A Just Deception, will be available from Carina Press on September 5, 2011. For more information please visit www.AdrienneGiordano.com. Adrienne can be found on Twitter and Facebook
Man Law available at:
"Never wonder if you should have thrown the asshole off the roof. " - love this rule.
I don't think loud mouthed alphas are too great in real life. I have known a few.
I don't believe true alphas are loud mouthed. True alphas know how to use their power. We have a nickname here for men who are loud and braggy. We call them talkers. Because generally they are all talk and no walk. And you can only ever believe about 25% of what is coming out of their mouths. I absolutely despise talkers, I suppose because I see right through them.
Hey, Mary, hope you're nice and warm up in Toowoomba! If you're not, pluck the chook and make a fire from his feathers!
Adrienne, welcome to the lair! Any loud-mouthed men here (apart from our golden rooster) are beaten into submission by well-trained cabana boys. Go and get 'em, team! Book sounds like great fun - thanks for visiting us.
Hey Adrienne!
No loud-mouth alphas in my life, but I've dealt with my share of pushy men when I used to work.
Congratulations on your debut!
How fun! It reminds me of Gibbs from NCIS with all his rules. I'm going to check Man Law out. Congratulations on the debut!
Well done marybelle have fun with him
Whoo hoo this book sounds good LOL I too love the rule "Never wonder if you should have thrown the asshole off the roof" LOL what a rule.
I too love me an alpha male because as you said when they hit the ground they hit it hard and there is always a fantastic heroine behind his fall.
As for do I have any in my life the closest would probably be my
29 year old son knows everything that boy but he does get a bit worried when I give him "the look" he tells me, I have been trying to teach his partner this look so she can tame him a bit more we are getting there LOL (he really is lovable).
Congrats on the release and thanks KJ for inviting Adrienne along today to meet us
Have Fun
well done Mary...enjoy GR
Congratulations on your book Adrienne sounds good...... I like the quiet life these days so just want to be treated good
Marybelle, congrats on the GR!!! Have to agree with you on the alphas in real life. Somehow, fiction cushions their aggressiveness. :)
Lolarific, love the term talkers! I used to use the acrononym ATNA for certain men...All Talk No Action! Thanks for coming by today.
Anna, thinking of you in Australia!!! Bring on those cabana boys. I'll be by the pool if you're looking for me.
Jennifer, you're a smart lady keeping the good guys in your sphere. Thanks for stopping by!
Daz, Gibbs is one of my favorite TV stars. He's AANT...All Action No Talk!!
Helen, great to have you in the lair today! Yes, it's up to good Mums like you to whip those young guys into shape for their ladies. Love it! :)
Barb, I hear you on the comfort of calm and caring from a man. But we all have a dark side and that darkness often cries out for alpha!!! LOL
Hi Adrienne! Welcome to the Lair!!!
I love this! Man Laws. Pretty fun. Like Marybelle, I love the "...asshole off the roof" law. :> Snork!!!
I think every guy has some Man Laws, you know? Most have the "don't touch your best friend's sister/ex girlfriend/current girlfriend" rule. And most are pretty territorial about their cars, tools and grills.
Some are territorial about their computers, phones and gadgets too. Ha!
Like Lolarific, I don't like posers - what we call that all-talk-no-walk sort - but I do like me an alpha male. Loud or not, alphas are just yummy.
Not always sure I'd want the hard work of "taming" one (or living with them) but gosh I do love to read about them. Ha!
Congrats on the release, Adrienne!
Daz, I adore all of Gibb's Rules, don't you? I also love that sometimes throughout the series, they have him change a few.
Then again, in my eyes, Gibbs can do no wrong. Grins.
KJ said I used to use the acrononym ATNA for certain men...All Talk No Action! Thanks for coming by today.
LOVE that! ATNAs. Snork. Nice handy code for true bone heads. That would be a lovely code-between-the-girls-at the bar acronym. grins.
KJ said: Daz, Gibbs is one of my favorite TV stars. He's AANT...All Action No Talk!!
Hahahaha! LOVE it!!
Hi, Adrienne, welcome to the Lair! Vic sounds like a wonderful, alpha male character.
Yes, I live with three men, my husband and two grown sons. They're all strong-willed, opinionated, and love to "discuss" (read "argue") anything from politics to music.
Sometimes I just want a little peace and quiet. Fortunately, I have an office LOL.
Jo said: Yes, I live with three men, my husband and two grown sons. They're all strong-willed, opinionated, and love to "discuss" (read "argue") anything from politics to music.
Why is it that men - even when they love one another - make it an "arguement"? Snork!! Even my young guys like to "argue" with their Dad. They're no good at it, at this point, but the three of them seem to thrive on the battle.
I too love my office. Hahaha!
Hi Adrienne! Welcome to the lair! Love the Man Laws! Can't say that I live with a Man Law kind of guy - but I do have two brothers who culd not be five minutes in a room together without arguing in a loving sort of man-way. Love the sound of this book!
Sorry I'm a little late chiming in today gang. We're having wicked thunderstorms and it knocked out my internet. I had to find a friend who had internet access!
Marybelle, I agree with you about the not-so-nice alphas. I prefer the nice ones. They tend to be loud and opinionated but they have a heart of gold. My dad was an alpha-on-steroids and he drove me crazy, but he was also generous, loyal and a fantastic storyteller.
Lolarific, thanks for popping by. I love your line about true alphas knowing how to use their power. It's so true!
Anna, there is nothing I love more than beating a loud-mouthed-alpha into submission! It's great fun!
Hi, Jen! Thanks for stopping to say hi. Life is definitely a lot quieter without a loud-mouthed alpha. My husband is an alpha, but he's not loud. He just likes to fix everything!
Hi, Daz. I don't watch NCIS but I'm going to have to tune in because a reader told me she thought Man Law like "NCIS on steroids."
Helen, I too am surrounded by alphas. Not only my husband, but my ten-year-old is an alpha in training and let's not forget Buddy the Wheaten Terrorist (Terrier). Luckily, Mom has had years of practice in dealing with strong willed men!
Hi, Barb. I'm with you, treat me well, and we have no problems! Thanks for stopping by.
Hi, Barb. I'm with you, treat me well, and we have no problems! Thanks for stopping by.
Hi, Kim! Thanks for having me today. Such a fun group! I love your acronym. I'm going to remember that one.
Hi, Jeanne. I had a blast researching the Man Laws. You are totally right about the gadgets. I saw one guy rule on the internet that said any electronics that belonged to one man were off limits to other men. The general rule of thumb was if it had knobs, another guy wasn't allowed to touch it.
I thought that was an absolute hoot.
Hi, Jo. I'm with you. My office is in our basement and it's the perfect hideaway! Thanks for popping by!
Donna, I know just what you mean. I love getting together with my extended family. I think every male in that bunch is an alpha and sometimes it's just too much fun to sit and listen to them yap at each other.
Adrienne said: The general rule of thumb was if it had knobs, another guy wasn't allowed to touch it.
I thought that was an absolute hoot.
Oh, my. There's something terribly Freudian in that somewhere. Hahahaha!
Jeanne, let's use the ATNA as our code for thumbs down on any lads.... LOL
No, I don't have any loud-mouthed alphas in my life, not the male variety anyway.
Marybelle, congrats on the rooster!
Adrienne, welcome to the Lair and congratulations on your debut! As KJ knows, I love romantic suspense. I have no loudmouthed alphas in my life, but I suspect watching Vic meet his fate will be fun.
Welcome to the lair, Adrienne. I got a good chuckle out of the rule about never wondering about throwing the guy off the roof. LOL.
Hi Adrienne!!
Your book is a blast! I finally got started on it last night, and it's a hoot! Can't wait to dive back in!
I don't have any of the loud-mouth types in my everyday life, but come across them other settings. And yes, it is easy to discover their weakness, but I tune them out and don't waste my energy on them.
*waves madly* I don't know about loud-mouthed alphas, but there are definitely some extremely stubborn males in my life who hold strong opinions on just about everything. It makes life interesting!
LOL, Jeanne on the knobs. I'm sure there is some sort of male paranoia happening there!
Hi Minna. As I said, my dog counts as a loud-mouthed alpha. :)
Hi Nancy. I admit I had a blast bringing Vic down. At times, it made me sad and then at other times, not so much. :)
I hope you enjoy the book!
Hi, Trish. I'm glad you like the roof rule. Vic broke that one as well in the book.
Hello to my pal Carrie. I'm so glad you're enjoying it. I had a feeling you'd like Vic. He has that snarky mouth afterall.
Hi Becke. I'm waving madly back to another of my Romance University cohorts. Thanks for popping by.
I agree that stubborn men can make life interesting. We learn how to pick our battles, don't we?
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